Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 22, 1918, Page Page 8, Image 8

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Thi. adertlsed list ot delinquent
Uim for tha year 1918 U in pursu-j
ance ot an act of the State Legisla-;
tore, which it embodied in Chapter
266 of the General Uwi of the 1917
The taxes on the following adver
tiied real property became delinquent
on the 6th day ot October, 1917, and
are subject to a penalty ot 6 per cent
after November 6. and Interest at the
rate ot ia per cent per annum from
the 6t4 day ot October, 1917, until
they shall have been paid.
Any day after the expiration of
six months after the taxes charged
against the following real property
.iHiinouenL the sheriff ia author
ed upon demand of any person mak
ing application to Issue to them a cer
tificate ot delinquency upon payment
ot the taxes, penalty and interest and
nmii nf idvertiaine.
Certificate ot delinquency shall bear
- . .. . - . I 1 .. j u a n A
interest irom w uuie
until redeemed at the rate ot 11 par
cent per annum.
Suburban Orchards Co. Ada Orch
irds. hik 1 to $5.56.
Empire In v. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lota 1 to 4. blk. 1; $13.12.
Em nire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lot 11. blk. 1: 13 28.
Kmolre Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
loti 13 to 15. blk.,1; $9.84.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lot 16. blk. l: $3.28.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lota 3 and 4. blk. 2: '6.56.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lot 9. blk 2: $3.28.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lota 13 to IS. blk. 2: $9.84.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lot 29. blk. 2: $3-28.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lota 1 and 2. blk. 3: $ 7.54.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lot 6. blk. 4: $3.77.
Empire lav. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lot 7. blk. 4: IWU.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lot 8. blk. 4: 13.28.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lots 6 and 6. blk. 5; $7.38.
Empire Inv. Co.- Alder Crest Acres,
lots 16 to 20. blk. 5: $20.50-
Eropire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lots 21 and 22. blk 5; $6.56.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lots 1 to 9. blk. 6: $29.52.
Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres,
lot 1, blk. 7; 11.97.
F. F. Johnson, Arcadia blks. 1 to 4
Edward M. Cousin. Arcadia blk. 5
Nina V. Rupert. Arcadia Blk. 10
M. T. Duffy. Arcadia Blk. 12; $5.94
Martin T. Duffy, Arcadia All of 13
and 14 and SV4 of 15; $12.58.
F. F. Johnson, Arcadia N4 of
and all of 16; $6.28.
F. A- Knapp, Ardenwald Lot 1, blk.
3; $3.86.
F. A. Knapp,, Ardenwald Lots 2
and 3. blk. 3; 45.16.
Oregon Surety &. Casualty Co., Ar
denwald Lot 4. blk. 3; $3.87.
Ellen R-, Arden M, John A. Rock
wood, Ardenwald Ex. W. 30 ft ot 1
to 4, blk- 4; $5.16.
Oregon Surety & Casualty Co. Ar
denwald West 30 feet of 1 to 4, blk.
4; $3.6L
Mary G. Mackey, Ardenwald Ex.
W. 30 ft 6 to 8, blk. 4; $5.16.
Oregon Surety & Casualty Co. Ar
denwald West 30 ft. of 5 to 8, blk. 4;
Ellen R.; Arden M John A Rock-
wood. Ardenwald Lots a and 6. blk.
S; 45.41.
F. A. Knapp & Mary Mackey Ar
denwald Lots 9 to 13, blk. 5; $12.90.
F. A. Knapp & Mary Mackey Ar
denwald Lots 11 and 15, blk. 5; $5.16.
F. A. Knapp & Mary Mackey Ar-
denwald Lot 19, blk. 5; $3.22. !
Ellen R.; Arden M John A. Rock
wood, Ardenwald Lot 25, blk. 5; $3.23
Ellen R.; Arden M., John A- Rock
wood, Ardenwald Lot 26, blk. 6; $3.22
Esther E. Nordberg Ardenwald,
lot 10, blk. 8; $2.58.
K. W. Goodale Ardenwald, lot 16,
blk. 10; $2.58.
Oregon Suraty & Casualty Co Ar
denwal, lot 16, blk. 12; $2.58. ,
Mt Hood Hotel Co. Arrah Wanna
Park, lots 2 to 5, blk. 1; $1.22.
Martha J. Wilson Atkinson, blks.
3 and 4; $23.80.
Thos. J. Jones Atkinson, blks. 6
and 7; $36.65.
A. S. Thompson Barlow, lot 1,
blk. 1; $2.14.
J. W. & Anna B. Hays Barlow, all
ex. 256 ft off E. end of blk. 10; $12.00.
H. F. W. Gortlar 1st add to Barlow,
Sly of lot 1, blk. 14; $1.31.
H. M. Courtiight & Co. 1st add to
Barlow, lots 3 and 4. blk. 15; $6.10.
H. F. W. Gortler Simms Sub. Dir.
of Barlow, lot 16, blk. C; $2.40.
H. F. W. Gortler Sirams Sub. Div.
of Barlow, lots 6 to 11, blk. D; $1.31.
Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell
Park, blks. 1 and 2; $2.77.
Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell
Park, blk. 3; $2.48.
Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell
Park, blks. 13 and 14; J 10.39.
Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell
Park, blk. 23; $2.77.
Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell
Park, blks. 24 and 25; $7.43.
Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell
Park, blk. 33; $6.44.
Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell
Park, blk. 34; $2.47.
Northwestern Trust Co.
Park, blk. 36; $3.47.
N. F. Mikkalo Barwell Park,
37; $2.47.
Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell
Park, blks. 43 and 44; $4.96.
Northwestern Trust Co. Bell Hgts,
lots 1 and 2, blk. 1; $1.33.
Northwestern Trust Co. Bell Hgts
lots 3 and 4, blk. 1; $1.32.
Northwestern TruBt Co. Bell Hgts.
lots 37 and 38, blk. 2; $1.32.
Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View,
lots 9 to 12, blk. 1; $2.64
Northwestsrn Trust Co. Bell View,
lots 7 and 8, blk 2; $1.33.
Johanna Sverdrup Bell View, lots
21 and 22, blk. 2; $1.32.
Mary M. Hoist Bell View, lots
and 34, blk. 2; $1.31.
Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View,
lots 1 and 2, blk. 4; $1.31.
Peter A, Tamaras Bell View, lots
7, 8, 9, blk. 4; $1.98.
Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View,
lots 10, 11, 12, blk. 4; $1.97
Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View,
lots 15 to 18, blk. 4; $2.63.
Northwestarn Trust Co. Bell View,
lot 27, blk. 4; $5.26.
Northwests Trust Co. Bell View,
lot 30, blk. 4; $5 26.
Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View,
lots 1, 2, 3, blk. 5; $1.98
Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View,
lots 11 and 12, blk. 5; $7.89.
Nettie F. BalBiger Boberg, blk. 7
A. J. Hulback Bolton, lots 3 and 4
' blk. 10; $3.09. -
Arnold and Lena Kohler Bolton,
lot 3 to 6, blk. 29; $18.17.
Mary A. Bates Bonlta
blk. 13; $3.96.
L. RlUer Boring Junction, SOx.O
ft. of blk. 4; $12.62.
Effle C. Ewen Boring Junction, 84
of blk. 7; $15.99.
Thos. M. Allison Boring Junction.
NE4 ot blk. 11; $8.34.
J, w. Strucken uormg junction,
WH of SW4 of 15; $180,
Robt S. & Vera smitn i wring
Junction. NW4 of 15; $4.87.
Mary A. & Susie Strucken uormg
Junction, EH of SW4 of blk. 15; $1.40
Mansfield & Inet sonnicnsen wr
ing Junction, E4 lot 3, blk. 20; $2 09.
Emmett F. Donahue Boring Junc
tion, Pt ot 20 known as lot 4, blk. 20;
Geo. E. & John R. Knox Boring
Junction, part of 22; $9.04.
Emmett f Donahue Boring Junc
tion, N. 100x119 ft. of blk. 22; $3.82.
O A. & L. S. Palmer Palmer s add
to Boring Junction, blk. 1: $3.4S.
W. G. Frank,, Boring Junction,
150 ft, of blk, 2; U.39.
Anna Glehn, Boring Junction, S. 50
ft of blk. S; $4.1S.
J. W. & Mary E. Maulding, Boring
Junction, Tr. 9 & all Cedar St btwn.
lots 8 and 9, blk. 9: $4.18.
Isaac & Mary E. Zeigter Boring
Junction, NH of blk. 10; $2.09.
Henry A. & Maggie M. Bock Roots
add to Boring Junction., blk. B; $.t5.
Thos. & Mary G. Bennett Roots zu
add to Boring Junction, blk. F; $8.34.
Northwestern Trust Co. Brickley
Tracts, lot 3, blk. 1; $3.94.
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lot 9. blk. 2: $1.31.
Northwestern Trust Co. Brickley
Tracts, lot 3. blk. 3; $1.32.
Northwestern Trust Co. Brickley
Tracts, lot 9. blk. 3: $1.32.
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lot 11. blk. 3; $1.31
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lot 15. blk. 3; $1.31.
Northwestern Trust Co. imcKiey
Tracts, lots 1 and 2; blk. 6; $j.2b.
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lot 7. blk. 6; $3.94
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts 9 to 16, blk. 6; $15.78.
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lots 1 to 4. blk. 8; 14.21
Northwestern Trust Co. Brickley
Tracts, lot 1. blk. 9; $1.0
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lot 3. blk. 9; $1.05.
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lot 4. blk. 9; $1.05.
Northwestern Trust Co- Brickley
Tracts, lot 5, blk. 9; $1.05.
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lots 7 and 8, blk. 9; $2.11
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lot 3, blk. 10; 12.63,
Northwestern Trust Co Brickley
Tracts, lot 5, blk. 10: $2.62.
Mary Neischell Brightwood, lots
5 and 6, blk. 4; $US.
R. H. Warfleld Bryant Acres, blk,
26; $13.86.
Anna S. Warren Buena Vista, halt
interest G. H.: $1.63.
J. W. McDonald & August Peterson
Cable Acres, blk. 5; $11.65
John Sims Canby, lots 3 snd 4
blk. 9; $12.42.
C. N. Wait Canby, lot 4, blk. 14
C. N. Wait Canby, lots 7 to 12
blk- 14; $10.87.
Bertha E. Lee Canby, lots 1,2.3,
blk. 16; $21.05. ,
Bertha E. Lee Canby, lot 10, blk.
16; $4.42.
Elizabeth Webb Canby, lot 4, blk.
18; $6.90.
Wllhelmina Wait Cr.nby, lots 3
and 4. blk. 24; $1.72.
John Sims Canby, lots 7, 8, 9, blk
24; $15.52.
Florence C. Young Dedman's Add
to Canby, lot 1, blk. 4; $10.35.
John Sims Heman A. Lee's Add
to Canby, lots 7, 8, 9. blk. 2; $13.80.
Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee s 2nd Add
to Canby, lota 1 and 2; $4!4S.
Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add
to Canby, lot 6; $3.11. ,
Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add
to Canby, lot 7; $3.45.
Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add
to Canby, lot 10; $3.10.
Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Ada
to Canby, lots 13 and 14; $7.93.
Chas. N. Wait Roth"s Add to Can-
by. lots 1 and 2, blk. 1; $1.72.
P. U & Carrie Coleman Roth's I
Add to Canby, lots 1 and 2, blk. 2,
Clarence A. Miller Canby Gardens,
pt Of blk. 68; $4. 73.
Sarah E. Miller Canemah, lots 1
and 2: blk. 1; $6.27.
Sarah E. Miller Canemah, lot 8,
blk. 1; $5.12.
Sophia M. Schooley Canemah, lot
3, blk. 11; $5.93.
II . J. Fisher Tr Canemah, lot 2,
blk. C", $1.14.
Christian Trachsel Canemah, lot
3, blk. C; $1.14.
- E. L. Swank Canemah, lots 3 to 6,
blk. D; $4.56.
H. M. Courtrieht & Co. Canemah,
1st Add to, lots 6,7,8, blk. "I"; $2.74.
Ed Lindan Carlsborg Tracts, blk
15; $7.92.
Chas- Schmid Clackamas Heights,
blk. 9; $5.12.
W. C. Repass Clackamas Heights,
blk. 11; $18.75.
Andrew Griesshaber Clackamas
Heights, 100 ft- E & W x 115 N & S on
Wly side of, 50 ft. N&SxlOO ft. E&W
in SW cor, blk. 16; $7.61.
John W. Ixjder Clackamas Heights
blk. 53; $5.76.
Antionette Stout Clackamas Hghts,
Nly 4 of blk 69; $4.23.
Ed Bittner Clackamas Heights lots
1 to 4, blk. 19.1; $4.05.
Inez A. Freeland Clackamas
Highlands, blk. 2; $12.84.
I. G. Davidson Clackamas River
side, W. 7 acres blk. B; $14.88.
Ida May Davidson Clackamas Riv
erside, blk. D & E; $39.68.
I. G. Davidson Clackamas River
side, blk. F; $26.67.
I. G. Davidson Clackamas River
side, blk. G; $23.76.
Ida May Davidson Clackamas Riv
erside, lots N & O; $39.68.
Ida May Davidson Clackamas Riv
erside, blk. Q; $13.63.
Colin & Jane Mclver Clalrmont
Acreage Tracts No. 3, blk 4; $3.84.
Elmer Coleman Coleman Park,
blks. 1 to 8; $6.57.
Elmer Coleman Coleman Park, blk
9 to 23; $12.28.
Elmer Coleman Coleman Park, blk
24 to 43; $15.63.
Frank & Dolly Hehberg Coolridge
Home Tracts, So. 3 acres of blk. 14;
Suburban Orchards Co. Cora Orch
ards, blks 1 to 16; $28.27.
Estacada Orchards Co. Cora Orch
ards, blks. 17 to 32; $29.76.
R. H. & Laura A. Todd Deer Park,
lot 1, blk 7; $1.68.
E. T. Watson Deer Park, lot 4, blk.
18; $1.22.
James T. Pollack Dover Park, lots
6 and 7, blk. 1 ; $1.38.
Blanche Lleser Dover Park, lot 17,
blk. 2; $1.98.
Lester L. & Frank H, Schwartz
Ellda, blk. 8; $8.87.
C. D. Latourette Ellda, blk. 22;
Wallls Nash Elrod Acres, lots 1
to 11; $36.29.
Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blk
to 16; $16.49.
Wallls Nash Elrod Acres, blks,
to 25; $2967.
Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blks. 26
to 35; $32.99.
J. 0, Elrod Elrod Acr;s, blk. 3. ;
$3 29
Wallls Nash Elrod Acres, blks 3s
and 39; $6 60.
J. O, Elrod Elrod Acres, lot 41;
Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blks. 43
and 44; $1159.
Geo. R. Prttehett Erie Crest, lot S,
blk. 3; $2.30.
John P., Wo, H. A Chas. K. Dubois
Estacada, lot S. blk. 1 ; $6.07.
Henry & M. Ella Dubois Estacada,
lot 3, blk. l; $6 07.
E. C.Hunt Estacaaa. lots bis.
2; $48.60.
K. J. Boner Estacaaa, ioi i, ma. s,
E, C, Hunt Estacaaa, lots s ami s.
blk. 2; 132.40.
Wm. Dale Estacada, lots 13 and 14,
blk- 2: $7.09.
A. Morrow Estacada, lot 15, blk. 2;
I. M. & C. S. Park Estacaiia, lot s,
blk. 4; $36.45.
Chas. E. Hicks Estacada, lot 1, blk.
J. R. Edwards Estacada, lot 6. blk.
6; $5.06.
J. R. Edwards Estacada, lot 7, dik.
6- $5 06.
J. H. Nash Estacada. lota n ana
12. blk. 6: $11.14.
A. E. Sparks Estacada, lot H. ma.
6: 111.13.
Frederick Jorg Estacaaa, lo so.
blk. 6: $19.23.
A. E. Sparks Estacada. lot S, blk,
7; $28.35.
Samuel U Beary Estacaaa, lot 3
blk. 7: 116.20.
J. H. Nash Estacada. lots 16 and 17,
blk. 7: $1215.
Estacada State Rank Estacada,
lots 19.20 21. blk 7; $10.63.
C. E. Dubois Estacada, lot 5, blk
8: $7.10.
J. R. & Sarah F. Townsend Esta
cada, lot 6. blk. 8; $17.21.
J. H. Nash Estacada, lots 7, S,
blk. 8: $21.26.
Estacada State Bank Estacada. lots
4 to 9. blk. 9: $6.07.
Ida V. Scott Estacada, lots 13 and
14. blk. 9: $14.17.
Richard Kullsch Estacada, lot 1
blk. 10: $8.10.
Estacada State Bank Estacada
lots 13 to 17. blk. 10: $8 10.
Estacada State Bank Estacada.
lots 4 to 9. blk. 13; $6.08.
Estacada State Bank Estacada,
lots 3 to 6, blk. 14; $3.85.
Ida M. Corthell Estacada, lot 10,
blk. 14; $2.03.
R. A. Corthell Estacada. lots 11 &
12, blk. 14; $4.86.
W. D. Henthorn Estacada, lots 11
and 12. blk. 17: $7.09.
O. W. Messelhiser Estacada, lot
blk. IS; $2.03.
Estacada State Bank Estacada
lots 5 to 8, blk. 20; $1.05.
John A & Maude Arquette Esta
cada, lot 10, blk. 20; $6.07.
A. Morrow Estacada, 1st Add to,
lots 1 to 4. blk. 27; $22.27.
O. E. Smith Estacada , 1st Add to,
lot 1, blk. 28: $12.77.
Estacada State Bank 1st Add to
Estacada, lot 5, blk. 28; $1.01.
W. T. Kaake 1st Add to Estacada,
lots 3 to 6, blk. 29; $13.46.
Estacada State Bank 1st Add to
Estacada, lot 9, blk. 29; $1.32.
Chas. E. Dubois 1st Add to Esta
cada. lot 7, blk. 32; $52.65.
Mrs. F. L. Heylman 1st Add to
Estacada, tots 8 and 9, blk. 32; $32 40.
E. J. Boner Estacada, lot 12, blk.
32; $3.05.
W. W. Boner Estacada, lot 13, blk.
32; $15.18.
Jennie E. Bonner Estacada, lot 14,
blk. 32; $3.05.
Fannie L. Heylman 1st Add to Es
tacada, lots 23, 24. 25, blk. 32; $10.12.
Wm. Dale 1st Add to Estacada, lot
5, blk. 34; $2.02.
Geo. E. Dale 1st Add to Estacada,
lot 6. blk. 34; $'! .48.
. A- Jones, 1st Add to Estacada,
lots 1 to 4, blk. 35; $18.82.
. A. Jones 1st Add to Estacada,
lot 4, blk. 36; $2.02.
Earnest N. Moak Zobrist's Add to
Estacada, lot 3, blk. 6; $1.82.
Estacada State Bank Zobrist's Add
to Estacada, lots 3 to 6. blk. 8; $3.G4.
J. R. Edwards Zobrist's Add to Es
tacada, lot 6, blk. 9; $1.62.
Alsx Sweck Zobrist's Add to Esta
cada, lot 7, blk. 10; $1.82.
Estacada State Bank Zobrist Add
to Estacada, lota 4 to 6, blk. 13; $2.74.
Estacada State Bank Zobrist's Add
to Estacada, lots 4 to 6, blk. 14; $2.74.
J. R. Edwards Zobrist's Add to Es
tacada, lot 1, blk. 15; $1.82.
Frank Z. Abe Zobrist's Add to Es
tacada, lot 6, blk. 15; $1.82.
Jennie J. Eitelman Zobrisf's Add
to Estacada, lots 1 and 2, blk. 22;
C. D. Christensen Zobrisf's Add to
Estacada, lots 3 and 4, blk. 22; $3.64
J. R. Edwards Zobrist's Add to Es
tacada, lot 7, blk. 22; $1.82.
Geo. Abraham & E. Otey Zobrist' s
Add to Estacada, lot 8, blk. 22; $1.83.
J. B. Honey Zobrist's Add to Es
tacada, lots 2 and 3, blk. 23; $3.65.
J. R. Edwards Zobrist's Add to Es
tarada, lot 4, blk. 23; $1.82.
EHtacada State Bank Zobrist's Add
to Estacada all of lot 5'and SV4 of lot
b, DIK. Z3; $1SS.
J. B. Honey Zobrist's Add to Esta
cada, lot 9, blk. 23; $1.81.
A. W. Withrow Zobrist's Add to Es
tacada. lots 11 and 12, blk. 23; $3.65
E. 8. Womer Estacada Heights,
tots 10 ana 11, folk. 1; $3.25.
Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or
chards, blks. 1 to 7; $8.62.
Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or
chards, all of 13 and 14 and E'A of 15;
Suburban Orchards Co.-rEstelle Or
chards, blk. 16; $1.53.
Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or
chards, blks. 17 to 20; $5.70.
S. D. Smalley Fairfield, blk. 18;
S. D. Smalley and F. IT. Freund
Fairfield, blk. 19; $2.98.
Minnie B. Ixck3 Fairmont Orch
ards, blk. 2; $6.96.
Emil lvegren Fairmont Orchards
blk. 9; $7.64.
Bessie Sims Brown Fairmont Orch
ards, blk. 18; $13.90.
Laura Hanson Fairmont Orchards,
blk. 19; $9.17.
John M. Johnson Finavon, blk. 5,
$5.26. .
John M- Johnson Finavon, blk. 8;
Anna L. Nelson Finavon, blks. 14
and 15; $24.07.
Mrs. L. L. Cox Finavon, blk. 47;
Northwestern Trust Co. Finavon,
E'2 of blk. 50; $1.31.
J. If. Broetje Fir Grove, W. 99 ft
of lot 4, blk. 1 ; $5.83.
Amos S. Benson Foster Acres,
blks. 10, 31, 12; $33.76.
Amos 8. Benson Foster Acres,
blk. 21; $6.18.
Asa R. Hawkins E. L. Fraley'g Sub
Div. of Tr. of land, Sec. 28, T 3, 4 E;
E- 70x100 ft.-blk 2; $2.02.
Adolph Sagner E, L. Fraley"s Sub.
Div. of Tr. of land Sec. 28, T. 3, 4. E;
I W of blk. 3; $12.15..
E, L.- Fralny-7-E. L. Fraley'g Sub
Div, of Tr. Of land Sec. 28. T. S, 4 K.
11 ex W 84 ft snd Ex. E. 16 ft of blk
11; $3.04.
Chas. It. Ptggott Gales Park,, blk.
11; $4.16.
Security Savings & Trust Co. Gar
thick, ABC; $2.65.
Victor A. Johnson Giirlhlck. tot 10
blk. 4: $86.12.
Security Savings & Trust Co. Gar
thick, lot 12. blk. 4; $t39 12.
Richard Wilder Ganhick, lot 18
blk. 4; $111.30.
Mrs. Sarah Un-Gladstone, lot 10
blk, 15; $6.88.
Mary G. Gtllett Gladstone, lot 16,
blk. 17; $2.96.
Grace E. liOder Gladstone, lots 18
and 19 blk. IT; $16.40.
Harry Gray Gladstone, lot so, mk.
17: $3.28.
Cornelia McCown Gladstone, lot 13,
blk, 18; $2.62.
Henry C. & Mary GUr Gladstone.
lots 3 and 4, blk. 32; $7 22.
Henry C. & Mary GtlK Gladstone.
lots 13 and 14. blk. 33; $15.42.
Elsie & Hugh Hall 4!ladstonj, lots
and 4. blk. 33; $3.61.
Richard Hall Jr Gladstone, lots 5
and 6. blk. 33: $3.93.
Gladstone R. E. Association Glad
stone, lots 9. 10. 11. blk. 33: $5.90.
Frank and Pearl McAnulty Glad
stone, lot 13, blk. 34; $3.94.
W. H V. Mltler Gladstone, lot 2
blk. 36: $3.28.
Geo. H. Miller Gladstone, lot 8. blk.
36; $3.28.
Geo. It. Miller Gladstone, lot 14,
01k. 36; $3.28.
W. H. V. Miller Gladstone, lot 15,
blk 36; $3.28.
Gustaf Carlson Gladstone, lots 3
and 4. blk. 49; $19.68.
Merton and Emma Boll Ciladstons,
lots 15 and 16. blk. 49; $19.68.
Gladstone R. E. Association Glad
stone, lot 15, blk. 65; $2.62.
Gladstone R. E. Association Glad
stone, lots 9 and 10 blk. 60; $5.25. '
Mary Ann Ranch Gladstone, lots 11
to 15, blk. 75; $10.66.
Maggie M. Davis Gladstone) lots
15 and 18. blk. 76; $3 JO.
Maggie M. Darts Gladstone, lots t
and 2. blk. 77; $1.64.
Henry Krebs Gladstone, Pt lots 4
and 5. blk. 98; $7.22.
Henry Krebs Gladstone, all lot 10
and part lot 11, blk. 98; $1.71
James J. Tyrell Gladstone, N. 60 ft.
of 166. all of 117-118; $7.38.
Gladstone R. E. Association Glad
stone, N4 of blk. 129; $3.28
G90. B. & Mary Lewis Apperson's
Add to Gladstone, blks. 10 and 11;
John W. Loder Apperson's Add
to Gladstone, blks. 22 and 23: $3.62.
Wm. L. Stack well Apperson's Add
to Gladstone, blk. 28; $1.31.
John W. Loder, Schoolev's Add to
Gladstone, lots 15 and 16, blk. 1; $1.97.
John W. Loder Schoolev's Add to
Gladstone, lot 6, blk. 2; $4 27.
A. Conovei- Schoolcy's Add to
Gladstone, lot 8, blk. 2; $7 64.
Wm. 1L Miller, Schooley's Add to
Gladstone, lot 19. blk. 2; $1.31.
Henry & Rosalie Lon?y West Glad
stone, lots 1 and 2, blk. 4: $5.90.
Lilian M. Hackleman West Glad
stone, lots 3, 4. 5. blk. 10: $4.92.
Lilian M. Hackleman West Glad
stone, lots 10, 11. 12. blk. 10: $5.90
John W. Loder West Gladstone
lot 8, blk. 11, $7.22.
John W. Loder Tr. West Gladstone,
lot 17. blk. 11; 2.30.
Jennie B. Yale Glen Echo, pt ot
blks. A & B; $62.86.
R. M Eccles Gbnmorrie, blk. 3;
Robt. H. Strong Glenmorrle, blk. 6;
Cora M. Rea Glenmorrle, blk. 7;
The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle
Park. blks. 13 and 15A; $16.54.
Glen Home
The Glenmorrle Co
Park, blk. 26: $13.05.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 27; $8.63.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 29 A; $9 .09.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 30; $17.17.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park. blk. 31; $17.48.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park. blk. 32; $17 01.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 33; $15.M.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park. blk. 34; $10.50.
The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle
Park, 38 and Wly of blk. 39; $28.31.
i8. 1
The Glenmorrie Co,
Park, blk. 40; $13.63.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk 41; 8.97.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 12; $13.51.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 43; $1142.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 41; $13.05.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 45; $10.13.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 46; $10.01.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 47; $14.33.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 4S; $12.81.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 49; $13.98.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 50; $13.86.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 51; 19.79.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 52; $10.19.,
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 53; $.".&;:.
The Glenmorrie Co,
Park, blk. 54; $:-,.M.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 50; $.-,.91.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 57; $199.
The Glenmorrie Co,
Park, blk. 58; $7.46.
. The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 59; $5.83.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk 60; $9.32.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 61; $7.57.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 62; $6.41.
J he Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 63; $0.17.
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 64; $6.29.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 65; $7.57.
The Glenrnorrlo Co.
Park, blk. 6G; $8.39,
The Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 67; $7.22.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 08; $9.56.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 69; $7.92.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, folk. 70; $7.22.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 71; $7.11. , .
The Glenrnorrlo Co.
Park, blk. 72; $13.16.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 73; $12.58.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 74; $12.23.
The Glenrnorrlo Co.
Park, blk. 75; $9.55.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 76; $9.67.,
The Glentnorrln Co.
Park, blk. A; $20.31.
Tli Glenmorrie Co.
Park, blk. 11; $25.63.
Th Glenrnorrlo Co. Glenmorrle
Park, blk. 77; $13.98.
Hie Olenmorrlo Co. Glenrnorrlo
Park, blk. 78; $6.94,
The Glenmorrle Co.
Par. blk. 79; $8.17.
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park. blk. 80: $698.
The Gleiuuorrle Co.
Park, blk. 81; $5.83.
The Glenmorrle Co. Glemnorrle
Park, blk 82; $6.99.
The Glenniorrle Co. Glenmorrle
Park. blk. 83; $5,82.
The Glenmorrle Co. Gtetimorrte
Park, blk. 88; $5.59,
The Glenmorrle Co.
Park, blk. 89; $4.31.
The Glenmorrle Co. Otemnorrle
Park, blk. 90; $8.74.
The Glenmorrle Co. GWmmorrle
Park, blk. 91; $5.24.
The Glenmorrle Co. Gleiimorrl
Park. blk. 92; $5.59.
Tin Glenmorrle Co,
Park. blk. 93; $5.09.
The Glenrnorrlo Co, Olenmorrlo
Park, blk. 94; $3 73,
The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle
Park, blk. 95; $4.31.
The Glenrnorrlo Co, Glenmorrle
Park, blk. 96; $6.41.
The Glonmorrte Co.
Park, blk. 97; $5.34.
The Glenrnorrlo Co, Glenmorrle
Park, blk. 88; $6.99.
The Glenrnorrlo Co. -Park,
blk. 99; $6.99.
The Glenmorrle Co. -Park.
blk. 100; $6.99.
B. Wood Gordon
Tracts, blk. 7; $7.14.
Lillian II, Runyard Greta Park, blk
1; $13.76.
Elslva Mullen Hollywood Park, lot
10. blk. 6; $1.18,
Joseph Fletcher Hyde Park, lots 13
to 18. blk. 3; $1.73.
E. W. Beeraan Hyde Park, lots 23
to 29, blk. 3; $3.02.
C- H. Clement Hyde Park. lots
and 3. blk. 9; $1.15.
R. U Hwlck Hyde Park, lots 3
and 9, blk. 9; $1.15.
Conrad Peterson Hyde Park, lots
13 to 16, blk. 9: $2.30.
Louise Bell Hyde Park, lots 9 to
12, blk. 11; $1.15.
Isabella Johnston Hyde Park, lots
29 to 32, blk 12; $1.15.
Thos. C Clarke Hyde Park, lots I
to 32, blk. 13; $9.22.
Sarah E. Palmer, Hyde Park, lots 9
to 24. blk 14; $4.61.
J. E. Maher Hyds Park, lots 1
6, blk. 15; $1.73.
Edith Butcher Hyde Park, lots
to 26, blk. 17; $1.15.
C. W. Kern Idlewllde, lots 1
to 9, blk. 1; $1.38.
C. W. Kern Idlewllde, lots 10 to
IS, blk. l; $1-37.
C. V. Kern Idlewllde, lots 1 to 8,
blk. i: $1.22.
C. V. Kern Idlewllde. lots 1 to
blk. 3; $1.54.
C. K. Kern-Idlewllde lots 5 to 11,
blk. 4; $2.14.
l.onsort & Sylvia Wilcox Jertnlngs
Lodrre. N's Ex. N 70 ft of blk. 36;
It. M. CourtrlRht and J. W, Johnston
Jennings l,odg), H Bit each In 8'-
of blks, 73-74: $46.56,
J. E. A. Boyce Jennings Lodge,
blks. 77 and 78; $77.60.
Wm. W. Smith sold to Downey Jen
nltu-s Lodge 71.50 x 294 39 ft blk HO;
Anna Donahue Jennlnns Ixidge.
71.5 x 274.69 ft. blk. 80; $1.66.
Wm. Berry Jennings Ixtdge, 71
283.41 ft, blk. 80; $9.71.
David II. Miller 1st Add to Jen
nlngs Lodge, blk. 15; 19.70.
R. F Deter 1st Add to Jennings
Lodge, blk. 35; $23.28.
Herbert H. McGovern 1st Add to
Jennings Lodge, all 36 and'WVi of 37;
Fred H. Madison 1st Add to Jen
nings Uidge, all 50 snd No. 6 ft. Ex.
E. 19 ft. of No. 6 ft. of 51; $25.61.
Grace L. Bronaugh Boardmtm's
Add to Jennings Ixidge, blk. 2; $213.40.
Earl C. Bronaugh Iloardmun's Add
to Jennings l.ode, blk. 5; $21.31.
Karl C. Jlronaugh lloardman's Add
to Jennings Lodge, blk. 8; $17.46.
Earl C. Bronaugh lloardman's Add
to Jennings Lodge, blk. 11; $17.46.
Earl C. Bronaugh lloardman's Add
Jennings Lodge, blk. 14; $19 40.
The Shaw Fsar Co. Boardman s
add to Jennings Lodge, blk. 23; $9.31.
H. J. Howett lloardman's Add to
Jennings Lodge. E 4 of blk. 24; $10.47.
J. E. A. Boyce Bourdman'n Add to
Jennings Lodge, blk 25; $13.58,
H. J. Hewett lloardman's Add to
Jennings Lodge, blk 26; $31.04.
Ralph C. & Margitrette M. Brown
Hulls Add to Jennings Lodge, liulf
blk. 6; $11.25.
Julius Relchle & wife Morris Sub.
Div. of 1st Add to Jannlngs Ixidge,
lots 2 and 3, blk 2; $3.11.
Julius Relchle and wife Morris Sub
Div. of 1st .Add to Jennings Lodge,
lot 6, blk. 2; $1.95.
Wiley H. & Belle C. Crawford
Morris Sub- Div of 1st Add to Jen
nings Lodge, lot 7, blk. 2; $2,71.
Wiley H. & Belle C. Crawford
Morris Sub. Div, of 1st Add to Jen
nings Lodge, lot 10, blk 2; $1.55.
Wiley Trout Morris Sub. Div.
1st Add to Jennings Lodge,
blk. 2; $1.55.
Wiley Trout Morris Sub.
1st Add to Jennings Lodge,
and 19, blk. 2; $5.04.
Wiley Trout Morris Sub. Div. of
1st Add to Jennings Lodge, lot 22, blk
2; $1.05.
Harry A. Hampton Shaws Sub Div
of Jennings Lodge, blk. 6; $5,82
Alice K. Hampton Jennings Lodge,
blk. 7; $27.16.
James B. Welch Shaws Sub. Div
of Jennings Lodge, blks. 10 and 11;
J. E. & lleulah McCauley Kuehl's
Acres, 00 ft. N & 8x152,37 ft, E & W.
out of NE Cor of R;$3.10,
Grace E, Loder Lawton Heights,
blk. 14; $3.39.
Wm. & Olive Rivers Lawton lights
blk. 15; $4.77.
Grace E. Ider Lawton Heights
blk. 16; $3.39.
R. L. Algar Leo, lot 11, blk. 1; $2.48
J. N. Alger Ieo, lot 12, blk. 1 ; $3.20
Mrs. E. V, Albee Leo, lot 13, blk,
1; $2.13.
First Church of Evangelical Ass'n
of Liberal Liberal, Sly of lot 10,
blk. 2; $7 55.
Rosalind Gibson Logus Tracts,
Ely 177 ft of ex pt N of O. W, P. track
blk. l; $17.11.
Rosalind Gibson Logus Tracts, N.
1.82 acres of blk. 2; $10.52,
Hibernla Savings Bank Logus
Tracts, 6.06 acre blk. 4; $36.17.
Lillian M. Plymale Gibson's Sub. of
Logus Tracts, blk. 2; $7.89.
H. L- Keats Logng Tracts, N. DO
ft. of 4 and all of 5; $10.52,
Ferrol Jackson Ixigus Tracts, WVi
of Sy2 of blk. 17; $2.63.
John & Rosalind Gibson Logus
Tracts, EV4 of 17 & W of 18 and all
ex W 114 ft. of 19; $16.43
Theo. & L'sna Serlcks Logus Tract
EV4 of blk. 24; $5.26,
Pete McCarthy Logus Tracts, blk
30; $11-84.
John H. & Rosalind Gibson LoguB
Trmdall x. W 114,4 ft of blk. 38;
John H. and Rosalind Gibson Lo
gus Traols, btlt, 39. and 10; $23.67.
Mt. Hood By Devwlopimnit Co, Ma
bory, lot 12, blk. 3; $3.56.
Mt. Hood Uy Development Co. M
bery, lot 11. blk, 4; $3,14.
K, W, Hnrties Marehlmnks, lots 33
and 34, blk. 77; $1.33.
10, W, Barnes Murchbattka, lots
40 to 60, blk. 7: $7.29,
C. A, Gove Miirchlntnks, lot 1, bllt,
8; $1-33,
Harriott Lee MarcnoanKs, iota s
to , blk. 8; $3.31.
G, Svarvend J. U Fraxler, March
bunks, lots 12 to 15, blk. 8; $2.5,
V, A. Cove Marchbanks, lot 16. blk,
9; $1.33.
I. O. O. F, No, 1415 Msrshflcld, lot
34, blk. 10; $0,20.
Rose B. Imel-Marshflcld, Tnlberts
Add, Frl of 1 and all of 3, blk, 16 $2.48.
Chas. U Roadarmel - Mumhlleld
Twlbcrfs Add, lots 1 and 2. blk, 17;
Walter O. Cox-Maywood. lot 7, blk,
2; $24.25.
Walter O. Cox May wood, SL H
of lot 4, blk. 3; $12 23.
Bllnn L. Snow Maywood, lot 10,
blk. 3: $26.20.
Sarah J. Solomon-Mtlwaukle. lots
1 snd 2, blk. 16; $35.50,
Molchlor A ft Millie A. Lelimun-
Mtlwaukle. lots 3 to 6, blk. HI; 45,7u.
Josslo A, Keck, Tr, Mllwmikle, tot
1 and 2. blk. 28; $53.25.
Anna M. Mullen Mtlwaukle. Bo. 35
ft. ot lot 2, blk. 29: $10.65.
Aslt Camp No, 339 W. O. W.-MII
wkukle; 3002Hft, lot 3, 60xti2Hft. lot
4. blk. 29: $26.44
E. V. and Uu Allme Mllwaukle,
30x37 Vt lot 3, 374t x 50 lot 4, blk
29: $30.00.
Ousels Keck Mtlwaukle, 50x974 ft
lot 6. 30x974 ft- lot , blk. 29; $41.35.
I'nknown Mltwaukto, blk 39; $14.20
- Albert Thomas Mtlwaukle, t ogs
well's 1st Add, blk ('; $66.39
John Strucky Mtlwaukle, Duorsts
add. lot 2. blk. 1: $5.32.
John M. A M. J. Stmky Dnorst's
Add. lot 5. blk. I; $17.75.
John M &. M. J. Btucky Duerst s
Add tots 1 and 2, blk. S; $6.21
John M & M, J. Stocky Duerst's
Add. lot 8. blk. 2; $3.55.
Jtimes Oliver Duersl s Add, lot
blk. 3: $1 42.
Harry & Jennie Amele Mtlwaukle,
Kerr & Shtndler's Add, lot 25, blk. A;
W. D. & Delta E Ermey Mtlwau
kle, Kerr & Shtndler's Add, lot 27, blk
A; $3.55,
Harry & Jennlo Amelia Mllwaukls
Kerr & Shtudter s Add, lot 2S. blk, A
Jesse A. Keck Mltwaukle, Kerr i
Shlndler'c Add. lots S and 6. blk B
LoU Albee Mllwaukle, Kerr & Shin
dlers Add. lot 7, blk. B; $4.87.
Lou A I bo Mtlwaukle, Kerr & Shin
dlers Add. lot II, blk. B; $1.25.
Theo. Fisch Mllwaukle, 4 Int. lot
23 and 24. blk. It; $11.54.
Bernard & M. Flat -h Mllwaukle. 4
Int. In lots 23 und 24, blk. II; $11.50.
Harold H Setiwood Mllwaukle.
Qulnty Add. lot 3, blk. 4; $1.07.
Portland & O. C. Ry. Co. Mllwau
kle. Qulncy Add. lot 21. blk, 5: $143.
Portland & O. C. Ry. Co. Mllwau
kle, qulncy Add, lot 25, blk. 5: $1.42.
Portland & O. C. Ry. Co. Mllwau
kle, qutm-y Add, tot 26, blk. 5; $1.78.
Harold E. Sollwood Mllwaukle,
Qulncy Add. tot 2. blk. 6; $1 42,
Cora A. McCleod Ouhicy Add to
Mllwaukle, lot 11. blk. 8; $1.77.
J. J. McKinncy-qulncy Add to Mil
waiiklo. tots 1 and 2, blk. 9; $6.75.
Ivy G. Setiwood -qulncy Add to Mll
waukle lot 22, blk. 9; $3.90.
J. W. Ray Qulncy Add to Mllwau
kle, tots 8 and 9, blk 10; $21.66.
I'ortlund & O. C. Ry Co.-HQiilney
Add to Mllwaukle, 'lots l and 2, blk
H: $3.19.
Thos. J. Clark Sellwoods Add to
Mllwaukle, lots 1 to 4. blk. 9; $15,09.
John It. Griffith Roberts Ri plat j Acres No.
or BeiiwnoiiK Add to .Milwaukee, lot a,
blk. 2; $3.55.
Thos. Roberts Roberts Replat of
Sellwoods Add to Mllwaukle, lots 7
and 8, blk. 2; $710. ,
Elizabeth Mullan Strelb's Iht Add
to Mllwaukle, lot 1, blk. 3; $3.55.
Battle Solomon Mllwaukle Heights
tot 1, blk. 33; $1.46. ,
IlaUle Solomon Mllwaukle Heights
tot 3, blk. 33; $1.10.
(Initio Solomon Mllwaukle Heights
lot 6, blk. 33; $1.64.
Battle Solomon Mllwaukle Heights
lots 6 to 11. blk. 33; $12.23.
L. H. & May S. Morcan Mllwaukle
Heights, lots 1 to 5, blk. 45; $13.14.
Jas. P. & Emlllo C. Shaw Mllwau
kle Heights, lots 1 to 14, blk 46;$23.00
Jams P, O'Nell Mllwaukle Hgths,
pt. of lota and blks and vacated Sts.;
Thos. J. Jones Mllwaukle I Interest
lots 2 and 3, blk. 11; $15.21.
John Conway Mllwaukle Park, lot
6, blk. 1; $1.64.
John Conway Mllwauklo Park, lot
11, blk. l; $2.01.
Albert Thomas Mllwauklo Park,
lots 1 to 5, block 2; $8.76.
Albert Thomas Mllwaukle Park,
lots 12 to 16, blk. 2; $8.03.
J. O. Iee, Mllwaukle Park, lots 9
and 10, blk. 4; $3.47.
Anders G. Wlmon Mllwaukle Park,
lots 14, 15, 16, blk. 6; $6.39.
Wesley & B. A. Carter Mllwauklo
Park, lots 2 to 6, blk. 17; $1.38.
Wesley & II. A. Carter Mllwaukle
Park, lots 13 to 18, blk. 17; $12.59.
Florence C. Hanlon Mllwaukle
Park, lots 3 and 4, blk 21; $H 94.
Edith B. Morris Mllwauklo Park,
lot 4, blk. 24; $1.73.
Mrs. T. B. Johnson Mllwaukii Park
lot 56, blk. 21: $1.46.
Wm. Hoy Mllwaukle Purk, lots 4
and 6, blk. 27; $4.93.
E. H. Wills Mllwnukle Park, lot 6,
blk. C; $5.48.
R. W. Fisher Mllwauklo Purk, lots
10 and 11, blk. C; $12 77.
Mattle M. Barnes Mlnthorn, lots 13
to 24, blk, 12; $7.95,
Robt. A. Miller Mlntliorn, lots 23
and 24, blk. 14; $1.42,
A. E. Mathews & T. I. Loughlln
Mlnthorn lots 25 and 26, blk. 14; $1.6o
C. M. Rabcr Mlnthorn, lots 13 and
11, blk. 15; $1.12.
Delia It. Dnlo Mlnthorn, lota 28 and
29, blk. 15; $2.30.
Mary I. eaman Mlnthorn, lots 29
and 30, blk. 16; $1.42,
L. M. Lucky, 2-10; Willis Mdllroy,
2-15; A. A. McElroy, 9-15; L. G, Me
Elroy, 2-15 Int. Mlnthorn, lotti 1 to 23,
blk 40; $15.24.
L. M. Lucky, 2-15; Willis McElroy,
2-15; A. A, McElroy, 9-15; L. G. Mc
Elroy, 2-15 Int. Mlnthorn, lots 39 to
48 blk. 40; $6.62,
Wm. P. & Charity 11. Jacks, Mln
thorn, lots 43 and 44, blk. 41; $3.20.
A. E, Mathews & T. I. Louulilin.
Mlnthorn, lots 9 and 10, bllt. 42; $1.42.
Carrie Nolson, Mlnthorn, lots 7 and
8, blk. 43; $1.42.
Joe Ponny, Mlnthorn, lots 19 and
20, blk. 13; $1.42.
C, L, Weavar, Mlnthorn, lots 29 to
32, blk. 44; $2.84.
Chas. L &, Lizzie Weaver, Mlnthorn,
lots 33 and 34, blk. 44; $1.42.
C. A. Hunt, Mlnthorn, lots 39 und
40, blk. 44; $1,42.
I.. M. Lucky. 2 15; Willis McBlroy,
3 15; A, A. McElroy, 916; U U, Mc
Elroy, 215 Int. Mlnthorn, lots I to II.,
blk. 45; $13.24.
Curl Ourlson, Mliilliorti, lota 11 t
14, btk. 68; $2 65.
Alfred M. and Ruby Jaiulsut, Mln
tliorn, lots 11 to 14. blk !': $3.65.
J. J, Downing, M In tliorti, lots 19 I
24, blk. 08; $3.98.
Harold E. & Ivs T). Sollwood, Mill '
thorn, tots 28 to 40, blk. 71; $2.13,
L. IS, Williams H. M. Rainsl)?,
Mlnthorn, lots 2 to 4, blk, 72; $2,tl
A, K. Mutiiews and T, I. LouKtilln.
Mlnthorn, lots 40-41, blk. 73; $1.42.
A. K. Mutiiews & T, I. UnittliUn, Mil)
thorn, lots 3 and 4, blk 77, $1.00.
Oregon lnd Co. Mlntliorn, lots 16
ami 17, blk. 78; $1.00,
Mttranret Htuukey Miutboni. lot
28 and !, blk,78; $2,311,
J. 11. Black, Mlntliorn, lots 12 to It,
blk. S9; $1.19,
A. N. Doutliern Mlu'horu, lot 22
to 37, blk, 80; $0,36.
Chas. II, Cruvcn MliitUorn, lots 1
to 4, btk. 01; $1.59.
Chas, II, Craven Mlntlioru, lots 31
to 40, blk, 81: $2.78.
J, W, tii'iuilo- MliiUioin. lots 27 ami
28, btk. 93; $1,19.
Goo. A. HouckMlnthora. lots 25 i.
32, lot 94; $3.18.
U L, Rowland -Mluthorn, tuts 33 to
3S, blk. 94; $2,52,
U U Rowland Mlnthoru, lots 16 to
24, blk. 95; .Ut.
A. E. Mathews and T, I. uiughlln
Mlnthorn, lots 10 to 15, blk. 95; $2.38,
A. E. Mathews mid T. U Loughllu
Mlnthorn, lots 25 to 81, blk. 95; $2.78.
A. E. Mathews aud T. U Loughltn
Mlnthorn, tots 14 to 19, blk. 87; $2.38,
A. E. Muthnws aud T, U Iiougbllu
Mlnthorn, lots 1 to 9, blk. 98; $3.u.
Joieph Nojty Evertmrts Ind Add
to Molalla, lots 1 and 3. blk. 1; $20.10.
John A. Dominique Everhart's 2nd
Add to Molalla. lot 3, blk. 1; $3.35.
NeltUi A. Taylor 4 Irwgory's 1st Add
to Molalla, W, 40 ft. ot 11 and 12, blk.
1; $25.13.
Geo. H. Gregory Gregory's 1st Add.
to Molalla, IC 80 ft of tots 11 and 12.
blk. 2: $3.35.
I C. Hubbard Gregory's 1st add
to Molalla, W4 of lots 11 aud 12, blk.
6; $1.67.
L. C. Hubbard Gregory 1st add to
Molalla, W4 of lot 12, hits. 6; $18.09
F. C. Morlensoo lregurys 1st add
to Molalls, lot 10, blk. 7; $3 36.
Geo. II. Gregory Gregory' Ut Add
to Molalla, aU ot 13 and N. II ft o
14. btk. 9; $2.68.
Geo. It. Gregory Gregory" 1st Add
to Molalla. So. 00 ft. of 20 and W4
of 21. blk. 9. $1.84.
J. V. Ilarless J. V. Hsrliws Add to
Molalla, lots 6 to 8, blk. 1; $151.
J. V. llarloss J. V. llurloss Add to
Molalla, lots 10 and It, blk. 1; $1.51
J. V. Harlesa J, V Harloss Add to
Molalla. lots 1 and 2, blk. 2; $3.01.
J. V. Harless J. V llsrtoas Add to
Molalla, lots 3 to 9. blk. 3; $8.71.
J. V, Harlots J, V. llarloss Add to
Molalla, lot 10, blk. 2; $1.34.
J. V. Harless J. V. Hsrlcsa Add to
Molullu, lots 11 to 15, blk 2; $18.68.
P. C, Kermsn J. V. Harltum Add to
Molullu, W. 42,14 ft ot lot 10, blk. 3.
I C. Hubbard - Kaylcr's Add to Mo
latia, lot 3, blk. 1; $24.29.
F. C. Mortensoii Ksylor's Add to
Molulla. lot 6. blk, 2; $24.2l,
Fr.?d Bchuffor Kuylcrs Add lo Mo
lulla, lot 6, blk. 2; $5 86.
Bank of Mt. AngelMeUlor's A
Harts Add to Molullu, lot V, blk, 2.
$4 19.
E. A. and Venta Mullutt- I VI, Rob
bing Add to Molalla, blks. I and 8.
Fred Sehafer Mu 1 1 no, lots 1 and 2.
blk. 8; $1.23.
Edna Anderson Mullno, lots 1 to 6,
blk. 13; $2.15.
R. C. McMuhon Multnomah Acres,
blk. 10; $9 II.
Smith Wagoner Co. Multnomah
Acres No. 2, blk. 7; 111.88,
Smith Wagoner Co. MtiiUiomuh
blk, h; $11.88.
John W. Long-Nob Hill.
8. blk. 16; $1.25. '
John W. Long-Nob lllll, lota 17
24. blk. 6; $1.25.
J. W. Couglilln-Noli Hill, lots I to
24. blk. 7; $3.76.
J. W. CoiiKhlln Nob lllll, lots 1 to
10, blk. 8; $1.56.
Edward & Mary parmanll tr Nob
Hill, lots 1 to 11. blk. 33; $1.73.
D. L. McKlnney Nob lllll, lots 13
to 24, blk. 15; $3.76.
Ctms. T. Forrlil Nob Hill, pL ot
blk. 16; $5.47,
GiiHtav & Sadlo Floehtner Nob
Hill, 2 acres, blk. 16; $3.13.
Alex A. Morrison Oak Grove, btk
1; $135.80.
Alex A. Morrison Oak Grovo, blks.
13 and 14; $232.80.
Al x A. Morrison-Oak Grovo, blk
24; $131.92.
John H. Watts Oak Grote, 170 x
265.90 ft. of blk. 25; $3S.65.
F. M. Lock wood Oak Grove, N. 170
ft mi1 . .. m I.H. . a.,.
John H. Watts Oak Grovo, 300 x
310 ft. of blk. 35 mid 85x327.8 ft. of
blk. 35; $50.44.
Ralph C. Adams Oak Grove, 170x
245 ft. of blk. 65; $12.23,
John P. Bruno Oak Grovo, pt ot
blk. 65; $15.14. 9
J. A. Curlqulst Oak Grove, 1134x
369 ft. of blk. 65; $9.70.
J. C. P. WBHtengard Oak Grove,
blk. 66; $37.25. '
G. E. UVIgne Oak Grove, NWly
1 acre of blk. 70; $7.76.
Tllllo Rehn sold to Keudnll Oak
Grove, So 2 acres ot blk. 70; $15.62.
Sarnti A. Blackmail 1st sub. div.
of Oak Grove, lot 1, blk. 7; $21.33
Himon 1'. anil Addle C. Blghain
1st sub. div. of Oak Grovo, E. 44 ft.
of lot 3 mid alt of lot 4, blk. 41; $33.76
Miss Gladys Brown 1st sub div or
Oak Grove, lots 1, 2, 3, blk. 43; $11.13.
Martha H. Moore 1st sub dlr of
Oak Grove, lot 4, blk. 60; $10.86.
D. N. Twomey 1st sub div. of Oak
Grove, lot 3, blk. 61; $11.64.
D. N. Twomey 1st sub dir. of Oak
Grove, lot 3, bllt. 61; $11.64.
L. E, and Mottle Armstrong 1st
!ub- ,)lv' ,,f u,lk "rovu, lot 4, blk. 87;
H. G. Starkweather Tr 1st sub div
of Oak Grove, lots 19 mid 20, blk. 0;
Mary C. Burton 1st sub. of Oak
Grovo, lots 15, 16, 19, 20, blk. 82; $.31.
Anna J. A. Rlnelmrt 1st Bub. div
of Oak Grove, lots 7 and 8, blk. 93;'
Anna J. A. Rlnehnrdt 1st sub. div
of Oak Grove, lots 15 and 16, blk. 93
$4.66. '
Nona May Emmons 2nd Bah. (tlr of
OukGrove, lots 5 and 8, blk. 97;
Ellmiboth Wetzlor 1st sub dlr of
,",knoGroVe lots 18 to 20, blk. 97;
Ik.. r
jyiury iv. imrton 2nd sub div. ot
ab'oVr R Mti, 2-
Mary C. Burton-2nd sub. Dir. of
Oak Grove, lot 5, blk. 99; $2.72
Lucy Horn, 2nd sub. div of Oak
Grove, lots 6 and 7, blk. 99; $1164
Mary C. Burton 2nd sub. dl of
GrV!' l0ts 9 nnd W'.Wk. B9;
Mury K. Burton 2nd Ssb. Div, ot
lots 1 to