Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 01, 1918, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Mrs, Blanch R. Shelley Representative.
The FIrwood-Dovnr Telephone Co.
switchboard, which ht boon In tha
Handy drug store ever since tha organ
ization of tha company, several year
ego, wa moved tha tint of tha wank
Into Hrrtldi' itora. ItM new headquar
tar are Inviting In appearance, anil
wa ara aura tha service will ba sat
isfactory. At preaent, aoma of tha
line ara In a desperate shape. For
aavora! day tha patrona of Una Ona
hava been unable to ring central, but
wa auppoaa thla will be remedied very
What might hava baen a disaster
occurred Monday afternoon about Ova
o'clock, whan tha cylinder head blew
out at Mlkelaon A Nolaon'a mill at
Bright wood. The boiler, which had a
larga hole broken In It, waa taken to
Portland for repalra. While tha mill
la cloned, tha employe ara piling
lumber In tha yard.
For aeveral yeara there hava been
wild atorlna going tha round concern
ing a large and vlclou paqther, whlclh
haunted tha country adjacent to Mar
root. Occasionally a farmer would
mla a aheap, or goat, or young calf
from tha hard. Quite often tha blood
curdling scream of tha huge beait
would ba heard far up aoma lonely
canyon. Ilia tracka hava often been
aeen, but no hunter haa ever alghted
along a gun barrel on hla tawney coat.
For tha last few weeka be haa been
unusually active, ao last week the
Aichoff boy went after him. Though
they tracked hlra many weary miles,
the famous Marmot panther la atlll
stalking hla lonely way over the hills
and hollow of tha Little Sandy coun
Mra. L. W. Tlce received word re
cently that her alater, Mra. W. D. Pick
em, died February IS. at San Fran
Cisco, following an operation for can
car and chronic appendicitis. Tha
body waa shipped to her home at
Kingsbury, Calif., for Interment.
She waa born at Salem. Ore., April
30, 1888. and leave beside ona ala
ter and two brothers, a husband and
eight children to mourn her death. The
children are all married but two boys.
She waa a kind and loving wife and
mother, and loved by all who knew
her. The family lived a number of
yeara between Sanity and Marmot,
whera they hava many frtond who ex
tend their sympathy to them.
Little Mis Shirley Sykea entertain
ed Mrs. U. 8. Eddy and Miss Lulu
Eddy with a tea party at her parent's
home the afternoon of Feb. 21st. The
ladles tied a pretty little comforter
for Miss Shlrley'a first birthday.
Miss Dorothy F.sson entertained
Shirley Sykes, Mrs. II. E. Syke and
Mr. Nettle Sykes last Thursday af
ternoon, the occasion being Miss Dor
othy's tenth birthday, and Mis Shir
ley's first birthday. A birthday cake
was conspicuous among the refresh
menta. Kenneth Scalea, Dorothy and Ruth
Ksson, Johnnie Shelley and Heine Dlt
tert gathered at the home, of little
Ellen Wolf last Saturday afternoon In
honor of her fifth birthday. A big
birthday cake, bearing her name and
age waa acerved with other goodies.
Last 8undny being Heinle Hitter's
aeventh birthday, his mother Invited
aeveral of hi little friend In to spend
the afternoon. A delightful time waa
had and dellcloua refreshment were
served, among which waa a cake car
rying aeven candlos. Those who cele
brated with him were Ellen Wolf. Dor
othy and Ruth EsBon, Elmer, Wini
fred and Ortle Qlockner, Antone Per
ret, onnlo Shelley and Jennio De Sha
Mr. and Mra. Edward Robert were
hosts for an Informal dnnclng party at
Welchea hall last Saturday evening.
Among those present were, Mr. and
Mra. Edw. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson,
Mr. and Mra. Clyde Tawney, Mr. and
Mra. J. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs, II.
Morton, Mr. and Mr. Goo. Williams,
Mr. and Mra. Wronn, Mr, and Mra.
Frank Dixon, Misses Lutie Welch,
Gladya and Haxel Mitchell; Messrs.
Steel. Elkhorn, Crutcher, Copper,
Mitchell and Shelloy.
Dainty refreshments were served at
Mlsa Emma Hasolwander and Xrch
le Cupp were married at Vancouver,
February 17.
Painless Dental Work
Combined with skill, gentleness and genuine satisfac
tion, at lowest possible prices Our Motto.
Examinations Free Lady Attendant All Work Guaranteed
Over Harding' Drug Store. . ..
Phone Paclflo 62 . .. Oregon City, Oregon
Mhen K. F. Gunerl Mold hla confec
tionery atora to Casper Junker, ona
of tha oldMt business men In this
community again takea tha relna Into
hla handa. Mr. Junker took posses
alon of tha establishment Sunday and
pinna aeveral Improvement In tlie
near future, Illimon, Henry, la assist
Ing htm,
Last Sunday morning while working
on the Sandy river near Marmot, Ern
est Aschoff became caught between a
largo log and a bunch of tlea, and
sustained Injuries which will confine
him to hi bed for some time, although
hla complete recovery 1 assured. Mr.
Aachoff had a marvelous escape from
sudden death,
The local auxiliary met with Mrs.
Shelley last Wednesday afternoon and
started on new work. From now on.
In addition to the big artlclea which
are mostly made by machine, tha aux
iliary will have on hand plenty of
hand work for everybody.
Sorrow came to the homo of Mr. and
Mra. E. Hannaberg. of Dull Hun,
when death claimed their year old
baby on February 22. Interment wa
In Idlewlld cemetery.
Tha Gorman-English schooj haa or
ganlzad a Junior Red Crosa, and at the
end of a week's drive for membership,
wa listed aa 100 per cent.
Mrs. J. liurmaster and children, of
Flrwood, spent Tuesday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scnske.
Mrs. Floyd Doner, and Mra. Lake, of
Portland, accompanied their mother,
Mrs. Uutolf, borne Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Uutolf returns to Sandy after an
absence" of aeveral weeks.
The Lutheran church choir held
choir practice Tuesday evening.
J. A. Sonske and family and Mark
Soimke and family epent Sunday at
Hull Run, the guest of Fred WenUel
and wife.
L. E. Hoffman, wife and three child
ren, spent Sundsy In Portland with
Archie Averlll, who enlisted In the
aviation corps, writes to hla sister
from New York that he expects to
leave for "over there" any day. Except
for tha tact that he waa In quaran
tine, he would have been on the Tub
canla. Messxa. Draper and Cook, of Port
land, were dinner guests at Casper
tinker's Sunday.
n. B. Reed la confined to the house
with the measlea.
MIhs Kate unker and Frank Schmlts
spent 8unday the guests of Mr. and
Mra. Carl Aachoff, at Marmot.
Edward Hoffman write from France
that he haa received no pay since ne
llstlng and la "broke." His father Is
arranging to aend him some money.
An old fashioned dance will be giv
en at I. O. O. F. hall Saturday night.
Woltor Grunert came from Tenlno,
Wash., last Saturday and Visited with
his parents until Monday.
W. Gauger, of Bull Run, apent last
week In Hood River.
Mlsa Mildred Aiken was a Portland
visitor Saturday and Sunday.
The Caporacka held their weekly
meeting at Junker, Friday evening.
They have postponed Indefinitely the
dance, which was 'billed for April 6th.
MIhs Gertrude Meinlg haa arranged
to take music lessons In Portland as
Miss Boardman haa discontinued her
class In Sandy.
The Meinlg children and Edward
Schmlta motored to Troutdale Sunday.
The Freshmen and Seniors were or
dered to change seata with the Sopho
morea and Junlora Monday. Thla
change bring them under different
teachora during the study periods.
Ole Ponteroy and wife of Marmot,
were Sandy vlsltora Tuesday.
Mr. J. CL. Laundree'a parents are
In receipt of a cablegram from their
eon, George Shufer, who waa on the
Tuscanla. He stated he arrived safe
and Is well.
P. S. Sholloy brought aload of Ma
zamas from Rhododendron Tavern to
Marmot Sunday, Several of the Ma
samas made the trip to Government
C. D. Purcell and wife apent the
wcok end in Portland.
fr WASHINGTON, Feb. 21 The S
S Champions of government owner- $
t ship lost by an overwhelming
$ vote today their fight in the aen
ate for an indefinite federal con- !
trol of the railroads after the $
t war. S
VV V, If .'j;.. -.f "t '
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, Ore., Feb. 2S.. Miss
Iorena Parker, of the O. A, C, of Cor
vail!, will speak for the Oak Grore
Mllwaukle Social Service club Thurs
day afternoon, 2:30, and on Friday,
March 8, for the Oak Grove Parent
Teacher association. A musical num
ber will be .glven, and tea will be
terved. All parents are invited to be
Remember the motion picture Fri
day night at the school assembly hall.
Oak Grove Community Church
Kev. Young, pastor. Services Sunday
morning 11:16 o'clock, Epworth league
7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes
day evening; Ladiea' Aid Wednesday
Mr. and Mra. Eugene Sanders, of
Jennings Lodge, are Ihe proud parents
of a baby girl, born February 15th.
Mother and baby doing nicely.
Mr. and Mra. Earl Kinney and three
daughter have sullied In their house
on Mrs. Robertson' place (or the sum
Elmer and Harry Worthlngton have
moved to Clatakanle to work In the
Hardesty logging camp for the sum
mer. Sirs. Harry Worthlngton accom
panied ber husbsnd.
L. A. Bullard and J. A. Rupert re
turned from tha beach last Saturday
and report a good trip.
Albert Ooetx, 8r., left Sunday morn
ing for WTieeler, Oregon to work for
the DeBolse Lumber Co.
J. II. Graham, of Southern Oregon,
spent a ahort time here Tueaday after
noon on hla way to Canby. Mr. Gra
ham owna property her and expect
to locate near here aa he haa rented
hla farm In Southern Oregon.
Arthur Graham of Canby, formerly
of Oak Grove, la in tha SL Vincent
hoapltal In Portland, and underwent
an operation for appendlcltla Monday
I night.
Archie Davla la borne on an extend
ed furlough on account of sickness.
Albert Harpole's father, who lived
at Whltscn, Oregon, la In the' Good
Samaritan hospital In Portland.
Wm. Renner la moving to Portland
this week from the Rick house.
Houses are In great demand now,
owing to the ahlpyard being built !n
Rev. Prlcbard and wife jot Emigrant,
I Montana, are visiting hla alater, Mra
! Haywood, and mother.
The Needle Craft and Domestic
Science club will meet Friday at the
home of Mra. Everett Robinette on
Cedar avenue. A program haa been
arranged and a special talk on "Horn
Economics" will fill the afternoon.
Mrs. M. A. Rice moved to Portland
Wednesday and will locate on Nine
teenth atreet.
CHICAGO, Feb. 25. Nelson
4 Morris, chairman of the board of
& Morrla ft Co., packers, 26 year
old and unmarried, haa aaked ex-
loraptlon or deferred classified;
tlon of appeal board No. 1.
A suit In equity to set aside a former
Judgment and declare tehplaintlffa,
Kate Buchanan Chance, Sarah M. and
Rose-B. Graham, owner of a one-
eighth Interest In a valuable Clack
mas county farm, waa brought in the
clreelt court Wednesday.
The defendanta are Robert B, John
W. and William A. Graham. Llllie A
and Marlon Young, and the farm con
slats of 303.08 acres in the Zumwalt
donation land claim. The complaint
chargea conspiracy with intent to de
fraud on the part of the defendants
and asks that M. C, and Llllie A
Young do required to give and ac
counting of tha property.
Born Thursday, February, 21, to the
wife of Fred Losey, of 2101 Division
street, a daughter.
Born, February 20, to the wife of
William Henry Frlck, a daughter.
Born, Thursday, February 21, to the
wife of William Grossenbacher, of
Canemah, a daughter.
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass..
In her 87th year, says: "t thought I
was beyond the rench of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pills have proven most
beneficial In my case."
Mr, Sum A. Hoover, High Folnt,
N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at night and I had to get up
from five to seven times. Now I do
not Jtava to apt up at night, and con.
Killer myself In a truly normal con.
illtion, which I attribute to Folxy Kid
ney Pills, as I have taken nothing
Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass.,
says: "I suffered from- kidney all.
merits for two years. I commenced
taking Foley Kidney Fills ten months
ago, unci though I am 61 years of age,
I feel ltUe a 16-year-old girl."
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic,
stit'iiKtheinli'H' and up-buHdinK,"" and
rexture normal action to the kidneys
and ' a disordered and painful blad
der. They aet quickly and contain
mi Uungerous or harmful drugs.
FOR RENT 15 acres, walking - dis
tance from towns House and out
buildings. $10 per acre. F. S. care
WANTED Brood sow with litter of
pigs. William and George Clark,
Hoff, Ore., R. D. 1.
FOR SALE 20 acres, 4 miles S. E. of
Sandy, just oft a county road, 1
miles from school. Three acres un
der cultivation, three more easily
prepared; good barn 80x36, sightly
building spot, some fruit, Bplendld
well, quantities of cordwood. $1500
terms. L. R. Mack, 652 N. Vermont
Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch, for aale. State cash
price, full description. D. F. Bush
Minneapolis, Minn.
for dead cows and down and out
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone
No. 15320.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Levi W. Myera, Plaintiff,
C, W. Kern, Lucena Kern, Pluess Ru
dolph, and Saratoga Investment
Company, a corporation, Defendant.
By virtue of an execution, Judgment,
decree, and order of sale Issued out of
the above entitled court In the above
entitled cause to me directed and
dated February 20th, 1918, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In (aid
court on the 18th day of February,
1913, .in favor or plaintiff and against
the defendants above named for the
sum of Twenty-five hundred (12500)
dollars, with Interest thereon from the
28th day of July, 1916, at the rata of
eight per cent per annum, until paid,
and the further sum of one hundred
and fifty (1150) dollars, with Interest
at six per cent per annum, from Feb.
18th, 1918, until paid, and 150.88 taxea
paid, and the further turn of 144.75
costs and disbursement and tha costs
an dexpenaea of this writ, command
ing me aa aherirr to sell the following
described real property, to-wit:
The south half of the aoltbweat
quarter and the southwest quarter of
the aoutheaat quarter of Section 32 in
Township 2 South, Range 7 East of
the Willamette Meridian, in the Coun
ty of Clackamas, State of Oregon, con
taining 120 acres, more or less.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
Judgment, decree and order of aale
and in compliance with aaid writ of
Execution, I will, on Monday, the lat
day of April, 1918, at one o'clock of
said day at the front door of the Court
House, in Oregon City, Clackamae
County, Oregon, sell at public auction
(subject to redemption), to the high
est bidder for cash in hand on day of
sale, all the right, title and interest
which the said defendanta, or either
or any of them have or had on the
28th day of April, 1911, the date of
the said mortgage, or now have in
the mortgaged property herein fore
closed aa above described, to satisfy
said Execution and order of aale of
said property. Judgment, decree, in
terest and costs and dlHbursementa
and accruing costa and expenses of
8heriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT. Deputy.
Dated March 1st, 1918.
First publication March 1, 1918.
Last publication March 29, 1918.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Lillian F. Marshall, Plaintiff,
Warren H. Marshall. Defendant.
To Warren H. Marshall, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you ata hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you, In the above entitled suit, on or
before the 12th day of April, 1918,
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication ot
this summons, and If you tall to ap
pear or answer said complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the marri
age contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order waa made on the
23d day of February, 1918, and the
time prescribed for publication thereof
is six weeks, beginning with the issue
dated March 1, 1918, and continuing
each week thereafter to and Including
Friday, April 12, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
905 Northwestern Bank, Bldg., Port
land, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oicgon, for Clackamas County.
L. J. Barber, Plaintiff, .
Ella O. Williams, the sole and only
' known heir of George Williams, de
ceased, and all the unknown heirs
of said George Williams, deceased.
To Ella O. Wlllinras, the sole and only
known heir of George Williams, de
ceased, and all the unknown heirs
of aald George Williams, deceased,
In the name ot the State ot Oregon:
You and each of you, whether known
or unknown, and whether designated
by your true name or aa the unknown
heirs ot said George Williams, deceas
ed, claiming some right, title, estate,
lien or interest in the real property
described in the complaint of plain
tiff on file herein, and each and all ot
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
and each ot you in the above entitled
suit, pending In the above entitled
court, on or before Saturday, the Sth
day ot April, 1918, which aaid date is
more than six consecutive weeks af
ter the date of first publication ot this
summons, and it you, or either of you,
tall to so appear and answer, tor want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded In his
complaint on file herein, namely, tor
a decree of the above entitled court
forever quieting the title of plaintiff
in and to the following described real
property, situated in Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, to-wit:
The S. E. X ot the N. E. M and the
N. E. of the S. E. i of Section 10
In Township 4, South of Range 1 East
of the Willamette Meridian, containing
80 acrea of land, more or less, which
tract of land has been heretofore
sometimes described and referred to
as the John Allen Place.
And ftrr a decree forever quieting, bar
ring and cancelling all right, claims,
estate, liens or Interests ot whatso
ever nature, which you or either of you
have or claim In said real property or
any portion thereof, and for a further
decree that plaintiff be declared and
decreed to hava and hold and possess
a fee simple estate in and to said real
property, and every part thereof, free
from all claims of any nature of any
or all of the above named defendants,
whether known or. unknown, and for
all other equitable relief demanded in
the complaint of plaintiff, or which to
the court may seem equitable.
The undersigned attorney (a a resi-
dent attorney of tha Bute of Oregon,
and realdoa in Portland, Oregon. Hla
post office addreaa ia 631 Chamber of
Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
This summons la published by and
pursuant to an order made by tha Hon.
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled court, on the 16th day of Feb
ruary, 1918.
The date of first publication is Fri
day, February 22, 1918, and the date
of the laat publication ia Friday, the
5th day of April, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice I hereby given that the un
dersigned ha been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas, ex
ecutor of the estate of Fried rich
Scherruble, deceased. All persona
having claims against aald estate are
hereby required to present them to
me at the office of C. Schuebel, Ore
gon City, Oregon, properly verified aa
by law required, within six montha
from the date hereof.
Date of first publication, February
22, 1918.
Executor of the Estate of Friedrich
Scherruble, deceased.
Attorney for executor.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamae.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned ha been appointed executor
of the estate of Andrew Olson, de
ceased, by the County Court of Clack
amae County, Bute of Oregon, and baa
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent same, duly verified, aa by law re
quired, to the undersigned, at my farm
residence near Boring in said county,
within six montha from the date here
of. Dated and first published February
22nd, 1918.
Executor of the Estate of Andrew
Olson, deceased.
H. E. CROSS, Attorney for the Estate,
Beaver Building, Oregon City.
Notice of Hearing Final Account
In the County Court of the SUte of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the matter of the estate of Hester
L. Plnkley, deceased.
Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the estate
of Hester L. Plnkley, deceased, haa
filed in the above entitled Court hla
Final Account aa such administrator,
and that said Court haa set and fixed
Monday, the 25th day of March, 1918,
at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore
noon of aald day, in the County Court
Room in the Court House of Clacka
mas County, Oregon, aa the time And
place for the hearing ot aald Final
Account, together . with any objec
tions there may be to the same.
Administrator of the Estate of Hester
L. Plnkley, deceased.
First publication Feb. 22. 1918.
Last publication March 22, 1918.
J. J. JOHNSON, 314 Spalding Bldg., .
Portland, Ore., Attorney for Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministratrix ot the estate of Alexander
King Wilson, deceased, by the County
Court of Clackamas County, Oregon;
any and all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
them to the undersigned, duly verifi
ed aa by law required, at the office of
O. A. Neal, 631 Chamber of Commerce
Bldg., Portland, Oregon, within six
montha from the date of this notice.
Administratrix ot the estate of Alex
ander King Wilson, deceased.
First publication February 22, 1918.
Last publication, March 22, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned. Administrator of the estate
ot Christian J. Sindall, deceased, has
filed hla filial account herein with the
County Clerk, ot Clackamas County,
Oregon, and the County Judge haa set
Monday, March 18th, 1918, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m., at the County Court
room in Oregon City, Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, as the time and place tor
hearing objections to said final ac
count and for the final settlement of
said estate.
Dated Feb. 15, 1913.
Administrator Cum Testamento
In the County Court ot the State of
Oregon, for the County ot Clacka
mas. In the matter of the estate of Amelia
A. "Crosby, (formerly Amelia A. Sum
ner), deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix ot the a"bove named estate.
All persons having claims against said
estate will present the same properly
verified to the undersigned at 394 Tay
lor Street, Portland, Oregon, within
six montha from the date of this no
tice. Dated at Oregon City, thla 11th day
of February, 1918.
Date of first publication Feb. 15,
Date ot last publication, March 15,
Attorney for Administratrix,
1011 Yeon, Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court ot the State of Ore
gon for the County ot Clackamas ad
ministrator of the estate ot Silas P.
Schulta, deceased. All persons having
Ing claims against aaid estate are here
by required to present them to me
at the office of C. Schuebel, Oregon
City, Oregon, properly verified as by
law required, within six months from
the date hereof.
Date of first publication February
1, 1918.
Administrator ot the Estate of
" " Pllns P. Schultz, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Henry Luiten, Plaintiff
Charles Bchauff and John Schauff,
both unmarried, defendanta.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas. s.
By virtue of a gudgment order
decree and an execution, duly issued
out of and nnder the seal of tha above
entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 25th day of January, 1918, upon
a Judgment rendered and entered in
aald court on the 17th day of January,
1918, In favor of Henry Luiten, plain
tiff and against Charlee Schauff and
John scnaurr, Doth unmarried, defend-1 Thla summon Is aerved upon you
ants, for the aum of $1100.00. with In- by publication thereof pursuant to an
terest thereon at the rate of aiz per; order of Hon. J. u. Campbell Judae
cent per annum from the 15th day of ,of the above entitled Court mH .nH
December, 1916, and the furthsr aum
of f 100 as attorney' fee, and tha fur
ther turn of $24.50 cost and disburse
ments, and the cost of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make aale of
the following described real property,
situate in the county of Clackamas,
atate of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginnlg at a point 6.50 chains
north of the southwest corner of sec
tion thirty-two (32), township two (2)
south, Range one (1) East of the Wil
lamette Meridian, and running thence
north tracing the section line ten (10)
chain; thence East sixteen and one-
half (16H) chains to a stone; thence
south one-third (1-3) of a
I T7. 4 . . . ....!
chain, to a .tone; thence aouth W ot 0re
and .ixty-even hundredth. (.67 ij" h'r;b' T" f "
chain, to a .tone; thence west eigh i!" U. M "alB,t
teen and ninety-two hundredth. 2L? tl TV Ut ,U,t on or
(18.92) chain, to the place of
ntnr rnntalntnv nlnn 10
more or less In Clackamae County,
Now, therefore, by virtue of aald
wecution. Judgment ordet and decree, I
and in compliance with the command,
of aa'd prlt, I will, on Saturday, the
Lind day of March, 1918; at the hour
oi iv pciocx a. m, at tne rront door Plaintiff and defendant and to be per
of the County Court Houae in the City mined to resume her maiden name of
of Oregon City, in aald County and Pearl L Clarke. Thla aummon. la pub
State. aeU at public auction, .ubject tojliahed by order ot Hon. 3. V. Campbell,
redemption, to the highest bidder, for , Judge of the Circuit Court, which order
u 8. gold coin cash in hand, all the .was made on the 7th day of February,
right, title and Intereat which the 1918, and the time prescribed for put
within named defendant, or either ot lication thereof la six weeks, begin
tbera had on the date of the mortgage nlna; with the issue dated February 8,
herein or since bad in or to the above .1918, and continuing each week there-
described property or any part there-'after to ani including Friday, March
of, to satisfy aaid execution, Judgment! 22, 1913.
order, decree, interest, cost, and all
accruing coata.
Sheriff of Clackamae County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated Oregon City, Ore, February
lat, 1918. -
In the Circuit Court of the SUte' of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Gus Richey, Plaintiff,
S. W. Strykar and Ella M. Stryker, his
wife, Charles O. Russell and Ada
L. Russell, his wife, F. E. Bamford
and Jane Doe Bamford, his wife,
To F. E. Bamford and Jane Doe Bam
ford, defendants: j
In the name of the State ot Oregon,
you ara hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit on or. be
fore the 15th day ot March, 191S, that
being the time prescribed In the order
for publication of this summons; and
if you so fall to appear and answer,
for want thsreof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayed
for in his complaint for Judgment
against you in the full sum of $792.75,
besides attorney'8 feea and costs, and
for the foreclosure of plaintiff a mort
gage on the following described rsal
properfty in Clackamas County, Ore
gon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the aouthern
boundary of the Philip Foster Dona
tion Land Claim, Number 37, In Sec-
D. C. Latourettb, President
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL. $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Phones Pacific 63
Home A-16
All legal bualneaa promptly attended U
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phone Pacific Main 40S;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 6
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examiiicJ, estate
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
9 and 18 Beaver Bldo. Oregon City. Oregan. !
Turn your old account, and notea into cuh. I
Special correspondent and attorneys In all cltie. and towns la the United
8ttM Mill OMita
tlon 31, Township 2 South of Itange
Four East of the Willamette Mart
dlan, 40 chain 8outh 60 30 West
from tha Southeast corner of aald
claim; thence North 29 30' West
13.50 chalna on the western boundary
of the If. McElsander land; thence
South 61 15' West 11.70 chalna on
the South boundary of the H. W,
Lakea land; thence South 29 30'
sast 13 50 chalna to the southern boon
dary of said claim; thenoe north
along the aouthern boundary of aald
claim 6f 15' East 11.70 chalna to the
place of beginning, containing 16.73
acrea of land, more or lesa, be fore
closed and aald real property be sold
as upon execution to pay the costa of
sale, costa of ault, attorney' fees and
sucn judgment aa plaintiff may re-
cover herein against you
entered on the 24th day of January,
The date of the first publication is
January 25, 1918, and the date of the
last publication Is March 8th, 191g
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamae County
Pearl I AuaUn, Plaintiff,
Victor A. Austin, Defendant
u.,To v,ctor Am(J aboye da
cuam, , ,.
week, from the first publication of
thla summons, and if yon fail to ap
pear or answer aaid complaint, for
want thereof the nlainttff win mni.
to the court for the relief prayed for
in her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissnirinr th. man.
(age contract now existing between
Attorney, for Plaintiff,
Oregon City, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Mary Peterson, Plaintiff,
John A. Peterson, Defendant.
To John A. Peterson above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against
jyou, in the above entitled suit, on or
before the 22nd day of March, 1918,
said date being the expiration of six
weeka from the first publication of
this summons, and if you fall to ap
pear or answer said complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for tha relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the marri
age contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for the
care, custody and control of the minor
child, Opal Peterson. This summons
ia published by order of Hon. J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court,
which order waa made on the 7th day
of February, 1918, and the time pre
scribed for publication thereof is six
weeka, beginning with the issue dated
February 8, 1918, and continuing each
week thereafter to and including Fri
day, March 22, 1918. f
Attorneys for Plaintiff, !
Oregon City, Oregon.
ft m, rvfc;
Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P.'M.
Attorney-at-Law '
Deutacher Advokat
Will practice in all court., make cpl
lection, and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building, ;
Oregon Citr. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri-i
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of Sur
gery" of Chicago, ia established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street.:
Both Telephones !
Office Pacific 65; Home A-95
Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-273