Oak C.rove, lots It to It, bllt 09; $10,80. ItntmlH WorthliiRtoti 2nd Bub. Dlv. of Oak Orov, lot 6, blk. 100; $5.83. Ilelma Gllletiplo 2nd sub, dlv of (Ink (Irovo, lot 11 nnd 12, blk. 100; 1 1 O HO. Grace K. Idider Hub. Dlv. of Tr. 3 ft KVt of Tr. 2 of Oak Grove, lot 11, blk. 1 ; $2.72, CluraiU Duly Ouk Grove Turk, lot Ito 4, blk. 1; $16,52. Chn. MurhlminOuk Grove Park, lot 5, blk, 2; $2.71. Martini A Kerhner Ouk drove, to lot 1 nnd 2, blk. 4; :t.KK. Henry Hchuoflor Oak Grove Turk, lot 1, 2, 3, blk. 8; $5.82. K. It, Mooichouse Oak (Irova Park, lot 4 ii n (I D, blk. 9; $3.88. Anion ft Martha J. CoiirtrU'.ht Ouk ;rovo I'nrk, lot 20, blk, 9; $1.04. Pearl C. I'oiiiiui Ouk Grove Park, lot 27, blk. 9; $1.94- , Harvey O, lnxon Oak drove Turk, lot 2, blk. 14; $1.94. Win, C. PuxsonOuk Orove Turk, lot 3, blk. 14; $t.94. Huinuel & CuhhUj Brown Orchard Home, blk. 8 and 9; $8.95. C. A, Midi On-hard Home, blk. 12; $2.98. Empire Inv, Co. Orchard Homo, blk. 35 to 38; $12.58. Fred A. Kiiinm Thoinu Orchard Homo, blk. 30 and 40: $2.13. Mlrhal lilk Orchard Homo, blk. 41 and 42: $5.43. Herbert (lordon Oregon Hume, KVi of blk. 3; $r.94, K. II. MoFarland Oregon Home hik. 4 and 5: 111.39. Curl Moe OroonIIome, blk. 28; $1.45. J. K. Arnmtri'tig Oregon City, Imp on lot 1, blk. 7; $12 24. Frank and Annln Uuch Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 10: $24.48, J, F. ft It. 10. I Jtwler Oregon City, I Ely V4 of lot C. blk. 30; $12.24. F. P. Cro Oregon City, lot 4. blk 59: 14.08. Mary I). Huntley Oregon city, Nely Vi of 6 and all lot 6, blk, 67; . . ' $14.28. 1). W. Jni Oregon City Ely Vi of lot 1, blk. 68: $32.64. John W. Ider Oregon City, lo 1 to 4, blk. 75; $24.48. James M. ft Alice C. Parmley Or. aim City, lot 1 and 2. blk. 70; $8.16. Iim lilttner Oregon City, lot 4, blk 79: $4.08 Oeo. Becrest (llolr) Oregon City, KU of lot 5. blk. 81: $19.38 H. 8. Mohler Oregon City, Wly 1-3 of lot 2, all of Iota 3 to 6, and SVi of lot 7. blk. 86: $5.71 J. W. 8. Owen Oregon City, NVi of lot 7 and Wly 3 4 of 8, blk. 80; $5.71. Frank 11. Ford Oregon City, Ely. 35x66 ft. of lot 4. blk. 98: $2.04 Fred M. Illuhin Oregon City. Sly. 50x32 ft. and 10x22 ft. of 5 and Kly 22x62 ft of lot 6. blk. 101; $16.73 E. It. and 11. E. lloyer Oregon City. lot 2, blk 103; $37.74 J. O. Htaut Oregon City, pt, of lot 1 and 3. blk. 105; $10.32. Otto F.rlekson Oregon City, lot S and 4. blk. 109: $29.58 Gracw K. I.odor Oregon City, lot 7 and 8. blk. 114: $28.50. E, ft H. A. Charleeon Oregon City, lot 5 and 6. blk. 121: $14.28 John & Cora Van XV eel Oregon City, lot 3 and 4. blk. 132; $9.18. T. F. Itynn Oregon City, lot 6, blk 133: $24.48. Win, Hrhunk- Oregon City, Fr'l lot 1 and it. of lot 2. blk. 134; $15.50 llenry ft Leonn tlnedon Oregon sti... ii i.t i. tin ill O'l , ' " C, . ,7 i ;n,i II K. Noble Oregon City, lot 3 and 4. blk. 149; 16.11 Henry ft Ueona Ouodon Oregon City, lot 8. blk. 149; $12.24. 0. T. end Anna Howell Oregon City, lot 4. blk. 150; $16.32. John ft Gwennie Green Oregon City. I0',i of lot 1, blk. 157; $6.12 Oregon City Oregon City, lot 7 and 8. bill. 103; $5.10. Harry M. Courtrlght-Oregon City lot 5 blk. 173; $7.15. Hoy P. Clark -Oregon City, nil ex It of V. blk. 177; $0.12 lCdcnr S. ft Grace V. Ingrnm He tie's Add to Oregon City, lots 1 to 4 blk. 3; $:l0.f.O. Surnh A. Ware Central Add to Ore gon City, lot 5. blk. 30; $5.10. J. W. & Surah M. O'Donnell Ore gon City, lots 1 to 7, blk. 4S; $3.10 Frank Ki Andrews County Add o Oregon City, lots 2 to 7, blk. 33; $17.33. Nancy W. McCoy County Add to Oregon City, lots 3 to 6. blk. 47; $24.48 CIiiih. K. Martin Darling's Add to Oregon City, 60x100 ft. (Eftof NV4) blk. 4; $2.0.'i A. K. t.ntourette, Tr. Darling' Add to Oregon City, blk. 5; $5.10. ) Mrs. M. li Johnson Kdgewood's Add to Oregon Cly, lot 17, blk. 6,; 11.09. Mrs. O. h. Adorns Etlgewood's Add to Oregon City, lots 3 and 4, blk. 7; $10.14. (iludHtnno It, K. Ass'n. Edgewood' Add to Oregon City, lots 12 and 13; $3.38. llenry und Hosulle I.oney Ely's Add to Oregon City, lots 2 to 9, blk. 1; $3.20. Hazel Toozo Ely' Add to Oregon City, lot 1 to 4, blk. 3; $6.C3. John VV. Loder Falla View Add to Oregon City, lota 1. 2, 3, blk. 12; $3.87. D. K. Jackson Fall View Add to Oregon City, lot 12, blk. 6; $3.04. John W. I-oder Fulls View Add to OreRon City; .lot 12, blk. 5, 2.04. Helen L. Stratton Falla View Add to Oregon City, lot 13, blk. 11; $4 08. Margaret N. McDonald Fall Vlow Add to Oregon City, lota 11 and 12, blk. 25; $11.23 Margaret Watenpaugh Falls Vlow Add to Oregon City, lota 4 to 9, blk. 20; $18.35 Wm. M. Lartd Ludd'a Sub. Dlv of Hodge Add to Oregon City, lot 1, blk, 6; $7.89. Win. M. Ladd Ladd's Sub Dlv. of Hedge Add to Oregon City, WV4 of lot 1, blk. 14; $4.09 Minnie Ross Lewis Mt. Hood View Add to Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 4; $11.02. C. H. Dye Mt. Hood View Add to Oregon City, lot 13, blk. 7; $2.04. Wiley W. May Mt. View Add to Oregon City, lota 6 to 12, blk. 4; $19.39 Wiley W. May Mt. View Add to Oregon City, lots 1 to 12, blk. 5; $9.79 Wiley W- May Mt. View Add to Oregon City, blk. 0; $2.45. Wiley W- May Mt. View Add to Oregon City, Sly looxitisv 7 $2.05. Mlnnlo Albright Mt. Vlow Add to Oregon City, lots 7 and 8, blk. 11 $5.10. John M. Ohl Farker Hill Add to Oreuon City. blk. 1; $1.20. Augusta May PlanHnnt Hill Add to Oregon City, lots 8 nnd 9, blk. 8; $17.33 C. h. lilakeslee Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, all lot 9 Nft of lot 10 blk 8: $5.71. C. L. lilakeslee Plousant HIU Add to Oregon City, Nly Mi of lot 11, blk, 8; $1.63 O. W. Hendershott Pleasant Tlace Add to Oregon City, lot 1. blk. 3; $3.20, James Ilennett Pleasant Place Add to Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 5; $3.20. Mary L. Dradley Pleasant Place Add to Oregon City, lot 11, blk $3.07. Mary L. Bradley Pleasant Place Add to Oregon City, lot 11, blk. i 13.85. 1 Ionium Hehaffor Hhuw' 11 Add to Oregon City, lot 1, lilk, 8; 11.01. Herman Hcharrer 8hiiw' 1t Add to Oregon City, lot 11 and 12, blk, 7i 2.03. ' Frank Rullk Htoko' Add to Oregon City-Imp on lot 1 nd 2, on Vi lilk. A; 18.78. Gilbert ft May Torry-C. T- Tooxe Add to Oregon City, lot 17, blk. 1; 10.13. J. W. H. OwonsO. T. Too.o Add Oregon City, lot 8 and , blk. 2; 110,81 (Iwylain Green West Hum auu to Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 1; $3.08. Gwylum Croon West Hldo AdU to Oregon City, lot 11, blk. 1; $1.55. I), O. Tidford Ho. Oregon City no. 1, lot 6. blk. 2; $1.63. Inn Andrews Ho Oregon City No. I, lot 4. 5. 0, blk. 0; $3.12. Mt. l'loaant Com. Club Ho. Oregon City No. 1. lot 10. blk. 8: $5,71. Inii K. Andrew H. Ore. City, No. 1, lot 11, 12, 13, blk. 0; $7.21. Mary Hmlth Ho. Oregon City, no, 1. lot 10. blk. 7: $5.71. Kmnitt II. Dohyn Ho Oregon City No. 1: lot 9, blk. 8: $1.30, 0. F. tllbb Ho, Oregon City, No. 1. lot 10. blk. 8: 11.30. O. F. tllbb Ho. Oregon City No. l, lot 12, blk. 8; $1.30. C II. Dye Ho. Oregon City no. i tot 1 to 4. blk. 18; $2.18. W. ft Unfile Hoorker Ho. Oregon City No. 1. lot 1 to 8, blk. 20; $18.32 O. K. Focht Bo. Oregon City No. I, lot 9. 10. II, blk. 20: $3.08, Mlehlet Mlmarlk Ho. Oregon City No. 3, lot 18 to 21, blk, 78; $4.35 Louisa Morrell O. I. ft 8. Co.' 11 add to 0wogo, lot 1 and 2, blk, 2; Alex C. Chrltle O. 1. ft 8. Coa add to Oswego, lot 2, 3. 4, blk, 12; $12.49 Geo, M. Whlttler O. I. ft H. Co.'a add to Oswego, lot 10,. 11, 12, blk. 16; $22.4$, Kthel I Thompson O. I. ft 8, Co. Mt add to Oewego, lot 3 and 4 I m 4iT nn blk 24; $7.99. AmbroMe Tapfer llolr O. I. ft 8 Co.' lt add to 0wego, lot 9, 10, 11 blk. 44; $23 31. Emily A. Davl-0. 1. ft 8. Co.' 1st add to Oawego. lot 5. blk. 47; $15.82. J. N. Pearcy Oswego Heights- All of lot 3 and EVi of 4; $14.56. J. N. Pearcy Oswego Height 916 Interest In blk. 10; $5.25. J. N. Pearcy Oswego Height 9-16 Interest In blk. 15; $5 25. J. N. Pearcy Oswego Height blk. 20; $6.41. Ida T. Desmond South Oswego, lot 5 and 6, blk. 17; $0.99. J. N. Piarcy Houth Oswego, lot 1 to 8, blk. 21; $7.40 Uwrence Kathkey-South Oswego, . lot 10 and 11. blk. 35; $6.41. Carl II. Wlntler-South Oawego. loU 4 to 7. blk. 36; $3.73. 1a A. Caphall Sou'h Oawego, lot 8 and 9, blk. 36; tl.86. J. N. Pearcy Houth Oswego, lots I to 18. blk. 38; $10.78. J. N. Pearcy South Owego, tot 4 to 15, blk. 44; $8.39. J. N. Pearcy Houth Oswego, lots lot 1 to 6, blk. 45; $2.33. J, N. Pi-nrcy Houth Oswego, lots' 14 to 18, blk. 45: $2.33. II. M. Courtrlght Co. South Oswego lots 1 to 18, blk. 47; $14.67. 1 H. M. Courtrlght Co. South Oswego lots 1 to 4. blk. 48; 12.80. II. M. Courtrlght Co. South Oawego lots 13 and 14, blk. 48; $3.73. II. M. Court rliuit Co. South Oswego ! 18. 1. blk 48; $2 10 ,' .,,...,., 0 ., :,h M. J. McDonald South Oswego, lot & and 6, blk. 48; $1.40. J, N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots 1 to 18, blk. 66; $14.08. J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots 1 to 0. blk. 67; $4.89. J. N. Pearcy South Oawego, lots 9 to 18, blk. 67; $9.14. J. N. Peurey Houth Oswego, lots 1to 18, blk. 68; $14.08. J. N. Peurey South Oswego, lots 1 to 18, blk. 59; $8.39. J. N. Pearcy South Oswego, lots 1 to 18, blk. 60; $11.08. J. N. Peurey South Oswego, lots 1510 Int. In lots 1 to 18, blk. G5; $13.77 Vinton K. Pulaley Outlook, blk. 5; $3.17. Edward C. Schwurtz-OntlooU, E'4 of, blk. 45; $3.90. I.. N. ft O. A Davenport Par Plnce. lots 1 and 2. blk. 2: 17.110. E. It. Case I'nrk Place, lots 5 and 6 blk. 3; $10.48. I.. M. Case Park Place, lots 7 and 8, blk. 3; $tl,32. I.illio It. Case Park Place, Nly 57.7 ft. lot 10. blk. 3; $1.23. J. U. Cnulcs Appersou's Sub. Dlv. f Park Place, lots 1 to 4, blk. 6: $8.11. J. It. Cuples Apperson's Sub. Div. of Park Place, lots 13 to 10, blk 0; 8.1 1, II. & S. Chnrlotto Clyde Clyde's dd to Park Place, blk. II; t.3.-. Stella It. Melendy Peach Cove, blk. i; $5.15. Stella H. M "lendy Peacu-Cove, blk. 94; $3.96. Mlnnlo M. Dee & J. P. Hoffman Peach Cove, blk. 95; $2.57. Daniel Harvey People's Trims. Cos lots. blk. l; $1.15. The Ros Co. Plnehurst, EA of blk. 14; $13.12. Goo. .1. Kelly, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1, 37 to 41; $2 47. T. H. Smith Pleasant Little Homes No. 1, 61 to GO; $3.47. Andrea Olson Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 11 to 16. blk. 5: $4.36. John W. Cook Rhododendron, that part N & B of Cow Creek, blk A; I.M. Edith M. Gilbert RobertBon. lot 2. blk. 2; $4.56. Francis W. Dwyer Robertson, lot 12, blk. 3; $5.47. Muriel J. Roher Robertson, lot 10, blk. 5; $1.46. Muriel J. Roher Robertson, lot 12," blk. 5; $1.83. Eliza J. Alexander Robertson, lots 1 and 2, blk. 18; 115.51. Martin T. Duffy Rosewood, N. of It. & W. R. R. Co., blk. 1; $7.92. Salem Trust Co. Rozella, lots 1, 2, 3, blk. 1; $1.45. Salem Trust Co. Rozella, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, blk. 2; $2.97. Salem Trust Co. Rozolla, lots 1, 2, blk 3; $1.34. Wm. Robblns, Snndy. lot 3. blk, 7; C. w. Cassedy Sandy, lot 5. blk 8; J6.63. Mury E. Kehres Sandy, Junkor's add, lot 3, blk. 1; $10.74. llenry Mills Junkers' Add, lots 4 ami b, oik. 2 jiu.iis. Otto Molniga sold to EcUleson Otto MolnlRB Add, lot 1, blk. 1; $1.60, A. Hem pert Sandy, Otto Melnlg i rn.Aoa, lots i, a, s, bik. i; $4.10 M. I'J. Lauderback Snndy, Snndy Lnna oo. 1st add, lot 8. blk. 11: $13.25, Frank BearB Sandy, Snndy Land (jo. znu aau, lot vi, mk. 17; J2.D7. Frank fleers Sandy, Sandy Land Co. 2nd add, 538x270 ft, not No. $9.59, J. F, Short Robs Add to Sellwood lots 5 to 14, blk. 9; $23.22. J. F. Short Ross Add to Sellwood lots 1 to 7, blk. 10; $17.42. . Newton McCoy & H. 11. NleholB Ross Add to Sellwood, lot 8, blk. 10; $5.80. J, V, Bhort Row Add to Sellwood, lot 9, blk. 10; $3.22. Carrie Bchau Hetlwood Ourdon, E'ij of 16, all of 17, blk. 25; $12.90. Chft.- H. Moore Hellwood Oardcn lot 27, blk. 25; 15.18. Mnry H. Wood Hellwood uaruen. lot 28, blk. 25; $5.16. Joseph 8, Schwartz Hellwood uar- deti. lot 29, blk. 26; $9.03. Arthur Neeiituim Biuiwooa uaraens lot 38, blk. 25; $4. 62, Cba. II, Moore Hellwood Uaraens, lot 41, blk. 25; $7.10. Arthur Nendhnm Sellwood Garden No. 5 ft. of lot 5, blk, 26; $5.80. Arthur Needham Itos & Walker' Add to Hellwood Garden, blk 74; 15.10. Geo. K. Walkor ft W, ft. BoeeBull. wood Gurden, blk. 82; $0.45. Geo. K. Walker and W. It. Hos Hellwwid Gurden, 87-88 ft Ex. Bo 5 ft of 89 and 90: $12.90. Chu. K. Will IU)s ft Walker' Add to Hellwood Ourd:n, ICx No. C ft. of 90 and K. 5 ft. of 97; $4.00. Win. 8, Turner Shannon Acre Tract, 1 to 18, $61.04. Win. 8- Turner , Shannon Acre Tract 19 to 34; $84.84. Win. 8. Turner Shannon Acre Tract 36; $3.81. Kdwln ft Kllza Iiockwlth Hiivcr Spring Add w CO ft of let 4, blk. 1; $12.77. Alma lowden, Silver spring auu, lot 1 und 2, blk. 4; $3.65. Wallace V. ft Ida M. Miller Stan ley, lot 1 and 2, blk. f; $3 43. Wallace K. Miller Stanley, lot 3 to 0, blk. 1; $4.21. Wallace V. Miller Stanley, lot 11 to 20, blk, 1; $10.39. Wallace V. Miller 8tanley, lot 12, blk. 2; $5.26. A. M. Hick, Sunset City, lot 1, blk. 5; $13.09- lloy P. Sunderland Sunset City, lot 2, blk. 66; 111.65. Adella Sullivan Sunaet City, lot 9, blk. 11; $3.08. Citizen lkink of Portland Sun shine Valley Orchard Tract 15H; $4.70. Citizen Hank of Portland Sun ihlne Valley Orchard Tract 27; $5.28 Citizen Hank of Portland Sun shine Valley Orchard Tract, Nft of 29; $2.06. Walter W. Stephenson Terrace Ad dition, lot 12. blk. 5; $1.43. Eatacada Realty Co. Terrace Addi tion, lot 16, blk. 5; $1 28. Etacada Realty Co. Terrace Addi tion, lot 17, blk. 5; 11.29. Walter W. Stephenson Terrace Ad dition, lot 19. blk. 5; $1.28. Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Addi tion, lot 20, buk 6; $4.13. Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Addi tion, lot 21, blk. 5; $1.28. L,i l t. ,Tr wiinlii5,f-l n S". C.,'7? Etaeada Realty Co. Terrace Addl- Terrace Addi tion, lot 23, blk. 6; $1.14- Estacada Realty Co. Terrace Addl tlon. lot 26, blk. 6; $3.99. Miss J. L. 1emon Terrace Addl tlon, lots 32-33; blk. 5; $1.43. Sarah O. Duncan Terrace Addition lot 9, blk. 7; $1.22. Multnomah Central Ry. Co. The Iiiuffs. 100 ft. of K of W. across blk A H C; $1.73. Carrie J. Miller The llluffs, lots lot 2 and 3, all ex RW of L 4, blk. J; $6.53. Carrlo J. Miller The Bluffs, lots lot 1 to 8. blk. K: $5.20. Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lot 1 to 9, blk. L; $4.45. Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lot 10. 11. 12. blk. L; $1.05. Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lots 1 to 12, blk. M; 13 56. Carrlo J. Miller The Bluffs, lot O P Q; $1.78. Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lots all ex. R. of XV. of S.; $1.05. J. E. Nelson Shaver Sub. Div. of the Shaver place. No. 150 ft of lot 8 blk. 5; $2.51. Inez Hunt Shaver Sub. Div of the Shaver Place, lot 4, blk. 12; $5.02. Northwestern Trust Co View Acres lots 1 nnd 2. blk. C; $33.46. Northwestern Trust Co View Acres lots 4, 5, 6, blk D; 19.84. Northwestern Trust Co View Acres lots 7 and 8, blk. D; $6.56. Northwestern Trust Co View Acres lot 1, blk. E; $3.28. Northwestern Trust Co View Acres lots 15 and 16, bik B: $1.59. Northwestern Trust Co View Acres lot 1, blk. F; $5.90. Northwestern Trust Co View Acres lot 2, blk. F; $3 28. Northwestern Trust Co View Acres lot 15, blk. F; $2.95. Security Savings ft Trust Co., Wav erly llgts, blk 4; $79.50. Clementine L. Hull Waverly Hgts. Nly 2.351 acres of 10; $49.02. Wm. L. Brewster Waverlv Hgts., all ex. Ely 2 acres of 12; $67.57. XX'allis Nash XVebster Acres. 3 to 7; $44.64. XX'allis Nash Webster Acres, blks. 14. 15, 16; $14.88. Pearl & R. C. Foster Webster Acres, blk. 19; $8.08. . XVallle Nash XVebster Acres, blks 30 to 33; $48.99. XVallle Nash Xrebater Acres, blk. .); 1U,64. Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co vvcaiyn, lot 1, blk. 1; $1.99. T. L. Charman Xv'eslyn, lot 1, blk $2.31. Falls Land Co. West Over Acres lots 1 to 4; blk. A; $17.84. rull Land Co. XVest Over Acres lots 5 to 25, blk. A; $55.97. Falls Land Co. West Over Aotm lots 1 to 11, blk. B; $46.16- Kalis Land Co. West Over Acres lota 1, 2, 3. blk. C: J7.36. Eunice O. Sargent White Cltv Park iois a ana n, dik. i; 2.10. ueo. A. Harding Willamette Falls lot 6, blk. 9; $2.71. A. XV. Adamson Willamette Falls iois 10 iv, dir. iu; ?B.&1. Antoinette Stout Willamette Falls lots 1 to 4, blk. 16; $28.23. Amos & Mary Wise XVlllnmittB Falls Acreage Tracts, 76.7 ft. x 100 ft in in ci corner or bllt. L: 12.28. uaisy uenm 1st Add to XVlllamette fans Acreage Tracts; lot 1, blk. F $4.c&. John W. Loder Tr 1st add to Wll lamette Falls Acreage Tracts, all of No. of Co. road, lot 2, blk. I; $1.21. Bertha Kanney 1st Add to Wlllam ette Falls Acreage Tracts, blk. Q $2.40. John W. Loder, Tr 1st Add t0 Wil lamette Falls Acreage Tracts 1 and 2 blk. R; $9.60. ' Addle J. Drttton Britton's Sub. Dlv, of pt. of Willamette Falls acreage Tracts, lots 1 ami 2, blk 2; 2.25 Hazel Tooze Willamette Tracts, lot A, blk 18; $6.00. Noah H. Herren Willamette Tracts NEV4 or blk- 61; $3.87. Effie Junken Willamette Tracts lot D, blk. 64; $8.52. P. R. L. & P. Co. Willamette and Tualatin Trs., frl. B. blk. 2: $1.24 H. M. Courtrlght & Co. Willamette & Tunlatln Trs. C, D, E, blk. 2; $7.44 Martha E. Bovens Willamette Tualatin Trs., Ex 932 acres, blk. 34 9.30. P. R. L. & P. Co. Willamette Tnalntln Trs., all ex. N. 280 ft, blk 45 $3,310. Ruby Anderson Wllsonvllle, lot 7, blk, F; $120. Oustuv Schnoerr Willamette and Tualatin Tract, all Ex Nly 76 ft of 41; $5-74. Oustav Schnoerr Willamette and Tualatin Tract -all Ex. Nly. 75c ft of 44; $4.18. C. A. Hheppard Windsor, lot 6, blk. li $1-54. O. T. ft B. A. Hlxaon, Windsor, tot fl, blk. 1; $1.54. Cha. Winter Windsor, lot 7, blk 1; 11.64. Essie Franklin Windsor, lot 3, blk, 2; $1.64. Ele Franklin Windsor, lot 4, blk. 2; $1.54. Laura B. Bwank Windsor, lot 6. blk. 2; $1.64. Andrew Kershaw Windsor, lot 10, II, 12; blk. 9; $4.63. O. XV. Kennedy Windsor, lot 1, blk. 11: $1.23. H. M. Courtrlght ft Co. Windsor lot 5 and 6. blk. 11; $2 40. 11. M. Courtrlght ft Co. XVlndsor, lot 10. blk. 11; $123 Ella C. Babin Windsor, lot 6 and 7, blk. 14; $308. Elam Shaw XVlndsor, lot 1, blk. 15; $1.54. J. 8. McKinney ft A. W. Davl Windsor, lot 2. bik. 15; $1.54. H. Nord Windsor, lot 3, blk. 15; $1.64. W. M. Howe Windsor, lot 6, 7 8. blk 15: $4 61. Uustave Hoffman XVlndsor, lot 9, 10. blk. 15: 3.08 IL M. Courtrlght ft Co. Windsor, lot 4, blk. 19; $1.23. H. M. Courtrlght ft Co. Windsor, lot 5 to 9. blk. 19; $o.oo Jame Sargent Windsor, lot 9, blk 20; $1.07- Cella Blackwell Windsor, loU and 2. blk. 21: $2.46. Anna HreterfleldtWlndor, lot 3, blk. 21; $1-23. Andrew Kerhaw Windsor, lot 4, . 6, blk. 21; 14.62. Henry ft Matilda Russell 1st Add to Woodmont, lot 8 to 12, blk. 3; $16.10, Salem Trust Co. Woodburn Orch. ard Tract, lot 20; 410.40. C. 11. Russell and F. p. Drinker- Wilson Acres. EV4 of blk. 19; $4.34 Reynolds, Susan ft John B. 54.60 acre de bk. 132, pg. 308, Sec. 4, T 3, R 1 W; $22.07. Hawley. W. Jt 10 acre de bk 132 pg. 368, Sec. 4, T 3, R 1 W; $4.96. Krueger, Fred ft F. 1 acre on end of F. Krueger" land. Sec. 4, T 3 R 1 W; $1.25. Licester B. Atkins 45 acre des in bk. 127, pk. 68, T 3, R 1 W; $50.83 XVarner, Louis 20 acre de In bk. 121. pg. 359, T 3. R 1 W; $11.15 Seely, K. I. 10 acre de. in bk. 136, pg 159. 8ec. 23, T 3,R Rl W; $1.68 XVatklna, Viola 19 acre de in bk. 136, pg. 372, Sec 27. T T3, R 1 XV $2Z.78, Miller, Peter 3.75 acres as de in Jesse Boone l L C; $12.37. Prahl, F. W. ft D. C. Grenwalt 1.05 acres as dee In Jesse Boone D 1 C; $1.49. Dick, John 10 acre as des. in Jeff Shaw D L C; $10.37 Epler, Fred J. 48.10 a tes as des in Jeff Shaw D L C; $76.16 Dean. J. C. (Estate) 1.50 acres in Thos. Bailey DLC ; $5.46. Seely, J. B.; S. V.: R. I.; and J. U 1 acre In Tbos. Bailey DLC: $3.73 I'aetscn, Edward 3axl00 ft. at one end; 60x100 ft at other end in Lot XVhitcomb D L C; 17.99. Cornutt S- (Heirs) 1 acre in Lot XVhitcomb D L C; $14.20. Carpenter, Margaret J. 1-3 Int. In 8 acres in Lot XVhitcomb DLC; Alexander, John XV, 2-3 int in 8 acres in Lot XVhitcomb D L C; $81.09. Campbell, Louis H. and Claire B. 43-100 acres in Wm. Meek D L C; $25.21. Gallop, Ritchie 4.20 acres in XX'ni. Meeks DLC; $02.12. Wills. XV. XV. & M. M. 4 acres ex. 50-100 A for road In Geo. Wills DLC; $38.70. Richmond, l-ena G. 4.65 acres in Geo. Wills D L C; $32.25. Gowan, M. V. 1 acre in Gao. Wills DLC; $5.80. Rileu, Robert J and Mary L. 2 acres In Hector Campbell DLC; $8.54 Bruno, P. John 43,080 sq. ft. in Dan'l. Hathaway D LC; $4.61. Atwood, Mrs. F. A. 10 acres in Daniel Hathaway D L" C; $31.50. Pechln, E S. 1 acre in Daniel Hath away DLC; $9.20. Stampher, J. T. and Gus Anderson ndivided K interest each In 10 acres in S. H. Tryon DLC; $86.21. Nelson, J. bleg'fried 16.66 acres in Josiah Franklin, D L C; 22.48. Davidson, I. G. 27.97 acres in F. A. Collard DLC; $37.07. sterling, Edward B. and Fannie a-01 acres in Jesse Bullock D L C 424.93. Perry, Caleb 33 acres in Jesse Bnl- lock D L C; $01.05. Morey, Clara E.; 41.54 acres in Bah- rlel XValllng D L C; $107.18. 1 lie Glenmorrie Co. 446.08 acres In Gabriel XValllng DLC; $637.91. mrdman, H- C 14 acres In R.' C Crawford DLC; $28.61. Yunker, John & Catherine 10 In Julia Ann Lewis DLC; $11.18. Turner, XVUltara S. 44.48 acres in Samuel Shannon DLC; 4157.84. Duffy, M. T. 2.20 acres in Jacoh Risley DLC; $28.86. Stoehr, Emily S. 10 acres in Stenh- en Walker DLC; $88.66. bchramm, Minnie 1 acre In Steph en XValker DLC: 18.21. Chas. H. & Eliza W. Hart fi cro in Geo. Crow, D. L. C: $43.80. Harrison, Ezra B. WX4 of SWXi oi oec. , l a, it l ju; 136-54. , bctnink, August and Minnie 10 acres as des bk. 128, pg. 446, in 4, T 3, R 1 E; $4.46. Baker, B. F. 47.41 acres as des in bk. 138, pg 234, in Sec. 16, T3, R 1 E; $33.59. Spencer, Thos. No. 26 23 acres in sec. 18, T 3, II 1 E; $34.11. Arnold, Maude So. 26.23 acres In Sec. 18, T 3, R 1 E; $34.10. Ellers, Gerd 98.11 acres In Sec. 19 T. 3, R 1 E; $51.87. Scott, Ida E- McCormick 49.52 acres in Sec. 21, T 3, R 1 E: $43.32. ueaii, John s. 108 acres in Sec. 21 T 3, R 1 E; $S0.32. Perrlne, H. B. 44.85 acres In Sec, 21, T 3, R 1 E; 142.52. Stefanl A. 37.24 acres in Sec 27 T 3, R 1 E; $49.77. Perrine, H. B. 122.30 acres in Sec 27 and 22, T 3, R 1 E; $138.60. Perrine, H. B. 121.60 acres Sec. 28. T 3, R 1 E; $97.65. Urfer C. L. and H. II., sold to Geo. A. Brodle N',-4 of NVfc of NEX4 of N E of Sec 29, T 3, R 1 E; $9.45. Mulloy, Patrick H. 3.95 acres in Seo. 32, T 3, R 1 E; $2.62. Francesca Roth 92-100 acres In Philander Lee DLC; $3.11. A Stephanl 40-100 acres in Philan der Lee DLC; $8.97. J. E. Ellsworth 57-100 acres in Philander Lee DLC; $10.35. A Stafanl 100 by 120 ft. in Philan der Lee DLC; $17.25. . Canby Canal Co. 30-100 acre Philander Lee DLC; $16.87. Carl J. and Ada Schmttt 87.50 116 50 ft. in Ptiiiander Lee DLC; $2.07. Frank E. and Belle S. Dodge 6.25 acre in Champing Pendleton D L C; 14.69. C. C. and Julia Clausen 6 acres in Champing Pendleton DLC; $12.93. Inga M. Robertson 6 aere in Champing Pendleton D U C; $9.45. inga M. Robertson 8.67 A. m Cham ping Pendleton D L C; $8 82. Oregon ft California R R Co. New Era Park Tract In Elizabeth Alprey D L C. in Sec. 22 and 23, T 3, II 1 E; $19.80. L W. ft Agne M. Noble acres in Bee. 1, T 4, H 1 E; $2.85. Joseph M. and Nellie M. Beatty .50 acre Sue. 4, T 4, R 1 E; $27.60. Joseph Johnston 3 acre, Hec. 4, T , R 1 E ; $9 42. C. U. Barlow 20.Z4 acre in sec &, T 4, R 1 E; 18.94. Leatha H. itamey SE'i or kbw ft NEV4 of SE'A of Sec. 10; T 4, R 1 E; $17.17. Stewart ft Rose Y. McClare 10 acre In Sec. 10, T 4, R 1 E; $5.15. Jame Adklns 27.92 acres in Sec. 12, T 4, R 1 E; $42.16. Joseph Gibson F.V4 of NE of No of Sec. 15, T 4, H 1 E; $12 37. W. F. Macky 15 acres in Hec. l. T. 5, R 1 E; $4.61. A. J. ft Katherlne Lai 10 acres Sec. 6, T 5, K 1 E; 44.95. A. Jacobs Sold to K. Grugerson 9.96 acres In Sec. 8, T 6, R 1 B; $4.06. J. E. Payne, 5 acres in sec. 16, T 5, R 1 E; $2.55. T. D. Symmond 82 acres ex 3 A for creek in Sec. J7, T 5, R 1 E; $31.15 l-aura u Wilson 10 acres in Bee. 28, T 6. R 1 E; $9.90. G. D. Long 45.50 acres in Sec. 31, T 5, R 1 E; $13.86. Kate Haugh ft D. E. Sklrvin Un divided V4 int. each in 50 acres in Sec. 10, T ;, R 1 E; $24.09. James Barlow 5 aches in Sec. 25, T 1, R 2 E; $9.24. Emmitt O'dell SE'4 of SEX4, Sec 25, T 1, R 2 E; $42.81. Manel Palethropt 15 acres, Sec. 27, T 1, R 2 E; $17.88. Effie M. Bodwell 9.96 acres In Sec. 27, T 1, R 2 E; $11.92. Blathax A. Clark 2.30 acres In Sec. 34. T1.K2E; $11.40. Clarence W. J. Crookshanke 65 acres in Sec. 1. T 2, R 2 E; $91.76. Altha Smith 8.28 acre In Bmc. 2. R. 2 E; $5.64. Cora V. LaJoie sold to LeI Keiser 10 tcren in Sec. 2, T 2; R 2 L; 110.26. Slatha A. Clarke 47.70 acre in Sec 3, T 2, It 2 E; $36.84. Jo.t Cartagnetto 10 acres in Sec. E. 1 2. Ii 2 E; $20.22. T. J Anthony 9 acres i,i Sec. 5, T 1, 11 2 E; $27.38. Wm. f. Gardner (Est) 1S.08 acres li; Sec 10. T 2, R 2 E; $17.32. Oregon Surety ft Casualty Co. 9.67 acres in Sec. 13, T 2, R 2 E; $5.77. Oregon Surety ft Casualty Co. 14.60 acres in Sec;. 18 and 13, T 3, 2, R 2 and 2 E; $6.68. Louis Keats 14.81 acres In Sec. 15, T 2, R 2 E; $16.90. City of Gladstone 5.50 acres in Sec. 21, T 2, R 2 E; $10.14. H. L. Keats 16.62 acres In 8ec 22, T 2. R 2 E; $15.21. P. T. Hunt 20 acres In Sec. 27, T 2, R 2 E; $11.69. Scandinavian American Bank of Portland 22 acres In Sees. 28 and 28. T 2, R 2 E; $16.44. Maria C. Kraft 25 acres in Sec. 28, T 2, R 2 E; $16.12. John Benson 63 acres in Sec. 35, T 2 R 2 E; $35.76. Hazel Tooze 60 acres In A. B. Hol- comb D. L. C; $23.76. I. G. Davidson 20 acres in Isom Cnanfield DLC; $41.55. 1. G. Davidson 12 acres In Isom Cranfleld DLC; $32.85. Phoebe A. Gilbert Heirs 20 acres In A. P. Smith DLC; 454.74 Elmer Coleman 10.40 acres in Cyrus XX'adswortb. DLC: $6.50. I. G. DavidBon 50 acres in James McNary DLC; $167.28. John F. Jennings 4 acres in B Jennings DLC; $15.52. J. XV. Bryant 9.50 acres in Abernethy DLC; $19 84. Geo Matilda Bryant 2 acres in Abarnethy DLC; 45.46. Geo. A. S. Nichols 146.95 acres in Hiram Straight DLC; $676.00. Fred L. Hogg 30x200 ft., in Hiram Straight DLC; $5.07. Roger O. XX'oodward Part of Hiram Straight DLC; $5.07. H. A. Bonn 2.73 acres in Peter Rinearson DLC; "$35.70. Anna Vandermeer 9.629 acres in Peter Rinearson DLC; $74.69. , E. M. Howell 10x150 ft, in Oregon City, Claim, lying between Bitter & Dsnzels Tracts on 16th St.; $1.01. J. W. Hudgens 50x100 ft. in Ore gon City Claim; $3.06. F. A. Stevens 150x300 ft. in Ore gon City Claim; $10.20. C. W. & Emma S. Morgan--150x 270 ft. in Oregon City Claim; $19.3S. Mabel Palethrope 55x270 ft. in Ore gon City Claim; $10.32. John C. Ainsworth 270x304 ft- in Oregon City Claim; $42.84. Vincent & Mary Jelence 52.50 x 130 ft, in Oregon City Claim; $7.65. John XV. Loder 3.75 acres in Ore gon City Claim; $14.29. John G. Killgrepn 13 acres In Ore gon City Claim; 493.54. T. Charman Heirs 60-100 acres in Ezra Fioher DLC; $1.87. G. O. Ireland 34-100 acres in Ezra Fisher DLC; $3.13. G. B. Dimick, Tr. 50-100 acres in Ezra Fisher DLC; $6.26. John W. Loder 3 acres in Ezra Fisher DLC; $4.70. Peter Daletas 2.60 acres in Ezra Fisher DLC; $10.95. Chas. F. Terrill 35-100 acres Ezra Fishtr DLC; $3.91. Western Imp. Co. .1793 acres Hugh Burns D iLt C; $3.08. , ' John Patterson SEX4 of SE4 of Sec. 1, T 3, R 2 E; $23.66. Grant E. Barney 73.70 acres in Sec. 2; T, 3, R 2 E; $21.17. Grant E. Barney NE' of Sec. 11, George S. Wolston SW of SW Sec. 11, T 3.R 2 E; $21.98. Margaret Wood 7.46 acres in Sec, 16, T 3, R 2 E; $5.94. M. & XV. Jennings 7.05 acres in Sec. 16, T 3, R 2 E; $4.26. Barton XV. & Mary W. Simmons 4.40 acres in Sec. 30, T 3, R 2 E; $1.49. Barton W. & Mary W. Simmons NE4 of NEVi; of Stc. 31, T 3, R 2 E $24.55. Emil Nelson 1.67 acres in S White D L C; $9.51. Jacob Paul 8 acres in S. S. White DLC; $18.35. August & Minnie Schunk 15 acres in S. S. White DLC: $4.95. Annie W. King 30 Oacres in M. M McCarver DLC; $68.00. Henry Loney 15.20 acres in An drew Hood DLC; $10.93. Susan A. Blackwood 78-50 acres J. S. Howland DLC; $40.93. T. A. Snook 36 acres in Robert Caufield DLC; $10.79. George T. Poteet 39.20 acres Robert Caufield DLC: $59.27. Rosine Ball 5 acres in Robert Cau field DLC; $4.99. S. J. Rogers 5 acres in Washing ton Williams DLC; $3.61. John W. Loder 11.60 acres in Washington Williams DLC; $11.68. in by Louis M. Sederlin 3 acre In Wm. Holme DLC; $20.40. Louis M. Sederlin 1 acre In Wm. Holmes D L C; $8.16. Hexter ft May 30-100 acre in Wm. Holmes DLC; $10.21. Lester L, Schwartz 50x76 ft In Wm. Holme D L C; $3 06. D. Callahan 1 acre in Wm. Holme DLC; $10.21. Geo, F. and Mary A. Glbbs 21.30 acres in Wm. Holme DLC; $02.40. John Bartenstetn 20.86 acres In Wm. Holmes DLC; $15.61. James A. Kay 38-100 acre in Wm. Holmes DLC; $3,06. T. Charman ft Son 50-100 acres In Wm. Holme DLC; $2.05. Leone Buckner 30 acre in Sec. 2. T 4, R 2 E; $5.71. Mary A. Barron W of WA of NW4 of Sec. 2, T. 4, It 2 E; $12.08. George anl Emma Lowry 40-100 acres of Sec. 8, T 4, R 2 E; $1.12. Alex F. Gifrord S'A of 8E ex. NE!4 of SE'4: of SE!4 Sec. 14, t 4, R 2 E; $17 42. E. P. and Ida E. Berdine 40,000 sq. ft. in sec. 17, T 4, R 2 E; $4.07. Jens N. and Moran Jepson 18-100 acre In Sec. 17, T 4, R 2 E; $6.16. E. A. Mallatt-SVi of NE4 of SE4 Sac. 18, T 4. R2 E; $19.71. W. E. Rosencrantz 72.62 acres in Sec. 20, T 4, R 2 B; $30.94. R. H. Snodgrass and E. P. Berdine SEy of NWtt, Sec. 21, T 4, R 2 E; $7.39. Frank Klernan 4.50 acres Sec. 28, T 4, R Z E; $3.08. F. W. Prehn 43EVi of 8E4 Sec. 36, T 4, K Z B; 117.16- J. E. Short 3.60 acres in Wm. Rus sell DLC; $18.48. Frank Klernan 10 acres In Harri son Wright DLC; $7.78. H. B. Ferine 108.88 acre in Sec. 2. T 5, R 2 E; $45.16. H. B. Perine NEi of NEW No of Molalla River, Sec. 3, T 6, R 2 E; $7.zz. H. B. Perine Lot 1 and 8E4 of 8W14 or NWW Sec. 11, T 6, R 2 E; $8.26. Fred Schafer EV4 of NEX4 and LoU 2, 3, 4, T 6, R 2 E; $28.38. Rosa Schafer 8 EVi of SE4 Sec. 11, T 5, R 2 E; $25.80. Rosa Schafer NWX4 of SW14 Sec. 12, T 6, R 2 E; $7.22. Fred Schafer NW; of 8E14, and NE of SW'. Sec. 12, T 6, R 2 E; $17.32. Rosa Schafer Lot 1, 8ec. 14, T 5, R 2 E; $5.68. FFred Schafer 7.60 acres in Sec. 14, T 6, R 2 E; $1.65. Ida E. Parent 6.50 acres in Sec. 17, T. 5, R 2 E; $2.39. D- B. Eastham 140 acres Sec. 30. J T 5, R 2 E; $58.61. frank s. u iJagby 160 acres. Sec. 33, T 6, R 2 E; $61.81. Clarence R. McAyral NE of NE ' Sec. 35, T 6, R 2 E; $6.21. Mazie L. McCaully NE14 of SWtt Sec. 36, T 5, R 2 E; $10.52. Mattie Wells (Heirs) 15 acres in XX m. Engle DLC; $35.17- Fred Schafer 6 acres in Charles Sweigle DLC; $1.55. Mabel Baty 50-100 acre in Math- ias Sweigle DLC; $10.89. Falls Land Co. 159.33 acres in Thos. Jackson DLC; $85.47- Frank ft James Janovsky SX4 of SEX4; ex. 1 acre in Sec. 17, T 6, R 2 E; $25.62. M. A. M. Ashby NWXi and NEXi of SXVXi, Sec. 36, T 6, R 2 E: $28.56. W. and Martha Zidell. Abraham Zidell Half interest each in XV H of W sec. 2, T 7, R 2 E; $12.88. John T. Buckner NEVi of NW4 of Sec 10, T 7, R 2 E; $4.86. Wm. and Sarah Justus EV4 of EVi sec. 10, T 7, R, 2 E; $18.24. Hattie E. XVells N of SV4 of SW of SEtt, Sec. 25, T 1. R 3 E; $5.22, Edwin Nelson XV of WVg of NW or KW', Sec. 28, T 1, R 3 E; $3.08, N. Lawrence 5 acres, Sec. 28, T 1, R 3 E; $3.08. Edith Ramesbotham EVi of EV4 or NWV4 of NXVVi Sec. 28, T 1, R E; $6.16. W. B. Mallies 8 acres, Sec. 30, T 1, R 3 E; $15.40. H. S. Mallies 10 acres in Sec. 30, T 1, R, 3 E; $18.48. Lawyers Title & Trust Co. 25 acres in Sec. 32, T 1, R 3 E: $27.55, J. Francis and Daisy D. Teevin SEVi of NWVij of NEV4 and Rdway in sec. 34, T 1, R 3 E; $9 98. H. M. Lake 8 acres Sec. 36, T R 3 E; $6.95. 1 Harold H. Fessenden 100x200 ft Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E; $4.51. R. R. Poppleton 7 acres, Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E; $7.65. Altman-Tajior Maehy. Co. 30x60 ft Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E; $1.40. C. Gordon Parkhurst 5 acres, in Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E; $4.18. Richard Sleight, 5 acres in Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E; $4.17. W. G. Frank.. 9.38 acres, in Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E; $4.17. F. H. and Alice F. Whitfield 16.50 acres, Sec. 4, T 2, R 3 E; $10.33. Lawyers Title & Trust Co. NVs of NWV4, Sec. 5, T 2, R 3 E; $159.07. betn, C. C; Ruth j, and .Faith Young 43.10 acres, Sec. 6, T 2, R 3 ; ? 12.I6. Mary A. Watts 10 acres Sec. 8, T 2, R 3 E; $13.05. Mary A. Watts EV4 of SWVi. Sec. 8. , T 2, R 3 E; $66.12. M. M. Chase 6.50 acres. Sec. 9. T 2, R 3 E; $16.54. Fred & Arthur Kindorf NWVl of SWV4 and Lot 2, Sec. 13, T 2, R 3 E; $39.26. James A. Cobb 27 acres, Sec. 14. T Z, K 3 B; $12.28. Barney A. Geslason 5 acres in Sec. 15, T 2, R 3 E; $1.98. John W. Loder 12 acres, Sec. 15. T 2, R 3 E; $5.15. W. H. Chatten 40 acres in Sec. 15. T 2 R 3 E; $18.31. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co. 14.50 acres in Sec. 18, T 2, R 3 E; $9.72. , W. Grennwell 1.33 acre. Sec. 20, T 2, R 3 E; $1.22. Harriett S. Kinney Lots 5 and 6. Sec. 26, T 2, R 3 E; $14.56. Alvin ClarkCot 2 and E. 20 A. of Lot 3, Sec. 35, T 2, R 3 E; $4.16. Alvin Clark 135.60 acres, Sec. T 2, R 3 E; $35.36. Elizabeth Brown 21.50 acres Robt Arthur DLC; $16.64. J. T. Stampher 40 acres in Isaac Las well DLC; $10.40. Lois Gsrlinger 100.10 acres in Na thaniel Lamb DLC: $97.93. S Alvin Clark 100.41 acres in Sec. 1, T 3, R 3 E; $22.67. Alvin Clark 19.90 acres in Sec. T. 3, R 3 E; $2.60. Alvin Clark Lot 1 and NEV4(. NEVi Sec. 2, T 3, R 3 E; $4.68. W. M. Stone, Tr 5 acres, Sec. T 3, R 3 E; $2.98. B. R. Hannaford Lot 7, Sec. in T 3, R 3 E; $25.44. Thomas W. Lane SV2 of NWVi SWVi; Ex. 6 A in Sec. 18, T 3, R 3 $6.76. iu J. L. Bond NV& of NW of SWVi Ex. 5 A in. Sec. 18, T 3 R 3 E; $6.58 Fred R. Weis 6 acres in Sec. 18, 3, R 3 E; $3.38. Casper N. Braasch Lots 4 and Sec. 27, T 3, R 3 E; $16.67. Nelson Hackett 65 acres in 27, T 3, R 3 E; $14.31. O. W. and Nora B. Elliott 40 acres In Sec. 31, T. 3. It 3 E: $.''.0.21, Levi L. Manlove S EVi f NB'4, Sec. 34, T 3, R 3 E; $19.72. Casper N. Braasch 598.37 acres In Nicholas Wells DLC; $533.10. Cha. E. and Anna M. Pyke 30 acre in David Cutting DLC; $7.63. Lora B. Catho 10 acre in Mathew Richardson DLC; $11.13. Agne Matlock 10 acre In Mathew Richardson D L C; $15.90. Gertrude E. Hlcinbotham 1 aeni in Allen Mattoon D L C; $5.15. Anthony Smolensky 31.08 acre in Thomas Waterbury DLC; $12.17. it. k. iiauowell 25 acres In W. H. Foredyce DLC; $12.92. Alfred L. Parkhurst SXVVi of SE Vi of Sec. 5, T 4, R 3 E; $22.26. vv, u. Dwlght NE14' of SEVi of Sec. 6, T 4, R 3 E; $28.14. Alfred L. Parkhurst N'Kli of NW Vi of Sec. 8. T 4. R 3 E: 114.30. A. B. Baker ft W. E. Jaberg NWVi( of NEVi and NEVi' of NWVi; Sec. 9, J. C. and Mary E. Nelson NV4 of NWVi! of NWVi of Sec. 17, T 4, R 3 E; $7.93. J. C. and Mary E. Nelson NEVi of NEVi. of NEVi; of Sec. 18, T 4, R 3 E; $3.02. Lucile P. Keeny NWVi of SWVi of Sec. 27, T 4, R 3 E; $12.64. Robbins EVi of EV4 of SWVi of NWVi' (EVi of Lot 2) of Sec. 30, T 4, R 3 E; $4.45. E. F. Riley WVi of NWVi' and SE Vi of NWVi. Ex- WV4 of EVi of SWVi of 8WVi of Sec. 30, T 4, R 3 E; $31.13. C. E. Trescott WVi of EVi of SWVi of SWViJ(Lot 2); $3.06. W. S. Gorbett NWVi of NWVi' Ex. 1 Acre in NW Cor, 8ec. 2, T 6, R 3 E; $11.35. Sarah E. Miller SVi of SWVi, Sec. 8, T 6, R 3 E; $12.66- Matt Nelson EVi of NWVi of NW Vi, Sec. 9, T 5, R 3 E; $10.67. Frank Hendricka E( of SEVi, Sec. 12, T 5 R; R 3 E; $6.10. Simon Callahan NEVi' of NWVi & W 30 acre of NWVi of NEVi Sec. 19, T 0, K 3 B; $24.99. Frank A, Pierson SEVi of Sec. 8. T 6, R 3 E; $19.04. Malcolm M. Jameson NEVi of Sec. T 6, R 3 E; $7 61. Perry O. Stacey NWVi of Sec. 28. T 6. R 3 E; $11.42. John C. Weill EVi of NEVi Sec. 34, T 6, R 3 E; $14.28. Johan A. W. Olson SWVi of Sec. 4, T 7, R 3 E; $5.13. Percy G. McArthur NV4 of NV4 Sec 26, T 7, R 3 E; $24 30. Robert E. Andrews EVi of SEVi of SEVi of Sec. 26, T 1, R 4,E; $4.32. Stuiman Andrews 78.50 acres. Sec. 26, T 1, R 4 E; $39.67. Ambert Andrews EVi of NEVi of SEVi and Roadway, Sec. 26, T 1, R 4 E; $9.50. Gertrude Andrews WVi of NW V4 of SEVi 8ec. 26, T 1, R 4 E; $2.88. Stlllman Andrew 4 acres Sec. 27. T 1, R 4 E; $4 32. Hans Nelson 5 acres Sec. 28. T 1. R4B; $2.87. Hans Nelson SVi of SVi of NEVi of NEVi. Sec 29, T 1, R 4 E; $5.90. C. L. and Ida R. Williams S W Vi of NEVi? Sec. 29, T 1, R 4 E; $28.64. Luther B. Swanstrom NEVi of NE Vi Sec. 30. T 1, R 4 E; $25.02. B- B. Miller Tr. EVi of SWVi and NWVi of SWVi Sec. 30, T 1, R 4 E; $48.79. George W. Beers-EVi of SWVi' of NEVi Sec 3, T 2, R 4 E; $12.47. T. B. Bowan NEVi of NEVi' of SE Vi of Sec. 3, T 2, R 4 E; $6.29. Mary A, Strucken SVi of NWVi. Ex. WVi of SWVi of NWVi Ex. 2 A, Sec 10, T 2, R 4 E; $29.06. Eliza J. Roots 49.31 acres, Sec 6, T 2, R 4 E; $34.75. William J. Hickey, William B. Hick ey Heirs Vi int, in WVi of SEVi of Sec. 6, T 2, R 4 E; $28.43. J. M. Deardorff (Heirs) SEVi of NEVi Sec 8, T 2, R 4 E; $16.45. C. J- Miller 33.94 acres in Sec 13, T 2, R 4 E; $11.59. James H. McElroy 6 acres in Sec. 13, T 2, R 4 E; $24.45. C. J. Miller SVi of NWVi' of SWVi Ex 2 A in NWVi Ex 1.50 A Sold and Ex 6.06 Acres in Plat of the Bluffs, Sec. 12, T 2, R 4 E; $68.17. Gerald, Roy and Guy XVilcox 76 acres in Sec. 28, T 2, R 4 E; $30.24. Emma XV. Trullinger sold to S. C. Brovinder 66 acres in Sec. 33, T 2, R 4 E; $17.25. Brien Barclay NEVi of SEVi Sec. 35, T 2, R 4 E; $18.52. B. Gobbi 80 acres in John Glover DLC; $48.23. Mary I. Preston l acre in Phillip Foster DLC; $5.32. John .M. Henkle 130x130 ft and 105x150 ft. in" Phillip Foster DLC; $13.85. P. F. Davis 10 acres in Sec 21, T 3, R 4 E; $4.88. Lee Wells 38.50 acres in Sec. 25, T 3, R 4 E; $11.70. John W. Hoare 19.75 acres nfSec 27, T 3, R 4 E; $12.08. Joseph M. Reig 6 acres in Sec. 28, . T 3, R 4 E; $3.64. Fred Jorg 8.93 acres in Sec. 29, T 3 R 4 E; $5.34. C. E. Dubois 20 acres in Sec. 29, T 3, R 4 E; $6.10. Max Von Newmr.n 4 acres in Sec. 29, T 3, R 4 E; $3.05. Chas. E. and Geo. E. Dubois 52.65 acres in Sec. 29- T 3, R 4 E;.$19.07. Peter T. Gannon 20 acres in Sec. 30, T 3, R 4 E; $29.87. ' A. D. & Caroline Schmidt NWVl of NWVi and Lot 7, Sec 32, T 3, R 4 E; $9.28. Chas. E. & Geo. E. Dubois Lot 6, Sec. 32, T 3 S, R 4 E; $4.37. Garfield Country Club 5 acres in Sec. 36, T 3, R 4 E; $2 85. Eleanor M. Boone 2.52 acres in Franklin Pierce IX U C; $3.25. B. S. Womer 1.33 acres in Frank lin Pierce DLC; $15.18. Thos. & Esther J. MacCorkindale 17.22 acres in Thos. Lee DLC; $11-58 Mrs. G. C. Helple 1.14 acres in Geo. Currin DLC; $4.10. Mary C. Callwell SEVi of NEVi & EVi of SEVi Sec. 1, T 4, R 4 E; $26.67. Alton Rogers 10 acres in Sec! 2, T 4, R 4 E; $1.93. 36, in Matilda Neal 6.40 acres in Sec 4. T. 4, R 4 E; $3.69. H. E. Noble NWVi of SWVi. in Sec. 7, T. 4, R 4 E; $10.30. J. D. Gordon Lot 1, Sec. 11. T 4. R 4 E; $5.56. John Jost Jr., 5 acres in - Sec. 14. T 4, R 4 E; $2 08. XV. N. Jones Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sec. 16, T 4, R 4 E; $69.08. 1, Douglas Boylan (heirs) LoLt 8, Sec. 16, T 4, R 4 E; $6.96. W. A. Jones 20 acres in Sec. 20, T 4, R 4 E; $7.37. ' Fred Oversen 15 acres in Sec 21, T 44, R 4 E; $2.78. Douglas M. Boylen WVi of NEVi' Sec 21, T 4, R 4 E; $35.92. Security Savings & Trust Co. WVi Of NWVi Sec. 31, T4, R 4 E; $13.28. Ida M. Dundas NEVi of NEVi and WVi of EVi of SEVi- Sec. 32, T 4, R 4 E; $12.39. Ida M. Dundas SEVi of NWVi of Sec. 32, T 4, R 4 E; $5.90. T. H. Brinkley WVi of NEVi of SWVi, Sec 32, T 4, R 4 E: $2.95. of 7, 16, of E; T Sec, (Continued on Page 7)