Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1917, Page Page 2, Image 2

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newsy Briers rrom
All Over the
MACKSBURQ, Ore., Dec. 27. Will
Gibson, who Is In the government em
ploy at American Lake, has come home
for the holidays.
Joe Gibson was transacting business :
In Portland on iwonaay.
. i. a . ,3 ,i : ,!r tttrirta rn 1
Thnradav. December 21st. at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. rrank SchulU, whenri'ver was ft raging torrent. The
ihalr eldest daughter, Ella, was mar-
ried to Mr. Alvln Hamilton. Mr. and j
iw Hamilton have both grown up
In our community and have manyt(?nt naker-g i,ridge Wlls reported in 1 erat ion Friday evening. G. Tavlor, of I Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wood have de-1 t.eorgo lllghain came home from
warm friends who are earnest In wish-, a vory un,afe contUUon t'emporary ro- Molalla. also spoke on Red Cross work. ! I,;,rl,,il lor s Francisco, where they j Clatskanle Saturday to spend Christ
Ing them a happy and prosperous Jour- pairs'wer(, maJe 80 ,,'eople can get ' M. D. Chlndgren secured quite a num-' "Mct to make their future home.,""1" with his family,
ney through life. They were at thei(mr u Fow bHdge8 have Mood the er of members. .The Wood family has lived at the; M ''! Mr. W. II. Stokes, with his
Bethel chapel on Sunday evening andjtfst ot time aml travel a9 it ha9, j5 ' I. O. Oretn and family, Mr. and Mrs. l'0,i't several years and will be j '"""T d brother, Clyde, motored to
at the close of the service, received vparg. o service lt was built in i52 Arthur Orem. of Cedardale. Dennle ' 8r,n4ll-v ld. Mrs. Wood was i i'ortltuul to Spend Christmas with his
many hearty congratulations from jiy Joseph paquet Renson. of North Dakota spent Christ- enthusiastic worker for the Ited Cross ! !,!,,,,r '! hero a family rounlou was
their friends. I "ha .. ... mas at A. L. Larkin's home. - 'society. holAl
The closing exercises in both the;
Fbv and the Bear Creek schools were '
ty nu uio uci v r,,,
.,,,! ni,.sine in every way. Isotn
schools rendered well prepared pro
gams, which were enjoyed by a large
circle of parents and other menus,
me fcunuay Biauu. "
Eby school house were n ad , espec -
auy iniereeiii.8 m .
whose .duress to the children was
listened to with
marked attention by
a large congregation. It was Father
Lucas" first visit to he school since
his very serious Illness. His presence
was doubly welcome on hat account.
Tho Mfmnnnito Concreeation is
looking forward to a great musical i M" in llwr ards at Christmas,
treat on Christmas day, when all will , "n't spring, but just Clackamas conn
all go to the Zion tabernacle tor the ( " Oregon.
choral service of more than a hundred ; The Parent-Teacher circle will meet
V0jCes j next Thursday evening In the assem-
Mrs. J. Gibson returned from Port-jbly room,
land on Friday with her little daugh-; The Red Cross drive will bring the
tor, Annie, who has had a perfectly ! membership of the Logan auxiliary up
successful operation on one of her , t0 the 100 mark. Forty-eight mem
eyes. Her eyes show no trace of any j bers jn Lower Logan, 3S in upper Lo
defect now, so skillfully has the work,gani maybe more by now. A dollar
been done. for the Red Cross Is a dollar for hu-
e are al lrejoicing over Immunity , manity and charity. Extenuating cir
from damage by high water. Owing J cumstances excuse some, but he or
to the undulating surface of this re- Uhe who can give, should do so. They
glon, natural drainage Is provided, ho refuse a dollar for the great re
which gives security from flood. The , ijef fund of the Red Cross can conscl
branchca of the Molalla are more swol-j entiously lose several dollars at a
len than they have been before for j shooting match and sleep soundly over
wany years. Many bridges have been (t.
weshed away and the road In manyj Mr Hagenberger lost a valuable
places are submerged, but so tar no , horse Sunday and ha3 another sick,
losses are reported by the farmers. , Kirc
The cottage built by m''i ter. Mrs. M. C. Ward, near The Dalles,
whichadias been Tacant for some time.l
Is now occupied by a relative ot Fred- j -
erlck Roberts. j AT .1 1 1
Fred Roberts, who has been work-j JleadOWDrOOK '
ing for some time In Oregon City, has !
come home. "
The ranch lately vacated by L. Mas-j MEADOW BROOK, Ore.. Dec. 20.
terton, has been sold. j Mr- Bowman and famUy had to move
John Winegar 13 at present living, out about ten o'clock Tuesday night,'
alone In his new house. His father; the Molalla river was so high. Milk,
and mother will soon occupy it with , creek is highest it has been for sev- j
him. eral years. Tuesday night it took out i
Hult brothers' dam at Orchard Falls, j
BARLOW, Ore., Dec. 27. Mrs. Wait,
whose husband was killed by a train.
at one time resided in this place, and
Mrs. Wait has the sympathy of the en-
tire community in her bereavement.
A TV :,.mnn nnintninm Ant and trOQ )
Were UC1U 1U Uit3 UdU liiuaj uigui
with a good crown present. The child
ren did well, and Miss Perce is to be
complimented for her work In train
ing. Every one enjoyed the evening
nd treat from the tree.
School is closed for the holiday
week and Miss Perce is visiting at her
home in Clackamas.
There was an exciting time here
during the recent high water, the
highest ever known from the Molalla
alone. There was no back water from
the Willamette. Several families
moved out of their houses and were
badly frightened for the old river
, ' . I
... ... ... ...
visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Misses Cora and Theoline Larson j ered and enjoyed by those present
were home for Christmas. Miss Cora Mr and Mrs Roy DoUglas were
is teaching near Eugene and Miss j Estacada visitors one day last week.
Theoline is employed in Portland. Kev. aml Mrs c w pogue oI Ne.
Miss Irene Wurfel is home fromjhalem; Dr. and Mrs. Harry Morgan,
Mount Angel for a two weeks' vara- of Wasco; Miss Nettie Woodle, of
tion. I Portland, are spending the holidays
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, ot Portland, ' with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
were visiting Mrs. Hunter's mother,
Mrs. Scoggin and enjoying the com
pany of Mrs. Andrus and Mr. Melvin,
their aunt and uncle, Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Andrews and :
daughter, Miss Thelma, went to Port-!ther
land Christmas to spend the day with
their daughter, Mrs. Keebaugh and
family and meet their son, Woodle
and wife, from Dufur.
Chester Oathout has enlisted in the
army. His mother and sister, Mrs.
Emery and family, have moved Into
Mrs. Atterbury's house. Chester was
home for the day Christmas.
A Happy and Prosperous New Tear
to all.
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass.,
In her 87th year, says: "I thought I
was beyond the reach of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pills have proven most
beneficial. Jn my case."
Mr. Sam A. Hoover, High Point,
N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at Bight and I had to get up
from five to seven times. Mow I do
not have to get up at night, and con
sider myself In a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney Pills, as I have taken nothing
Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass.,
eays: "I suffered from' kidney ail
ments for two yaars. I commenced
taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months
ago, and though I am tl years of age,
I feel like a 16-year-old girl."
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic,
streagtheninff and up-bulldins, and
restore normal action to the kidneys
and o a disordered and painful blad
der. They act quickly and contain
110 dangerous or harmful drags.
LOGAN, Ore., Dec. 27 After doing;
all the damage it could, the Clacka-j
mas river Is getting to normal once j
more. The Carver concrete bridge :
foundations are no more.
,, Holeomb. 0f Stone.
lost his :
. .. :
.., , fc i. ..h. imr!
. j ft i a :t ii i ct pii vuc . i - ;
tippH, ovpr QuUe R ftfW orchards t
,u.. .,.,i.i.,hi., VJ
' ' " " , , "
Christmas program was held in the
j new assembly hall of the Lower Logan
school at the same time. Coffee and
cake were served. The total proceeds
'amounted to over $25. A two weeks'
vacation will be enjoyed by the pupils.
mowj of M
tR a chiraney flue for the hall.
. ... t. . . i
- ; ; ...... ; v,.
girls of the club presented Mrs.
Sherwood with a handsome silver fruit
spoon in appreciation of her efforts in
their behalf.
Sweet alyssum and sweet violets in
and some of Mr. Steffani's logs. It
was almost impossible for any one to
go on the main road below Meadow
brook. 1
Miss Ruth Hudson will spend her1
holidays at her home In Crabtree. Ore. i
school will close for a couple of weeks, j
A L LarWn8 nd am,ly wm
tajned at th(J L Q Qrem home gunday ,
Reuben Chindgren, of Vancouver,
spent Sunday at hi3 home. 1
P. O. Chindgren and M. D. Chind-!
gren's families visited at Colton Sun-
day. j
Cecil Sweke has enlisted In the j
army. j
Myrtle and Nettle Larkins are home j
for the holiday vacation. j
Ruth Chindgren, from Monmouth,
is spending her Christmas vacation at
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, Ore., Dec. 27.
The school entertainment given by the
pupils of the Douglass school last
Thursday evening was verv well rend-
Mrs. Viola Douglas and son, Carl,
made a trip to Estacada last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass left on
Al0w wr atevenson, wash., wnere
wUI te the guests ot the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney,
during the holidays.
H. S. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Gibson made a trip to Estacada one
day last week.
Roy Douglass bought some cattle
last week.
DAMASCUS, Ore., Dec. 26 Hal
Roach came home Christmas morning
and returned to his camp in the even
ing. Oren Lingle is in the Immanuel hos
pital. He underwent an operation last
Saturday and is doing nicely.
Olive Feather, who has been very
sick, Is reported to be much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Bahna and family, of
Lents, spent their Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Fredolph.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lay and daughter
motored to Portland last Friday.
Mr. Fenzler is visiting at the Burr
Harry Roach was out last Saturday
doing Red Cross work.
Roger Burr has returned from Wood
burn. Quite a number gathered at the Red
Cross meeting held at Mrs. J. C. Elli
ott's Wednesday la spite ot the bad
Mr. and Mrs. Murray have been in
Portland for the past week.
large crowd attended the Christmas
program Saturday evening gtven by
the school children, which was enjoyed
by all.
.arun jonnson came Home Tuesday
.!.... t. v.
Reuben Chlndgren. of V.neouv.r.
Pnt Christmas with his parents. Mr. j
and Mrs. P. O. Chtnderen. i
Mr. Werner, of Corvallla. gave an '
interesting talk on communltv ciwiiv
Mr. Sullivan and family visited rel-1
ativea in Stayton during Christmas
Jennings Loilie
me pupils of Miss White s room are
ri'iVHH' h rivii u),u V'l.mt .m i.n
hoUdays. Mr. Altman. room has hut
n thov ,i n -v ,
off during Mrs. Altman". Illness. .
On Friday last the school children
thoroughiy enjoyed their annual -grab
box. each pupil drawing another's
name and depositing a present in the
box for that one and thereby each !
pupil was remembered with a token, j
r 1 . ii ;
Bay Time-Night
THE STOVER ENGINE is an ideal farm power. More than that it is a prac
tical farm power. The Stover Engine is simple and strong. It has few parts.
Take the cut of the Stover shown here and compare it with the picture of any
other engine on the market. Compare the engines themselves if you can. Note
the difference. Notice that the Stover is stronger and better in every detail. Now,
why don't you get next to the fact that you are cheating yourself by not owning
one of these engines? Everyday you are doing lots of work that could be better
and more cheaply done by a Stover Engine. Get the idea that an owner of a gaso
line engine has to be an engineer out of your head. He doesn't that is, if his
engine is a Stover. A few minutes instruction will make you able to operate
your Stover as an old hand. That's why we say that the Stover is an ideal farm
power. It is made right. It is giving satisfaction to 3500 users right here at home
in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. We sell them in sizes ranging from one to
sixty horse power.
Accompanied with each box was some
'stunt" named for the receiver to per
form, and much merriment was the
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Morse are the
proud parents of a te.n-pound baby
daughter, born December 21st, at the
home of Mrs. I. M. Thomas, at Pleas
ant Home.
Carey Deter and Glen Russell were
week-end guests at their respective
Mrs. Stevens Is home from the Port
land Sanltorium, after an Illness of
nearly six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Thompson at
tended a large party on Saturday ev
ening, at the home of Mrs. Thompson's
sister, in Mt. Tabor. Mr. Thompson
succeeded In "landing" first prize at
Mrs. A. F. Russell was a business
caller at Oregon City on Thursday.
The ladies of the Red Cross sewing
circle are turning out a great amount
of work. They have been confining
their work mostly to the sewing part.
Through the kindness of Mrs. C. Hole,
the society has the use of a motor,
with wblcl; to do the stitching. They
are now keeping two machines going,
and after the first of the year Mrs.
B. M. Hart will open her home and
the ladies may go there to sew when
ever they find time. Another machine
will be added also. Mrs. Hart will se-
cure yarn for those wishing to do
their bit, by knitting at home, Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Kelly are devoting
practically all of their time to this
work. Their aon, AUIen, Is In Liver
pool, Knglaml, with the aviation corps
and their son In-law is an officer at
Camp Lincoln. Springfield, ill.
Miss Lena Costly, of Oregon City,
was a Sunday visitor at the Koborta
Sholton Reehtel has returned from
Idaho to spend the holidays with his
family. Little Emanuel, who has
been quite ill, ha about recovered.
Harry Kobertson, with the 0. W. R.
& N. Co.. Is lit at his home on Addy
Mr. and Mrs. Hill and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Spooner and family, of Sum
V ! 'T"!? " Mr' '""BU
' t 7', i
' v"'"-'"ul 18 "' "
tor nn ,,,noMt wnuh confined her to
her room for several weeks.
Trofcssor C. H. Hollowav headed:,. , . , ' Jl. m vnt
the Red Crosa membership drive here, 1 ',, T ' . orV,uul'
ti,i ..,, ..... ,u .m h i! Mlsa Mary Starkweather came home
the territory quite thoroughly. The:
umoiint!! t.v r..,-iv.i ui,...l tt. l.w. ,
ally of our people to the cause.
Miss Helen Pninton. of Orchards,
Wash., was a weekend visitor at the
nomo or air. and Mrs. H. Roberts. Miss ;
1:111111171 Hiinnr 1 ne dimn itiv 11 1 in it
Parental home at Manor. Washington. '
and the remainder r i..r v ..ntin ni ,
"Kosy Nook." the home of her aunt. ! nn,. 'mH" r n tT, '"'t
Mrs. H. M. Hayle,, at Alrlle. Oregon. I lt rh r'lm'um, ir-0''
The two small daughters of Mr. nATn $jymwF?JlW 3V,w.
Mrs, Clarence Grant are 111 with scar- t,rK
let fever at their home near Moldrum. The first copy of the school craft
Harry Hughes Hollowav. of the hos- ,ade Its appearance M0nd.1v It Is
pital service, stationed at American credit to the school and the pupils
Time-Any Time
W. J. Wilson & Co.
Lake, spent Christmas with his broth
er, Professor Charles Holloway, and
Mrs. Martha Shaver and son, Arch.,
and his family, spent the holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacobs. "
Willis Burr, of Montague, Calif., Is
visiting his nephew, R. F. Deter, and
Lieutenant Langdon Spooner spent
Christmas day at the Lodge TJth rela
tives. Miss Margaret Tucker la again in
Immanuel hospital, her strength not
reviving satisfactorily.
Mrs. Watson and family are spend
ing the week with Mrs. Watson's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, P. D. Newall.
Harry Brown and Hal Watsoa have
enlisted and are on their way to Texas.
Merle Baltimore, of Camp Lewis,
spent Christmas with his father at
Iloethe Station.
Mrs. Flora Beckner has returned
from the hospital and is Improving.
The Christmas exercises of Grace
Sunday school were held on Christmas
Eve at the hall. An enjoyable pro
gram was given by the Sunday school,
assisted by the men's choir, who sang
"Holy Night," An address of appeal
to each and every one to add a mem
ber to the Sunday school was given by
Mr. Woodham, after which the treats
were given to the children present.
The candy was omitted this year, but
'plenty of nuts, oranges and popcorn
were lu the bags.
Oak Grove
OAK GKOVK. tire.. Deo. 2?. Mr.
and Mrs. John Murphy and two chil
dren, Mamie and WJlllo, of Clackamas
Heights, spent Sunday with Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. O. Kinder In honor of Mr.
Murphy and Mrs. Ktudor's birthdays.
Mrs. Henry WeUlcr, of Roothe Sta
tion, died Sunday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. J. H. Garretson, of Tort
land. The funeral services were held
Wednesday at 2:30 from J. P. Fin
ley's undertaking establishment. In
terment was In Klvervlew cemetery.
Albert llnrpolo drove from Wheeler
j in his Kurd auto, arriving here Thurs
I -'.v to spend the holidays with bis
. v.eoign iiignum. Aioen
j was one and one half days on the trip
and found the mud a In bad shape.
. ''
" l"'" nou.iays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H
Sti.rk weather.
Friday night the Concord Tarent
Teacher circle, gave an entertainment
at the school house. An excellent tiro-
f1. K'"' Luncheon was served
'.no "UWA-
The Stover
Is Ready for Work
Christmas was observed In all the
homes and many were happy over the
return of their boys, who have gone
to their country's call. Those who
were the lucky ones to reach home
were Garret Skoog, Harold Wood, Wal
ter Harris, Archie Davis and Cornelius
Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Hubbard and
daughter, Dorothy, were guests Wed
nesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
J. A. Waldron Is spending the Christ
mas holidays at Everett, Wash., with
his daughters, Alice and Elizabeth.
T. R. Worthington, Sr., was taken
very ill Christmas day and Dr Mount,
of Oregon City, was called. He Is rest
ing easily at present.
Everet and Ruth Worthington spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John
Wolf, of Sunnyside.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smlrely, of Wood
burn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Huber, on Christmas, Mrs.
Smirely is Mr. Huber's sister.
School will open Wednesday, Janu
ary 2, after a week's vacation.
Professor Guthrie has purchased a
motion picture machine for the school
and every Friday night will be movie
night, A small admission will be
charged to pay for the reels.
Oak Grove Methodist Episcopal
church, Rev. Young, pastor. Services
Sunday morning by the pastor. Sunday
achool at 10 o'clock, C, D. Smith, super
intendent. Travel' uieellnu Wednes
day evenings. Indies' Aid Wednesday
The giving entertainment held Mon
day night was well attended. A tree
was decorated for the children, ami
they were given pop corn. The pres
ents were turned over to the Deacon
ess Homo In Tortland tor illNtrlbutlon.
The Domestic Science and Noodle
craft club will meet with Mrs, I lull
kirk Friday, January 4th. All mem
bers are requested to be present,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Harris, Sr., had
all of their family home from Christ
mas except one son. A delicious din
ner was served by mother, and a happy
day spent by the family, especially as
Walter came home from the navy,
WIl.SONVII.LK, Oro Dec, I'd,
Sherman Sooty went to Portland on
Mrs, Uatalgla came homo from Port
laud Thursday, where she has been
in the hospital,
A number ot Wtlsouvlllo people are
Intending to at torn! the Choral Club
concert at Sherwood,
Mr. and Mrs. E, Curry have pur
chased u farm lu Washington.
Mrs, Grunt l.lchtentlmler, a former
j resident .visited here last week with
! Mrs, 11. D, Aden, who recently hail
her tonnlU removed, Is Improving.
A special Christmas sermon and
music wore enjoyed by attendants ut
the M. K. church on Sunday,
The stoles have given out very
pretty calendars for the ensuing year.
! A little baby girl weighing seven
pounds arrived ut the homo of Hay
linker on Saturday, December 15th.
I Mrs. William linker, visited her
mother, lu Portland, last week.
Mrs. Aubrey Wood visited In Port
land and Oregon City, during the
week end,
Mrs. Joe Thornton spent a short time
lu Portland last week.
Students home for Christmas vaca
tion Include Ine Seely, John Say.
I.euh Wagner, Meuga llatnlgla, Misses
Claire and Virginia Say. ,
Mrs. Cora Husselhrlnk Is spending
the Christmas holidays with her par
ents, and was accompunled from East
ern Oregon by Iter friend, Mis Davis.
A chicken pie supper will bo given
In Cunil Creek school house on Thurs-
..I t 9 I... ,k II... I
nay eveiiuiK, jiiiiuurr .1, ejr ma nm
Cross auxiliary of thut district. Supper
will bo served from 6 3U until S o'clock
and the charge for adults will be 30c.
and children 2oe. Everyone Is cordi
ally Invited to attend.
Mrs. Aubrey Wood gave a splendid
entertainment In the Corral Creek
school liousM. on Friday afternoon, and
a large number present signed up for
the Kod Cross drive.
Dr. Hugh Mount, of Oregon City,
gave an excellent address In the
m-hoolhouMe on Frldav evening. Dec.
21st. At the close of a splendid pro-)
gram given by the scholars of the local
school. Miss Armstrong, of Oregon
City, and Miss McCormlck, of Wood
burn, rendered vocal selections, whicr
were much appreciated and Kev.
Chandler, rector of St. Paul's Episco
pal church, added to the evening's
lied Cross work. A largo number ot
names wer secured for the Christmas
drive membership.
Kev. Ilurber addressed the members
of Hood View district and Sunday
school, on Monday evening, and signa
tures were secured for the Christmas
Ited Cross drive.
CAN11Y. Ore.. Dec. 27 - Canby Lodge
No. 131 A, F. & A. M held Its annual
Installation ot officers Thursday ev
ening. The following officers were in
stalled Into their various offices:
William Maple, W. M.; J. L. F.ckerson,
S. W.; Thomas B. Hamilton. J, W.;
Harry K Evans, treusurer; John Eld,
secretary; Wllmer Sandsness, 8. D.;
("has. N. Walt. J D.; C. L. Hates, tyler;
Georgo Meeks, Marshal; W. H. Hair,
S. S.; Howard II Eceles, J. S.
Mrs. Nora G. Miller and children,
Ava, Gladys and Lillian are spending
the Christmas holidays at the Miller
home near Highland.
Mrs. M, P. Snllor, of Molalla, was a
guest of Mrs, Helen Smith this week.
Mrs. Wlllard Knight returned to her
home In Portland after a few days'
visit with relatives In Canby.
Miss Nona Austin Is spending her
vacation with her parents at Elgin,
I). R. 1)1 111 1 ck attended the budget
meotlng at Oregon City Saturday.
W. H. Balr attended the govemmont
meeting of potato buyers In Portland
Saturday. The object of this meeting
Is to establish a government stnndurd
of grades for potatoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvoy E. Toble and
Miss Naomi Runner aro spending the
holidays tit Salem.
Miss Olive Whipple, who Is a stu
dent at Oregon State Normal at Mon
mouth, Is home for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs Charles Nebo of
Macksburg, were Christmas shoppers
in Canby last Saturday.
Prof, and Mrs. F. M. Roth wore
Portland visitors this week, where
Prof. Roth attended the State Teach
ers' association meeting.
J. Lee Eckerson made a business
trip to Oregon City this .week.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Eceles spent
Christmas In Portland.
Miss Lorraine Lee Is spending her
vacation In Canby.
H. W. Brown, of Union Hall, was In
Canby Saturday.
R. S. Coe attended the budget meet
ing at Oregon 'City Saturday.
Ora Slyter was an Oregon City vis
itor this weok.
Miss Eva Burns Is spending her
vacation at her home In Tangent.
Miss Grace Bullock spent Christ
mas with her relatives near Salem.
Miss Laverne Eckerson was a guest
of Mr. and Mrs, Avon Jesse, of Grlb
ble Prairie, Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson spent
Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Bock, of Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs. D, R. Dlmlck were
Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs. Ivan
Dlmlck, of Aurora.
Frances Potter 'spent her holiday
vacation In Portland.
Succeeds Admiral Gippt
m, jrua' - . '
4 v)ffv
1 .
iikus wumM .iAj.uttUi lunuunT
Hear -Admiral Frederick 11, HarrlH.
chief ot the bureau of docks "iiml
yards of the navy, has been named
by the president to succeed Hear
Aitmlrul Clip I'm as general malinger
of the Shipping Hoard's Emergency
Fleet corps. Admiral Ciipps whs re
lieved hectiUHO of lit heiilth.
A, I.
10 IK AT 0. A. C.
COUVAI.I.IS, Or . Dec. 21 (Special
to the Kutei prise Mrs. A. I. HiiKhes,
ut Oregon City, will favor the Oregon
tiiiernsey Caltle club, Tuesday of Fur
luers' Week wllh an uddress oil 'The
(luernsey l'rii;rens In Clackamas
The Oregon Jersey Cattle club has
a lady speaker on their proKruin, Mrs.
F. K, Lynn, of Perrydale. The women
of Oregon are ilemoustrutliiK their
ubllity In this Held ot agriculture. The
recent Intermitlonul Stock show at
Chlcngo bus proven beyond doubt that
women can bred Just as excellent ani
mals us the men. Many women ot tlio
rural district will soon have, an ampin
opportunity to demonstrate their abil
ity In this field. The motherly lovo
thut a woman poHses make for her ad
vantage lu tills field. Women gener
ally aro more painstaking In their care
of stock than men, A woman will
raise an animal that man would let
The remains of the Into Mrs, Lucy
Carter, who met her death In Port
land several days ngo by either fulling
or being thrown from a window, will
bo brought to Oregon City for burial.
The date for the funeral Is not yet set,
but will bo from St, John's Catholic
church. The Interment Is to bn In tho
family lot lu the Catholic cemetery,
beside those of her mother, who died
In Canemah a number or years ago.
Mrs. Carter was formerly Miss Lucy
Moshborgor, of Canemah. She mar
ried Alfred Carter, of this city, somo
time ago. She Is survived by her
futhor, who resides In Oregon City; a
brother, Tony; four sisters, Minnie,
Mary, Kmma and Clnrn.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2G. Tho.prcsl
dent and Mrs. Wilson remained at
homo all day. They had planned to
go to church, but rain kept them In
doors. During the duy a Christmas
tree was lighted for tho president's
grandchildren at the White House.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Dec, 25. Tho
stato board of control today voted
Christinas presents to 3S convicts In
tho Washington stuto penitentiary ut
Walla Wulla, eight receiving pardons
and .10 being grunted paroles.
WASHINGTON. Doc. 20. Cardinal
Gibson gave his sanction today to Ro
man Catholic, miners working on tlin
holy days fulling within tho Christmas
and New Year holiday boiihoii. In a
letter to Fuel AdmlulHl rulor Garfield
he approved of a suggestion thut min
ors take only Chrlittmns day mid Now
Year's day orf and further proposed
thut saloons might co-operate by clos
ing from 9 o'clock In the evening un
til S o'clock the following morning.
FRANCE, Dec. 25. The German sol
dier's armor will not withstand the
hard hitting Amerlcnn bullet, it has
boon shown. A heavy breastplate re
moved from a German prisoner for
a test wus literally chowed to pieces
by a inachlno gun fire aftor a rifle
bullet fired at a good rnngo bad torn
a hole In the armor ns big ns a sliver
dollar. Even tho bullets from nn au
tomatic pistol did the work It whs ox-'
pectod they would In this respect.
-...,....,. u vrcKiin mill
WuiAiiagtaa, irlvlnir a UmorlpUia
HkBteh of eiwh pin. Juration,
2?J firfoiT of aub liiulucts
", WVWHI4,