CONTROL OF PRINT WASIMNUTON, Jan. 9.Diibate on the resolution autliorlxlng the prosl (lout to have tho federal trude com mission tnke control of tho print paper Industry continued throughout today In Ike senate. Attacks on tho resolution were mailt) during tho duy by Senators Hardwlck, HmooL Blmrmun Mm! King. Senator Hmoot charaetnrlitMd It "M a most vlcloss measure," nnd dw:lnrnd that unilor It Providian tho president would be eblii to withhold print pnpnr from newspaper or maguslrte ha desired. Tbe nnntiuro wm vigorously defend ed by Senator Owen, who mild such t step win nucessnry to brouk tho power bold by tho alleged paper monopoly over th pro, ll charged that the paper siaknr now can dictate to the press ftha country by withholding MUPpllM. (HUdroth Macy, a student of Spanish at the Oregon City high school, hai compound a ponin on "The Kaiser." Hhe ha been studying Hpsnlsh for only a few month. The original poem and the translation In given today.) REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. $ 17 r wm nirii a nnn $ t- 101 Kinpcrador de alamanla K un hoho hnmbre, A linuglnar que el connulstnrla. Lovsnturlu (ti nornhre A' el sninjallnrno publico (maglna que el nolo, Est Robernuilor de el mundo. Do el ciikU est Idolo Qulon tlnnn mucho frlo, Y tlenn mucho hombre. El gobitrna eon aspers mano, Etrnena Ion amor le. Yo no se como mulnru, Pero quloro que emperadnr No snra' eosando qulon dnmandara, De la pueblo lo amor. titi?. ttatqfr (,. The emperor of Germany Is foolish man To Imagine he will conquer And come ruler of the land, He It Idol of the people Who auffer wrongt untold, And who die at bla bidding, (To ploase thl Kaleer bold.) He govern them with Iron band Hut they love blm all the more; Even more than God himself If such could come before. I do not know which will win Democracy or Hun, But I hope there'll be no Kaleer For the worship of anyone. MARKET REPORT Market operation nt the North Portland Yard have carried a com paratively small volume of busltittM for tho won it's optmlng markets, Imt Efiirul quiillty of the oforluga In Im proved over the prevlou week In mont (i'nirtiiHiiU. The Monday cut tle shipment viiu nnvlliiin, wild "V ural loads of IiIkIicIhhs St mm. Tim hog shipment was rather lnitvy, wlih two or lhr loads of eitru v.' nil f 1 1 1 -thd hogs, and tho receipt In the hoep hoiiiHi were very light und mostly ordinary ofefrlnga. High-water condition ii ro offering a surious han dicap to livestock movement and adding roimld ntl)ly to tho grief of the railroad operatora and to the congestion of freight movement In gimerml. While Monday' imirkK In the cat tle aiM-tlon allowed algn of sluggish iwi nod a U-ndency toward lower lrlcee wrly In the morning, thl con dition wit soon lifted and the day de veloped an active market at firm ptica, which continue to prevail up to the ernmrnt 'writing. Several load of Uei croswed the acale at $10.50 and the choice offerings In tho cow dttparUuent changed hand at 7.75, and martin holer changed hands at U ft. Bella continue strong at 4 c to 7c. A splendid demand was shown for top quality stuff and proper pre miums wer oferod to encourage bet ter "flalehlng." The hng alleys slso showed good demand for finished offerings and paid a epread sufficient to ofer encourage ment to the fanner for topping his produce before bringing to tho mar ket The bent load of hog, lining woll finlahod heavys. went over tho scaloe at $15 (15 and several loads or good koavys broiiKht $15.65, while the ordinary prlov extended from $15.40 to $UfiO. It pays to "finish." The Khnep department developed a light demand, Jimt about balanced with ihe supply, which means a small volume of titmlnea In that depart ment. tlu greater purl of which con tlnu -s lo be with breeding ewes and feeder lambs. Durlag the past few dayi the market prices ksve advanced on meats. Spring chickens have also taken a ralsa from 18 cents to 10 cents, and old roosters from 8 to 10 cents to 10 and 13 cents. Veal has gone from II to 16 cents to It and 17 cents. Hogs have gone ono- kalf cent more. Wltk the scarcity of sugar In the country at the present time the deal era are not selling this out In large lots. Tke retail price Is 11 pounds for $1.04). Vfltk tke present weather condition there Is prospect of the price of eggs to decline, and are today retailing at 43 and 45 cents. The price of butter remains about the same, with the retail price of coun try product from 80 to 85 cents, and creamery $1.15 and $1.20. There are plenty of fresh vegetables being supplied by the local gardners and the stores of the city. Spinach, cabbage, parsnips, onions, lettuce, oyster plant, winter radishes are among Uie vegetables that the house wives are finding In fresh lots. California fruits are rn tbe market, with the oranges and grapefruit plen tiful, but mot oranges are ranging from 40 cents to 60 cents per dozen. The cheaper priced oranges are sesree. As give by tke Brady Mercantile company and Farr Srotkers. BUYINO Creamery butter ESe Potatoes 75cA$1.0l Onloas, per 19 lbs $1(6 Butter (oouatry) per roll - lie Eggs, por dozen . 43c 8LLINQ. Potatoes, per 100 lbs $1.351.50 Cubbsge, pr head ScOltc nutter, per roll (country) 95c Creamery butter, per roll $1.151.!0 Kgge, per doten 45c UYteto, !,lve hogs 15c015Vc Dressed hogs 18c18Hc Lambs I New Khedive of Egypt j A ,- a . r i ' ' r 4 C V:VlkV , If i v i2 Luoena Kern bis wife, to Joseph Un tRrnalirHr on theZSth day of April, 11 1, and afterwards assigned to tbe plain tiff herein, and duly recorded at page 25 of Took 81 Records of Mortgages for Clackamas County, Oregon, on the 29th day of April, 1811, which mort gage Is upon the south half of tbe southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 32 In T. 2 8. R. 7 E. of tbe Willamette Meridian In Clackamas County, Oregon, and was given for the sum of $3500. One Thousand Dol lars of which sum has been paid, leav ing a balance of $2500.00 principal to gether with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum since July 28th, 1916, for the sum of $250 espe cial Attorney's fees herein and for the costs and disbursements of this salt. That said sum of $2500 and Interest from July 28th, 1916, at 8 per cent per annum, and $250 attorneys fees be de clared a first Hen upon said mortgages premises. That all of said mortgaged real property be sold as by law pro vided under decree of said Court to satisfy said Judgment and decree of foreclosure, and if there Is any remain der over, for a decree- ordering the C"' .2.5 'creV n such of said defendants as may be found entitled thereto. That the defendants, and all parties claiming by through or under them, be forever barred and foreclosed of all equity of redemption In said premises, and all redemption except the statu tory redemption, and that the pur chaser be let Into the possession of said premises on the day of sale. This Summons la served upon you by publication thereof In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published at Oregon City, Oregon, for six weeks by erder of the Honorable Judge J. U. Campbell, udge of the above entitled court, made on the 20th day of December, 1917. This summons Is first published December 21st, 1917, and will be last published on February 1, 1918. J. E. MAOERS, Atiorney for Plaintiff. 902 Yeon Bid. Portland, Oregon. William M. and Lids Forsythe to Lulu Kell and Lawrence Forsythe, tract In Clackamas county; $400. W. A. and Frances A. Myers to Car rie E, Llesor, lots 7 and 8, block 24, county addition to Oregon City; $600. Carrie E. and J. W, Lleser to W. W. Myers, lots 7 and 8, block 24, county addition to Oregon City; $300. R, P. and Marie Walsh to Antonette Walsh, tract In section 81, township 1 south, range 2 east; $3000. William and Mary L. Caldo, to Joseph A. Caldo, 10 acres In section 85 and 36. township 1 south, range 4 east; $10. William and Mary L. Caldo to Ellen P. Radford, 8 acres in section 85 and 36, township 1 south, range 4 eatff; $10. Thomas II. and Lucetta Smith to Frank Fowler, lots 8 and 9, Pleasant Little Homes; $10. W, A, and .Maggie Proctor to T. B. lioren, 10 acres in section 3, township 2 east, range 4 east; $10. E. K. and Clara A. Dart to E. and Ethel Clester, tract In section 20, town- 5 south, range 2 east; $10. Herman II. and Ella C. Volholm to W. L. Und sections 19 and 20, township 2 south, range 2 east; $10. Annle'Olockner to Hugh Fitzgerald, lots 7 and 8, block 1, Otto Melnlg's ad dition to Sandy; $275. Harry and Edna Miy Garret to O. E. and A. C. Anderson, 10 acres In sec tion 21, township 3 south, range 1 east; $3000. R. R. and Edith F. White to Farm ers' State Bank, 160 acres In section 4, township 5 south, range 4 east; $1. J. O. Duus and Rachael M. Demlng, lot 2, block 1, Terrace addition; $200. J. C. and Catherine M. Duus to Lucy M. Reed, lot 11, block 5, Terrace ad dition; $200. Harriet T. and William B. Allen to Jackson L.. Palmer, tract 37, Rose wood; $1350. W. R. and Emma M. C. Reid to Sadie E. Wade, 26.26 acres in J. W. Palma- teet D. L. C, T. 3 8.. R. 4 E.; $10. Aurll and Wilson Clark to Walter B. Beebe, 14.81 acres In Sec. 22, T. 2 S., R.2E; $1 costs and dlstorsemetts In the above entitled snlt, all upon and accordance with that certain promissory note and mortgage made and delivered by you on the 20th day of February, 1915, to Allan R. Joy, for the sum of Five Hun dred ($500.00) Dollars, and assigned by said Allan R. Joy to the above named plaintiff, and for the foreclos ure of said mortgage apon the follow ing described premises, to-wlt: All of the Southwest Quarter (S.W. 14) of Section Four (4), In To rashlp Five (5) South of Range Four (4) East of the Willamette Meridian, In Clackamaa County, Oregon, and for the sale of the same by the Sheriff of said Clackamas County, the proceeds of said sale to be applied upon the amounts owing by you to the plaintiff .upon your said promissory note, attor ney's fees, taxes, costs and disburse ments, in accordance with the law and the practice of the said Court; declar ing said mortgage to be a prior and first lien upon said premises and bar ring and foreclosing all of the right, title, claim, or equity of redemption in tbe said premises of yourself and all other persons claiming or to claim, by, through or under you,, subsequent to the 20th day of February, 1315, save and excepting only their statutory AHMCO fjOUAO PACtl Spring chickens, per lb. Steers Veal, lb, dressed Hens Old roosters, per lb. ... . Oats, per 100 lbs. Wheat, per 100 lbs. Cracked wfcet Shorts, 801b. aack Bran, 60 lb. aack Flour, per sack Ahmed Fouad Pacha, the new khedlve of Egypt, succeeded bis iimi,! brother, the late Khedive Houssem- ioc KemlL The new khedlve Is regarded 7cfi9c'as a strong man and his rule Is ex- 16cfi)17c!pected to be successful Ahmed Fouad 20cff21clPacha, despite his prominent position, !Oc012c has managed to keep out of the lime- Port land Northwestern Electric Co. starts work on $1,600,000 addition to power plant 11th day f February, 191S, which 1 more than sin weeks after the first publication of this summons. And tf you fall to appear of answer, or other wise plead to said complaint, the plain tiff will apply to the court tor the re lief prayed for in the complaint herein, namely, for a decree adjudging that you have no claim in, estate or inter est, lien, or title in or to the real es tate described in the complaint and herein described, situate in the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to wlt: The Southeast Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section Thirty-four; the 8outh half of the Southwest Quar ter of Section Thirty-five; the South west quarter of the Southeast quar er of Section Thirty-five, all in Town ship Two, South. Range Two, East of the Willamette Meridian. The plaintiff further prays in said complaint that each of said defendants be required to set forth his pretended claim to said real estate; that the same be adjudged null and void and that the defendants have no estate, title, claim, interest or lien In or upon said real es tate; that the defendants, and each of them be perpetually enjoined and barred from further asserting any title, claim, estate, or interest in or to right of redemption and that the plain-! said real estate; that the plaintiff tiff have judgment for any sum re-! be decreed to be the owner in fee slm- mainlng unpaid after application of pie thereof, free from all claims of the the proceeds of said sale to the pay- defendants, and that the plaintiffs ment of said promissory note, attor-j title thereto be quieted, and for other ney's fees, taxes and costs, and fori proper relief. such other and further relief as to the! This summons is hereby served up Court may seem meet and Just. j on you by publication thereof for six This summons Is made and publish- successive weeks by authority of an ed and served upon you by publication order made by Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, by -order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made on the 14th day of December, 1917,' ordering the same to be publish ed once a week for six successive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circu lation, published at Oregon City, Clackamas County, State of Oregon. GEORGE I. BROOKS. Attorney for tbe Plaintiff, 614 Com monwealth Building, Portland, Ore. Date of first publication Dec. 21, 1917. Date of last publication Feb. 1, 1918. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. .$3.00 $1.90 .$4.86 .$1.66 $1.05 $165612 81 Halt. 60 lb. Ms grade 76c Hay, pr to 3M4JIS5 Chick food, per 10 Iks. 5 M Soratck ta4. per 1M Ike $416 Poee, iwrimni. 5( Twtn Four feed $118 Perrtieroa borse tee4. 109 lbs.... $3.00 Berkshire $lt Kaekle feed, per 191 lbs f 1 10 light in affairs of his country, and DEAD HORSES TAKEN Cash paid little is known of his political feelings- FOOD SITUATION WITH ALLIES IS GRAVE PROBLEM for dead cows and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Mllwaukle 69-J. FOR RENT Two acres with build ings, walking distance from town. F. 8. Enterprise. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, In the matter of tbe estate of E. E McGugln, dtceased: Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the estate of E. E. McGugln, deceased has filed In the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, ber final account as such ex ecutrix of said estate and that Mon day, the 14th day of January? A. D. 1918, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing objections to said ac count and the settlement thereof. ALICE McGUGIN. Executrlc of the estate of F. E. McGugln, deceased. HAMMOND & HAMOND, Attorneys for Executrix. Notice of Final Settlement In the matter of the estate of Amanda Maronay, deceased: Notice Is hereby given that the un WASHINGTON. Jan. 7. The food sit uation In the allied countries of Europe Is graver than it has been at any time since the beginning of the war and is designed administrator of the ett giving American government officials of Amanda Maronav. ha fiid in th deep concern. Official reports picture countv Court of Clackamaa f!mint t. Holsteln dairy food, per 100 wt$2.00 extreme food shortages in England, Oregon, his final account as such ad- Oil meal 4.061 France and Italy. mlnlstrator of said estate and that Rlood ml penury, n tOc. The fact that conditions in Germany Monday, the 4th day of February, A. D. AlWs stash tmA 1110, and Austria are far worse offers them8 at tne hour ot ten do, jj ( Middlings, 801b. sack $1.20 only grounds for optimism in viewing hag bfHjn IUed i,- gftl(j court M y,. Whole corn Cracked corn Ground corn Ceeoanut otl .$4.2 the situation. time for hearing objections to said re- $4.26 In England ana France we situauon gnd the setUement thereof. $4.36' Is described as critical in a caoiegram GEO. C. MARONAY, eal SX.7S 1 to the food administration loaay irom Administrator of the estate of Lord Rhondda, the British food control- Amanda Maronay, deceased. ler, which conciuoed with utese HAMMOND & HAMMOND. Easter oyster shell $1 60 Orit per 100 It 9oc Beef scrape .....$6.00 Cnlf meel. Hi rha. 81.26 Sugar. 12 lbs $1.00 Western Shell $1.25 CALLED EAST BY ILLNE8S. Mrs. H. A. Shandy accompanied by her little son Clarence left Monday for Rockport, Illinois, on receipt of a telegram announcing the serious ill ness ot her mother, Mrs. C. L. Williams. words "I view the situation with grave anx lety.' In Italy conditions are not as good perhaps as In either England or France Compulsory rationing will be started In England immediately with meats Attorneys for administrator. 8UMMON8 In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, the first commodity lo be put under Bertha Mor8e P,a,ntltf' jtrtntrnt nUtrlhuHnn nf hnttAi and m.,.,ln will h tAV.n In h.nrf hatH """ -r., j-oiouuuu 1U 11 luiaut iioui; MUIBQ, wi, uticuu ant: and other foods will be added as they I become scarcer. All of the principal foodstuffs will be rationed by April. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the estate of Henry McGugm, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the estate of Henry McGugln, deceased has filed In tbe county court ot Clackamas county, Oregon, her final account as such executrix of said estate and that k onday, the 14th day ot January, A. D., 1918, at the hoar ot ten o'clock a. m., has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing objections to said account and the settlement there of. ALICE McGUGIN, Executrix of the Estate of Henry McGugln, deceased. HAMMOND & HAMMOND, Attorneys for Executrix. Director General of Railroads and His Assistant 0 PHOTO , (C) H.&S. 1 Bias fniiisiii f v -i i f ' W jx-"." fir. M r v4 -.oivN a 1 it n ' t it KM I1-- kAx ! -v "t ' 1 ? B 3 ',. . 1 wj ,? , t 5 V!i. I I ' li )) I;mV 1 rf'vl Ii 1 . a IJjx. ,,,,,, khL&m tiit f j ;t . ' f, yb. : 1 1 I W ill v. I . 55 A i "liAnniniiiiiif -""1"-'-- In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnBt you In the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration ot six weeks from the date of the first publication ot thjs summons, which date Is hereinafter stated, and If you tail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will in either event apply to the court for the relief prayed tor in her com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant, and tor such other re lief as may be just and equitable. You are hereby served with thl3 summons by publication pursuant to an order made by the Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge ot the above entitled court, duly made and entered in the above entitled court and cause on the 8th day ot December, 1917, which order directs among other things, that you shall be served with summons in this suit by the publication thereof, in the manner provided by law, and that you shall appear and answer to said com plaint on or before the expiration of six weeks from ths date of the first publication of this summons, which date Is fixed by said order as Decem ber 28, 1917. This summons is first published De cember 28, 1917. ERNEST C. SMITH, ' Attorney tor Plaintiff, Hood River, Oregon. Notice To Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County court of the state of Ore gon for the county ot Clackamas, ad ministratrtx of the estate of Charles C. Panek, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are here by required to present them to me at the office of C. Schuabel Oregon City, Oregon, properly verified as by law required, within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication December 20, 1917. MYRTLE E. PANEK, Administratrix of the Estate of Charles C. Panek, Deceased. C. SCHL'EBEL, Attorney for administratrix. judge ot the above entitled court, dat ed the 21st day of December, 1917, di recting publication of this summons in the Oregon City Enterprise, a news paper of general circulation printed and published at Oregon City, Oregon. EDWIN LINDSTEDT, and B. O. SKULASON, Postoffice address, 301-303 Piatt Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication Dec 28, 191T. Date of last publications, Feb. 8, 1918. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Clackamas. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has-been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of James Gar field Smith, deceased, by. the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and has qualified. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired, to the undersigned at' 809 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published December 21st, 1917. ELLEN E. SMITH. Administratrix. M. B. Meacham, Attorney, 809 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Or. Notice to Creditor. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate ot Jenney McCann Wendel, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon; any and aU persona having claims against the said estate must present them to the undersigned, duly verified as by law required, at the of fice of Hammond and Hammond, Ore gon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ALBERT WENDEL, Administrator ot the estate of Jenney McCann Wendel, Deceased. First publication January 11, 1918. Last publication February 8, 1918. 8UMMONS No. 15334. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Clackamaa County. John Benson, Plaintiff, vs. The unknown heirs ot Eliza McKinney, deceased; Sarah A. BesseUen, Charles K. Bessellen and Frederic Gage; also all other persons or par ties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest In the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. To the unknown heirs of Eliza Mc- kinney, deceased; Sarah A. BesseUen, Charles K. BesseUen, and Frederic Gage; also all other persons or par ties unknown, claiming any right title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described In the complaint herein, the above named defendants: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you and each ot you are hereby re quired to appear and answer, or oth erwise plead to the complaint of the plaintiff filed herein against you in the above entitled suit on or before the SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor Clackamaa Coumty. Anna I. Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Carl Johnson, Defendant , To Carl Johnson, above naate de fendant: , . , In the name ot the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you, in the above entitled suit, on or before the 11th day of January, 1918, said date being the expiration ot six weeks from the first pubUcatloa f this summons, and If you fall to an swer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the eoart tor the reUef prayed for in her complaint, tc-wit: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain tiff and defendant This summons Is published by order of Hon. J. TJ. Camp bell, Judge of the Circuit Court which order was made on the 28th day of No vember. 1917, and the time prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the issue dated Friday, November 30, 1917, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Friday, January 11, 1918. BROWNELL ft SIBVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. President Wilson has selected William O. McAdoo, secretary of the treasury, to carry out his momen tous change in government policy in taking over control ot the transportation facilities ot the United States. These photographs show the director general of transportation in vorlous attitudes, and also John Skelton Wil liams, controller of the currency, once president o fthe Seaboard Air Line, who is likely to be his first assistant The picture to the left shows Mr. MtAdoo In formal dress and that at the right shows him In the white snlt he were daring the summer. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot tho State of Oregon for the County ot Clackamas. Levy W. Myers, plaintiff, vs. C.'W. Kern, Luccna Kern, his wife, Pluess Rudolph, and Saratoga Investment Company a corporation, defendants. To Pluess Rudolph one ot the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer, or otherwise plead, to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the first day of February, 1918, and if you fall to so appear and answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed tor in the complaint to wlt: For a Judgment and decree of foreclosure of that certain mortgage made and executed by C. W. Kern and Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the state of Ore gon for the county of Clackamas ad ministrator of th.3 estate of Mansfield Sonnichsfn, deceased. AU persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to m at the oflce of C. Schuebel, Oregon City, Oregon, properly verified as by law required, within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication December 20, 1917. EDWARD M. WOLF, Adminisrator of the Estate of Mans field Sonnichsen, deceased. C. SCHUEBEL,, . Attorney for Administrator. SUMMONS. No. 15264, Merchants National Bank, of Portland, Oregon, a national banking associa tion, plaintiff, vs. Judith M. Joy, defendant. To Judith M. Joy, the defendant above named: In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the 21st day of Decern: ber, 1917, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take default against you and will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: For a Judgment and decree of the Court against you for the recovery of the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars with Inter est on said sum at the rate ot freight (8) per cent per annum from the 20th day ot February, 1917, and attor ney's fees of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars In this suit and taxes on the premises hereinafter described tor the year 1914, in the sum ot Nine and 39-100 ($9.39) Dollars, and taxes tor the year 1918 on said premises in the sum of Sixteen and 42-100 ($16.42) DoUars, paid by the plaintiff, and for plain'Jff's PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOOEPI1 E. HEDGES Lawyer M9NEY TO LOAN WEINHARD IUILDIIIC D. C Latourettb, PresUent F. J. Meykr. Cashier Tte Ftnt National Bank of Oregon City, Oregen CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phones Pacific 52 Home A-1B) GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended U C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneye-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phones Pacific Main 495; Home A-279. STONE A MOULTON Atterneye-aVLaw Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OREGON CITY - OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-La Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles exaraiueJ, estates settled, general law business. Over Bask ef Oregon City. C. SCHUEBEL Atterney-at-Law Deutscher Advekat WU1 practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon CiU- Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V. S., M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKUlip Scbeel of Sur gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth ea Main Street Both Telephones Office Pacific 5; Heme A-95 Res. Pacific 114; Home B-80 William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attomeys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-271 CLACKAMAS COUNTY CREDIT ASSOCIATION WE GET THE MONEY 6 and 11 leaver Bldg. Oregen City, Oregen. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Turn your old accounts and notes Into cash. Special cerrespondents and attorneys In all cities and towns ia the TTaited States ne Onada.