V 1 s Cwhteen styles shown in stock Raging from $6.85 to $40.00 Reg. $16 solid oak plank "1 Q 7C top, 6-ft. Ex. Table. . tDLO.iD Regular $40.00 Solid Oak 6-foot Ex tends 54 ins. Plank QO C7 top, colonial base.. vvutU I Morris Rocker Solid oak frame, imitation Spanish leather, loose cushion d7 flfl seat and back. Regular $1 2.00 Special Df UU Library Tables Twenty four styles in stock Priced regular from $10 to $30 ' Regular $12.50 Table, 27x44 inches; golden 07 OC wax finish. Spcl D I DJ Reg. $14.50 Table, 28x46-in. A beauty and a QJ bargain at D I XO Napoleon Beds Regular $26.00 Napoleon style. Eastern gum wood Bed. d 4 QC Extra special 1 D 17J EnglishlBreakf ast Tables Extra large size drop leaf Table, gold en wax finished top WHITE ENAMEL BASE of superior construction. Occupies but 12-inch space when not in use. SEE THEM. ON SALE Q QT AT tDO.OD Are You Going to Bnild? Get our selling out prices on Doors, Windows, Locks, Hinges and all Building Materials. ingrain Stair Carpet 27 inches wide. Regular 65c Sale 43c RANGES AND THEN MORE RANGES High Grade Banquet Ranges for less. Re constructed Ranges, Good as New at a frac tion of their real worth $65.00 Born Range dJOJ 20-ln. even 00 D $35.00 Royal Range, (J97 6 holes JI $30.00 Jewel Range, n J 6 holes '. DX $28.50 Peninsular (Joo 50 Cast Iron RangeJ"" Jacobien Library Table Quartered oak, cane paneled end, turned posts, antique design char acteristic of the Jacobien period. Regular $27.50 dOJ Qfi Extra special ' ' S Wood & Coal Heaters Splendid selection of the celebrated Sunset Wood Heaters. Best made for western trade. See our Selling prices Regular $23.50, large door g J Q gg Regular $14.50 Swing door d 1 CA Special Dll.aU Regular $1 0.00 Air Tight Heater j0 OC Special v ;., - t ; r 1 Mn' And Women' WOODEN SHOES All Sizes 50c and 75c 15c and 20c TINWARE Is Selling while it Lasts at 6c ING SUPPLIES, ETC, ETC Are Being Offered at Practically WHAT IT WILL BRING Necessity Knows No Law. Sell! Is the Order, so Long as You Get the Cah There are hundreds of other articles not priced here for lack of space. Take a whole day. off and come see for yourself It is by comparison only that you CAN APPRECIATE THE SAVING ROCKER Z in Golden Oak Finish A $12.S0LIDOAK WTT I RF mvFisi ABSOLUTELY L 81.50 4-Quart Aluminum STEW PANS Sale $1.12 r $1.25 DINNER PLATES Semi-Porcelain Set of 6 79c $7 50 PARLOR LAMPS Decorated Bowl and Globe $4.25 52-piece set Semi-Porcelain Regular $7.85, selling out price fDu I O 55-piece Blue Bird Dinner Set Regular $13.25 A QC Selling price .... D1U.0J $3.50 BED COMFORTS Silkoline Covered' To Close $2.35 20c CURTAIN SCRIM Fancy Bordered 36-in. wide 11c Scotch Wool Rugs Reg. $12.50 genuine Scotch Wool Rugs. Size 2Jx3 yards. Assorted patterns. dQ A Selling out price. Rocker Arm Chairs Real and Imitation Leather Rockers and Morris Chairs. Ranging in price from $7.00 to $35.00 d A QC Regular $15.00 Imitation Spanish leather Rocker, Specials) JL XlmUM Baby Buggies and Sulkies They range in price from $2.50 to $20.00 Big selection, rediculously priced Child's reversible Sulky, push or pull. Rubber tires, protecting 7A mud guards. Priced spcl. wltl v Japanese Matting 800 yards plain and fancy Japanese Matting. Splendid varieties; small patterns, green, tan and brown. Extra heavy closely 9Q woven. Selling out price .....'.. fcV BED ROOM SUITE Five pieces genuine black walnut. Adam period design Bed, Dresser, Dressing Table, Chair and Rocker 4tQf C Regular $1 1 5.00 Special tDOU.tJU Over-Stuffed Furniture Davenport and Arm Chair to Match. Extra long oil tempered springs, covered with curled hair and cotton. Upholstered in brown Saranac. 9, Regular $65 Dav enport Sale .... $49.95 Regular $45 Arm Chair. Sale $32.60 (Remnants) Double Rous 5c 25c DECORATED PLATES and DISHES 13c II x I II J L VyL II 1 QATIIPMIV FFR 11 I UrtlUUlrtl, ILV.LV 1 At 8:00 P. M. Get a Number Free with every purchase $4.00 WOOL FLEECED BLANKETS Tan, Gray or Plaids $3.45 55c CURTAIN 3MADRAS Good Assortment of Patterns 42c $4.00 BED COMFORTS Pure White Cotton Filled $2.98 $2.00 FEATHER PILLOWS 3-lb. 19x26-in. Per Pair $1.45 Vijf Rugs Reg. $2.25 4ix4J, sale. ". .$1.65 Reg. $7.25, 6x9, sale $5.85 Reg. 11.00, 9x9. sale .. $8.80 1; 4 fc'i Oiilv a few hig;h prade Buffets left, ranging from $25 to $47.50. They must go at some price Regular $27.50 quarter-sawed oak Buffet with mirror. . . $22.85 PICTURE FRAMES With convex glass and back. Black or gold. Reg. $6; Sale S2.70 Children's Cribs Not manv left and thev will soon go. There'll be no more at these prices. Reg. $7.50 Child's Cribs. Sale. . . $4.65 Reg. $3.50 Child's Enamel Cribs. . $2.25 CHIFFONIER with bevel plate mirror, be; finished with 5 coats porcelain white enamel. Reg. $20 Six drawer Chiffonier with bevel plate mirror, beautifully C OC ,0. "f "y'i'T I s Brass and Enamel Beds Sixtv-two bv actual count Priced from $2.00 to $40.00. Reg $1 7.50 Brass Bed, sale. . $11.45 Reg. $11.00 Enamel Beds.. $ 7.95 Reg. 4.00 Iron Beds selling at $ 2.00 HOUSE PAINT Our very best ready for use. Guaranteed. Reg. $3 gal . Sagless Bed Springs Recr. $14 Sm-inz. 1 5-vr cruarantee $9.50 . Reg. $1 1.50 Sagless Spring, sale $3.75 NSvDpNT Reg. $7.25 All Steel Spring $5.50 . S2.60 Reg. $5.75 Woven Wire Spring $4.95 Four-Poster Vootfen Bed Beautiful finish in old Ivory. Reg. $25 seller. Special $19.95 MATTRESS BARGAINS $28 Silk Floss Mattress, sale. . $22.50 $18 50-lb. Cotton Felt. sale. . . $14.65 $13.50 40-lb. Felt Mattress.. $10.50 7.50 Combination Mattress... $5.85 Wash Boilers Any merchant would be glad to take theni 1 at hese P-See them at .$3.15, $3.95, $4.25 and $6-25 Rugs at less than factory prices They range from $6.95 to $45.00 Regular$30.00 Axminster Rugs jj23 QQ Regular $22 Seamless Brussels d 7 OC 9x12 Sale OH OU Regular $10.50 Ingrain Art Square d QC 9x12 Sale DU.iJ And Buy at Selling Out Prices YOU'LL SAVE MONEY tmmtmmm I mi r?r) n rnn7 ron nrrnnri regon city's big I ? ni LA v V o M n n FURNITURE STORE j MuUJLJVA I vi viJ LI- MAIN, AT HTH STREET s s s