Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 04, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Newsy Briefs From
MACKSBURG, Ore., Jan. 3. The
wild bells rang out to as wild" a sky
as ever tempted the poet Tennyson's
as the 1317 was passing into eternity s
grasp-l!17-A year ot the most stu-
pendous history world has ever known.
mose ueauuiui uciiiks me opura-i
.,..,,., v v,.1
the white wings ot Peace's Messenger i
aud are predicting that the fair, white
pages now opening to our view are to;011 n- '0"mna visitor mesaay
record a cessation ot all the world's
wars forever. (residents ot Canby, but now of Clats-
Christmas was a day of genuine ! kanie, were calling on friends iu Can
though great rejoicing In our vicinity.1 by, Tuesday.
Many homes were gladdened by the re-j Mrs. Joseph Kief, of New Era, was
turn of children from distant schools,! a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ida Sly
and a few by boys in khaki, home from j ter, Sunday.
the training camps on furlough. The Mr Rml Mr8 John BuUoi.k- o Salem
weather made attendance upon the ser-1 were guesU orMr aml Mrs. a. h.
vices in far awsy churches Impossible ; Eccies tnis week
though it accentuated me pleasures
within itiwrw makine brighter the;
Christmas trees that lit up almost j
Mr and Mrs. Jno. Hepler, with their ho,ue in Molalla, after spending sev
famllv. spent Christmas at the home ot; eral 9 1" Canby.
their eldest daughter, Mrs. Win Roth. Mr- - - kelson ,ot Portland, was
Mrs. Fred Roberts, with her child-i 6uest ner sister, Mrs. J. Lee Eck
n Tisited . near relative. ! erson- Saturday.
Mrs. J. Gibson's home was made glad i Mr- na Ayon Jesse, oi urio-,Miy, i v.smng ner parents, air. anus Mrs. Tom Fish donated the hall and
by the presence of a married daughter, ble Prairie, were Canby shoppers Mon-j Mrs. C. Stromsreen. of Colton. during Elmer Krlckson and Ed tlerdino do
who lives beyond the mountains. j day- j the holidays. nated their services as floor managers.
Ed Gibson. lately came home for a Mr- and M- Fred Roth and sons, j Alva Card is working at Sagar's The music was furnished at a reduced
fortnight's visit after an absence of Xornian nd Kenneth, were guests of saw mill. figure. Thanks are duo every one
two years.
Miss Agnes Klster Is at home from j
the Mt. Angel college for the holiday !
Miss Rachel Miller, who for some
time has been staying In Woodburn, ;
is spending the holidays at home.
A little son was born in the Christ-
mas week to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Yoder.t
The Molalla river and its numerous
branches, owing to the action ot.the
warm weather on the snowy covering j
of adiacent mountains, added to thei
unusual rainfall, has risen to a height
hitherto unknown, even to our earliest
The nromntness of the ranchers In !
repairing bridges and in-restoring sub-jurday from a visit with relatives at
merged roads, surely deserve unspar- Bellingbam, Wash,
ing praise, especially as most ot the! The Five Hundred Club met Friday
work is done In drenching rain. j evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Alrln Hamilton, whose ' M. J. Lee. A pleasant evening was
marriage has been announced in a j spent at cards. Those present were
recent issue of this paper, are building i Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bair. Mr. and
n new home near Hubbard. The work ; Mrs. G. W. White. Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
is progressing as rapidly as the weath-j
er will permit.
The Mothers' club Is to meet for an
all-day session In the present week at
the home ot Its secretary, Mrs. G. M.
The Little Girls' Sewing Circle held
Its last meeting of the year on Satur
day, Dec. 29, at Mrs. Baldwin's home.
Mrs. Earl Evans, who was taken ee-
riouslr III while working In the rain :
on his mother's new cottage, is well!
enough, now. to resume work in all j
the Intervals of favorable weather.
The spring like temperature has an J
influence upon vegetation which is ;
shown bv the continued reign of fall ,
Not a few roses are still In
and !
GEORGE, Ore., Jan. 3. Rosa
Alford Jameson, of Portland, visited i
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Jamesen of George, Saturday night
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Star, ot Portland,
visited Mrs. Star's parents, Mr. Joyner
and family, of George, for a few days j
last week.
Mrs. H. Joyner was called to Port
land Christmas morning on account of
the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Bar
ney. Mrs. Ed Harders returned home Sat
urday, after a few days visit with her
daughter, Mrs. McClintock, ot Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson spent
Christmas in Portland, visiting rela -
tives and friends.
Mrs . Uoraland and . children, of
Gresham, are visiting Mrs. Doraland's '
sister, Mrs. P. Ruhl, this week. j
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horger, of!
"Portland, is visiting at the home of!
Mrs. ITorger's mother, Mrs. M. Kiln
ker. of George, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen spent!
Christmas in Estacada.
Mrs. Emma Doreland visited Mrs
T Harders last Thursday.
Mrs. and Mrs. Theodore Harders i
spent Christmas day with the former's
Bister, Mrs. R. Snyder, of Garfield
' '
Mrs. N. Scheel and children visited
Mr. and Mrs. P. Rath last Thursday, i
Miss Emma. Paulsen, of Portland. I
spent Christmas week at the home of I
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paul
sen, of Geor?e.
Mrs. M. Klinker, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Klinker, Chris Klinker and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Horger, visited Peter
Paulson's last Monday.
Mrs. P. Rath is visiting a few days
with relatives and friends at Kelso.
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs-. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass.,
In her S7th year, nays: "I thought X
wns beyond the rench of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pills have proven most
beneficial In my case."
Mr. Sam A. Hoover, High Point,
N. C writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at night and I had to get up
from five to seven times. Now I do
not have to get up at night, and con
aider myself in a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney JPill", a I have taken nothing
Mrs. Jf. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass.,
sa vs:
I suffered from' Kidney an
merits tor two. years, x commenueu
taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months
Biro, and though 1 am 81 years of age,
I feel like a 16-year-old girl."
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic,
strengthening and up-building, and
restore normal action to the kidneys
and to a disordered and painful blad
der. They act Quickly ami contain
no dangerous or harmful drugs.
' t ii ifc Mfc
Over the County
CANDY, Ore., Jan. S.- Miss Kda
Shull, of Portland, was a weekend
; guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Shull.
Mra- rMnk Zallmim was a Port,ad
jVgitor Tuesday.
... , , ,, , ,. ... i
Mi9 Florence Snetl is spending this,
Week w,,h reUtives ,tt 1 ortliUu1'
Miss Kellie Hampton was an Ore
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Priest, former
n ....... . o.. .... ....... i-,i..n.i ..lait.,.
irs ,m. r. sa.;or returned to neri
I Mrs. Roth's mother, Mrs. Stoddard.
ot Hubbard. Sunday.
Mr- and Mrs. Grant White spent j
uew tears wun menus in roruana.
MT- an( -Mrs- J- Mr were ron-i
'and visitors this week. J
Miss Mary Miller, of Monmouth, is
spending her vacation with her mother, 1
Mra- Nora Miller.
Mlss Burns, of Lebanon, was a guest,
f ner sister. Miss Eva Burns, this
ranK uoage. wno is employed in
the shipyards at Portland, spent the
week-end with his family in Canby.
. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Berkman
"d daughter. Barbara, returned Sat-
t-ccies, Mr. and Mrs. Artflur uranam,
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Knight, Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Bradtl, H. A. Berkman and Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Lee.
Harry Sherwood, of Macksburg, was
visiting friends in Canby Tuesday.
Mrs. W. H. Lucke was an Oregon
City visitor Saturday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Llvesay. who
have been residents of Canby for the
past three years, have moved to Port-;
land, where Mr. Livesay has accepted ;
a position in the ship yards.
J. Lee Eckerson made a business '
trip to Molalla Monday.
Prof, and Mrs. Harvey E. Toble re-
turned Saturday from a week's visit
with relatives in Salem and Corvallis.
Miss Nona Austin returned Tuesday
from a visij with relatives in Elgin, i
The Canby Red Cross auxiliary held
its regular' weekly meeting at the:
I. O. O. F. hall Friday afternoon. The ;
Re(j cross committees
on securing
membership have enrolled a large;
number of members the past week and ;
have about 200 members in and near,
Canby. Those present at the lastj
meeting were: Mrs. W. H. Bair, Mrs.;
E. G. Robinson, Mrs. Hoyt N. Brown,
Mrs. James Pitts, Mrs. M. E. Hong
han, Mrs. C. N. Wait, Mrs. H. Patch,
Mrs. H. C. Gilmore and Mrs. James
L. A. Brandes and son, Albert Bran
des, were Canby visitors Tuesday.
Miss Henrietta Beck, who is a mem
ber of clerical , force of the county
I clerk of Umatilla county, is spending
the holidays with her sister. Mrs. J.
jj,, Emerson
, George Bates spent Sunday with
his familv in Canby
j m m
Eagle Creek
I EAGLE CREEK, Ore., Jan. 2. W.
j Smith was a Portland visitor one day
last week. . j
Mrs. Boyce went to Portland last
; week to see her sister, who is ill.
I H. S. Gibson was a Barton visitor
last Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle enjoyed a
; family reunion on Christmas with the
0 r 1 nln..j TirrtrtllA
CALC"Liu" "L alm wauuo
ani1 families. All the children were
Present and enjoyed a merry time to-
Miss Naomi Paddison was a Port
land visitor one day last week.
Mrs. R. B. Gibson was in Portland
last week, the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Edith Chapman Eddy, while there.
Mrs. M. Dhulst was the guest of Lin
neman friends on Christmas day.
Mrs. A. Beckett, who has been in
Portland for a short time, returned
home last week.
Mrs. Viola Douglass was the dinner
guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Murphy entertained
Mr. Dhulst at dinner on Christmas.
J. P. Woodle and son, Ray, are mak
ing sone improvements on the school
house. Clyde Smith, of Eagle Creek, lost
his store, dwelling-house and all out
buildings by fire last Saturday morn
ing. The fire had gained such head
way before Its discovery that it was
Impossible to save any of the build
ings, but some of the furniture was
CHICAGO, Jan. 1. Falkert, son of
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Vandermeulen, 284
Stafford street, Portland, Will wed
Miss Naomi Salmon, of Berwya, 111.,
near this city, et January 5.
' niM ' fc 1 1 laii iiii m
CLARKES. Ore., Jan. 2. Miss Edtui
Elmer, of Corvallis, Is visiting her par-
ents over her holiday vacation.
noui, u uie who ui jonn i.. unra, ni
daughter, on Christmas moruing, Dec. Mrs. Fred Woodsides. ot UlngY Val
25th. The mother and child are doing j 0y, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Ma-
Mr. and Mis. Otto Elmer, of Mon-
tana, are visiting their relatives and
friends over the holidays.
Mr. Freid. of North Dakota, is visit-
Ing W. II. Wettlaufcr and family for a river, spent Christmas with his moth
short time, jer, Mrs. Mahala Wallace,
William Kleinsmith, who was draft- Mrs. E. J. Maple spent Christmas
I ed in the army, visited his mother,
Mrs. Christena Kleinsmith, and family;
last Sunday and Monday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kalph and i
son. Arthur, from Oregon City, visited !
her rarents. W. H. Uottemiller and!
family over Christmas.
Kobert Zwahlen, of Fair View, came
home last Saturday to stay for a while.
r.awin uottomiuer came nome from
International Falls, Minnesota, last
Miss Engla Bergman Is visiting her
friends in Portland over the holidays, j
miss reari stromgreen. from Ortgon,
Henry Nelson, while barking a log
last Saturday afternoon at tarklns'
mill, chopped his foot badly with an
ax. ne was rusnea to tne Oregon City
Day Time-Night Time-Any Time
: ;
THE STOVER ENGINE is an ideal farm power. More than that it is a prac
tical farm power. The Stover Engine is simple and strong. It has few parts.
Take the cut of the Stover shown here and compare it with the picture of any
other engine on the market. Compare the engines themselves if you can. Note
the difference. Notice that the Stover is stronger and better in every detail. Now,
why don't you get next to the fact that you are cheating yourself by not owning
one of these engines? Everyday you are doing lots of work that could be better
and more cheaply done by a Stover Engine. Get the idea that an owner of a gaso
line engine has to be an engineer out of your head. He doesn't that is, if his
engine is a Stover. A few minutes instruction will make you able to operate
your Stover as an old hand. That's why we say that the Stover is an ideal farm
power. It is made right. It is giving satisfaction to 3500 users right here at home
in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. We sell them in sizes ranging from one to
sixty horse power.
(gfi Portland,
iivI.WH iniinin
hospital, and Dr. Mount Is attending!
nlri- j
Miss Elizabeth Marshall, of Oregon:
City, 13 visiting her parents, Mr. and !
Mrs. Fred Marshall, and family over!
the holidays
Little Alma and Ruth Buol, daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buol, are ill
with pneumonia in Oregon City, and
are at the home of Mr. Buol's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Buol.
Miss Elda Marquardt, of Oregon
City, visited her father, G. Marquardt;
and family, over Chrihtmas
Mr. and Mrs. Odin Anderson are
spending their holidays in ortland with
the latter's parents.
Bandon Construction to begin soon
on condensery here.
Men and women snould not suffer
was troubled with kidney and bladder
from backache, rheumatic pulns, stiff
joints and swollen, sore muscles, when
relief can be easily had. James Mc
Crery, Berrien Center, Mich., says he
trouble for two years; would have to
get up several times during the night
and had painB across his kidneys. He
used several kinds of medicine without
relief, but Foley Kidney Pills cured
him. Many such letters, coma every
day from all parts of the country.
Jones Drug Co. Adv.
MUUNO, Ore., Jan. 2,-Mr. U. W.
Smith was a Canby visitor lust Frl-
I 1ay.
fij Sc!
hool will begin abitln January 7,
; after a vacation of two weeks.
i Miss Grace Sehuebel Is spending the
holidays hero In Mulino, visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Solum
bol. Mr. and Mrs. August Krlckson audi
son. Woldon, were Portland visitors
last Friday.
Mrs. Joe Daniels and childreu. who
spent vnrisunas at tunny wuu mrs.
imniets parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Uurns. returned homo last Krl.lav.
hala Wallace.
Mra, c, x nowan, VM m Oregon
; city visitor last Friday,
j jw.. wall.,. who 'i enmlnved in
i the logging camps on the Columbia
' week with relatives and friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mult spent the
holidays with friends and relatives in
Ellas Iloughten. aud his daughter.
Helta, of Meadowbrook, were Mulino
visitors Tuesday.
The dance given In Mulino hall last
Saturday night for the benefit of the
Ked Cross, was a grand success lu
every way. After all expenses wort
paid there was a net sum ot over $40.
The women donated the supper and
their services In serving it. Mr. and
wno neipea maKe this dance a
cessful affair for tho benefit of the
Red Cross.
Mrs. Leslie Holiday leaves next Sun
W. J.
day for Dallas, to visit her sister, Mrs.
C. M .Daniels.
Horn, Doc. 25, to the wife of John
Keepler, a buby boy.
Mrs. Benjamin Howes visited with
friends in Portland last week,
Mr. und Mrs. August Erickson and
children went to Oregon City on New
Years day to partake of a dinner given
in their honor by Mr. and Mrs. Frod
Mr. Carlson soent Christmas in
Oregon city, as the guest ot his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Fred Erickson.
DAMASCUS, Ore., Jan. 3. Mrs. Cas
per Schetnlkl is again quite ill.
The llttlo daughter of Harry Feath
ers, who has been alarmingly ill with
spinal meningitis, is reported much
improved, at this writing.
Red Cross Workers from this vicin
ity are sending in good reports of their
efforts both in auxiliary work and the
Christmas drive.
Next- Saturday will be the installa
tion of officers in Damascus grange
No. 260. The services are public and
every one invited for the afternoon
Oregon fur industry amounts
$100,000 annually.
' i
KELSO, Jan. 1- Kelso's Christmas
Ked Cross drive brought In 62 mem
bers anil totaled $53 In cash, Mrs,
Kobert Jonsrud was campaign man
ager and solicitor.
The Kelso Hod Cross auxiliary meets
every 'Thursday, all day, In It. Jons
rud' lit t lo brown cottage, which is
used as a workroom. The members
number 17. which will bo Increased by
the recent drive for members. At the
last meeting six comfort nlllow were
, made and thirty holders. At the prov -
ions meeting a duson hospital ahlrts
and a dosen bandages wore finished.
The Misses Margaret and Angela
Canning spent the holidays nt the
homo of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Canning.
Eunice Jonsrud, Llllle Jonsrud aud
lliuel Dunn, the two former hlKh
schoul students In Portland, and tho
latter In Grtham, spent Christmas va
cation at their respective homes hero.
Mrs, Louise Nelson, principal of our
school, returned to her homo hero
artor spending the holidays lu Port
land. She was accompanied by her
husband, H. Nelson, who has been em
ployed near Pendleton sluco lust sum
mer. Mrs. Annie flowen. of Portland, and
Mrs. P. Rath, of George, visited nt
the homo of their mother, Mrs. C. J,
Llndall, during tho holidays.
Robert Jonsrud recently purchased
a gasoline drag-saw for which he also
Is agent.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Llndholm are going
to Portland to reside.
HARLOW, Ore.. Jan. S. Albert
Ausve came home last week on a visit
j from ValleJIo. Calif., where ho is serv
ing In the navy. Monday he surprised
his many friends by entering Into mat
rimony with Miss Myrtle llurgess, of
The Stover
Is Ready for Work
Wilson & Co.
Canby. We wish the newly wedded
pair happiness and prosperity In tholr
Journey through life.
Mr. and Mrs. Portor's little son, aged
five years, died with pneumonia Sun
day night, after being ill but a short
time. Mr. and Mrs. Porter have the
sympathy of this community.
Mrs. Cummings, of Oswego, who is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hayes, has two children very ill with
Miss Agnes Berg is home for the
holiday vacation from Monmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Young are moving into
rooms in Mr. Jesse's house.
Charles Larson and family, of Seat
tle, visited his parents the first of the
The Red Cross solicitors obtained
30 members in this district with sev
eral pledging themselves to Join. The
solicitors appointed by Mrs. Irwin,
chairman, were Emma Berg, Edward
and Charlie Dregnie and Robert Tre
maync. The chairman wishes to thank
the young people for tholr kindly aid.
Gilbert Smith was found guilty by
Recorder L. L. Porter ot West Linn
Friday and sentenced to pay a fine of
$10. He was charged with using vile
and insulting language in violation of
a West Linn city ordinance. Smith
was defendod by C. Sehuebel, and O.
D. Eby appeared for the city.
MKADOWimoOK, Ore., Jan. I--Several
from hero attended the lied
Cross meeting at Vnlon Mills Wednes
day evening.
A, U l.nrkln ami family were enter
tained at O. F. Johnson's homo Sun
day evening.
Miss Alice llolmnu. of McMlnnvllle,
spent her t'hrlsimns vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
P. O, f hlndgren and family aud M
i D. rhlndgreii spent Thursday evening
at llolmaii's homo
There will be literary at the Union
Mills school January 12. This will bo
tho first meeting,
P. O. t'ltlmlKt'cn and family, M. 1
ChludKi'en, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Dol
man, attended the New Year "wako"
at Colton Monday evening.
School will begin Monday, January
7th. after two weeks' vacation.
A. L. La i kins aud family, O, V. John
sou's young folks attended the sur
prise party on I. O. Oroni, of Cedar
dale, Monday evening,
Elk Prairie
Kt.K I'HAIHIK, Or,. Jan. 3. Huy
Thomas vlsitm! In this neighborhood
Hiissrs. Shaw and Collins hud to re
move tlitilr pot it I lien from tholr new
ct'iliir owing to water aftr nu-ont
Mr. ('olllns mnde a busliiPHS trip to
MoIuIIh, a few days ago.
The Hilton boys have improved th
Elk Prulr! road by cutting tho ovor
hnnglug brush.
Mr. Hummer, of MiilnllH, wns re
cently visiting with rulutlvvs in Scott
Even up lu the mountulns one could
set his clock n tho New Yonr was ush
ered In, a one could hear the blusting
miles away.
Mr. uud Mrs. I). II. Gray and son,
Prank, of Falls View Farm, woro r
rent visitors at tho lludger homeHtend.
After the holidays Mr. Gray will
help his little sun to r-crog liutte
Creek, which I very high just at pres
ent, so that ho can attend school iu
Marlon county. There r four pupils
attending tho school at present.
C. K. Thomas nindn a trip to the
valley recently on busies.
DAMASCTS, Or . Jan. 2 -Mrs. Mark
Anderson Is visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 8. N. Fredolph.
Mm. Mnry Watts went to Portland
Mr. and Mrs. ii. Hock were vUltlng
at the Hackman home Sunday.
Mrs. Charlie Thorpe called on her
sister, Mrs. Marlon Reed. Saturday.
Tho monthly missionary meeting
was held at the home of Mrs. Ell Hud
dle. t Mrs. Win, Rainey, from Oregon Cliy,
; was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John
Moor, Monday.
! Some of the neighbors gathered at
A. W. Cooke's Monday evening and
watched the old year out and the new
year in.
Mr. Fredolph went to Portland Mon
day. Tho long looked for play shed 1 be
ing built on the school ground, so the
kiddies can have a good time without
getting so wet.
Miss Msry Hock was the week- end
guest ot Mrs. Nellie Gurharlls.
CARVER. Ore.. Jan. 2. The Red
Cross workers have had a busy week,
but it brought results.
Bakers Bridge Gratign No. 652, has
formed u stock company and prepar
ing to build a hall In the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hattan spent
Friday at the home of J. It. Dallas.
Mrs. Hattnn is assisting in Red Cross
auxiliary work. She Is chairman of
lied Cross auxiliary at Stono.
R. L. Penke Is moving his belongings
from the Moffett ranch, and Is winter
ing In Carver.
The M. W. of A. added quite a num
ber to its memberships in Damascus
lodge last week. Those are Wllford
Drown, Win. Nolund, Olllo Cradeo and
Chas. Hattan, of Carver; and Guy
Hobbs, Harold Gerhardus, Lester New
ell, has. Rankin and C, Carlson, of
Damascus. All took the degree work
In Portland Saturday tilght. They
were accompanied by a number of the
older members of Damascus Camp No,
At an expense of only $9.72, Clack
amas county maintained un exhibit at
1,10 Manufacturer and Land Products
show at Portland last fall, according
to a report filed by O. E. Froytag, who
gathered the exhibit and who had
charge of it. The display was enterod
at the oloventh hour and was not lo
cated advantageously, as tho desirable
spaces were taken, but It secured a
second prize ot $200, and the uctual
cost of handling the exhibit was
$209.72, Including Mr. Froytag'a per
sonal charge of $100 for his work.
to slepers. in
toledo, ohio
Toledo, Jan. 1, Fire in a two-story
apartment here early today, caused
when a lighted candle foil from a
Christmas tree, trapped three sleepers.
The dead are:
Mrs. Fllx Schmidt, 23; William
Meinen, 8, and Agnes Meinon, 10.
The husband of the woman and the
parents of the children received seri
ous injuries.
Jennings Lodge
J1CNNINGH I.oiuili;, Ore., Jaa I
Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Itoblnson am
spending th holidays with Mrs. Holt.
Iiihoii'n parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lang, of
Portland. Mrs, Robinson and sun,
Morris, spent several days with frluiuls
at the l.odgo.
Miss Ituili Cook had (lie misfortune
to burn her arm onn day last week.
James ,Wnldron spent lhi holidays
with his daimltler, Alice, ut Kvurutl,
W ii nil. Miss Wuldroii Is nocrctury of
tha V. W, 0. A, at that place,
Miss Gertrde Kntittedy spout aevorttl
days of her vacation with her sister,
Mrs. Nick Humphreys, of West Unu.
Harold Pratt aud sister, Jennie, of
liock I're.'k, milium county, nr v lull
ing relatives nt ids UhIhu.
MIn lesn Huberts vutertaliteil lu
their houor on Saturday evening with
Hid guests as ioIIowi; Tim Misses
Lena Cosily, Jennie I'ltilt. Hewitt
Campbell, Untold Pratt, Arthur Rob
erts. ,
Mrs, W. a Eddy and son. Wllbwrt,
of Oregon City, wre Kuday guests of
Mrs. il. E, Brum hert and family,
Mr. and Mrs. McUme and sou. Ches
ter, aud daughter, Evalyu. uud v,y
Harbour tiro spending (ha holidays (it
nliroruln the former home of tha Mc
Clauei They shipped their largo
touring car and are having a delightful
Hugh 11. Fleming and bride, nee
Mury E. Pierce, have reunited to the
Unlge, after a honeymoou trip to 8u
atllu. where they visited with Mr.
Plcmmliig's parent.
Wllnia llreclirrt was weekend
guest at (he Geo. Beta homo la Port
laud. Our boys, who were sunt at dele
gates to the Hoys' Conference ml Ha
lem, ruptured tha pennant fur best
ttltiiidiuue and conduct at the con
ference. The delegates were Arthur
Thicker and Huns lluumKartnnr.
Mary and Wllum Hruechert attend
ed the t'tirlntmuH party led by Mrs.
C. 11. Dye. at the Congregational
church In Oregon City, December 17.
Grandma William ha returned
from a visit to her daughter la Wis
cuiimIii. White there she wm taken
III and Churle Williams hastened to
WlHCoimln and brought her hum.
New ha been received of the tuar
rluge of Miss Mildred Fonder and
Slnclulr Gamut, of Southern Califor
nia. Mi Feuduer wa one of the
intmt popular girl In Oregon City high
school, which she attended for several
year. Only tills fall she removed
with her family to Oakland, Calif.
George Shaver and family have
gone to Tttcoum to remain, the for
mer having accepted a position with
the Singer Sewing Machine Co. at
that place.
Tho death of Dr. Mary Furnu htt
been a shock to the community. She
paMsod away at Good Sauurltaa hos
pital In Portland during the sight ot
Decombur 30th. In the death of Ml
Farnum the community bat loct one
of It moat tlretes worker In all lines
ot public welfare. The funeral will
be held today, Wednesday, Janaarjr 3,
at the Crematorium.
Rev. Lawrence Plank and brother,
Paul Plank, were visitor at Pref. Hol
loway'a home on New Year day.
Rev. Plank leave thl week to take
up hi duties as pastor of the Congre
gational church at Huntington. Ore.
The following Interesting letter has
been received from Private Aide W.
Kelly, and will be of Interest to hi
many friend. He finds the T. M. C.
A. a boon to the soldiers. He I with
tho aviator "Somewhere In Harope."
Monday, Nov. It.
Dear Mother: I do not know much
about censorship, so do not kaow It
you will be able to read all of this.
Wo have been on the water eleven
days. We arrive Wednesday or Thurs
day. This has been a cruiser, also a
freighter. We are fixed pretty com
fortable. The bath are salt, and it
Is hurd to got clean, but It la better
than nothing.
The food Is not so good, bit I am
glad that I have anything to eat I
have been on look out, and it la on
one day and 98 the next. We are on
from (I a. m. to 6 p. m, one hour on,
two off. We are on the top dock, look
ing out for submarines, torpedoes,
etc. It makes one feel sorry for the
English whon you seo the little follow
waiting oh table, some of them don't
look over eight or nine yeur old.
We just received a package from the
Army Transfer Girls' fund. It contain
ed a package of Hull Durham, a can
of Tuxedo, and a box ot mutches. I
gave mine to one of my friends. We
have hud llttlo bud weather, o far.
I have been fooling fine the whole
trip. I have had all my money changed
to English money.
Tuesday, December 0 After land
ing We have not -boon able to go to
town yet, Wo aro not on a pleasure
trip, so should not be disappointed.
We saw It from a hill top the othor
tiny, it Is - quite large, and must be
very old. We saw a church olght hun
dred years old.
I do not know what we would do
without the Y. M. C. A. I have just
hud a cup ot cocoa, a ploce of cuke,
(a sort of broad with raisins), They
tiro saving of everything, water, light,
etc. The Y. M. C. A. Kavo a fine en
tertainment the othor night. It euro
was groat. Thoy were all professional
You can buy food here only at cer
tain hours. The poople at homo do
not ruull.o how much thoy could save.
Thoy are going to have an entertain
ment nt C:30 tonight by the N. Y. club.
Your son,
Gardiner Three sawmills bolna- con
structed on Umpqua river to oporato
A Itnslnss Ttinelarr of rncti CHy,
Tikuii uml V i 11 , . . f 1
, . - - w-..i... 'r-Kn una
VViiBiiiuatoB, Kivtiir a DMiiiiv
. ",W"J. VHMW JMK'iUlon,
JthWnr Wintl aud t:iKi!
aud l'roloimioii.
B. K. TOfjc ft CO., las,
Bitattio, Wh.