PRICE BIROS. REMOVAL SALE vu I r A (1 r L 1 A I m rP Wl i u l nil w e are going to discontinue the Camas Store and combine our organization in conducting our New Department Store now in the course of construction at 7th and Main Streets. Our Camas store is composed of strictly high-grade Men's, Young Men's and Boy's Wearing Apparel nationally known advertised brands as quoted below. We are moving the greater permits and combining the two stocks which we are offering at prices far below the present wholesale market. In order to speed up February business we are making another cut in prices, and considering the character of our merchandise, we can readily make the statement that our values defy competition. The markets are still on the upward trend so don't wait, or delay, a visit will convience of the many money saving bar gains we are offering. We are giving you match less values and will ask you to co-operate with us by not asking fcr credit as the terms of this sale are-strlctly-cetaVi. portion of that stock here, as our space J j 1 - ?-- . ' . i i -tl :m j--; . - - L t v- -i , j ; ; . . ! . ur - i. - OUR PRESENT LOCATION Sixth and Main Streets,. whertke combined stocks of our Camas store and our VV presenitore are being offered at matchless prices. 4 OUR NEW LOCATION Now in the course of construcdoi it? &t 7th and Main Streets that will house our new de partment Wore, will carry the largest and most complete stock of j'y goods, ladies ready-to-wear apparel, juvenile domes, nr.vnrsua young mem wmm apuAiei m vactmmes" of d y g -Qferwys Hart Schaffner & Marx and Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men CkpTrishl Hart ScbaSiw Kin $35.00 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special Announcement Sale Price $32.50 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special Announcement Sale Price $30.00 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special Announcement Sale Price $27.50 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special Announcement Sale Price $25.00 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special Announcement Sale Price $25.75 $23.25 $21.25 $1 9.75 $17.75 LOOK AT THESE TROUSER VALUES $3.50 Hart Schaffner & Marx Trousers, sale price $7.50 Dutchess Trousers Sale Price $6.50 Dutchess Trousers Sale Price $5.50 Dutchess Trousers Sale Price $5.00 Dutchess Trousers Sale Price 6.85 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.75 $4.50 Dutchess Trousers Sale Price $4.00 Dutchess Trousers Sale Price $3.50 Dutchess Trousers Sale Price $3.00 Dutchess Trousers Sale Price $2.50 Dutchess Trousers Sale Price 3.40 2.95 2.55 2.25 1.95 Ten Per Cent Reduction on Corduroy and Khaki Pants S3 surfgSiiiinL $1.00 Boys K. & E. Blouses and Shirts ... $1.75 Flannelette Gowns $1.25 Boys' Pajamas . . . 40c Heavy Wool Socks $2.50 Men's Pajamas 1 5 c Canvas Gloves, 2 pair for . $1.00 Heavy Mackinaw Gloves, pair $2.00 Umbrellas $8.50 G. & M. All-wool Sweaters . . $4.00 G. & M. Fancy Jerseys $6.50 G. & M. Sweaters. $3.00 Heavy Cotton Sweaters 75c all-wool Toques, all colors 60c all-wool Toques, all colors 50c 1.30 95c 25c 1.95 25c 80c 1.55 7.00 3.35 5.00 2.25 55c 45c Hart Schaffner & Marx and Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men $22.50 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special Announcement Sale Price $20.00 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special iVnnouncement Sale Price $17.50 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special Announcement Sale Price $15.00 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special Announcement Sale Price $12.50 Values in SUITS and OVERCOATS Special Announcement Sale Price $15.75 $13.75 $1 2.25 $10.75 $ 8.75 : W OREGON CITY AND SHEURMAN'S ALL-WOOL MACKINAWS at prices that we cannot duplicate wholesale on the present market. $15.00 values Sale Price . $12.50 values Sale Price . $11.00 values Sale Price . $10.00 values Sale Price 12.50 10.50 9.00 8.50 $8.00 values Sale Price $7.00 values Sale Price $6.00 values Sale Price You will be delighted with these Genuine Bargains. 6.50 535 4.95 BOY'S SUITS and OVERCOATS AT MATCHLESS PRICES 7.50 6.75 6.00 5.50 4.50 3.50 $10.00 values in Boys' . .Suits or Overcoats. . . $9.00 values in Boys' . .Suits or Overcoats. . . $8.50 values in Boys' . .Suits or Overcoats. . . $7.50 values in Boys' . .Suits or Overcoats. . . $6.00 values in Boys' . .Suits or Overcoats. . . $5.00 values in Boys' . .Suits or Overcoats. . . Bargains in knee trousers, all kinds MONEY SAVING VALUES IN FOOT EAR On Florsheim, Nettleton, Beacon, Cutter's, Nunn & Bush and other standard makes in both dress, work and logger styles, $12.50 A rA y.ov 8.75 7.75 6.75 value. $11.00 value . $10.00 value . $9.00 value. . $850 value . $7.50 value . $6.50 value . $5.00 value . 6.50 5.50 4.25 3.75 Real Bargains in Odds and Ends of Men's and Boys' Shoes. Hat and Cap Values WW $2.50 value. . $2.00 value. . A large 1.95 1.45 In Stetson and Mallory Makes in late style $5.00 value . $4.00 value . $3.50 i value. $3.00 value . $1.50 value. . . 3.85 3.25 2.85 2.25 1.00 85c $1.25 value. . assortment of Caps at Bargain Prices. Offerings in Shirtdom Manhattan and Ide in Dress Shirts Argonaut, Oregon City and Ideal brands in Flannel Shirts 3.85 v. - S V V $5.00 values. $4.50 O CA values. OmOJ llh ii r i 2.95 2.65 $4.00 values . $3.50 values . $3.00 o or values, uiuu JHIRTS $2.00 -I ec; i values LmUO $2.50 values . $1.50 values. 1.95 1.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR In the celebrated Cooper & Haynes make Haynes cotton ribbed 75c value, per garment. Cooper's $1.75 values A garment Cooper's $2.25 values Per garment 60c 1.40 1.90 COOPER'S CLOSED CROTCH UNION SUITS $1.50 value. $2.00 value. $2.50 value. 1.35 1.70 2.05 $3.00 value . . $3.50 value. . $4.50 value. . 2.35 2.95 3.50 M IP We realize the word "Sale" is sorely abused now-a-days, but our rep utation in this comnn unity is too well established to attempt any cam ouflage. We are del termined to close out the two stocks to a mini mum, as our purcha ses for our new department store have already been made. Why no t investigate this economy eventr Established 1895 Clothiers for Hen and Young Hen O Established 1895 SitH and IVIain Streets Oregon OltOire. ACROSS THE STREET FROM BANK OF OREGON CITY s s s 5 11 5 3