Pa pre 6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1917. PAPER ILL COMPANIES DECLINE TO The report of the federal mediation board, headed by Secretary of Labor Wilson, has released a report, made laat week, concerning its investiga tion In the local paper mill strike. The board spent several days at Port land and made an investigation of the facts. There Is, spparently, no hope of securing an arbitration agreement through the medium of the federal board, nor has the local board, ap pointed by Governor WIthycombe, con sisting of Circuit Judge Campbell, Dis trict Attorney Hedges and County Judge Anderson, been any more fortun ate. The governor's mediation board is preparing a report that will be made to the executive this week, and will say that the board has been unable to secure an adjustment Just what further effort will be made, if any, through the state's machinery, to bring about a settlement is not known. The federal board's report makes interesting reading and follows: j "The Crown Willamette Paper com pany 4s the owner of three paper mills in the states of Oregon and Washington. At the end of October a , strike was declared against the com' pany. Charged with the duty of la bor adjustment in war industries, the president's mediation commission could not direct a settlement of a strike In paper mills. The good of fices of the commission were, how ever, enlisted towards a mediation of the difficulties. "Purely as a mediator the commis sion sought to effect an adjustment. ARBITRATE Because laoor uiuicumes m umes 01 , shortage. The effective prosecution war have their Influence beyond anof the war demands the most econom- Immediate Industry affected. This Is ic utilization of the full man power true particularly of an industry such of natJon with a mlnJmum araount as the Crown Willamette Paper com- of industrial dislocation. pany, located In one of the most ac- . 0 . .. Uve war industries area and eiercls-!'-. fj? g, companf ing a close Influence upon the general labor contentment so essential to the effective prosecution of the war. "The representatives of the strik ers submitted their side of the con troversy to the commission with the unreserved offer to be bound by what ever settlement the commission ! lnat lae commission tendered us me should make and to be so bound for!dlator7 offlces- Attention was direct the period of the war. The manager I ed t0 the source9 of the difficulties, to of the company appeared before the ! 016 falIure t0 eliminate conceded commission at its reauest After a I 6TOUnas ot complaint ,to the index full discussion, the sum and substance ! of his attitude was 'nothing to arbi-1 trate.' The commission thereupon took the matter up with the control! ing authorities of the company in San Francisco. After a detailed statement of the facts by the commission, set ting forth the present unsatisfactory labor conditions, considered from the i point of view of the company as well Pus(ments were made in other indus as the government, the company tries bv the president's mediation courteously, but firmly, reiected the ' commission to insure labor stability tender of service made by the presl-1 dnni'a tnnrlinlinn I I dent's mediation commission. At any time an attitude of 'noth- ing to arbitrate' is an attitude a vari- quired. The central theory, however,! 00; Leo Rath, $8.00; Nk Rath $4 -ance wih the modern spirit in indus-! running through all the commission's 1 00; A. W. Lee, $8.00; F. Ochs' $6 -try. In view of the influence that mediation was some plan for the set- j 00; L. Ochs, $6.00; Fred Lins' $2 -such at attitude may have upon labor j tlcment of all future disputes by-75; Andrew' Jansen, $10.00-' No" conditions In neighboring war Indus-' peaceful process and not by conflict Rath, $36.00. ' ' tries, much more so is this true in (First, by negotiation between em- ROAD DIST NO 10 Vomm nuiD ui . me present aiuiuae oiP'".er anu employes, oniy wnere tnis Uuus, $10.00; Geo.- DeShields $5 00 the Crown Willamette Paper company ; fails then through the intervention of Geo. Armstrong $5 00- W Johnsnn' is therefore a matter of such public federal arbitration. In every case such concern that the president's mediation ! a settlement carried with it an agree commission deems it a duty briefly to mnt by the employes for the cessa set forth the essential facts so thatjtion of strikes during the period of the public Interest at stake may be ; the war. The commission made it safeguarded by an informed public ! perfectly clear that in all the ar opinlon. ranfrements which it had succeeded in "1. In the sring of 1917 a union organization was effected by employes j ternal business management of in of the company. From that time on i dustry was avoided and nothing was there was a feeling on the part of the, done to hamper the management in men that the company's policy was i problems peculiarly within Its own opposed to unionization and that the province. Only such matters were put company was exerting every effort to ; to arbitrate as were of common stamp out this union. : concern to employers and employes "2. This fear on the part of the and Involved the public interest, men culminated in a demand, in Sep-1 Nevertheless the company felt con tember, for a closed shop agreement j strained to rject the services of the with the company as a means of pro-1 president's mediation commission." tecting the union organization. This I . demand waB withdrawn by the men, and on October 16 the men submitted a tentative proposal for purposes of discussion and merely as the basis of negotiation for an agreement be tween the company and the men. "3. The three chief demands of the men were (1) an increase in the wage scale to meet the Increased cost of' living; (2) an agreement on the parti company not to discriminate against employes because of trades union affiliation, and (3) the estab lishment of a workers' committee by which grievances could be taken up collectively, through the committee, with the management. "4. The management declined to discuss these proposals. The manage ment further rejected the proposal of the employes that the dispute be sub mitted to arbitration. The strike was called late in October, whereupon the board of mediation and conciliation appointed by the governor of Oregon tendered lis services as a mediator, and these services the company like wise rejected. "5. The Justice of one of th.3 Av mands the manager In part admitted before the' president's me-naM m ore mission. He admitted that the com pany's vigo scale was, at leapt i srme Instances, too low. He denied that the company had in fact, discrim inated rgaust union employs. The mon desired that the corner- & claim i:t norK.'i'trimination be made effec tive by the company's direct premise io that clfect '. Despite the concession to the commission that part of the wage scale was too low, and despite the reasonableness of at least some of the demands a a subject matter for ne gotiations between the management and its men, the company has refused all attempts at a conference between the men and the management, and has consistently rejected all tenders of mediation made by state and federal officials and finally by the presi dent's mediation commission. The source of the difficulty Is that the controlling influences in the company persists in a labor policy which refuses to make any concession in response to a demand collectively made by em playes even though such demand be a Just one. Protestations of patriotism by the company have been many and doubtless sincere. It is not a question of sincerity. It is a matter of busl ness attitude at a time when the busi ness attitude concerns the country. In its present attitude the company is disregarding modern standards of In dustrial adjustment and is unrespon sive to enlightened conceptions of pa triotism by business men. The guid ing consideration of the company is an unchallenged control over its em ployes, leading to a refusal to rectify conceded evils or to discuss possible existing industrial maladjustments for fear that such concession or such discussion may be deemed a yielding to the power of an organization of employes who are urging an adjust ment of such evils. "7. Undoubtedly the company was largely controlled in its rejection of mediation by its belief that the strike has failed. The company states that it now has substantially normal pro duction. It further states that its working force is substantially normal in number. Be It so; it is only part of the truth. The whole truth is that the same conditions which caused the strike are still operative in the com pany's mills and the seeds for future industrial disturbances are therefore still present. In addition, the methods by which the strike has been fought have added further complicating fac tors, and there are now inherent in the situation added sources of unrest for the future. "8. For the situation has been com plicated by the importation of work men from the east and from portions of the west to take the place of strik ers. To induce men to leave useful employment to take the place of men now available. If only conditions of employment be made satisfactory, is an unwise policy, particularly in time of war and In time of increasing labor vimuiD iu uaio iciurueu 10 normal. it still finds it necessary to main tain an armed force. Morever this armed force consists of Btate officers, as the commission is informed, in the private pay of the company. "10. It is the light of these facta. ' iL. ( r . . ... of Instability afforded by the large labor turnover of the company, to the dangerous significance, under present circumstances, of importing skilled labor to break a strike, and to the potential danger of the entire sit uation to the susceptible adjacent war industries. The company was further informed f the method by which ad- and lab.or efficiency durine the period j tf tV a. now P U ts j i. I of the war. was uean with as its own circumstances with as its making, all interference with the in- Elmer Real Patriot I j jKeen on Red Cross - ojri i -pi .-i T . WllOle family JOIIIS Elmer Hndrickson is real patriotic. Lat night Mrs. E. W. Scott, solicit ing for the Rod Cross membership drive, called at the Hendrickson. home in the Falls View district, with no Idea save to obtain a dollar. She got th dollar, all right, and then some. Elmer subscribed $2.50 a month for the next 12 months, and only stipu lated that "i should pay for annual memberships for the five members of his family and the balance of 125 should be applied for the work that is being carried on by the local Red Cross branch. Just to be in the ranks, Elmer sub-s-cribed for another membership through th,3 paper mill campaign Wed nesday. Why not emulate Elmer Yes, this is the Elmer wjjo enjoys the boyish sport of coasting and two years ago was sliding down Seventh street hill and broke a lag. He's all right. The County Court EXPENDITURES FOR MONTH OP DECEMBER ROAD DISTRICT NO. Oregon City Enterprise, $10.00; C, E. Bat tin, $48.25; M. E. GalTncy, $119.87; N. F. Andrews, $29.75; John Young $27.50; James Conover, $5.00; Roy Otty, $52.50; W. Smart, $35.00; Ot tis Welch, $(50.00; J. A. Davis, $33 "5; Sam Schlaegvl, $2.50; Jerome Avery, $22.50; Henry Timroer, $25. 00; Oscar Sporey, $17.50; A. A. Conklin, $25.00; Walter Larson, $5 00; Dan Gaffney, $5.00. ROAD D1ST. NO. 3 Courier Press. $10.00; Gus Eschebeck. $2. 00; S. C. Young, $30.00; W. Young, $28.75; Walter Thebo, $30.00; J. O. Chitwood, $32.50; Harry Kersting, $21.25; Wilt Donley, $20.00; Harry Feathers, $10.00; A. II. RiUau, $99 00; Will Crawford, $8.75; Richard Biel, $10.00; R. Crawford, $27.50; John Karlen, $6.25; Fred Karlen, $5.00; E. Pillster, $27.60; A. Well man, $18.75; Christ Kerthlin, $12 50; R. Gustafson, $26.25; Curtis Young. $15.00; Joe Papsch, $30.00; Emil Papsch, $15.00; J. W. Norton, $32.50; Noah Royer, $30.00; Her man Seibert, $70.37; V. Gustafson, $8.75; George Gibbs. $10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 4 C. W. Schuld 4 Sons, $123.90; Tark & Closner Lumber Co., $14.02; H. H. Yount, $1.70; Port R. L 4 P Co, $127.62; J. A. Kitching, $79.75; G. A. Lovall, $13.00; George Ross, $17 00; H S Jones, $10.00; J C Dunseath $15.00; J C Kitching, $7.00; J. R. Hughes, $11.00; C. W. Fuller, $8.00; D. E. McConnell, $31.00; J. B. Linn, $22.00; R. S. Coop, $39.00; J. B. Linn, $22.00; R. S, Coop, $39.00; C. C. Sailing, $18.00; E. E. Erickson, $34.00; L. Hale, $36.00; Ed. Doug lass, $24.00; II. A. Githens, $28.00; George Walters, $5.00; H. C. Hclple $25.00; Lee McKinzie, $18.00; J. T. Dowty, $5.00; W. .T. Looney, $30.00; J P Steinman, $14.25. ROAD DIST. NO., 5 John Mey er, $7.50; John Potter, $7.50; L. Sut ton, $7.50; J. Imel, $1.25; J. Meyer, $11.00; C. W. Schuld & Sons. $37 10; Port. Ry. L & P. Co., $38.21; John Meyer, $12.50; Wm. Wheeler, $14.37; J. Meyer, $13.75; L. Sutton, $10.94; J. Imel, $7.50; Geo. Duley, $7.50; H. Beck, $3.75; H. Naas, $3. 75. ROAD DIST. NO. 6 Oregon City Enterprise, $10.00; Jarl & Eri? $22 25; Ridge Lumber Co., $82.98; R. E. Jarl, $20.97; Dave Jarl, $27.81; Max Kligel, $10.00; C. Hayworth, $7.50; Ed Littlepage, $20.62; Ed Sitz, $17 50; Gus Finger, $10.94. ROAD DIST. NO. 7 J. A. Odell, $12.00; Paul R. Meinig, $364.50; Sandy Blacksmith & Shoeing Shop, $42.25; Bruns Lumber Co., $6.28; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $1.85; J. Og den, $52.00; E. Wilson, $28.25; W. Ganger, $24.40; B. Frank, $60.13; J. Cocklerease, $40.65; M. Thomas, $3.25; B. Martin, $6.50; B. Moulton, $13.00; F. Crone, $26.00; C. Klinger $13.00; J. Oak, $24.40; J. M. Perry, $16.25; L. E. Martin, $74.75; J. Fregle, $56.90; H. Bablon, $280.00; E. Wilson, $5.00; Wm. Harding, $10.00; Douglas, $5.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 8 Paul R. Meinig, $5.35; D. Jadwin, $57.51; A. W. Shipley, $67.50; Courier Press, $5.00; C. W. Miller, $37.50; P. Aver ill, $28.75; D. Allen, $13.00; O. Daily, $25.00; W. Webber, $15.00; E. L. Banta, $7.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 9 Fred Lins, $27.00; Will Lins, $12.00; Carl Lins, $8.00; H. Schmidt, $8.00; Ed Guber $g.00; C. Guber $4 00- Ed Omfpn nam, jn.uu; c. Klinker, $8.00; Ed i . . . ' re-;Harders. $6.00- Then ITar,W toi strong, $5.00: W. Johnson. $8.75; J. C. Duus, $12.50; L. J. Pa! mateer, $1.87; A. J. Duncan, $1.88. ROAD DIST. NO. 11 Geo. Hol chu, $15.00; J. Murphy, $7.50; J. R. Livesay, $27.50; C. Moak, $5.50; C. A. Mann, $1.56; Wm, Mann, $1.56; C. R. Livesay, $16.84. ROAD DIST. NO. 13 Oregon City Enterprise, $10.00; E. W. Hyde $10.00; J. T. Fullam, $13.75. ROAD DIST. NO. 15-Oregon wty enterprise, $10.00; A. Shunk, :.ou; i. t'. Thomas, $8.25. HVAU UIST. NO. 16 H. Engel $16.25; W. Randall, $15.00; B. r! smitn, $15.00; G. Swint, $12.50; F Schilling, $1.25. ROAD DIST. N(X 17-Hult Lumber Co.. $36.58: nKmo. County News, $10.00; Carlton & Rosenkrans Co., $2.95: Canbv Hnr,i. & Implement Co., $6.00; Frank Zol lner, $6.30; C. A. Boster, $5.62; Wm. Beeson, $2.50; James Mahlum, $2 -00; Herman Pipka, $4.50; Henry Pipka, $4.50; Paul Bany, $5.00; Adam Bany, $5.00; Geo. Koehler, $5.00; Almon Johnson, $6.25; Otto Striker, $27.12. ROAD DIST. NO. 18 -Wm Thomas, $1.00; Wm. Daniels, $1.00 E. O. Fisher, $1.00; Roland Ed wards, $1.00; John Kappler, $12.50 W. W. Porter, $2.50; Frank Muel ler, $5.00; Theodore Marshall, $5 00 Willfred Marshall, $5.00; Charles Marshall, $2.50; John Marshall, $3. 00; Oliver Marshall, $1.25; Ed Buo'l $2.50; John Buol, $5.00; Walter Lee! $1.25; John Coulter, $5.00; Ed Mc Intyre, $2.50; Henry Kleinsmith, $2.50; Richard Simms, $1.25- R Schuebel &' Co., $2.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 20-Eastern Clackamas News, $10.00; J. C. Mil ler, $15.10; E. Griffin, $20.00; S Miller, $7.50. ' ROAD DIST. NO. 21-A N Swanson, $40.75; A. E. Anderson $102.25; A. Johnson, $59.00; Alex Erickson, $43.50; W. S. Gorbett $65.00; Milt Trullinger, $75.00; Al fred Swanson, $46.85; Verner Bran lund, $50.00; A. N. Swanson, $91 25; Chas. Bockman, $39.35; Harold Johnson, $15.00; W. S. Gorbett, $85 Art Johnson, $15.00; E. A. Swanson, $86.25; A. Johnson, $46.85; Gilbert Murphy, $78.75; J. Patterson, $41. 25; Mang-us Johnson, $43.75; John Nicholson, $45.00; Jack Feyrer $113.75; Emil Patterson, $39.35; Carl Patterson. 131.25: John Eng land, $39.85; Edd Johnson, $39.35; W. Sharer. S31.KS! W. Shafor. $31.- 85; Phil Nordling, $13.76; J. J. Jones u.ko; i'. westberif. Vi.Wi Alax Erickson. $53.75: A. K. Nidson. $53- 75; Erick Trygg, $53.75; John Trygg $5.00; Matt Petterson. $10.00; (i. A. Gottbersr, $5.00; P. E. Uonney, $3.75; Wm. Wells, $7.50; A. E. An derson, $10.00; Alvin linemen, $10.. 00; C, A. Brandlund. $4.35; Julius P. Hult, $10.00; Aug. Nymiist, $2.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 22-The Mo lalla Pioneer, $10.00; M. S. Hun gate, $10.40; Clay Hungate, $20.00; G. Hungate, $22.50; S. A. IX Hun gate, $28.25; Wm. Elklns, $20.00; W. Taintcr, $10.00; Clay Engle, $5.00; Jack Baty, $5.00; Ie Jones, $10.00; Henry Fkk, $5.00; Samuel Jane, $15.00; Samuel Hall, $7.50; Gilbert Jackson, $3.75; C. B. EUired, $3.75; Clay Engle, $10.00; Jack Baty $10.00; S. A. D. Hungate, $5.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 24-C. C. Mil ler, $2.00; Geo. Brockart, $6.00; John Gahler, $2.00; L. P. Spagle, $12.32. ROAD DIST. NO. 26 Williams Bros.. $112.95; Harry Bablcr, $101. 60; Hult Lumber Co., $10.00; F. M. Henriksen, $15.46: Otto Friedrich. $60.00; B. O. Cole, $12.00; Mr. Mor- ey, $i&9.30; E. C, Gerber, $37.80. ROAD DIST. NO. 27-Olaf Ol son, $19.50; Jay Bentley, $12.00; A. n. ixgan, f-i.w; j. oster, $10.00; Fred Hubbard, $15.00; I. D. Larkins $28.85; Harry Ring, $11.00; Roy Nicholson, $5.00; S. N. Nicholson, $3.00; S. G. Nicholson, $3.00; Carl Johnson, $3.00; George BenUey, $1.00; Orvil Jackson. J11.15: Hnrv Asboe, $4.00; C. W. Hirvhet, $8.00; w. a. KMhbone, $4.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 28 Port Ry. L. & P. Co.. $285.69: F. M. Henrik sen, $12.90; John Bartnik, $23.25; G. W. Jackson, $27.50; Homer Trul linger, $7.50; Pearl Harless, $5.00; L. O. Nightingale. S2.50: C. A. Beugli, $15.00; L. D. Shank, $18.00; Ray Shatzman, $2.50; Al. Wells, $5.00; Omer Williams, $5.00; A. D. Sherman, $5.25; J. M. Groshonff. $2.80; O. N. Onsund. 110.00: John Miller, $6.25; Ed Kyllo, $13.25; H. Kyllo, $13.25; J. M. Cross, $5.00; E. A. Shaver. $12.50: I-eslie Shunk. $43.75; A. M. Groshonir. $31.25: L. Nicholson, $25.00: J. Nicholson. J25.- 00; J. Nicholson, $30.00; Frank Ko kle, $20.00; Georire Helvev. $5.00: A. D. Mazingo, $22.50; H. Mazingo, $15.00; II. Zollner, $11.25; Charley Groshong, $15.00; Al. Wvland. $12.- 50; Lee Panquctte, $12.50; Jason Jones, $15.00; Willie Jones. $12.60; Willie Jones, $12.50; J. F. Jones, $25.00; Fred Carlson, $4.35; F. A. Davis, $6.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 29 G. H. Gray, $20.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 32 Oretron City Enterprise, $10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 33 Frank Mil lard, $63.50; R. H. Millard, $554.00; S. E. Smith. $42.75: Marion Millard $45.00; W. Fink, $45.00; L. E. Skeen $40.50; Geo. Genseroski, $29.25; E. Lacey, $2.25; Ivan Loccy, $2.25; Fred Horner, $11.25; C. M. Folsom. $36.00; Geo. Keller, $2.25; John Keller, $2.25; J. F. Schenk, $4.50; Guy Grable, $22.50; J. F. Moger, $38.50: John Stormer. 115.75: W. A Bard, $31.50; W. Blotch, $9.00; W. Hendren, $30.00; O. Hendren. S28.10: J. W. Marrs. $12.50: Claud Marrs $11.25; W. Tucker, $18.00; John Howard, $1.12; A. Enquist, $1.25; Isaaiah Tucker, $20.25; Marion Tucker, $20.25; J. Reichle, $10.00; S. Turel, $2.50; John Moger, $26.25; Ben Kiggins, $67.50; Thos. Jubb, $72.00; Frank Smith, $5.00; B. Schonburg, $12.50; W. H. Bletch, $10.12; P. Erickson, $3.75; I. G. Wolf, $19.12; A. Adlon, $9.00; Jas. Closner, $15.75; Percy Bletch, $2.25; E. Dibble, $7.85; W. Strunk, $4.50; W. Julian, $4.50; Eastern Clackamas News, $10.00; F. Madden & Co., $54.23; Frank Millard, $2.76; Harry Shay, $2.25; I. G. Wolf, $2.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 37 Oregon Iron & Steel Co., $8.00; Denny-Ren-ton Clay & Coal Company, $2.25; C. W. Kruse, $33.45; J. W. Stone, $42. 87; V. C. Evans, $8.88. ROAD DIST. NO. 38 Wilson & Cooke, $1.50; Hodleson & Julian, $0.50; H. W. Stevens, $6.50; E. C. Warren, $373.72; James Kepcha, $40.00; N. F. Andrews, $38.C0; R. Richardson, $13.75; M. E. Gaffney, $22.00; A. Otty, $15.00; Roy Otty, $155.00; E. C. Warren, $226.50; R. Richardson, $10.75; P. Rothe, $5.00; H. Fisher, $8.75; R. Capen, $3.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 40 Eastern Clackamas New?, $10.00; John Af folter, $45.00; H. H. Udell, $4.08. ROAD DIST. NO. 42 Port. Ry. L. & P. Co.., $180.02; Levi Erb, $40.. 60; 11. C. Rittenour, $3.00; Joe Daw son, $6.50; Iner Elfson. 11.00: T.po Dozier, $1.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 44 Courier Press, $10.00: C.anhv CVinnroto Works, $31.90; Charles Shocklcv. $2.50; Ernest .Innon 2K0? A s Newton, $30.50; R. Breaker, $7.50...' ROAD DIST. NO. 45 Oregon City, $5.00; Eastern Clackamas New k nn, r. p Piiintf $218.25; John Putz. $9.25: J. A. Scott, $4.00; Walter Cox, $4.00; Otis Vallen, $4.00; A. S, Freeman, $12.00; Carl Stromgreen, $2.00; L. P. Elliott, $180.00; John Putz, $19. 11; A. S. Freeman, $4.33. ROAD DIST. NO. 46 Oregon City Enternri chand, $5.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 47-E, C. War ren, $789.00; Courier Press, $12.92; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $74.20; Port. Ry- L. & P. Co., $69.21; O. P. Rocthe, $84.10; Chas. Moran, $31.25; Alex Gill, $43.75; D. J. Bass, $52.50; R. Tabor, $23.75; John, Bouick, $36. 25; Herman Fisher, $38.50; T. W. Smith, $27.50; E. E. Roethe, $97.50; O. T. Skootf, $5.00; D. J. Abbey, ?45.00; C. D. Atchley, $20.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 48 Oregon City Enterprise, $10.00; J. W. Dixon $36.00; Paul R. Meinig, $10.70; John Affolter, $2.50; Web Roberts, $2.50; , G- DeShazer, $5.00; Phil Van Lae ken, $5.00; Vern Alt, $2.60; Carl C. Alt, $24.00. ROAD LIST. NO. 49-IIodson-Feenaughty Co., $102.70; T, W. Linn ?tU3; Ben T. Rawlins, $10.00; F. Davi8 ?12-60; V. P. Anderson, $7.60; II. H. Anders, $7.60; E. T. Davis, $29.50; Ernest Amacher, $7.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 60-Courier Press, $10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 61-J. C. El liott & Co., $5.00; Courier Press, $10.00; C. W. Schuld & Sons. $9.10; Port. Ry. L & P. Co., $9.37; Jake DeYoung, $26.25; John Carlln, $23. 75; John DoYoung, $28.75; 11. Kit sen, $50,00; Fred HoffmoUtor, $12.. 60; Albert Hoffmclster, $10.00; Ed. Hoffmeistcr, $18.00; H. Johnson, $17.60; E. Johnson, $20.00; August Olson, $17.50? A. L. Hencook, $17.50; Richard Peals. $17.50: W. Rodlun. $10.00; M. McCausland, $10.00; John Anderson, $10.00; O. Gran, $5.00; August Wedlin, $7.50; A. Watch, $12.50; Joe Kollcy, $7.60; Joe Bouts. $3.73. ROAD DIST. NO. 62-Oregon City Enterprise, $10,00; Matt Grccn atade, $4.25; W. A. Ulrich, $20.75; Norma Peterson, $17.60; S. G. Len on, $17.60; Geo. Gordon, $17.60; David Becker, $16.25; Royal Zinser, $22.20; Elmer Zinser, $22.80; Joe Spady, $20.00; Alfred Odom, $12 50; II. W. Kanne, $11.00; W. A. Ul rich, $0.75; W F. Haberlch, $6.40. ROAD DIST. NO. 63 Ernest Conrad, $19.25; Edwin Jackson, $7.60; Lucht Bros., $6.25; C. A. Beu gli, $5.00; George Jackson, $5,00; George Wooster, $10.00; Ira James, $5.00; John A. Ridings, $5.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 54 The Hub bard Enterprise, $6.35; Benj. Stan ton, $62.87; Amos Yodor, $35.00; L. J. Stanton, $7.00; Levi Erb, $4.00; Roy Kropf, $7.00; Ben Burkert, $8. 00; Charley Brandt, $16.00; Lee Yo der, $4.00; L D. Yodor, $4.00; John Owings, $4.00; C. W. Owings, $9.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 55 GusUv Fischer, $2.50; C. R. Livesay. $4.40; Clark Cockerline, $30.00; J. F. Cnm- min, $3.75; C. E. Hively, $62.50; Win Craft. $10.00; A. C. White, $70.00; G. M. Hivcly. $78.25; Walter Bateson, $65.00; J. E. UCroy, $76. 00; E. Bateson, $35.00; C. Mont gomery, $27.80; S. G. Kirchom, $27. 50; J. Cromer, $32.50; E. Hinkle, $60.00; Gus Lesh, $30.00; II. Kir chem, $30.00; T. Kirchom, $12.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 66 Courier Press, $10.00; Walter Hehn, $9.00; Geo. Havill, $3.50; A. J. CoU, $33. 00; Wm. Mon, $4.00; B. S. Almsted, $8.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 57 C. J. Honcyman, $31.35; Otto Frederick, $21.00; The Molalla Pioneer, $10. D. L. Miller, $12.50; G. Rothcnberg, $2.25; Fred Walch, $5.00; II. Gurt ler, $6.00; W. Eby, $2.50; A. F. Ey man, $7.85; Guy Lantz, $5.00. GENERAL ROADS Highland Grange Hall, $1.50; Clat-kamas County News, $10.00; Chas. Johnson $4.15; S. H. KaurTman, $6.40; Mt Tabor Garage, $42.05; Francis Welsh $13.93; Chase & Linton Gravel Co., $4.80; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $48. 75; The Molalla Pioneer, $20.00; Harmon & Co., $11.95; John A. Wal ter Co., $4.60; Excelsior Motorcycle Co., $54.73; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $11.33; Oregon City Foundry, $22.40; Alaska Junk Co., $30.00; W. S. Maple, $15.50; Miller-Parker Co., $65.47; A. W. Botkin, $1.25; H. A. Nichols, $2.50; J. H. L. Maybce, $3. 75; II. H. Watkins, $5.00; E. I). Olds $877.08; C. Warren, $21.30; B. L. Snow, $18.00; Pope & Co., $3.75; J. H. Cash, $2.10; Port. Ry. L & P. Co., $28.84; Howard-Cooper Corp., $23.50; Good Roads Mach. Co., $29. 56; Willamette Valley Southern Ry. Co., $92.25; Oregon City Enterprise, $20.00; C. Fouts, $16.35; Henry Scott, $432.00; Union Oil Co., $15 40; H. W. Hagcmann, $72.50; C. J. Hewitt, $2.50; Standard Oil . Co., $18.48; Wm. Mumpower, $145.10; Roy O. Woodward, $0.60; H. E. Meads, $100.00; F. C. Gadko, $8.40; T. A. Roots, $161.58; Alf Martin, $80.00; C. J. Honeyman, $131.65; Pacific Highway Garage, $40.31; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $231.00; Courier Preas, $30.00; W. R. Telford, $101. 00; John Meyer, $20.00; J. Potter, $33.75; L. Sutton, $28.75; J. Imel, $15.00; John Meyer, $27.50; P. Hoov er, $3.12; Hoover, $3.12; Jarl & Eri, $5.90; Ridge Lumber Co., $88.85; R. E. Jarl, $8.94; D. Jarl, $21.87; M. Kligel, $2.50; G. Finger, $2.50; J. Jarl, $2.50; Wm. Guldenzopf, $6.87; B. L. Lawrence, $75.00; A. C. Bu chel, $100.00; K. McFarland, $31.50; R. W. White, $108.00; Jim Kepcha, $80.00; C. F. Peake, $70.50; N. Ba ker, $48.00; J. Hcinrich, $61.50; J. J. Hattan, $83.00; N. Kesterson, $25. 50; H. L. Patterson, $75.00; C. B. Smith, $72.00; M. L. Smith, $63.00; E. Rivers, $73.50; H. A. Rivers, $73. 50; Charles Hattan, $6.00; A. Daue, $45.00; A. R. Daue, $72.00; W, Lil lie, $67.50; Martin L.Smith, $33.00; Frank Hattan, $18.00; N. S. Hol comb, $3.00; Frank Wheeler, $24. 00; J. Moore, $30.00; W. E. Nelson, $27.00; C. M. Dallas, $147.00; O. W. Hattan, $52.50; Bruno Fricdrich, $500.00; Fred Morey, $175.00; D. R. Dimick, $70.00; Wm. Rider, $70.00; Charles Thomas, $68.25; Frank Tet zaff, $10.50; Walt Kruesrer. $28.00: A. R. Earls, $35.00; Ralph Koehler, $5.25; S. C. Turnbow, $2.00; Samuel Hess, $75.00; Cal. Hatfield, $45.00; Almon Johnson, $42.00; James Mel um, $45.00; George Koehler, $57.00; Elmer Gribble, $75.00; Wm. Beason, $27.00; George Mitt, $27.00; Mort Hains, $28.50; James Pitt, $27.00; C. J. Wallertz, $18.00; Mike Hurris, $15.00; R. Schuebel & Co., $5.00; Charles Marshall, $16.25; John Mar shall, $18.00; Walter Lee, $12.50; J. C. Nelson, $10.00; Arthur Zwiefel, $3.00; W. A. Woodside, $2.50; John Gard, $5.00; Alva Gard, $10.00; R. Schuebel, $22.92; Ed. Buol, $6.75; John Buol, $16.00; R. Schuebel & Co., $24.00; William Marshall, $21. $25; W. Lindau, $10.00; Henry Kleinsmith, $10.00; Claud Bottemit ler, $10.00; Albert Gasser, $12.50; Leo Gasser, $12.60; Abe Hepler, $13.20; Chas. Gelbrich, $5.60; F. Menconi, $12.50; II. Hercamp, $10. 00; R. Klaus, $41.25; Erich Mertz, $12.50; Chas. Gelbrich, $27.50; Ben Krause, $17.50; John Wells, $2.50; Louis Gibson, $2.50; C. Smith, $5.00 Geo. Scramlin, $5.00; Frank Grib ble, $5.00; Claude Baty, $5.00; D. Harmes, $2.50; B. Albecker, $17.50; John Heinz, $5.00; Fred Heinz, $2.50; Frank Kraxberger, $7.50; Geo. Scramlin, $1.68; E. E. Houghton, $48.75; R. White, $33.75; John C. Vaughan, $95,00; N. D. Houghton, $71.25; Martin Snltness, $37.60; Rox Utkl,. tll'J Rn S. A. lv,iirlii 110.. 00; Hans Larson, $45.00; John Vlck, $105.00; McKlroy, $22.60; Ruben Wright, Sr., $52,60; Rubon Wright, Jr., $5.02; Ralph Faust, $38.75; Or vile Klinger, $36.87; Ray Until, $20.87; Carl Fisher, $20.00; Edward Callahan, $5.00; Cicero Grinuu, $5.00 Silas Wright, $14.37; Al HiiUorllold, $44.37; Frank Keys, $16.25; Emory Worth, $15.00; W. J. E. Vick, $51.25; I Burkhart, $35.00; Henry Duhl, ?!17R- A J lluv.i,n. J17 50; 1) Fisher, $30.00 A. Larkins, $25.00; A. W i n. S IB.Uu: Ulmr 1' iMhrr. 1 .Ii : Clv,l Fisher. $20.00: Hutrh Cuttimr. $2.50; O. K. Cole, $2.60; F. W. Keis- cr, tui.uu; vumon a looke, ;i.(u; C. Zimmerman, $40.45; M. Tiedcman man, $33.25; F, A. Zlmmvrmun, $34. 00; C. Kelnhofer, $20.25; I Hype synskl, $29.37; J. Hellborg, $30.00; V. Rypczynski, $28.12; CS. Oldon- atadt, $5.00; E. Andorson, $20.00; F. Kaiser, $47.60; 11. Ilellberg, $45.. 00; J. Notdurft, $35.00; G. Sottje, $40.00; C. Notdurft, $47.60; F. Keln hofer, $40.00; J. Kaiser, $32.50; R. W. Oldonatadt, $10.00; O. Gross, $35.00; D. Day, $20.00. W. Kaiser, $38.60; Herman Fisher, $11.00; Erick Fisher, $16.00; David L. Jones. $2.60; D. L. Erdmnn, $16. 50; H. Bronner, $15.(W; I. Brown, $6.25; Cart Anderson, $5.00; C. Bartlemay, $5.00; W. Uartlcmay, $2.50; L. G. Wrolstad, $1.68; A. L. Yodor, $25.82; Charles Taylor, $2.00; W. H. Yoder, $16.00; G. E. Wylnnd, $81.50; F. S. Hart, $15.00; M. J. Gotwald, $31.00; Charles Cooper, $4.00; Claud Yoder, $5.00; G. Wit liams, $11.00; Otto Owen, $24.00; Manley Jacobson, $15.00; A. C. Tay lor, $55.75; Walter Olsen, $5.00; George Sether, $11.00; Jack Llnd land, $12.00; George Brocket, $20.. 00; Arthur Brocket, $20.00; George Dawson, $9.00; George Dozier, $3.00 P. A. Brennan, $6.00; Joseph Daw son, $5.00; Carl Inrfald, $11,00; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $53.20; H. B. Van Duzt-n, $20.00; E. N. Foster, $2.60; Port Ry. L. A P. Co., $91.90; W. H. Douglass, $35.60; Fred Hoff mcister, $18.00; W. R. Woodle, $9. 00; W. F. Douglass, $13.60; Chas. Paddison, $4.60; Ernest HorTmeiHter, $6.75; R. B. Gibson, $4.60; Oscar Judd, $6.75; Geo. Judd, $9.00; Chas. Murphy, $2.25; Geo. Smith, $4.60; Fred Anderson, $2.25; Edward Na chund, $5.50; Owen HutUn, $11.25; Carl Dullus, $21.25; Chas. HatUn, $3.75; Straight & Salisbury, $1.00; W. S. Maple, $4.00. IMPROVEMENT FUND Canby Transfer Co., $12.00; Hult Lumber Co., $13.63; E. C. Shull, $4.00; H. C. Gilmorc, $3.50; Chas. ThomuH. $1. 75; Shingle Co., $39.90; J. S. Fisher, $24.81; G. A. Ehlen, $4.60; Frank Busch, $4.55; Paul h. Meinig, $181.50; Miller-Purkcr Co., $2.05; Stefani Lumber Co., $3.06; Oregon City Foundry, $5.00; Bruns Lumber Co., $101.61; Willamette Valley South. Ry., $34.09; Concrete Pipo Works, $19.20; Carlton & Ros enkrans Co., $1.15; E. R. Kilgallon, $30.00; Heck & Son, $0.85; J. S. Fisher, $254.49; J. Scholl, $10.50; Concrete Pipe Works, $63.07; R. Do Neui, $1.60; B. L. Snow, $75.00; Ot to K. Meindl, $1.00; Gladstone Lum ber Co., $0.60; W. Dutchcr, $112.50; H. H. Hartley, $66.00; A. J. Mur phy, $64.50; Wm. Henderson, $60 00; 1). Anderson, $66.00; Lodie Glass $20.00; Warren Construction Co., $3391.15; Warren Cons. Co., $9020 60; Wurren Cons. Co., $2592.16. BOUNTY Wm. M. Kirchcm, $2.00; M. Kligel, $3.00. ELECTION I. M. Harrington, $2.50. SHERIFF D. E. Frost, $19.50; Oregon City Enterprise, $26.17; L. C. Hubbard, $11.80; A. E. Joyncr, $11.00; Miller-Parker Co., $2.25; Jones Drug Co., $1.00; I. M. Har rington, $10.00. RECORDER Oregon City En terprise, $26.00; D. C. Boyles, $6.00. TREASURER Courier Press ,$0.35; Burroughs Adding Mach. Co., $1.75; Jones Drug Co., $0,755. ASSESSOR Courier Press, $150 00; Oregon City Enterprise, $5.70. COUNTY COURT-W. A. Proc tor, $48.00; A. H. Knight, $60.00; H. S. Anderson, $5.90. COURT HOUSE E. A. Hugh, $275.00; Board of Water Commis sioners, $21.00; J. W. Jones, $3.00; Straight & Salisbury, $1.60; Home Telephone Co., $15.75; Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Co., $43.60. CIRCUIT COURT-J. C. Ed monds, $24.60; A. McConnell, $57 60; H. C. Gilmore, $55.80; George C. Armstrong, $55.60; Jumes Skinner, $55.20; L. W. Robbins, $54.20; O. W. Boring, $57.30; E. R. Leek, $54 60; P. J. Kayner, $58.00; A. B. Hub bard, $35.00; Frank Moore, $54.40; R. E. Irwin, $56.00; R. G. Ashby, $50.00; L. Hale, $57.50; Elmer Van Fleet, $57.80; J. J. Marchbnnk, $11 00; C. A. Frost, $2.00; II. II. Hughes $6.20; A. W. Riggs, $5.80; Charles E. Riggs, $5.80: W. J. Wilson. S6.40 Sarah Bell Pratt, $5.60; M. J. Lee, $4.20; L. Ferguson, $5.00; Herman Anthony, $5.00; I). E. Frost, $4.40; Conrad Walsh, $5.00; Ray Heinz, $5.00; Ada Pratt, $5.60; A. E. Joy ner, $2.20; B. R. Wolfer, $5.00; Mrs. J. H. Clark, $5.00; Dilty Pratt, $5 60; Harry Calvert, $4.20; Leona Bur to, $2.20; Mrs. Emma Bierman, $2.20; T. A. Burke, $6.58; I. M. Har rington, $2.50. ' JUSTICE OF PEACE D. E. Frost, $42.00; H. II. Hughes, $12.5o! SURVEYOR H. II. Johnson, $1.60; J C. Sullivan, $3.00. INSANE Western Union Tel. Co., $0.68; A. E. Joyner, $9.50; W. J. Wilson, $4.50; Dr. M. C. Strick land, $5.00. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS Falls Transfer Co., $2.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $11.30; D. E. Frost, $0 03; Cora Hunt, $10.00; Aver B. Cat avan, $12.50; J. E. Calavan, $21.83; Brenton Vedder, $149.50. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. O.A. Welsh, $59.70; Jones Drug Co., $7 50. STOCK INSPECTOR Paul Boss, $12.50; Luchs Bros., $12.50. INDIGENT SOLDIER J. C. Sawyer, $30.00. COUNTY POOR Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Boys' and Girls' Aid Soc, $10.00; Hoff Bros (Tom Jones), $19 00; Mrs. Bradtl (J. McNamara), Captured Thirty GermiM Single Handled ' 'r,t.i- .( if. r" ' -r - ! ' , . .... ," - .... ''.I i ' . I' ' , t ' - ' ' 1 'lam Mii-ratim, ii iuim'ii i. mm niiali lACHAttii ALLAH ULOUNI While fighting with the forelm Legion at Verdun, Richard Altai lllount, son or H. K. Blount of North Carolina, raptured single banded thirty Germans. Mo wag awarded the Croix de Guerre with palm, for bis heroic deed. $10.00; Sum Booher, $16; Ikork Mo slur, $14.00; Mary Buol (Robert Trimble), $5.00; Sarah Gibbons, $20.00; Ella Payne, $10.00; Mrs. Jessio Chulk, $16.00; Mrs. Galbrailh, $15,00; Mrs. G. W. Thompson, $10 00; A. C. Sleight, $15.00; Ada I. Buw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $3.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horner), $10.00; Bon Landes, $12.00; S. E. Card (Ml rhael Boyl), $8.00; C. II. DyUlahl, $20.00: Gustuv Greble, $10.00; Mrs. N. E. Tavlor (Mr. and Mrs. S. Boo her), $14.00; Wm. Dickelman, $14 00; John and William Boers, $20.00; Mrs. r.liruueth haunders, $;.uo; George Avery, $15.00; Mary Lock, $10.00; Anna Wetterlin, $10.00; Chris Zinsll (Cash McKarty), $10 00; Mary RiR-ker, $5.00; Maud Wil liams (for child), $10.00; J. B. Salle (W. T. Tlnsloy, 1). R. Dnvles & Wm. Kuhn), $60.00; Adelin Ilarllett, $10.00; Goo. II. Newsome, $10.00; .Mrs. Lungford, $7.00; BurmoUer A Amlresrn (R. Trulinger), $1.60; El ectric Motet (Dick Meyers). $20.00: S. A. Miller (Mrs. Ona Neff), $31- 00; Hewctt Mercantile Co. (NcfT), $9.60; Hm Stanton (Vernie NcfT), $6.00; Mrs. A. L. Hedding (Calvin Ntff), $10.30; II. II. Deets (Rueben NcfT). $12.00; Geo. K. Oglesby (D. II. NcIT), $9.00; Chas. E. Oglesby (Neff family), $7.00; Sadler A Kraus (Neff family), $23.95; Mrs. Amos Kauffman (Rena Neff), $16 75; Jas. Wilnon ( Beers family), $10.00; A. McConnell (Henry Sturdi vant), $20.00; J. B. Sallee (D. R. Davies), $10.40; Dr. Robt. K. Hamp son (Mrs. John Miller), $10.00; C. Sholos (Mary Foster), $25.00; Mrs. Fred Himlcr (J. Mntheson), $20.00; Batdorf Bros. (Mrs. Grnnqulst), $15.05; Fruncis Welsh, $5.00; Mrs. W. E. Boerner (E. C. Desbron), $20.00; Mrs. W. E. Boerner (Olaf Johnson), $25.00; Purkpluce Store (Mrs. E. E. Baker), $5.00; L. II. Doolittle ( Dickelman , $8.20; Dr. Frederick A. Kichle (Trullinger), $5.00; R. L. Holman (F. W. Uober, R, Kiser and O. White), $57.50; Fred Schwartz (Mrs. Trullinger), $10.00; Honrd of Water Commission ers (A. Prizi), $1.40; Tom Rawlins (Leon Daily), $15.00; Denis Dono van (Jerome Hamilton), $14.00; P. J. Winkcl (Grable), $10.00; Paul R. Meinig (Ed Miller), $3.00; Dr. H. A. Dedmnn (Mrs. Anna NcfT and ba by), $30.00; St. Vincent's Hospital (Grandquist & Ina Miller), $17.25; Otto E. Meindl (J. G. Soahorn), $10.00; W. W. Pollack (Chas. Mc Kinnis), $12.00; J. E. Morgan (Mrs. Carlisle), $15.00; Oregon City (cem etery tots), $130.00; Oregon City HoKpiUl Co. (F. W. Babcr, I). A. Neff and C. L. White), $63.45; C. E. Cross (Mrs, Sarah Gibbons), $5.00; Sandy Drug Co., $10.50; Mrs. M. L. Buldwin (NcfT family), $10.00; Mrs. Slizabcth Fisher (Mrs. Lowthcr), $15.00; Tho Hub Grocery Co. (Lang ford & Trullinger), $14.00; M. I. Wilson (E. Miller), $30.00; Frank Ott (M. Foster), $15.05; Jones Drug Co., $0.99; Dr. J. W. Norris (Tucker & Trullinger), $2.70. JAII-W. J. Wilson, $79.26. JUVENILE COURT-II. II. Hugh es, $22.00; 1). E. Frost, $23.70; Min da E. Church, $30.60. TAX REBATE II. K. Cross, $1.31; W. C. McNeil, $0.75; John W. Kyler, $1.47. PRINTING & ADVERTISING Oregon City Enterprise, $42.12; The Courier Press, $44.87. FAIRS Meier & Frank Co., $4.50. SEALER J. F. Jones, $11.78. TAX DEPARTMENT Orogon City Enterprise, $8.50; Bushong & Co., $4.50; W. J. Wilson, $30.00; Edith Alldredge, $60.00; Ona Ron ncr, $60.00. PROHIBITION II. M. Chitwood, $5.60; Jack Albright, $3.00. DAMAGES A. R. Cummins, $42.20; Geo. R. Cummins, $17.20; Ben C. Cummins, $0.60; Hogg Bros., $15.00. LITTLE ONES AND OLD ONE3. James Edwards, 208 Harriet St., Montgomery, Ala., writes: "I Bleep all night and cough but little. I fool like a new man from using Foley's Honey and Tar. My whole family Is using It now the little ones and tho old ones. It has cured our .coughs and broken our colds." Foley's Honey and Tar clears stopped air passages, removes phlegm, heals raw Inflamed mem branes, soothes sore chest, makes breathing easy, and relieves those deep-Beated, racking coughs. Jones Drug. Co. Adv.