Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 01, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Pare 2
. - ( rfliaii'" iMMiTJMiW
STAFFORD, Ore., Feb. 15. Pupils
of Stafford school, recetving 100 per
cent in last spelling contest are as
follows: Fourth grade Deliner de
Noul, Edward Delker, Ernest Baker,
Lydia Delker, Cynthia Nussbaum and
Lula Schraeder; Fifth grade Chris
Una Delker, TtlUe Frenxel, Lois Har
gon, Ruth Elligsen, Mabel Oldham and
Evelyn Oldenstadt; sixth grade Ar
thur Gould, Adilene Oldham Lavell
Hargan; seventh grade Walter Bor
land. Lena Elligsen, Edward Lucas,
Briefs From
All Over the
Mr. and Mrs. SchatiMr. and Mrs,
Albert Elligsen, and Mr. and Mrs.
Strasaer dined at the Charles Tiede
man home Sunday.
H. Elligsen saw a dog fight In Ore
gon City Monday. He reports that
they do It this way in town:
"When two dogs get in a fight
And it is hard to settle,
Don't hit the dogs with great big logs.
Just get a tilled tea-kettle
And chase said dogs the alleys thru.
Twill cool their fighting mettle."
Albert Guild. Daghne Hargan, Mil
dred Oldenstadt and Thyllla Tiede- GEORGE, Or., Feb. 28. The George
man: eighth grade Bennie Moser, social and commercial club held Its
Sabra Nussbaum, Stanley Oldham. ; regular meeting last Saturday night
Lela Tledeman and Leta Tiedeman. Rev. Weld, of Sprtngwater, gave an
Pupils of Stafford school who were entertaining talk on the German gov
neither absent nor tardy last report ernment after the business meeting
month are as follows: Cynthia Nuss-jwas over, the remainder of the even
baura, Ralph Philips, Ellis Philips, Ing was spent in dancing. The supper
Wava Nussbaum, Albert Freniel. Ar-jwas served by Otto and Andrew Jam
thur Gould. Albert Gould, Walter Bor-.sen. Kick Rath and Henry Reiner,
land, Lena Elligsen, Ruth Elligsen, Mrs. Leo Rath, who has been visit
Edward Lucas, TUlIe Freniel. Bennie Ing her sick father, Mr. Widmer, of
M osier, Harold Moser, Sabra Nuss
baum. Stanley Oldham, Louis Scha
ber. Lela Tledeman, Phyllis Tiedeman.
The, officers of the local Red Cross
Sandy Ridge, tor the past three weeks,
returned home last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Held, Rosa and
Andrew Jam sen and Ed Harden, vis-
met at the school house Wednesday ;ited Mr. and Mrs, Theo, Harden last
night, February 20, to plan ways and Wednesday evening.
means ot obtaining funds, etc Mr. Miss H. Duncan visited Mn. Henry
R. De Neul donated the use of his .Smith last Sunday.
hall for any work the society might Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. H. Klinker and
need It for and Mn. Oldham donated j Mn. T. Harden, called on Mn. Henry
ft stove tor said hall On Saturday j Relmer last Friday afternoon.
night, March 2, there will be a aortal! Miss Caroline Weiderhold. who has
at the school-house where various j been ill at the St Vincent hospital is
aide-shows, etc will be given. Bring I now" visiting her brother, Joe Wetder-
all the cents you have even nickels) hold, ot BlsselL
and dimes you will need them to get
out with. The funds will -go for the
Red Cross work.
The funeral of the late Fredricka
Keller, mother ot Gottlieb Keller, was
held from the Church ot God. Thurs
day, February 21. The remains were
buried in the Stafford cemetery.
Sunday, February 24, Miss Davis
was called to Oregon City to attend
the funeral of her uncle. Geo. Gray.
For the next two weeks or more re
vival meeting will be held in the
Church of God. These meetings will
be conducted by C. Mayne Knight, ot
Woodland, assisted by Miss Mabel
Helms and R, J. Strasser. There will
be singing, regular song service and
special music. Mr. Moser placed his
organ in th, church for the benefit ot
the meetings.
A good crowd of Staffordites took in
the program at Haielia Saturday night
and some ot us were in the program.
All report a good program and an ex
cellent time.
Miss Lydia Moser, who has been
home on a vacation, has returned to
continue her course at the Behnke
Walker Business College, at Portland.
On Saturday evening, last. Otto
Peterson was tendered a surprise
party In honor of his birthday. A
merry evening was spent in games
and good music furnished by the Pet
ers girls and Prof. Kruse and others.
Andrew Jamsen, Albert Llns and
Ray Miller visited Albert Terwllliger
last Sunday.
CEDARDALE, Ore., Feb. 25 Miss
Moore spent Sunday with her parents
In Gresham.
Arthur Orem and wife spent Sun
day with the tatter's parents at Upper
Several from this vicinity attended
the Red Cross benefit social at Mead
owbrook Saturday night
It is reported that Fred Schaffer
has leased the Stefani mill and will
soon have It running.
B. F. Noyer was In Colton on Fri
day. A. Orem is erecting a house near
Orchard Falls, where he expects to
reside in the future.
Tom Lamm, who is In the United
LOGAN, Ore., Feb. 19. (Too late
for last Issue) Frog music has ceas
ed for a few days, even they can
John Shuttel lost a valuable horse
last week. Many farmers have lost
horses this wiuter.
Walton Hagenberger has rented the
Verdlng place, and will move soon.
"They say" wedding bells will ring
soon near Carver; .best wishes.
Wllford Hutchins has the "Kaiser"
measles this week.
Mn. S. W. Hutchins is vllslting her
son's family at McMlnnville.
Mr. and Mn. L. O. Gerber, J. Ger-
ber, Sam E. Gerber and Mr. Leroy
were out this way Sunday. The two
latter are late arrivals from Idaho, and
partners in a mine there, but will wait
until after the war to resume work.
Sara wants to enlist to serve "his big
Sorting "spuds" Is the pastime In
dulged In by many now.
The Busy Worken' Club met Satur
day at the home of Gertrude and Jos
ephine Moser; knitting, eating and
crocheting were the main features ot
the afternoon.
Mn. John Boss is visiting In Port
land this week.
J. W. McCubbln writes from "some
where in France" that he Is well and
busy every day. Had a smooth sea
all the way IS days going over.
Clear Creek Creamery paid oft pat
rons at 67 cents tor butter fat for Jan
uary. Mr. Crader has made a repu
tation for himself as a butter maker
this winter. The butter has been ot
exceptional . good quality tor winter
butter. He served an apprenticeship
with A. R. Smith" tor several yean.
N. L. Kirchem, salesman. Is putting
In some strenuous days also, making
deliveries on the various routes alone.
Miss Iva Sflrague is dome from
Portland. She is on the sick list
The C. E. Society of Sprtngwater,
will give a play Saturday evening.
March 2, at Lower Logan school as
sembly hall. The proceeds will be tor
the Red Cross. Refreshments will be
served by the ladles ot the local dis
trict Everybody be on hand. Our
boys need socks and sock goods coets
Red Cross as the school organised
last week and It Is a 100 pr cent Rodd
Cross; every pupil joining. On Fri
day afternoon, Mrs. Untile V. Gibson,
chairman ot the Uvxtr Kngle Creek
Red Cross unit administered the oath
of membership to the pupils.
On Friday afternoon there were sev
eral achool visitors: Mrs. M. Brash,
Mrs. E. Naylor, Mrs. Fred lloftmelster.
Mlns Irene Sallng and Mls Mary Ely.
Mrs. lloy Douglass entertained Mn.
Llnnle V. Gibson -at dinner Saturday.
Mn. Walter Douglass has been the
guest ot her mother, Mrs. J. C, Duus,
the past few days.
Florlce Douglass has remained at
home from school for several days on
account of sickness.
Harvey Gibson was up to Will Doug
lass's for some days last week, help
ing to cruise the Marshall timber.
Mrs. 11. H. Udell, of Dover, visited
with Mrs. Gibson one day last week.
Mn. Murphey called on Mrs. Viola
Douglass last Wednesday.
couver, and have come to their new
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dumm have gone
to Portland to live.
EST AC ADA, "ore". Feb. 2. Misses
Ida and Minnie Sch repel enjoyed a
visit from then- mother and sister
n Corvallls last Saturday and Sun-
home Monday evening by a number
ot their friends. Mr, Dendahadler ex
pects to leave within a short time,
having Joined the engineering colli.
A Very pleasant evening was spent at
enjoyed Immensely by all (hose pres
ent. Mis. Charles While has been seri
ously III, but Is much Improved.
Mrs. Rose Doslor was an Oregon
cards, after which ft dainty luncheon City visitor lust Wednesday,
was served. Those present were Mr.t- Mis. William llohnlamlor and little
and Mrs. II. 11. Evans. Mr. and Mrs.! son were visiting Mrs. llohntandnr'a
W, II. llalr. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. White,
Jennings Lodge
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK. Ore.. Feb. 28.
Mrs. Beckett has had a new wire
fence put up along her land.
Mr. and Mn. Jess ' Douglass were
States service. Is visltmg his brothen, overnight guests at the home of the
Bob and Jorn, lor a few days. rofmer's mother. Mn. Viola Douglass,-
- -""i"u uu mum tioilcu jgf Wednesday tne upper fcagie
I O. Orem's In Cedardale on Sunday. Creek Red Crogs unIt met gt nea(j.
, 1 'quarters and made coats for the sol-
idlers. Through the kindness of Mrs.
MEATLESS DAYS EASIER e. Naylor we had another machine
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22 Lamb j to use and so were enabled to accom-
and mutton may be eaten on : pllsh more than formerly. There were
"meatless days" until Apsll 1. eleven ladles present.
District No 50 now has a Junior
Plant Your Seeds With These Machines
This is a machine which does the
work right and at the same time
sell at a price so reasonable that
every potato grower can afford it.
opens the furrow to the proper depth, drops the pota-
toes and covers them uniformly. Does not bruise the
potatoes, is easy to operate and above all is reliable.
JENNINGS LODGE, Ore., Feb. 27.
Miss Crawford, ot Portland. Is spend
ing a couple ot weeika with her friend,
Mrs. Ed Cushlng.
J. M. Sinclair, a Jeweler ot Portland,
has moved to his cottage on Blanton
street, tor the summer.
C. P. Mone has purchased the dry
goods store at 110 Union avenue which
has been conducted for the past twelve
yean by Mn. Albert F. Ellis. Mn.
Bessie Bruechert will assist Mr.
Mone In his new enterprise.
Mn. Bert Board man and daughter,
Velma, have returned from Post,
where they spent the winter with Mn.
Boardman's parents.
A letter from Charles Truscott to
his mother, Mrs. Edith Truscott.
states his sate arrival la Liverpool,
England. Mr. Truscott was In the
fleet that the Tuacanla sailed with,
but didn't happen to be on the Ill
fated steamer.
Mn. A. B. Smith chaperoned her
Sunday school class on Friday, when
they held a Washington party at the
church. About twenty enjoyed games
In keeping with the sentiment ot the
nation's tint president Light war
refreshments were served by Miss
Ruth Cook and Wilms Bruechert.
The Boy Scouts are now under the
able leadenhip ot Ben Tucker, and
are preparing for aome active times
this coming summer.
Miss Denton, the Congregational
missionary to China, stationed at
Tokoyo, has been visiting in Portland,
and giving talks at the various Con
gregational churches, telling of the
work the missionaries are doing there.
Miss Denton was to have been at Jen
nings Lodge on Monday, but through
a delay In mall, the engagement was
Rev. Murphy, ot Portland, preached
the sermon on Sunday evening at
Grace church. The men's choir fur
nished excellent music.
At the Sunday school services on
last Sunday, little Elaine Bechtel and
Mary Belltngettng a duet, which was
greatly enjoyed in connection with
the lesson.
Mrs. A. B. Smith's and Mrs. B. M.
Hart's classes gave select songs on
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Norton, of the
Sunnyside Apartments, of Portland,
were calling on friends on Sunday.
Mn. Norton is contemplating a trip
to Massachusetts to visit her parents.
The Nortons spent the summer of
1917 In a cottage on the river front,
and expect to be here again, as soon
as Mrs. Norton returns from the east.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Fleming, of
Vancouver, Wash., spent Sunday at
the A. L. Pierce home.
Langdon Snooner has arrived safely
In Europe with his company. -
Mn. Rammage and family have
moved here from Newberg, and ex
pect to remain.
C. C. Sallng left this week for East
ern Oregon, to be absent for several
weeks, looking, after farm Interests,
R. H, Currln was unfortunate enough
to have a tire stolen from his auto
mobile while at Eagle Crook last Sat
urday night
Frank Somers was here from Port
land Saturday and Sunday to visit his
Miss Lois Richmond, of Portland,
was a guest at the J. W. Moore home
over the Sabbath. ,
Mrs. Charlie Sparks Is slowly recov
ering from a bad attack of the mumps.
Her mother, Mrs. Doughty, ot Ala
paugh. has been here taklug care of
Miss Violet Frances visited rela
tives In Portland Saturday and Sun
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed and two
daughters went to Portland Sunday
to attend the concert at the auditor
ium. Members of the high school are
working on a play to be presented In
a few weeks.
The C. I. C. meeting Tuesday was
Mr. and Mrs. IT, It. Eecles, Mr. and
Mrs, Herbert A. Uerkman, Mr. and
Mrs. Itay Blake, Mrs. Adam Knight,
Miss Nona Austin, Mr, and Mrs. Bend
shadier. Arthur Graham, who has been 111
with appendicitis was removed to the
St. Vincent's hospital, Portland, Mon
day afternoon, whore he underwent
a surgical operation Monday evening.
Ills many friends will be pleased to
know that he Is getting along very
nicely. Mrs. Graham Is In Portland
during his stay at the hospital.
The pupils of the Canby schools pre
sented the operetta "Cinderella in
Flowerland," at the band auditorium
Friday evening, It was attended by
a very large and appreciative audi
ence and was ft complete success both
In rendition and finance. The play
will be presented again at a later date
In one of our near by towns.
Miss Franrla Potter and Miss Nona
Austin were Portland visitors Saturday.
8. J. Vaughan was transacting bus
iness at the county seat Monday.
Miss Dorothy Vaughan, of Molalla.
was a guest ot her cousins, Masters
Champ and Buckley Vaughan. Friday
evening and Saturday.
Master Earl Mack has been confined
father, Robert Biiudgraaa, last week.
August Krlckson and his son, Wei-
don, ami Htlllmun Daniels motored to
Colton last Tuesday evening.
not very well attended. A special to his home the past week with ft se-
1 A u v,;rA
The Drill with the
Feed that CAN'T,
Sow Wrong
The Feed that eliminates chance that
sows uniformly under all conditions, guar
anteeing an even stand ot grain The
Hoo8ler Feed can't sow wrong because It is
A Positive Force Feed
The ONLY Feed that sows evenly and con
tinuously as long as there is grain in the
hopper, other conditions making absolute
ly no difference.
Not only have a Perfect Feed but they are perfect in even the smallest details of construction. Heavy
trussed steel frame Insures proper relation of all moving parts. Special heavy wood wheels made for
Pacific Coast." Both wheels drive the feed. Balance spring lifts are used on Hoosler Drills larger than
eight disc which make lifting the disc an easy matter.
Send me your illustrated
printed matter on the
Nam ...
CLARKES, Ore., Feb. 26. Albert
Schiewe, from Portland, visited his
parents, Mr. and Mn. P. Schiewe,
over Sunday.
Henry Nelson Is sawing wood for
G. Klelnbach.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ringo visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oard,
last Sunday.
W. H. Bottemlller bought a Bulck
car last week.
Mrs. A. F. Buche is on the sick
Mrs. Frank Paycer and Mrs. Elmo
Dow and Misses Blanche and Eva
Lee, George Tyler and Harry Pickett,
from Oregon City, and Walter Lee,
of Clarkes, celebrated the eightieth
birthday anniversary of their grand
mother, Mrs. S. Lee, last Sunday, Feb.
The wedding of Miss Olga Elmer and
Fred Josl, was solemnized at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elmer Sunday,
February 24. Rev. G. Klelnbach, pas
tor of the German Methodist church
officiating at tho ceremony. A dinner
was served by the parents ot the bride
and there were about sixty relatives
and frlenjJs present.
Ed Grace and friends were in Port
land last Sunday.
W. H. Bottemlller sold his timber
to D. F. Moehnke and he will soon
put his saw mill up now.
Edwin Bottemlller, from Oregon
City, was In Clarkes last Sunday.
C. Zwahlen sold some oats to Mr,
Nelson, of Colton, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carlson, from
Corvallls, attended the wedding of her
sister, Mllss Olga Elmer, last Sunday,
meeting will be held Tuesday, March
5, at which time arrangements will be
made tor an entertainment for the
benefit ot the library.
The little two-year-old son of Mr.
and Mn. Edward Shearer, of Garfield,
was kicked by a hont and received ft
very bad cut on his face. He was
brought to Estacada Tuesday for the
attention of a surgeon.
Mr. and Mn. Morris, of the Garfield
neighborhood, have moved to Dallas,
Oregon, to take charge ot the Veassle
Hon. Geo. C. Brownall, of Oregon
City, was an Estacada visitor Tuesday.
Miss Hattle Belflls, who has been
attending the O. A. C. at Corvallls,
left this week for California to live
with her father and aunt
Misses Ethel Hale and Bertha De
vore were the delegates from Esta
cada to attend the Christian Endeavor
convention at Eugene the latter part
ot last week.
Mn. O. A. Whltcomb returned from
Menlo, California, last Wednesday,
after an absence of several months.
She expects to return In a short time,
coming here for the purpose of at
tending to business matters. Mr.
Whltcomb has a position, with the traf
fic department In the Camp Fremont
cantonments at Menlo.
Catholic services were held In the
Park hotel building last Sunday, Rev.
Father Hogan, of Portland, officiating.
Miss Dora Currin came home from
Corvallls last week to remain over
Sunday with her parents.
Joseph DeMoy. a former graduate
ot the Estacada high school, has en
listed and his name with that ot Rob
ert Morton, Harry Sherman and
Adolph Still has been placed on the
E. II. S. service flag.
Mn. C. F. Howe and sonVTed, were
Portland visitors last Saturday.
Miss Sadie Ingram, of Portland,
spent the week-end with her sisters at
One ot the committees ot the C. I.
C, with Mrs. W. Glvens, chairman,
will serve a cafeteria dinner Satur
day. The dinner will be served In the
Odd Fellows building, first floor.
Married At the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bartlett,
of Estacada, Mr. Robert L. Smith, of
Cazon, Calif., and Miss Helen Bart
lett, of this plnce. The marriage took
place at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening. In
the presence of only a few relatives
and friends. Walter Glvens, of this
place, performed the marriage cere
mony. The newly-weds left Immedi
ately for Cazon, California, where
they will make their home. Mr. Smith
Is a graduate of the University of
California and the bride is a graduate
from Miss Harker's School at Palo
Alto, California.
vers attack ot la grippe
Miss Eva Rums, of the Canby
schools, assisted In making out tne
classification cards from (he Ques
tionnaires at the office of the county
school superintendent Saturday,
H. H. Eccles waa a business visitor
In Oregon City Saturday,
WILSONVILLE. Ore.. Feb. 2.-Dr.
Butler was home from Camp Lewis,
on Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Pllklngton, formerly ft teacher
near our village, spent the week-end
with frlonds. and attended the teach
ers' Institute on Saturday.
Mrs. M. C. Young recently purchas
ed a new Overland car.
Mr. and Mn. Harold Bay were In
Wilsonville on Saturday. 4
Mrs. Ellen Brobst Lyons, who has
been visiting here, will leavo for her
home nl the east on Saturday.
The Rebekah lodge, of this place
expects a vlstt from the district dep
uty In the near future.
Mrs. Gllllngham, of Portland, ad
d reused the women of the Red Cross
on Wednesday afternoon.
Essays on "Lumber Business In Ore-
were given at the local scnooi,
OHWKOO, Ore., Feb. t.Mr. Nich
olas Hoffman, of Portland, but for
merly of Wnlla Walla, Wash., spent
Tuesday and Wednesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 1), II. Fox. on Second,
street. Mr. Hoffman Is In the V. S.
service snd Is located at an aviation
camp In Virginia.
James Wilson, of Mare Island, Calif.,
apent a nine-day furlough wiin nm
tmt, Mrs. Dora Wilson. Mr, Wilson
Is In the U, 8. murine service,
Miss Louisa Klser left last week for
Irondale, Wash., to spend several days
visiting her brother, B. W. Klser.
John Klser Is visiting his son, James
Klser and family. In Oregon City Ihla
George Gllllson left recently for
Butte, Montana, to visit his mother,
Mn, Gllllson, tor a few weeks.
Mrs. L. A. Rathbone, ot Portland,
spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Fox.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ilnthke gave a
party at their home on First street
Saturday sslght, In honor of their
nephews, Harry and Johnny Ileadrlck,
of Vancouver Barracks. Ths evening
was spent In games, muslo and a good
time was spent In general. Light re
freshments were served by the host-
ess to about 35 Invited guests. The
Ileadrlck boys expect to leave Van
couver some time In the near future
for another camp.
Mr. and Mn. Clifford Johnson are
the proud parents of a six pound boy,
who made his appearance Monday,
February 2S. Both mother and son
are doing well.
Mn. E. W. Lane spent Friday with
her sister, Mn. C. C. Hole, and fam
ily, ot Jennings Lodge.
Ths ladles of the M. B. Aid society
gave a silver teat at ths horns ot Mrs.
George Bullock In South Oswego oa
February II. The afternoon was spent
In sewing and knitting. Mn. Charles
Cllnkerbeard gave several piano selec
tions In her pleasing style, which were
enjoyed by all present Mn. R. D.
Worthlngton presented two sets of
very pretty quilt blocks to ths society
to be made, up and disposed of as the
ladles wish. Ths president, In behalf
ot the members of the society, wishes
to extend their many thanks to Mn.
Worthlngton for the gift. A very dain
ty and wholesome luncheon wss serv
ed. Those present were Mn. E. B.
Worthlngton, Mn. Emma Mont, Mrs.
on Arbor Day, and a splendid program Anderson, Mn. Nelson. Mn. L. Wal
was given ai turrm n
whllo the planting of shrubs and
flowers was observed by all.
Mn. Aubrey Wood went to Port
land on Saturday, Feb. 1, and Mrs.
J. Wood returned with her for a visit
at tho home of her son, A. A. Wood.
Mn. Ilatalgla has been quite 111
during the week and It was necessary
for her to return to Portland for treat
ment. Menga Ilatalgla. of Wilsonville. had
the honor of being elected president of
the Junior Red Crons, at Tualatin,
where she ts attending high school.
Corral Creek Mothers' Club ts plan
ning a baaket social, for the near
The Wilsonville committee on war
tamDB is composed of J. J. Thornton.
chairman, and his assUtants are Jessie
Angus, Gladys Wagner, Mrs. M. Seeiy,
Mrs. F. Brobst. Mrs. Jake reters ana
Mrs. Charles Bidder.' Miss Jesale An
gus has already made a name for her
self as solicitor, having secured some
splendid subscriptions.
County Superintendent Calavan was
in Wilsonville Saturday, coming to at
tend the teachers' Institute.
The teachers' Institute was held on
Saturday, February 23. The principal
aneakers were present with the excep
tion of State Superintendent Church-
Ill, whose place was sunstituiea ny
Mr. Plummer, of Portland. The ad
dresses were splendid and highly en
tertaining and instructive. A lunch
In keeping with war times was served
at noon.
dorff. Mrs. Henry Yates. Mn. P. II.
Jarlsch, Mrs. Emma Prim, Mn. Sam
Wuirnock, Mn. Jessie Haines, Mn.
Don Brant. Mrs. Ida Worthlngton,
Mn. M. Dltsun, Mn. Jennie Davidson.
Mn. Chas. Cllnkenbesrd, Mrs. .Vernon
Centen, Miss Bertha Worthlngton,
Miss Leona Jarlsch, Miss Atene Wor
thlngton, Miss Vera Centers, J. C.
Haines, Jr., Master Loyd Haines and
the hosteiis. Mrs, L. Wsldorff and
Mn. P. 11. Jarlsch assisted Mrs. Bul
lock In serving. Ths ladlea furnished
lunch for the Red Cross worken at
their work room, which was enjoyed
by all.
Mr. and Mn. Wm. Murray and niece.
Miss Dorothy Howell, of Portland,
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Murray's parents, Mr. and Mn. Thos.
Bill Davis and Louis "Smoke",
spent the week-end with relatives and
friends prior to leaving for another
camp 's'omewhere" In the south.
MACKSBURG, Ore., Feb. 25. The
meeting held on Sunday, Foo. 17th,
at the Bethel chapel of the Mennon
ltes, to promote sale of war certlfl-
'cates, was not as successful as bad
been hoped, despite the able and force
ful appeal of Mr. Rothenberg.
The Mothers' Club is to meet in the
present week with Mrs. Ben Drelr.
The Little Girls' Sewing Circle will
hold its regular session March 9th, at
the home of Mrs. G. M. Baldwin.
Abe Hepler and Miss Amelia Whit
els were married last week, In Van-
CANBY, Ore., Feb. 26. ErnestL
Schmld, of Portlund, was a week-end
guest ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Schmld.
John Egley, of Mackaburg, was ft
Canby shopper Saturday.
Mrs. Fred M. Roth was a Hubbard
visitor Monday.
Mrs. Herbert A. Uerkman Is spend
ing a tew days with relatives In Port
land this week.
Mrs. P. O. Stacy was a Portland
shipper Wednesday.
J. F. Eckerson, of Molalla, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson.
Mrs. Phoebe Earls was an Oregon
CHy visitor Monday.
Henry Hewett, of Hubbard, visited
friends in Canby Sunday.
W. H. Balr was a Portland visitor
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Bullock, of Os
wego, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Eccles.
Miss Violette Evans, of Portland,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mrs. George Knight was a guest of
her son, Ralph Knght, of Portland,
this week.
P, O. Stacy made a business trip
to Seattle this week.
Miss Nona Austin was a Portland
visitor Saturday.
Miss Jessie Woodhouse, of Portland,
was a week end guest of Miss Frieda
Mr. and Mrs. Grant white were
Portland visitors Tuesday,
C. N. Glddlngs, ot Barlow, was
Canby visitor Monday.
James Pitts was an Oregon City
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Warren C. Kendall was a Port
land visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Annie Knight has returned
from nn extended visit with relatives
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bendshadler
were pleasantly surprised at
WILLAMETTE, Feb. 22.-The Coxy
Corner club met at the home ot Miss
Evelyn Courtney Friday evening Feb
ruary 8. The evening was devoted to
work and games, and later In the even
ing a nice lunch prepared by the host
ess was served.
Last Friday evening the Cozy Cor
ner club met at the home ot Miss
Netta Draper, at Bolton. The evening
was well spent In work and games.
Later In the evening a nice lunch was
served by the hostess.
MULINO, Ore., Feb. 28. Mrs. F.
McClard, of Portland, was the guest
of Mrs. Joe Daniels last Tuesday and
Wednesday Mrs. McClard wont to Col
ton to visit her brthher, Frank Kim
mey and family.
Born, to the wife of LeBlle V. noil
dav. on February 28, a baby boy
welriit five pounds. Both mother and
child are getting along nicely. Dr,
Guy Mount was the attending physic
lan. L. F. Holiday, the father of the
baby boy, is In France with .the on
Mrs. Martha Knotts and Mrs. Au
gust Erlcksfin went to Eldorado last
Monday to visit Mrs. Gregory.
Miss Rose Gans, of Oswego, was a
Mulino visitor last Saturday. ,
Fred Mohan and his sister, Mrs.
Millie- Thomas, of Union Hall, attend
ed the dance In Mulino hall last Sat
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berdlne, who have
been visiting at the home of C. M.
Daniels, at Dallas, returned home last
Mrs. James Uiivlg Is on the sick
list again. f
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning were
Oregon City visitors last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brlckson and
children went to Oregon City last Sun
day and took In the "movies."
Mrs. Mary Crook was the guest ot
Mrs. Catherine Goucher last Thursday.
Red Cross met In regular session
at the church last Thursday after
noon. Washington's birthday was celebrat
ed ) the teacher and pupils ot Mu
lino school with appropriate exercises.
Lincoln's birthday was also celebrat
ed In conjunction with Washington's.
A stirring patriotic address was given
their by Rev. Snyder, ot Molalla, which was
Edith Corcoran, who was married at
Bessomor, Mich., May 2, 1900, to Jere
miah M. Corcoran, has filed a suit tor
divorce and the custody of four minor
children. She alleges desertion.
James G. Kolley has filed a suit to
recover $800 on a mortgage fore
closurn and $100 attorney's foe,
agalriHt Howard Walklns and U. A.
Jayne and tholr wives.
Carl Ruock has filed a petition for
letters of administration In the eBtate
of Jacob Rueck. The property con
sists of 168 acres In Clackamas coun
LONDON, Feb. 25. A Telegraph
Exchange dispatch from Potrograd,
dated Saturday, says:
"The American and Japanese Em
bassies and the Chinese, SlameBe and
Brazilian legations are leaving retro
grad today for Vyatka, or Volnonda.
If necessary they will go to Vladivostok."
A BaslnMS TMMrtory f m city
?,?"? "n.a '!? son and
W'lpplnif Paoilitlfs .. l..u
R. L.POT.K ft rjo4 lat,