MORNING ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1918. Page 2 il . ... i- If . t Newsy Briefs From All Over the Mlsonville County Estacada ESTACADA, Feb. 14. Mist Virginia Scott was brought home last Thurs day from th Portland hospital. wher sh underwent an operation for ap pendicitis. She seems to be getting along very nicely. D. A. Grout, assistant, principal ot the Portland schools, will be the speak er at the Parent-Teacrer association this Friday night His subject will be "Choosing a Vocation (or Your Boy." There will be both vocal and instru mental music and everybody is cordi ally Invited to attend. Dr. O. W. Monroe, a prohibition speaker, will be In Estacada at the high school auditorium on Wednesday evening. February 27. He comes In the Interests ot the national prohlbl-; tlon movement. The local Red Cross has Its meeting In the large room at the rear of the Estacada State Bank, having moved from the Eastern Clackamas Supply Co.'i store last Saturday. It Is now located where there is plenty of light and room and meet every Monday and Saturday afternoons for work. William Dale has been appoinited recruiting officer at this place tor the enrollment of United State public reserve of the department ot labor. Miss Ruth Landman, ot Colorado, Is visiting at the home ot her sister, Mrs. John S. Osbora. U A. Chapman left Monday tor trip to Seattle. He expects to be an ient for a week or ten days. Jim Linn Is assisting Miss Lois Chapman In the store while Mr. Chapman is away. A. N. Johnson to again assisting at the Estacada Pharmacy, E. C. Peery having been called to his home at Scio, Oregon, for a tew days. Mrs. W. W. Dillon received cable dispatch last Thursday Informing her ot the safe arrival of Mr. Dillon In France. Miss Lois Richmond waa here from Portland Saturday and Sunday, a guest at the J. W. Moore home. Mrs. D. M. Marshall has been on the sick list for several days suffering from an attack of rheumatism The Tennis club had a dance Satur day night at Hotel Estacada. A col ored orchestra from Portland, rurnisn ed the music and the ladies ot the club provided the supper. Quite number of out of town people were In attendance. Miss Erma Graham came from Port land Saturday to visit her mother over Similar. Although not much has been said in regard to the Estacada Auxiliary of the Red Cross, the women m tnis vi cinity have not been dilatory in their work tor the soldier boys. The mem bers meet twice a week for work and with several machines going, others sewing and cutting out articles, their nleasant headquarters assumes a reg ular bee-hive. Under the leadership of Mrs. Mae Lovelace this organiza tion has sent to the Red Cross head quarters at Portland, the following articles since September 26: 37 shoul der wraps, 13 bed socks. 30 pairs of pajamas, 42 pairs ot knitted socks, 33 sweaters, 12 bed shirts, 12 arm slings, 12 body bands. 2 dozen dfsh towels, 26 dozen Sub. handkerchiefs. 9 dozen tray cloths, 9 dozen napkins, 11 dozen wash cloths and 72 comfort pillows. Much praise from headquarters has been given for all work turned m. business session, Mrs. Carrie Adlx gave a talk on, "The House as an In fluence on the Persons Who Live In It." A general discussion followed Macksburg MACKSBURG, Ore., Feb. 14. Two and the subicct proved a very Interest- j new clubs have been formed to work Ing one. One chapman ot the several ! for the Red Cross. The workers are working committees reported that her j greatly encouraged by the soldiers1 committee would serve dinner tor all j letters that have come to us telling who cared to partake, on the day ot 1 ot the comfort afforded them In camp the big auction sale in Estacada. during the Inclement weather of the Mrs. L. A. Wells Is on the sick Hat past month. with an attack ot U grippe. Mulino Rev. Fr. Lucas, of the Lutheran church, has returned from California greatly Improved in health and has resumed his parochial work. Mrs. Carl Boesche Is In Portland vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Rex Blssell. Little John Dwarschak, whose serl- MULINO, Ore., Feb. 13 Mrs. Mary PrnnV was the ruest of her daughter. Mrs Fred Wallace, of Oregon City, ous illness nas oeen menuonea in mis last" Monday and Tuesday. IpP. much better It Is thought Mrs. August Erickson gave a "Snip-'he may be brought home from the hos ping Party" last Tuesday evening. Ajpltal very soon, large box of rags was snipped, enough I Eric Boesche is working In Portland to till about 30 small pillows. Re-1 and Is making his home with his sls- Wll.SONVILLE. Feb. HtU. Onrco Stnnpel. Henry Wllhclin and George ; Hatalgta have visited the county sent during ts3 week In the Interest of ' their quest lonulres. Uv'ght Seely li now mi employe of tUi local bunk. Raymond Seo'.ey1 nunt is keeping house tor him and ttiklim care of tiia Infant child. Mrs. llarklns was In Oregon City Saturday and Sunday Mrs, Aubrey Wood was appointed on the war-stamp committee for Cor ral Creek district, ami Mr. Nrmn Say on the advertising committee.. Read Graham' went to Hlllsboro on Tuesday on legal business. Joe Thornton, who has charge of the coming liberty bond campaign for this district, has appointed ns his as sistants M. C. Young, Uirtn Kruso and N. O. Say. Mrs. M. C, Young visited (Coral Creek school last Wednesday In the Interests of the Junior Red Crosa. freshments were served by the host ess. Those present were: Mrs. Pete Berdlne. Mrs. Edwin Berdtne. Mrs. K. ter, Mrs. Rex Bissell. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwack have announced a sale ot their household J. Maple, Mrs. Joe Daniels, Mrs. Lee, ; K00)js preparatory to their removal to Mrs. August Erickson, Miss Anna j Eastern Oregon, where they Intend to Jepson, Miss Mildred Maple, Mlss:mae thelr permanent home. Esther Rugg, Lee Daniels and Weldon Erickson. Miss May Schulti is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alvtn Hamilton In Hub- 23d. The Little Girls' Sewing Circle Is to have Its semi-monthly meeting on the afternoon ot Saturday, February 23, at the home of Mrs. G. M. Baldwin. Large shipments of ship-knees for Mrs. Lee, of Silverton. is visiting friends here in Mulino. Mrs. Lee waa A bajkel ocM ,B ,0 be he,d n a formerly a resident ot Mulino. Macksburg school house on February t."al Bail, OI VOllOO, IS Tiauiug uis niece. Mrs. August Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smith went to Oregon City last Tuesday to attend a dinner given by the Grand Army. Mrs. Fred Wallace, of Oregon City, visited relatives here Saturday. Hjalmer Carlson, ot Rosewood, Min nesota. Tislted his uncle, August Erick son, last week. Mr. Youngren. of Needy, was a Mu lino visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and their sons Tom and Ora. and their two daughters, tfnd Mrs. Herbert Taylor and baby boy went to Salem to attend the funeral of the late Herbert Taylor, who died in Salem. The Red Cross met last Thursday and did a lot of sewing, and 25 small pillows were completed; and about three dozen abndages. Sixteen were present. Mrs. Robert Schuebel, who has been quite sick. Is much improved. The Mulino School children are pre paring a program for Washington's birthday. Ccdardalc CEDARDALE. Ore., Feb. 14. Mr and Mrs. Claude Wlnslow and family. accompanied by Miss Moore, visited the latter's parents at Gresham on Sunday. Clifford Johnson has been under the doctor's care, but Is better at this writ ing. P. E. Bonney had the misfortune to lose a cow last week. Every one la rejoiced to hear that the Colton boya, who were on the fated Tuscanla, were rescued. Cedardale Red Cross society Is to quilt a quilt at their next meeting. Sat urday, Feb. IS, which Is to be sold for Red Cross funds. Everyone Invited to come and help. Arthur Orera and wife spent Sunday at Kate Lafferty'a. Hasel Larklns called on her aunt. South Clackamas SOUTH CLACKAMAS, Fob. 14th The people of this community met nt the home of Mr. and Mis. John Urn- enhorgor and formed a Red Cross auxiliary, numlng It Cranlluld, as near ly every one who belong to the aux iliary live on the CraiUleld donation land claim. The officers elected are: Mrs. Sarvhet, chairman; Mrs. Uroitson secretary; Mrs. Mitchell, treasurer. They had been aowlng at, the homo of Mrs. Luenberger until Miss Mamie Leuunberger came home from Port laud with a esse ot measles, when they moved to the home of Mra. I. I., Smith, where they will moot In the future. So far we have to take our hale off to Mrs. Ilnndloy as the fastest knit- tor. She has knit twenty-two sweat era since December first. Gilbert Hanson nuiin home from Camp Lewis Friday evening for a few Miss Gladys Joy nor was an Esta cada visitor Inst Saturday. Fred Una and Julius Paulsen trans acted business In Oregon City Wednesday. Ed Hardors and Mr, and Mrs. P. Ituhl motored to Gresham last Sun day. Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Ore,, Feb, 1,1 Mrs. A. T, Pierce spent Tuesday In Vancouver, the guest ot Mr. nml Mr. Hugh II. Fleming, Mrs. RamuittKe and daughter, of Newborg, are visiting nt the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Fox. On Friday. February 8, the Parent Teacher association gave a birthday luncheon supervised by Mra, Carl Smith. The pretty affair was held at the church and was attended by sov EAGLE CREEK, Nov, 14. The Up per Eagle Creek Rod Cross unit pur chased a sewing machine last week. Mr. and Mrs Alex Bauer were Es tacada visitors lust Thursday. Mrs. R. 11, Gibson was an Oregon City and Portland visitor recently, tended the thrift stamp and 'baby bonds meeting at Estacada last Fri day. J. B. Woodle. and wife and Mra. R. B, Gibson went to Estacada last Thursday and Mrs. Woodle and Mrs. Gibson attended the V. C. T. U. meet ing while there. Joe Williams went to Portland last Thursday. Mrs. Everett Beckett Is the guest ot her husband's mother, Mrs. Annie Beckett. Harvey Gibson was up this way Sun day cruising some tltuhcr on the Will Douglass place. Clarkes CLARKES. Feb. 7. Miss EliAbeth Marshall, from Oregon City, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mar shall and family over Saturday and Sunday. . Ed Grace was in Portland last week and visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Grace and family for a tew days, j Miss Pearl Stromgreen, from Oregon City, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stromgreen. and family, ot Colton, for a few days last week. W. H. Bottemiller hauled some things for B. Sullivan from Beaver Creek last week. Wm. Clarke was In Oregon City last week. Dave Moehnke was in Clarkes look ing for some timber as he wants to erect a sawmill. J. T. Grace, from Portland, is visit ing his son, Ed Grace, for a short 14 Sam Elmer butchered two hogs last Monday. Fred Zwahlen went to Portland last Stafford U S. Morgan returned this weektime from a visit to Roseburg, Oregon, where he went to see his father, who is ninety-three years old. George Townsend, of the United j Monday to be examined for the next States Navy, located at Bremerton, is I draft in the army, here this week visiting his family. j , T Dr. and Mrs. Stiner, formerly oi Estacada ,but now residing at St. Estacada, but now residing at St. evening for a visit with relatives. The doctor returned to St. Paul Wednes day, but Mrs. Stiner remained for a more extended visit. Corporal Sam H. Barr, ot the Quar termaster's Corps, American Lake, was in Estacada this week visiting home folks. Fred Jorg left Estacada Monday for Portland, where he will make his home, having accepted a position in a harness and saddle factory. The fam ily will poln him as soon as school closes. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wood, of Port land, were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Wells last Saturday and Sunday. It Is rumored in this section that the railroad will be extended from Caza dero up into the Roaring Rive rcoun try In order to get the timber between the Clackamas river and North Fork. There was a good attendance at the local teachers' meeting held here last Saturday. A number ot noted educa tors from Oregon City were on the pro gram. Lunch was served at noon by the domestic science class of the Esta cada high school. Messrs. Doland Banks and Paul Dickinson, of Portland, were here Sat urday night to attend the dance at the hotel, being guests at the E. W. Bart- lett home. Among those on the sick list this week are Mrs. Lady and Mrs. Sam Barr. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Williams, of Bull Run, were here last Thursday to visit at the home of the latter's slater, Mrs. U. S. Morgan. The C. I. C. held a very interesting meeting Tuesday afternoon at the club rooms, with the president, Mrs. Bart- lett, presiding. At the close of the STAFFORD, Ore., Feb. 14. Friday evening at 8 o'clock at Stafford school, ' Dr. Mount may be present to give a' talk on forming a Red Cross auxiliary, i and on Thrift Stamps. However, phone j Stafford central before starting; we have been disappointed before about i this meeting. j Mrs. Gage has spent some of the! past week visiting friends in St. Hel-j ens. Mr. and Mrs. Schatz visited their: daughter, Mrs. Eisley at Aurora dur ing the past week. Miss Edith Lucas is visiting in Port land. Stafford school has just finished its fifth monthly examination; the school follows this monthly plan of study: three weeks of each month are devot ed to advancing In the work laid out in the Course of Study; the last month Is spent in a stiff review and a stiffer examination. This demands hard work on both pupils and teachers; however Stafford Is working towards Standardization in this line. As to the arithmetic contest Just past, the required grades were ob tained by grades 5, 6, 7 and 8. Next Saturday night, Feb. 16, at Stafford school the Stafford Com' munity Club will meet; program by big folks. All come and bring your stunt. NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE -YOU WANT TO GROW THE LARGEST CROP possirif Good Prices are awaiting you and you are anxioui to render your country a great service by making every acre produce its full capacity. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for your success therefore use the Best Implements obtainable to prepare the land from which you are to reap your harvest Here are B few of the Best: J. CASE STEEL and VULCAN CHILLED PLOWS CASE and VULCAN TRACTOR GANO PLOWS are the BEST CASE DISC mi "Mil I ' Ju mi. w4 i rem. -4X nmm CLARKS CUTAWAY TANDEM DISC HARROWS FOR YOUR TRACTOR map jLMSSMHi ill rawia'y. I. ! L - t Spike Tooth Harrows i rJ-T I' V '"" ' V a5 1 - iir Hit mLm "iii fir; I ,L- I I J J. . Case anil Roderick Lean Spring Tooth Harrows HOOSIER and EMPIRE GRAIN DRILLS ABFalFoRrm?T'a" PLANET JR. GARDEN TOOLS for Your Garden Spot. WRITE FOR CATALOGUES CONTAINING FULL DISCRIFTIONS ITS FREE Portland, Oregon W. J. Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY eitty luioiile. The table were laid to days' visit to his parents and the represent the four seasons Spring delt'lst. Ihnlnir nrniililflri over bv Mrs Fit I!,mth ' -m m m Und her decorations were violets and Kno!! P'rnlr i1'ir willows. Summer table, Mrs W. it.... .i.v .1 ... V nri iiuiu Willi unvui ntiuus ui iinun with Uncle Sum, In miniature center piece. The autumn table by Mrs. Wil liam Jacobs, with chrysanthemums as representing the tall, and winter table by Mrs. Ilelllnger, who used hotly and mistletoe. The menu was made up of home raised and home canned good and war ginger breads and home can ned salmon. After the luncheon Mrs. Altman's pupils sang "America, My America," and gave the flag salute, after which the pupils were quitted In regard to present day questions, which were very ably answered by the pupils. News of the death ot Margaret Elis abeth Dill at Mnrshfleld, Oregon,. She waa the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Colemaji Dill and waa about two weeks old. Mr. and Mrs. 8. 11. Dill art visit ing their son at present. It Is feared that Charles Truscott may have lost his life on the Tus canla. Mr. Truscott la the son of Mrs. Rdlth Truscott. and enlisted with a company of Michigan boys, and was expecting to sail about that time. No word has been received from him since the disaster. Miss Resale Roberts spent the week end with her cousin, Doris Falnton, at Manor, Wash j A meeting ot the board of trustees of the church was hld on Wednesday evening. The board Is trying to get things In shape to secure a pastor by ! March 1st. j Mrs, Knoll, who recently removed ; to Tillamook county, was visiting her daughter Stella McVlcar. who Is mak Ing her home here while attending school In Mllwaukle. Oak Grove Miss May Schulti, nt Molulla, was & Canity visitor Monday, Messrs, Walter and Olio Krutignr, ot Vancouver lliirrucks, were guests at the Krueger home Saturday and Kunduy, Cnuby Is undergoing a slight epi demic ot mumps, Among those con fined to their homes are Herbert A. Herkmnn, William Mlckelson and Ed ward HuMliiii. Precaution i being tak en to prevent any further cases. Mrs. (1 ru ut White, Mrs. 11. II. F.c- cli'i nml Mis Urnce Uiillock were guests of relatives In Oswego Sunday. Miss Vlolette lCvitns, nt I'nrtlitnd, was a week end guest ot Mr. and Mrs, W. It. Hair. Mrs. Nora Hard Miller has returned to her home at Canity after a two weeks' vUlt on her farm near Huff. The following have been appointed by the county committee on sale ot "Thrift Stamps" and "War Savings Stump" to have charge nt same In school district No, 88: Committee on advertising; W, II. Hair; sales tie artment. W, It. Lucke; church, lodge and club organisations, Mr. II. II. Kccle. Mr. and Mrs. Grant White attended the automobile show In I'ortlund Tue day. Mis Ltila Miller returned to her home at Huff after a two week' visit with relative In Canity. Mr, T. J, Gary and Mr. Allen Ad ams of Portland, were guest of Mr. and Mr. L, II. Wang this week. Mr. and Mr, J. C. Kauplsch enter tained at their home north ot Canby Saturday evening. Thoae present were Mr. and Mr. L. H. Wang, Mr. and Mr, Arthur Graham, Mr. and Mr. II. D. Evan. Mr. and Mr. K. 0, Rob inson. Mr. and Mr. G. W. White and Italph Swanby. Refreshmenl were served by the host ens. Mr, Frederick Slegenthaler of Fort- land, wa a gueat ot her sister, Mr. Ora Slyter, this week. Geo. Hate, who I employed by the 8. P. R. It. Co., pent Sunday with hi family In Canby. The Canby Five Hundred Club met at the home of Mr. and Mr. It, 11, Ee rie Wednesday evening. Tho pres ent were Mr, and Mr. W. 11. Hair, Mr. and Mr. Grant White, Mr. and Mr. II. A. Rerkman. Mr. and Mr. II. 11. Evan. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Gra ham. Mr. and Mr. E- E. Ilradtl, Mr. and Mr. Adam II. Knight, Mr. and Mr. M. J. Lee. After an evening nt card luncheon wa erved by the hostes. It wa decided to continue the club through another erle of en tertainment. A. J. Knght and Frank Kendall, who are employed by the B. P. It R. Co. are at home In Canby for a few day. Mis Lexlo Graham, who I Yeo manlte at Ilremerton Navy Yard, Cha. Graham, of U. 8, A. Ambulance Corps of American Lake, and Thomaa Gra ham, of Portland, were guest of Mr. and Mr. Arthur Graham Sunday. 1 " " ! !' .... I' m i. j, iiiiiiii "' . i.i . i . . , t n r the war vessels are being taken from the ranches. Meadowbrook POLK'S GAZETTEER Elk Prairie a 9t VM -a . -f l 'jutvn uu. uiiy la Credos tnd Witttiingtoa, K vin;r a VeocripUve Skfteh ot enrb plan, Location, OMitpiug Facilities and a ClamU fiffj rHreptoiy cX Cadi BwlstttO asd FrofewLoo. S. lu TOT E TO, lac. SwttU, Waah. ELK PRAIRIE, Feb. 14. Henry Kruger, who went to Portland Just before the holidays, has Just returned. He was detained because lameness de veloped In an injury which he received before leaving home. Mr. Collins, who was working near Molalla, has returned home. Mr. Shaw made a business trip to Molalla recently. Several plan to go to Oregon City to see about the establishment of a I new school district. The people in the Noble District, Marlon County, seemed perfectly willing to allow the forma tion of the contemplated district, but the lines had to be readjusted or they would have been deprived of their al ready newly formed district. MEADOWBROOK, Feb. 14. Mrs. W. Baty returned home Thursdty from Canby where she has been stay ing for a few days with Mr. Baty's folks. Ruth WoBter, of Gladtidingg, spent the week end with Nettie Iarkins. John Hofstetter spent the week end visiting in Portland. Quite a number attended the meet ing of th3 Red Cross which meets in the Royal Davidson house. Work is progressing quite nicely under the instruction of Mrs. John Comer. Several of the school children at tended the meeting given by county agriculturalist R. J. Werner and Mr Shepherd. They gave very Interest ing talks on how to trap, skin, and how to market the mole skins. A. L. Lnrkins and M. D. Chindgren attended a business meeting at Mo lalla Saturday, connected with the new stamp drive. Meadowbrook Literary Club meets Friday night, February 15th. A good program will be given, also a spelling match between five ot the scholars and five outsiders. Mrs. Orem, Friday afternoon. B. Benson and Leonard Orem, at tended Literary at Union Mills Satur day evening. Several young boys of the neighbor hood Joined the Boy Scouts, at Col ton. Cal Ball, who has been under the doctor's care for sometime Is on the mend, and able to visit friends at Mar-quam. Kelso Willamette WILLAMETTE, Feb. 11. The Cozy Corner club met at the home of Miss Vena Barnes, Friday evening January IS. All the members were present. The evening was devoted to work and games, Later In the evening a delic ious luncheon waa served by the host ess. The members of the club held a short business meeting after school, iriuay afternoon, February 1. The constitution was read and approved. KELSO, Ore., Feb. 14. The entertainment planned to be given by the school Feb. 22nd, has been post poned on account of the Illness of Miss Yerkes, teacher of the primary grades. At the meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association Friday evening, there will be a debate on tha following question "Resolved, That the United .States Should Adopt Universal Mili tary Training." All are Invited to attend. Robert .lonsrud sold a Bulck Four to Ed Brims of Sandy this week. Mrs. Joel Jarl received word that her brother George Roberts, who is in tho 20th Engineers, is In a hos pital In New York. It was at first thought that he was on the Ill-fated Tuscanla. George OAK GROVE, Ore.. Feb. 14. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Moore, of Seaside, for merly of Oak Grove, spent several day here the past week, visiting friend and looking after their property. Mr. and Mrs. Moore rented their beautiful home and went to Seaside for Mr. Moore's hi-alth, which hn been bono fltpd by the chunge. Their son, Ral ston, has Joined the navy and left this week for the trulning camp In Teta. Mrs. George Illgham received a let ter and pictures from her son, Sargtmt Clair Ilarpole, from Newport News, Virginia. Clair was In the htmpllu! with pneumonia for 15 days, alter a hard druggie he pulled throukh and Is on duty again now. J. A. Rupert. L. A. Dullard and W. R. Miller loft Monday for a two weeks' trip to Newport. Mr. Miller htis a home there so they will hiivo bachelor quarters, nml enjoy a fine outing. Mrs. L, A. Billiard has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. E. 1). Olds returned home Saturday from California mid I report n fine trip. I Miss Anna Coulburn Is sick and con 1 fined to her bed. , I Mrs. M. E. Guthrie, of Portland, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E. C. Warren. Methodist Episcopal Community Church. Rev. Young pastor. Services Sunday morning at 11:15. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. C. V. Smith, Su perintendent. Epworth Leuguo at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evenings at 7:30. Sunday morn ing the vested choir of 42 children will sing under the direction of Prof. Guthrie. Our school has the motion picture machine paid for now and the money will bo used to buy play apparatus for the grounds and for any thing that will be needed for the school. The Sunday school clnss in training under Mrs. Guthrie will hold a food sale February 23 In the store building In the Warren block on the track. Hlney Oetken has blood poison In his right foot. The Mllwaukle, Oak Grove Social club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. A. Kuks Thursday afternoon. Sat urday will be the annual meeting of the club and the mooting will be ut the home of Mrs, Skulason Jn Mllwau kle. Howard Hubbard, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hubbard, sailed February 7th on the new Steamer West Wind, which was built in Portland. Soveral of the Oregon boys were on the steam er, they will go by war of the Panama canal to New York and return by rail. The Parent-Teachers held their reg ular meeting Friday afternoon. At the next meeting, March 8, a tea will be served also a prominent speaker will be present, and several musical selec tion will be given also. The Needle Craft club will meet with Mrs. Arthur Jepson Friday after noon, STRIKE SETTLED? NO! MEN ATTENTION! in order to find out which paper deliver the good, when you register at our Employ ment Offlco state where you learned that WE WANT YOU TO WORK for us. 1-ownHt wage nine hour 3.10. with good chance for advance ment. If willing to work, and eight hour shift Job open almost dally, same wage or better. Bring thl ad from the Weekly Enterprise with you and you will bo put to work If able bodied. Apply at Employment Office on mill wulk. West Linn, across bridge from Oregon City, only forty minutes' ride, 2l)c fare, from Portland. Board and room $6.50 per week, two men rooming to gether. Beck' and Electric Hotel, Oregon City. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, Administrator of Iho estate of Christian J. Slndall, deceased, ha filed his final account herein with tho County Clerk, of Clackamas County, Oregon, and the County Judge has set Monday, March 18th, 1918. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., nt the County Court room In Oregon City, Cluckumu Coun ty, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to snld fliial ac count and for tho final settlement of said estate. Dated Feb. 15, 1918. R. E. JARL, Administrator Cum Testamento Annexo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Clacka mas. In the matter of the estate of Amelia A. Crosby, (formerly Amelia A. Sum ner), docoasod. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the above named estate. All persons having claims against said estate will present the same properly verified to the undersigned ut 394 Tay lor Street, Portland, Oregon, within six months from tho date of this notice. Dated nt Oregon City, this 11th day of Februnry, 1918. Date of first publication Feb. 15, 1918. Date of lust publication, March 15, 1918. BERTHA SUMNER LEACH, Administratrix. FRANK S. GRANT, Attorney for Administratrix, 1011 Yeon, Bldg., Portland, Ore. GEORGE, Ore. Feb, 14. The George Commercial club held Us regular meet ing last Saturday evening. Following the business session the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The supper was served by Mr. and Mrs". Zwerman and Ed Scheel. Miss Anna Paque, of Llnnlman Sta tion visited relatives and friends In eorge last Saturday and Sunday. Rosa Jannsen, who hag been work ing In Portland, returned home Satur day evening to spend a few week with her parents. A. ChanUj and R. Maxwell, ot Port land, visited W. Terwllllger last Sat urday night and Sunday. Canby WANT FARM 20 to 80 acres. Give location, improvements, lowest price. M. M, care Enterprise. COLD COMFORT. CANBY, Ore., Feb. 14. Prof. F. M Roth, Myrtle Blrtchet and Miss Naomi Runner, of the Canby schools, went to Oregon City Saturday to assist in the work on the Questionnaires at the of fice of the county clnrk. Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Aurora, spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Heln and sons, Fay and Howard, attended the automobile show at Portland Saturday. "Aid and comfort to the enemy, Is what the criticisms of the government departments amounts to," says a well known administration organ. Every Important criticism thus far has re sulted in the .eradication of abuses and the speeding Up ot the war. If that Is any aid or comfort to the en emy, the Kaiser must have stfange notions of aid and comfort. The best the Kaiser could hope for was that the people of the country would not wake the administration from Its lethargy. 1 !