Newsy Briefs From All Over the County Macksburg MACKSBURG. Ore, Jan. 9. To the sincere regret of his parlshoners. a well as of other friends, Rev. FT. Kalt. ot Seattle, Frank Woodtleld, ot Astoria, and Harry Stephenson. Allen Percy, Luther Steel, James McKinnon and Dr. Wendltng, ot Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Markwart and fam ily spent the Christmas holidays In t i. tn leave for California, the Portland. nreaent week, in search ot health ! The heavy rains have done but lit-: n9 sister in Derby. Ohio, where he had Everyone associated with FT. Lucas in-tie damage to the bridges in the up the past few months had been indulg- per Garfield district. There is no ing In the hope ot his complete recov-l snow in the mountains so tar this year, ery from the serious illness he had In j and a telephone pea tn full blossom the past summer, when suddenly, oni was found enjoying the balmy Chinook December 30th, he was stricken down , wind ot New Year's day. while in his pulpit with a return ot , Walter Anderson enjoyed his Christ the disease and will not be able, tor J mas vacation with his aunt, Mrs. An- several weeks, at least, to resume nis derson, or uormg. wnrk Father Lucas" last sermon In' preparation tor leaving was preached j on Sunday, January 6th. j The Mothers' club had very busy and interesting session on Thursday, January Sd, at the home ot its secre-. g GVI)aOTk or Mm Roy t.- n hoin tne nrst meuung i" Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK. Ore.. Jan. 7. Mrs. the new year, election of officers was tn order, and axe as follows: Presi dent, Mrs. Hepler; vice-president Mrs. Simon Miller and secretary. Mrs. Q. M. Baldwin, were unanimously chosen tor another year. The club waa organised in January. 1915, and so has had three rears ot existence. The same officers. with the exception of the first Tice presldent, who moved away two years ago, have served throughoput the en tire time. No division of the club had ever taken place till about ft year ago, when the number ot members had in creased till It waa too large tor ac commedatlons In a private home, and new club waa formed with Mrs. Charles Keesling president Mrs. Her man Harms, vice-president and Mrs. Mm-v. mvretarv. Both clubs are resignation ot Ret. II. N. Smith. Also ways and means of beautifying the In terior ot the church, W. 1. Winston was appointed chairman of a commit tee, to be chosen by himself, to plan some entertainment In the near future. Ruth Oswald spent Sunday wtth( Gertrude Kennedy, j Mr. ami Mm. A. F. Russell and fiun ! tly attended the Woodmen bull In Ore gon City an Tuesday nlRht. Mr. and Mm. Cal. Clark and son, of Portland, Sundayed at the Lodge. The "Climbers" met at the home ot thel rteacher, Mrs. A. R. Smith, on Friday night. After a short business session, a Jolly time was enjoyed by the Misses Resale Roberts, Stella Mac Vioar. Vera Glass, Oulda Deter and Wllma Rruechert. gone on a visit. . Miss Nellie Ret, of Portland, was a Mrs, S. H. Dill accompanied her guest ot Ruth Cook on Sunday, daughter, Mrs. Frank Thomas, to Se-j The ladles' guild held an all day sttle, Monday, January 7, Mrs. Thomas' meeting Tuesday at the church to tie having accented a position with the ; comforter. Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Ore., Jan. 10. Isaiah Shoenetfeld. for the past seven year a resident ot this place, passed away December !4th at the home of . . guest ot her daughter, Mrs. Clifford Burgess. S. J. Vaughnn transacted business at Oregon City, Saturday, Sim Llndaey, who Is using the Clack amas County fair grounds for winter quarters tor his string ot race horses, made a business trip to Oregon City and Portland Saturday. Mcadowbrook lass last Tuesday afternoon. The regular Wednesday meeting ot the Red .Cross unit ot Upper Eagle Creek was held at the home of Mrs. George Judd last week, and some comfort Pillows were made. About ten ladles were present. Mrs. Viola Douglass was the guest Portland, tor several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and J. P. Woodle were Estacada visitors last Wednesday. Ernest Hoffmelster is working the Nelson Mill on Sandy Ridge. Mr. Fuchs purchased a couple pigs of Dick Gibson the other day. George Judd and son. Oscar, made a business trip to Portland one day last week. I Mrs. Walter Douglass and Misses at ot Armour company in the Sound city. Miss Margaret Tucker is seriously ill at Immanuel hospital. A large crowd ot sorrowing friends attended the funeral services of the late Dr. Mary Farnura at Finley' un dertaking parlors on Wednesday last. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. The services were read by Bishop Sumner of the Episcopal church. S. H. Dill has returned from Dolph, where he has been located for the last three and one-halt years. Mr. Dill's plans tor the future are not definitely decided upon. Mrs. Alleen Dill Yack, ot Portland, visited with her mother, Mrs. 8. H. Dill, over the week-end. Miss Esther Campbell has returned to her home here, after spending the past four months with Miss Farnum at Good Samaritan hospital Harry Painton. of Manor, Wash., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts. Word has been received from Ed Brighsm, that he arrived safely in San Canby CANBY. Ore.. Jan. 10,-Mr. and Mrs. John Haines. Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. John Haines, Jr., of Oswego, wore Sun day guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Grant White. Mr. and Mr, Burt Miller were visit ing relatives In Portland, Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Ivan Dlmlck. ot Aurora, were guest of Mr. and Mr. D. R. Dlm lck, this week. O. H. Wright, ot Liberal, was trans acting business in Canby this week. Mr. and Mr. Avon Jesse, of Grtbble Prairie, were guests of Mr. and Mr. J. Lee Eckerson this week. Joseph Laraen, secretary of the Can- by Co-operative Cheese and Produce Co., made a busclness trip to Oregon City Saturday. J. Lee Eckerson and Charles Thomas have been loading cars at Liberal this week. Mr. Miller, of Monitor, was a bust ness visitor in Canby this week. MKADOWDROOIC Ore., Jan. 9. Ruth Hudson returned Sunday, after spending vacation at her home In Crabtreo, Oregon, Ronald Hnty Is on the sick list, and Is unable to attend school. Herman and Ruth Chlndgren were Portland visitors Thursday, . Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Holman are spending a few days at Hubbard. There will be a meeting ot the Red Cross at Meadowbrook school house Friday afternoon at S o'clock. The first meeting ot the Union Mills literary will be given at the school house Saturday evening, January 13. sister, Mrs. Barney, ot Portland, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Harder visited at Kllnker' last Sunday evenln The Gem-go Talephnn company U making nil Improvement tu their lino by putting up new lender post. Mr. and Mrs, Horalnml, who were visiting the former' sister, Mrs. P. Huh I, returned to their horn at (Ires ham last Wednesday. Oak Grove OAK GROVK, Ore.. Jan. 10. An en tertainment and musical will be given Friday night, the Uth, by the Parent Teacher circle at tha achool assembly hall at 8 p. m., In connection with the motion picture show of six reels. A good program has been arranged and a large audience Is expected ' attend. Mrs. J. II. Evans entertained the Housewives club Thwrsilay afternoon at her home on Cedar avenue. A pleas ant time waa had by all present. Mrs. M, F. HnliklrK entertained the Needlecraft and Iomntlo Science Ruth Chlndgren returned to attend club Frldoy afternoon. Alter business school at Monmouth after spending vacation at her homo. Ben Benson and Allen Larklns are working for Stetfnnl Lumber Co, at Orchard Fall. Quite a number from her attended Literary at Cedardale Saturday night. Mr. Durst Is hauling wood to Molalla for Mr. Dnmoures, Damascus DAMASCUS. Ore.. Jan. 10. Mis Elsie Schwarts has been quite sick with lagrlppe. Mrs. Simon Huddle underwent an operation at the Oregon City hospital Tuesday. Mrs. P. Toinpson is In the Good Sa maritan hospital, where she underwent an operation last week. Clara and Selma Bock, ot Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and Mrs. R. B. Gibson called on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle Sunday afternoon, j Cedardale trying to do aomeimng in tteu -L,n. j MiWred and FIoHce Douglass, who work. Though not entirely unanimous . been on g)ck 1t arfl ,mpr0T. in this respect, we have avoided any nf serious dissatisfaction from this cause-! VeK0 Beckett came home SuB. The Red Cros worker deeming that)day to 8pend a ghort ,tme ner persuasive measures uw u, --jmotner) Mr9. A. Beckett cases. The rew peopie in mo wunu who can look with disfavor upon this wonderful organisation should be led to look forward to the close of the war when the returned soldier shall tell of It stupendous work In relieving army life of the horror of war. When the Red Cross is the subject of con- CEDARDALE, Jan. 7.-Mrs. Chas. venation, how must those feel who returned home Thursday from are obliged to conies vaey noTer om anything to do with It j After the Civil War when the sur viving soldier in relating their war, experience, told of the unspeakable relief afforded by the sanitary com mission, there was not a listener but felt in the depth of her soul a sting of regret for not doing more in helping on that magnanimous cause. Immeasurably greater is the Red Cros headed by the President of the United State than was that body of patriot in the century past Not to be a member of the Red Cross seem akin to ostracism from our beloved commonwealth, a thought intolerable to every lover of hi native land. Garfield GARFIELD, Ore.. Jan. 8. Miss Myrtle Schuman closed the Porter school with a program suitable for the holidays. A large number ot par ent and friend attended the pleasant afternoo. She again returned and reopened school January 3, having spent her vacation with her mother, Mrs. L. Schumann, of Portland. Arthr Davis is temporarily in chant of the Garfield band, which practices regularly at the grange hall. The Garfield literary society enter tained Its members and friends on December I9th, with a "Bow party." Each lady present brought two simi lar bows, and the gentleman who chose the corresponding bow was rewarded by having the lady for his partner during the evening. On Friday evening, December 21st, Portland with their on. Harry, who underwent an operation for appendi citis, j A. L. Larklns and wife and daughter, Alma, were Colton shoppers Saturday. -Bob Lamm and wife have returned from logging. i Mary and Ruth Fellows called on Doras Orem Friday afternoon. j L O. Orem was the victim of a sur prise party the last day ot the year. J. Fellows spent Sunday with his family here. He Is working in Oregon City. s j Richard Orem left for Portland New j Year's day to work in the ship yards. Ed Ball has taken charge of the Stet-: fanl mill on Nate creek. j The women of the Red Cross ot the neighborhood will meet at Mrs. Wins-j low's next Wednesday afternoon. R. L. Orem and family, of Union; Mills, spent Sunday with his brother in Cedardale, driving their new car. j M. Clark has moved his family back to their home at Beehlll. Mike Pendleton has been on the lck list the past week. Arthur Orem and wife were Oregon City callers on Saturday. Stafford STAFFORD, Ore., Jan. 10. Thej girls of Stafford school are now recelv- j ing their lessons in the Sewing Club work. TJie boys have also decided j to take up some club work. They are j deliberates over the hen-hare-and-hog j work; also the "spud" is not being for-, gotten. I This is examination week at Stafford i school. Also the pupils are taking up ; the Garfield union Sunday school gave the county contest work in spelling a rrograra and Christmas tree to a ; and arithmetic, Mr 5' " ' ' & ill if' C ' ... l i ' t ' I f crowded hoase. Each child was pre sented with a toothsome Christmas treat. J. R. Humphry a, wife and son, jsa-j Last contest month one-half of our pupils made 100 per cent in the test, while one-fourth of them made 9S per cent, the rest falling below 90 per cent. Can Stafford win. and Mrs. Nora Moss Claris, oi Bpell? Yes, a few. Oregon City, spent their Christmas, saturday evening, January 5, pat-' holidays at Log La Barre. During the, ron3 and pupii8 0f Stafford met at the stay Santa Claua made his annual visit j BChooi house and organized a literary; and was honored by having Mrs. Clark jclub wjtn officers as follows: Presl-; as his partner in a merry dance. Other j delii Cari Elligsen; vice-president,! guests for the holidays were Mls'Veva xiedeman; secretary, Iva Bor-j Ethel Wakeman, Mrs. A. R. Maclean, land; treasurer, Mrs. Gage; sergeant-j Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Carter and Wm.;at.anns Mr Weddle; assistant ser-i Swindello, of Portland, and Masters; .Messrs. Moser and Nus-j Denny and Howard Givens, of Ksta cada. - The eighteenth annual reunion of the Bandana club was held at Log La baum. The president appointed ttiei following on the program committee: Mrs. Meeks, Miss E. Seedling, Miss Dora Oldenstadt, Miss Myrtle Olden- Bane, Estacada, January first. With!stadt. jii8Beg Davis and Ronde, teach- Dr. Rot. Wendling as guide, the party left Portland on New Year's morning tor "Somewhere in Oregon," and after an enjoyable hike they made Log La Barre i time for a sumptuous New Year' feast. The club returned to the city the next day after an evening spent In pleasant reminiscences around the huge fire place. Those composing the party were Bruce Old Folks Saved From Suffering Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass., In her 87th year, says: "I thought I was beyoni the rench of medicine, but Foley Kidney Pills have proven most beneficial In my case." Mr. Sam A. Hoover, High Point, N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was worse at night and I had to get up from five to seven times. Mow I do not have to Bet up at night, and con sider myself In a truly normal con dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid ney Pills, as I have taken nothing el." . . . . Mrs. M. A. Bridges, KOJ)inson, Mass., (suffered rroin' Kidney an- Day Time-Night Time-Any Time The Stover Gasoline Engine Is Ready for Work THE STOVER ENGINE is an ideal farm power. More than that it is a prac tical farm power. The Stover Engines simple and strong. It has few parts. Take the cut of the Stover shown here and compare it with the picture of any other engine on the market. Compare the engines themselves if you can. Note the difference. Notice that the Stover is stronger and better in every detail. Now, why don't you get next to the fact that you are cheating yourself by not owning one of these engines? Everyday you are doing lots of work that could be better and more cheaply done by a Stover Engine. Get the idea that an owner of a gaso line engine has to be an engineer out of your head. He doesn't that is, if his engine is a Stover. A few minutes instruction will make you able to operate your Stover as an old hand. That's why we say that the Stover is an ideal farm power. It is made right. It is giving satisfaction to 3500 users right here at home in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. We sell them in sizes ranging from one to sixty horse power. WE ASK- ONLY THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YIU WHAT THE STOVER WILL DO FOR YOU a social nour was epeni arounu u table. A guesslim contest w won by Mrs. Gillespie. The next meeting will be held January ISth at the home of Mrs. Hubbard on the River rond. The club member will take up Red Cross work In the near future. Mrs. MRttle Robacker nd daughter. Mr. Clinton Alack, and children ot Mt. Pleasant, spent Friday and Sat urday with Mr. R. C. Warren. The Ladles' Alii met Wednesday and tied a comfort. Tea was served nd a social hour enjoyed by those present. Doris Rrumley, of Portland, spent the week end with her aunt. Mrs. War ren. Rev. Young, pastor of Ihe Methodist Episcopal church, will conduct servic es Sunday morning. Kpworth League Sunday evening. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evenings. II. R. Warren, a prosperous farmer of Raker County, formerly of Oak Grove, was visiting here and In Port land last week, Mrs. J. U Vosherg left Bunting morn ing for Wheeler to Join her husband and spend the winter. Mr. Wheeler, of Clackamas, has rented the Vosburg property and will move In some time this month. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Krum are being congratulated on the arrival o fa baby i girl, born In Portland. December SI. Mrs. Simon lUgham Is reported as Improving slowly. William Rlggln who li In the St. Vincent hospital In Portland. Is able to be up and out a little. Mrs. Albert Wetaler. of Courtney road, is on the sick list. Mrs. I P. Ciinpbeli. of Rlsleys, Is also sick. The Red Cross meets Monday and Thursday afternoon In Vosburg hall. All ladles Invited to help In this grand work. Parent-Teacher association will meet Friday, January 11. at the school house at 3 p. m. A speaker on Red Cross work will be the main feature. All parents Invited. appointed by the president, Mrs. Dart lett, and real socliil time I eipeeted. One of the committee rn ported that there would lie a home talent play, glveii by Ihe Hprlngwater Dramatlo club, nt the Family Theatre o Friday evening. January 18, the proceed of which will he given to the C. I. 0. com mittee, of which Mr, II. V. Artli ! tli ii I rum n. The name ot the play is "Riverside Farm," comedy in three acts. The presumably small boy 1 a 22 rlflo ha been causing considerable a In r m In KNtncndit ot late,' on amount of their p'romlHcuouN shooting on the streets, Within the past few day two case have been reported where bullets from these guns have gone through window of residence and the Inmates handy escaping Injury. City Marshal Page ha been trying to stop the practice of shouting within the city limits and also on th nearby hillsides, hut hi effort hate seemed to be useless, The Sam L, Henry property on Ilnmilwiiy, next door to the Park A Clossnnr store, Is being fitted p for n pool room nd refreshment parlor and will be under nmnngemeat of "Hon" Krlgttuum, Mis ilatllo lleiril returned to Cor vnllls and her school duties last Sun day, after spending two weeks' vaca tion nt the homo of her mothw in Kstiicmla, Th Mulkoy barber shop ha keen taken over by Dave Kschnlma. th former owner, Mr. and Mr. Malkey have (tone to Portland to reald. The Kstacada Cannery finish" up the work of canning apple last week, mid has closed down temporarily. Kdltor Standlsh and wife were In Portland the Drst of lust week visiting relative and friend for a day or two. Mrs. C. K. Spark, who ht been quite III, Is now reported to b Improv ing. The annual meeting of th stock holder of the Kstacada Cheese Asso elation will take place next Monday, January 14, nt 1 o'clock p. nt .at th Family Theatre. As a result of the Red Cross drive In this section of Clackamas County which closed last week, th treasurer of the Kstacad auxiliary sent check for $212 15 to O, D. Eby of Oregon City, manager of th Clacknm eonty campaign, Membership are tlll com ing In at the Kstacada Red Cros head quarter. In th Clckma Nw of fice. The W. C. T. U. of tht plae. t at th home of Mr. Henry Spies. Thursday and devoted th afternoo In making urglcal bandage for th Rd Cross, Urn timber to be used tn th tid ing of ship It being cut and r. pared for us t th Ja. DSfcr plac at Dover. Barlow Estacada W. J. Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY Portland, Oregon .-nr'-:c.rf"?vTMf-f , t ers of Stafford school. The next meet ing of the literary society will be held January 19 at 8 p. m at which time rules for conducting the society will be submitted to the member for their vote. Mrs. Gage invited the officer ot the Stafford Literary club to her home, where they drew up rules and regula tions for th work; these rules will be voted on by members, later. Mrs. Ray (nee Eva Holton) of Inde pendence, is visiting her mother at this place. Mrs. Oldham and her mother were visitors at the Gage home on Friday, January 4. Misses Iva Borland, Veva TIedeman, Elligsen and Rabic were visitors at Stafford school during the first of the new year. POLK'S HVI! I ments ror iwo years. i vumuienueu taking Foley Kidney PiUs ten months ago, and though I am 61 years of age, 1 f,-el like a 16-year-old girl." Kolev Kidney Pills are tonic. strffngthenlnK and up-bulldlnB, and reetore normal action to the kidneys and o a disordered and painful blad der. They act quickly ani contain no iiangerou or harmful drugs. GAZETTEER A BasInM Directory of each Cltr. Town ami Village la Oregon and Washing tea, firing a Descriptive fcketrh of eaoh place, Location, (HblDDlnt? Facllltlm anrl a :lanU and ,1m. Dirertnrv ftf) inn..!' RnuliuMiA l'roteimloit, Seattle, Wiuli. Francisco. Mr. Brigham had been, for the past year, in Guatamala, and grave fears were entertained as W his saf ety, during the recent earthquakes in that locality. Mrs. Jennie Jones and son, Clyde, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts. E. Morse and family, of Rose City Park, visited the family of Prof. Hol loway last week. During the Christmas vacation, Mrs. Minnie B. Altman spent several daysj In St. Vincent's hospital, where shej underwent a minor operation. Rev. H. N. Smith and wife leave next week for Potomac, Mont., to make telr home. Rev, Smith has been pas tor of Grace church since its organiza tion three years ago. He has ever been interested In boys and the Boy Scouts greatly regret his leaving as well as every member of the parish. Mrs. Smith's health will not permit of any outward demonstration of the part ing farewell, but the good wishes of the community go with them to their new home. Lieut. Langdon Spooner left for New York, N. V., to assume his duties as an officer in the service of his country. The board of trustees and pastoral committees of Grace church met on Friday evening. Plana were discussed in regards to the tilling the vacancy in the pastorate ot the church, by the Miss Olive Whipple, who Is attend ing the Oregon State normal at Mon mouth, returned to that place Sunday. Miss Nona Austin was a Portland visitor Sunday. H. C. Gillmore Is serving n the jury at Oregon City this week. Willie Huiras, who is working at Oregon City, spent Sunday with rela tives in Canby. Miss E. Harr, of Portland, was a guest of Mrs. C. N. Walt Sunday. Mrs. Charles V. Prouty returned Saturday from an extended visit in California. Mrs. Myers, of Portland, was a Can by visitor Saturday. . Erwln Mather, of Tacoma, Wash., spent the Christmas holidays at thel Walt home, a guest of George Walt. Both left this week for their school work at Oregon Agricultural College. Walter Krueger, of the National army, came over from Vancouver to spend Sunday with his parents. The Canby Auxiliary of the Red Cross met at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday afternoon. The regular sewing work was the order of the day, a large num ber of members attended. William Maple, Jr has accepted a position in the hip yard at Port land. Mrs. Minnie Bradford has returned from a two weeks' visit at Bremerton, Washington. While there she was the were home over Sunday and returned to Portland Monday morning. Mrs. W. Cooke and little son, Roual, of Falls City, are visiting friends and relatives In this vicinity. Mrs. Mark Anderson, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Fredolph, returned to her home last week. Grandpa Jones, who has been very 111, is much better at this writing.' Ernest Boessle and W. Thebo and mother, Mrs. Thebo, F. Kroetch and mother, Mr. Kroetch, motered to Ore gon City Monday. George GEORGE, Ore., Jan. 10. The dance given on New Year's eve., at the club house was a complete success. A large crowd was present and everybody re ported a Jolly time. Miss Irene Paulsen went to Port land last Tuesday, where she Intends to work for a few months. Mrs. H. Joyner returned home last Thursday from Portland, where she has been caring for her daughter, Mrs. Barney, who was very ill. Mrs. Theo. Harder visited Mrs. J. Paulsen last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rath visited Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ochs last Sunday. Miss Gladys Joyner is visiting her , reception and lunch committee ESTACADA. Ore.. Jan. . W. W. Dillon left this week for France, where he will superintend the Y. M. C. A. work anions: the soldiers, Mr. Dillon ha been in charge of the Y. M. C. A. work at Vancouver ince the outbreak of the war and has years of experience along that line. Iiefore taking up this calling, Mr. Dillon was engaged In farming In the Garfield district. Sorgont Ken Ilartlett wa here from American Lake thl week visiting at the parental home. Walter Givens I still at Coburg, Oregon, where he I conducting revival meetings. The Infant daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson, December 39, who has been very ill, la now much im proved. Ben S. fatton returned from Eugene last week, where he has been engaged for the past six months working In the classification of the O. & C. lunds in that vicinity. Frank Ewlng Is at Corvallls attend ing the short course. Mrs. Neal Bronson and son, Harold, visited relatives In Portland last Sat urday. Miss Rica Anderson visited at the home of her sister at Boring, over the sabbath. Mrs. W. II. Hoylman was In Portland Saturday calling on f rlonds. Another vacancy In the Estacada schools Is caused by the resignation ot Miss Maude Qullllam, English and I physical culture teacher. Sickness in ! her family is the cause of her resigna tion. Mrs. C. W. Devore Is substitut ing for Miss Qullllam at present. Fred Jorg was a business visitor In Portland a few day) this week. There are rumors that Mr. Jork Is making arrangements to sell his meat market at Eslaada and go to Portland to re side. Dave Fleming and family left last Thursday for Portland, where they will mako their future homo. Mr. Flem ing has secured a position with the P. R. L. & P. Co. in that city. Conrad KrlRbnum and family have moved from Garfield, to Estacada, oc cupying the residence lately vacated by D. Fleming, on Fifth and Broadway. Mrs. Eda Woods resigned her posi tion with the East Clackamas Supply company and left for Oregon City Thursday to take a position In the woolen mill. C E. Spnrks wan a business visitor In Portland Tuesday. Mrs. A. E. Sparkn, who manngos the Family Theatre, very kindly decided to give a Red Cross benefit on Monday evening, January 14. Tho attraction will be a Bluebird photo play, entltlod "The Eagle's Wings," which Is very highly recommended. There will also be a comic picture In connection. The music will be furnished by several local young lady musician. The ad vertising is contributed, and there should be a large patronage for this good cause. ' At a regular meeting of the Civic Improvement club Tuwiday afternoon, It was decided to have a rally day, at the next meeting in two weeks, for the purpose of getting new members. A waa HARLOW, Jan. 9 Mr. Cora Brg Johnson I home on a visit from Uat ern Oregon. Mr. and Mr. Fred Crlndeland saoved to Oregon City last week, wher Fred ha employment In the mill. Mr. J. II. King I ill with attaek of pleurisy. Miss Curtis nd a lady frleid, of McMlnnvllle, were visiting Mtsi Kirk New Years. Miss Curtis i a teacher at Msrshfleld. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Tull. of Portland, were visiting at the Tull horns last week. Miss Irene Wurfel returned to Meant Angel Monday, after visiting her uncle In Forest Grove. Mr. Wrfel accompanied Irene to her rhool. Mrs. Julius Spngle anil chlldre. of Oregon City! visited her mother fat- urday. R. E. Irwin I called to Oregon Otty on the Jury again. MARRIAGE LICEN8E3 Marriage licenses were Issued by County Clerk Harrington Wednesday to Louis II. Bruch of Sherwood, Ore gon, and Ellen Oldenstadt of Oregon City; and Laurence F. Ilurror, Twenty fifth and Main streets, Portland, and Florence F. Ilulnbrldge of Barlow, Oregon. Stonfleld Local creamery purchas ed by Pendleton man and the capacity of the plant to be increased. Woman Bolshevik Leader '? ' ' " ' ' r it"'. ' J - i'-1k v v i , 1 f i'S U I Mine. Alexandria Kollonty, one ot. the loaders of the Bolshevlkl, who have overthrown Premier Kerensky, lived In the United State for a time and 1 well remembered by Rnsslaa revolutionist here. She worked lde by side with Leon Trotiky, now for eign minister, who had also lived in the United States, and Nikolai Lenin, now the premier.