U. S. THRIFT AND SAVINGS STAMPS ON SALE AFFL,Y;At THE CASHIER'S WINDOW u j 1 it Mr? V Tlhie Sitoclk of IP'TULirimiitTuiire, Motulso IP'tlh 1r1rQ.isIhLi1rD.gs, ettc, of ! crj o ) I (1 1 ' tt L 7 HERE ARE THE FACTS I have been doing business in Oregon City for thirty-five years, during that time have built up the largest FURNITURE AND HARDWARE BUSINESS in Clackamas County. . Associated with me in business are my three sons, who will soon be in the service of our country, and being unable to secure competent help I IUST UN LOAD every article. Every article, every price and every statement on this page is backed by my reputation of thirty-f ive years' fair and hon est dealing in this community. Signed, FRANK BUSCIL mm MUST .B.E REGARDLESS DONE OF COSTS or CONSEQUENCES, THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Wall Paper, Bedding, Draperies, Curtains, Dishes, Granite and Aluminum Ware, Stoves, Ranges, Paints, Mechan ics and Farm Tools, Building Supplies, Etc., Etc. CONVERTED INTO CASE MUST FREE given FREE Three Valuable Prizes will be given ABSO LUTELY FREE to the patrons of this sale. See window cards for full particulars. Ask for a number which will be given FREE with every purchase. A $25.00 WHITE BEAUTY KITCHEN CABINET WILL BE Given away opening day, Wednesday, January 30. See the Cab inet on Main Floor. Ask for a number They are FREE. A $12.50 LIBRARY TABLE WILL BE GIVEN AWAY FREE Saturday, February 2nd. See this beautiful Table on Main Floor during the week. A number with every purchase. A 42-PIECE KOKUS-CHINA DINNER-SET WILL BE GIVEN AWAY FREE Saturday, February 9th, to some patron. Ask for a number They are free with EVERY Purchase. day 0 T nl $95.00 Peninsular Range Polished top, nickle base, 24 in. steel oven, 6 holes, to close Special $79.50 $6.00 CHILD'S CRIBS .Vhite Enamel Iron - Special " S4.25 $35.00 . Princess Dresser Bird's Eye Maple Large Plate Glass Mirror $19.75 $3.75 Cos turner CLOTHES RACKS Hangers to Accommodate 6, 8 and 1 0 Persons piiliis Dressers Regular $1 2.50 Golden Oak Finish Dresser 1 2x20 inch mirror, 3 large drawers, first-class material Best that skilled workmanship can C7 Q C produce tDiVO Regular $ 1 7.5 0 extra large Case Dress- tf "I O er, 20x2 4-in. mirror. Priced special. JJJ Regular $17.50 white enamel Dresser, 20x24-inch mirror. Finished with five coats white f "I A AA enamel DJLt.UU Regular $60.00 Solid Oak Princess Dresser, Colo nial design, 36x42 double French y fin plate mirror tDutUU SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL DRESSERS Special. $2.15 TIN WARES 100 Pieces Heavy XX Tin Stew Pans, Pudding Pans, etc Regular values to 25c Choice . :..6c . POLISH MOPS 50c Wizard Polish Mops During this Sale, Special 39c SAFETY RAZORS Regular $1.00 Safety Razor and i dozen blades Sale Price 23c FRY REX Glassware Baking Dishes Guaranteed Not to Crack Less 20 Per Cent MATTRESSES Full Size Cotton Top Made of 2-A Tick Regular $4.75 Seller Bed Room Set Five-piece Circassian Walnut Set Bed, Dresser, Dressing Table, Chair and Rocker tf?QC Cfl Regular price $1 15.00 Sale price. . tDOOeUU CHIFFONIERS Regular $ 1 2.50 Chiffonier with 1 2x20 jQ O in. mirror, 6 drawers Sale D Regular $50.00 Chiffoniere, heavy bevel plate glass mirror, 4 large and 4 small CjQQ flfl drawer s Sale DOOUU Book Cases Art Mission Sectional Book Case, solid oak, three sections, base and top. Our regular Q QC $25.00 case OlO.cJ Sewing Machines No. 5 Free Sewing Mach ine, regular $75.00 value. Sale $47.50 Regular $40.00 Beaver White Sewing Machines. Sale $23.00 Regular $75.00 White Rotary Sewing Machine, (slightly used) . . $21.00 Several second hand Sew ing Machines in good con dition . $7.50 up .4 i ROOM SIZE RUGS $1 8.50 Scotch Kidaminster seam - less Wool Rugs, big d I Q Qt? range patterns .. . wlutJ INGRAIN ART SQUARES AT LESS THAN FACTORY PRICES 9x12 Ingrain Art Squares wholesale price QC $10.50; our price. . t)UJ $15t00 Hispyre Brussels Rug 9x12 $12.75 $17.50 Tyran Rug. 9x!2 $15.65 $18.50 Brussels Rug. 9x12 $16.95 $22.50 Brussels Rug- 9x12 $1935 $20.00 Seamless Brussels Rug, 9x12 $15.95 $25.00 Seamless Brussels Rugr 9x12 $19.75 $25.00 Brussels Rug. 9x12 $21.85 $30.00 Velvet Rug $26.15 $32.00 Amber Velvet Rugs. 9x12 $26.95 $35.00 Velvet Rug $31.25 $45.00 Axminster Rugs $39.75 Remnants of Matting 11c Per Yard and Up. STAIR CARPET 40c Ingrain Stair Carpet 29c 60c Ingrain Stair Carpet 43c RAG RUGS Regular $1.00 Rug. 18x36 Sale $..62 Regular $1.85 Rug. 24x48 Sale $1.39 Regular 2.15 Rug, 27x54 Sale $1.69 AVON GRASS FIBRE RUGS Regular $1.00 size, 27x54 Each 78c RANGES Our "Banquet Lihe of High-Grade Rabies are reduced for this sale Regular $37.50 Ranges Sale Price $29.95 $47.50 ... $69.85 Rgular $90.50 Ranges 000 011 Sale Price DOU.UU Regular $57.50 Rangei Sale Price . . . Regular $77.50 Range y Sale Price . . . Let our Expert Stove Man Explain the Many Superior Points of High-Class Ranges. - Wall Paper Very liberal reductions on all wall paper. Bring the size of your - room, we will save you money on your paper. Remnant of one and two rolls regard less of original price will go at, for the double J roll DC Parlor Lamps Regular $6.00 and $7.00 Fancy Decorated Parlor Lamps complete with chimney and shade $4.25 Used Ranges and Rebuilt Stoves Our Used Ranges are made as good as new Defec tive parts being replaced with new ones. J4-hole "Lilly" Cook Stove $4.50 1 "Denter" Cook Stove, with reservoir.. $5.75 1 "Benton" Cook Stove $9.00 Used Heattrs $1.50, $2.50, $3.25 Regular $38 Charter Oak Range $18 00 Reg. $30 Ajax Range, 18-in. oven, sale. . .$22 50 Reg. $40 Bement Special, 18-in. oven, sale $25.00 Reg. $40 Vindex Range with reservoir. . . .$25.00 Reg. $47.50 Acme Range, 18-in. oven, res.. $30.00 Reg. 47.50 Toledo Range, 18-in. oven, sale $25-00 Reg. $50 Royal Niagara Range, 18-in. oven. $2500 Reg. $65 Charter Oak Range. 18-in. oven. .$25.00 Reg. $40 Falcon Range 18-in. oven, sale. . $20.00 Reg. $60 Jewel Range, 18-in. oven, sale $20.00 Reg. $55 Peninsular Range, 20-in. oven. . . .$25.00 NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGED FOR OLD Take Advantage of Our Exchange Department THIS DEPARTMENT WAS ESTABLISHED FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR CUSTOMERS. HIGHEST PRICES ALLOWED FOR OLD FURNITURE, STOVES, ETC A COMPETENT MAN WILL CALL AT YOUR HOUSE AND APPRAISE YOUR FURNITURE. VISIT OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT AND EXAMINE OUR USED AND RECONSTRUCTED FURNITURE, ETC Kitchen Treasure Regular $7.00 Treasure two drawer, four bins and bread Boards $5.45 SINK BRUSH and Dish Washer; a saver of Time, Labor and Temper. Strong and Durable, . 6c BREAD TOASTER Heavy Steel Wire Size 9x12 ins. Regular 25c Seller 17c THREE-ES'-ONE Matchsafe, Inkwell and Ash Tray. Useful and Ornamental for Center Table or Buffet HEAVY CHECKER EGG WHIP Substantial Built Cake Turner Each. 7c STOVE POLISH Genuine Graphite. Per Cake Only 3c Picture Mouldings Make Your Own Picture Frames. On sale at DRAPERIES 1000 yards fancy bordered Curtain Scrims. Come in white, cream and ecru. Regular 11. 20c values. Sale 11C 500 yards Puritan Cretonnes, light and dark colors, floral and conventional designs. Regular no 40c grades. Sale price OC Regular 25c Silkolines, 36-lnches wide. Sale price Regular 30c Mercerized Marquisettes and Scrims. Sale , Regular 40c and 50c Curtain Voiles and Marquisettes. Sale 20c and 25c Bungalow Nets Lot pairs Curtains . , . 17c 21c 32c . 17c 25c $3.95 Regular f 1.25 Scrim Curtains, with lace insert. Sae, pair Regular $2.60 Marquisette Curtains, hemstitched edge 98c $1.98 FEATHER PILLOWS Regular $2.00 Pillows 3-lbs. 19x26 in.. $1.45 Pair CONGOLEUM RUGS Regular $2.25 Rugs Size 4 jx4J feet $1.65 HERE'S A BARGAIN Regular $6.00 Large Duck Half Down Pillows. Size 22x28-in. $4.15 Pair TRACING WHEELS 8c IRON BEDS As every one knows, prices on beds have doubled. Note the befor the war prices quoted here. Regular $3.60 Iron Beds. Sale . $1.75 Regular $4.00 Iron Beds. Sale $200 Regular $4.60 Iron Beds. Sale $2.50 Regular $5.00 Iron Beds. Sale $2.75 Regular $6.00 Iron Beds. Sale $3.50 Regular $11.50 white enamel and Vermis Martin finish beds; 2-inch continuous posts. 7 QC Special 9 I '' i GENUINE "OSTERMOOR" MATTRESSES Made the famous "Ostermoor" way of pure un bleached, unadulterated "Ostermoor" cotton, and guaranteed for 25 years service d 1 A Q C Regular $25.00. Sale Price XtmifO s1 k 1 : TE LIBRARY TABLES Regular $12.50 Library Table, size 26x42-in. top. Combination book shelf. Good finish "7 Q C and superior workmanship v 3D Regular $14.50 Library. Table, 27x46-in. (17 QC top. Large drawer. Special v I D Full line Library Tables ranging from $10.00 to $30.00 All at special reductions. DINING TABLES Special reductions on all Dining Tables. The range Is from $7.95 to $40.00. Extra special Dining Set; 45 in. round, 6-ft. ex tension, Pacific oak T-ble and six . 1 Q C Diners. Special Ol0D English Breakfast Table $3.85 large size 36x42-ln. golden oak finish Table, folding when not in use to 12-inch fo r space. Special z. 10D LADIES' WRITING DESKS Regular $13.50 solid oak golden dull finish. Special !"$ 10.95 Regular $15.75 solid oak golden dull tft "I finish rol ltop writing desk. Special v 1 1 f O ROCKERS Every Rocker In stock reduced.. They range from $1.98 to $32.50. See them. ' Regular $7.50 solid oak Rocker. Solid seat. Special $3.98 -IN- Prizes Free $25.00 WHITE BEAUTY KITCHEN CABINET Free Opening Day, Wednesday, January 30 Ask for a number. $12.50 LIBRARY TABLE Free Saturday, February 9th A number given with every purchase. 42-PIECE KOKUS-CHINA DINNER SET FREE Saturday, February 9th. Ask for a Number They are Free. DISHES 79c 45c $1.25 Semi-Porcelain Dinner Plates,, set $1.50 Large Meat Platters- special DINNER SETS Regular $7.85 52-piece plain white semi-porcelain QC Dinner Set Special DtJJD Regular $10.45 54-piece fancy decorated semi porcelain Dinner Set Special $8.65 WW- -:: v ; "r IIMLll I l.l II III tt .IIIMI I T BLANKETS Blanket could not be bought In wholesale lots at the factory today at these prices. - 250 pairs 62x76-in. cotton Blankets; tan. 1 AO gray and white. Regular $3 Talues vvO Regular $4 00 plaid coiton Blankets Size (4x76. Colors blue. pink, tan and gray plaids This sale Plain Wool Fleece Blankets, come la tan. gray and white. Regular 4.00 Talues. This sale , ..- ,. Regular $6.00 Wool Fleece Blankets. plaids .colors tan. gray and blue. Sixe 66x80. while they last at Regular $6.75 large size Indian Robe. Sale Regular $3.50 white cotton filled sllko- line covered Comforts. Sale.. Regular $4.00 white cottrd tilled sllko- llne covered Comforts. Sale Regular $5.00 Comforts, satine covered and lined. Sale Regular $6.00 Comforts, satino covered and lined. Sale . Regular $7.60 Lamb's Wool Comforter, Sllkb cov ered. Sterilized, carbonized and double criss-cross carded $3.45 tan. gray $3.45 Beautiful $4.95 $4.98 $2.35 $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 3tlka cot- $5.45 CEDAR CHESTS Paclflo Cedar Chests, Guaranteed Moth Proof. Regular $14.00 18x33 chest Sale $12.05 Regular $19.00. size 19x44 chest Sale $15.76 GENUINE TENNESSES RED CEDAR CHESTS BLIND DOVETAILED CORNER CONSTRUC TION DUST AND MOTH-PROOF. Regular $13.60, size 16x36. Sale $11.95 Regular $16.60, size 17x39. Sale $13 95 Regular $34.50, size 13x43. Sale $21.80 NAPOLEON STYLE BEDS Regular $26.00 Eastern Gum Wood ! t A Q C Napoleon style full size bed. Special v XI.JJO Regular $37.50 solid mahogany Nape- t 1 Q Q C leon style full size bed. Special V 1 UVD Overstuffed Davenport Regular $65.00 large oTcr stuffed Davenport Oil tempered springs, cot red with curled hair and selected cotton. Heavy Saranac cot- f Ift nr 3c Per Foot and up. WATER BUCKETS Extra Heavy Tin. 1 2 -Quart Hand made Water Buckets 39c ering. Sale Regular $45.00 Arm Chair, same con struction . .. . $32.60 ALUMINUM WARE We carry a complete stock of "Wearever," etc. Regular $1.15 2-o.uart double lipped "'Wear ever" Sauce Pan. Special '. Regular $1.60 4-quart Sauce Pan ' Viko, 98c . $1.12 ORIOLE GO-BASKETS Oriole Go-Baskets nicely upholstered In Corduroy. Regular $9.50 ones. -Sale $6.30 Regular $11.50 ones. Sale $7.45 SUIT CASES AND BAGS Regular 85c Matting Cases 69c Regular $1.75, 26-in. Matting Suit Cases $1.39 Regular $2.50. 16 in. Matting Suit Cases. $193 Regular $4.00 Fibre Grass Suit Cases $2 95 Regular $4.50 Fibre, Leather finish Case $3-25 CARPET SWEEPERS Busch's Superior Vacuum Sweeper. Adjustable brush, mahogany finish, rubber wheels. Our regular $7.50 seller. Sale $4.95 AXE HANDLES 36-inches Long, Made from Selected Hickory Stock 10c COAT HANGERS Heavy Wire Coat Hangers 4C Each ' BUTTER DISHES Glass Butter Dishes 13c CREAM WHIPS 5c WOODEN SHOES All sizes, pair 75c OUT OF SIGHT Mole Traps ..... 69c EARTHEN JUCS One-gallon Earthen Jugs 20c Furniture and House r urmshings at Less Than Factory Prices. ci d) r urn OREGON CITY'S Immense Furniture and Hardware Store. 2C 1Z