Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1917, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Commander of Destroyer Jacob Jones,
and One Gun Pointer Who Wat Killed
WAHHINUTON, Deo, 25.--Prollml-urjr
arrangements lookliiR t the enll
lug oui of thn next contingent of the
ilntft army worn (IIhcumkhiI at a confer
enco at tho war department between
Secretary of Wur llukor ntul Provost
Marshal (leimrnt Crowdnr,
itfii(iMHini'utiin or nil drafted men
not now with (ho colon), In accord
ance with tho extent to which their
lrtwt'ii t ict'iiiut Iiiiih tiro enitmitlul to
i bo coiulurt o( tho wur, U expected to
ho -1 1 11 1 t i t ti 1 1 before February 1, lto
Kiirdlni! reports tluit plans have bmm
completed to cull out 313,0(10 men on
that date, Secretary lliikor, following
hlii conference with Gnnt'M Crowder,
nuthorUod this Htiileiucut:
"Tln'io In no Justification (or any
report concerning u definite ditto for
tlm next cull nor on to tlio number to
lo culled out." .
It In understood the conference dealt
particularly with tho problem of
IuMIhIiIiik ca iiiiih whore druftcd mini
can first ln gathered for medical ob
servation before being mint to the
trnlultiK cantonments.
I'lCTKOGUAD, Thursday, Doe. 25.
liii'oMtt.iut lighting tiuM occurred In
many purl of I'ctrngrud In connection
with the efTurU to chock drunkenness
itiul prevent tlm raiding of wlno coll
urn. A moll raided ono dlstlllei y, whore
K soldiers drunk UitmiioilvcN to death
Fifteen persons were killed iiinl
wounded when an armored motor at
lucked tho illHtlllery, which was set
on fire. Tho fire department was pre
vented from extinguishing tho bliiito
by rowdleH, and utuny persons were
hurneil before the Hltuutlon was
hroiiKht under control.
Tho streets urn run n Iiik with wine
In many sections, whore the soldiers
are pumping wine out of the cellar
to prevent disorder.
hundred and sixty-nine convicts, aome
of th' tn serving llfo sentences, punned
from the Okahoma atute penitentiary
to freedom today. One hundred of
them will not have to return, aa they
have been granted Official pardons by
the governor. Others have been pa
roled and 43 will be allowed to spend
the Christmas bollduys with their fam
ilies on their promise to return Janu
ary 2 to roHumo nerving tholr sentences.
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Notlca of Final Settlement.
In the matter of the estate of Amanda
Maronay, deceased:
Notice In hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Amanda Maronay, has filed In the
County Court of Clackamas County,
OroKon, his final account as such ad
ministrator of said estate and that
Monday, the 4th day of February, A. D.
1919, at the hour of ten o'clock A, M.,
hus been fixed by said court as the
time for hearing objections to said re
port and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the estate of
Amanda Maronay, deceased.
Attorneys for administrator.
the county court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Clackamas ad
ministrator of th.9 estate of Mansfield
HonntcliHen, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby required to present them to
mo at the oflce of C. Schuebel, Oregon
Cly, On-gon, properly verified as by
law required, within six months from
the dute hereof.
Data of first publication December
20, 1917.
Aduilnlsrator of the Kutate of Man
. field SonnlchHen, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Notlca to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
Notice Is hereby given that the un-
Orcgon, for tne county or ciacKa-: derlKnd has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of James Gar
field Smith, deceased, by the County
Uertha Morse, plaintiff,
William Henry Morse, Jr., Defendant
No. 15334.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
John Benson, Plaintiff,
The unknown heirs of Eliza McKlnney,
deceased; Sarah A. Bessellen,
Charles K. Bessellen and Frederic
Cage; also all other persons or par
ties unknown claiming any light,
title, estate, lien, or Interest In the
real estate described In the com
plaint herein, Defendants.
To the unknown heirs of Eliza Mo
klnney, deceased; Sarah A. Bessellen,
Charles K. Bessellen, and Frederic
Gage; also all other persons or par
ties unknown, claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real;
estate described In the complaint'
herein, the above named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon,'
you and each of you are hereby re-!
hour of ten o'clock a. m.. la hta of
fice as the time and place for hearing
objections to the final account, and
the settlement thereof niade In the
estate of John L Stewart, deceased,
by L. C. Stewart, administrator de
bonis non of said estate.
Wm. M. Stone, and Gordon K, Hayes,
quired to appear and answer, or oth
erwlse nlead to the comnlalnt of the
Court of the State of Oregon for Diaintiff Ied herein aeainflt vn.i in
Clackamas County, and has qualified, f lh above entitled auit on or hfifore th
To William Henry Morse. Jr.. Defend- -A pmfl havlng cMtM agalmlt saldjmh day of KebruarV( m8 whlch
In the name of the State of Oregon, th8 .am(, dlllv vf!rif ie(1 bv iaw re
you are hereby required to appear and ; (lllrC(l( t0 the undersigned at 809
answer the complaint filed against you CnHmt)(,r of Commerce, Portland, Ore
in the above entitled suit, on or before ; gon wlthIn ,x monthg (rom the date
the expiration of lx weeks from the h(.r(,of.
dute of the first publication of this; j,a(e(1 an(, flrst pubUHhed December
summons, which date is hereinafter ; 21st m7
stated, and if you fall so to appear and j ' ' elLEX E. SMITH,
answer, for want thereof, the plalnUffi Administratrix.
will in citner event appiy io me court M n Meacham, Attorney, 803 Cham
for the relict prayed for In her com- ,.. , Commerce Bide.. Portland. Or.
lalnt, to-wit:
For a decree forever dissolving the
mils of matrimony between plaintiff
nd defendant, and for such other re
ef as may be Just and equitable.
You are hereby served with this
summons personally, pursuant to an
order made by the Hon. J. U. Camp-
ell, Judge of the above entitled court,
uly made and entered In the above
ntltled court and cause on the 8th
day of December, 1!17, which order
estate are ncreoy notmeu to present more than u weekg after flrgt
publication of this summons. And if
f C0MCAVlQ.'wVRTH.8M.tf
defendants have no estate, title, claim, i ,. a
ber. 1017 and if you fail so to answer. , ,ntcregt or Uen in or npon gald reai e8-1 bondg heretofore and n'ow exlgtIng be.
I.lmitenunt Commander David Worth Iluglcy, In command of the Jacob
Jones, the flrst United States warship to be sunk by a German torpedo, was
saved when the vessel went down. Commander Uugley Is a brother-in-
law of Josephus Daniels, secretary of the navy. Frederick Mangonhelmer
of Brooklyn waa a gun pointer on the vessel. He loBt his life. Ills father
came from Germany.
directs among other things, that you ' , .hB mmnIInt fl,fi .,.i.f. 7. Vu.. " "I you ,au lo appear answer to sum
shall be served with summons in this j " . Z"iT:nTMrt p,alntlff wlU Uka 4 decree
It by the publication thereof. In the j r 't-"l'tut7 ot n ecem "! J" . , r " "ta ltt her clnt M'
manner provided uy law, ana mat you .
shall appear and answer to said com
plaint on or before the expiration of
six weeks from tha date of the first
publication of this summons, which
date is fixed by said order as Decem
ber 28, 1917.
This summons Is first published De
cember 28, 1917.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Hood River, Oregon.
Enemy Ally to
Avoid Trouble With Us
L ' J
CORVALUS, Doc. 25. (Speplal)
F. J. Tooxe, auperlutendent of schools
In Oregon City, is scheduled as one of
tho speakers in tho Thrift Conference
which will be hold here during Farm
ers and Homo Milkers' Week, Dec. 31
to Jnuuary 6.
Tho call of the government for econ
omy in production, commcrce( and
consumption has made the question of
thrift one of paramount importance
at this time. President S. W. Straus
of the American Socloty for Thrift,
will bo here from New York city to ad
dress the conference.
Mr. Tooze will Bpcak on the subject
"Thrift and the Public Schools." Oth
er prominent speakers, among them
Dean J. A. Baxoll, of O. A. C, Presi
dent W. E. Kylor, of Benton County
State Bank, and State Club Leader II.
C. Seymour, will address the confer
ence, which meets on Thursday, Janu
ary 3.
Stephen Paneratoff, Bulgarian min
ister to tho United States, has Just
Issued a statement In which he de
clares that his country will never con
sent to shedding American blond on
tho battlefields of Europe. "Bulgarian
people," he said, ''welcomed the en
trance of tho United States Into the
wur, bucuuso they feel that rogurdlpHS
of what comos they will now receive
a 'square deal'."
LONDON, Doc 25 The Great Krupp
gun works at Essen, the chief source
of Germany's armamont supply, has
boen swept by fire, but the extent of
damage done Is not known.
A wireless message from Maest-
rlcht, Holland, picked up today by the
British admiralty, said that workmen
arriving there from Essen said that
the works had been burning tor 24
Deputy United States Marshal
T. Mass loft Tuesday evening tor San
Francisco, taking with him several
prisoners. Mr. Mass wbb accompanied
by his eon, Wulluce Mass, who will
act as a guard for one of the men
Wallace will also visit his aunt, Mrs.
W. K. Boglio, of Rutherford, Califor
nia, and will later take tho required
examination to entor the navy at Goat
Island. The bone of his arm, which
was reconlly brokon while he waB play
ing football, Is knitting. Ills brother,
Ernost Mass, Jr., loft two weeks ago
for Goot Island, where he la In the
training station.
LONDON, Dec. 25. The engage
mont Is nnounend of Esther, daughter
of Qrovor Cleveland, to Captain BoBan
quet of the Coldstream Guards. Cup
tain BoBanquot, a son of Sir Albert
BosanqiH't, has boen docorated with
the distinguished service order.
The Krupp arms works are the big
gest In the world and have been the
mainstay In supplying the German
army with guns and ammunition.
E. K. and Clara A. Dart, to Virgil
Dart. Tract In section 19 township
south, range 2 east. 40 acres section
19 and 30, township 5 south, range
cast; $10.00.
Sam and May B. Staaldulne to
Frank Ott. 10 acres In section 2, town
ship 2 south, range 2 eastf $10.00.
Frank E. and Bessie E. Andrews to
Charles L. Andrews, lots 1 and
block 9. South Oregon City; $10.
II. A. Kaylor to Oscar L. and Ruth
E. Kaylor, 136 acres section 21, town
ship 5 south, range 2 east; $12,000.
Ryal A. and Ma B. Hutchlns to It
N. Warnock, tract In section 27, town
ship 1 south, range 4 east; $1000.
Northwestern Trust company
Walter I. and Lulu C. Larson, lot
block 12. also lot 16 block 3. Rlsley
tracts; $10.
William and Susie Edwards to Phil
Hp Schnorr, lots 7 and 8, block 7, Sun
sot City; $10.
Fred aid Mary F. Elllgsen to E,
and Emma Sharp, 13.95 acres in sec
tlon 7, township 3 south, range 1 east
Salem Land company to Henry An-
derogg, tract 20, Woodburn Orchard
tracts; $1.
E. J. Barber to Ole Spor, lot 26, Bar
well Park; $10.
R. M. and Delia A. Butler to Ole
Spor, lots 27 and 28, Barwell Park
i tin
Theodore and Dora Schmidt to E.
A. Richards, 59.85 acres In section 5,
township 2 south, range 3 east; $10,
000. Julia C. LaBarre to Farmers' State
Bank. 160 acres In section 4, township
6, south, range 4 east; $1.
Northwestern Trust company to Ar
thur and Elizabeth Alice Fleming, lot
25, block "F," View Acres; $10.
L. F. and T. Bowlsby to W. N. Drap
er, 2 acres In section 4, township 4
south, range 1 east; $1050.
Charles F. and Harriet C. Powers to
II. Hale and Maude Clarke, east half,
lot 7, Concord; $2400.
Nettie Connott to Caleb C. Hall, 80
acres, in section 28, township 1 south,
range 5 east; $S00.
II. B. and Hattlo M. Pendelton to
Fred W. German lots 55, to 57, Bar-
well Park; $10.
Albort L. and Clara R. Kent - to
Harry C. and Emma A. Burmester, 2
acres In section 32, township 1 south,
range 2 east; $10.
you fail to appear or answer, or other
wise plead to said complaint, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the re-1
lief prayed for In the complaint herein,
namely, for a decree adjudging that,
you have no claim In, estate or Inter-.
Notlca to Credltora
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
administrator of the estate of Will
iam Brobst, deceased, by the county
court of Clackamas County, Oregon;
any and all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
them to the undersigned, duly vert
fled as by law required, at the of
fice of Hammond and Hammond,
Oregon City, Oregon, within alx
months from the date of this notice.
Administrator of the estate of
William Brobst, deceased.
First publication November 30,
Last publication, December 23,
No. 15264.
Merchants National Bank, of Portland,
Oregon, a national banking associa
tion, plaintiff,
Judith M. Joy, defendant.
To Judith M. Joy, the defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
est, lien, or title in or to the real es-; Genevieve Elam, Plaintiff,
tate aescriDeu in me complaint ana
herein described, situate In the county
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to
wlt: The Southeast Quarter of the South
east Quarter of Section Thirty-four;
the South half of the Southwest Quar
ter of Section Thirty-five; the South
west quarter of the Southeast quar
er of Section Thirty-five, all in Town
ship Two, South, Range Two, East of
the Willamette Meridian.
The plaintiff further prays in said
complaint that each of said defendants
Lemuel E. Elam, Defendant.
To Lemuel E. Elam, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear on or before Monday, January 7,
1918, and answer the complaint tiled
against you, In the above entitled suit,
the date of the flrst publication of
this summons, which first publication
Is the 23rd day of November, 1917,
the date of the last publication being
the 4th day of January, 1918, and If
for want thereof the plaintiff will taketale. the defendants, and each of
default against you and will apply tothem be perpetually enjoined and
the Court for the relief demanded In j barred from further asserting any
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
Levy W. Myers, plaintiff, vs. C. W.
Kern, Lucena Kern, his wife, liuess
Rudolph, and Saratoga Investment
Company a corporation, defendants.
To Pluess Rudolph one of the above
named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer, or otherwise plead, to tne
complaint filed against you In the
above entitled Court and cause, on or
before the first day of February, 1918,
and If you fall to so appear and answer
said complaint or otherwise plead
thereto, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in the complaint, to
wit: For a Judgment and decree of
foreclosure of that certain mortgage
made and executed by C. W. Kern and
Lucena Kern his wife, to Joseph Un
ternahrer on the 2Sth day of April. 1911.
and afterwards assigned to the plain
tiff herein, and duly recorded at page
25 of Book 81 Records of Mortgages
for Clackamas County, Oregon, on the
29th day of April. 1911, which mort-
the complaint, to-wit: For a Judgment
and decree of the Court against you
for the recovery of the sum of Five
Hundred ($500.00) Dollars with inter
est on said sum at the rate of freight
(8) per cent per annum from the
20th day of February. 1917, and attor
ney's fees of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars in
this suit and taxes on the premises
hereinafter described for the year
1914, in the sum of Nine and 39-100
($9.39) Dollars, and taxes for the year
1916 on said premises in the sum of
Sixteen and 42-100 ($16.42) Dollars,
paid by the plaintiff, and for plaintiff's
costs and disbursements In the above
entitled suit, all upon and accordance
with that certain promissory note and
mortgage made and delivered by you
on the 20th day of February, 1915, to
Allan R. Joy, for the sum of Five Hun
dred ($500.00) Dollars, and assigned
by said Allan R. Joy to the above
named plaintiff, and for the foreclos
ure of said mortgage upon the follow
ing described premises, to-wit:
All of the Southwest Quarter (S.W.
U) of Section Four (4), In Township
Five (5) South of Range Four (4)
East of the Willamette Meridian, in
Clackamas County, Oregon, and for
the sale of the same by the Sheriff of
said Clackamas County, the proceeds
of said sale to be applied upon the
amounts owing by you to the plaintiff
upon your said promissory note, attor
ney's fees, taxes, costs and disburse
ments, In accordance with the law and
the practice of the said Court; declar
ing said mortgage to be a prior and
title, claim, estate, or Interest In or to
tween the plaintiff, Genevieve Elam,
and the defendant, Lemuel E. Elam,
be dissolved. and held for naught
This summons is published pur-
said real estate; that the plaintiff ( gnant t0 an or(jer made an(j entered
be decreed to be the owner in fee Blnv
pie thereof, free from all claims of the
defendants, and that the plaintiff's
title thereto be quieted, and for other
proper relief.
This summons is hereby served up
on you by publication thereof for six
successive weeks by authority of an
order made by Hon. J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled court, dat
ed the 21st day of December, 1917, di
recting publication of this summons
in the Oregon City Enterprise, a news
paper of general circulation printed
and published at Oregon City, Oregon.
Postofflce address, 301-303 Piatt
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Date of first publication Dec. 28, 1917.
Date of last publications, Feb. 8, 1918.
trnira la nnnn the south half Of the
southwest quarter and the southwest j tint Hen upon said premises and bar
NEW YORK, Doc 25. After six let
ters signed by hor had boen found in
the possession of a Norwegian arrest
ed on a charge of smuggling mail to
Germany, Miss Astrld Amundsen,
daughter of h eaptuln in the Nor
wegian navy, was arrested at her
home in Brooklyn by agents of the
naval Intelligence bureau. Miss
Amundsen had addressed the letters
to relatives and friends In a neutral
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Caturrh ts a local dlisraso, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cur it you must take an
Internal remody. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken Internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous Bin-faces ot tho
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one ot the bust physicians
In this country for years. It is com
posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the best blood
furiflers. The perfect combination of
he Ingredients in Hull's Catarrh Medi
cine Is what produces such wonderful
results In catarrhal conditions. Bend for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All DrurirtH, Wc.
Hail's I''mlly Pills tor constipation.
Myron WiBhart of Parkdale, Oregon
and Miss Jean Martin, a popular tele
phone operator of Willamette, Oregon,
were granted a license to wed Thura
FOR SALE Registered Guernsey
Bull 2 years old. Gentle and good
breeder. Write or phone Phil. Stein
er, Beaver Creek.
for dead cows and down and out
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone
Mllwaukie 69-J.
quarter of the southeast quarter of
Section 32 In T. 2 S. R. 7 E. ot the
Willamette Meridian In Clackamas
County, Oregon, and was given for
the sum of $3500. One Thousand Dol
lars of which sum has been paid, leav
ing a balance ot $2500.00 principal to
gether with interest thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum since July
2Sth, 1916, for the sum ot $250 espe
cial Attorney's fees herein and for the
costs and disbursements of this suit.
That said sum ot $2600 and interest
from July 28th, 1916, at 8 per cent per
annum, and $250 attorneys fees be de
clared a first Hen upon said mortgages
premises. " That all ot said mortgaged
real property be sold as by law pro
vided under decree of said Court to
satisfy said Judgment and decree ot
foreclosure, and if there is any remain
der over, for a decree ordering the
same naid Into Court for the benefit of
such of said defendants as may be
found entitled thereto.
That the defendants, and all parties
claiming by through or under them, be
forever barred and foreclosed ot all
equity of redemption in said premises,
and all redemption except the statu
tory redemption, and that the pur
chaser be let Into the possession ot
said premises on the day of sale.
This Summons is served upon you
by publication thereof in the Oregon
City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper
published at Oregon City, Oregon, tor
six weeks by order ot the Honorable
Judge J. TJ. Campbell, judge of the
above entitled court, made on the 20th
day of December, 1917. This summons
ta first published December 21st, 1917
and will be last published on February
1, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 902 Yeon Bid.
Portland, Oregon
on the 22nd day ot November, 1917,
by the Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled court, di
recting that this summons be served
upon you by publishing the same once
a week for six consecutive weeka in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a news
paper of general circulation, published
In Clackamas county, State ot Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
421 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
ring and foreclosing all of the right
title, claim, or equity of redemption
in the said premises of yourself and
all other persons claiming or to claim,
by, through or under you,, subsequent
to the 20th day of February, 1915, save
and excepting only their statutory
right ot redemption and that the plain
tiff have Judgment tor any sum re
maining unpaid after application of
the proceeds of said sale to the pay
ment of said promissory note, attor
ney's fees, taxes and costs, and for
such other and further relief aa to the
Court may seem meet and Just.
This summons is made and publish
ed and served upon you by publication
by order of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the above entitled Court,
made on the 14th day of December,
1917, ordering the same to be publish
ed once a week for Blx successive
weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise,
a weekly newspaper of general circu
lation, published at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, State of Oregon.
Attorney for the Plaintiff, 514 Com
monwealth Building, Portland, Ore.
Date of first publication Dec. 21, 1917.
Date ot last publication Feb. 1, 1918
- Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
ot Andrew Anderson, deceased, has
filed her final account in said estate
In the County Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County, and
that the Judge of said Court has ap
pointed Monday, the 7th day of Janu
ary, 1918, at one (1) o'clock p. m. for
hearing objection to said account and
for settling said estate.
Administratrix of the estate ot
Andrew Anderson, deceased.
Attorneys for Administrltrix.
Notice is hereby given that Hon.
H. S. Anderson, Judge of the County
Court for Clackamas County, Oregon,
has set December 24, 1917, at the
The Beaver Creek Mutual Telephone
I association does hereby call tor bids
for the operation of its switchboard at
Beaver Creek, Oregon, beginning
January 14th, 1918, and continuing to
January 14, 1917. Service to be con
tinuous .night, day, Sunday and holi
days, and o be performed by three
(3) operators working 8 hours each.
Living quarters are furnished free.
The right to reject any and all bids
Is reserved.
Address all communications to the
secretary, S. L. Casto, R. F. D. No. 3,
Oregon City, Ore.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
derstgned has been duly appointed by
the County court of the state of Ore
gon for tho county of Clackamas, ad
mlnistratrix ot the estate of Charles
C. Panek, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate are here
by required to present them to me at
the office of C. Scjnwbel Oregon City
Oregon, properly verified as by law
required, within six months from the
date hereof.
Date of first publication December
20, 1917.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Charles C. Tanek, Doceased.
Attorney for administratrix.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
In the matter of the estate of E. E.
McGugin, dpceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the estate of
E. E. McGugin, deceased has . filed in
the county court of Clackamas county
Oregon, her final account as such ex
ecutrix of said estate and that Mon
day, the 14th day of January, A. D,
1918, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m.,
has been fixed by said court as the
time for hearing objections to said ac
count and the settlement thereof.
Executric of the estate of F. E.
McGugin, deceased.
Attorneys for Executrix.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
McGugin, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the tin
dersigned executrix of the estate of
Henry McGugin, deceased has filed
In the county court of Clackamas
county, Oregon, her final account as
such executrix of said estate and that
H onday, the 14th day of January, A.
D., 1918, at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m., has been fixed by said court
as the time for hearing objections to
said account and the settlement there
Executrix of the Estate of Henry
McGugin, deceased.
Attorneys for Executrix,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Anna M. Johnson, Plaintiff, :
Carl Johnson, Defendant
To Carl Johnson, above name! de
fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against
you, in the above entitled suit, on or
before the 11th day of January, 1918,
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fall to an
swer said complaint, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in her complaint,
For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between plain
tiff and defendant. This summons Is
published by order of Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which
order was made on the 28th day of No
vember, 1917, and the time prescribed
for publication thereof is alx weeks,
beginning with the issue dated Friday,
November 30, 1917, and continuing
each week thereafter to and Including
Friday, January 11, 1918.
t Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Oregon City, Oregon.
D. C Latourettb, President F. T. Meyer. Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A, M, to 3 P. M.
Phones Pacific 52
Home A-15)
Attorney-at-Law ,
All legal business promptly attended t
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phone Paclflo Main 406;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 6
Money loafted, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examluad, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deutscher Advekat
Will practice in all courts, make col
lections and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKllHp Scbeol of Sur
gery ot Chicago, is established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth ea Main Street
Both Telephones
Office Paoific 65; Home A-95
Res. Pacific 184; Heme B-84
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-273
6 and 15 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon.
Turn your old accounta and notea Into cash.
Special correspondents and attorneys In all cities and towns In the United
8tatei ind O'wnda.