Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 18, 1918, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Pare 6
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Motor Trucks for
91 j
se ' r
Twenty-eeven motor trucks of the
states have passed htrough many
it would have added to the congestion
have come through without serious
Eighty-eight per cent of all the
families In Clackamas county one of
the so-called German counties of Ore
gon have signed up the food conser
vation pledge. Of 8,045 families in the
county, 7,046 signed the food pledge
cards, and nineteen of 312 school die
tricts of the county signed up every
family in the district tor co-operation
with Mr. Hoover.
The final checkup has Just been
made by County Judge Anderson and
Superintendent J. E. Calavan, presi
dent and secretary, respectively, of
the county conservation campaign. The
entire, work waa handled through the
county superintendent's office, and the
high average reached is close up to the
state's general average of 95 per cent
The nineteen 100 per cent districts
are Viola, Springwater, Dickey Prairie,
Union, Highland, Douglas Ridge, Fir
wood, Corral Creek, Haieidale, Wood
View, Twilight, Clairmont, Mt. Hope.
Ardenwald, Evergreen, Hill Crest, Al
berta, Butteville and Ladd Hill. Of
this list Springwater, with 77 families,
takes the lead.
Oregon City, with 1457 families, had
1321 families signed up.
Milwaukie boasts of 292 families
and 282 signers; West Linn has 170
signers of 1S5 families; Oswego, 140
out of 175; Clackamas 105 out of 115;
Canby, 1S9 out of 209; Oak Grove, 193
out of 220; Willamette, 194 out of 19S;
Estacada 17$ out of 194; Jennings
Lodge, 106 out of 125; Gladstone, 163
out of 176; Wichita, 138 out of 153; Mo
lalla, 127 out of 128.
Of the 8,045 families, less than 500
refused to sign. The campaigners
were unable to see nearly 400 families
in the county, and had these been pre
sented with food cards, it is thought
the county's average would have been
equal to that of the state.
The food campaign has been a prac
tical demonstration of the govern
ment's ability to handle such matters
through the schools. Oregon was the
only state in the union, according to
Superintendent Calavan, where the
work was handled entirely through the
teachers and pupils, with the assist
ance of local speakers during the week
of the campaign.
Following Are the Results Obtained In
the Various Districts:
2: z z z
s a o c
Address J? x P
3 : 3 I
2. : n ;
I :
b : i
Milwaukie 295 282 9 4
Woodburn 64 50 14 0
Oregon City 111 93 18 0
Oregon City, R 2 43 43 0 0
Molalla, R 3 31 22 9 0
Aurora 35 12 23 0
Estacada 48 45 3 0
Clackamas 33 29 3 1
Oregon City, R 2 30 14 12 4
Molalla, R 2 24 16 4 4
Mulino 27 26 1 0
Estacada 22 17 14
Welches 5 5 0 0
Estacada, R 3.-. 36 36 0 0
Hoff 39 21 1 17
Marquam 60 63 0 7
Eagle Creek . 59 59 0 0
Canby 43 30 0 13
Boring 70 55 2 13
Aurora, R 1 55 51 4 0
Oregon City, R 2 12 11 1 0
Woodburn 26 17 9 0
Wilsonville 69 67 2 0
Estacada 77 77 0 0
Molalla 17 17 0 0
Boring 50 50 0 0
Oregon City, R 3 30 27 3 0
Milwaukie, R. 1 77 77 0 0
Oregon City, R 3 40 33 7 0
Clackamas 41 33 8 0
Clackamas, R. 1 50 48 2 0
Hoff 46 44 2 0
Estacada 22 22 0 0
West Linn 185 170 15 0
Molalla 128 127 1 0
Liberal 23 22 1 0
Oregon City, R. 5 30 29 1 0
Aurora .. 29 19 10 0
Sandy 38 34 4 0
Sherwood, R 5.... 55 45 10 0
Aurora 49 35 14 0
Cherryvllle 24 17 5 2
Oregon City, R 1 107 94 10 3
Boring 80 78 2 0
Bull Run 43 42 1 0
Sandy 71 61 10 0
Oswego 173 140 13 20
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
five years, and has become known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pol
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will see a
great Improvement in your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine at once and fret rid of catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free.
K. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Prugglsts, "Sc.
Pershing in Procession
United States army on their way from Detroit over roads of several
cities on their way to an Atlantic port. Had they been shipped on railroads
existing on them. The trucks have averaged about fifty miles a day, and
Parkplace 94 79 13 2
Milwaukie 56 53 3 0
Barton 56 26 0 0,
Oregon City, R 6 33 26 5 J I
Sandy 30 30 0 Oj
Colton 79 76 3 Oj
Lents, R 3 46 41 5 0
Molalla 42 41 1 0
Molalla 19 18 10
George 36 35 10
Colton 27 16 9 2
Hubbard. R 2. 33 13 20 0
Aurora. R 3 42 40 2 0
Oregon City, R 2 3 6 27 9 0
Oregon City 1457 1321 86 50
Oregon City, R 1 44 30 14 0
Oregon City 31 2S 3 0
Clackamas 115, 105 5 5
Scotts Mills. 25 22 OS
Marmot 16 10 3 3
Sherwood. R 5. 15 10 5 0
Estacada. R 1 24 23 1 0
Oregon City 21 16 6 0
Clackamas 56 53 3 0
Colton 34 31 3 0
New Era 27 20 7 0
Aurora, R 4 36 23 11 2
Oregon City, R 2 22 19 0 3
Mt Angel. R l. 56 37 19 0
Clackamas. R 1. 7 4 65 19 0
Estacada 27 24 3 0
Aurora 23 21 1 0
Hoff SO 28 0 2
Canby 38 35 3 0
Sherwood. R 2 18 18 0 0
Eagle Creek 26 22 4 0
Mulino 72 51 21 0
Oregon City 25 13 12 0
Canby 209 1S9 10 10
Molalla, R 1 20 16 04
Estacada 15 10 2 3
Barton 29 22 7 0
Oregon City, R 3 6 6 0 0
Hubbard 31 10 21 0
Hubbard 35 31 4 0
Aurora, R 1 30 23 7 0
Boring 28 23 5 0
Hoff 9 8 10
Oregon City , 28 18 10 0
Barlow 51 51 0 0
Mulino 18 14 3 1
Lents, R 3 37 35 2 0
Sherwood 40 40 0 0
Mulino 7 5 2 0
Canby, R 1 20 17 12
Oak Grove 220 193 5 22
Willamette 198 194 4 0
Oswego 84 82 2 0
Boring f 47 37 10 0
(Estacada 194 176" 13 5
Oregon City 35 35 0 0
Aurora 28 24 4 0
Hoff, R 1 26 22 4 0
Aurora .. 28 9 19 0
Cherryvllle 13 12 10
Jennings Lodge.. 125 106 8 11
Gladstone 176 163 6 7
Oregon City, R 2 15 14 1 0
Barton 24 23 1 0
Aurora 23 26 2 0
Milwaukie 153 138 15 0
Oregon City . 39 39 0 0
Hoff, R. 1 19 19 0 0
Molalla 22 22 0 0
Milwaukie 73 75 0 0
Eagle Creek . 14 14 0 0
Sandy 6 6 0 0
Oregon City, R 2 26 24 2 0
Sherwood, R 5. 17 14 3 0
Sherwood 15 13 2 0
Newberg 18 16 2 0
Bull Run 26 19 7 0
Aurora 10 ' 10 0 0
Sherwood 47 47 0 0
jGiesham 33 26 7 0
i Total 8004 7045 728 231
?$ S ? fc
My Wednesdays are wheatless,
I'm getting more eatless each day.
My home It is heatless,
My bed it is sheetless,
They're all sent to the Y. M. C. A.
The barrooms are treatless,
My coffee is sweetless,
Each (".ay I grow poorer and wiser .
My Stockings are feetless,
My trousers are seatless,
My Gawd, how I do hate the Kaiser.
Waldo Reynolds copper mine, six
miles west of here, making progress
in development work and expects to
ship ore soon.
Big Hearted Mayor
Gives Wedding Fee
To Local Red Cross
His Honor, Mayor Hackett, tied the
knot Wednesday afternoon that made
Thomas A. Dundas, a retired farmer,
of 1231 Beach Drive, Oak Bay, Vancou
ver, B. C, and Miss Agatha Mitchell,
of Oregon City, husband and wife. The
two ohtained their license to marry
from Clerk Harrington Wednesday.
Mayor Hackett neglected to' kiss the
bride, and as a sort of penance for his
shortcoming In this matter will turn
the fee over to enrich the treasury of
the Red Cross.
Across Country
A pretty and impressive wedding
was solemnised at the St John's Cath
olic church on Tuesday morning at 9
o'clock when Miss Anna Neniec, of
Stafford, became the wife of Mr.
George Stangel, of Wilsonville, in the
presence of only immediate relatives
of the contracting parties. Rev. A.
Hillebrand, pastor, officiated.
The bride was becomingly gowned in
white silk and carried a shower bou
quet of white carnations. Her tulle
veil was caught in place by a wreath of
orange blossoms.
The bridesmaid was Mlsi Elizabeth
Nemec, sister of the bride, and wore
a gown of white silk marquesette with
pink satin trimmings. She carried a
shower bouquet of pink carnations.
The best man was Mr. Joseph Jan
sky, of Portland.
The marriage ceremony was fol
lowed by a reception at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. T. M. Nemec,
of Stafford, and a wedding dinner ser
ved. The rooms of the Nemec home
were prettily decorated , with ever
greens and carnations.
Mr. and Mrs. Stangel left in the even
Ing for a trip to California, and upon
their return will make their home at
Wilsonville. where Mr. Stangel Is en
gaged in farming.
Mrs. Stangel is one of the popular
young women of Stafford, and has been
the motif of a number of special af
fairs previous to her marriage. She is
well known in this city, where she at
tended the McLoughlin Institute, grad
uating from the same several years
ago. She is a sister of Joseph Nemec,
of Oregon City.
Mr. Stangel is one of the well known
farmers of Wilsonville, and has been
a resident of that place tor some time.
He is the son of Mrs. Stangel, of Wll
sonville, and has had charge of his
mother's farm for some time.
The Oregon Veteran Fife and Drum
corps, composed of Civil War must
cians and composed of E. II. Grant.
John Kelly, J. S. Vaughn, John Hald-
win. H. S. Clyde, John C. Confer, C.
A. Stockwell, T. M. K?llogg. J. T. Hut
Ier, was the guest of honor at. a tur
key dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Grant at Meldmm on Satur
day afternoon. The turkey for this
occasion was brought recently from
California by Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Clyde
who raised the bird on their farm, and
donated the same towards the dinner
given in honor of these veterans.
The affair was one of the most en
joyable ever given by the members of
the G. A. R., and was also attended
by a few of the members of Meade
Post, Women's Relief corps, wives of
the veterans.
The table was attractive with its
decorations of violets and daisies
grown at the Grant home.. The dining
room, as well as the living room were
also decorated, with these blossoms.
The toastmaster was E. B. Grant. The
delicious repast was enjoyed by those
in attendance.
Places were laid for J. A. Roman,
Frank Moore, Mr. and Mrs. John Ack
ley, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Grant, L. Pur
cell, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Butler, Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Clyde, Mrs. Myrtle
Kellogs, Mrs. Lavanchie Sewall, John
Kelly, J. S. Vaughn, John Baldwin,
A Fight for
It has been light or die for many of us
In the past and the lucky people are
those who have nuiincd, bu. who are
now w;Il because thr-y heeded nature's
warning signal In time t, correct their
trouble with that wonderful new dis
covery of Dr. Pierce's, called " An-u-ric."
You should promptly heed those warn
ings, soir.'? ef which arc dizzy spells,
backache, irregularity of the tirlnnor the
painful twinges of rheumatism, sciatica
or lumbago. To delay may make possible
th') dangerous forms of kidney discaso,
such as lit-it; life disease, diabetes or
stone, in the blaiNcr,
To overcome these dwtres-lng condl-tioi.-t
take, plenty of exercise, in tho
open air, avoid a heav y meat diet, drink
fivciy of water nud at i ich meal, tako
Doctor Piene's Anuric Tablets (double
strength ). You will. In a short time, lind
that you are one of the lirm iiidorscrs of
Anuric, as are thousands of neighbor
Mr. A.W.CuJtiiiE says: "I suffered great y
wiin niy ouch ana
kidneys. I called In
doctors and they did
me no good, but rec
ommended an oper
ation. I saw Anuric
for kidneys and
backache advertised
so sent up to tho
drug store and got
a package, and It
cured me. This was
one year ngo. I was
down in bed and had
taken inanv flKTernnt
kinds of medicines but obtained no relief
from them."
Mrs. Rora. Miki.avc, of Getcmkll,
Wash, says: "i was troubled with the
bavkache for tho last five years. 1 sent
for a package of Dr. Pierce's Anuric
1 ablets, which wired me completely. I
will recommend Anuric to all my friends
who are troubled with l;-J;adie."
Step Into the druj'
Anuric. or t" ml Dr. V.
N. Y., 10c. for !rh! )
times more potent i ,'
uric acid us Iiou n'iinv
1 i and ask for
'icrce, liuffalo,
niirlc many
t'hin., eliminates
...i s.i.ir.
'iM O T? 1
W jf ii
John Confer,
O. A.'Stockwoll, T, M.
The Parent-Teacher association of
Mount rieasnut met In the Mount
rieasant sohonlhoime on Friday after
noon, and carried out a well arranged
Arrangements for tho next mooting
wore discussed, and i twus decided to
have nn address by one of the Instruc
tors from the University of Oregon
or from the Oregon Asrtcultnrnt cell
ego. The election of officers of tho asso
ciation was held, with the following
result: President, Mrs. h, A. Ledger;
vice president, Mrs. A. K. King; record
ing secretary, Miss Margaret Thomp
son; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W.
A. Itanium: treasurer, Mrs. E. T. Mc-
The next meeting will be on Friday
afternoon, February 1. The Mount
Pleasant ramt-Teacher association Is
affiliated with the State Deterated
Parent-Teacher association, and since
Its organisation has Interested many
patrons of the school in the work that
Is being carried on by the students of
that school.
A pretty but quiet home wedding
was solemnised in this city on Satur
day afternoon at 4 o'clock when Miss
Iva Dluhm, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Dluhm, was united In
marriage to Mr. Dawson Falrchlld, of
this ctty, with" Iter. William Kraxber
ger, pastor of the Gorman Lutheran
church, performing; the marriage cere
mony. The ceremony was performed
at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Dluhm at
414 Willamette street.
The bride was prettily snd becom
ingly gowned In rlolet charmeuse, and
wore a corsage bouquet ot pink roses
and Tlolets.
They will be at home to their friends
at 603 Jackson street.
The bride, who is one of the popu
lar and welt known young women of
this city, was born and deared here.
The bridegroom has resided in Ore
gon City tor the past Ore years, com
ing to this city from Texas to accept a
government position at West Linn. He
Is the son of John Falrchlld, of San
Bernadlno, California.
The County Court
Seibert, $412. '
ROAD DIST. NO. 4 Estacada
Tel. & Tel. Co., $2.85; II. C. Heiple,
$6.00; D. E. McConnell, $9.00; J. A.
Kitchinu. $22.25; C. M. Fuller, $4.00;
J. B.'Linn, $2.50; J. C. Kitching,
$5.00. . ,
ROAD DIST. NO. 5 C. W. Schuld
& Sons, $19.25rJohn Meyer, $20.00;
J. E. Siefer, $10.00; John Meyer,
$28..88; II. Naas, $16.25; H. Beck,
$25.00: R. E. Rkhey. $13.75; Ben
Hoover, $7.50; John Meyer, $12.50;
O. M. Richey, $15.00; John Meyer,
$16.50; R. E. Richey, $12.50; II. Beck,
$12.50; H. Naas, $12.50; Leo Adams,
$5.00; J. W. Brooks, $3.75.
ROAD DIST. NO. 6-Jarl & Eri,
$9.6.1; Dave Jarl, $3.75; Wm. Gulden
sopf, $1.25; 6. Finger, $3.75; C.
Krebs, $2.50; Ed. Sitz, $2.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 7 Paul R.
Meiniir, $126.00; J. Cockreese, $36.
00; C. Wilson, $49.50; R. M. Perry,
$18.00; D. Pourl, $37.50; R. Schwartz,
$39.00; F. Milan, $37.50; E. T. Palm-
quist, $9.00; W. T. Jones, ?;'.UU; .
Frank, $30.00; E. Helms, $6.00; J. J.
Eisner, $6.00; F. Wentzel, $18.00;
Tony Cundari, $15.00; D. W. Douglas
$66.00; J. Fieglc, $15.00; M. Thomas
$24.00; L. E. Martin, $27.00; Tom Mi
lan, $1.14; Fred Wagner, $10.00; V.
E. Hengstler, $7.50; L. L. Griffin,
$10.00; Anthony Hengstler, $1.25; J.
B. Jones, $7.50; Wm. Booth, $10.50;
Walter Jones, $3.10; Chas. Ruther,
ROAD DIST. NO. 9 Fred Lins,
$27.00; C. Lins, $6.00; Nic Rath, $16.
00; John Marshell, $2.00; C. E. Klin
ker, $19.00; Will Lins, $7.00; Gus
Zwirnman, $20.00; C. Guber, $3.00;
Ed Grafenhain, $3.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 10 F. J. Lingel
bach, $42.50; V. Linjrelbach, $21.25;
Max Sagner, $8.7r; L. J. Palmateer,
ROAD DIST. NO. 13 Frank
Swartz, $68.00; J. T. Fullam, $17.25;
Gotleib Amacher, $7.50; L. Funk,
$6.25; John Hughes, $3.75; Clarence
Ray, $1.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 16 H. Engel,
$8.25; D. McArthur, $2.50; W. Ran
dall, $8.00; W. Mead, $3.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 17 Paul Bany,
$8.75; Adam Iiany, $21.25; 'George
Koehler, $32.35; Otto Striker, $35.
00; Almon Johnson, $30.60; Wm. Tice
$6.00; John Jackson, $0.60; Roy Cav
aness, $10.00; J. A. Larson, $4.50;
Herman Fisher, $21.00; Ernest John
son, $7.50; A. B. Johnson, $7.50; Fred
Bany, $3.75; Newell Olson, $10.00;
C. S.
Marks, $7.50; Ralph Koehler,
Bany & Cavaness, $9.00; II.
$1.25; Herman Pipka, $2.50;
L. G.
Rigjrs, $5.00; R. Strejc, $1.25;
Hardware & Implement Co.,
$12.20; Miller-Parker Co., $1.00; A.
B. Johnson, $1.10.
ROAD DIST. NO. 19 Emily
Wingfield, $8.50; Albert Erickson,
$2.36; J. C. Honeyman, $3.40; M.
Wallace, $1.50; James Nelson, $1.50;
R. Schuebel, $17.10; J. J Mallatt,
$2.50; R. H. Long, $2.50; Earl Schue
bel, $5.00; Albert Gasser, $2.50; Ar
thur Zwiefel $6.25; Anson Culbert
son, $5.00; John Coulter, $5.95; E. E.
Borger, $3.45; Ed Buol, $2.50; John
Buol, $2.50; H. Schubel, $5.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 20 3, C. Miller,
$34.35; M. Johnson, $20.00; S. Miller,
$18.10; W. Benton, $5.00; S, Wilson,
$2.50; S. Stone, $2.50; W. Stone,
$2.50; W. Brown, $7.50; G. Magary,
ROAD DIST. NO. 21 A. Nelson,
$35.44; G. Murphy, $10.00; A. E. Nel
son, $30.00; E. A. Smarb, $46.00;
Jack Feyrer, $55.50; Milt Trullinger,
$46.50; Edd Johnson, $22.50; J. J.
Jones, $40.00; Alex Erickson, $42.50;
A. E. Anderson, $32.50; J. D. Craw
ford, $35.00; W. Shafer, $20.00; Os
car Carlson, $7.50; Mangus Johnson,
$21.25; Alfred Swanson, $21.25; Chas.
Hockmun, $23.75; F.mll Potlerson,
$20.65; John England, $20.00; V. S.
Gorbett, $17,50; A. Johnson, $21.25;
A. E, Nelson, $30.00; P. K. Boimoy,
$7.50; K. 1). Hall, $2.50; Auir. Alm
qiiist, $3.25; Frank Stephoney,
$22.50; Jack Morris, $27.50; George
Dooirhe, $7.50; Chas, Shepunl, $13,75;
Auc. Forstfieen, $5.00; lvis lVittllo
ton, $13.75; Axel Johnson, $6.25;
Claud Winshnv, $5.00; Lawrence
Dalstrom, $11.25; John Wall, $5.00;
J. Crawford, $0.25; Herman Fish
er, $35.00; D. Houlton, $22.50; Allen
t.nrklns, $35.00.
KOAI) DIST. NO. 22-F. M. Hon.
rikson, $3.20; W. Painter, $5.00; Sam
June, $7.50; I. Bradley; $5.00; G.
Hungate, $12.50; S. A. IX HuuKte,
$SIU7; Clay Englo, $37.50; C. U. El
died, $7.50; Uobt. F.lkins, $7.50; Robt,
F.lklns, $7.50; Wm. Elkins, $0.25; Ie
Jones, $5.00,
ROAD DIST. NO. 24-J. L. White,
$9.10; A. Yoder, $10.27; L. B. Frey,
$1.90; G. F. Pottrntx, $4.00; Clarence
Collins, $1.00; L. P. Spaitle, $15.00;
U P. Spagle, $9 87; Carl
$4.00; Geo. Sether, $2.00;
Thiol, $2.00.
ROAD DIST NO. 28 -The Molalla
Pioneer, $10.00; Al. Palo. $5.00; Jas
on Jones, $0.25; Willie Jones, $6.25;
J. P. Jones, $17.50; C. W. Herman,
$5.00; J. C. Marts, $5.00; Claud
Marsh, $5.60; A. Schoerman, $1.85;
W. M. Bird. $8.75; A. L. Brougher,
$18.55; Robblns Bros., $15.75; John
Rnder, $100.00; E. K. Dart, $24.00; V.
E. Dart, $12.50; Ray SchaUmnn,
$6.25; Zeb Bowman, $11.25; O. N. Op
sund, $3.76; C. G. Vorhies, $20.65;
Ray Wylnnd, $23.75; L. Shank,
$30.00; Blain Bird, $15.00; Leslie
Shank,' $50.00; W. B. Wade. $7.50;
A. B, Groshonfr, $5.00; AI. Wyland,
$5.00; A. D. Mazingo, $6.25; George
Helvey, $5.00; A. B. llibbard, $5.00;
Oscar Kaylor, $10.00; Joe IWig,
$10.00; W. M. Bird, $8.75.
ROAD DIST. NO. 29 F. V. Ep
person, $4.40; G. A. Ehlen, $4.60; G.
H. Gray, $33.25; Arlo Gray, $4.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 82 Harry Jost,
$38.37; A. A. Woods, $2.00; Henry
Wilhelm, $4.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 33 Ben Kig
gins, $3.00; Frank Millard, $11.00;
Marion Millard, $9.00; E. Lacey, $2..
25; Marion Tucker, $2.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 35 Fred Wag
ner, $10.00; V. E. Hengstler, $17.50;
L. L. Griffin, $10.62; Wm. Booth, $20.
30; Chas. Ruther, $5.00; J. B. Jones,
$5.00; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $42.00;
Fred Wagner, $10.00; V. E. llengs
tier, $10.00; L. L Griffin, $10.00; Wm.
Booth, $10.50; Chas. Ruther," $5.00;
J. P. Jones, $5.00; R. I Landsdowne,
ROAD DIST. NO. 37 C. W. Kruse
ROAD DIST. NO. 38-Oregon City
Enterprise, $10.00; E. C. Warren,
$22.00; R. Richardson, $40.38; John
Rerg, $17.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 40-D. L. Erd
man, $7.75; It. Bronner, $1.25; F.
Richey, $3.00; C. Buckman, $2.50; I.
Brown, $3.75; M. Mowrey, $8.75;
Carl Anderson, $2.50; C. Hansen,
ROAD DIST. NO. 41 John AfTol
ter, $30.00; H. H. Udell, $27.83; Wal
ter Kitzmiller, $11.89; Web Roberts,
ROAD DIST. NO. 44 Hogg Bros.,
$1.70; Chas. Livesay, $33.30; Ernest
Jones, $11.25; Rich Breaker, $13.75;
A. S. Newton, $35.25; Murry Newton
$15.00; John Ball, $11.25; K. T. Ban
croft, $10.00; Arthur Osborn, $3.75;
G. W. Kahl, $7.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 47 W. II. Coun
sel, $2.00; Will W. Thompson, $7.91;
E. C. Warren, $15.95; O. P. Rocthe,
$50.80; Hugh Roberts, $6.85; John
Bouick, $5.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 48 W. J. Wirtz,
W. J. Wirtz, $13.30; Perret & Bick
ford, $2.50; Phil Van Laeken, $8.75;
Dewey Alt, $16.25; Walter Alt, $11.
25; Vern Alt, $7.50; Fred Alt, $7.50;
Anton Malar, $6.25; Carl C. Alt. $42.
00. ROAD DIST. NO. 49-F. II. Davis.
$22.50; Harry Duncan, $10.00; E. T,
Davis, $37.25; Ernest Amacher, $6.25;
H. B. Davis, $2.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 51 Jake De
Young, $3.10; II. Ritzau, $3.75; Roy
White, $10.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 62 H. C. Ul
rich, $1.55; W. A. Ulrich, $19.25; Joe
Spady, $7.50; Elmer Zinser, $10.00;
Royal Zinser, $10.00; Norma Peter
son, $10.00; David Becker, $10.00;
S. G. Lenon, $7.50; A. Odem, $5.00;
G. Gordon, $5.00; H. W. Kanne,
ROAD DIST. NO. 54 John Ow
ings, $0.25; Benj. Stanton, $5.12; Ben
Casto, $1.50; Charles Casto, $5.50.
ROAD DIST. NO, 55 Horner
Millard Lumber Co., $67.28; Thomas
Eaden, $5.00; II. W. Creason Lum
ber Co., $200.00; J. E. LaCroy, $52.
50; C. E. Ilively, $57.50; E. Batcson,
$33.75; Walter Bateson, $61.25; Gus
Lesh, $46.25; G. M. Hivcly, $67.75;
C. Montgomery, $12.50; Gilbert Fish
er, $15.00; Clark Cockerline, $10.00:
ROAD DIST. NO. 50 A. J. Cota,
$33.00; Albert Gasser, $17.50; Rich
ard Griffith, $25.00; Otto J. Buol,
$31.55; II. C. Kleinsmith, $10.25; Ed.
Buol, $21.00; E, T. Mackentyre, $15.
00; Fred Bruner, $15.00; John Col
ter, $35.00; B. S. Olmsted, $27.00; D.
Mackentyre, $10.00; Frank Nicho
las, $12.00; Chas. Gasser, $10.00; R.
Selpicbcl, $39.00; J. E, Nelson, $2.50;
John L. Guard, $5.00; A. J. Guard,
ROAD DIST. NO. 50 (Special)
Hoff Bros., $64.80; Martin Bros.,
County News, ' $10.00; Glenmorrie
Quarry Co., $199.25; Canby Hard
ware & Implement Co., $0.85; Boring
Lodge No. 234, I. O. 0. F., $2.50;
Chase & Linton Gravel Co., $90.00;
Crystal Ice & Storage Co., $109.50;
E. A. Hackett, $19.25; J. D. Adams,
& Co., $7,00; S. II. KaufTman, $14.
05; Excelsior Motorcycle Co., $26.08;
Miller-Parker Co., $32.25; Buffalo
Springfield Roller Co., $21.45; II. E.
Meads, $55.00; J. I. Threshing Ma
chine Co., $10.20; Portland Open Air
Sanatarium, $3.30; Howard - Cooper
Corporation, $9.00; Good Roads Ma
chinery Co., $46.20; R. Schuebel,
$3.50; Leslie Shank, $9.92; Bert II.
Finch, $12.50; Henry Cromer, $100.
00; Concrete Pipe Works, $16.80; II.
E. Meads, $16.20; . Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph Co., $138.10; F. Madden
& Co., $5.65; Frank Park, $31.80;
Hodson - Feotmughty Co,, $5.00;
Straight A Salisbury, $1.50; A. Math
er, $1.30; A. E. Lukasr., $2.75; Cope,
land Lumber Co., $34.65; M, K. Gaf
fnoy, $6.00; Pun GulTm'y, $17.50; Roy
Otty, $17.50; C. E. Hattin, $22,50; A,
Ott'v, $18.75; Jerome Avery, $22.50;
John Davis, $22.50; M. E. Gnffney,
$15.37; OUIs Welch, $27.50; John
Young, $13.75; Joe Peters, $2.50;
Wallace Miller, $2.50; Fred Eickmoy
er, $2.50; A. C, ltuchol, $88,00; John
Meyer, $26.50; 11. Naas, $20,00; J,
lmil, $17.50; L. Sutton, $20.00; 11.
Hock, $10.00; J. Potter, $15.00; E.
Adams, $18.75; Ben Hoover, $5,00; E.
C. Warren, $745,50; James Kojuhn,
$11.00; N. F. Andrews, $57.75; M. E,
Gttirney, $11.00; A. Otty, $2.50; Key
Olty, $20.00; A. Martin, $51.00;
James I-wwrence, $20,25; C. Mann,
$6.25; C. Monk, $10.00J. It. Livesay,
$5.00; Wm. Mann, $2.50; C. It. Live
sav, $5.37; Oregon City Enterprise,
$10.00; Edwin C. Gorber, $25.00; W.
Senhen, $3.00; J. Mustol, $1.50; J.
Hattnii, $7.50; S. Llllie, $7.50; G.
Hattan, $3.00; F. H. Henrlcl, $2.50;
L. llenrici, $3.75; W. Hemlcl, $8.25;
II. llenrici, $685; J. R. Pitts, $1(14..
45; D. R. Dimlck, $34.10; Wm. Rider,
$27.10; Charles Thomas, $15.75; A.
It. Earles. $27.10; Elmer dribble,
$10,10; Haras Patch. $8.30; Elroy
Bates, $3.60; Howard Neal, $7.85; C.
O. Thomas, $4.80; Charles Marshall,
$12.00; Theodore Marshall, $13.75;
Willfred Marshall, $12.50; William
Bottomiller, $2.50; Claude Bottomil
ler, $2.50; Canby Concrete Works,
$1.90; R, W. Zimmerman, $34.85; C.
P. 7.legler,$20.00; V. Berg, $27.50; It.
R. Zimmerman, $2.50; 11. It. DoeU,
$2.00; Ed. ltarnack, $7.50; Chas. Gel
brich, $3.75; John Gelbrich, $13.76;
Erich Mert. $10.00; John Kummer,
$3.75; Ben Krause, $2.60; Geo. Srheer
$13.75; A. Wlllbroth, $4.60; Joe Wll J.
broth, $2.50; Albert Cribble, $5.00;
Henry Herkamp, $2.60; P. Monronl,
$5.00; Rudolph Klaus, $27.87; Prank
dribble, $2.60; Philip Scheer, $4.00;
Abe Hepler, $8.17; Geo. Seramlin,
$0.75; J. A. Fisher, $3.00; Albert Ey.
man. $2.50; Robbins Bros., $1.30; W.
J. E. Vick. $20.42; Rex Stubbs, $33.
75; John Vick, $10.00; L. Burkhart,
$16.85; L. Vick, $1.25; W. O. Vaugh
an, $23.35; J. C. Marquam, $11.60;
Chas. Livesay, $21.80; C. Kelnhofer,
$19.87; L. Rypcsynskl, $18.00; P.
Kelnhofer, $16.60; E. Nielsen, $17.50;
W. Huker, $5.00; W. Kaiser, $57.75;
J. Boylund, $8.75; J. Denleu, $7.50;
C. Kelnhofer, $1.25; I Rypeynkl,
$1.25; P. Kaiser, $3.75; W. Kaiser,
$8.25; Oregon City Enterprise, $10.
00; C. W. Schuld & lon, $7.00; Port
land Railway, Light & Power Co,,
$30.21; P. Hates, $5.00; John Mc
Kenzie, $25.37; Carl Smith, $6.25; E.
L. Fish. $6.25; A. M. Livingston,
$7.60; Albert Pederson, $2.50; 1). L.
Erdman, $13.75; II. Bronner, $10,00;
I. Brown, $8.75; F. Richey, $8.75;
Charles Buckman, $0.25; P. Carlson,
$7.50; It. Henriksen, $7.60; Chester
Richey, $5.00; drover Judd, $1.25; E,
Borling, $6.00; W. Bartlemuy, $5.00;
I. Heddcn, $4.30; P. Holtx, $5.00; C.
Richey, $2.50; Wm. P. Douglass,
$3.00; W. H. Douglass, $31.00; Fred
HofTmeister, $18.00; Ernest Hoff.
meister. $2.26; W. Woodlo, $2.25; Mr.
Hill, $2.25; L. P. Elliott, $190.37; A.
S. Freeman, $4.66; John Putz, $36.
06; Hoff Bros., $11.60; Carl Strom
green, $12.50; P. P. Buurer, $8.75; P.
P. Putz, $11.25; Harry Buurer, $9.50;
Karl Klang, $11.62; A. S, Freemnn,
$12.50; C. A. Freeman $8.50; Henning
Klang, $4.00; Fred Bnurer, $7.50; J.
A. Scott, $39.25; S. B. Brown, $11
00; Otis Vullen, $15.50; Walter Cox,
$13.75; George Granatzki, $10.60;
Matt Park, $9.25; Charley Melike,
$19.00; E. L. Millurd, $22.50; J. R.
Millard, $5.00; Edward Nuchand, $8.
25; Sul Wheeler, $6.25; Wm. Monner,
$1.25; A. W. Whitney, $2.25; P. M.
Townsend, $8.25; Curl Barney, $5.00;
S. 1). Barney, $2.50; W. Hornshuh,
$1.25; Lyman Derrick, $1.25; O. C.
Twombly, $12.50. j
& Johnson, $21.16; Canby Hardware
& Imp. Co., $11.88; Const Culvert &
Flume Co., $13.85; E. D. Olds, $296.
40; , E. R. Kilgallon, $31.00; Georglc
Hinder, $31.50; Fred Himler, $33.75;
Pat Smith, $4.50; William Bros.
Transfer Co., $1.00; Hogg Bros.,
$11.88; C. M, Hadley, $30.00; Edgcr-
ton Bros. Lumber Co., $4.90; Harvey
Gibson, $2.10; Fred Himler, $6.60;
W. Dutcher, $112.75; II. H. Hartley,
$51.00; A. J. Murphy, $16.50; W.
Henderson, $34.50; D. Anderson,
$43.50; S. W. Hair, $42.00; James
Kcpcha, $8.00; A. Martin, $2-1.00; G.
M. Jones, $2.50; Roy Cavaness, $2.-
64; Tice Bros., $29.04; Geo. Koehler,
$20.10; J. A. Larson, $8.25; Roy Cav
aness, $2.50; Lester Riggs, $6.90; L.
G. Riggs, $8.15; G. M. Jones, $13.75;
Adum Bany, $5.00; W. C. Mastcrton,
$20.50; Robbins Bros., $30.75; Frank
Stoffeny, $24.00; Clay Engle, $25.00;
S. A. I). Hungate, $20.25; O. Dicken
son, $2.50; Robt. Elkins, $6.25; L. Gi
anini, $12.50; Chris Banacker, $7.50;
M. Trullinger, $11.87; G. Feyrer,
$7.50; Carl Feyrer, $5.00; Jack Fey
rer, $8.75; Harvey Ring, $2.00; T. B.
Chip, $2.00; I. D. Larkins, $13.75;
Omer Marquam, $1.00; A. II. Logan,
$1.00; Olaf Olson, $1.50; Marion Mil
lard, $9.00; Frank Millard, $10.50;
R. H. Millard, $6.00; W. Tucker, $3.
00; Freddie Wagner, $7.50; V. E.
Hengstler, $7.50; Wm. Booth, $7.81;
L. L. Griffin, $7.50; Chas. Ruther,
$1.25; Amos Yoder, $13.00; C. W.
Owings, $15.50; Benj. Stanton. $38.
87; John Owings, $2.00; Abe Hepler,
$29.28; D. S. Miller, $5.00; Guy Luntz
$2.50; O. Kyllo, $5.10; A. F. Eyman,
$16.25; Paul Smith, $3.75; Ray Yoder'
$7.50; Wm. Wroth, $2.50; J. W. Eby,
SHERIFF-J. ft L 111 It till.
Miller-Parker Co., $0.40; Wester ,k
Union Telegraph Co., $0.79; L. C.
Hubbard, $20.85; L. C. Hubbard, $2.
60; Donald Allen, $7.20; John Al
bright, $10.50; Oregon City Enter
prise, $13.05; Wm. J. Wilson, $21.
52; Aetna Casualty Insur, Co., $50.
00; Edwin Bates, $2.20.
Clerk Oregon City Enterprise,
$8.10; Iva M. Harrington, $3.50;
Floyd A. Ellis, $0.75; Huntley Drug
Co., $3.85; Aetna Casualty Insur. Co.,
$35.00; Jones Drug Co., $2.50; I. M.
Harrington, $10.00.
RECORDER Tho Courier Press,
$4.75; Aetna Casualty Insur. Co., $9.
00; Huntley Drug Co., $2.45; A. E.
I Joyner, $1.50; D. E. Frost, $10.01;
John Lowry, $20.16; 1). C. Iloyles,
sunuteo Corp., $170,00; Tho. Courier
Press, $0,35; Oregon City Enterprise,
$14.25; Huntley Drug Co., $1.40;
Floyd A. Ellis, $25.00.
ASSESSOR Oregon City Enter,
prise, $16.00; Huntley Drug Co., $78,.
60; Aetna Casually Insur. Co., $16,
00; A. E. Simmons, $3.60.
$56.00; A. II. Knight, $71.00; limit,
ley Drug Co., $7.00; Oregon City En
terprise, $25.65; II. S, Anderson, $2.
50. COURT HOUSE Miller-Parker
Co., $1.20; Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.,
$35.85; Home Tel. Co., $16.25; C. J.
Hood, $5.10; Jones Drug Co., $17.85;
Burroughs Adding Mitch. Co,, $200.
90; Then. Miller, $4,10.
$72.40; R. O. Asliby, $20.00; O. W.
Boring, $21.30; Elmor Van Fleet.
$21.80; A. McConnell, $21.80; Geo, C.
Armstrong $19.60; L. Hale, $21.60;
H, C. Glllmore, $19.80; E. It. Leek,
$18.60; It. E. Irwin, $20.00; Frank
Moore, $18.20; James Skinner, $19..
40; P. J. Kaylor, $22.00; W. II. How.
ell, $4.00; G, J. Hull, $11.00; Prank
Ott, $3.60.
Frost, $46.55.
CORONER Andy Kocher, $1.20;
IX It. DimWk, $1.20; C. L. Bates, $1,
20; I. 11. Wang, $1.20; A. 11. Knight,
$1.20; Geo. Mooks, $1.20; C. A. Mil
ler, $1.70; L. J. Mecum, $1.70; Dr. II.
A. hodman, $5.00; . P. Gardenliire,
$1.70; II. II. Robbins, $1.20; Alex
Srhwauhauer, $1,70; Wm. Krugr,
$1.70; Ira Morris, $1.70; Chas. Mc
Questt.1, $1.70; L. E. Bowman, $1.70;
F. Miller, $20.30; Geo. J. Hall, $1.20;
George Greene, $1.20; E. L. Johnson,
$1.20; Prank Doty, $1.20; R, P.
Woodward, $1.20; S. O. Dillman,
$1.20; Cecil Shaw, $1.70; Cecil Green,
$1.70; Uke Smith, $1.70; I). E.'Prost
$1.70; Wm. J. Wilson, $1.70; J. M.
LeDoux, $1.70; Claud Ilittenhouse,
$1.70; Prank Ferguson, $1.70; Clin
ton P. Blake, $1.70; Dr. 0. A. Welsh,
SURVEYOR Aetna Casualty In
surance Co., $15.00; Huntley Drug
Co., $3.50.
INSANE M. C. Strickland, $5.00.
Menke, $2.50; D. E. Frost, $5.18;
Bracknwy & Co., $3.00; Brenton Ved
dur, $160.00; Erma Calavan, $6.00;
The Courier Press, $42.20; Oregon
City Enterprise, $1.68; Huntley Drug
Co., $6.40; J. E. Calavan, $21.11.
Drug Co., $5.90; Jones Drug Co.,
$14.95; O. A. Welsh, $57.10.
$37.50; Homer A. Kruse, $12.60.
yer, $30.00.
(Robert Trimble), $5.00; Wm. Pan
forth, $10.00; Boys & Girls Aid So
ciety, $10.00; Hoff Bros. (Tom Jones)
$19.00; Mrs. Bradtl (J. McNaroara).
$10.00; Sam Boohcr, $10.00; Dock
Mosier, $14.00; Sarah Gibbons, $20..
00; Mrs. June Chalk, $16.00; Mrs.
Galbraith, $15.00; Mrs. G. W. Thotnp
son, $10.00; A. C. Sleight, $15.00;
Ado LeBuw, $8.00; Katie Pluard,
$8.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horner),
Hen Ijindcs, $12.00; S. E. Card (Ml
chael Boy!), $8.00; C. II. Dybdahl,
$20.00; Gustav Greble, $20.00; Mrs.
N. E. Taylor (Mr. and Mrs. S. Booh
er), $14.00; Wm. Dickelman, $14.00;
John & Wm. Beers, $20.00; Mrs. Eliz
abeth Saunders, $5.00; George Avery,
$15.00; Mury Locw, $10.00; Anna
Wetterlin, $10.00; Chris Zinsli (Cosh
McKnrty), $10.00, Mary Becker, $5..
00; Maud Williams (Child), $10.00;
J. II. Sallee (Tinsley, Davies &
Kuhn), $60.00; Adelia Bartb-tt, $10.
00; Geo. 11. Newsome, $10.00; Mrs.
Annie Langsford, $7.00; Tom Raw
lins (I.eon Daily), $15.00; Mary I.
Wilson (Edward Miller), $30.00;
Board of Water Commis. (A. Peri.i),
$1.40; E. A. Hackett (Plezo), $7.00;
Mrs. Fred Himler (J. Matheson),
$21.25; Mrs. Benj. Stanton (Ittibon
Nell), $8.00; C. It. Rosentretcr (Ral
lies), $9.45; Burmeister & Andrcsen
(It. Trullinger), $1.50; George A.
Harding, $5.06; Electric Hotel (Dick
Meyers), $24.60; Frank Ott (Mary
Foster), $19.95; J. E. Morgan (Car.
lisle),' $15.00; C. J. Hood (Mrs.
Grandquist), $11.00; Jones Drug Co.,
$1.10; W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKin
nls), $12.00; Brady, Mercantile Co.
(II. Riggs), $10.00; Mrs. J. N. Dus
tin (J. G. Wake), $13.00; Mrs. L. E.
Weakly (Louther) $15.00; Denis
Donovan (Jerome Hamilton), $14.00;
F. M. Robertson (J. Beers), $6.00;
F. M. Robertson (Kitty Pluard),
$6.00; Butdorf Bros. (Grandquist),
$15.00; Fred Schwartz (Trullinger),
$10.00; Walter C. Kcnworthy (L. S.
Brown), $20.00; Estacada Phnrmncy
(E. M. Horner), $1.35; A. L. Head
ings (C. Neff), $22.20; Mrs. Bon Eby
(Mike Ragun), $7.84; Mrs. Jackson
$15.00; Mrs. dago, $15.00; Farr Bros.
(Piezo), $12.00; Ftlrr Bros, (dngc),
$10.00; Mrs. W. E. Bocrner (E. C.
Desbrow), $20.00; Mrs. W. E. Boer
ncr (Oluf Johnson), $25.00; A, A.
Peuse (Ida Mobra), $76.75; L. S.
Penney (Mrs. Hagen) , $6.77; Rob
bins Bros. (James Russell), $21.10;
Oregon City Hospitul Co. (Martin
Burowick), $77.00; Oregon City Hos
pital (John Rallies), $87.00; Oregon
City Hospital Co. (Frank Roberts),
$10.00; P. J. Winkle (Mr. Greebe),
$10.00; L. Adams (Mrs. Nelson),
$10.23; Otto E. Meindle (J. G. Soa
horn), $10.00; Francis Welsh, $5.00;,
Huntley Drug Co., $70.66.
JAIL W. J. Wilson, $66.33.
wick Hotel and Restaurant, $2.25; A.
tt. 'jyrv., It W; D. S, Prat, M
lli, tilt h I :Unh, .t2.lt.
Oregon City Enterprise, $231.12;
Tho Courier Press, $68.80.
FAIRS Huntley Drug Co., $1.70;
O. E; Freytag, $6.00.
SEALER J. F. Jones, $29.74.
don Assurance Corporation, $170.00;
Edith Alldrodge, $60.00; Gortio Wil
son, $13.50; W, B. Cook, $21.50; Jess
Paddock, $20.00; W. J. Wilson, $25.
00; Ona Renner, $16.25; Oregon City
Enterprise, $90.15; Huntley Drug Co.
PROHIBITION-D. E. Frost, $5.
00; Richard Garrett, $5,00; A. E.
Joyner, $20.00;' Huntley Drue Co.,