Newsy Briefs From j All Over the County j Canby CAN BY, Ore., Jan. 16. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bullock, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eccles for the past week, returned to their home In Salem Monday. . Lester and William Hulras, of Ore gon City, spent Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huiras. H. C. GUmore is serving on the Clackamas County petit Jury this week. Mrs. Grant White was a visitor this week. Oak Grove Oswego Saturday evening. Mrs. T. Harder visited Mrs, C. John son last Thursday. Mrs. T. Ruhl visited Mrs. Loo Hath last Tuesday. Fred. Alber and Flora Una and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens attended the (;tlhate at Estacada last Friday even ing. m Mrs. Leo Rath visited Mrs. T, Hard- W ' im-h hiat Wnilnenttnv M-neri went 10 roninnu nisi Thursday, where he will receive med ical attention. OAK GROVE, Ore., Jan. Mr. OSWEGO, Jan, 16. Willis Black. and Mrs. K. IX Olds left Saturday' son of Mrs. T. K. llaiues, formerly of j morning for San Francisco and other, Oswego, but now resides at Altoona, California cities for three weeks" trip. Wash., is another one of our boys who on business and pleasure combined, W. R. Allen has sold his property on the corner of Center street and river road to Mr. Wheeler from Portland. The Milwaukie-Oak Grove Social Service club met last Thursday In Mil- Portland i waukie. The Red Cross meets every Monday Logan is anxious to wallop" the Kaiser. LOGAN. Ore., Jan. 12 Who said Willis enlisted in the engineer corps,! winter? Thermometer at 50 degrees. Harry and John Headrlck spent Sat-i warm showers, flowers blooming and urday and Sunday with their mother,! volunteer potatoes several Inches high. Walter and Otto Krueger, of the afternoon in Vosburg"8 hall. Last Mon- natlonal army, who are stationed at (day 23 ladies were present. The aux Vancouver, Wash., spent Sunday at the! Mary is accomplishing much along the Krueger hour. j different lines. Wednesday afternoon Misses Nona Austin and Frances' it held a tea at the home of Mrs. D. Potter were Portland visitors Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Wallace and James White were Oregon City visitors Saturday. W. H. Balr and G. W. White spent Sunday at their duck lake below Port land. Mayor Jack Saddler, of Aurora, was a Canby visitor Sunday. Ulysses Olsen, of Oregon City, was in Canby Sunday. W. Twomey. Mrs. Carl Johnson and little daugh ter have returned home from Portland. Mrs. Hugh Krum and baby daughter came home from the hospital in Port land thia week. Mrs. L. E. Bentley, of Twilight, for merly of Oake Grove, went to a Port land hospital the first of the week tor an operation. Arthur Schufler, of the aviation Mrs. Uosetta lleadrlek, Mrs. Asa Hess, who has been con fined to the house, for several weeks, with a nervous breakdown is slowly improving. Her many friends are anx- It s no dream. 'Tls true. Near Mil waukle Scotch broom trees are in full bloom and fields are green every where, A large concourse of friends attend- Jennings Lodge ious to hear of her recovery. 'd the funeral of Lelaml bwale to The dance given by the Oswego! pay their last trblute of respect to the grangers in their hall on January 12, j departed, who had been a patient suf was attended by a large crowd, and terer for several weeks. A' floral piece good time was enjoyed by all. The't white carnations from his Sunday dance was given for the benefit of the; school class and one from the Busy Pala Alto and Oswego Red Cross sod- Workers club from the school he at- eties. Several cakes were also sold by the grangers, during the evening. The proceeds for the evening were divided equally between the two societies. Miss Dena Prosser left last week for Blaine White, who is working on i corps, Is now stationed at Vancouver, cantonment construction work for the I Wash., and spent Sunday with his par government, spent Sunday In Canby. Seats, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schufler. Pete Hefty of Bridal Veil, was here last Saturday on business. Oak Grove Community church had a musical treat last Sunday morning. A vested choir consisting of 37 children of Sunnyside Methodist church came out in automobiles from the city and sang several selections under the lead ership of Prof. MeFalL A similar choir is soon to be organized here under Prof. Guthrie. Those so kindly offer ing their machines to convey the child ren back and out, were W. G. Guthrie, E. C. Warren, I A. Bullard, Earl Jahn, J. A. Kuks, beside several autos from the City church. The school movies are proving to be a great success. The next number Mr. and Mrs. Avon Jesse, of Cribble Prairie, were Suday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson. Mrs. Lena C. Mendenhall, worthy grand matron of Oregon O. E, S., made her official visit to Laurel Chapter No. 113 O. E. S., Thursday evening. She was accompanied by Mrs. Anna A. Brown, grand warder, and Mrs. Jennie Gray, grand Ruth, who were accom panied by Mr. Mendenhall and Mr. Brown. Mrs. Mendenhall's visit was an Inspiration to the local chapter and her visit was enjoyed by all present H. W. Arthur Graham was on the sick list a few days this week. J. Kagele, of Schrag, Washington, was a guest of Chris Kraft and family tended, were among the many beauti ful flowers that beautified the last resting place. Peter Gaddert, and old resident of this place, died at noon Saturday, after a few months' visit with her sister, long Illness. He leaves a wife and Mrs. Frank Dean, of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Pharris. of Mc Minnvllle. Ore., spent a few days at their home at First and C avenue. Mrs. Ralph Underwood has returned to Oswego to make her home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Todd. Mrs. Underwood has been located near the Presidio, Monteray. Calif., where her husband has been stationed for several months, but was expected to leave soon for somewhere. Mrs. David Nelson has received an- two adopted children. His death was JENNINGS LODGE, Ore., Jan, Mrs. Jim Ryan and Mrs. T. Ryau and babe, of Portland, visited with Mr. and Mis. Eugene Sanders, Thursday, S. 11. Dill and C. P. Morse spent Sunday at Uroahnm, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. 1. M. Thmomas. Cnpt. Snow has disposed of his prop erty Interests hero, and will move to St. Johns soon, Capt. Snow Is In his eighties, but is able to bo about his place in spile of his years. About twenty children wont to Oak Grove on Friday night to witness the film play "Freckles," Carey Deter has accepted a position with Lang & Co., wholesale grocers, of Portland. Mrs. Oltken and daughter, Kate, and Miss Anna Russell, attended a meet ing Saturday night, at Swiss hall In Portland. and daughter, Mrs. Bessie Hrueehert. were guests nt the home of Dr. W. 8. Eddy, Monday. The names of our soldiers or sailors, who were In any way, connected with the Sunday school, or church, are re quested to be handed to the clerk of the church, Mrs, Delia Roberts, with the pictures if possible and the num ber of their company. These will bo used In the service flag, which the Indies of the Congregational church of Oregon City ure getting up for the First Federated church. Mr. and Mrs. A. Elwell, of Portland, have bought an interest In tho Juii nlngs Lodge grocery and have taken up their residence above tho store, During thu n I r, lit of Sunday, Jauti n i' y (Uli, tho store belonging to tho Manor Mercantile company nt Manor, Wash., burned to the ground. The home of II. C. t'aliiton, less than 50 foot away, seemed doomed to destruc tion and their household goods were nil mill tt, m.lulilwtt-tf 1Mt Miss Mary ) Bruechert. Anna Russell re b , mWll,ghtj and Bessie Roberts attended th ot h bate between Salem and Oregon City I f wm t WW , high schools on Friday night at Ore gon City. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Bleasdalo, of Lucretla Court, Portland, were Sunday guests of Mrs. A. T. Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 11. Fleming. At a special meeting of the Red Cross Society, It was decided to hold th emeetlngs at the church, as usual. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston came up from Salem and spent a few days at their cottage east of the station. Miss Margaret Tucker, who has been not unexpected. Interment was In U-onfined In Immanuel hospital for sev Lower Logan cemetery Monday Harding Grange had a very pleas ant meeting the first Saturday In Jan uary. Officers were installed by Mrs. Walter Kirchem. assisted by George Tracy. Many interesting topics were discussed. Mr. and Mrs. P. Oerber spent the week with their daughter, Mrs. T. E. Anderson, but will return to Portland this week era! weeks, is able to be out, and will be homo this week. Rev. Hotchklss, of Bay City, Wash., will preach at Grace church on Sun day next. On Tuesday evening, January 22nd, there will be a special meeting of the trustees at the church. All members of the church are urged to be present as suggestions for plans tor this year will be in order, and In all probability this week. He was accompanied back 1 '1U D patriotic "The Bugler of Al- ,to his home by Mr. Kraft, Helen Swigart, who Is attending high school in Portland, spent the week-end with her parents in Canby. SIrter and Eckerson are very busy loading cars at Molalla this week. giers." There will also be the unveil ing service of the Flag of the Oak, Grove school, which will contain over, 30 stars. I The entertainment given by the Par- ent-Teacher circle in connection with They report that cars are much, easier; motion pictures last Friday was a to secure since the government has ! DiS success. The assembly hall was , taken control of the railroads. j crowded. Several musical selections Mrs. Henry J. Hewett, of Hubbard, ! were given and two numbers by the was spending the day visiting Canby j children. The proceeds will be used friends Friday. to pay for the motion picture machine Phil Scheer, of Macksburg, was a an1 a Victrola for the school. Canby shopper Tuesday. I Hot lunches are served to the pupils W. R. Meeks, of Wolfer Prairie, was j every day and on Wednesday, or a business visitor In Canby Tuesday. ! Mothers' day. an extra quantity of Miss Frieda Schmidt, who was badly j 90UP ls furnished, by some mothers of . injured in a automobile accident on the school. Much credit Is due Prof.l New Era hill on July 3rd, and who ' Guthrie, as he is a live wire, and takes has been receiving medical treatment' 80 mch interest in the school. since that time at her home and later! Mrs, Bessie and Ruth Gaupman and' at St. Vincent's hospital has resumed i their husbands of Portland, spent Sun her position at the warehouse of W. H. Bair. J. T. Vickers, of Barlow, was in town on business Monday. day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. : Vigles. Mrs. Marion L. Carr left for her; home in Chicago last week, after aid Martin Johnson, of Lone Elder, was j spending a pleasant summer here with in Canby Monday. relatives and friends. H. W. Peters, of Aurora, was a bus!-! Remember the movies at the school ness visitor in Canby Monday. i house Friday night. G. Lantz, of Needy, was a business visitor in Canby Monday. N. Olsen, of Union Hall was in Can- by Monday Church services as usual, preaching by the pastor. Rev. Young, Sunday morning. Epworth League Sunday ev-; jening; prayer meeting Wednesday,ev- lard home Sunday. Eagle Creek The Canby auxiliary to the Red . enings. Ladies' Aid Wednesday after- Cross met at the I. O. O. F. hall Fri-; noon. day afternoon and engaged in the usual Mrs. Hubbard, who Tesides on the Red Cross work. The attendance at1 river road, will entertain the Needle , the meetings is rapidly Increasing and j Craft and Domestic Science club, Fri-1 much excellent work is being accom-jday afternoon. A program has been' plished. The meetings are held each arranged and a pleasant time anticipat Friday afternoon and every one is in-ied. vited. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kelland and children, In the Btate High school debate oniof Twilight, were visitors at the Bui-; the question "Resolved That the Mon roe Doctrine Should be Abolished," both the Canby negative team and the Canby affirmative team were de feated by the Estacada high school. The debates at Canby and at Estacada were excellent. The Canby affirmative j team, which debated at home, was composed of Frederick Jones. Clyde Kendall and Craig Dedman, who were opposed by the Estacada negative con sisting of Ruby Williams, Worth Ran dolph and Eureka Johnson. The Judges were Reo Long, of Hubbard, Editor Taylor of the Molalla Pioneer and Prof. Rose, of Molalla schools. Kirk Rebekah Lodge No. 124, I. 0. O. F., installed officers Tuesday even ing. The installation ceremonies were conducted by Mrs. Elizabeth White, acting D. D. President The following are the newly Installed officers: Tillie Slyter, N. G.; Alice Bend shadier, V. G.; Harriet Bowlsby, recording secre tary; Ida Knight, financial secretary; Hazel Vinyard, treasurer; Louise Gast rock, warden; Mattie Bowlaby, con ductress; Ella Kocher, chaplain; Eliza beth White, R. S. N. G.; John Eld, L. S. N. G.; Blanche Eccles. R. S. V. G.; Mary Hamilton, L. 8. V. G.; Bertha Hurst, gaardian; Ralph Swanby, out side guardian. Mr. Jamison, of Portland, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson Sunday. Brenton Vedder, school supervisor, visited Canby schools Wednesday, in the interests of "Thrifty Stamp" cam paign. LENINE ESCAPE8 BULLET8 PETROGRAD, Jan. 16. Four J revolver shots were fired at Nlch- 3 oil Lenlne of the Bolshevlkl gov- ? ernment today. Lenlne was un- t hurt. POLK'S kiss EAGLE CREEK, Ore.. Jan. 17. ! Mrs. Viola Douglass called on Mrs. Henry Githens the other day. Mrs. R. B. Gibson was calling at the ! home of Mrs. Annie Beckett Sunday.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle made a! trip to Estacada on Saturday. j Will Palmateer, of Morgan, was a guest at the home of Dick Gibson last Saturday evening. Mrs. Walter Douglass and Mildred and Florice Douglas called on Mrs. Viola Douglass Sunday. Mrs. Will Douglass returned home last Friday from Stevenson, Wash., where she had been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney, the past two weeks. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister, and daughter, Miss Myrtle, attended Pomo na Grange at Milwaukie last Saturday. H. H. Hoffmeister was a Pomona visitor last Wednesday. H. F. Gibson was up this way Sat urday. Several from over this way attended the annual meeting of the Estacada Co-operative Cheese association held at Estacada on Monday. Elmer Judd had an operation per formed on bis thraat last week, having his tonsils removed. He is getting along nicely. On Monday evening the annual meeting of the Douglass Mutual Tele phone company was held at the school house. J. P. Woodle was elected pres ident; Carl Douglass, vice-president. One new director was elected, Fred Hoffmeister, taking the place of Ray Woodle, who retired. H. S. Gibson was re-elected secretary and treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass, accom panied by Carl Douglass, motored to Portland on Monday. E. Naylor lost a horse last week. GAZETTEER A BnitaMt Ulterior f ftacK CHr. Iowa and Villus la Ong and W aslitugtoa, fcivuigr a Descriptive wwn oi earn piare, jLonidon, flilmilnjf FacUitlfs and a Clmwl. fled ilicfr Qt :tttcU" UuJiuteU ad lfofenuiMft 5 Ik 1 FOLK DO la HUUO, Yvanu. SPOKANE PAIR WEDDED. James R. Campbell, a dining car conductor of Spokane, and Elizabeth C. Gauld, a pretty milliner of the same city, were granted a license to wed by County Clerk I. M. Harrington Monday. Justice of the Peace Slevers officiated at the wedding. Day Time-Night Time-Any Time The Stover Gasoline Engine va pi j i i : . . -, I cXx . j . -'ii- t7- I Is Ready for Work THE STOVER ENGINE is an ideal farm power. More than that it i a prac tical farm power. The Stover Engine is .simple and strong. It has few parts. Take the cut of the Stover shown here and compare it with the picture of any other engine on the market. Compare the engines themselves if you can. Note the difference. Notice that the Stover is stronger and better in every detail. Now, why don't you get next to the fact that you are cheating yourself by not owning one of these engines? Everyday you are doing lots of work that could be" better and more cheaply done -by a Stover Engine. Get the idea that an owner of a gaso line engine has to be an engineer out of your head. He doesn't that is, if his engine is a Stover. A few minutes instruction will make you able to operate your Stover as an old hand. That's why we say that the Stover is an ideal farm power. It is made right. It is giving satisfaction to 3500 users right here at home in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. We sell them in sizes ranging from one to sixty horse power. WE ASK ONLY THE OPPORTUNITY TOSHOW YIU WHAT THE STOVER WILL DO FOR YOU to move In again. No one wnt Injured during the tire. Tho Pureut-Teacher association met nt the school house Friday, Janunry 11, Mrs. Kdlth Trusoott presiding. Mr. C. C. Hole was unanimously elected to serve as secretary upon the reslgna tlon of Mm. Saunders, The librarian. Mrs. Altitun, reported U books had boon purchased with the state fund, and 40 books were donated by Mrs. O. A. Ostrom were also prop erly pocketed and placed In the library A paper on "Food for the Family" by Mrs. A. B. Smith, was excellent and gave us food for thought In arranging our dally menus. A table of menus were compared and tables of food value were also given. About twenty mothers were preseut, who took part In the discussions, and Mrs. C. L. Smith, chairman of the social com in lit eo, aunouncod a birthday luncheon will be given by the association on February 8th, when table will be ar ranged for the four seasons. It will be In keeping with the conservation of fool and each lady will tell how she Is conserving. On the evening of March 8th an entertainment tor the ixuioflt of tho library will be given. Muli Installation ceremony of the Rebekah odK, I Ionium Itlddor and a cousin from Iowa arrived In Wllsnnvllle, on Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry lioeckmnn, are the proud parents of a bnby boy, born on Thursday, January 10th, John M. Say, who Is attending tho Oregon Agricultural college, received (ho honor of doing elected class prosl- lent In tho vocational class, In Janu ary. Mrs, P.llnnheth Urobst Dobson Is tho mother o fa baby boy, born on the hiiiiui day that a 1'iiliy born arrived nt the homo of her sister, Mrs. Raymond Seolv, of Wllsonvlllo. The Parent-Teacher association will hold n carnival In the A. O. U. W. hall on Friday evening, January 25, nt 8:00 o'clock, the proceeds to be given to tho Hod Cross, There will bo a gen eral admission of cents tor children and 16 cents for adults, and the vari ous booths will have on sale such toothsome dnlntles as Ice cream, cake, sandwiches and coffee. There will be a fish pond and other enjoyable means of entertainment, Kvory ouo Is urged to attend. The Independent Order of Oddfel low and Itebekiili lodges held a joint Installation on Saturday evening, Jan uary 13, and the I. (). O. F. officers Installed were: Albert Camehl, V, O.; Frank Rogers, N 0 ; II. I). Aden, V. (1 ; Walter Sharp, secretary; Turn M al loy, treasurer; George Murray, war den; Wm. Prahl, conductor; Anton Batalgla. I. U ; W. K. Mulloy, O. G.; Julius Iderhoff, chaplain; J. L. Seely, R, 8. N, U.; Stunley Murray, U S. N, ().; Fred Sohn. It. 8. V. O ; George Dntalgla, L. 8. V. 0.. The past grand J. L. Seely was Installing officer. The Kebekuh lodge elective officer were Installed follows: May, Mulloy, vice grand; Cora Roger, noble grand; Menga Uatalgla, vice grand; Ilnttle llatalgla, secretary; J. L. Seely, treas urer; Geo, llatalgla, warden; Blanche Aden, conductress; W. E. Mulloy, 0 ; Tom Mulloy. O. G ; Cha. Rager, It 8. N. O.; Ada Stltes. L. 8. N. O ; Albert Camehl. R. 8. V. O.J Frank Roger. L. 8. V. 0 ; Matilda iderhoff, chaplain. Mrs. Matilda Iderhoff wa the district deputy and installed the officer of the Rebekah lodge, after which a umptuou banquet wa enjoyed. 1110 W. J. Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY Portland, Oregon MCLINO, Ore., Jan. 16. Mr. James Nelson spent last Thursday with Mrs. Catherine Goucher. ; Mrs. Carl Hchenk was the guest of Mrs. Joe Daniels last Thursday after- : noon. Mr. and Mrs. August Krlckson vis ited at the Llndquls (home In Oregon City last Sunday. Mrs. Churchill, who has been spend ing the winter In Salem ami Albany with relatives, came home last Sun day. Mrs. Charles Noblttt and son, Albert, of Needy, were the guests of Mrs. Nob lltfs mother, Mrs. Catherine Goucher, lust Saturday and Sunday. Joe Danluls made a business trip to Oregon City last Thursday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ashby were Canby visitors Inst Monday. Mrs. I'ote Derdine and Mrs. Tom Finn were Monitor visitor last Satur day. ; A. Jones, of Eldorado, was a Mullno vlxltor lust Sunday. Mrs. H. Howes Is visiting at the Glover home. Macksburg MACKSIlL'RG. Ore., Jan. 16 8o tar from keeping up traditional strength ening ut the cold with the lengthening of the day, January, 1918, na until now seemed like a premature spring time. Not only does the grans keep the emerald hue of April or May, the rosubushe are putting forth their leave, tho daffodils are showing sign of bursting Into bloom and the flow ering quince Is gay with crimson flow er. Kverywhere we are reminded that the great underground miracle of germination Is going on In preparation for the world feeding of the coming year the substance of which must come a largely from our own United Slates. The almost continuous ruin added to the melted snow brought down by the genial warmth from the Cascade Is keeping the Molalla and Its tribu taries at flood height. So far, how ever, the bridge are holding their own owing to HubHtantlul repairing In the full, while the roads, except in the Miss Annie Farr. of Llbroal, was j bellows, are still passable even for a guest of Mrs. Ed llcrdlnn IuhI Sat-! ntoa. The land clearing, which usually oc cupies the brief inrervul between the urday and .Sunday, Mrs. Fd Herdlne and Mrs. Ikm Allen I called on Mr. Wallaro Dozlor last , autumn harvest wilh the full plow ing Friday. and thu spring planting is suspended, Mrs. Joe Imnlrls mid children nnd now, by the ruin, thus allowing more ia 'Mrs. Catherine Goucher were guests time for social duties and pleasures ei 9 'of Mrs. Grant Ashley last. Tuesday. Mrs. Crant Ashley leave next Sat- urday for Salem to visit with her child ren, MIms Lois and Frederick, who arc ' attending school In that city, j Hubert Snodgrass made a business trip to Oregon City last Saturday. Mrs, KHh Iiodgo und daughter, Miss Althca Mac Donald, were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woodnldes, lust Sunday. Charles White, the new proprietor of the butcher shop In Mullno, seems to be doing a thriving business. Wilsonvillc other letter from her son, Ernest, who Is with the engineer corps, "some where in France." Mr. Nelson states that the country ls beautiful and that he is well and feeling fine. Several of the members of Kasseall Tribe went to Portland last Thursday to be installed in their respective of fices for the ensuing term. It being a Joint installation of the Willamette Tribe No. 1, Oneonta Tribe No. 2 and Kasseall Tribe No. 39. All report a good time. Ivan Haines met with a painful ac cident last week, when he was burned on the arm and shoulder by electricity, while at work at the Portland Cement Company's plant. He ls doing nicely at present. Elmer Shipley was another victim of an accident last week, having a toot mashed while at work at the Oregon Iron and Steel Company's plant. George GEORGE, Ore., Jan. 15. Mr. and C. Horger, Mr. and Mrs. II. Klinker visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Rath last Sunday evening. Mrs. C. Johnson visited Mrs. J. Paul sen last Sunday. Miss Ruth Terwllliger visited Mrs. T. Harders last Sunday. P. Ruhl visited Ed Harders last Clear Creek Creamery paid off pat rons at 64 cents per pound for Decem ber, at the request of many of the for mer patrons of tho Eagle Creek route, a route will be started again. An of ficial survey is being made to ascer tain on what basis butter prices are made. With all kinds of teed at top notch prices and milk condensarles of fering high prices for milk, creamer ies are forced to keep up the price In order to get cream. High cost of feed and high milk does it. Miss Alma Boss ls spending a few weeks in Portland. The Logan Red Cross auxiliary sent Its first completed work this week: 18 dish towels, 3 dozen hospital wash cloths, 31 bed socks, 6 pairs wash socks, 6 sweaters. If the government would do by the yarn as by food stuff Red Cross workers would soon be sup plied with it. Yes, where are our patriotic women, and men too. It is interesting to hear some tell how patriotic they ae, and yet a proposition involving one days' wages to be given to the Red Cross goes "begging." Quite a number of Harding Grangers attended Clackamas County Pomona at Milwaukie. Fine time and large crowd resulted. I 3. P. Steinman, of Eagle Greek, was an Oregon City and Logan visitor this week. a call will be extended to some pastor. Friends here have reclved news of the death of R. W. Eddy at the home of his son, Melvin, in LosAngeles, Cal ifornia. Mr. Eddy was a member of the Third Iowa regiment and served through the civil war. He was the father of W. S. Eddy, the well known veterinarian of Oregon City. The fun eral services were held in Los Ange les today and interment will be In April at Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ilayles spent the week-end with Mrs. Hayles' father, R. E. Morse. Mrs. Ilayles loft Mon day morning for their ranch at Alrlle, accompanied by M1b Irene McCowan of Sellwood. Wilma Bruechert has returned from Canby, where she spent several days with her school-mate, Doris Staley. Miss Elsie Snldow, of Willamette, was also a guest at the Staley home. . W. I. Bllnstone, proprietor of the Blue Front Grocery, made a trip to As toria over Sunday. Mrs. H. N. Smith was able to ac company Rev. Smith to the Lodge on Sunday. Rev. Smith tilling the pulpit at the evening services. Rev. Smith and wife leave this week for Mon tana ,to remain indefinitely. Mrs. McMonigal ls seriously 111 at her home near Boardman Station. A. A. Hopson ls on the sick list. WILSONVILLF., Ore., Jan, 17. Tho Red Cross drive for Chrlxtmas mem berships, was successfully carried on In Wllsonvllle and vicinity. The arent-Teacher association of our village, will give a play In the near future, tor the benefit of the Rod Cross. Sherman Seely has purchased a trac tor, The Onion Growers' association has shipped a car load of onions recently. Industrial clubs have been formed in Wllsonvllle and vicinity schools, and officers elected for the year. Charles Wagner has returned from Corvlllas, where he has been attend ing O. A. C, during Farmors' week. The chlckenple supper, given by Corral Creek district, for the benefit of th eRed Cross, recently, was a splen did one, and $23.76 was realized. Clara Eplor, who suffered a relapse from her lllnoss, was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital, for treat ment, and is slowly improving. Mrs. Raymond Seely, who gave birth to a little baby boy, at the St. Vincent hospital, In Portland, on Fri day, December 28, has been at death's door, but her hosts of friends will be pleasod to learn that hopes are now entertained for her recovery, Dwlght Seely has been assisting in H. D, Aden's store, In taking stock. Quite a number from Wllsonvllle at tended the Choral club concort at Sher wood, on Saturday evening, January 6. A splendid vocal solo was given by Sherman Seely, of this place, and he gracefully responded to a rousing en core. At the close of the concert H. D. Aden, our popular merchant, was elocted vice-president of the choral club for th eensulng year. yred Swartz, who has been 111 for some months, died at his home here on Sunday and was burled Wednesday, in torment being made at Stafford ceme tery. Mrs. B. Cronln, formerly a resident here, visited in the village on Satur- ihun when the spring and fall rush Is on. The Mothers' Club Is to meet In the present week at the home of, Mr. llltel. The Woman's club of the Lutheran church continues Its work not with standing the absence of the pastor. All are desirous that Father Lucas shall find on his return that the work Instituted by himself has gone on In his absence with all the vigor that he could have wished. The Kby Sunday school for which Fr. Lucas has shown such deep solicitude Is following his Instruction to keep at work, as dili gently as if its devoted founder was present. Tho Little Girls' Sewing circle held Us regular semi-monthly meeting on Saturday last at Mrs. G. M. Baldwin's home. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dwarschnak, who has been seriously ill for several weeks past, Is now show ing som eslgn of Improvement. Patrick Gibson returned from Au rora a week or two entered the army as a volunteer. Patrick hns gone to his training camp whon his brother, Will ls working in government employ. Two others of the Gibson brother are registered for service. The Red Cross Is occupying all minds and a good many hands. Evi dently no one wants the humiliation of having had nothing to do with the Red Cross when the soldiers are com ing home to v of what it did for thorn when at the front. George Morse and son, C. P. Morse, day and Sunday, coming to attend the Nyssa Oregon Short Line com pletes plank crossing over Its tracks and has Indicated intention to supply water for stockyards here. Old Folks Saved From Suffering Mrs, Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass., In lir S7lii year, says: "I thought I was beyond the rench of medlcrfno, but Foley Kidney Pills have proven most bensflclal in my case." Mr, Ham A. Hoover, IIlRh Taint, N. C., writes: "My kidney traublo was worsa at night and I had to get up from five to seven timos. Now I do net have to get up at night, and con sldnr myself In a truly normal con dition, which I attribute to Koltiy Kid ney rill", as I have taken nothing UlSfl." Mrs. M. A. Ilrldffos, Robinson, Mass., soys: "I Buffered fronT' kidney .ail ment for two years. I commonced taking Foley Kidney rills tun months iiko, and though I urn 01 years of ane, I fee) Ilka a Ill-year-old girl," Foley Kidney IMIIh are tonlo. strennthnln und up-bulldlng, and restore normal notion to the kidney and to a disordered and painful Mad der. They aot quickly and contain no dungorou or harmful drug,