OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1918. Paga 7 SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrt. Blanch R. SHalley Representative, JOINT INSTALLATION BANDY, Ore,, Jan, Z.At the joint Installation of llio Masonic and East ern Btar lodge the following officer were Installed: Masonic ImlKO K. F. Hruti, W. M.; Fred 1a Proctor, S. W.i 0. I). Purcell. J. W.; II. K. Hykim, treasurer; J. 1). Urt'hnut. m:rtary; C, l Hansen, 8. I).; C. M. QuIukHall, J. !.; Kmll Went land ,tllr, and It. 10 .Craawell and Her man Wemllnnd, steward. Kutlarn StarMr. Augusta Ilrun, niHtroDi C. M, Flckall, patron; Mm. HdmIa Qulcksall, associate mutrun; Mr, Bertha i'urcell, conductress; Mri, Clura Imisrtii, associate cunductro; KA V, Frun. secretary; Mr. Anna Ilrehaat, Ada; Mr. Wanda Deaton, Hulk; Urn, Florence 8yke, Esther. Iao Dawson, who baa boon la Mon tana for several months, haa returned to Handy. II. A. Bt'huttldnr, who la a atudont at the North Pacific Dental College, bua been seining out In tlm bank during the holiday. Mr. Schneider ha en listed la the Naval Reserve and ex poem to go Into service a mm a he complete til it atudli't which will be In June. Dolun, Rev, Caldcr and wife, of Port land; Mis Carolina Vaeretti, John Wckford, If. li. Reed and wlfo, Mr. Myra Revenue and Mr. Luna Mo- UuKln, of Bandy. Ouo of the biggest dunce aver Klven in tho euatnru part of Clacka mas County, wa tho one given by the Hiiudy I. O, O. F. lodgo In It now hall Now Year eve. At a cunt of abodt $700, the lower floor of the lodge build- UK ha boon trntiHforinod Into one of thn finest dance hull In the country, with a maple floor, stug. drelng room, main and aide entrance, and adequate lighting arrangement. The stairway has been changed, end the dining room on the tecond floor re modeled. A new iilano ba also been Installed In the hall. One' hundred and twelvo number wore aold, and until tho "wee ma' hour" the happy cou plet danced the care of the old year away. To the floor committee, com posed of II. 11. Aaron, II. 11. Keed and Otto Molnlg, much credit la due. Under the management of toll latue commit tee, another dance will be given Feb ruury 10th. The lame orchestra ha been engaged ao good music . I aspired. EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS AT BULL RUN HEAOWORKS 8ANDT, Ore., Jan. . Improve ment, wblth when fluUhed, will cost In the neighborhood of $20,000, are now under way at the I load work, even mile from Sandy. A new acreen house, through which the water I filtered and an electric light plant are Hearing completion. A crew of It or II men. under Charle Oliver, amtlalant engineer of the water depart ment, of Portland, I doing the work. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT A COMMUNITY SUCCESS Tie athool entertainment at Dull Uun latt Saturday evening netted 115 and was a aoclal ucee a well. Free randy and orange were distributed to all, aid an Interesting program wa given. CAR CELEBRATES NEW YEARS DAY AT GOVERNMENT CAMP A Ford car driven by Oilman Iloyal, of I'ortlund, accompanied by a repre aunlatlve of the Fraud Motor Car Co. made the trip from Portland to Govern mniit Camp Monday. No now wa encountered, but tho bridge acroaa the Zlg Zag river at Rhododendron Tavern and one of the twin bridge above the toll gate had to be rebuilt, having gone out lu the recent high water. Hurry Mitchell, of Sandy, and John Greenwood, of La Caita Monte Inn, Zlg Zag, assisted the car on It trip. MA2ANAS AT A8CHOFP8 MOUNTAIN HOME BevealMlx Maaama came out from Portlaad Saturday and remained over night at Achofr hotel. At noon Sun day, lx of them left for the annual cirtn to the top of Mt. Hood and the remainder of them returned to Port land. Several of the veteran make this trip every year. WEDDINQ BELLS CHIME WITH THE CHRISTMAS BELLS Of aaeclal Interest to the young peo ple of Sandy and vicinity wa the wed ding of II. n. Reed and Ml Ruth Rev enue, which occurred at I p. m. Christ maa 4ay at the home of the bride' mother. Mr. Myra Revenue. Rev. L. V. Tralllngor. of Lent, an uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony, using the Impressive ring orvlce. The bride waa attired In a beautiful gown of white let over chiffon, with a full length veil and carried a bouquet of white and pink carnation. The house waa profanely decorated with Christ- maa greens, red and white. Among those present were, Rev. Trulllnger and wife, of Lenta; D. Douglasa and family, John Revenue and wife, Homer Rcvenae, Miss Alice McQulre. M. A. Deatoa and wifo, Mis Sabra Deaton. Mlssoa Gertrude and France Molnlg and Marshall Davla. A dellcloue buffet luncheon wa anrved. after which the bride and grooss departed for Portland for short tay. Mr. Reed, who come from Salem, haa made many friend during his stay In Sandy. He cnllRted on Jane ISth In Rase Hospital Unit No. 41 The bride wa born on the old Revenue place a mllo from Sandy, and pent her life In this commun Ity. Ur. and Mr. Reed will be at home la the Revenue cottage until Mr, Reed 1 eallod to the color. CHRISTMAS DAY CLAIMS ANOTHER BRIDE Ills Marjory Adam and Sargont Floyd Dover wore united In marriage at 8 . at. December 25th, at the home of the hrldo'B Bister, Mrs. Clint Ed ward. Only the Immediate family waa present. 8argont Dover ha been stationed at Comp Lewi for some time and he will take his bride there as aoon as quarters can be secured Roth of tho young people are well known la Sandy, Mrs. Dover having boon connected with the Sandy News for some time. IT'S IN THE AIR ANOTHER WEDDINQ ON NEW YEARS DAY Beeaase of the prominence of the contracting parties, the wedding of Mlsa Alice McGuglu and Randolf Ship loy ha boon of groat Interest to the ooonle of Clackamas County. Tney were married at the home of the bride at 2 : 31 p. m. New Years Day. To the strains of the wedding march, played by Mis Laura Shipley, the couple entered the parlor where uev. a. u Calder, formerly of the M. 'B. church of the Pleasant Home district, pro- nouueod tho words which made them man and wife. The ring ceremony waa used and after the benediction, the Misses Bhlnloy sang several duets. The bride was becomingly dressed in a white wool gown, trimmed with rare old lace which is an heirloom, buffet lunchoon was served, after which the couple loft for a short wed ding Journey. They will be at home In the McGugln cottage after January Gth. Anion those present were Mrs Ttnrthft Rldlnca and children from Idaho: Mr. and Mrs. Shipley, from Os wego; Mr. and Mrs. Shipley and daug- ters. Laura and Mabel, from Gresnam Mae Thomas and family, Geo. Thomas and family, of Bull Run; Mr. and Mrs Fred Bmko, of Sandy Ridge, Miss Blva BIG. NEW YEARS DANCE. LOCALS. SANDY. Ore.. Jan, 8 c. D. Purcell and wife spent Chrlstmaa In Portland, guest of Mr. Purcell' sinter and hus band, Mr. and Mr. Jamea Shoemaker. The Misses Emma and Lizzie Haael- wander and Mr. and" Mrs. Ed Danlals. of Portland, ipent Chrlstmaa day with J. Ilaselwander and family. Mark Senska and wife entertained the following guest at dinner Christ mas day: E. Sits and family, Fred Wentzel and family, J. A, Senska and family, Herman Ilaselwander and Miss Emma Netzel. Mr. D. Dabrua ha moved to Port land for the winter, to be with her daughter, Johanna. She returned to Sandy laat week to assist her ion, A. II. Dahrua, In filling out hi questionnaire. Alex Gray and Geo. Beer were Port land visitor last week. Cyril and Raymond Gray spent Fri day and Saturday in Portland. O. II. Dahrus I the owner of a new Excelsior motorcycle Glendale Roberta, the small ion of Mr. and Mr. Birch Roberta, of Dover, had the misfortune to break his leg last week. Mr. Francis' little boy, of Kelso, 1 suffering from a dislocated hip. The friends of Mrs. Vlra Maston, of Gresham, will be glad to hear she 1 Improving. For several day her lite was despaired of. Mrs. Myra Revenue spent aeveral days in Gresham last week. Miss Lota Beers haa accepted a posi tion in Scale' store. Mrs. Gerkoe, of Sandy Ridge, receiv ed a telegram Sunday evening from Chclago, saying her mother waa not expected to live. The Scales family took Christmas dinner in Portland with Mr. Scales' mother, Mrs. Blackhall. A brother from Camp Pike, Little Rock, Arkan sas, surprised them by bolng present. The windows In the Sandy Ridge school house have been changed dur ing the vacation. They are now on the east side of the building. Thla ar rangement of having the light all come from one side corrects the cross lights that tall when the lighting comes from two sides and is much better for the eyea. Ed Llttlepage has been do ing the work. It also has a new heater. 8everal farmers in the Sandy Ridge county bought 2 Otons of mill feed at Portland and had it shipped to Eagle Creek, from which place they have been hauling It the past week. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Aaron, of Bull Run, were Sandy callers Monday. Will Scales, a brother of J. Scales, landed In London safely, according to Information received Christmas morn ing. He was sixteen days on the way from New York. Mrs. Ed Stewart, of Bull Run, went to Portland, Monday, to have some dental work done. John Nelson's Bmall son won the horse raffled oft by E. Beers last week. Miss Sabra Deaton, of Portland, is the guest of her brother, M. A. Deaton and wife. Miss Eva Edwards returned to Port land Tuesday, after a short visit with the family of E. Beers. Mrs. Annie Glockner and family are In Portland for a week. Mrs. Shetterly and son, Chester, of Redmond, Ore., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bonett. Mr. and Mrs. Lee, of Nappa, Ore., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Qoo. Wolf last week. Mrs. Miller, of Chorryvllle, spent the last two weeks visiting friends in Portland. Mrs. J. C. Sinclair waa a Portland viBltor last week. Her daughter, Mrs. Wood (Ruth Hart) accompanied her home tor a visit of a few weeks. Lola Butolf has been the guest of Itnlen Moulton. at Bull Run, lor a week. Ralph Ganger spent the New Year with New Mitchell. Miss Averll retrned Monday from her vacation. , . - The grade school opened for work January 2. Most of the echools around here began the same day. Nelson and Mlklnson'i boom went out Friday for the third time thla win ter. The heaviest lost this time will be the broken chain and cable. Harvey Bnyder, expert accountant, of Portland, 1 auditing the book of the Bandy Fir Lumber Co. I. 1C. Dawson arrived in Sandy last Tburmlay from Helena, Mont., where he had been for the lust six month. Ho say the country I fine and money plentiful there, but the water I bad. He returned to Portland New Year day, where he goes to work at the Clifford Hotel barber shop. Illnk Kreb returned Sunday from Eastern Oregon, where be ha been working on a ranch since early last spring. R. F. Grunart received a shipment of Hood Ulver apples last week. They were grown on tho Troy Shelly farm In that valley. Henry Kubltza I spending the holi days with he homo folk. Walter Orunert and wife came from Tenlno, Wash., to spemd Christmas with K, F. Orunert and wife. Ed Urunert I also at home. Among those attending the New New Year dance, we noticed Harry firamhall and family of Troutdale; Krnoxt Aschoft and wife, of Junction City; Otto Aschoff and Mr. Emma Thomas, of Marmot; Clint Edward and wife, J. E. Pomeroy and wife, Alvin Cbown and wife, and Miss Marie Kol nerker, of Portland, Frank Thomas and son, of Estacada, and Ted Bornitedt Ted I again in Portland, but spent the last few month In Dakota. Mr. J. C. Laundree has returned from a three weeks' visit with ber sister, Mr. Kotzman, at Bond, Ore gon. Died, In Portland, December 31, Mr. Scales, She Is the mother of J. Scale, the Sandy merchant. Mr. and Mr. A. L. Deaton and Irvin Mackcy pent New Year day with M. U A. Deaton and wife. Mr. Mattfngly, on the old McCor- mack place, lost a valuable mare last week. L. M. Wilson lost one of bis little, white mule from the same dis ease. It seems to be a kind of poison caused by the ferp In the hay. Mr. and Mr. Bonnett spent Christ mas at Gresham with Mrs. Bonnett' Ister. Mrs. Pulfer. W. J. Faublon and family will occu py the Amanda Maroney house. The furniture bis been sold. Nelson and Mlkleson'a mill will itart running January 7. The Christmas tree and program at the Lutheran church was a decided success. An English and a German program were given. The young people of the Catholic church will give a card party in the I. O. O. F. hall Saturday evening, January 6th. Percy T. SJielley and family re turned to Sandy Monday after an ab sence of two weeks. They spent Christmas "with Mr. Shelley' parent In Hood River valley. M. A. Deaton wa a Portland visitor Monday. Mrs. Helm and children spent New Year' with her daughter, Mr. Dell Jadwlne and family. George Couper and daughter, dor othy, came home for Chrlstmaa din ner. R. F. Dittert made the trip to Port land Monday of last week. Mrs. T. Hagan, Of Bull Run 1 In I the Good Samaritan hospital, recover ing from an operation for appendici tis and adhesions. COUNTY HAS RECORD RAINFALL Since December 12 there ba been a rainfall In Clackamas county of 3014 Inches. This I probably the greatest downfall In the history of the county. Measurement were made by George A. Brown of Maple Lane. WANTED To bear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. DEAD HORSES TAKKN Cash paid for dead cow and down and out hores. Will call anywhere. Phone Mllwauklo 69-J. CALL FOR BIDS . The Beaver Crcok Mutual Telephone association doe hornby call for bid for the operation of its wltchboard at Beaver Creek. Oregon, beginning January 14th, 1918, and continuing to January 14, 1919. Service to be con tinuoua ,nlght, day, Sunday and boll- day, and jo be performed by three (3) operator working 8 hour each. Living quarter are furnished free. The right to reject any and all bid is reserved. Address all communication to the secretary, 8. L. Casto, R. F. D. No. 3, Oregon City, Ore. Notice of Final Settlement In the matter of the estate of Amanda Maronay, deceased: Notice I hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Amanda Maronay, has filed In the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, hi final account as such ad ministrator of said estate and that Monday, the 4th day of February, A. D. 1918, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said court a the time for hearing objections to said re port and the settlement thereof. GEO. C. MARONAY, Administrator of the estate of Amanda Maronay, deceased. HAMMOND tc HAMMOND, Attorney for administrator. This Summon la served upon you ed and served upon you by publication by publication thereof In the Oregon by order of the Honorable 3. V. Camp- City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, published at Oregon City, Orggon, for made on the 14th day of December, six week by order of the Honorable 1917, ordering the same to be publish- Judge J. U. Campbell, Judge of the led once a week for six successive above entitled court, made on the 20th weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, day of December, 1917. This summon a weekly newspaper ot general clrcu- I first published December 21st, 1917, lation, published at Oregon City, and will be last published on February Clackama County, State of Oregon. 1, 1918. 1 GEORGE I. BROOKS,- 3. E. MAOERS, Attorney for the Plaintiff, 614 Corn- Attorney for Plaintiff, 902 Yeon Bid. monwealth Building, Portland, Ore. Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication Dec. 21, 1917. Date of last publication Feb. 1, 1918. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the estate of E. E. McGugln, -deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the estate of E. E. MeOugln, deceased ba filed in Notice to Creditors. Iq the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Notice 1 hereby given that the un- the county court of Clackamas county, derslgned ha been appointed admin Oregon, her final account as such ex- latratrix of the estate of Jame Gar- ecutrlx of said estate and that Mon- field Smith, deceased, by the County day, the 14th day of January, A. D, Court ot the State of Oregon for 1918, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., Clackamas County, and has qualified. has been fixed by said court as the All persons having claims against said time for hearing objections to said ac etate are hereby notified to present count and the settlement thereof. the same, dulv vnrlflfid aa hv law riv ALICE McGUGIN, Executric of the estate of F. McGugln, deceased. HAMMOND & HAMO.VD, Attorneys for Executrix. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the estate of Henry McGugm, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the estate of Henry McGugln, deceased has filed In tire county court of Clackamas quired, to the undersigned at 809 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published December 21st, 1917. ELLEN E. SMITH, Administratrix. order made by Hon, J. U. Campbell. Judge of the above entitled court, dat ed the 21st day ot December, 191?, dt recttng' publication ot this summons In the Oregon City Enterprise, a news paper of general circulation printed and published at Oregon City, Oregon. ;, i EDWIN LINDSTEDT, . and B. G. SKULASON, Postoffice address, 301-303 Piatt "" Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication Deo. 28, 1917. Date of last publications, Feb. 8, 1913. FINAL NOTICE, Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Andrew Anderson, deceased, has filed her final account In said estate in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and that the Judge of said Court has ap pointed Monday, the 7th day ot Janu ary, 1918, at one (1) o'clock p. m. tor hearing objection to said account and for settling said estate. MINNIE A. ANDERSON, ' Administratrix of the estate of Andrew Anderson, deceased. BROWNELL & SIEVERS. Attorneys for Admlnlstrltrlx. SUMMONS No. 15334. county, Oregon, her final account as in the Circuit Court of the State ot such executrix of said estate and that Oregon, for Clackamas County. onday, the 14th day of January, A. John Benson, Plaintiff. D., 1918, at the hoar of ten o'clock vs. a. m., has been fixed by said court The unknown heirs of Eliza McKinney, as the time for hearing objections to deceased; Sarah A. Bessellen. said account and the settlement there of. ALICE McGUGIN, Executrix of the Estate of Henry McGugln, deceased. HAMMOND & HAMMOND, Attorneys for Executrix. LI TRIAL OF HOLIDAY JAG FEST Jack Mclntyre, who was arrested Christmas eve with a suit case ot booze, was fined $50 and costs Friday. Mclntyre, who was raised on a farm In Clackamas county, was placed un der ball to appear here and was al lowed to go home over Christmas. He promptly admitted his guilt and told the officers at the hearing that he figured It would fce easier to carry the booze into Portland over the P. R. L. & P. than to continue his Journey In on the Southern Pacific. He got off the 9:30 passenger train from Cali fornia and was on his way to a local hotel when arrested. Mclntyre has been working In a logging camp down on the Columbia and claimed that he was sent by his tollow-workmen to bring back a goodly supply of Intoxicants for a Christmas high Jinx among the loggers. He had fifteen quarts of bottled whiskey, one onehalt pint, and a 2-gallon demijohn, loaded into his suit case with three shirts. Upon payment of his fine Sheriff Wilson gave him back his shirts and he went on his way. 8UMM0NS. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County ot Clacka mas. Bertha Morse, plaintiff,, v. William Henry Morse, Jr., Defendant To William Henry Morse, Jr., Defendant: In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration ot six weeks from the date ot the first publication of this summons, which date is hereinafter stated, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will In either event apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint to-wit: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant and tor such other re lief a may be just and equitable. You are hereby served with this summons personally, pursuant to an order made by the Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge ot the above entitled court, duly made and entered In the above entitled court and cause on the 8th day of December, 1917, which order directs among other things, that you shall be served with summons in this suit by the publication thereof, In the manner provided by law, and that you shall appear and answer to said com plaint on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date ot the first publication of this summons, which date is fixed by said order as Decem ber 28, 1917.- This summons Is first published De cember 28, 1917. ERNEST C. SMITH, Attorney for Plaintiff, Hood River, Oregon. Notice To Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the uu A&rtt VTi aA ham hoAn liilv unnnlntail the County court of the state of Ore- U? unkf.own' an? UUe; gon for the county of Clackamas, ad- miniHtratrir of th wrtnL f r-harin. estate described In the complaint C. Panek. deceased. All persons hav- hereln- 0,6 abore named defendants: ing claims against said estate are here- In 108 aamft ot tne state of egon, by required to present them to me at you and each of re berebT r the office of C. Schusbel Oregon City, qu,red t0 PPear and answer, or oth Oregon. property verified as by law "wise P'e to the complaint of the required, within six months from the Plaintiff filed herein against you in date hereof. the above entitled suit on or before the Data of first publication December lltn dar ot February, 1918, which is 20, 1917. more than six weeks after the first MYRTLE E. PANEK, publication of this summons. And if Administratrix of the Estate ' of you atl to aPPesr or answer, or other- Charles C. Panek, Deceased. C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for administratrix. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Clacka- M. B. Meacham, Attorney. 809 Cham-; Genevleve Elam, Plaintiff, Lemuel E. Elam, Defendant. To Lemuel E. Elam, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear on or before Monday, January 7, 1918, and answer the complaint filed against you, in the above entitled suit, the date of the first publication of this summons, which first publication is the 23rd day of November, 1917, the date of the last publication being the 4th day of January, 1918, and if you fall to appear or answer to said complaint plaintiff will take a decree as prayed for in her complaint order ing that the marriage, and marriage bonds heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff, Genevieve Elam, and the defendant, Lemuel E. Elam, be dissolved and held for naught This summons Is published pur suant to an order made and entered on the 22nd day of November, 1917, by the Honorable 3, V. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court, di recting that this summons be served upon you by publishing the same once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a news paper of general circulation, published In Clackamas county. State of Oregon. J. 3. FITZGERALD. Attorney for Plaintiff. 421 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Charles K. Bessellen and Frederic Gage; also all other persons or par ties unknown claiming any right title, estate, lien, or Interest In the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. To the unknown heirs ot Eliza Mo- klnney, deceased; Sarah A. Bessellen, Charles K. Bessellen, and Frederic Gage; also all other persons or par- estate, Hen or Interest in the real I wise plead to said complaint the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for in the complaint herein, namely, for a decree adjudging that Notice To Creditors. you have no claim In, estate or inter- Notice is hereby given that the un- est, lien, or title in or to the real es- dereigned has been duly appointed by tate described in the complaint and the county court of the state of Ore- herein described, situate in the county gon tor the county ot Clackamas ad-lot Clackamas, State ot Oregon, to- ministrator of the estate of Mansfield I wit: Sonnlchsen, deceased. All persons The Southeast Quarter of the South- having claims against said estate are east Quarter of Section Thirty-four; hereby required to present them to the South half ot the Southwest Quar me at the of Ice of C. Schuebel, Oregon ter of Section Thirty-fiver the South- City, Oregon, properly verified as by west quarter of the Southeast quar law required, within six months from er of Section Thirty-five, all in Town the date hereof. ghlp Two. South. Range Two. East of Date of first publication December the Willamette Meridian. 20 1917. The olaintiff further Dravs In said EDWARD M. WOLF, complaint that each of said defendants Admlnisrator of the Estate of Mans be required to set forth his pretended field Sonnichsen. deceased. C. SCHUEBEL,, Attorney tor Administrator. claim to said real estate; that the same be adjudged null and void and that the defendants have no estate, title, claim, interest or lien in or upon said real es tate; that the defendants, and each of them be perpetually enjoined and All employes ot the Oregon City Woolen Mills will commencing after the first of the year be paid every Sat urday night Instead ot twice monthly, the system now in effect. Announc ment ot this change will be posted on the bulletin boards of the company, Monday. This change Is made solely for the convenience of the employes who feel that pay days coming more frequent will enable them to make bet ter disposition of their funds. The man agement, wtn oe lorced to handle a vast amount , of additional clerical work in order to put this new system into effect and will be compelled to have an extra office assistant. How ever in granting their employes de sire, they are continuing their preval ent policy ot always giving the inter est ot thoir employes, first consider ation. Several of the workers when interviewed regarding the change ex pressed their gratification at tho com ing of the "every week pay day." . Lane county is planning on doing much winter read work. SUMMONS. In Uie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Levy W. Myers, plaintiff, vs. C. W. Kern, Lucena Kern, his wife, Pluess Rudolph, and Saratoga Investment Company a corporation, defendants. To Pluess Rudolph one of the above named defendants. In the name ot the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer, or otherwise plead, to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the first day ot February, 1918, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto, for want thereof, tho plain tiff will apply to the Court tor the relief prayed tor in the complaint, to wlt: For a judgment and decree of foreclosure ot that certain mortgage made and executed by C. W. Kern and Lucena Kern his wife, to Joseph Un ternahrer on the 2Sth day of April, 1911, and afterwards assigned to the plain- tiff herein, and duly recorded at page 25 of Book 81 Records of Mortgages for Clackamas County, Oregon, on the 29th day of April, 1911, which mort gage is upon the south half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 32 in T. 2 S. R. 7 E. of the Willamette Meridian in Clackamas County, Oregon, and was given for the sum of $3500. One Thousand Dol lars of which sura has been paid, leav ing a balance of $2500.00. principal to gether with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum since July 28th, 1916, for the sum ot $250 espe cial Attorney's fees herein and tor the costs and disbursements of this suit. That said sum of $2500 and interest from July 2Sth, 1916, at 8 per cent per annum, and $250 attorneys tees be de clared a first lien upon said mortgages premises. That all ot Bald mortgaged real property be sold as by law pro vided under decree of said Court to satisfy said judgment and decree of foreclosure, and if there is any remain der over, for a decree ordering the same paid into Court for the-benefit of such of said defendants as may he found entitled thereto. That the defendants, and all parties clalmipg by through or under them, be forever barred and foreclosed of all equity ot redemption In said premises and all redemption, except the statu tory redemption, and that the pur chaser be let into the possession ot said premises on the day of sale. SUMMONS. No. 15264. Merchants National Bank, of Portland, barred from further asserting any Oregon, a national banking associa- title, claim, estate, or interest in or to tion, plaintiff. 8ald real estate; that the plaintiff vs - be decreed to be the owner in fee sun- Judith M. Joy, defendant Ple thereof, free from all claims of the To Judith M. Joy.' the defendant above defendants, and that the plaintiff's named: utie tnereto do quieted, ana tor otner In the name of the State of Oreeon. Proper relief. you are hereby required to appear and Tma Bummons is Hereby served up answer to the complaint filed against on yu bv Publication thereof for six you In the above entitled suit within successive weeks by authority of an six weeks from the 21st day of Decem ber, 1917, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff wiU take default against you and will apply to the Court tor the relief demanded In the complaint to-wit: For a Judgment and decree of the Court against you for the recovery of the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars with inter est on said sum at the rate of freight (8) per cent per annum from- the 20th day of February, 1917, and attor ney's fees ot Fifty ($50.00) Dollars in L. U Latourettb, President F. J. Meyer. Cashier tms suit ana taxes on tne premises Ik a mitt fJ 1. . . f T f hereinafter described for the year nC EfSt IMatlOlial tfailk 1914, in the sum of Nine and 39-100 tQ J 0 TVillava oviA tnrn. tn a ... 191(5 on said nrnrntHfis In thn nnm of Win i fUj, JJU,UUU.UU Sixteen and 42-100 ($16.42) Dollars, ransacts a uenerai eanKing Business jpen trom y A. Jl. to o r. JV1. paid by the plaintiff, and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements In the above . SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Anna M. Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Carl Johnson, Defendant p .. To Carl Johnson, above name de fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you. In the above entitled suit on or before the 11th day of January, 1118, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication ot this summons, and if you fail to an swer said complaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain tiff and defendant This summons is published by order of Hon. J. TJ. Camp bell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 28th day of No vember, 1917, and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks, beginning with the issue dated Friday, November 30, 1917, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday, January 11, 1918. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL 01 RECTORY JOOBPH E. HEDGES Lawyer M4NEY TO LOAN WEINHARD BUILDING of Oracn City, Oregon enunea suit, bu upon ana accordance with that certain promissory note and mortgage made and delivered by you on the 20th day ot February, 1915. to Allan R. Joy, for the sum of Five Hun- All legal business promptly attended te dred ($500.00) Dollars, and assigned by said Allan R. Joy to the above GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attomey-at-Law named plaintiff, and for the foreclos ure of said mortgage upon the follow ing described premises, to-wlt: All of the Southwest Quarter (S.W. M) ot Section Four (4), in Township Five (5) South of Range Four (4) East ot the Willamette Meridian, In Clackamas County, Oregon, and for the sale of the same by the Sheriff of said Clackamas County, the proceeds ot said Bale to be applied upon the amounts owing bt you to the plaintiff upon your said promissory note, attor ney's fees, taxes, costs and disburse ments, in accordance with the law and C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Atterneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Siwlalties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phones Pacific llaln 405; Home A-270. STONE & MOULTON Attorneyt-at-tLaw Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OXEGON CITY - - - OREGON ing said mortgage to be a prior and first lien upon said premises and bar ring and foreclosing all of the right, title, claim, or equity of redemption in the said , premises of yourself and all other persons claiming or to claim, by, through or under you,, subsequent to the 20th day of February, 1915, save and excepting only their statutory right of redemption and that the plain- tiff have judgment for any sum re maining unpaid after application ot the proceeds of said sale to the pay ment ot said promissory note, attor ney's fees, taxes and costs, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and Just. This summons is made and publish-1 O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. - Over Bank of Orsgon City. C. SCHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law DeuUcher Advokat Will practice in air courts, make cot lections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon Citr. Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V. S., M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Torosto, Canada, and the McKHlip Scbeel of Sur gery of Chicago, la established at Fashlen Stable, between Fourth and Fifth an Main Street. Both Telephones Office Pacific 65; Home A-95 Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80 William Hammond . Philip L. Hammond. HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-273 CLACKAMAS COUNTY CREDIT ASSOCIATION WE GET THE MONEY 6 and 11 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Turn your old account and notes into cash. Special correspondents and attorney in all cities and towns in the United State tnd 0"nada. "