PftRfi 6 DEMENT TAX LIST CLACKAMAS COUNTY. This advertised list ot delinquent taxes for the year 19l la In pursu ance ot an act of the State Leglsla ture. which la embodied In Chapter 266 of the General Laws ot the 1917 session. The taxes on the following adver tised real property became delinquent on the 6th day ot October, 1917, and are subject to a penalty of 6 per cent after November 6, and Interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum from the 6th day ot October, 1917. until they shall have been paid. Any day after the expiration of six months after the taxes charged against the following real property are delinquent, the sheriff is author tied upon demand ot any person mak ing application to issue to them a cer tificate ot delinquency upon payment ot the Uxea, penalty and Interest and Anil, nf arlvprtlalng. Certificate of delinquency shall bear Interest from the date or issuance until redeemed at the rate ot 11 per cent per annum. Suburban Orchards Co. Ada Orc irds. bib 1 to 4: $5.66. Empire Inr. Co. Alder Crest Acres, Inta 1 to 4. blk. 1: $13.13. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 11, blk. 1; 13 28. Em Dire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lni is to 15. blk. 1: $9.84. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 16. blk. 1: 63.28. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots 3 and 4, blk. 2; $6.56. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 9, blk 2; 13.28. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lota 13 to 15. blk. 2; $9.84. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acre, kt 29, blk. 2; $3 28. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots 1 and 2, blk. 3; $7.54. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 6, blk. 4; $3.77. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 7, blk. 4; $3.28. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 8. blk. 4: $3.28. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots & and 6. blk. 5; $7.38. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acre, lots 16 to 20. blk. 5; $20.60. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, -lots 21 and 22. blk 5; $6.56. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots 1 to 9. blk. 6; $29.52. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 1. blk. 7: $1.97. F. F. Johnson, Arcadia blks. 1 to 4; $5.13. Edward M. Cousin, Arcadia blk. 5; $5.71. Nina V. Rupert, Arcadia Blk. 10; $7.81. M. T. Duffy. Arcadia Blk. 12; $3.94. Martin T. Duffy. Arcadia All of 13 and 14 and 84 of 15; $12.58. F. F. Johnson. Arcadia N 14. of 15 and all of 16; $6.28. F. A- Knapp, Ardenwald Lot 1, blk. 3; $3.86. F. A. Knapp Ardenwald Lots 2 and 3, blk. 3; $5.16. Oregon Surety A Casualty Co., Ar denwald Lot 4, blk. 3; $3.87. Ellen R-. Arden M., John A. Rock wood, Ardenwald Ex- V. 30 ft. of 1 to 4, blk- 4; $5.16. Oregon Surety A Casualty Co. Ar denwald West 30 feet of 1 to 4, blk. 4; $3.61. Mary G. Mackey, Ardenwald Ex. W. 30 ft. 5 to 8, blk. 4; $5.16. Oregon Surety ft Casualty Co. Ar denwald West 30 ft of 5 to 8, blk. 4; $5.94. Ellen R.; Arden M.. John A. .Rock wood, Ardenwald Lots 5 and 6, blk. 5; 15.41. F. A. Knapp ft Mary Mackey Ar denwald Lots 9 to 13, blk. 5; $12.90. F. A. Knapp A Mary Mackey Ar-. denwald Lots 14 and 15, blk. 5; $5.16. F. A. Knapp ft Mary Mackey Ar denwald Lot 19, blk. 5; $3.22. Ellen R,; Arden M.. John A. Rock wood, Ardenwald Lot 25, blk. 5; $3.23 Ellen R; Arden M., John A. Rock , wood, Ardenwald Lot 26, blk. 5; $3.22 Esther E. Nordberg Ardenwald, lot 10. blk. 8; $2.58. K. W. Goodale Ardenwald, lot 16, blk. 10; $2.58. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co Ar denwal, lot 16, blk. 12; $2.58. , Mt Hood Hotel Co. Arrah Wanna Park, lot 2 to 5, blk. 1; $1.22. Martha J. Wilson Atkinson, blks, 3 and 4; $23.80. Thos. J. Jones Atkinson, blks. 6 and 7: $36.65. A. S. Thompson Barlow, lot 1, blk. 1; $2.14. J. W. & Anna B. Hays Barlow, all ex. 256 ft. off E. end of blk. 10; $1Z.U0. H. F. W. Gortlar 1st add to Barlow, Sly V. of lot 1. blk. 14; 11.31. H. M. Courtright ft Co. 1st add to Barlow, lots 3 and 4. blk. lo; $b.lO. H. F. W. Gortler Simms Sub. Dlv, of Barlow, lot 16. blk. C; $2.40. H. F. W. Gortler Simms Sub. Div. of Barlow, lots 6 to 11, blk. D; $1.31 Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blks. 1 and 2; $2.77. Northwestern Trust Co. Harwell - Park. blk. 3: $2.48. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blks. 13 and 14; 110.39. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blk. 23: $2.77. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blks. 24 and 25; $7.43. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blk. 33; $6.44. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blk. 34; $2.47. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blk. 36: $3.47. N. F. Mikkalo Barwell Park, blk. 37: $2.47. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blks. 43 and 44; $4.96. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell Hgts lots 1 and 2. blk. 1; $1.33. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell Hgts lots 3 and 4. blk. 1; $1.32. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell Hgts lots 37 and 38, blk. 2; $1.32. Northwestsrn Trust Co. Bell View, lots 9 to 12, blk. 1 ; $2.64. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lota 7 and 8, blk 2; $1.33. Johanna Sverdrup Bell View, lots 21 and 22, blk. 2; $1.32. Mary M. Hoist Bell View, lots 33 and 34, blk. 2; $1.31. Northwestsrn Trust Co. Bell View, lots 1 and 2, blk. 4; $1.31. Peter A. Tamaras Bell View, lotB . 7. 8, 9, blk. 4; $1.98. Northwestsrn Trust Co. Boll View, lots 10, 11. 12, blk. 4; $1.97. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lots 15 to 18, blk. 4; $2.63. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lot 27. blk. 4; 15.26. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lot 30. blk. 4; $5 26. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lots 1, 2. 3, blk. 5; $1.98. Northwestern Trust Co. Belt View, lots 11 and 12, blk. 5; $7.89. Nettle F. Balslger Boberg, blk. 7; $7.92. A. J. Hiilbuck Bolton, lots 3 and 4 blk. 10: $3.09. Arnold and Lena Kohler Bolton lots 3 to 6, blk. -29; $18.17. Mary A. Bates Bonita Meadows blk. 13; $3.96. L. Rltser Boring Junction 60xTu ft. of blk. 4; $12.62. Effle C. E wen Boring Junction, SH of blk. 7; $15.99. Thos. M. Allison Boring Junction, NKV4 of blk. 11; $8.34. J. W. Strucken Boring junction. WH ot SWtf of 15; $1.80. Robt s. & Vera smun norm Junction, NWK of 15; $4.87. Mary A. A Susie Strucken uorwg Junction, Eft of SW of blk. 15; $1.40 Mansfield ft Inet Sonnkhsen wr ing JuncUon. EH lot 3, blk. 20; $2 09. Emmett F. Donahue Borlim Junc tion, Pt ot 20 known a lot 4, blk. 20; $4.61. Geo. E. ft John R. Knox twnng Junction, part of 22; $9.04. Emmett F. Donahue Boring Junc tion, N. 100x119 ft ot blk. 32; $3 82. O. A. ft U S. Palmer Palmer s aaa to Boring Junction, blk. 1; $3.48. W. G. Frank,, Boring Junction, in. 150 ft, ot blk. 2; $1.39. Anna Glehn, Boring Junction, S. 60 ft of blk. 2; $4.18. J. W. ft Mary E..Maulding. Boring Junction. Tr. ft all Cedar St btwn. lots S and . blk. 9; $4. IS. Isaac ft Mary E. Zelgler Boring Junction, NMi of blk. 10; $2.09. Henry A. ft Maggie M- Beck Roots add to Boring Junction., blk. B; $7.65. Thos. ft Mary G. Bennett Roots 2d add to Boring JuncUon. blk. F; $8.34. Northwestern Trust Co Bricklcy Tracts, lot 3, blk. 1; $3.94. Northwestern Trust Co- Brickley Tracta, lot 9. blk. 2; $1.31. Northwestern Trust Co- Brickley Tracts, lot 3. blk. 3; $1.32. Northwestern Trust Co. Brickley Tracts, lot 9. blk. 3: $1.32. Northwestern Trust Co. Brickley Tracts, lot 11. blk. 3; $1.31. Northwestern Trust Co. Brickley Tracts, lot 15. blk. 3: $1.31. Northwestern Trust Ca Brickley Tracts, lota 1 and 2; blk. 6; $5.26. Northwestern Trust Co. Brickley Tract, lot 7. blk. C; $3.94. Northwestern Trust Co Brickley Tracts 9 to 16. blk. 6; $15.78. Northwestern Trust Co- Brickley Tracts, lota 1 to 4. blk. 8; 14.21. Northwestern Trust Co- Brickley Tracts, lot 1. blk. 9; $1.05. Northwestern Trust Co- Brickley Tracta. lot3, blk. 9: $1.05. Northwestern Trust Co Brickley Tracts, lot 4, blk. 9; $1.03. Northwestern Trust Co Brickley Tract, lot 5. blk. 9; $1.05. Northwestern Trust Co Brickley Tract, lots 7 and 8. blk. 9; $2.11. Northwestern Trust Co Brickley Tracts, lot 3. blk. 10; 12.63. Northwestern Trust Co- Brickley Tracts, lot 5. blk. 10; $2.62. Mary Nelschell Brlghtwood, lot 5 and 6, blk. 4; $1.38. R. H. Warfteld Bryant Acres, blk. 26; $13.86. Anna S. Warren Buena Vista, half Interest G. H.; $1.63. J. W. McDonald ft August Peterson Cable Acres, blk. 5; $11.63. John Sims Canby, lot 3 and 4 blk. 9; $12.42. y C. N. Wait Canby, lot 4, bfk. 14; $1.73. C. N. Wait Canby. lots 7 to 12 blk. 14; $10.87. Bertha E. Lee Canby. lots 1.2.3, blk. 16; $21.05. , Bertha H. Lee Canby, lot 10. blk. 16; $4.42. Elizabeth Webb Canby, lot 4, blk. 18; $6.90. Wllhelmlna Wait Ccnby. lots 3 and 4, blk. 24; $1.72. John Sims Canby, lots 7, 8, 9. blk. 4; $15.52. Florence C. Young Dedman's Add to Canby. lot 1. blk. 4; 110.35. John Sims Heman A. Lee's Add to Canby, lota 7, 8, 9, blk. 2; $13.80. Albert H. Lee A. H. Ie's 2nd Add to Canby, lots 1 and 2: $4.48. ' Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add to Canby, lot 6; $3.11. Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add to Canby, lot 7; $3.4.1. Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add to Canby, lot 10; $3.10. Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add to Canby, lots 13 and 14; $7.93. Chas. N. ait Roth"s Add to Can- by. lots 1 and 2, blk. 1 ; $1.72. P. L. ft Carrie Coleman Roth's Add to Canby, lots 1 and 2, blk. 2, $12.33. Clarence A. Miller Canby Gardens, pt. Of blk. 68; $4 73. Sarah E. Miller Canemah, lots 1 and 2; blk. 1; $6.27. Sarah E. Miller Canemah, lot 8, blk. 1; $3.12. Sophia M. Schooley Canemah, lot 3, blk. 11; $5.93. H. J. Fisher Tr Canemah, lot 2, blk. C; 11.14. Chrlstiaf Trachsel Canemah, lot 3, blk. C; $1.14. E. L. Swank Canemah, lots 3 to 6, blk. D; $4.56. H. M. Courtright & Co. Canemah, 1st Add to, lots 6,7,8, blk. "I"; $2.74. Ed Linden Carlsborg Tracts, blk 13; $7.92. Chas. Schmid Clackamas Heights, blk. 9; $5.12. W. C. Repass Clackamas Heights, blk. 11; $18.75. Andrew Griesshaber Clackamas H sights, 100 ft- E & W x 115 N ft S on Wly side of, 50 ft. N&SxlOO ft E&W in SW cor, blk. 16; 17.61. John W. Loder Clackamas Heights blk- 53; $6.76. Antlonette Stout Clackamas Hghts, Nly Vi of blk 69; $4.23. Ed Bittner Clackamas Heights lots 1 to 4, blk. 19J; $4.05. Inez A. Freeland Clackamas Highlands, blk. 2; $12.84. I. G. Davidson Clackamas River side, W. 7 acres blk. B; $14.88. Ida May Davidson Clackamas Riv erside, blk. D & E; $39.68. I. G. Davidson Clackamas River side, blk. F; $26.67. I. G. Davidson Clackamas River side, blk. G; $23.76. Ida May Davidson Clackamas Riv erside, lots N & O; $39.68. , Ida May Davidson Clackamas Riv erside, blk. Q; $13.63. Colin & Jane Mclver Clairmont Acreage Tracts No. 3, blk 4; $3.84. Elmer Coleman Coleman Park, blks. 1 to 8; $6.57. Elmer Coleman Coleman Park, blk 9 to 23; $12.28. Elmer Coleman Coleman Park, blk 24 to 43; $15.63. Frank & Dolly Hehberg Coolridge Home Tracts, So. 3 acres of blk. 14; $11.39. Suburban Orchards Co. Cora Orch ards, blks 1 to 16; $287. Estacada Orchards Co. Cora Orch ards, blks- 17 to 32; $29.76. R. H. & Laura A. Todd Deer Park, lot 1, blk 7; $1.68. E. T. Watson Deer Park, lot 4, blk. 18; $1.22. James T. Pollack Dover Park, lots 6 and 7, blk. 1; $1.38. Blanche Lleser Dover Park, lot 17, blk. 2; $1.98. Lester L. & Frank H. Schwartz Elida, blk. 8; $8.87. C. D. Latourette ElWla, blk. 22; $9.04. WalUs Nash Elrod Acres, lots 1 to 11; $36.29. Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blks. 1 to 16; $16.49. OREGON CITY Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blks. 17 to 25; $29 67. Wallis Nssh Elrod Acres, blks. 26 to 35; $32.99. J. O. Elrod Elrod Acrss, blk. 37; $3 29. Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blk 38 and 39; $6.60. J. O. Elrod Elrod Acres, lot 41; $7.37. Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blks- 43 and 44; $13.69. Geo. E. IMtchett Erie Crest, lot S, blk. 3; $2.30. John P., Wra. H. ft Chas. K. Dubois Estacada, lot t. blk. 1; $6.07. Henry ft M. Ella Dubois Estacada, lot 3, blk. 1; $6.07. E. C.Hunt Estacada, lota 3.4,5. blk. $48.60. E. J. Boner Estacada, lot 7, blk. 2; $26.32. E. C. Hunt Estacada, lots 8 and 9. blk. 2; $32.40. Wm. Dale Estacada, lots 13 and 14, blk. S; $7.09. A. Morrow Estacada, lot 15, blk. 2; $15.19. I. M. ft C. 8. Park Estacada, lot 2, blk. 4; $36.45. Chas. E. Hicks Estacada. lot 1, blk. 6; $8.10. J. R. Edwards Estacada, lot 6. blk. 6; $5.06. J. R. Edwards Estacada, lot 7, blk. 6; $5.06. J. H. Nash Estacada, lots 11 and 12, blk. 6t $1114. A. E. Sparks Estacada, lot 14, blk. 6; $11.13. . Frederick Jorg Estacada, lot 20. blk. 6; $19.23. A. E. Sparks Estacada, lot 2, blk. 7; $2S.35. Samuel U Beary Estacada, lot 3, blk. 7; $16.20. J. H. Nash Estacada, lots 16 and 17, blk. 7; $12 15. Estacada State Bank Estacada, lots 19,20 21. blk 7; $10.63. C. E. Dubois Estacada. lot 5, blk. 8; $7.10. J. R. ft Sarah F. Townsend Esta cada, lot 6. blk. 8; $17.21. J. H - Nash Estacada, lot 7, 8, 9. blk. 8; $21.26. Estacada State Bank Estacada, lots 4 to 9, blk. 9; $6J7. Ida V. Scott Estacada. lota 13 and 14. blk. 9; $14.17. Richard Kulisch Estacada, lot 1 blk. 10; $8.10. Estacada State Bank Estacada lots 13 to 17. blk. 10; $810. Estacada Sute Bank Estacada lots 4 to 9, blk. 13: $6.08. Estacada State Bank Estacada. lots 3 to 6. blk. 14; $3.85. Ida M. Corthell Estacada. lot 10. blk. 14; $2.03. R. A. Corthell Estacada, lots 11 ft 12. blk. 14; $4.86. W. D. Henthorn Estacada, lota 11 and 12, blk. 17; $7.09. O. W. Messelhlser Estacada, lot 4 blk. 18; $2.03. Estacada State Bank Estacada, Into K tn S klk Oil. I1AE John A. ft Maude Arquctte Est a cada, lot 10. blk. 20; $6.07. A. Morrow Estacada, 1st Add to lots 1 to 4. blk. 27; $22.27. O. E. Smith Estacada , 1st Add to, lot 1. blk. 28; $12.77. Estacada State Bank 1st Add to Estacada. lot 5, blk. 28; $1.01. W. T. Kaake 1st Add to Estacada, lots 3 to 6, blk. 29: $13.46. Estacada State Bank 1st Add to Estacada, lot 9, blk. 29; $1.32. Chas. E. Dubois 1st Add to Esta cada. lot 7, blk. 32; $52.65. Mrs. F. L. Heylman 1st Add to Estacada, lots 8 and 9. blk. 32; $32 40. E. J. Boner Estacada, lot 12, blk. 32; $3.05. W. W. Boner Estacada, lot 13, blk. 32: $15.18. Jennie E. Bonner Estacada, lot 14, blk. 32; $3.05. Fannie L. Heylman 1st Add to Es tacada, lots 23, 24, 25. blk. 32; $10.12. Wm. Dale 1st Add to Estacada, lot 5, blk. 34; $2.02. Geo. E. Dale 1st Add t0 Estacada, lot 6. blk. 34; $6.4S. W. A. Jones, 1st Add to Estacada, lots 1 to 4, blk. 35; $18.82. W. A. Jones 1st Add to Estacada, lot 4, blk. 36; $2.02. Earnest X. Moak Zobrist's Add to Estacada, lot 3, blk. 6; $1.82. Estacada State Bank Zobrlst's Add to Estacada, lots 3 to 6. blk. 8; $3.64. J. R. Edwards Zobrlst's Add to Es tacada, lot 6, blk. 9; $1.62. Alex Sweek Zobrlst's Add to Esta cada, lot 7, blk. 10; $1.82. Estacada State Bank Zobrlst's Add to Estacada, lots 4 to 6, blk. 13; $2.74. tstacaaa state Bank Zobrisf Add to Estacada, lots 4 to 6, blk. 14; $2.74. J. R. Edwards ZobrlBt's Add to Es tacada. lot 1, blk. 15; $1.82. Frank Z. Abe Zobrist's Add to Es tacada, lot 6. blk. 15: $1.82. Jennie J. Eitelman Zobrisf Add to tsUcada, lots 1 and 2, blk. 22; J.t0. C. D. Christensen Zobrisf's Add to Estacada, lots 3 and 4. blk. 22: 13 64 J. R. Edwards Zobrlst's Add to Es- Ucada, lot 7, blk. 22; $1.82. Geo. Abraham & E. Otey Zobrist' s Add to Estacada, lot 8, blk. 22; $1.83. J. B. Honey Zobrist's Add to Es tacada, lots 2 and 3. blk. 23: 13.65. J. R. Edwards Zobrist's Add to Es tacada, lot 4, blk. 23; $1.82. Estacada State Bank Zobrlst's Add to Estacada all of lot 5 and S14 of lot 6, blk. 23; $1.38. J. B. Honey Zobrist's Add to Esta cada, lot 9, blk. 23; $1.81. A. W. Withrow Zobrist's Add to Es tacada, lots 11 and 12, blk. 23; $3.63. E. S. Womer Estacada Heights, lots 10 and 11, blk. 1; $3.25. Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or chards, blks. 1 to 7; $8.62. Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or chards, all of 13 and 14 and E'A of 15; $2.22. , Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or chards, blk. 16; $1.53. Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or chards, blks. 17 to 20; $5.70. S. D. Smalley Fairfield, blk. 18; $3.96. 8. D. Smalley and F. H. Freund Fairfield, blk- 19; $2.98. Minnie B. Locke Fairmont Orch ards, blk. 2; $6.96. Emll Ix)vegren Fairmont Orchards blk. 9; $7.64. Bessie Sims Brown Fairmont Orch ards, blk. 18; $13.90. Laura Hanson Fairmont Orchards, blk. 19; $9.17. John M. Johnson Flnavon, blk. 5, $5.26. John M- Johnson Flnavon. blk. 8: $5.26. Anna L. Nelson Flnavon, blks. 14 and 15; $24.07. Mrs. L. L. Cox Flnavon, blk. 47; $3.28. Northwestern Trust Co. Flnavon, HV4 of blk. 50; $1.31. .1. II- Broetje Fir Grove, W. 99 ft. of lot 4, blk. 1; $5.83. Amos S. Benson Foster Acres, blks. 10, 11, 12; $33.76. Amos S. Benson Foster Acres, blk. 21 f $6.18. Asa R. Hawkins E. L. Fraley's Sub Dlv. of Tr. of land, Sec. 28, T 3, 4 E; E- 70x100 ft. blk 2; $2.02. Adolph Sagner E. L. Fraley"s Sub. Dlv. of Tr. of land Seo. 28, T. 3, 4. E: W of blk. 3; $12.15. E. L. Fraley E. L. Fraley's Sub ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1918. Dlv. of Tr. of land See. 28, T. 3, 4 E. all ex W 84 ft and Ex. E. 16 ft. of blk 1! ; $3.04. Chaa. 11. Plggott Gales Park. blk. 11; $4.16. Security Savlniu A Trust Co. Car thick, A BC.; $3.65. Victor A. Johnson Gurthlck, lot 10, blk. 4; $86.13. Security Savings ft Trust Co. Gar thick, lot 12. blk. 4; $13912. Richard Wilder Gnrihtck, lot 18, blk. 4; $111.30. Mrs. Sarah Lane Gladstone, lot 10, blk. 16; $6.88. Mary Q. Gtllett Gladstone, lot 16, I blk. IT; $3.96. Grace K. lder Gladstone, lots 18 and 19 blk. 17: $16.40. Harry Gray Gladstone, lot 20, blk. 17; $3.23. v Cornelia McCown Gladstone, lot 13, blk. IS; $2.62. Henry C. A Marv GllK Gladstone, lots 3 and 4. blk. 33; $7 22. Henry C. ft Marv GtlK Gladstone. lots 13 and 14. blk. 32; $15.43. Elsie ft Hugh Hall Gladstone, lots S and 4, blk. 33; $3.61. Ktcnard Hall Jr Gladstone, lots 5 and (, blk. 33; $3.93. Gladstone R. K. Association Glad stone, loU 9, 10. 11, blk. 33; $3.90. rrn and Pearl McAnulty Glad stone, lot 13, blk. 34; $3.94. W. H. V. Miller Gladstone, lot 2. blk. 36; $3.38. Geo. H. Miller Gladstone, lot 3. blk. 36; $3.28. Geo. H. Miller Gladstone, lot 14. blk. 36; $3.28. W. H. V. Miller Gladstone, lot 15. blk. 36; $3.28. Gustat Carlson Gladstone, lots 3 and 4. blk. 49; $19.68. Merton and Emma Bell Gladstone lots 15 and 16, blk. 49; $19.68. Gladstone R. E. Association Glad stone, lot IS, blk. 65; $2.62. Gladstone R. E. Association Glad stone, lota 9 and 10. blk. 60; $5.25. Mary Ann Rauch Gladstone, lota 11 to 15, blk. 75; $10.66. Maggie M. Davis Gladstone, lot 15 and 16. blk. 76; $5 90. Maggie M. Davis Gladstone, lot and 2. blk. 77; $1.64. Henry Krebs Gladstone, Pt lot 4 and 5, blk. 98; $7.22. Henry Kreba Gladstone, all lot 10 and part lot 11. blk. 98: $1.72. Jamea J. Tyrell Gladstone, N. 60 ft. of 166, all of 117-118; $7.38. Gladstone R. E. Association Glad stone, NH ot blk. 129: $3.28. G90. B. ft Mary lwls Apperson's Add to Gladstone, blks. 10 and 11; $5-90. John W. Loder Apperson's Add to Gladstone, blks. 22 and 23; $2.62. Wm. L. Stackwell Apperson's Add to Gladstone, blk. 28: $1.31. John W. Loder, Schooley Add to Gladstone, lota 15 and 16. blk. 1: $1.97. John W. Loder SchooIey'B Add to Gladstone, lot 6. blk. 2; $4.27. A. Conover Schoolcy's Add to Gladstone, lot 8, blk. 2; $7 54. Wm. H. Miller, Schoolcy's Add to uiadstone. lot 19. blk. 2; $1.31. Henry ft Rosalie Lon?y West Glad stone, lots 1 and 2. blk. 4; $5.90. Lilian M. Hackleman West Glad stone. loU 3. 4. 5. blk. 10: $4.92. Lilian M. Hackleman West Glad- stone, lots 10. lr. 12. blk. 10; $3.90- John W. Loder WeBt Gladstone lot 8, blk. 11. 17.22. John W. Loder Tr. West Gladstone, lot 17, blk. 11; $2.30. Jennie B. Tale Glen Echo, pt of blks. A ft B; $62.86. R. M. Eccle Gbnmorrte. blk. 3: $23.30. Robt. H. Strong Glenmorrie. blk. 6: $10.19. Cora M. Rea Glenmorrie. blk. 7: $20.39. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blks. 13 and 15A; $16.54. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 26; $13.05. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 27; $S.63. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 29 A; $9.09. The Clenmorrir Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 30; $17.47. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrfe Park, blk. 31; $17.48. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 32; $17 01. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 33; $15.84. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 34; $10.60. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park. 38 and Wly 4 of blk. 39; $28.31. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 40; $13.63. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk 41; 8.97. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 42; $13.51. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 43; $11.42. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 44; $13.05. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 45; $10.13. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 46; $10.01. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 47; $14.33. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 48; $12.81. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 49; $13.98. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. GO; $13.86. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 51; $9.79. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 52; $10.49. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 53; $3.83. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 54; $8.74. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 5fi; $3.94. The Glenmorrie Co. Park, blk. 57; $6.99. The Glenmorrie Co. Park, blk. 58; $7.46. Glenmorrie Glenmorrie The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie t'arK, blk. 59; $3.83. The Glenmorrie Co. Park, blk 60; $9.32. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Glenmorrie rarK, blk. 61; $7.57. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 62; $6.41. The Glenmorrie Co. ' Glenmorrie Park, blk. 63; $6.17. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk- 64; $6.29. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 65; $7.57. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 66; $8.39. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 67; $7.22. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 68; $9.56. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 69; $7.92. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk- 70; $7.22. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 71; $7.11. , The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 72; $13.16. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 73; $12.58. The Glenmorrie Co. Glonmorrle Park, blk. 74; $12.23. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 75; $9.55. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 76; $9.67.; - The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. A; $20.39. The Glenmorrie Co. Qlenmorrl Park, blk, B; $25.63. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park blk. 77; $13.98. The Gl?nmorrle Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 78; $6.94. The Glsnmorrle Co. Glonmorrle Par. blk. 79; $8.17. The Glenmorrie Co. Qlenmorrk Park, blk, 80; $6 99. The Hloumorrle Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 81; $5.8. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk 83; $6.99. The Glenmorrie Co. QlenmoiTte Park. blk. 83; $5.82. The Glonmorrle Co. Glonmorrle Park. blk. 88; $3.69. The Qlenmorrle Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 69; $4.31. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk, 90; $8.74. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 91; $5.24. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park blk. 92; $6.59. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 93; $5.59. The Glqumorrle Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 94; $3 73. The Glenmorrlo Co, . Qtemnorrlt Park, blk.-5; $4.31- The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 96; $6.41. The Glenmorrlo Co. Glenmorrie Park. blk. 87: $5.24. The Qlenmorrle Co. Glenmorrte park, blk. 98: $6.99. The Glenmorrie Co. Olenmorria Park, blk. 99; $6.99. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrw park, Mk. 100; $6.99. B. Wood Gordon Glon Home Tract, blk. 7: $7.14. Lillian H. Runysrd Grela Park, blk 1; inits. Elglva Mullen Hollywood Park, lot iv. oik. ; 11. is. Joseph Fletcher Hyde Park, Iota 13 (O IB, OIK. 3; 11.73. E. W. Beeman Hyde Park, lota S3 to 29. blk. 3; $2.02. C H. Clement Hyde Park, lot 1 and 2, blk. 9; $1.15. R. U Hsrrick Hyd Park, loU 3 and 9, blk. 9; $1.15. Conrad Peterson Hyde Park, lots 13 to 16, blk. 9; $2.30. Louis Bell Hyde Park, lots 9 to 13. blk. 11; $1.15. Isabella Johnston Hyde Park, lots 29 to 32. blk 12; $1.13. Thos. C- Clarke Hyde Park, lots 1 to 32, blk. 13; $9.23. Sarah E. Palmer. Hyde Park, lots 9 to 24. blk 14; $4.61. J. E. Maher Hyde Park, lots 1 to 6. blk. 16; $1.73. Edith Butrher Hyde Park, lots 23 to 26, blk. 17; $1.15. C. W. Kern Idlewlldo. lots 1 to to 9. blk. 1; $1.38. C. W. Kern Idlewllde. lots 10 to 18. blk. 1; $1.37. C. W. Kern Idlewllde. lots 1 to 8, blk. 2; $1.22. C. W. Kern Idlewllde, lots 1 to 6, blk. 3; $1.54. C. K. Kern Idlewllde lots 5 to 11. oik. ; 3.14. Lonson ft Sylvia Wilcox Jennings Ixdi:e. Ex. N 70 ft ot blk, 36; $11.25. IL M. Courtright and J. W. Johnston Jennings Lodg. H Int each In of blks, 73-74; $16.56. J. E. A., Boyce Jennings 'Lodge, oiks. 1 1 and 78; 177.60. w m. W. Smith sold to Downey Jen nings Lodge 71.60 x 294 39 ft blk 80; $4.66. Anna Donahue Jlfhnlngs Lodge 71.5 x 274.69 ft. blk. 80: $1.66. Wm. Berry Jennings Lodge, 71.5 x ZS3.41 it, blk. BO: $9.71. David H. Miller 1st Add to Jen nings Lodge, blk. 15: $9.70. R. F Dter 1st Add to Jennings ixMige, bis. w, slm.zs. Herb -it H. McGovcrn 1st Add to Jennings Lodge, all 36 and W'A ot 37; $17.40. Fred B. Madison 1st Add to Jen nings Udgc. all GO and No. 6 ft. Ex. E. 19 ft. of No. 6 ft. of 51; $25.61. Grace L- Bronatinh Boardmnn's Add to Jennings Lodge, blk. 2; $213.40. Earl C. llromiiigli Boardmsn's Add to Jennings Lodgo, blk. 5: $21.31. Earl C. Bronungh Boardmnn's Add to Jennings Lodge, blk. 8; $17.46. Earl C. Bronaugh Boardmnn's Add to Jennings Lodge, blk. 11; $17.46. Earl C. Bronaugh Boardman's Add Jennings Lodge, blk. 14; $19 40. The Shaw Faar Co. Boardman's add to Jennings Lodge, blk. 23; $9.31. H. J. Hewett Boardman's Add to Jennings Lodge. E'A ot blk. 24: 110 47 J. E. A. Jtoyce Boardman's Add to Jennings Lodge, blk 25; $13.68. IL J. Hewett Boardman's Add to Jennings Lodge, blk 26; $31.04. Ralph C. ft Margarette M. Brown Hulls Add to Jennings Lodge, half blk. 6; $11.25. Julius Rolchle & wife Morris Sub. Dlv. of 1st Add to J Minings I)dge, lots 2 and 3, blk 2; $3.11. Julius Retchle and wife Morris Sub. Dlv. of 1st Add to Jennings ldge, lot 6, blk. 2; $1.95. Wiley H. ft Belle C. Crawford Morris Sub. Dlv of 1st Add to Jen nings Lodge, lot 7, blk. 2; $2.71. Wiley . H. & Belle C. Crawford Morris Sub. Div, of 1st Add to Jen nings Lodge, Jot 10, blk 2; $1.55. Wiley Trout Morrl Sub. Div. of 1st Add to Jennings Lodge, lot 15, blk. 2; $1.65. Wiley Trout Morris 8ub. Dlv. of 1st Add to Jennings Lodge, lota 18 and 19, blk. 2; $5.04. Wiley Trout Morris Sub. Dlv. of 1st Add to Jennings Lodge, lot 22, blk 2; $1.55. Harry A- Hampton Shaws Sub Dlv of Jennings Lodge, blk. 6; $5.82. Alice K. Hampton Jennings Lodge, blk. 7; $27.16. James B. Welch Shaws Sub. Div. of Jennings Lodge, blks. 10 and 11; $24.64. J. E. & Beulnh McCauley Kuebl's Acres, DO ft. N & 8x152.37 ft, E&W out of NE Cor of R;$3.10. Grace E. Loder Lawton Heights, dik. 14; !;;.;;. Wm. & Olive Rivers Lawton lights DIK. 15; 14.77. Graces E. Loder Lawton Heights, blk. IB; $3.39. R. L. Algor Leo, lot 11, blk. 1; $2.48 J. N. Alger I.eo, lot 12, blk. 1; $3.20 Mrs. E. V. Albee Leo, lot 13, blk 1; $2.13. First Church of Evangelical Ass'n of Liberal Liberal, 81y of lot 10, blk. 2; X7-55. Rosalind Gibson Logus Tracts, Ely 177 ft of ex pt N of O. W. P. track blk. l; $17.11. V Rosalind Gibson Logus Tracts, N. 1.82 acres of blk. 2; $10.52. Hlbernla Savings Bank Logus Tracts, 6.00acre blk. 4: $36.17. Lillian M. Plymale Gibson's Sub. of Logus Tracts, blk. 2: $7.89. H. L. Keats Logus Tracts, N. 50 rt. of 4 and all of 5: $10.52. Ferrol Jackson lx)gus Tracts, W or s'k or Mk. 17 : $2.63. John & Rosalind Gibson Ijgus Tracts, E of 17 & W of 18 and all cx w 114 rt. or i: $16.43. Theo. & Luna 8erlcks Logus Tract taV2 or dik. Zi; $5.26. Pete McCarthy Logus Tracts, blk 30; $1184. John H. & Rosalind Gibson Logus Tracts-all x. W 114.4 ft of blk. 88; $5.2. John II. and Itosallud Ullmou -1a-giia Tracts, blk. 39, and 40; $23.07. Mt. Hood Ity Development t o. ma bery, lot 12. blk, 2; $3.56. Mt. Hood By Development Co. Ma- bery, lot 11. blk. 4; $2.14- K. W. Barnes Marchbanks, lots 33 and 34. blk. 77; $1.33. E. W. Bnrne Marchbuiiks, lots 40 to 60. blk. 7; $7.29. C. A. Gove Marchbanka, lot 1, blk. 9: $1.33. Harriett ib marcuiinimH, to C, blk. 9; $3.31. O. Svarvond ft J. I. FTHster. Mnrch banks, lots 12 to 15, blk. 9; $2.65. C. A. Cove Marehhanks, lot l, mk. fi: 11.33. I. O. O. r. no, 14a Marsuuoiu, 101 34. blk. 10: $6.20- Rose B. Imel-Marshfli'ld. Talberts Add. Frl or 1 and all or X. blk. 10 $2.4. Chas. L. Roadarmol Marshllold Tatbert Add, lots 1 aud 2, blk. 17; 15.K4. Walter G. Cox Maywood, lot 7, blk. 1: 124.25. Walter G. Cox Maywood, SLY4 of lot 4. blk. 3: $1$ 23. Hltnn U Snow Maywood, lot 10, blk. 3: $26.30. Sarah J. Solomon Mllwaukle, lots 1 and 2. blk. 16; $35.60. Melchlor A ft Millie A. Lehman Mllwaukle, lot 3 to 6, blk. 16; $45.7u. Jessie A, Keok, Tr. Mllwaukle. lots 1 and 2. blk. 28: $53.25. Anna M. Mullan Mllwaukle, Ho. 36 ft ot lot 2. blk. 29: $10.65. Ash Camp No. 339 W. O. W. Mll waukle; 30x(i2 ft. lq 3, 60x63H(t. lot 4. blk. 29: 120.44. ' E. V. and Lou Albee Mllwaukle 30x37 H ft lot 3, 37Vt x CO lot 4. blk 29: 130.00. Gussls Keck-Mtlwaukle. 60x97 ft lot 5, 30x97V fi. lot , blk. 2; $41.35. Unknown Mllwaukle. blk 39; $14.20 Albert Thomas Mllwaukle, Cogs well's 1st Add. blk C; $66.39. John Strucky Mllwaukle, Duerst'i add. lot 2. blk. 1 ; $5.33. John M ft M. J. Stucky Duerst's Add. lot 5. blk. 1; $17.76. John M ft M. J. Stucky Duerst'i Add. lots 1 and 2, blk. 2; $6.21. John M ft M. J. Hhicky Dtiersl's Add. lot 8, blk. 2; $3.55. James Oliver Duerst's Add, lot 3 blk. 3: $1.43. Harry A Jennie Amole Mllwauklo, Kerr A Shtmller s Add, lot 25, blk. A $1.77. W. D. A Delta E- Erniey Mllwau kle, Kerr A Shtndlvr's Add, lot 27, blk A; $3.65. Harry A Jennie Amelle Mllwaukle Kerr A Shtndter Add. lot 28, blk. A $6.22. Jesse A. Keck Mllwauklo. lrr A Shlndter's Add, lots 5 aud 6. blk B $9.05. Lou Albee-Mllwauklo, Kerr A Shin dler Add, lot 7. blk. II; $4.97. Lou Albe Mllwauklo, Kerr A Shin dlora Add, lot 11, blk. II; $1.25. Theo. Flsch Mllwauklo. i Int. lot 23 and 24, blk. II; $11.54. Brnnrd A M. Flsch Mllwaukle. Int. In lots 23 and 24. blk. B: $11.55. Harold E). Sellwood Mllwaukle. Qulncy Add, lot 3. blkr4; $1.07. Portland ft t). C. Ry. Co. Mllwau kle. Qutncy Add. lot 21. Mk. 6; $1.43. Portland A O. C. Ry. fS. Mllwau kle, Qulncy Add. lot 25, blk. 5; $1.42. Portland A O. C. Ry. Co. Mllwau kle. Qulncy Add. lot 26, blk. 6; $1.78. Harold E. Sell wood Mllwaukle, Qulncy Add. lot 2, blk. 6; $1.42. Cora A. McCleod Qulncy Add to Mllwaukle, lot 11, blk. 8; $1.77. J. J. McKlnney Qulncy Add to Mll waukle, lots'l and 2, blk. 9; $6.76. Ivy G. Sellwood Qulncy Add to Mll wauklo, lot 22, blk. 9; $3.90. J. W. Ray Qulncy Add lo Mllwau kle. lots 8 and 9, blk. 10; $21.66. Portland & O. C. Ry Co. HJulncy Add to Mllwaukle, lots 1 and 2, blk 14; $3.19. Thos. J. Clark Sellwood s Add to Mllwaukle, lots 1 to 4, blk. 9; $15.09. John R. Griffith Uobcrts Heplat of Sellwoods Add to Mllwauklo, lot 3, blk. 2; $3.55. Thos. Roberts Roberts Rcplat of SellwoodB Add to Mllwaukle, lots 7 and 8, blk. 2; $710. Elizabeth Mullan Strelb's 1st Add to Mllwaukle, lot 1, blk. 3; $3.55. Hattie Solomon Mllwaukie Heights lot 1, blk. 33; $1.46. Hattie Solomon Mllwaukle Heights lot 3. blk. 33; $1.10. Hattie Solomon Mllwaukle Heights lot 5, blk. 33; $1.64. Hattie Solomon Mllwaukle Heights lots 6 to 11, blk. 33; $12.23. L. H. & May 8- Morgan Mllwuukle Heights, lots 1 to 6, blk. 45; $13.11. Jas. P. ft Emllle C. Shaw Mllwau kle Heights, lots 1 to II. blk 46; $23.00. James P. O Noll Mllwauklo Hgths, pt. of lots and blks and vacated 8ts.; $29.93. Thos. J. Jones -Mllwaukle Ulllc-rest lots 2 and 3, blk- 11; $15.21. , John Conway Mllwauklo Park, lot 6, blk. l; $1.64. John Conway Mllwauklo Park, lot 11, blk. l; $2.01. Albert Thomas Mllwauk4o Park lots 1 to 6, block 2; $8.76. Albert Thomas Mllwaukle Park, lots 12 to 16, blk. 2; $8.03. J. O. Lee, Mllwaukle Park, lots 9 and 10, blk. 4; $3.47. Anders G. Wlmon Mllwauklo Park, lots 14, id, 10, dik. 0; $0.39. Wesley & B. A. Carter Mllwaukle Park, lots 2 to 6, blk. 17; $4.38. Wesley & B. A. Carter Mllwuuklo Park, lots 13 to 18, blk. 17: $12.59. Florence C. Hanlon Mllwauklo Park, lots 3 and 4, blk 21; $8.94. Edith B. Morris Mllwaukle Park, lot 4, dik. 24; $1.73. Mrs. T. B. Jolinnon Mllwauklu Park lot 56, blk. 24; $1.46. Wm. Hey Mllwauklo Park, lots 4 and 5, blk. 27; $4.93. E. II. Wills Mllwaukle Park, lot 6, DIK. U; III. 48. R, W. Fisher Mllwaukle Park, lots iu and 11, dir. c; $12 77. . u .;n minium 11 IUIB 14 to 24, blk. 12; $7.95. Robt. A. Miller Mlnthorn, lots 23 and 24, bite 14; $1.42. A. E. MTIthews & T. I. Uiuglilln Mlnthorn. lots 25 and 26, blk. 14; $1.60 C. M- Raber Mlnthorn, lots 13 and 14, blk. 15; $1.42. Delia R. Dale Mlnthorn, lots 28 and 29, blk. 15; $2.30. Mary Leaman Mlnthorn, lots 29 and 30, blk. 16; $1.42. L. M. Lucky, 2-15; Willis McElroy, 2-15; A, A. McKlroy, 9-15; L. 0, Mc Elroy, 2-15 Int. Mlnthorn, lots 1 to 23. blk 40; $15.24. L. M. Lucky, 2-1 5; Willis McElroy, 2-15; A. A. McElroy, 9-15; L. G. Mc Elroy, 2-15 Int. MlnUiorn, lots 39 to 48, blk. 40; $6.02. Wm. P. & Churlty It. Jacks, Mln thorn, lots 43 and 44, blk. 41; $3.20. A. E, Mathews & T. I. Loughlln, Mlnthorn, lots 9 and 10, blk. 42; $1,42. Carrie NelHon, Mlnthorn, lots 7 and 8, blk. 43; $1.42. Joe Penny, Mlnthorn, lots 19 and 20, blk. 43; $1.42. C. L. Weaver, Mlnthorn, lots 29 to 32, blk. 44; $2.84. Chas. L & Lizzie Weaver, Mlnthorn, lots 33 and 34, blk. 44; $1.42. C. A. Hunt, Mlnthorn, lots 39 and 40, blk. 44; $1.42. I. M Lucky. 2-15: Willis MclClroy, I ID; A. A, McElroy, 915; U O. Mc Elroy, 2-ia Int. Mlnthorn, lots 2 to 84, blk. 46; $15.24, Carl (uilHiiu, Mlnthorn, li t II to 14, I'lk, ON; $2 .05, Alfred M. and itnliy JumiImiui, Milt thorn, lots 11 to 14, blk 0$; $1.65. J. J, Downing, Mtmhorn, lots IB to 24, blk. 68; $3.98. Harold E. & Ivu (1, Hull wood. Mln thorn, lots 33 to 40, blk. 71; 2.1J. U 10. Wllllami A H. M. Knmsby. Mlntlmm. lots 2 li 4, blk. 72; $2.13. A. E. Mathowi and T. I. lougiiiin. Mlnthorn, lots 40-41, blk- 73; $1.42. A. K, Muthews A T. I. I-oorIiIIh, Mill thurn, lots 3 and 4. blk 77, $1.06. Ori'inm lml Co. Mliiluoru, lots 16 and 17, blk. 78; $1.06. Margaret Sluckey Mlnthorn, lots 28 and 29, blk. 78; $3.39. J. II. Black. Mlnthorn, lots 12 to 14, blk. 811; $1.19. A. N. Douthern Mlnthorn, lots 22 to 37, blk. 90; $6.36. Chus. 11, Cravoit Mlutboro, lot 1 lo 4. blk. 81; 11.61), Chits. 11. Craven Mliilhoru. loU $4 to 40. blk. 91; $2.78. J. W. Grasle Mlnthorn. loU 27 and 8, blk. 93; $1.19. Geo. A. Houck Mlnthorn. lot 25 to 22, lot 94; $3.18. u L. Rowland Mlnthorn. lots 32 to 38, blk. 94; $152. U U Rowland Mlnthorn. lot 16 to 24, blk. 95; $3.68. A. E. Mathews and T. L, Loughlln Mlnthorn, lots 10 to 15, blk, 95; $3.38. A. E, Mathews and T. I loughlln Mlnthorn, lot 25 to 31, blk. 95; $2.78. A. K. Mnthew and T. U Loughlln Mlnthorn. lots 14 to 19, blk. 97; $3.38. A, K. Mathews and T. U Loughlln Mlnthorn, lots 1 to 9, blk. 98; $3.6, Joseph Newly Kvorharti 2nd Add to Molalla, Iota I and 2. blk. 1; $20.10. John A. Dominique Everhart'i 2nd Add to Molalla. lot 3, blk. 1; $1.35. NettU, A. Taylor GreKory'i 1st Add to Molalla, W. 40 ft. of 11 and 12. blk. 1; $25.13. Geo. II. Gregory Gregory's 1st Add to Molalla, K 90 ft of lot 11 sod 13. blk. 2; $3.35. U C. Hubbard Gregory'! 1st add to Molalla, WHt of lot 11 and 13. blk. 6; $1.67. L. C. Hubbard Gregory 1st add lo Molalla, WH of lot 12. blk. C; $18.09 F. C. Morteuson Gregorys 1st add to Molalla. lot 10, blk. 7; $136. Geo. II. Gregory Gregory's 1st Add to Molalla, all of 13 and N. 10 ft ot 14. blk. 9; $2.68. Geo. H. Gregory Gregory's 1st Add to Molalla, So. 50 ft. ot 20 and Wi of 21. blk. 9, I1.K4. J. V. Harloss J. V. Harloss Add to Molalla. lots 6 to 9, blk. 1; $1 61. J. V. Harless J,V- Harloss Add to Molalla. lots 10 and 11, blk. 1; $1.51. J. V. Harless J. V- Harless Add to Molalla, lots 1 aud 2. blk. 2; $1.01. J. V. Harless J. V- Harloss Add lo Molalla. lots 3 to 9, blk. 2; $8.71. J. V. Harlehs J. V. Harless Add to Molalla. lot 10, blk. 2; $1.31. J. V. HurlHss J. V- Harless Add to Molalla, tots 11 to 15, blk 2; $19.68. P. C. Ferman J. V. I farina Add to Molalla. W. 42.14 ft. of lot 80, blk 3; $1.67. L. C. Hubbard Kavler'a Adi In Un. lulls, lot 3, blk. I; $24.29. r. C. MortcnsonKaylor' Add to Molulla, lot 6, blk. 2: $24 19 Frod Schaffcr Add to Mo- lulla, lot 6, blk. 2; $3 Mi. Bunk of Mt. AiikoI Mstxior's L Harts Add lo Mutatis, lot . blk. 2 $4.19. x . K. A. and Vesta Mallatt U W. Rob-' bins Add to Molalla, blks. and 9 $8.04. Fred Schufcr Miillno, lots 1 and 2 blk. 8; $1.23. Edna Anderson Miillno. lot I to 6 blk. 13; $2.15. R. C. McMahon Multnomah Acre blk. io: $.4i. Smith Wagoner Co. Multnomah Arres No. 2, blk. 7; $11.88. Smlth-Wagoner Co. Multnomah Arres No. 2, blk. 8; $11,811. John W. Long-Nob Hill, lots 1 to 8, blk. 16; $1.25. 241k.Y;$;TNobl,m- ",u 17 1,4 24J'bik ' 7('? ie" No'' 1)U 1 lo .tt'm' ,oulto lm' tou 13 b.k."l6; l5.47Vrrl"-Nb Pt (,f Gustav ft Sadie Fleehlner-Nob. Hill, 2 acres, blk. 16; $313. l e35 80 MorrlHOUak 0rove. blk 13nSt'0"k 0ro-blk' 2lf $T31A92 MorrlHon-ul1 rove, blk. John II. Walts Oak Grova I7n 265.90 ft. of blk. 25; $38 65 ' 7 .K,.M.;U,'kwoo,1-0llk "rove, N. 170 ft. 0 E. 200 ft of blk. 36; $21.35 " Watts-Oak Grove. 300 x 245,s,ofbikAs:n3k Grov n u65: 1;-ir;1i7no-,ttk Grovo' 01 l.lkJ:60;,$37.2?('KU,ngttrd-Ottk Qr O. E. LaVlgne Oak Grove NWlv 1 acre of blk. 70; $7.76. ' ly mile Rohn sold to Kendall nk nann A. Illuckmun 1st sub hu of Oak Grove, lot 1. blk. $2 33 Simon P. and Addle C B g , Ht sub. dlv. of Oak Grovo, " ft f lot 3 and all of lot 4 blk 41 iri 7, ' , Miss Gladys Brown-'-jt Hb dtt f Oak Grove, lots 1, 2, 3, blk 4' 14 Ml Martha 8. MooreU-ist b ' d.V 'or Oak (irovo, t 4, blk. 60; $i0.So (lrof,(lT'H''!lv.ofOuk. "1 "". 01 ; u. 64, D. N. Twomoy iHt sub dlv. f Oak Grove, lot 3, blk. 61; $11.64 E. and Matlle Armstrong it Bub. dlv. of Oak Grovel1.! J? H. O. Starkweathor Tr 1st sub dlv of Oak Grove, lots 19 and 20 blk 9t Mary C. Burton-lt snb. of Oak Grove, !, ,5, 16. 19, 20, blk 92 ; $9 31 of Z ft A' Wlnohart-int b. div $6.98 V0' l0tB 7 und bIk- 03; orSrJj "'"fcamt-lrt dlv. $4.66 ' l0tS 15 and 18' blk- 93; nnn,May Enmons-2nd Sub. dlv of lift 2 ' 6 Bnd blk Oak" Wetzler-lst sub. dir. of 112 02 ' 8 18 t0 20' b,k' 91 Oattry-n!i' n,!,rton-2n.l s... dlv. of MlkG,9O9V;e$5.,0,5eX E B2 ' ,0t 2' Mnry c. Burton-2nd sub Dlv of Oak Grove, lot 5, blk. 99 ; $2.72 Lucy Horn, 2nd sub. dly of Ouk Grove, lots 6 and 7, 1.1k. 99 $11 64 Mary C. Burtou-2nd sub dlv of $5rt43 0rOVO' l0tB 9 and 10' blk' 99! Mary K. Burtou-2nd Sub. Dlv. ot