Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 22, 1918, Page Page 9, Image 9

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(Continued from page I)
Oak Urofe, luU It to 14, blk. 98;
limiiiU Worthlngton 2nd Bub, Dlv.
f Oak Urovs. lot 6, blk, 100; $5,83,
Helma UllMple 2nd lub, dlv ot
Ouk Urove, lot 11 and 12, blk. 100;
Uw M. ijotior buo, uiv. or ir. a
ft h!K ' Tr. 2 of Ouk Urove, lot 11,
blk. 1; laia.
Clara 1. Duly Oak Grove Park, lot
1U4, blk. 1; 115.52. t n
Chaa. Mathlm Oak Grove Park,
lot B, blk. I: $8.71.
Martha L KershnnrOak Grove,
..... t.iii j, I'l lot
Hour Hchunfler-Ouk Grove Park, 10"
. . . in ..iu u. tr. u9 uwy
' V. ZhVmUUiuk Grove Park.
tot 4 and 6, blk. ; $3.ss.
l.a J hlk. 14: 11.94.
Hamual ft Casste Ilrown Orchard
Ifumtts, blki. 8 and ; $8.95!
O. A. Boll On hard Home, blk. 12;
12, US'
Empire Inv. Co. Orchard lionise,
blk. 35 to 88; $12,58.
rred A. Emma Thomaa Orcuara
Umum. hlk. 89 and 40: $1.13.
Mtr.hal Ulk Orchard Homes, blka.
41 and 42: 80.43
llorbnrt Gordon Oregon Homoa,
ku i.f blk. 8: 15.84.
tL it. UcKarland Oregon Hom,
blka. 4 and 6; 1U9.
Cart Mo Oregon Homea, blk. 28;
J. R. Armatrong Oregon City, tmpa
..n lot 1. blk. 7: 812.24.
Wank and Annla lluach Oregon
City, lot . blk. 10; $24.48
J. F, ft It- B. Uwler Oregon City,
u nf lot E. blk. 36: $12.24,
v. . Ooaa Orecon City, lot 4. blk-
!, 14 08.
Mary D. Huntley Oregon City,
Nely V4 of 5 and all lot 6, blk v;
14 18.
D. W. Jamea-Oregon Clty-Kly
of lot 1, blk. 68; $33.64
John W. Lodar Oregon City, lo 1
to 4 blk. 76: $24.48.
Jamea M ft Alice C. Parmloy-Ore-
goo City, lota 1 and 2. blk. 76; $8.16
Ina Illttner Oregon City, tot 4. blk.
79; $4.08.
Goo. Becreet (Heir) Oregon City,
vu. nt Ini R hlk. 81: 819.38.
H. 8. Mohler Oregon City, Wty 13
of tot I, all of lota S to , and 8 of
lnl 7 blk. Hi: 86.71.
J. W. 8. Owena Oregon City, NH
of lot 1 and W f 3 4 of 8. blk ; ".
Frank II. Ford Oregon City, Ely.
nrR rt. of lot 4. blk. 98: $2.04.
Fred M. IUuhra Oregon City, Sly.
50i3J ft and 16x23 ft of 6 and Sly
23x63 ft of lot 6. blk. 101 ; $18.73.
jC R. aad IL K. Itoyer Oregon City.
lot 2, blk. 103; $37.74.
J. O. Bust Oregon City, pt of lots
1 and I. blk. 105: $16.32.
ntu Erickeon Oreaon City, tola Jr
mil 4. blk. 109: 129.58.
Orac K, Ixjder Oregon City, lota 7
and 8. blk. 114: 128.56.
tC ft 8. A. Charieson Oregon City,
lota 6 and 6. blk. 121; $14.28
John ft Cora Van Weel Oregon
CUv. lota S and 4. blk. 132: $9.18.
T. F. Ryan Oregon City, lot 5. blk
nV 124 4H.
Wm. Schunk Oregon City, Fr't tot 1
and ot. of tot 2. blk. 134; $15.&0.
Henry ft.Leona Guedon Oregon
rttv lota t and 2. blk. 149: $11.22.
It. E. Noble Oregon City, lota 3 and
4. blk. 149: 16.11.
Henry ft Ieona Guedon Oregon
City, lot 8. blk, 149; $12.24
O. T. and Anna Howell Oregon
City. lot 4. blk. 150; $16.32,
John ft Gwennle Green Oregon
citv. EM. of lot 1. blk. 157: $6.12
OrKon City Oregon City, lota 7
and 8. blk. 163: $5.10.
Harry M. Courtrlght Oregon City,
lot 6. blk. 173; $7.15.
Roy P. Clark Oregon City, all ex.
R of W, blk. 177; $6.13.
Edttar 8. ft Grace V. Ingram Ilea
tlo'a Add to Oregon City, lots 1 to 4,
blk. 3: $30.60.
Sarah A. Ware Central Add to Ore-
ion City, lot 6. blk. 36; $5.10.
J. W. ft Sarah M. O'Donncll Ore-
iron City, lot 1 to 7. blk. 48; $3.16.
Frank E. Andrew County Add o
Oreaon City, lots 2 to 7. blk. 33; $17.33.
Nancy W. McCoy County Add to
Oregon City, lot 3 to 6, blk. 47; $24.48
Cbaa. E. Martin Darling's Add to
Oregon City, 60x100 ft. (EMiof NWK)
hlk. 4: 12.05.
A. E. Latourelte. Tr. Darllng'a Add
to OrBiton City, blk, 6: $5.10.
Mra. M. a Johnson Edgewood'a
Add to Oregon City, .lot 17, blk. 6,
Mra. 0. 1 Adama Edgewood'a Add
to Orogon City, Iota 3 and 4, blk. 7;
Gladstone R. K. Aas'n. Edgewood'a
Add to Oregon City, lota 12 and 13;
Henry and Rosalie Loney Ely's
Add to Oregon City, lots 2 to 9. blk.
l: 23.26.
Haxel Tooxe Ely'a Add to Oregon
Oltv. lota 1 to 4. blk. 3; $6.63
John W. Loder Fall View Add to
Oregon City, lota 1. 2, 3, blk. 12; $3.87.
D. K. Jackson Falla View Add to
Oregon City, ot 12. blk. 6: $3.04
John W. Loder Falls View Add to
Oreeon City: lot 12. blk. 6, 12.04.
Helen L. Stratton Falls View Add
to Oregon City, tot 13, bik. 1); $4 08.
Mariaret N. McDonald Falls View
Add to Orogon City, lot 11 and 12,
blk. 26: $11.23,
Maraaret Watenpaugh Falls Vtew
Add to Oregon City, lot 4 to , blk.
26; $18.36.
Wm. M. Ladd Ladd' Sub. Dlv of
Hedges Add to Oregon City, lot 1, blk.
6 $7 89
'Wm. M. Iadd Lndd's Sub Dlv. of
Hedge Add to Oregon City, Wj of
lot 1, blk. 14; $4.09.
Mlnnto Rosa Lewla Mt. Hood View
Add to Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 4;
" $11.62.
C, H. Dye Mt. Hood View Add to
Oregon City, lot 13. blk. 7: $2.04.
Wiley W. May Mt. View Add to
Oregon City, lots B to 12, blk. 4; $19.39
Wiley W. May Mt. Vffcw Add to
Oregon City, lots 1 to 12. blk. 5: $9.79.
Wilev W. May Mt. View Add to
Oreeon Cltv. blk. 6: $2.45.
Wile W. Mav Mt. View Add to
Oregon City, Sly 100x168 ft. blk 7;
Minnie Albright Mt View Add to
Oregon City, lots 7 and 8, oik. u;
John M. OhlParker Hill Add to
Orecon Cltv. blk. 1: $1.20
Augusta May Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, lots 8 and 9, blk. 8; $17.33
C. L. Itlakeslee Pleasant Hill Add
to Oregon City, all lot 9 NV4 of lot 10,
blk 8; $5.71.
C. L. BlakeBlee Pleasant HIU Add
to Oregon City, Nly of lot ir; blk
8: 81.62.
G. W. Hendershott Pleasant Place
Amoa Martha J. court m . - ; No.
Grove Park, nil u, oik. ; ai.in. , i j i, 7 t -i
, .WS Krk SSAndrlwOr.gonC.ty No. 1.
iil.Jli n a Oak Orove I'ark - 6- ljll- 5 312-
i ."f u. ! ? Mt- MnfCom. Club-Bo. Oregon
lot X. DlH. 1. 11.". .,, v, , ,n Lib il. if. !
Win. U. Paxson-Oak Grove I'ark, .
Add to Oregon City, lot 1, blk. 8; $3,28.
jHinm Bennett I'lnannnt Place Add
to Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 6; $3.20.
Mary 1 Bradley Pleasant Place
Add to Dragon City, lot 11, blk, 6;
Mary L. Bradley Pleasant Plan
Add to Orogon City, lot 11, blk. 0;
Herman Bchaffor Blmw'a lit Add
to Oregon City, lot 1, blk. 8; 11.01.
Herman Bchaffor Bhaw'a lot Add
to Oregon City, lot 11 and 12, blk. 7;
Frank llullk Btokoa' Add to Oregon
City Imps on lota 1 and 2, on H blk.
A; $178.
Gilbert ft May Terry C, T. Tooxe
Add to Oregon City, lot 17. blk. 1;
J. W. 8, Owens C, T. Tooxe Add
to Oregon City, lot 8 and B, blk, 2;
Owylam GreenWest Side Add to
Ort - gon City,
lot 8, blk. 1; $3.08.
Owylam Green West Side Add to
1, lota 11, 12, 13, blk. 6; $7.21.
Mary Hmlth Ho, Oritgoa City, no,
1. lot 10. blk. 7; $5.71.
Kmma It. IXbyn Bo Oregon City
No. 1; lot 8, blk. 8; $1.80.
0. P. Glbba 8o, Oregon City, No.
1. lot 10. blk. 8: 11.38.
O. V, Glbba 8o. Oregon City No. l,
lot 12, blk. 8; $1.38.
c. li. me Ho. Oregon city ino. i
lota 1 to 4, blk, 18; $2.18.
W, ft IlatUe HoockiT Bo, Oregon
City No. 1, lota 1 to 8, blk. 20; $18.32
O. K. Kocht Bo. Oregon City No. 1
lota 9, 10. 11. blk. 20: $3.68.
Mlchlel Mlmnrlk Ho. Oregon City
No. 3. lota 18 to 21. blk. 78; $4.35.
Ix)ula Morrell O. I. ft B. Co.'a mt
add to Oawego, Iota 1 and 2, blk, 2;
Alex C. Chrlalle O. I. ft S. Co.'a add
to Oawego, Iota 2. 3, 4, blk. 12; $12.49
Geo. M. Wblttler O. I. ft 8. Coa
add to Oawego, lota 10, 11, 12, blk. 15;
Ethel U Thompson O. I. ft B. Co.'a
lit add to Oawego, Iota 3 and 4, blk
24; $7.99
A mt) roue Taofer Itolra O. I. ft B.
Co.'a lat add to Oawego, lota 9, 10, 11,
blk. 44; $23 31
Emily A. Davla O. I. ft 8. Co.'a 1st
dt to Oawego, tot 6. blk. 47: $16.82
i. N. I'earcy Oswego Heights
All of lot 3 and EH of 4; $14.66.
J. N. rearcy Oswego Ilelghta
916 Interest In blk. 10; $5.25.
J. N. rearcy Oswego Ilelgnta
9 16 Interest In blk. 15; $5 25.
J. N. Pearcy Oswego HelRhta
blk. 20; $6.41.
Ida T. Desmond South Oawego, lota
& and 6, blk. 17; $8.99.
J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots
1 to 8. blk. 21; $7.46.
tawrence Ilathkey South Oawego,
tot 10 and 11. blk. 35; $6.41.
Cart II. Wlntler South Oswego, lota
4 to 7, blk- 36; $3.73.
U A. Caphall 8outh Oswego, lota
8 and 9, blk. 36; 11.86.
J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots
1 to 18. blk. 38; $16.78.
J. N. . Pearcy South Oswego, Iota
4 to 15, blk. 44; $8.39.
J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lot
lots 1 to. 5, blk. 45; $2.33.
J. N. Pearcy South Oawego, Iota
14 to 18, blk. 45; $2.33.
II. M. Courtrlght Co. South Onwego
lots 1 to 18, blk. 47; $14.67.
lots 1 to 4, blk. 48; 12.80.
II. M. CourtrlKht Co. South Oswego
lots 13 and 14, blk. 48; $3.73.
H. M. Courtrlght Co. South Oswego
lota 16, 17, 18. blk 48; $2 10.
M. J. McDonald South Oawego, lota
S and 6. blk. 48: $1.40, 1
J. N. Poarcy South Oaweao. lots
1 to 18. blk. 56: $14.68.
J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots
1 to 6. blk. 57; $4.89.
J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots
9 to 18, blk. 67; $9.14.
J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots
1 to 18, blk. 68; $14.68.
J. N. Ptarcy South Oswego, lots
1 to 18. blk. 09; $8.39.
J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots
1 to 18, blk. 60; $14.68.
J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots
1516 Int. In lots 1 to 18. blk. 65; $13.77
Vinton K. Paisley Outlook, blk. 5;
Edward C. Schwartz Outlook, EW,
of. blk. 45; $3.90.
L. N. ft C. A- Davenport Par
Plnce. lots 1 and 2, blk. 2; 17.60.
E. R. Case Park place, lots 5 and 6
blk. 3; $10.48.
u M. Case Park Place, lots 7 and
8, blk. 3; $11.32.
Llllle R. Case Park Place, Nly 67.7
ft lot 10, blk. 3; $4.23.
J. R. Caples Apperson's Sub. Dlv.
of Park Place, lots 1 to 4. blk. 6; $8.11.
J. R. Caples Apperson's Sub. Dlv.
ot Park Place, lots 13 to 16, blk 6;
II. ft 8. Charlotte Clyde Clyde's
Add to Park Place, blk. 11 ; 11.35,
Stella B. Melendy Peach Cove, blk.
75; $5.15.
Stolla B. Melendy Peach Cove, blk.
94; $3.96.
Minnie M. Ioe ft J. P. Hoffman
Pench Cove. blk. 95; $2.57.
Daniel Harvey People's Trans. Cos
lots, blk. l; $1.15.
The Ross Co. Plnohurst, EV4 of
blk. 14; $13.12.
Geo. J. Kelly, Pleasant Little Homes
No. 1, 37 to 41: $2 47.
T. H. 8mlth Pleasant Little Homes
No. 1, 61 to 66; $3.47.
Andrea Olson Pleasant Little
Homes No. 3, lots 11 to 16, blk, 6;
John W. Cook Rhododendron, that
part N ft E of Cow Creek, blk A;
Edith M. Gilbert Robertson, lot 2,
blk. 2; $4.56.
Francis w. Dwyer Robertson, lot
12. blk. 3; $5.47.
Muriel J. Roher Robertson, lot 10,
blk. 6; $1.46.
Muriel J. Roher Robertson, lot 12
blk. 5; $1.83.
Eliza J. Alexander Robertson, lot
1 and 2, blk. 18; 115.51.
Martin T. Duffy Rosewood, N. of
B. ft W. R. It Co., blk. 1; $7.92.
Salem Trust Co, Rozolla, lots 1.
3, blk. 1; $1.45.
Salem TruBt Co. Rozolla, lots 1, 2
3, 4, blk. 2; $2.97.
Salem Trust Co. Rozella, lots 1. 2
blk 3; $1.34.
Wm. Robblns, Sandy, lot 3, blk.
C. W. Cassedy Sandy, lot 5. blk,
8; (6.63.
Mary E. Kehres Sandy, Junker's
add, lot 3, blk. 1; $10.74.
Henry Mills Junkers' Add, lota
and 5, blk. 2; $10.28.
Otto Meinigs sold to Eckleson
Otto Meinigs Add, lot 1, blk. 1; $1.60,
A. Sempert Sandy, Otto Melnlg
3rd Add. lots 1. 2. 3. blk. 1; $4.10. i
M. E. Lauderback Sandy, Sandy
Land Co. 1st add, lot 8, blk. 11; $13.2
Frank Beers Sandy, Sandy Land
Co. 2nd add. lot 12. blk. 17; $2.97.
Frank Beers Sandy, Sandy Land
Co. 2nd add, 538x270 ft, not No. $9.69,
. . .. rtpi... ciiv i,. 11 i.ik i. 11 r.r.
I jut i ii i " w o . wi?t w
3, F, Short lloaa Add to Sellwood,
lot 5 to 14, blk. 9; $2,1.22,
J. V. Short Rona Add td Sellwood,
lota 1 to 7, blk, 10; $17.42.
Newton McCoy ft II. II. Nlfcbola
rtoaa Add to Bellwood, lot 8, blk. 10;
$5.80. .
J. F, Short koh Aaa to Heiiwooa,
tot 9, blk. 10; $3.22.
Carrie Hchuu Sellwood oarrtena,
K of 16, all of 17, blk. 25; $12.90.
Chaa. II. Moorea Heiiwooa uaraena
tot 27, blk. 25; 15.16.
Mary B. Wooda Heiiwooa uaruena,
lot 28, blk. 25; $5.16.
Joeuh 8. Bchwart Bellwoou uar-
doim, lot 29, blk. 25; $9.03.
Arthur Nneonnm buuwoou uaraena
lot 38. blk. 25: $4 52.
Chaa. H. Moorea BellWfM)a uaraena,
lot 41, blk. 25; $7.10. ,
Arthur Needhum 8 oil wood Gardens
No. 5 ft. of lot 6, blk. 25; $5.80.
Arthur Needham floaa ft Walker-
Add to Sellwood Garden, blk 74;
Geo. E. Walker ft W. It. lion Bell-
wood Gardona, blk. 82; $6.45.
Geo. B. Walher and W. It. Ilo-
Sellwood Gardena, 87-88 ft Kx. So & fi.
of 89 and 90; $12.90.
Cha. K. Will ru ft Walker'
Add to Sellwood Gardima, Kx No, S
ft. of 96 and E. & ft, of 97; $4.00.
Wm. 8. Turner Shannon
Tract, 1 to 18, $61.04.
Wm. Turner Shannon
Acre 7.
Tract 19 to 34; $84.84.
Win. B. Turner Shannon
Tracta 35; $3,81.
A'Te I
Edwin ft Eliza Ilockwlth
SnrlnRs Add w 60 ft of lot 4, blk. 1;
Alma Iowdtm, Silver Spring Add,
lota 1 and 2, blk, 4; $3.65.
Wullace V. ft Ida M. Miller Stan
ley, lots 1 and 2, blk. 1 : $3 43.
Wallace F. Miller Stanley, lots 3
to . blk. 1: $4.21.
Wallace F. Mlller8tanly, lots 11
to 20. blk. l: 8I0.3D
Wallace F. Miller tantey, lot 12,
blk. 2; $5.26.
A. M. Hicks, Sunset City. lot 1, blk
5: 113.09.
Roy P. Sunderland Sunset City,
lot 2. blk. 56: 411.65.
Adella Sullivan Bunset City, lot 9,
blk. 11; $3.08. -Citizens
Bank of Portland Sun
shine Valley Orchard Tracts 15 V4:
Cltbtens Bank of Portland Sun.
ahlne Valley Orchard Tract 27; $5.28
Citizens Bank of Portland Hun
shine Valley Orchard Tracts, N!4 of
29: $2.06
Walter W. Stephenson Terrace Ad
dltlon. lot 12. blk. 6; $1.43
Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Add!
tlon. lot 18. blk. 5; $1 28,
Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Addt
tlon. lot 17. blk. 6: 11.29.
Walter W. Stephenson Terrace Ad
dltlon. lot 19. blk. 5: $1.28
Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Addi
tion, tot 20, buk 5: $4.13.
Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Addl
tlon, lot 21, blk. 6; $1.28.
Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Addi
tion, lot 22, blk. 5; $1.85. !
Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Addi
tion, tot 23, blk. 6; $1.14.
Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Addi
tion, lot 26, blk. 5; $3.99.
Miss J. L. Lemon Terrace Addi
tion, tots 32-33; blk. 6; $1.43.
Sarah O. Duncan Terrace Addition
tot 9, blk. 7; $1.22.
Multnomah Central Ry. Co. The
Bluffs, 100 ft. of R of W. across blk
A B C: $1.73.
Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lots
lots 2 and 3, all ex RW of L 4, blk. J;
Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lots
lots 1 to 8, blk. K; $5.20,
Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lots
1 to 9, blk. L; $4.45.
Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lots
10. 11. 12, blk. L; $1.05.
Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lots
to 12, blk. M; 13 56.
Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lots
P Q; $1.78.
Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lots
all ex. R. of W. of 8.; $1.05.
J. E. Nelson Shaver Sub. Dlv. ot
the Shaver place, No. 150 ft of tot 8,
blk. 5; $2.51
Inez Hunt Shaver Sub. Dlv of the
Shaver Place, lot 4, blk. 12; $5.02.
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lots 1 and 2. blk. C; $33.46.
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lots 4, 5, 6, blk D; 49.84
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lots 7 and 8, blk. D; $6.56.
Northwestern Trust Co-View Acres
lot 1. blk. E; $3.28.
Northwestern Tnist Co-View Acres
lots 15 and 16, blk E; $4.59.
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lot 1, blk. F; $5.90.
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lot 2, blk. F; $3 28.
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lot 15. blk. F; $2.95.
Security Savings ft Trust Co.. Wav-
erly Hgts, blk 4; $79.50.
Clementine L. Hall Waverly Hgts.
Nly 2.351 acres of 10; $49.02.
Wm. L. Brewster Waverly Hets..
an ex. Kiy z acres or 12 ; $67.67.
Wauls Nash Webster Acres. 3 to
7; $44.64.
Wallls Nash Webster Acres, blki
14, 15, 16; $14.88.
" .-v"
Acres, blk. 19; $8.68.
Wallle Natfh Webster Acres, blka.
3U tO S3; X48..
Wallle Nash Webster ' Acres, blk,
36; 110.64.
Clackamas Abstract ft Trust Co
Weslyn, lot 1, blk. 1; $1.99.
T. U Charman W eslyn. lot 1. blk
d; sz.si.
Falls Land Co. WeBt Over Acres.
lOt 1 to 4. DIK. A: S17.84.
Falls Land Co. West Over Acres.
tots 6 to 25. blk. A; $56.97.
Falls Land Co. West Over Acres.
lots 1 to 11, blk. B; $46.16.
Falls I-And Co. West Over Acres.
101s 1, 2, s, DIK. c; 47.,
Eunice G. Sargent White City Park
lots ana 24, oik. 1; 12.10,
Gbo. A. Harding Willamette FalU.
lot 8, blk. ; $3.71
a. vv, Aaamson vvuiameue rails,
lots 7 to 10, blk. 18; $6.51.
. nr A t. , , , , .. ..
Antoinette Stout Willamette Falls.
lots 1 to 4. blk. 16; $28.23. .
Amos & Mary Wise Willamette
Falls Acreage Tracts, 76.7 ft. x 100
it n .a i.ti. T . an nn
in a corner 01 oik. is, s.zb.
Daisy Ream 1st Add to Willamette
Falls Acreage Tracts, lot 1, blk. F;
John W. Loder Tr 1st add to Wil
lamette Falls Acreage Tracts, all pt
No. of Co. road, lot 2, blk. I; 81.21.
Bertha Kanney 1st Add to Wlllam
ette Falls Acreage Tracts, blk. Q;
John w. lioaer.'i r ist Ada 10 vvu-
lamette Falls Acreage Tracts 1 and
blk. R: $9.60.
Addle J. Britton Britten's Sub. Div.
of pt of Willamette runs acreage
Tracts, lots 1 and 2. blk 2; 42.25.
Hazel Tooze Willamette Tracts,
lot A, blk 18; $6.00.
Noali'H. Herren Willamette Tracts
NEV4 or blk. 61; $3.87.
Effle Junken Willamette Tracts,
lot D, blk. 64; $8.62.
P. R. I ft P. Co. Willamette and
Tualatin Trs., frl. B. blk. 2; $1.24.
H. M. Courtrlght & Co. Willamette
ft Tualatin Tr. C, D, B, blk, 2; $7.44.
Martha E. Bevena Willamette ft
Tualatin Tr., Ex 932 acre, blk. 34;
p. It L. ft P. Co. Willamette ft
Tualatin T., all N. 280 ft, blk 45;
Ituby Anderaon Wllaonvllle, lot 7,
blk. F; $1 25.
Oiietav Schnoerr Willamette and
Tualatin Tracta, all Ex Nly 75 ft of 41;
$5 74,
Ouatav Schnoerr Willamette and
Tualatin Tracta alt Ex, Nly. 75c ft
of 44; $4.18.
C, A. Sheppard Wlndaor, lot 6, blk.
1; $1.64.
O. T. ft n, A. Illxaon, Windsor, lot
6. blk. 1; $1.54.
Cha. Winter Windsor, lot 7, blk
I; 11.64.
Essie Franklin Windsor, lot 3, blk.
2; $1.54.
Essie Franklin Windsor, lot 4, blk.
2; $1.64.
liiira IS. Swank Windsor, lot 6.
blk. 2; $1.54.
Andrew Kerahaw Windsor, lota 10,
11, 12; blk. 9; $4.63.
U. W. Kennedy Windsor, lot 1, blk.
11: $1.23.
H. M. Courmgnt ft Co. Windsor
lota 5 and 6, blk. 11; $2.46.
II. M. Courtrlght ft Co. Windsor,
lot 10. blk. 11; $1.23.
Ella C. Babln Windsor, Iota 6 and
blk. 14; $3-08.
Blum Bbaw Windsor, lot 1, blk. In;
J. s. McKinney ft a. W. l)avia
Windsor, lot 2, blk. 15; $1.64.
S. Nord Windsor, lot 3, blk. 15;
W, M. Howe Windsor, lots 6, 7,
8. blk 15; $4 61
Gustavo Hoffman Windsor, lots 9,
10, blk. 15; $3.08.
It M. Courtrlght ft Co. Windsor.
lot 4, blk. 19; $L8
II. M. Courtrtght ft Co. Windsor,
lots 5 to 9, blk. 19; $6.00.
James Sargent Windsor, lot 9, blk
20: $1.07.
Cella JHackwell Windsor, lots 1
and 2, blk. 21; $2.46.
Anna Bresterfleldt Windsor, lot t,
bik. 21; $1.23.
Andrew Kershaw w Indsor, lots 4,
5, 8, blk. 21; 14.62.
Henry ft Matilda Russell 1st Add
to Woodmont, lota 8 to 12, blk. 3
Salem Trust Co. Woodburn Orcfr
ard Tracts, lot 20; 110.40
C. B. Russell and F. p. Drinker-
Wilson Acres. H4 of blk. 19; $4.34
Reynolds, Susan ft John B. 54.60
acres dea bk. 132. pg. 368, Sec. 4, T 3,
It 1 W; $22.07.
Hawley, W. It 10 acres des bk 132
pg. 368, Sec. 4, T 3, R 1 W; $4.96,
Knieger, Fred k ft r . 1 acre on
end of F. Krueger's land, Sec. 4, T
II 1 W; $1.25.
Lfcester B. Atkins 45 acres des In
bk. 127. pk. 68, T 8, R 1 W; $50.83.
Warner, Louis 20 acres des In bk.
121, pg. 359. T S. R 1 W; $11.15.
Seely, It I. 10 acres des. In bk. 136,
pg 159, Sec. 23, T 3,R Rl W; $1.58.
Watktns, Viola IS acres dea In bk.
136, pg. 372, Sec 27, T T3. It 1 W
Miller, Peter 3.75 acres as des Is
Jesse Boone D L C; $12.37.
Prabl. F. W. ft D. C. Grenwalt-
1.05 acres as des In Jesse Boone D
C; $1.49.
Dick, John 10 acres as des. In Jeff
8haw D L C: $10.37.
Epler, Fred J. 48.10 acres as des In
Jeff Shaw D L C; $76.16.
Dean, 3. C. (Estate) 1.50 acre In
Thos. Bailey D L C ; $5.46.
Seely. J. B.; 8. V.: It I.; and J. U
I acre In Thos. Bailey D L C: $3.73.
Paetsch, Edward 35x100 ft. at one
end; 60x100 ft at other end In Lot
Whitcomb D L C; 47.99.
Cornutt S- (Heirs) 1 acre in Lot
Whitcomb D L C; $14.20.
Carpenter. Margaret J. 1-3 int. in
8 acres In Lot Whitcomb D L C:
Alexander, John V, 2-3 int in 8 acres
In Lot Whitcomb D L C: $81.09.
Campbell, Louis H, and Claire I!.
43 100 acres In Wm. Meek D L C;
Gallop, Ritchie 1.20 acres In Wm.
Meeks D L C; $62.12.
Wills. W. W. ft M. M. 4 acres ex.
60-100 A for road in Geo. Wills D L C;
Richmond, Lena G. 4.65 acres in
Geo. Wills D L C; $32.25.
Gowau, M. Y. 1 acre in Gjo. Wills
PLC; $5.80.
Rllea, Robert J and Mary L.-
P08 ln 1Iict0F Campbell D L C; $S.54
Bruno, P. John 43,680 sq. ft. in
Da?!L Hathaay DLC; $4.61.
Aiwooa, wrs. r. a. 10 acres
Daniel Hathaway D L C; $31.56.
rechln. E S. 1 acre in Daniel Hath
away D L C; $9.20.
Stampher, J. T. and Gus Anderson-
undivided interest each in 10 acres
in a. h. Tryon D L C; $S6.21.
Nelson, J. Siegafried 16.66 acra In
Joslah Franklin, D L C; 22.48.
Davidson. 1. u. 27.97 acres in F. A
Collard D L C; $57.07.
Sterling. Edward B. and Fannie
5 01 acres ln Jesse Bullock D L C;
Perry, Caleb 33 acres In .Tn.a Rni.
lock D LC; $61.05.
Money. Clara E.; 41.54 acres in Bab-
rid Walling D L C: 1107.18
The ,5I. l ' ' , .
..o viuauiuiMQ v.u. 490.00 acres in
Gabriel Walling D L C; $637.91.
Ilardman, H. C. 14 acres in R r
Crawford D L C; $28.61,
Yuuker, John & Catherine 10 acres
In Julia Ann Lewis D L C; $11.18
Turner, William S. 44.48 acres in
Samuel Shannon DLC; 4157.84.
Dtirry, m. t. 2.20 acreB ln Jacob
Rtsley DLC; $28.86.
Stoehr, Emily S. 10 acres in Rtnh.
en Walker DLC.: $88.56.
Schramm, Minnie l acre in Steph
en Walker DLC: $8.21.
cnas. H. ft Eliza W. Hart-6 acres
in ueo. trow, D. u C.; $43.80.
Harrison, Ezra B. WV4 of SWli
Of Sec. 4, T 3, R 1 fi; $36.54.
scming, Augnst and Minnie in
acres as des bk. 128, pg. 446, in Sec.
4, T 3, R 1 E; $4.46.
Baker. B. F. 47.41 arroa no .
I,, ' . w u
ok. us, pg 234, in sec. 16 T3 R 1 m
$33.69. ' '
Spencer. Thos. No. 26.2a n.
Sec. 18. T 3. R 1 E: 834.11
Arnold. Maude So. 26.23 arms
ft Sec. 18, T 3, R 1 E; $34.10
1 in-..
nmers, uera .u acres in Kp 10,
T. 3, R 1 E: $51.87.
Scott, Ida E. McCornitck 49 52
acre8 in Sec. 21, T3.R1 E: 843 32
iieau, jonn . jus acres in sv 91
T 3, R l E; $80.32.
Perrlne. H. B. 44.85 acres in Sec.
21, T 3, R 1 E; 142.52.
Stefant A. 37.24 acres in Sec 27,
T 3, R 1 E; $49.77.
Perrlne, H. B. 122.30 acres in Sec.
2, " and 22, T 3. R 1 E; $138.60,
Perrlne, H. B. 121.60 acren sn an
T SI R 1 S; $97.65.
Urfer C. L. and H. H., sold to Geo.
A. Brodie NH of NH of NE of N
B of Sec 29, T 3, R 1 E: 89 45
aiuiioy, raincK h. 3.95 acres
Ss. 32, T 3, R 1 E; $2.62.
FTancesca Roth 92-100 acres in
Philander Lee DLC; $3.11.
A Stephani 40-100 acre In philan
der Lee D L C; $8.97.
J. E. Ellsworth 67-100 acres ln
Philander Lee DLC; $10.85.
A Stefan! 100 by 120 ft. in Fhilan-
der Lee DLC; $17.25,
Canby Canal Co, 30-100 acre in
'hllander Lee DLC; $15.87.
Carl J. and Ada Schmltt 87.50 by
16 50 ft. ln Philander Lee DLC;
Frank E. and Belle 8. Dodge 6.25
acres in Champing Pendleton DLC;
C. C. and Julia Clausen 6 acres in
Champing Pendleton DLC; $12.93.
Inga M. Robertson 5 acres in
Champing Pendleton DLC; $9.45.
Inga M. Robertson 8.67 A. in Cham
ping Pendleton DLC; $8 82.
Oregon ft California It R Co. New
Era Park Tract In Elizabeth Alprey
D L C. ln Sec. 22 and 23, T 3, III K;
I. W. ft Agnes M, Noble 8 acres in
Sec, 1, T 4, H 1 E; $2.85,
Joseph M. and Nellie M. Beatty
.50 acre Sec. 4, T 4, R 1 E; $27.60.
Joseph Johnston 3 acres. Sec. 4, T
Rl G; $9 42.
C. U. Barlow 20.24 acres in Sec 5,
T 4, II 1 E; 48.94.
Leatha It. Ramsey SE'4 of NB
ft NK',4 of SE'A of Sec. 10; T 4, R 1
E; $17.17.
Stewart ft Rose Y. McClare 10
acres in Sec. 10, T 4, R 1 E; $5.15.
James Adklns 27.92 acres in Sec.
12, T 4, R 1 E; $42.18.
Josepn Gibson E of NE of NE
of Sec. 15, T 4, R 1 E; $12 37.
W, F. Macky 15 acres in Sec. 1,
T. 6, R 1 E: $4.51.
A. J. ft Katberine Lais 10 acres
Sec. 6, T 5, R 1 E; $4.95.
1 A, Jacobs Sold to K. Grugerson
86 acres In Sec. 8, T 6, R 1 E; $4.06.
J. E. Payne, 5 acres in sec. 16, T 5,
R 1 E; $2.56.
T. D. Symmonds 82 acres ex 3 A
for creek in Sec. 17, T 5, R 1 E; $31.15
Laura L. Wilson 10 acres in Sec,
28. T 5, R 1 E; $9.90.
O. D. Long 45.50 acre in Sec. 31.
T n, K 1 E; $13.86.
Kate Haugb ft D. E. Sklrvln Un
divided Int. each in 50 acres in Sec.
10, T ;, R 1 B; $24.09.
James Barlow 5 aches in Sec. 25,
T 1, R 2 E; $9.24.
Emmltt O'deil 8E4 of SEli, Sec.
25, T 1, R 2 E; $42.81.
MaDei raiethrope 15 acres. Sec. 27.
T 1, R 2 E; $17.88.
Effle M. Bod well 9.96 acres in Sec.
27, T I, R 2 E; $11.92.
Slathax A.' Clark 2.30 acres in Bee
34, T1,JISE; $11.40.
Clarence W. J. Crookshanke 55
te res in Sec. 1, T 2, R 2 E; $91.76.
Aitha Smith 8.28 acres in Sec. 2.
It. 2 E; $5.64.
Cora V. LaJole sold to Le.'i Kelser
lit icres in 8ec. 2, T 2; R2L; $10.26.
Slatha A. Clarke 47.70 aerH in Sec
3, T 2, It 2 E; $36.94.
J0.1 Cssugnetto 10 acres in Stc.
E, 1 2. It 2 E; $20.22.
T. J. Anthony 9 acres Li Sec. 3,
T S, K 2 ; $27.38.
Win. I". Gardner (Est) fi.08 acres
in Sec 10. T 2, R 2 E; $17.32.
Oregon 8urety ft Casualty
9.67 acres in Sec. 13, T 2. R
Oregon Surety ft Casualty
2 E;
14.50 acres In Sees. 18 and 13
2, R 2 and 2 E; $6.68.
T 3,
Louis Keats 14.81 acres in Sec. 15.
1 i, iti c; tio.siu. v
City of Gladstone 6.50 acres in Sec,
21, T 2, R 2 E; $10.14.
H. L. Keats 16.62 acres ln Sec 22,
T 2, It, Z E; $15.21.
P. T. Hunt 20 acres in Sec. 27. T 2,
K Z J; I11.B9.
Scandinavian American Bank of
Portland 22 acres in Sees. 28 and 28,
T 2, it 2 E: $16.44.
Maria C. Kraft 25 acres in Sec.
28, T 2. R 2 E: $16.12.
John Benson 63 acres in Sec. 35.
T 2. R 2 E; $35.76.
Hazel Tooze 60 acres in A. B- Hot-
comb D. L. C; $23.76.
I. G. Davidson 20 acres in
Cnanfield DLC; $41.55.
I. G. Davidson 12 acres in
Cranfield DLC; $32.85.
Phoebe A. Gilbert Heirs 20 acres
in A. P. Smith DLC; $54.74.
Elmer Coleman 10.40 acres in
Cyrus Wads worth DliC; $6.50.
I. G. Davidson 50 acres in James
McNary DLC; $167.28.
John F. Jennings 4 acres ln B.
Jennings DLC; $15.52.
J. W. Bryant 9.50 acres in Geo.
Abernethy DLC; $19 84.
Matilda Bryant 2 acres in Geo.
Abernethy DLC; $5.46.
A. S. Nichols 146.95 acres in Hiram
Straight DLC; $676.00.
Fred L. Hogg 20x200 ft, in Hiram
Straight DLC; $5.07.
Roger O. Woodward Part of Hiram
Straight DLC; $5.07.
H. A. Bohn 2.73 acres in Peter
Rinearson DLC; $35.70.
Anna Vandermeer 9.629 acres in
Peter Rinearson D iL C; $74.69. ,
K. M. Howell 10x150 ft in Oreeon
City, Claim, lying between Bitter ft
Dsnzels Tracts on 16th St.: 11.01.
J. W. Hudgens 50x100 ft. in Ore
gon City Claim; $3.06.
F. A. Stevens 150x300 ft. in Ore-!
gon City Claim; $10.20. j
C. W. & Emma S. Morean ISOx
270 ft. in Oregon City Claim; $19.38.
Maoei raiethrope 55x270 ft. in Ore
gon City Claim; $16.32.
John C. Alnsworth 270x304 ft. in
Oregon City Claim; $42.84.
Vincent & Mary Jelence 52.50
130 ft ln Oregon City Claim; $7.65.
John W. Loder 3:75 acres in Ore
gon City Claim; $14.29.
John G. Klllgreen 13 acres in Ore.
gon City Claim; $93.64.
T. Charman Heirs 60-100 acreH in
Exra Fieher DLC; $1.87.
G. O. Ireland 34-100 acres in Ezra
Fisher DLC; $3.13.
G. B. Dimick, Tr. 50-100 acres in
Ezra Fisher DLC; $6.26.
John W. -Loder 3 acres in Ezra
Fisher DLC; $4.70.
Peter Daletas 2.50 acres in Ezra
Fisher DLC; $10.95.
Chas. F. Terrlll 35-100
Ezra Ftshtr DLC; $3.91.
acres in
western Imp. Co. .1793 acres in
HUgn Burns D IL C; $3.08.
John Patterson SE' of SE of
oec. x, x a, n z jb; I23.b6.
Grant E. Barney 73.70 acres in
Sec. 2; T, 3, R 2 E; $21.17
Grant E. Barney NEW, of Sec. 11.
1 a, it. ? m; jts.vz.
George S. Wolston SW14 of SW
Sec. 11, T 3 R 2 E; $21.98.
Margaret Wood 7.46 acres In Sec.
16, T 3, K 2 E; $5.94.
M- & W. Jennings 7.05 acres in
sec. 16, T 3, R 2 E; $4.26.
Barton W. & Mary W. Simmons-
4.40 acres in Sec. 30, T 3, R 2 E; $1.49.
warion w. & Mary w. Simmons
of NEii of Stc. 31, T 3, R 2 E;
Emu Nelson 1.67 acres in S. S,
white DLC; $9 51.
Jacob Paul 8 acres in S. 8. White
DLC; $18.35.
Auguet & Minnte Schunk 15 acres
m s. s. White DLC: $1.95.
Annie W. King 30 Oacres in M. M
Mccarver DLC: $68.00.
Henry Loney 15.20 acres in An
drew Hood DLC; $10.93.
Susan A. Blackwood 78-50 acres
J. S. Howland DLC; $40.93.
T. A. Snook 36 acrea ln Robert
Caufleld DLC; $10.79.
George T. Poteet 39.20 acres
Robert Caufleld DLC; $59.27.
Ri'Slne Ball 6 acres lu Robert Cau
fleld DLC; $4.99.
8. J, Rogers 5 acres in Washing
ton William DLC; $3.61.
John W. Loder 11.60 acres in
Washington Williams DLC; $11.68.
Louis M. Sederlln 2 acres in Wm,
Holme DLC: 120.40.
Louis M. Sederlin l acre in Wm.
Holm D L C; $8.16.
Hexter ft May 30-100 acre In Wm.
Holme D L C; $10.21.
Lester L. Schwaru 60x75 ft in
Wm. Holme DLC; $3 06.
D. Callahan 1 acre in Wm. Holmes
DLC; $10.21.
Geo. F. and Mary A. Glbba 21.30
acres in Wm. Holmes DLC; $62.40.
jonn tsartenstein 20.86 acres in
Wm. Holmes DLC; $15.61.
James A. Kays 38-100 acres ln Wm.
Holmes DLC; $306.
T. Charman ft Son 50-100 acrea in
Wm. Holme DLC: $2.05.
Leone Buckner 30 acre ln Sec 2.
T 4, R 2 E; $5.71.
Mary A. Barron W of W4 of
NW& of Sec. 2, T. 4, R 2 E; $12.08.
George anl Emma Lowry 40-100
acres of Sec. 8, T 4, R 2 E; $1.12-
Alex F. Gifford of BE ex.
NEH' of BEVi of SEft Sec, 14, T 4,
R 2 E; $17 42,
E. P, and Ida E. Berdlne 40,000
sq. ft in Sec. 17, T 4, R 2 E; $4.07.
Jen N. and Moran Jepson 18-100
acre in Sec. 17, T 4, R 2 E; $6.16.
E. A. Mallatfc 8 of NEU of 8E
Sec. 18, T 4. R2 E; $19.71.
W. E. Rosencrantz 72.62 acres in
Sec, 20, T 4, R 2 E; $30.94.
R. H. Snodgrass and E. P. Berdlne
8K- of NW54, Sec. 21, T 4, R 2 E;
Frank Kiernan 4.50 acres Sec. 28,
i 1, k 2 c; xj.us.
F. W. Prehn 8E4 of SICK' Sec.
36, T 4, R 2 E; $17.16.
J. E Short 3.60 acres ln Wm. Ru-
sell DLC; $18.48.
Frank. Kiernan 10 acrea in Harri-
aon Wright DLC; $7.78.
H. B. Perlne 108.88 acres in Sec.
2, T 5, R 2 E; $45.16.
H. B. Perine NE: of NE' No
of Molalla River, Sec. 3, T 6, R 2 E;
IL B. Perlne Lot 1 and 8EVi of
8W of NW& Sec. 11, T 5, R 2 E;
Fred Schafer EH of NE and
Lot 2. 3, 4, T 5, R 2 E; $28.38.
Rosa Schafer SEVi of SE'i Sec
11, T 5, R 2 E; $25.80.
Jtosa Schafer NW of SWW Sec.
12, T 6, R 2 E; $7.22.
Fred Schafer NW& of SE, and
NE of SW', Sec 12, T 6, R 2 E;
Rosa Schafer Lot 1, Sec. 14, T 5,
k a is; i&.tis.
FFred Schafer 7.60 acres in Sec
14, T 5, R 2 E; $1.55.
Ida E. Parent 6.50 acres in Sec 17.
i. 0, it z .;
D. B. Eastham 140 acres Sec 30,
1 ii.itit; iss.ai.
Frank 8. L. Bagby 160 acrea, Sec.
ii, T a, K Z J; $61.81.
Clarence R. McAyral NEK of NE
W sec. 35, T 5, K 2 E: $6.21.
Mazie L. McCaully NEK of SWK
sec 36, T 5, R 2 E; $10.52
Mattie Wells (Heirs) 15 acrea in
m. Engle DLC; $35.17-
Fred Schafer 6 acres in
Sweigle DLC: $L55.
Mabel Baty 50-100 acres in Math-
ias Sweigle DLC; $10.89.
Falls Land Co. 159.33 acrea in
Thos. Jackson DLC; $85.47.
Frank ft James Janovsky S of
SEK, ex. 1 acre in Sec. 17, T 6, R 2
u; SZD.aZ.
M. A. M. Ashby NWi and NEi
ot SWK, Sec. 36, T 6, R 2 E; $28.66.
W. and Martha Zidell, Abraham
Zidell Half interest each in W)4 of
WK Sec. 2, T 7, R 2 E; $12.88.
John T. Buckner NEK of NWK of
Sec. 10, T 7, R 2 E; $4.86.
Wm. and Sarah Justus E of EH
Sec. 10, T 7, R 2 E; $18.24.
Hattie B. Wells NH of 8 H of SW
K of SEK. Sec. 25, T 1, R 3 E; $5.22.
Edwin Nelson WH of WH of NW
K of NWK Sec. 28, T 1, R 3 E; $3.08.
N. Lawrence 5 acres, Sec. 28. T 1.
R 3 E; $3.08.
Edith Ramesbotham EH of E
of NWK of NWK Sec, 28, I1.R3
m; so.16. . .
W. B. Mallies 8 acres, Sec 30,
T 1, R 3 E; $15.40.
h. s. Matiies 10 acres in Sec. 30,
1 1, Hi 4 m; J18.48.
Lawyers Title & Trust Co. 25
acres m Sec. 32, T 1, R 3 E; $27.55,
J. Francis and Daisy D. Teevin
SEK of NWKi of NEK and Rdway
in Sec. 34, T 1, R 3 E; $9 98.
H. M. Lake 8 acres Sec. 36, T 1.
R 3 E; $6.95.
Harold H. Fessenden 100x200 ft
Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E; $4.51.
R. R. Poppleton 7 acres, Sec. 1,
T 2, R 3 E; $7.65.
Altman-Taylor Machy. Co. 30x60 ft
Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E: $1.40.
C. Gordon Parkhurst 5 acres, in Sec.
x, l . K i Hi: 14. is.
Richard Slelsht 5 acres in Si 1
T 2, R 3 E; $4.17.
W. G. Frank.. 9.38 acres. In S v
T 2, R 3 E; $4.17.
H. and Alice F. Whitfield lfisn
acres, Sec 4, T 2, R 3 E; $10.33.
Lawyers TiUe & Trust Co. NH of
NWK. Sec. 5, T 2. R 3 E; $159.07.
oein, v. u.; Ruth J, and Faith
Young 43.10 acreB, Sec. 6, T 2. R 3
E; $72.16.
Mary A. Watts 10 acrea S s
T 2, R 3 E; $13.05.
Mary A. Watts EH of SWti. ft
8.T2.R3E; $66.12.
M. M. Chase 6.50 acres. Rw ft
T 2, R 3 E; $16.64.
Fred & Arthur Kindorf vwu f
f WK and Lot 2, Sec. 13, T 2, R 3 E;
James A. Cobb 27 ap.rnn Son li
T 2, R 3 E; $12.28. ' '
Barney A. Geslason k ftfTAH fri Ran
15. T 2, R 3 E; $1.98.
John W. Loder 12 acres. Son ik
T 2, R 3 E; $5.15.
W. H. Chatten 40 acres In sn is
T 2 R 3 E; $18.31.
Oregon Surety & Casualty Cn
14.50 acres in Sec. 18. T 2 R a w-
$9,72. .
W. Grennwell 1.33 acre. Sun
T 2, R 3 E; $1.22.
Harriett S. Klnnev Lota K nd a
Sec. 26, T 2, R 3 E; $14.56.
Alvin Clark (Lot 2 and E. 20 A
of Lot 3. Sec. 35, T 2. R 3 E: $4.16.
Aivm uiarK 135.60 acres. Sec. 36,
i i, n a m; $3a.3o.
JMlZaDOtn Brown 21.50 arras In
itoot Artnur DLC: $16.64
j. t. stampher 40 acres in Isaac
LAswen dlc; $10.40.
Lois Gsrlinger 100.10 acres in Na
thaniel JLamb DLC; $97.93.
Aivm Clark 100.41 acres In Sec.
1. T 3, K 3 K; 122.67.
Alvin Clark 19.90 acres in Sec-1,
l . a, it 3 u; tz.eu.
Alvin Clark Lot 1 and NEK
Dec. a, i 3, K 3 E; $4.68.
W. M. Stone, Tr 5 acres, Sec.
i o. jtv 3 is;
B. R. Hannaford Lot 7, Sec.
Thomas W. Lane SH of NWK
sw4 tux. o A in sec 18, T 3, R 3
J. L. Bond NH of NWK of SWK
Ex. 6 A in Seo. 18, T 3 it 3 li, 6,ts.
Fred R. Weia S acres ln Soc IS, T
3, R 3 E; $3,38.
Casper N. Braasch Lota 4 and 8,
Sec. 27, T 3, R 3 E; $16.67.
Nelson llackett 65 acraa ln Boo.
37, T 3, R 8 E; $14.81.
O. W, and Nora B. Elliott 40 acres
ln Sec. 34, T. 3, R 3 E; $30.21.
Levi L. Manlove 8 h. of NEK.
Sec, 34. T8.B3 li; $19.7
Casper N. Braasch 698.37 acrea In
Nicholas Wells DLC; $033.10.
Chaa. K. and Anna M. Pyke 30
acres in David Cutting DLC; 7.63.
Lora B. Catho 10 acrea lu MaUtew
Richardson DLC: $11.13.
Agnes Matlock 10 acrea In Uit)i
Richardson D L C; $16.90.
uenruoe is. liiclnbotham 1 acr
in Allen Mattoon D L C; $6.16.
Anthony Smolensky 31.08 acres in
Thomas Waterbury DLC; $12.17.
iu m. wauoweu 25 acres In W. H.
Foredyce DLC; $12.92.
Aiirett U farkhurst SWK of SE
K of Sec. 6, T 4, R 3 E; $22.26.
W. G. Dwlght NE'A of heu
Sec. 6, T 4, R 3 E; $28.14.
Airrea U Parkhurst NEK of NW
K of Sec. 8, T 4, R 3 E; $14.40.
A. B. Baker ft W. E. Jabera NWV..
of NEK and NEK of NWK, Sec. 9,
i i, n a; 3.Z4.
J. C. and Mary E. Nelson NH of
NWK of NWK of Sec. 17, T 4, R 3
E; $7.93.
J. C. and Mary E. Nelson NEK
of NEK ot NEK of Sec 18, T 4, R 8
E; $3.62.
Lucile P. Keeny NWK of SWK
of Sec 27, T 4, R 3 E; $12.64.
Robblns EH of EH of 8WK of
NWK' (EH of Lot 2) of Sec. 30, T 4,
R 3 B; $4.45.
E. F. Riley WH of NWK and 8E
K of NWK Ex. WH of EH of SWK
of SWK of Sec. 30, T 4, R 3 E; $31.13.
C. E. Trescott WH of EH ot 8W14
of 8WK(Lot2); $3.06.
W, 8. Gorbett NWK of NWK Ex.
1 Acre ln NW Cor, Sec 2, T 6. R 3
E; $11.35.
Sarah E. Miller 8 . of SWU .
8. T 6, R 3 E; $12.66.
Matt Nelson EV4 of NWU of NW
K. Sec 9, T 6, R 3 E; $10.67.
rranfc Hendrlcka Ett of SEU. fiec.
12. T 6 R; R 3 E; $6.10.
Simon Callahan NE 'A of NWu ft
W 30 acres of NWK of NEK Sec 19,
rrank A. Plerson SE of Sec 8.
T 6, R 3 E;-$19.04.
Malcolm M. Jameson NEVi of Sec
8; T 6, R 3 E; $7 6L
Perry O. Staeey NWK of Sec 28.
T 6. R 2 E; $11.42.
John C. Weill EH of NEK 8ec.
34, T 6, R 3 E; $14.28.
Johan A. W. Olson SW1 of 8ec.
4. T 7. R 3 E; $5.13.
Percy G. McArthur NH of NVi
8ec 26, T 7, R 8 E; $24 30.
Robert E. Andrews E of SEU of
SEK of Sec 26. T 1, R 4 E; $4.32.
stuiman Andrews 78.50 acres, Sec
26, T 1, R 4 E; $39.67.
Ambert Andrews EH of NEK of
SEK and Roadway, Sec 26, T 1, R 4
E; $9.50.
Gertrude Andrews WH of NW
of 8EK Sec 26, T 1, R 4 E; $2.88.
Stillman Andrews 4 acrea Sec 27,
T 1. R 4 E; $4 32.
Hans Nelson 6 acrea Sec 28, T 1,
R 4 E; $2.87.
Hans Nelson SH of SH of NEK
of NEK. Sec 29, T 1, R 4 E; $5.90.
C. L. and Ida R. Williams SWK
of NEK Sec. 29. T 1. R 4 E: $28.64.
- Luther B. Swanstrom NEK of NE
K Sec 30, T 1, R 4 E; $25.02.
E- E. Miller Tr. EH of SWK and
NWK of SWK Sec 30, T 1, R 4 E;
George W. Beers EH of SWK of
NEK Sec. 3. T 2, R 4 E; $12.47. .
T. B. Bowan NEK of NEK' of SB
K of Sec 3, T 2, R 4 E; $6.29.
Mary A. Strucken SK of NWK.
Ex. WH of SWK of NWK Ex. 2 A.
Sec- 10, T 2, R 4 E; $29.06.
Eliza J. Roots 49.31 acres, Sec 6,
T 2, R 4 E; $34.75.
William J. Hickey, William B. Hick
ey Heirs H Int in WH of SEK of
Sec 6, T 2. R 4 E; $28.43.
J. M. Deardorff (Heirs) SEK of
NEK Sec. 8, T 2, R 4 E; $16.45.
C. J. Miller 33.94 acres in' Sec 13,
T 2, R 4 E; $11.59.
James H. McElroy 6 acres in Sec
13, T 2, R 4 E; $24.45.
C. J. Miller SH of NWK1 of SWK
Ex 2 A in NWK Ex 1.50 A Sold and
Ex 6.06 Acres in Plat of the Bluffs,
Sec. 12, T 2, R 4 E; $68.17.
ueraid, Roy and Guy WUcox 76
acres in Sec. 28, T 2, R 4 E; $30.24.
Emma W. Trullinger sold to S. C.
Brovinder 66 acres in Sec. 33, T 2.
R 4 E; $17.25.
Brien Barclay NEK ot SEK Sec.
35, T 2, R 4 E; $18.52.
B. Gobbi 80 acres ln John Glover
D L C; $48.23.
Mary I. Preston 1 acre in Phillip
Foster DLC; $5.32.
John M. Henkle 130x130 ft aiM
105x150 ft. in Phillip Foster DLC;
P. F. Davis 10 cres in Sec 21,
T 3. R 4 E; $4.88.
Lee Wells 38.50 acres in Sec 25.
T 3, R 4 E; $11.70.
John W. Hoare 19.75 acrea in Sec.
27, T 3, R 4 E; $12.08.
Joseph M. Reig 6 acres in Sec, 28,
T 3, R 4 E; $3.64.
Fred Jorg 8.93 acrea ln Sec 29, T
3 R 4 E; $5.34.
C. E. Dubois 20 acres in Sec. 29,
T 3. R 4 E; $6.10.
Max Von Newman 4 acres in Sec
29, T 3, R 4 E; $3.05.
Chas. E. and Geo. E. Dubois 62.65
acres in Sec. 29. T 3, R 4 E; $19.07.
Peter T. Gannon 20 acres in Sec
30, T 3, R 4 E; $29.87.
a. u. & Caroline Schmidt NWK
of NWK! and Lot 7, Sec 32, T 3, R
Chas. E. & Geo. E. Duholai r
Sec. 32, T 3 S, R 4 E; $4.37.
uartieid country Club 5 acres in
Sec. 36, T 3, It 4 E; $2 85.
Eleanor M. Boone 2 noraa In
Franklin Pierce D. L. C; $3.25.
i!,. 8. Womer 1.33 acrea In SVnnlr.
lln Pierce DLC; $15.18.
Thos. & Esther J. ManPnrVlnrtnlo
17.22 acres in Thos. Lee D L C; $11-58
iuio. u. j. neipie i.i4 acres in Geo.
Currin DLC; $4.10.
Mary c. Callwell SEVl nt nku jb.
ot SEK Sec. 1, T 4, R 4 E;
Alton Rogers 10
T 4, R 4 E; $1.93.
Matilda Neal 6.40 aer in So,, a
T. 4, R 4 E: $3.69. '
H. E. Noble NWW nf nwu i
Sec. 7. T. 4, R 4 E; $10.30.
RJ4' I, $G55r6.nLOt 11 SeC' U' T '
John Jost Jr., 5 acres in Sec. U,
T 4, R 4 E; $2.08.
W. N. J,ones Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Setf. 16, T 4, R 4 E; $69.08.
Douglas Boylan (hairs) LoLt 8,
Sec. 16, T 4, R 4 E; $6.96.
W. A. Jones 20 acres In Sec. 20,
T 4, R 4 E; $7.37.
Fred Oversen 15 acres in Sec. 21.
T 44, R 4 E; $2.78.
Douglas M. Boylen WH of NEK
Sec. 21, T 4, R 4 E; $35.92?
Security Savings ft Trust Co.WV,
of NWK Sec 31, T4 R 4 E; $13.28.
(Continued on page 10)
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