Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 15, 1918, Page Page 4, Image 4

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4 fsbi
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s -iwr.
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published Every Friday.
BROOIE, Editor and Publieher.
E. E.
Enter at Oregon City, Oregon.
Subscript ton Ratts:
Oa ysar v
,ti lontbs l
Trtal Subscription. Two Month
Subscribers will find the date of expiration stamped on their papers fol
lew leg their name. It last payment U not credited, kindly notify oe. and
the natter win receive our attention.
Advertiatng Raiea
MUNITY. We never knew a newspaper so yel
low and sloppy and inaccurate that It
did not have one good aide, ita Inter
eat In home betterment. It haa be
come a fundamental tradition ot the
newspaper profession, that It must
give ita cordial support to any propo
sition tending to advance the Interest
of the local community.
If a yellow newspaper feels this ob
ligation, how much more does it rest
on the hearts of newspaper workers
who take a serious view ot their obli
gation toward the community. Hence
publishers and editors feel a keen de
sire for heart to heart talks with their
readers, to know- what suggestions
they can make as to linea ot town bet
terment for which their Journal might
exert its influence.
We might therefore take occasion
to say, that if any ot our readers have
suggestions to make tending to the
pbulldlng ot thla' community, why not
write as a letter tor publication, or
come In aad talk it ever?
As the relation between a commun
ity and the newspaper is a reciprocal
one, so the newspaper can not aecom
pltah the largest results without the!
cordial backing ot the locality whom it j
represents. la towns where merchants
don't ad Teniae much, and people bor
row their newspaper copies ot a neigh
bor, public Journals do not give an at
tractive picture ot the place when
they circulate about the state.
The more liberal the backing given
a newspaper, the more it can improve,
la our experience ot newspaper life,
we have found that most publishers
put the bulk ot increased returns back
into their property. An increase of
sales and advertising means more up
to date press ea and type setting ma
chinery, cleaner typographical appear
ance, more money spent tor reporting,
correspondence, and editorial work.
As a newspaper thus grows in at
tractiveness, it grows in power. It is
read with keener attention in news
paper offices, legislative halls, and
business places far and near. An im
pression is given around the state that
the town it represents is growing more
prosperous. Hence every time you ad
vertise or subscribe for a local news
paper, you at the same time help build
np a tar reaching agency for com
munity promotion.
r, ..i, . n
the battle front are said to reveal a
policy of systematic torture to' be in-
nirtftd on Amfiricana who fall into Ger-
dieted on Americans who fall into Ger
man hands.
All American prisoners, according
to this report, including commissioned
officers, are- to be kept standing in
cages four days and nights after their
capture, without food. The idea, ap-
parently, is to produce a state of
feebleness in which the men's spirits and witn tne oeginning oi compre
wiU be broken, and their captors will i hension came a determination to rise
be able to extract useful Inf ormation j UP ln defiance of their masters
from them. There may be, too. a col- Tne master9- 89 u happened won.
lateral intention ot administering . rather easily. They succeeded in put
dose ot direct punishment for whaling down the revolt by the gentle,
German leaders consider the criminal
presumption of our daring to take up
arma against them
We need not take such reports too
literally, however. The German mill-
t-ry system i3 brutal enough to do that
sort of thing without scruple, and mayisubject nation see8 tbem ln a newjFred Roscoe Gibons, Sandy
do it in some cases; but It Isn't likely j llght; 11 ia th'nklnS now; 11 18 re-iNorman Crowley, Barlow
to develop into an established prac-
tlce. For severity to prisoners is
rale that works both ways
tw ar manv r,rmanB already
in American mistndv. There will be
many more shortly. Our treatment of
these men, which so far has been ex- wl" uu ,u"6er
ceedingly generous and kindly, will!wi have ioined the rebellious work
be conformed hereafter more or less j era. That will be the long-awaited
to the treatment Germany gives her j revolution.
American captives. Indirectly, too, the '
treatment of hundreds of thousands of-
German civilang in this country is U, FOOTBALLS FOR FRANCE
We have no laiih ia Prussian hu
manity, but considerable faith in Prus
sian practicality. There will be plen
ty ot insults inflicted on the Ameri
cans unlucky enough to fall into the
Cosh if 1 ooht CEta JoB - . 1 flT TMj&SaLa lZrZn Reccwen-- I
. sooNxu-tuiw bourne an x frrfe Joonri what Has t7"r,f wuimucmTJI
cpooKeo WAV!, 1 hadn't t V.iti-J M XSf cp'nvi Hi TH : f
LHAPeACgrffBer (ifr " tJ VNOMS
Poetoffice aa Becond!las matter.
on application.
hands ot the Huns, but in all probabil-
ity there wont be much physical tor-!
ture. It wouldn't pay. We have many
clubs to swing and the Hun respect
a club.
LiEi !
In periods of the nation's serious !
conflicts to be the "war governor" of j Raleigh Hubbard Echcrd, Molalla.. 1
a state was a cause for popular es-jGuy Chester arable, Portland 1
teem or popular obloquy as the record (Emergency fleet)
of such governor was loyally patriotic Charles W. Jackson, Fortland 1
and active or was either Indifferent or I Albert Robinson, Oregon City 1
positively disloyal. The Salem States-.Oliver Frost. Oregon City 1
man Bays: We have in mind three! Hubert Leland Hicks, Portland.... i
noted names that have been revered ;
in thtsir respective states on that ac
count since the days ot the civil war
Oliver P. Morton, ot Indiana ; Richard
Yates, ot Illinois and Samuel K. Kirk
wood, ot Iowa through whose splen
did efforts in behalf ot patriotic defo-
tlon to the union those states made!
such an enviable record In the number I
and character ot the men sent to the)
front to preserve the nation's intergl-
ty and make possible universal liber -
ty. In the crisis through which we
are now passing, the state of Oregon
is peculiarly blessed in that respect
and when all is over and peace is re-
stored James Wlthycombe will go
down in history aa the "war governor
whose precept and example have in
spired and encouraged this state to
outstrip all her Bister states In every
duty which this war has placed upon
us. It will be a record to be proud ot.
A leaflet distributed in BerUn and
other German cities recently by inde
pendent democrats included this strik
ing passage:
"Only by rising ea masse, only by
a general strike that shall put a stop
to aU Industrial activities and espe
cially the war industry, only by a rev
olution and by wresting from the hands
of tyrants a democratic republic fori (Emergency fleet)
Germany, can a halt be called to thejjameg l. Copenhaver, Oswego . 4!
international butchery and a general
peace be brought about-
"Workers! Let us prepare for an
Immediate, stiff-necked and determin
ed action en masse. This is the only
way to end the torments and misery
we are suffering.
"The battle cry must be. 'Down with
a separate peace! Delay no longer,
flerman workers, men ana women
- .
aiits hut act. and act with vigor,,
sparing none. Above all. we must notEmery ' French. Oregon City. ..
delav. Now is the time to strike aiT,., c,.., u'i.n.
i -
formidable blow."
me appeal provea eueume.
largely responsible tor the outbreak
o industrial strikes which threatened
the stability of the military rule and
for a little while offered hope, to Ger -
mana and non-Germans alike, of
peaceful end of the war. The Ger -
man people showed, for the first time,
that they were beginning to under -
8lauu luc 11 uo
ji,er5Ulsi4B ""e
It worked, but It will not work for-
ever. "The truth Is mighty, and will
Pr-vail" The old e?i,s continue.
j Prussian arrogance and Hohenzollern
! autocracy remain wnat tney were. 1 ne
Renting every display of brute force j
a!Ior lne!r comro' anu auojeouou. u
resentment festers. There will be an-
! other revolt, and perhaps another , and
another. Sooner or later there will
Come a time ten the firing squads
, : , I. .
PARIS, Feb. 11. The French
? government has ordered 1,000,-
t 000 footballs for the army, to be 8
4 delivered within seven months. 4
Board of Registration
Continue Classification
Over Half Completed
The local board held another late
session Wednesday night. Probably a
little over halt the work has been fin-
ished to date.
T,nh NT suiker. of Oreiron City.'
w reclassified and given No. 4, and
the flowing classifications were!
duriiiB the eventua: -
LlgUr n,unin0Il phegley, New Ply-
mouth, Idaho 1
!nrt A Mavo. Oreeon Cltv 1
George Aeon Bridge, Gladstone.... 1
Ignatius John Kelly, Clackamas.... I
Thomas N. Lakin. Mllwaukte l!
Arnt Evenson Loe, Portland.
Joseph Bossone. Mllwaukle... 1
Lundy Maxwell Case, Portland.... 1
(Emergency fleet)
Umberto MinelH, Milwaukie 1
Rarmond Marshall Howe. St. Johns 1!
Adolph Henningsen, Boring .. 1
John Carl Miller, Portland 1
Daniel Relnhart Blrkemeler. Mil-
waukle l
William Armstrong, Oregon City... 1
James Thurman Cook. Monitor S
Louis Fortune, Oregon City J
Glen Earl Cantrll, Aberdeen 3
Doctor McFadden Eby, Salem 8
Clyde Bills, Portland 2
Theo. Wlllard McLaren. Wllholt... 8
Benjamin Franklin Brady, Milwau-
kie 8
Terry Corbett Miller, Oregon City.. 8
Hilton Woodard. The Dalles 2
John Herman Graber, Newberg . . . 4
William Louis Bradley, Portland... 4
Edward Blttner, Gladstone .... 4
John Riley Hall. Oregon City 4
Elmer Ell Davis. Portland 4
Lee Samuel Bronson. Estacada .... 4
. William Burness, Portland 4
jogeph N. Splker, Oregon City 4
Morris Marius Carrel, Portland.... 4
Lee Stanley Jacobs. Sherwood 4
fUihM-t Rrw Smith. Willamette.... 4
, , a lkf I riaiift ... auuoLunv, v ."-...
iiaiici LiniKaiii tuuiaim
c,- n,nn ntv
Christopher C. E. Vick, Liberal....
John Tracy McKinney Buxton
; Harold Gerhardua. Clackamas
Cnariea Frederick Bollinger, Oregon
j ri. ,
a;Raymoml Fosberg. Oregon City 4
.T,nv tiomer Warthen. Gladstone ..
0ren partrWge Ballou, Eagle Creek
, Willlara Henry Glbbi Estacada ..
Henry Augusta Rivers, Parkplace.
Orlando Ray Reynolds, Yankton....
,v.,u. .w0
Joseph Wallace Peterson, Jennings
Mura Tilo, Barton 4 -
Albert Martin, Hoff
Abraham Nelson, Gladstone
JJohn Weberi Milwaukie
5 charle9 Arthur Clester, Molalla ... 1
Edward Darwin Pfeifter, Chewelah,
Wash !
Martin Troge, Portland
(Emergency fleet)
te, San Francisco
Charles Swenson
Homer James White,
Clyde Eugene Mayfield, Walla Walla
!Carl 0scar A Holther, Portland... 1
(Emergency fleet)
Olaf Learfald, Molalla 1
Eugene Harrison Ford, Oregon City 1
Ralph Leroy Whitels, Aurora 1
Ernest Vernon Criteser, Portland . . 1
Francis A. Brusch, Aurora 1
Fritz Helmig, Marquam
Charles Brown, West Linn 1
Ernest Newman, Oregon City 1
Jack Bartlett Hawske, Oswego 1
Wallace Edward Quinn, Oregon City 1
Carl Michael Raithel, Cherryvllle. . 1
Ernest H. Cross, Oregon City...... 1
Ruble Clarence Schmltt. Canby.... 8 Ernest Hoppe, Oregon City 4 " "kww;" .11' :'J,,ePn "luameiie
Samuel C. Roake. Clackama. 2 John L. Palmer. Oregon City 4 nme.e," 'J 'o'Jl ntv rh"Up CV C""Mr' VonnA A
Richard Henry Truaant. Portland.. 3 Roy Henry Keeth. Estacada 4 ,1Ukme"e "arr 0reC,!y J reclassified 4
William Luther Nolan. West Linn.. 2 Guy Dwtggins. Gladstone iS80rgA K'"f1 Tf' Fj,t8Cftd Tnnt E. Sconton. Portland, reclaa-
Alex DeFord. Portland 2 A. C. Ericsson, Mullno 4ly 3TC Vr":"" J im
James Frederick Ketfer, Aurora... 4 Ruby Johnson. Boring 4 ?,M,.rdrlcl' rtlett. Anrort.... Fred Oudgel. Oregon City 4
Charles Tuttle Jonea. West Linn... 4 Keith R. Mlcklem. Portland 4 A"en Berger. Boanlman 2Xlbert Agaton6 OUon, wuholt .... 4
! 7niw orr,n Citr 4 Ralnh N. Hendrlckson. Portland ... 4 3TOm,' Molalla 2;Jonn Kerr. Oregon City 4
Fred Bolle Parkplace 4 Fred Joe Stelner. Gladstone 4' 'i ' " . -
Clyde Arthur Browning Molalla.... 4Albert R. Overacker. Scotts Mills.. 4'Erlc Alfred Sevanson. Colton 4, Charles Van Orden. Oregon City ... 4
Harry Philip Bittner Bull Run ... 4 Frank McKinley Corblt. Woodburn 4 1 Arthur Max Staben. Hoff 4, Stephen Daniel Bonner. Portland .. 4
Bruce E. Stevens w'aluga 4 Seley Parker Pomeroy. Portland... 4 Henry Joseph Ortllb, Oregon City.. SjLeU Earl Black, Tacoma Wash. .. 4
r. xr...,v!, rM.,.v. !Vinrnl Paul Sows. Scotts Mills.... 4 Matt Jagmln. Colton 1 Conrad Jager Owen. Molalla 4
Carl Jacob Schmltt. Canny 2
Angelo T. Larioa, Portland ........ 8
Elmer Harold llitchman, Ore. City 2
Leslie Ray Smith, Portland 8
Arnold Fred Btermann, Oregon City 8
Jh, Joseph Dunn. Portland 8
i Emergency fleet)
Norman Robert Edmdson, Molalla, 8
jEvart Edgar Bowman, Molalla..
Joseph Caldo, Boring
lo A. Mattel. Mllwaukle ...
Ly Douglas LayfteUl, Mllwaukte 2
Worthlngtoti Brlckley, Mllwav-
kiV J
George Howard Eberly, Oregon City 8
Ray F. Albee, Mllwaukle 8
George William Coats, Bull Run.. 8
Chas. Truman Huff, Oswego 8
Emery A, Ream, Ocean Falls, B. 0. 8
Charles Albert Bess, Portland.... 8
Frank Harrison Schwarti, Oregon
Harry Clifford Shelley, Cascade
Loc '
Gerald Payne Bert. Walgua, ... 8
James Arthur Whlttaker, Mllwau-
Leo S. Keller, Waluga 8
Austin Nickels, Oregon City S
iBurrel Melvln Little, Oak Grove... 3
(Emergency fleet)
Bert Melvln Hubbard, Marquara.... 4
Lloyd Glenn Jonea, Lents, 8
(Emergency neet)
Clay Luther Davis, Portland 4
(Emergency fleet)
Charlea Arthur Freeman, Colton... 4
Harry Ray Gardner, Canby 4
'Albert Clark White, Estacada 4
Frank Henry Busch, Oregon City.. 4
Carl Melllke, Oregon City 4
Lewis Alexander Mayes, Portland.. 4
, Harry Sherwood, Aurora 4
Edward Stefanl. Portland 4
Percy William Card, Oregon City.. 4
Clarence Lee Bettia, Boring 4
George L. Walter. Estacada 4
Ralph Henry Caples, Oregon City.. 4
Gerard William Stein, Portland
Clifton C. Ed warts. Phlllsburg, Mont 4
Vivian Horace Hilly ard, Boring .... 4
j Robert Roe Lowe, Tacoma, Wash.. 4
Theodore Backstrom, Milwaukie. . .4-0
Wllmer John Sandsness, Canby ... 4
'Alfred Paul Waer, Portland 4
(Christian Schwarti, Portland 4
I -
irnfford n Tnhnann nn 4
4Harry Gilbert Martien, Mllwaukle..
i Alfred Rpifharii. Oesenn Cltv
. . r - ..-
IOUe B. Pomeroy. Sandy 4
4 uurrei fcina uoie, MtMulia 4
4Glenn H. Hammond, Oregon City... 4
4, Charles S. Gregory. Spokane. Wash 4
Oscar F. Lundgren, Oregon City.... 4
Ewald Arthur Leisman, Willamette 4
August C. Chrlstensen, West Linn 4 -5
4 Earl Kimble Allen, Estacada
4 Owen Searle. Ocean Falls, B. C.
4 i George William Lathrop, Portland .
4 j Albert B. Scherwin, Oregon City.
4; Bert Julius
Staata. Oregon City....
k Koenfg. Oswego
TIenrv Frank
- -- --. -
4; Henry Dennis Moore, Aurora
George R. Wilson, Clackamas
4iJ. Ralph Mclntyre, Milwaukie
5 j Harold Lloyd Gordon, Yankton ....
1 Wilbur DeWitt Andrews, Oregon
1 City
1 Major Francis Haun. Oregon City..
Dorcey Cleveland Rawles. Portland
Percy William Card, Oregon City...
Frank Eherhart Portland
ljLouis W. Smith, Oregon City
ljGuy Alfred Simkins, Portland
lHosea Van Pendleton, Portland
Sedgwick E. Pownall, Scotta Mills..
1 William H. Criteser, Oregon City. . .
1 Clifford P. Crawford. Oregon City..
1 ! Julius 0. St. Clair, Oregon City . .
(Emergency fleet)
VraA TX7olno naAan DnWInn
i . 'j. , I Mt .It..' V I ', 'jU, M. V. .1..I1U ....
Adam Entires, Floriston, California 4 -
Abert F. Gerhard, San Francisco 4 -
Aloyous Michael Zurfluh, Portland 4 -
Louis Krlston, Portland
rrana emone, romana '
riaoio aaioum, roniana 1-0
Paul Welderhold, Blssell 6
Kenneth Charles Hendricks, Eugene S
Industrial and Agricultural Claims
Transferred to District Board.
James Gavin Hamilton, Estacada.. 1
Maurice Louts Gottwald, Aurora... v 4
Lawrence Earl Skeen, Estarada ,, 8
Ralph C. Brown, Oregon City...,., 2
John Vlahos, Oregon City ,,, 4
Cartaaegna Prlmo, Portland 1
Hong Edward Ke, Aurora 1
Frank.Henry Stangal, Sherwood,,,. 4
John Herbert Aekersoti, Boring,.., 1
Frank Kelnhoter, Oregon City , 1
Edward Koch, Aurora ,. 1
Harvey Harrison Hilton. Aurora....
Geo. Win, H. McLaughlin. Ocean
Falls, B. C
Haakon It, Kyllo, Molalla
Raymond Lamm, Ruth .,
Milosh Strejo, Canhy
.-tkt... t , .... .... i... - tr.it..,H
!' Cavl Nelburg Learfold. Hubbard.... 1
Milton Jerome Seoly, Wllsonvllle.. 1
William Charles Martin, Oregon City 1
Carl Otto Langer, Boring 1
Geo. Christian Batalgla, Sherwood.. 1
James Theo. Marshall, Mullno 1
Henry Alto Ten Eyek, Sandy...... 1
Horace Glossop, Sherwood
Ole Rask, Colton
Henry Louis Mueller, Mullno ......
Joseph Thora'.t Anderson, Aurora . .
Charles Updegrove, Eagle Creek...
Henry Rye, Mt. Angel
OnMnh rilviH HVvr" Mnli.ll.
,, ,,,. rw,.
Willie Flacher, Sandy
0 rover Harms, Aurora 1
Ivan Dee Husbands, Molalla 1
Charley Edward Austin. Oswego.. 1
Louis Larson, Marquara 1
Joel Christian Blomwlck, Boring... 1
Carl Herman Feyrer, Molalla. 1..., 1
Donald Bodley, Portland 1
Eugene J. Lammers, Cottage Grove 1
Franklin H. Howard, George 1
Walter Reml Adams. Aurora...... 1
John Schaber, Oregon City
Stanley Theodore Turel. Estacada.. 1
August Henry Geppert, Portland..,. 1
Albert Leo Bernert. Oregon City.. 1
Earl E. Una. George 1
Charlea A. Tooie, Sherwood
George Eugene Sullivan. Ore. City..
Oustave J. Nordllng. Mullno
Leo S, Bunion. Ocean Falls, B. C...
Oeorge Long, Mt. Angel
Earl Gerber. Oregon City
Roy S. Yoder. Aurora 4
Leslie Vent Roake, Oregon City.. 2
Harold Eugene Wooster. Estacada. 4
Elbert Olespy Larklne. Hoft 4
Alvln C. Homshuh, Hoft ......... 4
Chester Hudson Smith. Aurora...
Willie Heptorn Dwyer, Estacada,
Andrew Charles Kelnhofer. Clack
Charles Hendren. Estacada
4John Cananova, Clackamas 1
4'Goorte W. Austin. Oswego 1
George T. Angel. Sherwood
rrana i rarnswonn, nuiwauaie..
Lyle Lester MacCoy. Oregon City.. 1
W'arren William Freece. Canby.... 1
Daniel Edward McMahon. Ore. City 1
Alfred Jos. Tate. Oreaon City I
Ernest Elgin Vallen, Oakesdale, Wn. 1
William Ross Eaton. Oregon City ..
4 Lee Frederick Bly. Oregon City....
i Raymond Colvln Trlno. Portland... 2
Arthur Ollnger Helnt. Mllwaukle.. 2
4 Earl Sally Tledeman. Oregon City.. 2
4 Ulbm Frederick Kell. Oregon Cltq. 2
rv,...,v ............ ....... -
4;innip Chester Carpenter. Portland.
4 James Renwlck Strange, Clackamas
4(Grover Cleveland Pomeroy, Wood-
4 burn
Fr, Hnberl,cn. Clackamas
4 Th , w wniard MrKune Or City
4'prank Setnlkar, West Linn
4,Bengt. Axel E Anderson, Portland
4 (Archie B. Cumins, Portland
4'-ar.ito i.-oroii, TT,Hn rr
4 Walter Roy Colvln, Aurora..,'.....
4j William F. Hantion, Mllwaukle ..
Harry Schoenborn, Canby,
EarfLpnoy Soringer Richmond Cal-
4 EarI Loy Springer. Rlcbmonn, Lai
4;Mm rrank nm.kV.oVeVoa city,
Max Frank Rumlnskl, Oregon City,
Emergency fleet
4Hubert A. Livingston, Astoria
. , 1 ,
5 George A Holschu. Oregon City....
5 Edward AuKUgt Kruger Canby ...
5ljohn laaa0 stra,Kht. Oregon City..
'Oarry James Burkert. Mllwaukle...
" Glen William Bellamy, Vancouver,
Walter Jefferson Milner, Estacada. .
Roland L. Porter, Canby
Antone Bauer, Oregon City 2
August Joseph Sldor, Oregon City..4
Fong Won, Portland
Alfred Ous Olson, Hubbard 1 . . ,Vin..,..-..-.
, , ,
Industrial and Agricultural Claims
Transferred to District Board.
Alvln Perdue, Hubbard 1
William Kruger, Estacada 1
Kills Klellttg, Aurora , 1
Henry J, Anderson, Mt, Angel,,,,, 1
William Arthur Piper, Clackamas,, 1
Due Jack Km, Aurora ,,,, 1
Henry Peter Jaeger, Sherwood .... 1
4Kaw,u u,warrt uwa' V0,WB 1
John Alvln mm' Aurt,m 1
4 Ku T,),1 nck' 8t- l'ttUl ........... 1
f rcii uuea unugncny, nioiana. , , , , . l
Raymond Henry Ileitis, Aurora 1
Newell Olio Olson, Canny
Nathaniel W. Cnseday, Oregon City 8
lugo Wltke, Aurora 4
'Charles Legler, Gladstone 4
I Walter Timothy Looney, Estacada.. 4
Emery James, Molalla 4
Fredrlo Henry FrenU, Molalla 4
Milton David Chlmlirren. Mullno 4
William Henry Winters. Cherryvllle
Clinton Latoureta Bock, Oregon City 1
Ernent Sylvester, Portland ,,
John Arthur Trachael. Estacada .,
Joseph Victor Johnson, Portland ,,
George V. Smith, Eagle Creek.,.,,.
Russell C. Scrnmlln, Aurora, reclaa
Carl Alt. Sandy 2
Andrew Simpson, Willamette...... 2
Levi 11. Dow, Buxton
Edward G. Smith, Oregon City .,
William Charles Caron, Boring .,
Ewrl A. Lamphier, Oregon City , ,
I Charlea R. Kennedy, Oregon 2
j James Robert Llvesay, Oregon City 2
Floyd Edgar Cummlngs, Portland..
Fred Hugh Wallace. Oregon City.,
William Samuel Jacobs, Portland..
John Fred Keller, Mllwaukle ......
Arthur Loula Funk. Mllwaukle
I Bernard P. Tlmm, Mllwaukle
Ralph Jamea Eddy, Oregon City . , .
Sidney A. Richards, Willamette ...
Albert Morley Portland
Fred Molxan, Portland
2, Loula George Roys, Oregon City.... 4
2jWllburn Roy Rohrer, Mllwaukle.... 4
4 j Noah Charlie Martell, Vancouver., 4
4 Ernest Albert Salter, Oak Grove... 4
4 Knut Peterson, Lents 4-0
4 ! Lloyd J. Bernler. Oregon City 4
Ernest Deshlrley. Portland 4
John Welgele, lloff 4
Justin Sereno Lageson, Portland .. 4
Augustus W. Meyers, Jennings
Lodge , 4
4 : James Park Junor, Portland 4
4 Floyd Ora Lake, Boring 4
(Arthur C. Wolff. Oregon City 4
I , . t ,
l,harl Ely Miney, uregon i ity
Frederick J. Hampton. Portland,
(Emergency fleet)
liuien L. iiaiuorr. uregon iy
i. , , .
Arthur H. Deute, Portland
Melvln Smith, Sandy
Ralph Byron Gibson, Barton .
Mervln M. Callff. Oregon City
Phillip Henry 8. Beers, Oregon City 4
John Edward Lewis, Portland
H''" "a " ,7 m m '
1 ? nn Kdson Gault. Scotts Mills
iara i.r.Ber. uregon t
Lewis O. Crltoser, Oregon City
"alph .i6' U,y "
i. rn.
2 ui n rii 1
S , ra "a"11' "regon ' "r
4 1 Industrial "and Agricultural Claims
4 Transferred to District Board
4 Alfred Jaggl, Oregon (Ity
4 Anhur Wer. Molalla
4 nn or". Oregon uiy 1
4 Herbert Johnson. Canby 1
i Otto Juke Buol, Holt 1
4iwllllnm Wallace Peuoon. Oregon
4 C1,y 1
. liarry nnnon uconarui. ounrwuim. 1
J0"epn MeI'non ((!1I0W; fcua.. 1
1,,, Dlpkey mhbtri .... j
i?"1"6 Jn. Marquam . 1
Joseph Stephen Fellows, Estacada.. 1
Jwmlam Packl)on Iieltl8 norlng
Wm. Adam Washburn, Estacada.
4 Herbert L. Richards. Boring l-o
Thoodore Kopper, Zlg Zlg 1
Lyle Oscar Tlodman, Shorwood .... 1
4 Charles Klingcr, Hoff 1
4 William W. Sporalsky, Aurora .... 1
4 Edward B. Burkert, Woodburn .... 1
Carl Walter Joh arson, Boring 2
4 nay Frankyn Woodward, Oregon
4 City 2
4 Irving Theodore Rau, Oregon City 4
- 5 Clyde Avery Schledel, Canby 4
- B Henry Victor Asboe, Marquam .... 4
B.Walter Ray Woodle, Barton 4
Henry I
Vfe'3- IT
CAP. - H
Nuls lugcvald Mulum, Canby ..... 4
John Lester Llenhart, Woodtmrp., 4
Benjamin Krause, Aurora 4
Alfred Joseph Hill, Oregon City..,. 1
Krrol N. Moore, Oregon City ,. I
10. N. Moore, Hnn Frnnulaco, Cal. ... 1
Theodore Schacht, Boring 1
John Roy Kenny, Alameda, Cal 1
Albert Russell Plnnny, Mllwaukle,. 1
Paul Fred Dmla, Clackamas I
August Dhooghe, Bay City 1
Frank F. Polehn, Oregon City..,. 1
George Thomas Hitching, Portland 1
Ferdinand 18. Merit, Thalberg, Man,
Canada ,. 1
Howard Franklin Farlow, Park place 1
Harry Chan. Kyle, Mllwaukle ,,,,,, 1
Ry Clark Carfall. Mllwaukle I
Thomas Earl Baker, llolbrook ,,,,1
William J. Flnucane, Oregon City.. 1
Edward Lee Shelton, Mllwaukle ,,.2
George Westley Ramsay, Bull Run., 2
Thomas Anthony Burke, Gladstone 2
Alfred Augustine Euster, Mllwaukle 2
Clyde Wilson, Portland I
4iK,u Altw' Orlndetand, Barlow
. 2
, 2
rreu utinn, niriiiinii
Edward Nelson Brltton, Molalla..,, 2
Sydney 8. Bowman, Oregon City,,., 2
Arthur Eustace Kelly, Portland.,,,. 2
(Emergency fleet.)
Sidney A. Vincent, Waluga 2
Ignatius John Kelly, Clackamas,,. S
Andrew Conrad Lindholm, Boring., 4
Theo, Wlllard McLeran. Wllholt,... 4
John C. Cook, Oak Grove 4
(Emergency fleet.)
Grant U. Hath, Oregon City ........ 4
(Emergency Beet)
John R. Vlnyard, Canby 4
Guatav Fred W. Dahvens, aandy.... 4
Nathaniel Daniel Cass., West Linn 4
Charlea Allison Starker, Jennings
Lodge 4
Leslie Delbert Henry, Powell River,
B. C 4
Albert Rldderbuach, Handy ........ 4
Adolph Gustav Volpp, West Linn... 4
Rollln Charles Meier, Oregon City.. 4
Altona Harry Rotter, Portland ,.,.4
Ernest Alton Young, West Linn.... 4
Arthur C, Hltchman, Scappoose..., 4
Earl Ira Deardorff, Lenta ......... 4
Charles Milton Sparks, Estacada... 4
Clinton Maurice Bruce, Oregon City 4
Orvllle Raymond Smith, Tacoma.. 4
Edward Roy Graves, lloff 4
Fred Edward Holfmelster, Boring.. 4
Delbert V. McLaughlin. Oregon City 4
Harvey Morton Yoder, Aurora 4
John Christopher Bhulta, Boring ... 4
Clayton Luther Davis. Camas, Wash. 4
Ire Carl Stelnlnger, Molalla ....... 4
Boyd Frederick Finher, Mllwaukle.. 4
(Emergency fleet.)
Wendell Lewellyn Nelson. Portland 4
John Thomas Ambler, Oregon City 4
Rex G. Caffall, Portland 4
Agard Haglund, Oak Grove 4
Arthur Rosell Griffin, Oregon City.. 4
Scot Ballard, Gresham , 4
George Robert Mlelke. Oregon City 4
Royal H. Trulllnger. Oregon City.. 4
William Glen Burleigh, Boring .... 4
Arthur Elgin Bolton. Portland 4
Roy N. Mclntyre, Mllwaukle 4
4!Bruno Frledrlch, Gladatone 4
4 J Otto F. Kent. Oregon City 4
Ole I .arson Andaas, Mt. Angel ....45
JerneJ Gerkman, Oregon City,,.,.. 4 5
Rudolph Krosch. Tillamook 6
HJalmar Peterson, Colton 5
Industrial and Agricultural Claims
Transferred to District Board.
J ttoyal Earl Charles. Oregon City.... 1
4;Emll Eric Oshlschlaeger, Clacka-
mas 1
I Otto Fredrick, Boring 1
Eddls Oliver Krlckaon, Canby 1
Waldo F. Brown, New Era 1
William Walter Young, Clackamas, 1
Albert Berg. Barlow 1
George Stanley Berg, Barlow 1
Willie Wldmer. Boring 1
Clarence James Judd. Estacada .. 1
Joseph Decker, Boring 1
Loul A. Kessler, Oregon City...... 1
Frank Jacob Krotsch, Clackamas... 1
Elmer Anderson, Eaglo Creek,,..,, I
Herman Walch, Gresham 1
John Odell, Chorryvtlla 1
Harvey Herman Schuebel, Canby... 1
Truman John RIchny, Boring 1
George T. Angel, Shorwood 2
Jess Lenndor Noll, Ashland 2
Reynolds Fred Schuott, Portland... 2
August Johnson, Boring 2
Lew E. Wallnco, Molalla 2
Roy Guiles Nicholson, Marquam ... 2
Frank Andrew Grlmps, Canby...... 2
Carl Fred Grossmlller, Estacada.... 2
Gerald Wilcox, Boring 4
Benjamin Harrison Jackson, Aurora 4
Emll Nasshahn, Boring 4
Charles R. Marshall, Mullno 4
John Peter Wllken, Sherwood ...... 4
William Henry Jackson, Aurora .... 4
Edgar Homer, Estacada 4
Simon Peter Huddle, Boring 4
Henry William Peter, Aurora 4
Lester Roy Thomas, Oregon City... 4
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