Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 22, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Briefs From
All Over the
MACKSBURO. Ore, Feb. 20. A
meeting to promote the ale ot War
Certificate was held on the evening
of Saturday, February 16. Some atir
rlng speeches were made, which re
sulted la the sale ot a creditable num
ber of the certificate. The youngest
purchaser was George Hepler, who
thus set an example of patriotic
thrift to other boys ot his age. No
one of na can forecast the influence
that these Investments may haTe up
on a boy's career. Surely self-respect
that most important factor in shap
ing the destiny ot the young can be
la no way lessened by the reflection
that he is a stock holder in the great
bank ot the United 8tates. His pat
riotism must receive added favor from
the thought that he U helping his
country to win in the greatest war
that history records. HablU ot thrift
will take shape from the desire to
make regular addlUons to his account
Harmful amusement will b shunned
tor the depletion they make la his sav
ings and the consciousness that he is
erring his country aa effectively as
If he were In military service must
tend to broaden his views and elevate
his purpose in life.
When the war is ended and the
great army ot the nation's workers is
called into action what more likely
than that the selection ot youthful
employes will be from the ranks of
young patriots, who did their part in
nholdina! their country's finance
while the struggle was on.
Far larger are the sums ot money
that must come into the hands ot the
rising generation, now than ever be
fore. With so many ot our men at the
front and so many new spheres tor
women much work must be left tor
boys and girls.
In 1923. when theee certificates ma
turn ttach of theee young investors
becomes a capitalist on a scale larger
or smaller, as he chooses tor himself
and immeasurably better will thU cap
ital be than it he had inherited It wttn
out effort ot his own.
The great problem of world-feeding
too. has taken hold ot the children
who are large enough to do garden
work. Not a rod ot ground that can
be nlanted will go to waste.
In pursuance ot this the boys are
waging tierce warfare upon those sub
terranean malefactors, gophers, gray
and moles. The fur-dealers
are offering generous prices for the
skins of the four fur-bearers, thus giv
ing .Hditinnal Inducement for their
A second meeting in the interest of
the war certificates was held In the
every two weeks. We have a short
program after which we usually have
a lecture. We have had O. D. Eby.
Walter Pimlck and George C. Crow-
nell, ot Oregon Clty and S. B. Hous
ton and Roscoe Hearst, of Portland.
Their lectures have been a real inspir
ation to all of us. In this way we are
able to keep the issues ot the day be
fore the people, such as the Y. M. C.
A. war fund for which we sent in $125,
the Red Cross membership drive, etc..
At present we are featuring thrift!
stamp sales. We have sold numbers'
STAFFORD, Ore, Feb. 30. Friday
evening. February 15, about 60 Staf
ford cltltens met at their school house
to form a Red Cross auxiliary. Dr. II.
S. Mount and George C. Brownell, ot
Oregon City, gave two excellent talk.
The temporary organisation was made
permanent with officers as follows:
Chairman, Mr. Thomas; vice-chairman,
Mr. DeXeul! secretary, Mrs. Z. Ellig
sen; treasurer, B. F. Weddle; dlrec-
or both a pig, and a silk quilt, both i tors, Mrs. Nussbaum, Mrs. Oldham,
donated, bringing about $100, which
has financed our auxiliary; made our
school a 100 per cent Junior Red Cross
and left us a substantial sura in our
treasury for future use.
Mrs. Rosa Say is quite sick with the
Tom Tuttle is visiting at the home
ot Jno, Moar and family.
Brenton Vedder, ot Oregon City, will
give a talk at the patriotic meeting
to be held in school house Saturday
night. Everybody come.
Herman Slebert is road boss tor the
coming year.
Henry Burr, of Portland, has visited
with his mother, Mrs. H. T. Burr, tor
a few days last week.
Mrs. W. R. Dallas is on the sick list
L W. Lingle and family are having
a siege ot the mumps.
Wedding bells are about to ring in
this vicinity.
Walter Thebo and Frank Kroetch
made a business trip to Oregon City
Q. C. Dallas and W. R. Dallas and
wife motored to Oregon City Mon
day. Mrs. Owen Hattan is visiting at the
home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
t. Dallas.
and Mrs. Meeks. The military relief
committee will be selected later.
Stafford Community club held forth
Saturday night with a good program
and games as usual. The program was
furnished by the big people. Among
the more striking features of the pro
gram was "Jumbo Jura" In which Clar
ence Weddle and Dora Oldenstadt
were particularly "stunning" -as the
"negro ana "old woman." Anotner
well-acted dialogue was one by Miss
Elligsen and Miss Davis.
Friday morning, February 15, a baby
daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. II.
Freniel Miss Freniel weighed seven
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elligsen were re
cent visitors at the Z. Ellegsen home.
Miss Bettie Nemeo visited Mrs.
Francis, who is now recovering from
an operation at the Sellwood hospital
Miss Llbble Rablc, who is attending
the trade school in Portland, spent the
week-end with her mother.
Mrs. Oldham's home was the scene
and William Uuchard occurred at Van
couver on February IS.
J The young ladles ot Mrs. A. B.
i Smith's class are plannnig a colonial
! party to be held at the church on
Washington's birthday, February 83.
! All youn& people In the neighborhood
are tuvlted to attend.
: Mis Dorothy Barlow, of Gladstone,
; spent the week end with Gertrude Ken
Elden Kern ta 111 at his home on Hull
avenue and county road.
Miss Mabel Brlgham. ot Portland,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Brlgham.
Miss Mary Bruechert spent the
week end with her cousin. Miss Helen
Palnton, at Manor, Wash.
Mrs. Pollock Is on the sick list.
Mrs. Hugh Roberts Is also on the
sick list.
The home ot Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Sanders has again been gladdened by
the arrival ot a bright little baby
daughter, born February 15.
Harry M. Hayles, of Portland, vis
ited relatives Sunday,
Mrs. Clara Le Sue has rented the
Miller place on the East side, and
will move her family from Tualatin.
her throat last week at a hospital In
Portland. She Is convalescing at the
home of Mrs. Collins, In Portland.
Mrs. Henry Sehuflor was a Portland
visitor Wednesday.
Misses Kllgore and Cook were Port
land visitors Wednesday morning.
Mrs. M, A. Ulvo has sold her beauti
ful home on the river road to a Mr.
Pierce, ot Sellwood. He will take pos
session the 1st ot March.
A new ptalo glass ta being put in the
Green building on Railroad avenue In
place ot the broken one which Is due
to the building settling.
Mrs. Theo, Kornlirodt Is here from
Southern Oregon visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Fred Holm.
The Oak Grove-Mllwaukle Social
Service club mot Thursday at the
thorns ot Mrs. J. A. Kuks, Courtney
road, Interesting and Instructive pa
pers were read on "The Allen Wo
man," by Mrs. John J. Gross, Mrs
Sarah Mong and Miss Elisabeth K.
Mathews. This wa the fifth ot a
Oak Grore
OAK GROVE. Ore,. Feb. SO, Mr.
and Mr. Fred Hole are betng congrat
ulated on the arrival ot a baby girt,
born January 30.
Mrs. James Burt tell on a loose
board Saturday night and was Injured.
She Is able to be up, but suffering
much pain.
The Needle Craft Club meet Friday
at the home ot Mrs. Jepsen. A pleas
ant hour was spent by the large num
ber present Dainty refreshments
were served by the hostess. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
Mr. Roblnett March 1st
The Commercial club held a very
successful meeting Monday night at
family, Mrs, Kpslo Shields, and daugh
ter, Elmlra, and Mrs, Hanna Hanson,
ot Omaha, Nebraska. Refreshments
were served by the hostess,
The Artisans gave an entertainment
and basket social at their hall Friday
evening. A very pleasant program was
rendered, consisting of orchestra, read
ings, musto and sketches, Short talk
were given by Mrs. Ella Watt, supreme
Instructor, and Dr. Ksholman, supreme
medical doctor. After the program
was complotod a basket lunch was
servod, and games were played until a
late hour.
Mrs. Jones, of Adklns Mills, was a
Canby visitor Friday.
II. W. Brown, ot Union Hall, wa In
Canby Friday.
Mrs. Minnie Bradford Is visiting her
sister, Mr. A. O. Spauldlng, of Port
land, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruby Brhtnttt spent
Sunday with relative In Oregon City.
Mrs. Green, of Aurora, was a guest
of her daughter, Mr. E. Q, Robinson,
series of meetings devoted to the wr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Miller have
study ot Immigration, and was well movA to Aurora, where Mr. Miller
attended. Favorable reports from the, has opened a garage.
The Stefanl Lumber company hs
child study and home economic de
partment were received. Blnce the
work outlined by these two depart
ment will be ot the greatest ot bene
fit to mother and housewives, the lumber. His saw mill i located near
meetings In the future will be made.Colton. and the rough product will be
established a planing mill at Its lum
ber yard In Canby. where Mr. 8tefanl
will manufacture all kinds ot finished
open to all Interested. The child study
department meets on the second Fri
day of each month from 1 to 3 o'clock,
and the home economic department
on the fourth Thursday from 1 to 4
at the Oak Grove school house. Mr.
F. C. Blackman favored the club with
two vocal numbers. 'Times Roses"
and "Good Bye 8weet Day."
The vested choir, under the direc
tion of Mr. Guthrie, and consisting ot
43 voices, was heard at the regular
service Sunday morning.
Remember the movies Friday night
at th school house.
The schoolmates ot Hasel Ingre
msn gave ber a surprise party Vel-
GARFIELD, Ore., Feb. 18. The Gar
field band is now practicing for the
coming minstrel, which will be given
by it soon,
A dance was given by the Country
Club on February 9th and it was
largely attended.
Walter Lennon and Richard Davis
hare the contract for cutting the tim
ber for the Garfield Lumber Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Markwart have been
on a trip to Washington to visit their
old home.
Carl Davis is working in the ship
yards at St Johns.
Mr. R, T. Carter, of Portland, spent
the past week at Log La Barre.
The Garfield Literary Society held
Menonlte chapel on Sunday afternoon, -
Rothenber was the crowd attending. A very good musi-
V " o , WJ
ui yiu&iaui was iuj uucu.
M. Lsing ha just returned from a
tew days' business trip up the valley.
Mrs. H. A. La Barre spent a few
days in Portland last week.
Oliver Failing has retained to his
nursery in Garfield, getting ready for
spring plantings and delivering of
Italian prune trees.
The Dorcas Society held an all-day
meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Lalng
to sew for the Red Cross.
principal speaker. Considerable in
terest was awakened which will be
doubt result In a further sale of the
Little John Dwarschack 1 still in
the hospital at Oregon City, where hi
physician continue to indulge hopes
of his recovery, though he Is still very
A very pleasant gathering ot friends
took place on Saturday at the home ot
Jno. Hepler, It being Mrs. Hepler
KELSO, Ore., Feb. 20. Attention
Is called ot Kelso residents to the
campaign which is now on for the sale
of War Saving stamps and thrift
stamps. R. E. an nas mem ior saie
and will furnish any information de
sired about them, as will also Mrs.
Eobert Jonsrud and J. H. Revenue,
other members of the publicity com
mittee. An Interesting debate was held at
the last meeting ot the Kelso Parent
Teacher Association on the question:
"Resolved, That the United States
should adopt universal military train
ing." The judges decided In favor
of the negative.
Miss Yerkes Is still confined to her
borne in Portland on account of ill
ness. Mrs. N. Nelson,' a member of
the school board, is acting as a sub
Help your country by investing In
war-eavings stamps. Do your best not
only your "bit"
. GEORGE, Ore., Feb. 19. Gladys
Joyner, who has enliBted as a Red j
Cross nurse, went to Portland last'
Saturday to take up training.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Snyder, of Garfield, j
visited the former's sister, and broth-;
er-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. Harders, of
George, last Sunday. I
Mort Doraland and family, ot Gresh-
am are moving on the Clousen farm-
Leo Rath has purchased a new Ford j
Mr. and Mrs. I. Paulsen and Miss H. j
Duncan visited Mr. and Mrs. C. John-!
son last Sunday.
Rosa and Otto Jamisen and Albert
Lins are confined to their beds with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joyner risked
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harders last Wednes
day. P. Ruhl went to Gresham last Sun
day, returning Monday.
Gladys Joyner visited the George
school last Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson visited Mr.
and Mrs. T. Harders last Saturday
Leo Rath visited W. Held last Sat
urday evening.
DAMASCUS, Ore., Feb. 20. The
Damascus Red Cross auxiliary was
organized November 7, with Mrs. J ' C.
Elliott as charman; Miss Mabel Elli
ott secretary and Mrs. Katie Roach,
treasurer. Meeting every Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elliott,
with an average attendance of twenty
The auxiliary feels Justly proud of
the work accomplished in the short
time since organized. It has finished
and turned in to the Portland chapter
the following articles: 147 bed shirts,
90 pair pajama suits, 42 coats, 36
shoulder capes, 24 pair underwear, 4
hot water bag covers, 143 pillows, 180
body bandages, 214 arm slings, 60
handkerchiefs, 40 wash cloths, 41 dish
towels, 33 pair bed socks, 44 pair knit
ted socks, 12 sweaters, 11 pair wrist
lets, making a total of 1322 pieces be
sides about 3,000 gun wipes.
The activities have not been con
fined to making garments alone. In
addition, we have a patriotic meeting
A IMsinMi inrenoiT or eaen tity.
Town and ViiluT in Oregon ana
Wwhlnf toft, giving a VeacrlpUia
Sketch at earh place, locntum,
titiipplos Faciiitle ncl a Clawi
(led Diractnrr lit Cactt BttWWM
Stout I'rofeuiuo.
B, L POtK CO las.
Bantu, HMD.
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, Ore. Feb. 19. Will
Douglass had a couple of boarders for
a time last week. Some men were
looking at the Marshall timber.
Alex Baker Bold a cow to his broth
er, Henry uaKer, oi ycamore,
Eaele Creek Grange met as usual
Saturday, thirty-one being present, in
cluding visitors and children. An In
teresting program was rendered.
Mrs. H. C. Glover was initiated in
to the first and second degrees. Mrs.
Marie Helple, Pomona, and Miss Ethel
Hale, lady assistant steward, were In
stalled. Mrs. 8. E. Baker acted as
installing officer.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Light-
foot, of Pilot Rock, a daughter, Febrn
ary 10th. Mrs. LIghtfoot 1 a sister of
Mrs. R. B. Gibson and resided at Eagle
Creek several years ago.
Alex Baker has brought his new
Ford home, and on Sunday he and
Mrs. Baker motored to Lower Eagle
Creek and spent the day at the home
of his brother, Lou Baker. .
Mrs. R. B. Gibson called on Mrs.
J. Woodle, Sunday evening.
PORTLAND, Feb. 20. A marriage
license was issued today to T. H. Wor
rell, 42, of Molalla, Oregon, and Tirza
E. Blgham, 40, of Portland.
Good Prices are awaiting you and you are anxious to render
your country a great service by making every acre produce its full capacity.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for your success therefore use the
E3eSt IlXtpleiYieXlLtS obtainable to prepare the land
from which you are to reap your harvest Here are m few of the Best
4k .
'u-iri .a jf, ysfr-sf ii-i h"i'a) ift stf.ij- fm " ""'"
J. Case
Lean '
Spike Tooth Harrows
Spring Tooth Harrows
In Ormln Orlllm
PLANET JR. GARDEN TOOLS for Your Garden Spot.
W. J. Wilson & Co.
of treat advantage to our community
shipped from that place. This will be
a such a manufacturing Industry has
long been needed.
William Hulras, of Oregon City,
spent Sundsy with hi parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hulras.
The Canby hlith school baskot ball
team will meet the Woodburn high
school on the Woodburn floor Friday
evening, and the following Friday will
ptay ths Molalla high school at the
Canby band auditorium.
Cheater Douglas, who has been
spending the winter at Tillamook, ha
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Q. Clark, of Rose-
burg, were guest of Mr. and Mr. K
E. Bradtl this week. They were ac
companied to their home by Mrs.
The Canby schools are to give an
operetta, "Cinderella," which will be
presented Friday evening, February 2J,
at the band auditorium. Th proceeds
from the evening will be used for
school purposes. Following Is the
,cast: "Cinderella." Dalsy,.Opal Wheel
!er; "Holly Hock", Esther Jay; Proud
, Sisters; 'Tiger Lily." Ella BamueUon;
j "Godmother Natute." Amelia Kraft;
. "Fairy Queen of Fairies." Ava Miller;
"Honnle Bee," Little Pago, Kenneth
Evans; "Butterflies Charioteers, Hor-
, tense Stacy and Gertrude Reese;
Robin Red Prince." Herald Wilson
LoAiner; "Prince Sunshine," Champ
vaughan. Guests at the Dull -Poppy
Anita Hulras; "Uutterways", Mabel
8mlth; "Pansy." Blanche Kendall;
"Daffodil," Judith Nelson; "Violet."
Margaret Brown; "Sweet Brier,'
Oladys Miller; "Mlgnonotte." Grace
Bullock; "Lily Bull." Dorothy Evans;
'Sweet Pea." Ulllan Miller; "Narcis
sus," Edith Earls; "Sunbeams." Buck
ley Vaughan, Lunard Newstrum, Rob
ert Wheeler; "Prince's Escorts," Ver
non La Raw, Lawrence Tuft, Merrill
Roth; "Rain Drops." Ruth Boe, Al
mtra Schlelds, Gladys Donler, Melba
Oathesr I.lls Lallaw. Blanch Mooney
tor the soldlor boys, having alroady
made 830 baiulAge beside other arti
cle. Miss Rose Jannsmi, who I with th
Paciria Telephone company, of Port
Innd, arrived homo Inst week to visit
her pnrents, who reside In the George
Miss I hi III Dillon wa appointed
rhulriunn ot the muslo committee for
the Methodist church, and through her
effort considerable Interest I mani
fitstud. Choir rehvnrsals take place
every Thursday evening at the church
and the musical part of the services
on the Snhtmth will soon be a spsclal
feature. Mrs, Rnchsel Doming Is the
An effort I being made to organise
a Junior Red Cross In Kstacada. Miss
Hcbrepel being the Instigator of the
A tobacco and rnndy fund ta being
rslsed In this section for ths soldier
boy and there are cans or boxes In
each business house where all who
car to contribute m do so. Our
boys have received much attention by
the people ot this community, and It Is
hoped that th good work may continue.
B. II. Watt and family, of Portland.
moved to the Garfield neighborhood
this week and are occupying the Dun
lop house.
Bmlley Lovelace, of Bprlngwater.
ha purchased t new Chevrolet ear.
Mr. W, A. Ileylman was Is Fort-
land last week attending the cat show.
She ha da number ot her Persian cats
on exhibition, also a painting of these
Mr. ami Mr. Al. Haven came from
Portland Saturday to spend Sunday
with other members of their family at
Sympathy I eitended to Mr. J. W.
Reed by Kstacada friend on account
of the death ot her father a few day
ago. He resided In Wisconsin.
Miss Caroline Weldenholdt arrived
from Portland Tuesday and went out
to th home of her parents st Dover.
Miss Weldenholdt. who Is studying to
be s nurse, has been having t slag
of scarlet fever and has been released
from quarantine but s few days.
The Groat family left Wednesday
for their new home at Vanoosver,
Mr. A. K. Spark, of UaUcada, pick
ed a full bloomed rose In her yard
Monday, showing the brand of weath
er this section has been enjoying. It
was certainly plucked at si opportune
time for the cold blasts of th last few
days would have soon destroyed It
of much Red Cross knitting, when I the school house. Officer were elect-
Mrs. Elligsen gave Instructions in said
craft to several ladles. Among them
were Mrs. Nussbaum, Mrs. Chas. Har-
gan, Mrs. Wilds, Grandma Oldham and
Jennings Lodge
JENNINGS LODGE, Ore., Feb. 20.
Mrs. John Jennings has gone to a
Portland hospital, where her many
friends hope she will regain her health
and strength.
Mrs. Anna Yung and son, Carl, of
Seattle, were visiting Lodge friends
during the past week. Mrs. Yung and
son were called to Oregon City by the
Illness of Mrs- Yung, Sr., mother of
the late Rev. Herman Yung, who pass
ed away about one year ago at the
A call has been extended by the pas
toral committee of the Grace Congre
gational church to Rev. Hotchkiss, of
Bay Center, Wash.
Jennings Lodge will probably be a
field in itself this coming year. The
Sunday school is in a flourishing con
dition and has an average attendance
of about sixty. Frank B. Tucker is
the superintendent. The Ter Centen
ary plan, Standard II has been adopt
ed for the ensuing year.
The marriage of Miss Emma Berry
ed for the ensuing year as follows:
W. J. Cederson, president; W. W.
Thompson, vice-president; C. A. Lew-
Is, secretary and treasurer. A debate
was given by Mrs. Benvle and Mr.
Lewis spoke on the affirmative and J.
Dean Butler and E. D. Olds on the
negative. Resolved: That it would be
for the best Interests of the commun
ity of Oak Grove that Oak Grove be
Incorporated Into a municipal Incor
poration. The affirmative 'won the
debate. A committee was appointed
to set boundary lines and to circulate
a petition and report at the next meet
ing. The male quartette gave two
selections. Its members are W. W.
Thompson, Mr. Charters, Carl John
son and J. Waldron.
Appropriate services were held Fri
day evenine at the Concord school,
when the service flag was unveiled
The flag has 19 stars. O. P. Plummer
of Portland, gave an address. Patrl
otic songs were sung by the pupils of
the school.
Thursday evening a banquet was
given in Portland by the Commercial
club for the sons and daughters ot the
pioneers. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rlsley,
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Starkweather and
Mrs. George Derry of Concord were
Mrs. Walter Holbrook (Rachel Wor
thlngton) underwent an operation on
ESTACADA, Ore., Feb. 21. Miss
Florence Kendall visited Pdrtland rel
atlves Suturday and Sunday.
Lewis Jones came home from Port
land last week on account ot an at
tack of the mumps.
Mrs. Sherman Kllgore and children
ot Sprlngwater, returned from an ex
tended visit with relatives In New
York, last Wednesday, Her mission
there also wa to get special, treat
ment tor her little aon and we under
stand that the child Is somewhat Im
proved. He has been 111 most of the
time since his birth.
Russell Reed returned home last
week from Kansas City where he went
to take a course In automobile mech
anics. He received his diploma, and
Is now employed in his father' gar
Ray Rains, ot Portland, occupied the
pulpit at the Christian church last
Sunday, morning and evening.
Miss Ida Wagner has secured a
school in Coos' County, and will as
sume her duties the first ot March.
Misses Edith, Rose and Mattle Train
who reside near Portland, were guests
at the A. E. Spark home, Sunday. The
ladles are old friends of Mrs. ('lurks
who formerly resided at Fort Dodge,
Mrs. Charles DuBols went to a Port
land hospital .the latter part of last
week tor an operation. She Is getting
along nicely.
Harley Trowbridge, formerly of Es
tacada, but now residing at Snoho
mlsh, Wash., visited Estacada friends
last Saturday.
Mn flnllla TVilan luft for tier homo
entlne' night, at the home of her , h-m,.- slin,iv vnin. after a
aunt, Mrs. Breadmeyer. Games were few dava. vglt Rt tne w, A, Heylman
BARLOW, Feb. 20. Cecil Ross has
gone to serve his country, Joining the
army last week. He I at present In
Vancouver, but expect to be trans
ferred soon to Arlxona, where he will
be a cavalryman.
Mr. Btewsrt, ot Weed. California,
wa visiting Mrs. Dregnie last weea.
Mr. W'lddow's brother, ot 8outh Da
kota, visited him last week.
Mr. Dregnie, A. Nelson and Manuel
King have given up tbelr positions In
the paper mills In Oregon City. Man
uel has gone to work tor Will Tull st
his camp.
L. O. Skov was calling on old friend
here last week. Mr. Skov hna sold his
ranch to the Anderson brother.
Mr. and Mr. Jame Erlckson, of
Portland, visited Mr. Erlckson's par
ents Saturday night and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glddlngs were
up from Portland Sunday to help cele
brate I (llddlng's Urthdsy.
Misses Olga and Lena Howe were
In Portland from Friday to Tuesday,
where Lena had an operation In hav
ing her tonsils and adenoids removed.
Services were held In the Norweg
ian church Sunday. Mr. Cora Berg
Johnson had her little eon baptised.
Mr. Brudrlg has sold his ranch and
expects to move to a small town to re
side. Mrs. Laura Belle Ryan and daugh
ter, of Spokane, are visiting her moth
er. Mrs. Wood Young
Mrs. Julia Spnule. of Oregon City,
visited her mother, Mrs. Scoggen, on
indulged in and a good time had by
the children present.
CANBY, Ore., Feb. 21. Mrs. Sarah
Daly, of Scotts Mills, is a guest of her
sister, Mrs. E. E. Bowman, this week.
Misses Nona Austin and Frances
Potter spent the week-end in Portland
Postmastor Heylman reports that
he Is doing a big business selling war
savings stamps.
The Parent-Teacher meeting last
Friday evening proved quite an attrac
tlon. There was a good attendance
D. A. Grout, assistant principal of the
Portland schools, was present and
gave a very Interesting lecture, taking
for his subject, "Choosing a Vocation
Mrs. E. Schmld and Miss Frieda for Your Boy." He illustrated his re
Schmld spent the week-end visiting
friends in Portland.
D. Sheppard, ot Barlow, was a busi
ness visitor in Canby Monday.
J. Lee Eckerson and Charles Thom
as are loading cars ai moiaua mis
Mr. and Mrs. John Kopper, ot
Marks Prairie, were Canby shoppers
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ward, ot Con
don, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Dlmlck this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rider were given
a surprise party Saturday evening by
their friends, it being their fifteenth
wedding anniversary. They were pre
sented with a beautiful cat glass tea
set. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Harry C. Gllmore, Mrs. Clara Soper,
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Catley, Mrs. A. H.
Shull, Mr. and Mr.
The Richard Morton home place,
consisting of 2H acres between Elev
enth, Twelfth, VanRuren and Harrison
streets has been sold by J. C. Alna-
worth et al to E. A. Pugh, who expects
to go Into poultry raising on the
tract. He will also operate a wood
yard there.
Franz and Julia Kraxberger to
Henry H. and Hilda Rose Wltzke, 37
acres In sections 29 SO, township 4
south, range 2 east; $4000.
Continental Realty ft Improvement
company to L. J. Barber, nil ot that
tract of land known as Park View
acres, $10.
ChnmpocK: Contract let for $4298
momoriul building.
marks by giving an outline on the
blackboard, all ot which was very in
teresting and his meaning made plain
Neal Dronson rendered some very
choice selections on the violin, being
accompanied on the piano by Mrs
Mayme Boyle, during the evening, and
their efforts were very much appreci
ated. This association always has
something entertaining at all ot its
meetings and well worth attending.
Mrs. J. F. Lovelace, chairman ot the
local Red Cross, went to Portland on
Wednesday to deliver to Red Cross
headquarters a large amount of work
completed, and to procure more mate
rial to work with.
The Estacada W. C. T. U. met at the
home of Mrs, P. M. Wagner Thursday
and the ladles employed their time In
making surgical bandages. This little
l"..,wu , h n, '",T -
W, P. Lee and; band of women are doing their mite
If you need glasses
for near and tar vis
ion, consult us about
KRYPTOKS ( p r 0
flounced Crlptocki.)
They enable you to
adjust your vision In
stantly from reading
to distance without
the annoyance o t
seams or humps.
i&U&aTiiiiii'ft 'Mia -In iiiiViU-
tim IJUtiai