r age 0 300 OUT OF 2650 REGISTRANTS, CLASSED BY BOARD The local board is continuing It ' classifications every evening, and Is j Just about getting a good start on the! job. Hp to date about three hundred ' classifications ot the 2650 have been ; made. Monday evening the following ; were completed: I Name Address Class. ! Victor Wolf, Oregon City Albert George Schunk, Oregon City Frank Thomas Donley, Wannie Louis Bergstrom, Molalla Charles Fenton Qulgley, Oswego Richard Johnson, San Francisco- Walter Ficen, Sherwood Leo Frederick A. Polehn, Oregon City George Gasser, Mulino Frank Ferguson, Oregon City Elmer John McMurry, Portland W. F. Akin, Portland . Matt John Macho, Boring Albert Henry Sehati, Portland Frank Otto Boden, Oregon City Clyde Bryan Kunxe, Woodburn August Byron Trotske, Oregon City Chester Allan Dickey, Molalla Dawson Fairchlld, Oregon City Gilbert Warren Callff, Oregon City Arthur Albert Harnack, Aurora Murrin Allen Rlchey, Boring Frani August Thless, Boringj 1 V I Alford Lyons, Oswego Chauncey Guy Smith, Oregon City James Burgess, Oregon City Joseph Neely, Oregon City Albert George Collin, Aurora William Nathan Wise, Mllwaukie Fred Phillip Baurer, Colton Frank Leonard Hale, Boring Clifford Leiter, Oregon City Phillip Atras Steinman, Estacada Lee DiUman, Portland- Frederick Henry Judd. Oregon City ' Earl C. Wink, New Era ' I I I V I I I O I I I V, V; Jay Morrison, Sandy George Morgan Segar, Boring Iver August Erickson, Portland Frank Oscar Sweet, Lebanon Samp Erwln Vlckera, Barlow. Ernest Julius Schwart. Clacka mas Thomas Chester Barry, Oregon City I I Thomas Patrick Welly, Clackamas George H. Scouton, Oregon City William Bryan Hastie, Mt- Angel Eugene W. Horton, Oregon City Perry Orange Jones, Sllverton . John Bergman, Oregon City William TJpdegTave, Eagle Creek Adolph H. Fallmezger, Sherwood Charles Phillip Mueller, Mulino Federico Pienovi, Parkwood I Arthur Buse, West Linn Clyde Elmer Poteet, Oregon City Joao Carlos Rodrigues, Oswego Paul Travallni, Barton- Austris August Wihtol, Oregon City Lloyd Jack Salisbury, Salem Arthur H. Schonberger, Cherry Grove Herbert Monroe Jeremiah, ortland Amasa A. Hosteller, Hubbard Harry Frazer, Molalla Malcolm G. Telford, Portland William Carl Perry, Heppner Samuel Drefs, Mllwaukie George Dillon, Oregon City- William Solon Echerd, Molalla Alexander Todd, Sherwood Ordle Arthur Carr, Monument- Edward Elmer Brenner, Oregon City r Christ Geiger, Oregon City Lambert Orson Eldred, Molalla William Henry Johnson, Mulino Anton Lautlzar, Oregon City Edward Joseph Connolly, Butte, Mont. Paul Jones Holm, Estacada Martin Kordt, Oregon City. Raleigh Bowers, Bandette, Minn Arvld F. Benson, Salmon, Idaho -1 Fritz Trachsel, Estacada .. Hugh Cutting, Molalla Arthur Rueben Jonsrud, Boring Fredrick W. Rosentreter, Oswego Marion Wilbur Johnston, Clacka mas Cyrill Simon Gray, Sandy Henry August Bunke, Canby Pete Maletis, Oregon City John Smith Jackson, Canby Chas. B. Hill, Oswego Clarence Browning, Bridal Veil 1 i-- r 4 w HEAT WITH t tMl'llil!l,v J PEARL OIL PERFECTION OIL HEATER FOR Frank Busch C W. Friedrich Elmer Parmley Ivey, Mllwaukie-.. Reginald Stuaret Ludlow, Estaca- da . Ernest Edward Araaeher, Estacada William Henry Myers, Oswego John A. Crader, Oregon City Ernest Layman, Boring "William Olson, Los Angeles, Cal. VSadataro Yoshltomi, MiiwauKie I ' George Rainey, Powell River, B. C. 1 1 Charles John Chapman, Portland 1 1 Lawrence Orth, Mt Angel I : George Joe Benskl, Plover, Wis lUdam Earl Keck, Mllwaukie 1 1 Walter Wilbur Young. Oregon City I Joseph Henry Haas, Oregon City. I Sam EgU, Hubbard r I Fred O. Ntuschman, Heppner I 'John Joseph Bannon, Gladstone I John Glade Helper, Aurora I David Moore, Molalla iiWHUam Christiansen, Barton I I Allan Eearl Helms, Marmot I 1 Carl Lonio Gregson, Blaine, Idaho I I I 1 I I I ' Edwards Satter, Candy I Phillip Masslnger, Jr., Hoff I William J. Jensen, Mllwaukie I j Walter Grossenbacher, Ore I City , I Adolf Swanson, Oregon City I n i .IV , Walter T. Van Curen, Eagle Creek Edward J. Steinman. Estacada John Saloman Chltwood, Boring i i i v i i 1-0 i I, TJmberto CarsotL Mllwaukie . I George Emerson Jackson, Oswego ; Fred Richard Fryckstrom, Boring Elmer Dan King, Hubbard Oscar Gunderson, Boring , Oscar Larson, Oregon City Ed Adam Summerfleld, Canby Emll L. Kleve, Hubbard I Johan L. Halldorson. Greshas I Joe Nlzlch. Oregon City . Clarence L. Orem, Tuscon, Arizona Alfred Gettman. Mllwaukie Raymond Gray. Sandy Ray Heator, Sherwood Charles Orrin Dobson, Monitor William Harrison Hart, Ashland Edward Arthur Johnson, Eagle Creek I George Embury Maronay, Boring I , Delbert McKlnley Hutchinson, Mo lalla Re-classified, first card sent Ora Elwood Coover, Molalla void O after class signifies 'religion.' SCORES ARE TAKEN INTO CLASS ONE BY BOARD - - - With only oiu? day remaining for i registrants to return their question- , naires, the local board received a rec- lord number of returned question naires. The board is still weeding out the men who have waived classification, or who have placed themselves in Class No. 1. As quickly as this class 'of men have been disposed of, the board will begin classifying the men I who have claimed exemption on agri- IO cultural industrial or dependency 1 ; grounds. 1 A list of men, with their classifica lotion, picked by the board Thursday Ij follows: 11 Vanio Atlriresa Class. I; E!mer Koy Hasselbrink. Wilsonville V v,nr(n Ar Ciaer. Molalla V 1 Jacob Jackie, Milwaukie V John George Adams. Aurora I ' Sebastian Ostfcr, Marquam V Aaron Oren Beugli, McMinnvllle. . 1 John Wesley Founds, Oregon City I Carl Jones, Clackamas I George Sharnke, Sandy I Alvin A. Kraeft, Oregon City I Joseph William Modin, Milaca, Minn. I Charles Frederick Peters, Gladstone 1 Ora Franklin Kernes, Powell Butte I Louis LUbker, Oregon City LJ Maurice Elmer Briggs, Milwaukie I Cecil Calef Lake, Portland I William Martindale, Bull Run I Archie Everest Potest, Oregon City I Frank Edward Smith, Parkplace.. I Micaiah Amos Vallem. Colton .... V .lames Martin Heslen, Portland.., Thomas P. Barrett, Portland I Walter Russell, Molalla " V Sataro Hinatsu, Oregon City V James Clifford Kif,'gins, Estacada.. I I Archie Edward Bonney, Colton I Herman Hanson, Portland I i A SL CJ.L Breakfast in a warm com fortable roo:n the best start for a successful day. No smoke or odor. Fuel consumed only when heat is needed no waste. -1 STA?.DARD OIL COMPANY (caufurm;) t.-T It SALE BY W. E. Estes Hogg Bros. Martin Sylvester Wlddows, Harlow I Hugh Ptatt, Gladstone I Alpha Evetvtt Oudes, Holt I Edward Orrie tUnisinger, Oregon City I Cecil Ernest Carlton, Oregon City. . 1 Lester rainier. Orvaou City 1 Karl Henry Falrhrothor, Oregon City 1 Ernest Johnson. Canby 1 Edward Christensen, Oregon City,. I Burrel H. Looney, Molalla 1 Henry Bo.wr, Estacada 1 Floyd 15. UoKleiv, Oregon City..,. I lav Albert Voder, Canby I Robert Orom. Mulino . , 1 William Sehwindt, Canby V Henry Harrison Creason, Clackamas 1 Wilbur Eugene Roberts. Seattle, Wash I Grover Jacob Friedrlch, Aurora I John B. Halm, Oregon City I John Pntteson Totford, Taooma.. I Albert Robrt Hoy-guard, Ciuadoro 1 Frank A. Marshall, George ....... I Anton U. Sanetel. Oregon City I Ixml Oehlselilaeger. Clackamas... 1 Elmer Pearl Tict Chchalim Wash. I Milton Davis Evans, Estacada .... 1 tugen William Fischer, Pocatolto, Idaho 1 Cecil Wellington Robey, Oregon City IV Hen K nut son, Aurora I Frank Anderson, Oswego I John Braker, Ore-son City 1 Peter Kylto. Molalla 1 Edward Melutyre. Hoff 1 Wesley Drlskell, Oregon City I Roy Edward Kowleo, Oregon City V William Lewis Wllcoxen, Oregon City I Charley Allen Bm-kman, Boring... I Carl Ephraim Youngstrom, Ho- qulam. Wash I Henry Peters, Portland I Conrad S. lxan, Milwaukie I August lekberg, Boring 1 Oscar Vorheia, Wtlhoit I George W. Laniour, Aurora I Stanley Murray, Sherwood I Lewis William Hoffmeister, Boring I John O. Conway, Oswego I Erwin Fredertch Bremer, Bremer ton, Wash I Vernon Neely, Boyd I Walter August Alt, Sandy John Junker, Oregon City I Andrew Jackson Batr. Molalla .... I Carl Max F. Bruch, Oregon City. . . I I (John Lawrence Mooney, Clackamas I I j William Bartels, Molalla I I Otto B. Titus, Portland I I John Frederick Erickson. Oreeon City I Charles Clark Brewick, Mllwaukie Arthur Luln Roberts, Jennings Lodge 0 Alexander B. CaVties. Oregon City ' Roy Funk, Portland Paul Krueeer. Oreeon CItv V RalDh Waldron Barbur. Oreeon Citv v: I i Gust Rudolph Hallman. Boring ... Vj Charles Lester Fuee. Bremerton. -ash j! Dellon Warren Olds, Oak Grove. . . V j Arduius Stefan!. Molalla V I Harry Crawford Reid. Estacada .. I Gottfried Stucki. Eagle Creek.... V Frank Lee Selby, Oregon City .... V Edward Neville Coffey, Camas Wash. I, Corwln S. Harvey. Milwaukie rI Joseph Graham, Jr I Thomas Roy Peters. Clackamas . . V John Christ Busch. Oregon City ... I Rudolph Bigge. New Era Axel Carlson, Seattle. Wash Newton Ernest Moak. Hlllsboro. . Adolf Haidlen. Fossil John Zimmerman, Willamette.... Chauncey Lloyd Blosser, Hubbard Ora Elwood Coover. Molalla Lorenz F. Ficken. Sherwood Jonas Theodore Peterson, Colton.. Irenne Pierre Dewey. Portland. . . . Christian Edward Hostetler, Marsh- field, Oregon David Nathaniel Nordling, Corval- lj9 Andrew' Thomas Krolt', Oswego". ! .loin, nBrt,P Rhprwnnrt Clay Henry Cook. Orchards Lewis Earl Evans, Oswego Raymond Glenn Irish, Oregon City Carl Lester Brown, Portland Fred Gilbert. Yamhill Charles Henry H. Olds, Portland.. Albert Herman Scheer, Oregon City Delvia Walter Montgomery, Oregon City Arthur George Caven, Sandy .... Samuel Higby Ewalt, Aurora Morally Unfit For War Says Pacifist As a claim for military exemption, William J. Black, an Estacada farmer, alleges that he is a "Pacifist and Con stitutionalist who holds law unconsti tutional and immoral." Such was tne answer on his ques tionnaire filed with the local board "'T.', r : . to whether he belonged to any well recognized religious Beet whose creed forbad warfare. In addition to this claim Black claims that he Is "morally unfit for service." Black is a single man 28 years of age and lives on. a farm near Estacada. He further claims In his questionnaire that this "creed" has millions of mem bers, and that It has obtained Us mem bership "through publicity." Black further deterred classification on the ground of a dependent mother. He claims a collegiate education of ten years. The board will attempt a solution of his claim In the near future. Transferred Man to Front. Paul Schaubel of Plentywood, Mon tana, obtained a transfer from his local board to the local board for Clackamas county Saturday and was inducted Into the aviation school at San Antonio, Texas. He(was granted transportation and a "meal ticket" for twenty-five meals enroute, by County Clerk Harrington and left this afternoon for the training camp. He was accepted some time ago as an ex pert mechanic. Classification Progresses The work of classification by the local board goes on with all possible haste. Practically a hundred classifi cations were made Friday evening, most of whom go in Class I or Class V, the latter being permanently exempt from service. Advices from the adju tant general's office have been re ceived to the effect that Class I classi fications should be made at once pend ing a call for the near future for the men of this quota. Herbert Leslie Talbot of Oswego was given an Immediate classification by the local board Saturday night, and placed in Class IV, as he is a married mau with children. Tail hot asked the quick action of the board that he might go to Porto Rioo to accept a position. Name Address Class. Albert I. Todd, Oregon City 1 Fred Babbler Utlger, Mulino I Asel J. Tabor, Washington, D. C. , I Charles Arthur Mahal, Oswego. ... I Chester Allen Will, .Canby V Ueorge Hcrren, Stelaeoom. Wash. V Samuel K. James, Oswego I Claude Rogers Smith, Portland.. ! Eugene Waldorf, Oswego I Fred J. Yoder, Ocean Fulls, I. C. I Arthur Timtuona Mailed. Astoria I Albert II. C. Hoffmeister, Boring. . I Mmll Motejl, Eagle Creek V Joseph Yessler, Buffalo. N. Y..... I Edward Earl Kenny, Leonn Robert L. Colebank, Mndella, Minn Gunnar V. Anderson, Boring.... E. Edward LeClalre. Oswego Fred Eugene Lamb, San Francisco California Alex John Schmlt. Sandy Peter Cyril Rotter, Oregon City. . . Fred J Rodgers, Oregon City.,,. Herman Kuhn, Wllsonvlllo Fred Daue, Oregon City V Peter Severson, Spokane, Wash... I Otto William Kenner, Mllwaukie.. I Mason Hudgens, Oregon City .... I Joseph P. Dhooghe, Molalla V Aaron Anderson, Gladstone Grover Eira Klggins, Estacada... Joseph Haley. Portland George Allen Thompson Mllwaukie Arthur Ralph Tuttle, Salem...... Carroll Clausen, Petersburg Alaska Frank Jakubee, Washougal, Wash. Ernest Earl Martin, Kelso. Wash.. John G. KapsoHs. Oregon City Otto Udosen Dahl, Newberg. . , . . . I I I I V V I V V Mate Karaman. Portland I Benjamin K. Tucker, Mllwaukie.. I Fred Kruger, Sherwood I Niels Chrlstenscn. Jr. Oregon City I Eugene Jackie, Mllwaukie V Fred A. Marshall. Mllwaukie .... I Michael Misun. Mllwaukie V John Garyolnia, Oregon Vity V In'. Clackamas .; I t;lton Harrington. Oregon city -lnua -"-eney .Oregon i ny George Otis Jewell, Oregon City.. Ernest Everett Kessling. Aurora.. Norman A. McKenile, Estacada.. Henry Grossmlller, Hoff Michael W. Korman, Oregon City Samuel Maddax, Portland I ay t-cnauman. aioiaiia I John Ray Dallas, Clackamas I j ' Harry Gosser, Sherwood I vjAlD,,r - c- Roaenbury. Oregon City V v;Jonn A- AffoRer. Eagle Creek .... I v! Otle August Johnson, Portland.... I Frank Stalvasnlk. Oregon City .... V Etnmett Hughes, Oregon City Frederick T. Lucas, Aurora V August ft. oenserowsKi. r.stacaua Dorsey Fischer. Liberal I chas- Ukslla. Portland I Ernest F. Hoffmeister. Barton ... William Aliet Hawortn. Boring.. i'y wonei insn, uregon city. J cst C. Lageson, Oregon City weeaman. tanoy Rcra " ' wran ""S"' """"B , Earl Max Brown- Ea,e Creek , Flovd Franklin Boyer. Aurora. . . . . f i ti i jjuoiurea munm. jr., urcgou tuy.. i Peter W. Ryser. Boring I ' William Eary Moad, Newberg I Carl HKS. Parkplace isymter nan, taring i I Teter Valsluns. Portland I V Knute Olson, Boring I I Robert Jeph Elkins. Molalla .... I i Peter Bin, Mllwaukie V I Paul Melius Berg. Willamette. . . : Carmelo Crlno. Mllwaukie I I Xoah E11- Hubbard I j Robert Peshall. Eagle Creek I Edmund C Kraxberger, Oregon City V I Thmas F- Mooney. Clackamas... I vi Herbert Leslie Talbot, Oswego .. IV T; Marlon Francis Millard. Estacada I I 14 MEN ARE RECLASSED I; ON ADVICES FROM BOARD I! ' I The local board worked Tuesday evening on reclassification of fourteen registrants, following late advices from the district board and the war depart ment relative to industrial and agri cultural and other claims for exemp tion. Those reclassified are as follows: David Elmer Fosberg, Boring I Roscoe C. Deming, Estacada I Charles M. Chinn, Oregon Clty. I Louis N. Vallen, Colton '. IV Melvln Bernhard Hult, Colton V Dudley Henderson, Oregon City P7 Ernest Douglas, Barton IV Fred Yeomas, Molalla IV Joshiah Warren Rogers, Oregon City rv John David Closner, Estacada II Pharlpa V. l.tiruAn tJi.ll T, "i Earl H. Sheppard, Oregon City-.... I Gustave M. Landeen, Oregon City Erwin A. Hackett, Oregon City I The board also classified the follow ing: Arthur E. Schwerin, Willamette.... Emll F. Schatz, Oregon City Samuel B. Phillips, Espanola Alexander ft. Daue, Clackamas.-. Louis Vern Dart, Oregon City Fred Carson, Portland Oscar Erastus Clyde, Portland Ernest R. Whitten, Oregon City. Maynard Cole, Portland Noah F. Newhouse, Falls City. Clifford Guynup, Molalla Robert R. Peterson, Harve, Mont. Richard Joseph Beil, Boring . Herman William Kuhnke, Aurora Herbert H. Huxley, Estacada Howard E. Grasle, Carlton Michael Wagler, Woodburn, - 1-0 SUPREMUCOURT UPHOLDS 2-CENT ILLINOIS FARE WASHINGTON, .Tan. 14. The 2- :cent fare law of Illinois was today upheld by the supreme court with the exception that where It discriminated in favor of some cities because of the higher Interstate rate, the Interstate Commerce commission has power to make necessary adjustments. Tlio decision prevents the roads of the state from raising all their inter state rates from 2 cents to the higher Interstate rate of 2.4 cents, and sots aside an order of the Interstate Com merce commission ordering such an increase. Here's Chance For Women to Show Patriotism And Get About $2500 For Red Cross What'a become of the patriotic women of Clackamas county who were going to offer their services as elec tion Judges and clerks for the next two yearsthe pay cheeks to go to the Red Cross? Vp to date Miss I. M. Harrington, county clerk, to whom the subject was broached some time ago, has received SALEM, Or., Jan. H The State Publle Service Commission today de nied petition of the City ot Portland to suspend the six-cent street car fare order until the city has opportunity to test Its validity in courts. Therefore the six-cent fare wilt go Into effect to morrow. Petition for suspension of the six cent tare order was presented to the commission last Saturday by City At torney La Roche ot Portland, and at the same time was opposed by oral argument by Franklin T. Griffith, pres ident ot the street car company. "We have directed the utility com pany to attach printed receipt to all tickets sold to It patrons, such re ceipts showing amount paid and to be redeemed by company In amount ot excess fare, should the courts declare our order invalid," say the commls slon. These receipts are to be attached to both five ride ticket slips and 50 ride books." Commission say its order Increaa Ing street car fares In Portland was not Issued hastily, but only as result of most exhaustive investigation ana after the commission had become sat- lsfiea Dy jmiuoiiaDie proot tnai through cause entirely beyond the control of the company the cost of street car service had risen to suck a height that anything approaching sat isfactory service could not be given at fares less than those fixed by the commission's order. "We can see no good and sufficient reason for setting aside our order or postponing the effective date there of," says the commission. "Our Investigation of affairs ot the Portland Railway, Light & Power com pany discloses that need for addition al revenue on Its street railway can- 1 1 not be delayed without serious conse quences. "In discharge of our duties, we have also Investigated other branches of this utility's business and have found that revenues from operation of inter urban railways barely suffice to cover expenses of operation, and that the earnings of tho light and power de partment nre insufficient to enable that department to aid in making up any of tho deficits In operation of the railway department ENGLAND TO GET THOUSANDS FROM CIVILIAN RANKS LONDON. .Ian. H. Th? Russian withdrawal from the war leaves 1,- B0O.O0O Germans for use on tho west ern front according to Brigadier Gen eral Sir A. C. Geddes, minister of na tional service, In a "man power" state, ment to the house of commons this af ternoon. "It Is necesi.ary for Britain to re rrult forthwith 4."0,000 men from civil life," the minister ailded. "It has been decided not to Introduce com pulsory service Into Ireland." BUTTE UNION WINS. WASHINGTON. .Ian. 1 l.FederaJ court decrees denying the riKlit. of the Western Federation of Miners to pos session of the property of tlio Butte Miners' union, were In effect sustain ed today by the supreme court which declined to review them. Tho suit grew out of the withdrawal from tho federation of the Butte union. r , )) Mill 1 . I i 'ir.'. - t q pfffptiup imnro iu LiiLuiiiL uiiULit ill IIlirAnil Ar COMMISSION RULING iN UNIrllnM (Jr . i , a. l iimiii i$m t iWmm X nil m U)OK HMt THE PROTECTION SEAL IT IS NOT HHALORAVELV but very few offers, and some time dur ing the present mouth the county court must make the appointment for the next two years, making (he selections largely, upon the recommendation of the clerk.- Under the plan proposed approxi mately $2500 could be turned over to the Red Cross after each election in IS SEIZED NORFOLK. Va., Jan. 14. Walter Sporrman, a German lieutenant, who , came to mis country on mo uerman submarine U-63, was arrested here this afternoon as he was trying to set a match to the magazine at the avia tion station here. He wore the uni form ot an American' army captain when arrested. Letters from former German Am bassador von Bernstorff and Captain Boy Ed were found In his possession. A receipt showing that he bad received 190,000 for distribution among eight confederate, Including a wealthy cltl xen ot Baltimore, was also found. F IS SEN! 10 PRISON I ( iah!S, Jan. 14.-Joseph Calllaux. former premier and mlulster of Justice for j.ranc8t WM formally Imprisoned today as the outgrowth ot charges of treason lodged against him In connec tion with the Bolo Pasha case. Calllaux Is a member of the cham ber of deputies and until that body re cently voted formally to suspend the Immunities from prosecution granted all members, -he could not be formally haled before a tribunal on tho charges. The chamber ot deputies and a spe cial commission heard the charges against the former premier. It was alleged he aided Bolo Pasha In the Levantine's efforts to deceive France into a Gorman-made peace; that he sought to create discord betwoeq France and Italy and that he was con stantly opposing tho nation' war ef forts. Madamo Caillnux, wife of the accus ed, was the center of one of Europe's most sensational murder trials a fow years ago when she was acquitted of the murder of Gaston Calmette, cdl tor of the Figaro. DELAY OF MAILS IS CAUSED FROM WAR DISRUPTION WASHINGTON. Jan. M Criticism of the delay of mall throUKhout the country prompted Postmaster Gener al "Burleson Sunday to. Issue a state ment that tho crux of congestion was due to disruption of tho railroad schedules bucauso' of war transporta tion. During the month of November, says the postmaster general, mall trains failed to make their scheduled connection 86,712 times. One of the most Important trains carrying the mail of Washington, Philadelphia nr.d points west failed fully 70 per renl of the time In the last four mouths, and the principal train between New York and Chicago fulled 71 times of II Rcuthwest connection during tbreo months and 67 times of its northwest :onnectlon. MAJOR GARDNER DIES WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. Major Augustus P. Gardner, of Hamilton, Mass., died late today at the Camp Whoelcr base hospital (Macon, Ga.) after a short Illness from pneumonia. Ho was the first congressman to resign to Join the army after war was declared. HI AilKllAN Anf'li SIM - gravelyis mm C HI. KB RATED "?tffi'l Hc.nl Chewing Plufl y I ALWAYS TAKE MY HAT OFF TO A BEAR) HE LIKES GOOD THINGS TO CHEW-BUT HE CANT READ THAT BILLBOARD SUPPOSE HE PICKS ON ME! r ,ti1 ju.;f.',. - ' MA th ecomUy, providing patriotic volun teers would offer thntr 13,00 warrants to thu Red Cross. I'nlcM the olTIco U swamped with volunteers during the next few days, the plan will probably be abandoned. So far Paiuonu and Harding Orange have offered to donate hall and ser vices for the cause. STEAMSHIP TEXAN IS sum IN AN ATLANTIC PORT, Jan. H Agents of the American steamship Texun, a vessel of 14.000 tons, today received advices from naval authori ties that she was sinking at aeo. The locution, of the ship was not given. Tlio naval authorities did not state the cause of the Texan' distress, but reports reaching shipping circle here from other sources were that the ves sel had been rammed amidships in collision with another ship. It wu said a steamer which bad picked up thoN Texan's 8. O. S. calls was hurrying to her assistance and that the crew of 43 had taken to the boat. The Texan left here recently with a cargo of nitrates, bound for a French port, agent of tlio veaael stated. . In the absence of definite word re garding thn accident, shipping men expressed the opinion that the Texan may have encountered an Iceberg. Efforts were made by government radio station to communlcato with ships with which the Texan might have I) 'en In collision. The tact that the Texan apparently was sinking soon after being rummed. without word as to assistance by another ve sel In saving the crew, made the acci dent pui'.llng, naval authorities said. 10 WASHINGTON, Jan. IB. Bill to amend th efood law so as to empower tho food administration to compel ob servance ot wheittless and meatless days, or any other measures It pre scribes, were Introduced today by Rep resentative Lever and Senator Pom ereue, acting for lha administration. Mr. Lever explained the bills In the following statements The food situation the world over Is acute and demand upon us are grow ing each day. With a disrupted labor situation, production approaching It maximum, the vital question, therefore, Is one of conservation of foodstuff. "We must strike at thn waste evil. ' The administration ha undertaken to do this through voluntary agreement and has ucceeded wonderfully well, but there Is a percentage of recalcit rants we have not been able to reach by appeals to their patriotism. "We propose to reach these under the bill which Senator Pomerene and I are Introducing today. ANARCHISTS ARE BALKED IN PLAN TO KILL DRAFT WASHINGTON. Jan. H.-Heven persons who tried to defeat tho draft plan by inducing young men not to register last June must servo tho sen tences Imposed upon them, tho su premo court ruled today in deciding appealed cauos of tho antlcoiiHcrlp tlonlsts. Emmii Goldman and Alexander Berkmnn, Now York anarchists; Iuils Kramer and Morris Docker, al so of New York, and three Cleveland Socialists, ChnrloH 10. Ruthenborg, Al fred Wagenknecht nnd Chnrle Baker, aro the persons affected. Newport Contract for 2000 foot ex tension of jetties let hore to Portland firm for $303,000. n Befor the Invention ef our PiUnt Air Proot Pouett Many Daalari Could Not Kp th Flavor and Frathnsaa In RfeAL GRAVELV PLUQ TOBACCO. Now tha Patant Pouch Kaep It Freih and Clean and Good. A Llttla Chew of Gravofy la Enougn and La itt Longer than a blfohew 4 ordinary pluf. I S. T V tiff WITHOUT THIS SEAL