Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 08, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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i i
ewsy Briefs From
LOOAN, Ore., Feb. 6. Newt and
tunshlne are somewhat scarce here.
Quite a number ot farmers have
been loading cars at Carver Station
with spuds.
Mrs. McCubbln, who has been Quite
sick. Is reported improving.
Richard, the young son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Babler, was taken to the
hospital this week and underwent an
operation for an abscess on the lung.
Colds and sore throats are the pre
vailing ailment around here.
The Red Cross auxiliary meets
every two weeks at the church.
Lower Logan school has an Indus
trial club of 22 members.
F. TV. Rlebhotf Is having some den
tal work done.
L. H. Kirchem is spending a few
days in this community visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gerber are moving
back from Portland to their home
That was some "blow" Monday
night Some clothes lines lived
through it and some did not, however.
Our telephone line withstood It all
right, which to some satisfaction.
Some bad mud holes are reported
in the Barton bridge road, causing
some complaint as travel Is all on
aald road now from the other side.
Tis quite interesting and amusing,
too, to read some of the comments in
the "big" papers in regard to a move
ment to form a non-partisan league in
Oregon. Some see "the handwriting
on the wall" and understand that "the'
worm wil iturn." The masses are not
cattle and will not stand for many
more legislatures such as the last one,
and pay the bills without a murmur.
MULINO, Ore.. Feb. 5. Mr. and
Mrs. Miller and children, of Liberal,
moved Into the Bayne Howard cot
tage. Fred MoUan, of Portland, was a
MuUno visitor last Sunday. He ex
pects to be called to serve his country
Mr. and Mrs. John Keepler and
children were the guests of Mr. and
Jennings Lodge
MACKSBURG, Ore., Feb. 7. Febru
ary the month dear to Americans as
containing the birthdays ot her two
most famous and best beloved states
men. was ushered in with a temper
ature that might have been a menace
to the winter grain had it not been so j appearance this week.
promptly followed by a mantle of snow ' Andy Hancock Is recovering
Bert Boardman and daughter, Velma,
are visiting relatives at Post, Ore.
Signs ot spring are showing iu the
appearance ot the canoes on the river,
'Bone Dry" having made its initial
so heavy that all danger was set aside,, a painful Injury to his eye, sustained
while the cold lasted, which was but ) by a piece of steel flying into It, while
for a night and then It grew so mild it, he was a twork at the steel works In
Is hard to realize that spring Is not Portland.
really here. merry bunch of young people en-
With the verdure as bright as It can j j0yed a coasting party on Friday, when
ever be. with the robins caroling their 1 they took their "bobs" to Vandermeer
morning song as blithely as In April Mil and there passed a couple of
or May; the aquatic fowls choosing hours in the snow. Those who took
their nesting places, the dandelions 1 advantage of the "one night ot nights
peeping out here and there and the this winter, were: Dewltt Campbell,
daffodils opening their store ot gold,;Oulda Deter, Vera Glass. Ellen Hart,
It Is Impossible to think that planting Bessie Roberts, Carey Deter, Olen
time can be tar away.
The winter wheat Is promising a
fine harvest and with the new. econ
omic ways ot blending It with other
grain we are likely to have plenty to
send over the sea
The Mothers' Club had a very pleas
Russell, Anna Russell, Lloyd Notts,
Arnold Langely, Will Bruechert and
Arthur Roberts.
Miss Esther Campbell is spending a
couple ot weeks at Eugene.
Mr. Mac Murran, ot Addy street.
who has four sons In the service ot
ant and busy all-day session at the Unc,e Sam h bem Tery mucn wor.
home of its president. Mrs. John Hep-' aD0Ut a report that one of nU
ler, on Thursday, the last day of Jan
uary. Mrs. D. Wolfer attended the
meeting for the first time and render
ed valuable assistance with the work.
The next meeting la appointed tor
February 14th, at Mrs. Simon Miller's
Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Hamilton have
gone to housekeeping at their new
home near Hubbard.
Mrs. John Dwarashack is still in
Oregon City, where her little son Is In
the hospital. She is greatly encour
aged to hope for the little boy's recov
ery, though at times he seems very 111
Mrs. John Hepler has returned from
an extended tour of the Middle West
bringing his father home with him.
Mr. Hepler, Sr.. was seriously ill for
some time prior to his Journey west,
but seems better now.
Will Roth and Roy Yoder are haul
ing ship-knees tor shipment to the
building yards.
The Little Girls' Sewing Club Is to
tneet on the afternoon ot February 9, '
at the home ot Mrs. O. M. Baldwin.
Mrs. Eby, Sr, Is recovering from a
boys had been killed In battle. He
has not had a letter from htm for some
time and is fearing that the report is
Rev. Daniel Staver, of Forest Grove,
preached the sermon at the evening
service (at Grace Congregational
church. He dwelt at length on the
"Ter Centery Mlsslonsry Plan." which
Marshneld to visit their son, Cole
man. '
The family of A. Oswald has moved
Into the Haberman cottage, on corner
ot Jennings avenue and Railroad ave
nue. Mrs. Kdlth Truscott has received
word from her son, Charles, that his
company was soon to leave for Eu
rope, He Is now in Washington, D. C.
A meeting of the Junior Red Cross
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Verne Miller. Those present were;
Blanche McQuestton, Charles Dregnlo,
Edward Dregnle, Donna Haines, Has
el Miller, Ruth Aldrloh, Fay tie Wulfer,
Mable Grlbblo, Martin Wlddows, Mrs.
E. M. Haines, Linn MeQirestlon, Olive
The ladles ot Cauby Uod Cross aux
iliary gave a silver tea at the Corlton
Rosenkrans Co.'s store. The commit
tee In charge was composed of Mrs.
W. H. Lucke. Mrs. Adam Knight and
Mrs. Earl Bowlaby. Those serving
were Lillian Wheeler, Eva Beatty, and
Ava Miller.
Henry Kelt, of Aurora, was a vltiltor
at Hazelwood Creamery Wednesday.
Mrs. A. D. Grlbble, of Grlbble Prai
rie, was a Canby shopper Wednesday.
Mrs. J. A. Datum, ot Macksburg,
made a business trip to Canby Wed
nesday. Miss Grace Bullock was hostess at
an enjoyable party Saturday after
noon, the occasion being her twelfth
birthday. The guests were Laverne
Eckerson, Mirabelle Bates, Gladys
Miller, Esther Joy, Anita Schaubel,
Edith Earls, Lillian Miller, Beulah
Launer, Opal Wheeler, Hortense Stacy
and Dorothy Evans. The afternoon
was spent In games. Luncheon was
The Canby high school basketball
team will play the Hubbard high
school basketball team at the Canby
band auditorium Friday evening, Feb-
Mlst Moore spent Thursday night
at Orem'a.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Pole Dooghto,
a daughter, January SO.
The Cedardale Literary society Is
going to raffle oft a quilt at Its next
meeting, first Saturday tn March, tor
benellt ot the Red Cross.
Doras Orem spent Sunday night
with her class mate- Mary Fellows.
J. Fellows, who Is working tn Ore
gon City, spent Sunday with his fam
ily at Cedardale.
Harry Beck Is again In school after
a three months' absence on account
ot sickness.
Mrs. Frank Ktnny is on the sick list.
Richard Orem, who is working In
Portland spent the week end with his
parents, returning to his work Sunday
GEOHGE, Ore.. Feb. 6,-Mrs, Leo
Rath la visiting hor father, Mr. Wld
mer, of Sandy Ridge, who is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. H, Kllnker, C. Kllnker,
Leo Rath and C. Johnson visited Mr.
and Mrs. T. Harden last Thursday
evening. Tho evening was spout tn
playing solo.
Mr. Lee, who is working at Spring
water, spent the week-end with his
wife at Bissoll.
Mrs. R. Fanton Is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. T. Hardera, ot George, this
Ed Scheel is sawing wood for Leo
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hardera. Mrs. Fan
ton and Mr. and Mrs. R. Snyder, vis
ited the former's sister and brother In
law. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Bounds, ot
Mulino, Saturday and Sunday.
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE. Ore.. Feb. . Mr.
Guthrie, principal of the school, has
erected a large bill board on the cor
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richard
son. Robert Richardson was tn Oregon
City Monday on business.
Charlie Worthlugton Is building a
garage on his property tor his new
Ernest Harris, son ot Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Harris, Br has Joined the en
gineers corps, and left Saturday morn
ing tor West Virginia.
The Parent Toucher circle will meet
at the school Friday at 3 p. in, A
prominent speaker from Portland will
address the meeting. The school
children will ting two selections. All
women are Invited to attend.
Mrs. J. B. Evans entertained the
Housewife's Club Thursday afternoon
at her home.
II. K. Webb Is home from Bremerton
for a tew days with hit family.
Remember the movies Friday night.
Mary Pickford In "The Poor Little
Rich Girl." also current events.
Mrs Henry Riley was a Portland
visitor Wednesday,
The sliver tea given Tuesday, Feb
ruary a, at the community church
by the Needle Craft and Domestic
Science club was a success In every
feature. A Urge number of women
were presen (and listened to an ap
preciative talk on the Red Cross work
by Mrs. J. G. Gllllngham, ot Portland,
Mrs. John aldron sang two solos, ac
compnnle don the piano by her daugh
ter, Mildred. Mrs. George Botsford,
or Portland, sang; also Miss Estella
Hubbard. Tea wat served In the din
ing room, which wat decorated with
American flags and terns. Mrs. Hel
ms Gllllspie, president ot the club,
presided. Six dollars was raised and
will be turned over to the Red Cross
auxllllary. The club will meet at the
home ot Mrs. Arthur Jepson, Febru
ary IS,
Mrs. Walter Holbrook Is very tick
with tonsllltlt at the home ot her
rather. T. R, Wortbington, 8r. Dr.
Mount waa called Tuesday morning.
She Is reported better at this writing.
Mrs. Frank Manning last Sunday.
Mrs. Sidney Smith, of Liberal, was sudden and serious Illness, and is able ,
the guest of Mrs. Ed Berdine last Sat
unlay and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels and child
ren, motored to Oregon City last Sun
day and took in the "movies." The
trip was made in the Erickson's new
Buick car.
Red Cross Does Good Work.
The Red Cross met in regular ses
sion last Thursday at the Methodist
church and spent a very busy after
noon. Some sewed on bandages, oth
ers tilled the small pillows with snip
pings. Some cut tray cloths, napkins,
handkerchiefs, etc.; others made bed
socks, while others knit.
This auxiliary has knit 44 pairs of
nocks, besides some sweaters, helmets,
wristlets, etc. These workers have
been organized and working since last
to go out once more.
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, Ore., Feb. 6 On
last Wednesday several of the mem
bers ot Upper Eagle Creek Red Cross
unit met at the Harvey Gibson cot
tage and cleaned and fixed It up so
that now it will bo a very pleasant
meeting place.
Mrs. Katie Douglass made a trip to
Portland last week to see her father,
John Sweeney, and sister, Miss Delia
Sweeney, who were business visitors
from Stevenson, Wash.
Alex Baker waa an Estacada visitor
the other day.
Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Gibson entertain
ed Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle at dinner
George Preister and wife, of Logan,
epent Sunday afternoon at the home
ot Roy Douglass.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil May, of Oregon
City, who have been the guests ot Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Douglass the past week,
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Preist
er home Sunday evening.
Mrs. White, of Portland, was a guest
at her daughter's home, Mrs. T. M.
Clester, Sunday.
Mrs. Viola Douglass accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Douglass to Port
land Sunday to call on her daughter,
Mrs. H. S. Jones.
Mrs. T. M. Clester was the recipient
of a pleasant call from Mrs. Alex
Baker Sunday afternoon.
H. S. Gibson was an Estacada visit
or one day last week.
STAFFORD. Ore., Feb. 6. The
house ot Richard Oldenstadt caught j
fire Thursday morning, but owing to
quick work by the family and neigh
bors only a small loss was sustained. j
Monday morning Stafford school en
joyed a profitable talk on "Nobles," :
given by Mr. Scheffer. Messrs. Ved-j
der, Werner and Thomas also visited '
the school and looked after their re
spective interests. About a dozen
patrons attended also. After the talk
Mr. Sheffer took the men and boys
to Mr. Elllgsen's "mole patch" where '
he demonstrated how to get them.
During the first part of the week
Mrs. Seedling and Mrs. P. A. Baker!
were reported as being 111; we hearj
that they are now better.
The Red Cross meeting that was to;
be held in the school house Friday, j
February 1, is indefinitely postponed.
Supervisor Brenton Vedder dined j
with the Elligsens Monday noon.
Mr. Oldham was busy the first of
the week moving Mr. and Mrs. Ray
(nee Eva Holton), to their permanent
home in Independence. j
Carl Elligsen has returned from !
Canby. He is domiciled in his little j
"red house" painted brown. j
A rip in the wrong place causes a 1
walk of four miles. Ask C. Elligsen;
how this is. ' j
Mr. and Mrs. Meeks are at last in
their new home. Mr. Weddle Is wlth-j
out a cook and j
All tbys folks of Stafford town,
Are taking their receivers down, j
And one and all they now agree
To have a grand charivari;
'Twill wake the sleepy from their
It will, when Mr. Weddle weds.
Our gentlemen of the sick list, L.
Tiedeman and H. Ellegsen are both
able to he out again In their machines.
But, alas! tires get punctures! How
often those young gentlemen have to
Speaking of Fords: Mr. Frenzel's
refused to run up school-house hill the
morning of the enow, but no matter,
Stafford school got behind and pushed.
HAZELIA, Feb. 7. The Hazelia Lit
erary and Debating society will meet
at the school house Saturday evening,
February 9. The .question to be de
bated Is, "Resolved, That the Ladies
Should Propose." The affirmative de
bators, Marion Eastman, Blanch Dun
can and Elizabeth Puymbroeck; neg
ative, D. B. Long, Wm. Kroll and
Harry Gebhardt. The club meets every
two weeks.
Independence Valley & Siletz Log
ging Co.'s camp, moBt up-to-date In
Oregon- Fitted with all modern con
veniences. 40 miles of track, em
ployes 80 men.
A ItasUess Plreetorr ef toK Cltr,
jnwB una uii:: m uregva ana
Uaahtagtaa giving lracriptl
tikvirit ot each ilac, Location,
(Wpp!n Facilities and Clasnl
fied Dinwtofy adt BtttlUOM
ana fiotendoa.
m JmTols. m to be.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Giddlngs have
moved to Portland, where they will
make their future home.
Mrs. Mary McGowan, mother of Mr.
McGowan, of this place, died at a san
itorium in Portland, Tuesday, at the
age of 85 years. Remains will be ship
ped to Tacoma for burial. Mr. Mc
Gowan has the sympathy of his friends
here In his bereavement.
Mrs. Scoggin was called to Portland
last Wednesday, upon the sudden Ill
ness of her daughter, Mrs. Emma
Hunter. She was much Improved
when her mother returned home.
Our postmistress haB been very ill
with the grip and bronchitis. She is
slowly Improving. Miss Irene Wurfel
spent the week-end a home from Mt
Angel, returning to school Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tull were in
town this week.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 4. Ira Mar-
tin, chaplain of the penitentiary
for the Christian Science church
of this city, hat been appointed a
member of the parole board.
grow the LARGEST CROP possible.
Good Prices are awaiting you and you are anxious to render
your country a great service by making every acre produce its full capacity.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for your success therefore use the
Best Implements obtainable to prepare the land
from which you are to reap your harvest Hero are a few of iho Best:
-J:L-' Lean J2-Sb
J. I. Case
Spike Tooth Harrows
Spring Tooth Harrows
PLANET JR. GARDEN TOOLS for Your Garden Spot.
W. J. Wilson & Co.
OSWEGO. Ore.. Feb. .-Mr. Grant
White and Mrs. D. Saylor, of Canby
spent Monday with Mrs. White's
mother. Mrs. John Haines,' Sr.
Or. W. O. Spencer has moved his
.family In the Gardner residence. Mr
and Mrs. Kd Pollard excel to. move
'In their residence toon, which has
been vacated by the doctor and fain-
j Harry Headrlck. of Vancouver liar
racks, spent Saturday with his mlther,
Mrs. Rosetta Headrtck.
j Mr. and Mrs. C. A. llethke, and son.
Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephens, Mr.
and Mrs. Gilbert Haines and family,
Clarence Haines and I lurry llnadrlck,
motored to Canby Sunday, spent the
iday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant White,
returning home late in the evening
Mrs. Jiuues Gregory and daughters,
Kathleen and June, are spending a fsw
days with Mrs. Gregory's parents. Mr
and Mrs. I. Austin.
i Fred A. Wallsworth spent Mondny
at tho home ot Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Mrs. Wm. Metzker and rhlldren left
Friday for Irondale. Wash., where Mr.
Metzker Is employtd In the Iron smel
ter. I Mrs. L. A. Rathtmn, of Portland,
visited hed pnrents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Fox, Sunday.
Mrs. John Perkins, of North Yam
hill. Ore., Is spending a few duys at
the homo of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
T. It. Cllnofelter.
i MIhh Gladys Sinclair, of Portland,
iiwas an Oswego vlxltor Monday.
Cnylord Worthington, with his two It y
children. Kathleen and Gene" vLsllwl
his pnrent.s, Mr. and Mrs. Poko Wor-j
thliiKton, of South Oswego. Iimt Thurs
day. Mr. Worthington and wife hnvo
fl Just returned from Hoverul weeks'
fi I visit with relatives In Ilerinlnglinm,
M j Alabama, Mrs. Worthington stopping
tMlat their homo in llosemirg. Mr. Wor-
weeks ago take treatment for a bad
cHO of ptomaine poisoning, canted
from eating cannnd surdities, She It
feeling much better,
Mr. and Mrt. C. C. Miller visited tn
Portland Sunday and Monday.
Mist Lull Richmond, of Portland,
was a guest at the J, W. Moore home
for two or Ihree days Inst week.
The 10. II, H. basketball team went
to Sandy Saturday night to play with
the Snndy high tehool learn, but found
on reaching that place that they had
to play with a town team, The game
reunited In defeat for the Kstactda
Frank Burners, Worth Randolph nd
Loult Jones, all of whom have been
attending the KMacada hlg hschool.
left on Sunday for Portland wbera
they will take a buslnast coume at
the Y. M. C. A.
Kd lloner hat been having a lucra
tive butlnett during the past tow
days, taking pictures nf Oerman aliens
who had to register thlt week tnd
also furnish a picture of themselvet.
Mr. and Mrt. A. K, Sparkt enter
tained the Duplicate Whist club Tues
day evening.
8. 8. Lasswell, of Portland, wat a
guest at the home of his brother, A.
I Lasswell, a couple of dayt Ittt
Mist Virginia Scott, who was oper
ated upon at a Portland hospital one
day last week, for appendicitis, It tot
ting along nloely.
The local Rebekah order held a
pleasant session Wednesday Bight and
entertained the President of Ihe Re
bekah assembly.
Mayor Ixivelace, who hat been suf
fering with an Infected arm, It very
much Improved.
It M. Blandish and wife went to
Portland Saturday morning to vltlt
relatives, returning Sundty evening.
Mrt, B. Humphrey, of Portland, wet
here last Thurtdsy to visit Mrt. Ed
Allen, both returning to Portland the
same dty. Mrt. Allen It suffering
with a bad attack ot asthma.
McCauley Hale It now the machine
operator at the Family theatre.
Mist Ida Wagoner returned from
Oregon City Friday.
J. C. lllllman tnd family arrived
from Portland last Saturday and Mr.
lllllman now hat chtrge ot the Pal
ace Meat Market, having lately pur
chased the business from Fred Jorg.
The family la occupying the residence
on Currln ttreet, which was Included
In the deal. Mr. lllllman It an expe
rienced man In the butchering and
meat business and will no doubt give
excellent satisfaction to Estacada and
vicinity patrons.
Theo. M. Scheffer, assistant biolo
gist of the . 8. department of agricul
ture, will give a demonstration In the
trapping of moles and the prepara
tion of the hides for market, at the
Estacada tchool Friday afternoon.
A. K. Sparkt of the Fast Clackamat
Supply Co., has been elected secretary
for the Estacada Cooperative Cheese
An Incipient blaze at the Rert Finch
home Monday nlin caused a no little
excitement for a lime. Mrs. Finch had
placed her Utile son't coin by the ttove
to dry while the fiimlly ate dinner.
There was more fire In tho stove than
was thought Bnd tho coat csiiRht on
flro. Soon the room became full of
Htnoke and as It was too denitn to tee
how bud tho fire was, the Inmates of
the homo began throwing the furniture
out. The cont was badly burned, also
tho chair; ntherwlsa no damnge was
done with tho exception of a broken
Mrs. C. J Howe went to Molnlln
Inst Wednesday to visit her rinughtcr.
,I,elln. who Is teaching In that vlcln-
She returned Friday evening.
Mrs. Frank Kwlng returned Wednes
day from California, where she had
been vlHltlng her parents for severnl
After spending a week with his fam
ily, A. 0. Ames returned to iho moun
tains In search of more wild nnlinnls.
Mr. Ames Is the Government trapper
this section and when he came
. a
thinirtnn i-innn r through to 11 I lauoro or
to get the children, who had been left ihotno a few days bko, he had the hides
in tho. care of their grandmother, Mrs.
Worthlngton't mother, while their
parents were east.
Miss Alta Wlrtz spent Saturday and
Sunday nt the home of Mr, and Mrs,
Ed 8lncli.tr, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Muhlnn Hnwke, who
have been visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Ous Klser an dtwo sons, Ed and Jack
Hawke, returned to their home In Har-
rlsbnrg the latter part of the week.
simplifies the distribution of mission
ary money, and is being universally
adopted by the Sunday schools. Rev.
Staver is benevolent treasurer of the
Congregational church for Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fleming have
gone to Vancouver to live. Mr. Flem
ing is stationed at Vancouver Bar
racks. Mr. Carey and Miss Oulda Deter en
tertained the following on Sunday af
ternoon at a "snow balling" party:
Misses Eva Staley, ot Forest Grove;
Carlotta Pace, Oregon City; Wilma
Bruechert, Anna Russell, Bessie Rob
erts, Darrel Clark and Albert Love, of
Portland. In the evening they went
to the home of Miss Bessie Roberts
to help her celebrate her eighteenth
On Friday, February 8, the Parent
Teacher association will give a "Birth
day luncheon" at the church, every
mother in the community being invit
ed. xTne menu will consist ot home
canned goods and Ideas will be ex
changed on how to get up menus to
use in compliance with the wishes of
Herbert Hoover.
The Boy Scouts held a meeting at
the church Saturday evening.
Ed Brlgham hat returned to the
Lodge, after an absence ot a year in
South America.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Dill have gone to
ruary 8, at 8 p. m.
James Smith, of Macksburg, was a
Caby shopper Wednesday.
County Agricultural Agent R. J.
Werner, assisted by Thoo. H. Scheffer,
Assistant Biologist, United States De
partment of Agriculture, held a meet
ing of Canby schools Tuesday morn
ing. The school went to the band
auditorium where a large number of
the leading farmers of the commun
ity also gathered to listen to an in
teresting lecture on the trapping of
moles and gophers. A practical Illus
tration of the proper methods of set
ting traps was shown immediately
after the lecture.
CEDARDALE, Ore., Feb. 4. Mrs.
B. F. Bonney Is on the sick list, suf
fering from rheumatism.
The storm of Thursday night and
Friday stopped the logging crews and
work In general.
The Red Cross society meets every
Saturday afternoon at school house.
C. J. Johnson has put In a phone
In his residence.
Joe Steffanl, of Canby, was In this
locality on business Saturday.
Charles Shepherd hart bought a new
horse, so now he h',t a team again
and is hauling lumber for StefanL
ner of Center street and Railroad ave
nue on the Derry property, to adver
tise the motion pictures.
Mrs. Alice Barnette Is visiting In
asco for a few weeks.
Mrs. Anna Ahalt spent Tuesday
with her son, William Rlgglns, at St.
Vincent's hospital,. Bill Is Improving
slowly, and will remain In the hospital
for some time yet.
Mis. Rotay and two children, of
Portland are spending a few days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Bothford, of
Portland, were dinner guosts of Mrs.
Helma Ollllepie Tuesday evening. '
Mrs. John Smith, of Portland, for
merly of Oak Grove, attended the sil
ver tea Friday afternoon at the church
given by the Needle Craft Club for
the Red Cross.
The commencement exercises ot
the Concord school last Friday was
well attended. County School Super
visor Brenton Veder, of Gladstone,
presented the diplomas to the class.
Several musical numbers were given.
Three of the class entered the Mll
waukle high and one the Lincoln high.
Mrs. Proctor, of Portland, formerly
of Oak Grove, was a visitor Wednes
day afternoon at the Colburn'home.
ESTACADA, Ore., Feb. 6 Mrs. Ina
Woods came over from Oregon City
Sunday to visit home folks.
Otto Jannson has taken a psltlon
In the Estacada State Bank.
Milton Evans went to Portland Sun
day In answer to a call to come there
for examination for civil sorvlce.
The Estacada Fire Company tried
to hold a meeting Monday night to
elect a new chief to take the place of
Fred Jorg, who will leave soon for
Portland to reside. The old Are com
pany Is about extinct on account of
the removal of many of Its members
and there was not a quorum present.
It behooves Estacada people to get
busy and see tl It that this most lm
nortant organization Is kept ub.
Mr. and Mrs. N. B. C. Louvry visited
relatives In Portland over Sunday.
Pastor Guy Drill, ot the Christian
church, was here Sunday and tendered
his resignation, to accept a call from
the Christian church at Coburg, Ore
gon. Mr. Drill has been pastor nt
this place for three years and In the
meantime has been attending college
at Eugene. Mrs. Drill accompanied
him here Sunday and both were guests
at the Walter Glvens home.
The Sprlngwater Dramatic com
pany that produced the piny here Fri
day night for the benefit of the Esta
cada C. I. C, had a fairly good pat
ronage. The weather was very un
favorable, as also were the roads, for
a crowded house. Their efforts were
highly appreciated. Miss Elizabeth
Singleton, of Reed College, Portland,
gave some readings between acta and
Mrs. Mayme Boyle rendered some
piano selections preceding the play.
The C. I, C's share of the proceeds,
after all expenses were paid, amount
ed to $12.50.
Mrs, M. L. Severe returned from
of five bobcats which ho caught
the vicinity of Cnry's Hot Springs.
Mrs. Edward Richardson and little
ton, Edward Neal, ot Pendleton, are ! Portland Sunday, where the went two
SALEM, Or., Fob. 4. (Special)
State Highway Engineer Herbert
Nunn has responded to a rennest from
Chester L. Chambers of Eagle Creek
Orange, Eagle Creek, Clackamat coun
ty, at to condition! In the highway
department and as to what that de
partment Is doing.
Among other things, In response to
the Inquiry of Mr. Chambers, he as
tern that "A comparslon of ttate
prlcea for pavement, as compared with
that ot Clackamat county, Is vory un
satisfactory, as the State Highway De
partment maket a complete charge for
all materials and equipment used for
a completed piece of construction and
the price paid per square yard hat lit
tle to do with the completed work.
The statement, however, that the state
has paid three times as much for lta
pavement as Clackamas County
should not be taken seriously, as the
specifications of the state are much
more rlitldly enforced and the work
more carefully done than In Clacka
mas County and the statomont at a
whole Is untrue."
In his letter, which Is In the nature
cf n statement to the public, Mr. Nunn
"On account of the Heemlng unjusti
fied attacks on the State Hlghwny De
partment, a etatement at this time of
the exact conditions under which this
department works and of the nctuol
expenditure of monoys will help to
place the matter bofore the people In
this state, who are honestly Interested,
In the proper light.
"One of the particular statements
which has been made is that the State
Highway Department has spent to
date $36,000 for automobiles. This
statement Is untrue. The fact la,
however, that the state hat spent
$12,605.80 for automobiles for the pur
pose of transporting engineering and
construction crews to their work.