8 6 S s s s s a a - 0 ( .WS tCWUiw' KJns4.jl 1 yj N THE BIG DRIVE IS ON It Is a Merciless Slaughter of Prices In our Determined Effort to Dispose of this Stock No Quarter is Asked- No Compromise Offered- ell tine Goods Are the Orders Reserve Stocks have been unpacked and brought forward to take the place of those already sold. There is a plenty for all in this immense stock, so Get Your Share While You May The , . TTTI T TWO WEEKS AGO OF OUR PURPOSE OF SELLING OUT THIS STOCK OF FiS2'iniItiyif09 IHIdDtuis IPtuiiriniSshLliTLgS9 I-5aiir,cl'wa.ir,e, BTLiildlmg Siuipplles, Etc. Has brought hundreds of eager buyers, from far and near to this Wonderful Sale. .A Sale Unequaled in Value Giving overflowing with Enthusiasm, Successful Beyond our Most Sanguine Expectations. In Selling this stock we appeal to Those Who Buy for Cash offering savings you cannot afford to over look. WE WANT EVERY FAMILY IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY TO KNOW FREE! GIVEN FREE! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, AT 8:00 P. M. WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE A Beautiful 812.50 Solid Oak Rocker, Golden Oak Finish Comfortable, Durable, Ornamental See it in our Show Window. Numbers in Duplicate will be Given with Every Purchase. Get Your Numbers You mav et this beautiful Prize. j U. S. THRIFT STAMPS For sale at cashier's window. Buy a stamp every day and help the boys "over there." ITS YOUR PATRIOTIC PRIVILEGE V MJ Kitchen Cabinets This beautiful Cabinet will appeal to every w oman An ornament rr anv home. Sanitarv. 7 i 1: : . economical, saves ume, cuiumaica waste. Large cabinet, glass door, metal covered table. Two flour bins, two drawers, two bread boards 1 A l?C! Regular $20. Special W NOTE: The above cut does not do this article justice. Wear.ever AHuminum Selling out rices on all Aluminum Ware are just 20 PER CENT OFF REGULAR PRICES 31.00 SAFETY RiVZORS Dozen Blades 23c 25c GRANITEWARE Pans, Dippers, Stew Pans, Etc mi in mil n wammmmmmimm mmtam mmm nmBn : ; : : r : - I ' J: 1 12-Quart ' . '-v DAIRY PAILS T" - ;: -til h ' ' 3 19c 10-Quart WATER BUCKET Galvanized 42c THIS IMMENSE STOCK Occupying over 30,000 square feet of floor space U by far the largest and most varied in Clackamas County, consisting of FURNITURE, HARDWARE, BEDS AND BED DING, DRAPERIES, CARPETS, RUGS, LINO LEUMS, WALL PAPER, SEWING 1MACHINES, BABY BUGGIES, PICTURES, , MOULDINGS. RANGES, HEATERS, DISHES, ALUMINUM AND GRANITEWARE, HOUSE PAINTS, FARM S1J25 HAND SAWS 98c 50c UQUID VENEER Larg size bottle. 35c DINING CHAIRS Thirty-one stylea by actual count. They range from $1.03 to $9.50. Displayed on Furniture Floor Regular $3.50 Solid Oak, Genuine Leather Seat Chairs 50 QA Selling at D.U Dressers Galore Twenty-seven styles on floor. Priced from 87.95 to $60.00.. Regular $14.50 large case Dresser 20x24-i Special 20x24-in. mirror d A if OV.D Regular $20.00 Dresser; finished with 5 coats porcelain white enamel. Sale . . . . $16.50 y 1 1 r( Tea Wagon d. Solid rubber tires, re cretonne covered glass tray. Reg. $22.50. Sale price, Old Ivory finished Reed. Solid rubber tires, removable 1 A O C 3 9 5 Ik JOINING TABLES ANTiTiSimTOJ w AJJxr!.XAPER