J. mi ir n nrwM'ii iirrrir .rcnuL MIlllllllllllllllllHiiHllljlllllllM niHiintuiniiiiniiiiniiiHiHiHUiHinniiiiiHiniiiiiHiiiHiHiiniiiiiiiHiiiir - "c- J sTT; , - -'f - H I - j 2A I. i. " !- !I 'i fTr-r U; WAV -hi ii,ii-f, he-...nuni ..rin.iivf-.'n i, tg;-t,r.-nftm iir--rni timi tn-riinmi-iti-fciii,ri, ..r.,. mirv.n.gii.m OUR PRESENT LOCATION 6th and Main Streets Where Our Money-Saving Removal Sale is Now On. Hdj fcT) u UU feriifc-nni'iti A''TririiiMnraMiiii'i-'iiik'lriih'iriii o ) o J f n I f 0 j "1 w i ) 1 -i LJ Li ZJ K yZ. I I A-;'; i. mm i in i-iiii ' ' - ; ' ' . 1 :V ' i , X . ' . ai M 'did -1 1-L. ' 1 The New Location of Price Bros. Department Store, after April 1st, 7th '& Main, formerly L. Adams Corner. n u WWmmM w-m mi uim.mi n B mi ll. mil l.i ii. Mi. i j. . iu li ii . .inn.. j wmmi ifftii -'-aE-' mniiiiuiiM ! fiLJ iiiii.il J mi. mmt n k --S!-- - -v...--:-r"T!Sria!55?g?,1 W e are om to otter to the hi innfS nil standard wearing apparel for men, young men and boys, that will open the purse-strings canc MVFWiSffi entire stock in our Present Iocation price-reductions tan dttompiisn it. uuk AIM lb LL) MCJVli Ab LrlTTLE OF OUR PRESFNT STOPK POTRT to ottr Tvtrr rnpTTnv J - t IrLWer So donvfalf foSeTadSSfP pSS;?Sootffi Sd? tre r&TH us-by that we mean we wiH not be DON'T WAIT! DON 5HP D LAY ! COME NOTE BELOW AFEWoftKe .WHILE YOU CAN GET I A WIDE RANGE of SELECTIONS fl s Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Clothcraft SUITS and OVERCOATS for Men and Young Men l $35.00 $32.50 $30.00 $27.50 $25.00 VALUES in Money Saving VALUES in IMoney Saving VALUES in Money Sadng VALUES in Money Saving VALUES in Money Saving SUITS and OVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price SUITS and OVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price SUITS and OVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price SUITS and OVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price SUITS and OVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price $26.75 $24.75 $22.75 $20.75 $18.75 $22.50 VALUES in Money Saving $20.00 VALUES in Money Saving $17.50 VALUES in Money Saving $15.00 VALUES in Money Saving $12.50 VALUES in Money Saving SUITS and QVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price. .... SUITS and OVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price, SUITS and OVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price. SUITS and OVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price. SUITS and OVERCOATS Clearance Sale Price. 10 REDUCTION ON ALL SERGES $14.75 :' U $1 3.25 :J I I.I J :! . 1 - : Sri -71- , V-,- K - 7. . SJ Tiff I SYSTEM aOTHES Men's Underwear in the celebrated Cooper & Haynes make Haynes' Cotton ribbed wool 75c value, per garment.. OUC Cooper's, $1.75 values A garment Cooper's, $2.25 values Per garment $1.40 $1.90 COOPER'S CLOSED CROTCH UNION SUITS $1.50 value $2.00 value $2.50 drt -value wLfljmJ $1.35 $1.70 $3.00 or value DmJ $3.50 value value iDOtM $2.95 SPECIAL LOW PRICES On Florshelm Nettleton, Beacon, Cutter's, Nunn & Busch and other standard makes in both dress, work and logger styles. $12.50 value $11.00 value $10.00 value $ 9.00 value 9.75 9.00 8.00 7.00 $ 8.50 value $7.50 value $6.50 value $5.00 value 6.75 5.75 4.85 3.85 Real Bargains in Odds and Ends of Men's and Boys' Shoes. Look at these TROUSER Values H.S.&M. $6.00 Dutchess . $5.00 Dutchess . $4.50 Dutchess. $4.00 $5.00 fQ rjff Dutchess . DJ I O $4.50 Dutchess . $4.00 Dutchess . $3.50 Dutchess . $3.00 Dutchess $2.50 . . Dutchess. $3.40 $2.95 $2.55 $2.25 $1.95 Ten Per Cent reduction on Corduroy and Khaki Pants and Overalls. Hat and Cap Bargains In late styles and standard makes $5.00 value &$4.00 $3.95 9 OC value tDUmOO $2.50 fjrt nr value 2)mU $2.00 i ee $3.50 value $3.00 value $2.95 52.35 value 1 $1.50 in value D 1 1 U $1.25 value 95c Our assortment is Very Large I Our Offerings in Shirtdom Manhattan and Ide in Dress Shirts Argonaut, Oregon City and Ideal brands in Flannel Shirts $5.00 values (fcO OC Removal Price u)0Ov $4.50 values d0 Crt Removal Price DOUU SHIRTS $4.00 values Removal Price $3.50 values Removal Price $2.95 $2.65 $3.00 values d0 Of Removal Price $2.50 values d Q Removal Price D1D $2.00 values d CC Removal Price 2)lDO $1.50 values Removal Price $1.00 Boys' Suits and 0 'coats At Matchless Prices $7.50 $6.75 $6.00 $5.50 $4.50 $10.00 values in Boys' Suits or Overcoats, Removal Price $9.00 values in Boys' Suits or Overcoats, Removal Price $8.50 values in Boys' Suits or Overcoats, Removal Price $7.50 values in Boys' Suits or Overcoats, Removal Price $6.00 values in Boys Suits or Overcoats, Removal Price $5.00 values in Boys' Suits or Overcoats, Removal Price $3.50 Bargains in Knee Trousers of all kinds. Oregon City and Sheurman's All-Wool Mackinaws (te. at prices that we cannot duplicate whole sale at the present market. $15.00 values Sale Price . . $12.50 $12.50 values ft A CA Sale Price.. P1U.UU $11.00 values dQ AA Removal Price tPUVr $10.00 values (jJO JjA Removal Price DODU $8.00 values CA Removal Price wODU $7.00 values dC OC Removal Price (DD00 $6.00 values Removal Price $4.95 You will be delighted with these genuine bargains Cpnco do co not permit ua to give tho innumemhie bargains rsc aro offering. Do not hesitate. Come earfy and investigate this great Money saving opportunity for ail. Ta)To worn . Established 1895 Clothiers for Men and Young Men Established 1895 Siztln and IVIain Streets ACROSS THE STREET FROM BANK OF OREGON CITY mm i 1 liiiiiiiiiiiH