"OREGON! iTENTEttPRlSE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1918. SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrt. Blanche R. Shelley Rapreisntatlve. QIRLS' CLUB HAS PLEASANT MEETING. HANDY, Ore., Feb, 20. The Capa ruckas mot titat Friday evening with Mint Gladys Mitchell. All the mem ben were present, and the club bud lit visitors Mr. Mitchell and Mia lliuol Mitchell. Tho club will give ft dunce In the I. O. U. V. bull, April 8th, (or the benefit of the Hud Cross. CECIL DUKE INJURED. . We have nut bean utile to secure do ft tilt o Information, but report hint It that Cecil Duke, who waa with the 20th Engineers on board the Tuscan la, la In a boapltnl with a fractured leg. LOCAL AUXILIARY MEETS. The Bandy Red Groan met with Mra. Hhnlley laat Wednesday and flnUhed and packed the following ertlolee: Five sweaters, S pair aocka, 12 bed ahlrta, 13 pajamaa. Through the courtesy of Mra. W. J. Faublon the orgonlza tlon haa another machine, and a new lot of work haa been aent out, ao there will be plenty of work (or all. JOLLY DANCE AT WELL KNOWN MOUNTAIN HOTEL Nearly every body In the country around about gathered at Welches ball laat Saturday night and danced the,nut.fl of Mri Hoffman. I a service- (lug carrying five atara, with the following namee: 11. E. Eaaon, Cecil 0. Dukes, Win. II. Phelps, Elmer Phelps and K. Townaand, LOCALS Alfred Mulnlg and Edward BchmlU vlaltod relutlvea In Troutdule Sunday. Mlaa Huxul Ilonrdmnn, who haa hud a music class here for two yeura, made hr Iuhi trip Tuosdey. She wilL go to Corvullla, where she hue a large cluaa. Ray Trulllnger, it nephew o( Mra. Myra Revenue, who la on the U, 8. 8. Hartford, wrltoa from camp at Chartoa town, B. C, that he haa bod pneumo nia. Sutd he waa In quarantine, but did not aay why, and expected It would be two or three weeka yet before he waa reluaaad. Said he did not expect to go Into training again before April let. Jean Proctor and lluzol Dunn, of Cottrcll, spent Sunday with Mine llaseol liners. Mra. E. llomttt waa a dinner gueat at Nelsons at Kelao, Tuesday, Mra. E. liners, of Portland, apent Friday and Saturday the gueat of Mra. George Beers. P. II. Gray baa been on the alck Hat the hint two weeka with la grippe Mra. Myra Revenue baa been very alck at her home alnce Sunday. Mra. Bulger and email aon, of Port land, apent Sunday with L. E. Hoff man and family. Mra. Solger la a day. Mr. Robs wai an uncle of tbe Smith boyi, Mlaa Lillian Averlll spent the week end with the home (oiks at Cherry-vllle. IRST E1 D, E. (Jack) Froat, has announced bla candidacy for the Republican nomi nation for aheiiff at the May primar ies, and will at once begin an active campaign. Mr. Frost haa been a resi dent of Oregon City and Clackamaa county (or the paat 24 yeara, and haa been a member of the Ore department docree that plaintiff be declared and decreed to have and hold and poaaeaa a (ee simple eatate In and to aatd real property, and every part thereof, free from all claims of any nature of any or all of the above named defendants, whether known or unknown, and for all other equitable relief demanded In the complaint of plaintiff, or which to the court may aeem equitable. The undemigned attorney Is a resi dent attorney of the State of Oregon, and realdea In Portland, Oregon, ills post office address Is 631 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. This summons Is published by and pursuant to an order made by the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above en titled court, on the 16th day of Feb ruary, 1918. Tbe date of first publication Is Fri day, February 22, 1918, and the date of tbe laat publication Is Friday, the 6th day of April, 1918. 0. A. NEAL, Attorney for Plaintiff. hours away. Sandwiches, cake and coffee were aerved at midnight. For those who did not dance, there were the card tablea. Among those present were, Mr. and Mm. W, Welch, Mlaa Lutlo Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Oo. Wllllama, Mr. and Mra. J. 8. Ureenwood, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. lien aen, Mr. and Mra. Harry Morton, Mr. and Mra. Wrenn, Mr. and Mra. Frank Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Percy T. Shelley, Mlss Andrews, Messrs. Hornlcker, Mitchell, Krutcber, Vanderhoof, Steel, and Elk-horn. NEW MILL NEARS COMPLETION. George Ten Eyck brought his new tractor engine out from Portland the first of the week and is Initialling it In the mill he recently brought down from Government Camp. He expects to have the mill in running ordor In a week. PRESIDENT OP REBEKAH ASSEMBLY VISITS HERE Mra. Mary Lancaster, president of the Oregon Assembly or Rebekahs, paid the Sandy lodge an official visit Inst Thuraday evening. Her address dwelt largoly with doing our bit of work each day. amlllngly, uncomplain ingly. In this way preparing ourselves for the big things of life. I. 0. O. F. HANGS SERVICE FLAG. Last Thursday evening there wns hung In the I. O. O. F. hall at Sandy Walter Krebs, Jr., apent Sunday In Portland. Mrs. Hnlger, of Portland, apent tout! week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jabs, of Kelao. I Fred Wentxel and family, of Bull Run, and Mlaa Minnie Senake were dinner guests of Mark Senske and wife, Sunday. Covers were laid for nine. Gaylord Raugham, of Portland spent the week-end with the llasulwander family on Sandy Ridge. Carl Aschofr and wife, of Marmot, apent the first or the week In Port land. Herman Haselwander waa called to Oregon City Wednesday for examina tion. Glenn Luumlree has quit at Scale's store and la working at Itrun's mill. Wm. Martin reports that he will be transferred in thre eweeks from Waco, Texas, where he has been stationed for Home time. George Ileers came from Yacolt on Tuenday evening for a visit with his family. Mrs. Alice Scales was a Portland vlBltor the flrrst of the week. C. L. Hensen, of Zlg Zug Ranger Station, was In Sandy Tuesday. The Klrwood-Dover Telephone com pany Is putting In new poles between Sandy and Marmot. Mrs. W. F. Krebba has aa guests for two weeks her father, mother and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudeman and Miss Martha Hudeman, who arrived from Pendleton lost week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and Mel vln Smith and wife attended the fun eral of Mr. Ross In Portland last Tues- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned baa been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County ot Clackamas, ex ecutor of the estate of Frledrlch Schcrruble, deceased. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at the office ot C. Schuebel, Ore gon City, Oregon, properly verified as by law required, within six months from the date hereot. Date of first publication, February 22, 1918. DAVID 8CHERRUBLK, Executor of tbe Estate of Frledrlch Scherruble, deceased. C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for executor. D. E. (Jack) Froat. ever alnce coming here, and served one term aa chief, and was on tbe city police force two years. For six years he has been constable of the fourth Justice district, and the same length or time haa aerved as Juvenile officer ot the county. Mr. Froat baa also been truant officer of Oregon City for the paat aeven years and has served as deputy sheriff under two administra tions. He Is a member of the Improved Order ot Redmen, Woodmen of the World, and tbe Moose orders. His motto Is "the enforcement ot the laws Impartially to the extent that all shall be given a square deal, and that eco nomy shall prevail throughout the of fice If elected, with no more deputies being appointed than are absolutely needed." M:irshfle'd: Construction ot Jatty at mouth of Umpqua river progressing COMMUNITY . PUBLIC AUCTION Under the auspices of the Estacada Clearing Houae to be held at ESTACADA, OREGON Saturday, March 2, 1918. W. 8. WOOD, Vancouver, Washington. AUCTIONEER. The following Is a partial list of the articles to be aold Terms of sale on each article will be announced at auction. 4 Horses, three 3 your old and one 3 Bedsteads. 2-year old. 4 Bod Springs. 1 Team 7-year-old mares, weight 1300 3 Incubators. and 1400 lbs. 1 Single Horse. 1 -Empire BIndor. 1 Disc Drill. 1 McCormlck Mower. 1 Hay flake. 4 Cultivators. 6 Plows, all makes and sizes. 2 Spring tooth Harrows. 1 Disc Harrow. 1 Double Shovel Cultivator. 2 8plke Tooth Harrows. 1 Barrel Spray Pump. 1 Potato Rack. 1 Iron Wheel Wagon. 2 Farm Wagons. 1 Wood Ruck and Truck. 2 Hydraulic Rams. 1 Rubber Tire Buggy. 6 Ranges, Stovee, Heaters. 2- Gasoline Ranges. 1 Oil Stove. 1 Flying Morkle Motor Cycle. 4 Saddles. 1 Double Surrey. 6 Seta Work and Driving Harness. 1 Screen Door. 1 Acme Weeder. 1 Set Wagon Springs. 4 Felling and Cross Cut Saws. 3 ScythcB one with cradle. 1 Edison Phonograph with records. 6 Horse Collars. 3 Brldlos. 5 Single Trees. 1 Wringer. . 2 Washing Machines 1 with motor. 1 Extension Table. 4 Dining Chairs. 1 Cot and Mattress. 2 Emplre Separators. 1 Economy Separator. 2 United States Separators new. 2 Lengths Steel Cable. 2 Saddle Bags. 1 Piano Stool. 1 Portable Bath Tub. Shovels, Hoes, Axes and Small Tools. Assortment of miscellane ous household furniture. There will probably be several auto mobiles auctioned at this sale. Old Folks Saved From Suffering Mrs. Mary A. Dt-an, Taunton, Mans., in lir kith ypr, says: "I thought I was boyond the rench of medicine, but l oloy Khtncy .Pills have proven most benellcial In my rase." Mr. Bam A. Hoover, High Point, N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble Was worno at night ard 1 liail to get up ttvm five to seven times. Now I do nut have to get up at night, and con l.ler my Heir in a truly normal ron U'llon. which I attribute to Foley Kid ney Pills, as I have taken nothing lllto." Mrs. M. A. rtrldgres. Robinson, Mass., ay: "I suffered from- kidney ail Hunts fur two years. I commenced tutting Foley Kidney Pills ten months nito, und though I am 61 years ot ago, 1 feel like a lS-year-old girl." Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, BtrenKtheniiiK and up-bulMinir. and I ml ore normal action to the kidnevs and 'i n disordered and painful blad di r. They act quickly ani contain no dangerous or harmful drugs. lug claims against said estate are here-' tbe 17th day of January, 1918, upon a by required to present them to toe at the office of C. Schuebel, Oregon City, Oregon, properly verified 'as by law required, within tlx months from the date hereof. Data of first publication February 1, 1918, W. H. WETTLAUFER. Administrator of the Estate of Silas P. Schultz, deceased. C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Administrator. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed executor of the estate of Andrew Olson, de ceased, by the County Court of Clack amas County, State of Oregon, and baa nnallfled. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent same, duly verified, as by law re quired, to the undersigned, at my farm residence nar Boring In said county, within six months from the date here of. Dated and first published February 22nd, 1918. P. M. HOLST, Executor ot the Estate of Andrew Olson, deceased. H. E. CROSS, Attorney for the Estate, Beaver Building, Oregon City. Notice of Hearing Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the matter of the estate of Hester L. Pinkley, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un derslgned, administrator of the estate of Hester L. Pinkley, deceased, has filed in the above entitled Court his Final Account as such administrator, and that said Court has set and fixed Monday, the 25th day of March, 1918, at the hour, ot 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, fn the County Court Room in the Court House of Clacka mas County. Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing ot said Final Account, together with any" objec tions there may be to the same. CHARLES DAHLQUIST. JR.. Administrator of the Estate of Hester L. Pinkley, deceased. First publication Feb. 22, 1918. Last publication March 22, 1918. J. J. JOHNSON, 314 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore., Attorney for Estate. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oragon, for the County of Clacka mas. Henry Luilen, Plaintiff va. Charles Schauff and John Schauff, both unmarried, defendants. State of Oregon, County ot Clacka mas. -ss. By virtue of a gudgment order decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above en-.itbd cause, to me duly directed and dated the 25th day of January, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 17th day of January, 1918, In favor of Henry Luiten, plain tiff and against Charlea Schauff and John Schauff, both unmarried, defend ants, for the sum of $1100.00, with In terest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 15th day of December, 1916, and the further aum of f 100 aa attorney's fee, and the fur ther aum of $24.60 costs and disburse ments, and the cost of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, altuate In the county of Clackamaa, state ot Oregon, to-wit: Bcglnnig at a point 6.50 chains north ot the southwest corner of sec tion thirty-two (32), township two (2) south, Range cue (1) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, and running thence north tracing the section line ten (10) chains; thence East sixteen and one halt (16H) chains to a atone; thence south one-third (1-3) ot a chain; thence East two and one-half (2H) chains to a stone; thence south nine and sixty-seven hundredths (9.(7) chains to a stone; thence west elgh teen and ninety-two hundredths (18.92) chains to the place of begin ning, containing nineteen (19) acres more or less in Clackamaa County, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of aald execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of sa'd prlt, I will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of March, 1918; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U S. gold coin cash in band, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of tLem had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above lescrlbed property or any part there of, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J, WILSON. Sheriff of Clackamaa County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT. Deputy. Dated Oregon City, Ore., February 1st, 1918. judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 14th day of January 1918, in favor ot Albert SchnU and Mary Schulz, his wife, plaintiffs, and against William P. Jacks and Charity H. Jacks bis wife and Charles K. Burn- side and Mary C. Burnslde, hla wife, defendants, for the sum of 1212.00, and the further aum of $36.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $36.50 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following des cribed real property situate In ths county of Clackamas, state of Oregon to-wit: All of Lots Five (5), Six (6), forty- three (43), and forty-four (44), In block forty-one (41), Miuthorn Addi tion to the City of Portland, as found on the plat on file In the Recorders Office for the County of Clackamas In tha State of Oregon. Now, tlnrofore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and docree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday, the 23d day of February, 1918; at the hour of 10 o'clock a.- m., at the front door of the County Court Houss In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, aell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which tbe within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage ed according to the prayer of the ap plication and you will be forever bar red from disputing the same. , I. M. HARRINGTON", (SEAL) , Cleric. By Orena May, Deputy. C. SCHUEBEL, Applicants Attorney. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Of Hearing on Final Account In the Matter of the Estate of John Ilorglln, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as administratrix or the estate of John Berglln, deceased, bas filed her final account In the records of the County Clerk of Clackamaa County, State of Oregon, and that the 23rd day of February, 1918, at the honr of 10 a. m. ot aald day at the court roqra ot said Court In the Clack amas County Court Housa, has been fixed as the time and place by said Court tor the hearing of objections, if any, to said final account, and the settlement thereof. Dated thia 22nd day of January, 1918. ELIZABETH WICKMAN, Administratrix. O- J. Hawkenson, Attorney for said estate. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Clackamas County. herein or since had in or to the above Pearl I. Austin, Plaintiff, described real property or any parti vs. thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judg-1 Victor A. Austin, Defendant ment order, decree, interest, costs and. To Victor A. Austin, above namd d. all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., January 25, 1918. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch tor sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush Minneapolis, Minn. DEAD HORSES TAKEN Cash paid for dead cows and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Mllwaukie 69-J. A Cafeteria Dinner, at reaaonable prlcea, will be aerved by the ladles of the Clvlo Improvement Club. SALE STARTS AT 10 O'CLOCK Olhio CUT-RATE DENTISTS Painless Dental Work Combined with skill, gentleness and genuine satisfac tion, at lowest possible prices- Our Motto. Examinations Free Lady Attendant All Work Guaranteed Over Harding's Drug Store. Phono PaoJflo 62 , . Oregon City, Oregon SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. L. J. Barber, Plaintiff, vs. Ella O. Williams, the sole and only known heir of George Williams, de ceased, and all the unknown heirs ot said Qeorge Williams, deceased, Defendants. To Ella O. Williams, the sole and only known heir or George Williams, de ceased, and all the unknown heirs or said George Williams, deceased, defendants: " In the name or the State of Oregon: You and each of you, whether known or unknown, and whether designated by your true name or as the, unknown heirs of said George Williams, deceas ed, claiming some right, title, eatate, lien or interest in the real property described in the complaint ot plain tiff on file herein, and each and all ot you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you and each of you In the above entitled suit, pending in the above entitled court, on or before Saturday, the 6th day of April, 1918, which said date is more than six consecutive weeks af ter the date ot first publication of this summons, and it you, or either of you, fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint on file herein, namely, for a decree of the above entitled court forever quieting the title of plaintiff in and to the following described real property, situated In Clackamaa Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: The S. E. of the N. E. Vi and the N. E. of the S. E. i of Section 10 In Township 4, South of Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 80 acres of land, more or less, which tract of land has been heretofore sometimes described and referred to aa the John Allen Place. And for a decree forever quieting, bar ring and cancelling all right, claims, estate, lions or Interests, of whatso ever nature, which you or either of you have or claim In eaid real property or any portion thereof, and for a further NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Alexander King Wilson, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon; any and all persons having claims against the Baid estate must present them to the undersigned, duly verifi ed as by law required, at the office or O. A. Neal, 631 Chamber or Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon, within, six months trom the date or this notice. DORA ESPY. WILSON, Administratrix of the estate of Alex ander King Wilson, deceased. First publication February 22, 1918. Last publication, March 22, 1C18. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Administrator of the estate ot Christian J. Sindall, deceased, has filed his final account herein with the County Clerk, of Clackamas County, Oregon, and the County Judge has set Monday, March 18th, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the County Court room in Oregon City, Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, as the time anlf place for hearing objections to said final ac count and for the final settlement of said estate. Dated Feb. 15, 1918. i R. E. JARL, Administrator Cum Testamento Annexo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the County ot Clackamas. In the matter of the estate of Amelia A. Crosby, (formerly Amelia A. Sum ner), deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the above named -estate. All persons having claims against said estate will present the same properly verified to the undersigned at 394 Tay lor Street, Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated at Oregon City, this 11th day of February, 1918. Date of first publication Feb. 15, 1918. Date of last publication, March 15, 1918. BERTHA SUMNER LEACH, Administratrix. FRANK S. GRANT, . Attorney for Administratrix, 1011 Yeon, Bldg,, Portland, Ore, Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned has been duly appointed by the County Court or the State or Ore gon for the County of Clackamas ad minlstrator of the estate of Silas P. Schultz; deceased. All persons having SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Gus Richey, Plaintiff, - vs. S. W. Stryk ir and Ella M. Stryker, his wife, Charles O. Russell and Ada L. Russell, his wife, F. E. Bamford and Jane Doe Bamford, his wife, Defendants. To F. E. Ramford and Jane Doe Bam ford, defendants: In the name or the State ot Oregon, you ara hereby required to appear ana answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or. be fore the 15th day or March, 1918, that being the time prescribed in the order for publication ot this summons; and ir you so rail to appear and answer. tor want ihsreot the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint for judgment against you in the full sum of 1792.75, besides attorney's fees and costs, and tor the foreclosure of plaintiff's mort gage on the following described real properfty In Clackamas County, Ore gon, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the southern boundary of the Philip Foster Dona tion Land Claim, Number 37, in Sec tion 31, Township 2 South of Range Four East of the Willamette Meri dian, 40 chains South 60' 30' West from ths Southeast corner of said claim; thence North 29 30' West 13.50 chains on the western boundary of the H. McEisander"s land; thence South 61 15' West 11.70 chains on the South boundary of the H. W. Lakes land; thence South 29 30' 3ast 13-50 chains to the southern boun dary of said claim; thence north along the southern boundary of said claim 61 15' East 11.70 chains to the place of beginning, containing 15.73 acres of land, more or less, be fore closed and said real property be sold as upon execution to pay the costs of sale, costs of suit, attorney's fees and such judgment as plaintiff may re cover herein against you. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof pursuant to an order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled Court made and entered on the 24th day of January, 1918. The date of the first publication is January 25, 1918, and the date of the last publication is March 8th, 1918. WHEELOCK & WILLIAMS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore. APPLICATION NO In the matter of the application ot Oregon City Foundry, a corpora tion duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, by J. Aj Roake, President of said corpora tion, to register title to the follow ing described real property situate and being in Oregon City, Clacka mas County, Oregon to-wit: Begin ning at the Northwesterly corner of Lot six, block three of said Oregon City; thence southerly along Water street, seventy-one feet; thence at right angles easterly one hundred five feet to the middle line of said block; thence northerly along said middle line ot said block 71 feet to the alley running through said block; thence westerly along the southerly line of said alley to the place of beginning. vs. Henrietta Pomsroy, Walter G. Pom- eroy and Mary Pomeroy, his wife; Dwight C. Pomeroy and Flora Pom eroy, his wife; Eunice Kirts and W. A. Kirts, her husband; Lela Blue and Ernest Blue, her husband; S. H. Pomeroy and Elizabeth Pom eroy, hla wife; Charles T. Pome roy and Elizabeth Pomeroy, his wife; William W. Pomeroy and Stel la Pomeroy, his wife; Julian Pom eroy and Emelie Pomeroy, his wife; Olie Pomeroy and Mildred Pome roy, bis wife; Nellie McElvain and James McElvain, her husband; Rose Stoner and Guy Stoner, her hus band; Annie Nicholson and C. E. Nicholson, her husband; Mrs. Rob ert F. Jenkins and Robert F. Jenk ins, her husband, and James Dwight Pomeroy and all whom it may con cern, Defendants. To All Whom It May Concern: Take notice, that on the 21st day of January, 1918, an application was filed by said Oregon City Foundry, a corporation duly organized and exist ing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon by J. A. Roake, President ot said corporation, In the Circuit Court of Clackamas County for Initial registration of the title to the land above described. Now un less you appear on or before the 2nd day of March, 1918, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be enter- fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you re hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you. In the above entitled suit, on or before the 22nd day of March, 1918, said date being the expiration of alx weeka from the first publication of this summons, and If yon fail to ap pear or anawer, said complaint tor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the marri age contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and to be per mitted to resume her maiden name of Pearl L Clarke. This summons ia pub lished by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 7th day of February, 1918, and the time prescribed for pub lication thereof Is six weeks, begin ning with the Issue dated February 8, 1918, and continuing each week there after to and including Friday, March 22, 1918. BROWN ELL k 8IEVERS. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Mary Peterson, Plaintiff, vs. John A. Peterson, Defendant. To John A. Peterson above named de fendant: In the name ot the State of Oregon yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against lyou. In the above entitled, suit, on ot before the 22nd day of March, 1918, said date being the expiration of six weeks from tbe first publication of this summons, and If you fail to ap pear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaistifr will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the marri age contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for the care, custody and control or the minor child, Opal Peterson. This summons is published by order or Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 7th day -of February, 1918, and the time pre scribed for publication thereof la six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated February 8, 1918, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Frl-, day, March 22, 19i8. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer WEINHARO BUILDING D. C Latourettb, PresTdent F. T. Meyer. Cashier The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 '-. Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phones Pacific S2 Home A ll) GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended ti C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneya-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. 01 flce in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phonee Pacific Main 405; Home A-270. STONE & MOULTON Attorneye-at-Law Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OXEGON CITY - - OREGON SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Albert Schulz, and Mary Schulz, hla wife, plaintiffs, vs. William P. Jacks and Charity B. Jacks his wife, and Charles K. Burnslde and Mary C. Burnside, hia wife, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and tinier tha sea lof the above en ttled court, in tho above entitled cause, cause, to me duly directed tind dated O. D. EBY Attorney-at-La Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. S C H U;E BEL Attorney-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, ; Oregon City. Oregon. W,S.EDDY,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veterl- ; nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKHHp School of Sur-. gery of Chicago, Is established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street. Both Telephones Office Pacific 65; Home A-95 ' Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80 William Hammond Philip L. Hammond . HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-271 CLACKAMAS COUNTY CREDIT ASSOCIATION WE GET THE MONEY 6 and 15 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Turn your old accounts and notes Into cash. Special correspondenta and attorneys In all cities and towns In the UmIUA . State : ind Canada.