MORNING ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21. 191?. mi " KaJHMIHBr 1lWmi-.--llBri u. wg Newsy Briefs From All Over the County Muliiio MULINO, Or, Dec. 20 Mrs. August Erickson returned from a visit to Col ton last week. Mrs. Catherine Goucher'a house gueat, Mrs. Waltera, of Needy, who has been visiting her for the past week, returned home last Sunday. Mrs. Rose Wallace-Doiier, came home from Hood Ulver to spend the holidays with her son, William Wal lace. young man's body to his former home in California, for Interment. Mr. Badger received word of the death of a sister' baby. The mother had cared for the infant and laid it In Its little bed, believing it to be strong and well, only to find a short time later that the wee one had passed away. At a recent meeting of voters in this neighborhood, it was decided to peti tion for a school. Mr. Hilton has been circulating one petition with success. Jennings Lodge JF.NMNX1S LODGE. Dec. 20. A pretty home wedding was solemn I ted nt the home of Mrs. A. T. Pierce, at her attractive home, on the river front, on Saturday last, when her only daughter. Mary Emma, was untted In marriage to Hugh H. Fleming, of Seattle.. Only immediate relatives of the contracting parties were pres ent. Th home was artistically deeor- A small nortion of the new ills- aieii wtui poitea plants ana native Mrs. Walter Waldorf and Mrs. Mabel, trict a8 ialj out, De in Marion! greens. Mrs. Fleming was a graduate Haines are helping the teacher, Mrs. C0Unty, another petition is being eircu-; "10 ,f or school, be Inez Larkins, train the pupils for the I lateil there. It is hoped that the school; big class president. Sh, spent Christmas tree exercises. i wju soon be an accomplished fact. forn 'r a Oregon City high school Miss Althea Macdonald was a Mo-j the present school is so far away that; 'u 9 lunv a member of 1SU7 class of lalla visitor last Saturday. j ,,art of the children would not realUe ; t-imo!n high of Portland. She Is well Mrs. Alfred Danielson was an Ore-;tnat it existed If It were not for the known in musical circles in the coun gon City visitor last Friday. j vearly visit of the census marshal. For -- Mr- Fleming Is Instructor or nvla- Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller and child-jinstancet Mr. Hilton's six children tw" for ,h t'"rl! company and has ren have come to spend the winter wouId have ,0 g0 something like fit- ?I,ont ,nluh 11,1,0 lu tho puvernnient with Mrs. Miller's mother. Mrs. Mary teen me, by the nearest traveled -training camps The young couple Crook. . road to attend the present school. j rrcelvimr the hearty congratuU- Jesse Daniels made a business trip; xht,re wa3 an attempt made hist ,:o,,s of ,nPir man" Mends "ere. to Oregon City Saturday. year to provide the needed school,! The beautiful home of Clarence . the. Y. M. C. A. After a delightful pro-' laiurol chapter number US Order East Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldorf visit-, whieh proved unsuccessful, because of uMds. interurban superintendent of! gram lunch was serve! and the re- em Star, held Thursday evening the ed relatives in Oswego Sunday. a technicality, as there is property P. R. U & P. has been sold to a Mr. ) maluder of the evening devoted to ! following oflcers were selected for the Miss Anna Jepson and Mrs. Ed Ber-; en(nlch and there are pupils enough to, Weiss, a merchant of Portland. j games. A large crowd was In attend-i ensuing year: Mury H. Paten, worthy dine oiled on Mrs. Joe Daniels Sun-; warrant having two schools. j Mrs. S. If. Dill and grandson. C. r. j ance. j matron; Howard 11. Kceles, worthy exercises will' be on Christmas Ere, lunor, Mrs. R. F. Robson, Mrs, K. tt, and all are tnvltd. Seat free. David Hardy, of Saskatchewan, Can ada, wan visiting at the home of C. P. Mono the past week, having come down to look after hla property at Hull, Ore, Mrs. A. Olllet and baby daughter, of Seattle ar visiting at the home of th.i former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa Moran, at (lien Echo. Mr. Deathman has been 111, threat ened with pneumonia. Art l.ucker and Hans ltaumgartner who were delegates to Eugene to thA Hoys' conference, gave full reports of what took place at the meeting. The boys were royally entertained and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the time. Those attending the meeting of the Federated churches from Jennings ldge were Mr. and Mr. Wm. Jacobs Mrs. Hugh Roberts and Mrs, Bessie E. Uruechert. Canby CANHY, Ore.. Dec. 20. -Mrs. Heltnn, of Portland, who has been visiting frauds and relativea in Canby the past week, returned to her home Sat urday. The Christian Endeavor of the Christian church gave a pleasing en tertainment nt the band auditorium Friday evening, to raise funds for Bowman,, Mirs. T. A. Phillips, Mm. II. A. Berkinan and Mrs. U 11. Wang. John F. Kckerson, of Molalla, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. Lm Eckerton. Mr. and Mrs. Avon Jesse of Grlbbla Prairie, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Kckerson this week. Cleorgo Bates returned to Canby for a wek end visit, lewis Mitts, who recently Joined the aviation corps of V, S. A, iont Sunday visiting relatives In and near Canby. Mr. J. J. Sandsnesa made a business trip to Oregon City Saturday. Frank Dodge, who Is employed at the Portland shipyards, spent Sunday with his family In Canby. F. A, Rosenkrnna, of Portland, whs In Canby on business this week, Supervisor of Schools llrenton Ved dor and Miss Joyce of Oregon Agricul tural college were In Canby In the In terest of Industrial club work. In Clackamas county. Miss Joyce spoke to both high school and grammar school students. An Industrial club was formed among the grammar school students of the fifth, sixth, s-nouth mul eighth grade student. The following oflcers weiv elected by the student body; Howard lloln. president; Mildred llomlrlckscn, vice president; Donna Haln s, secretary and Charles Hates, treasurer to select from this year. t the annual election of officers of ENTERPRISE JUNIOR IN THE INTEREST Of THE BOYS' AND URLS' INDUSTRIAL CLUBS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY ah The following Hoys' and Girls Indus- Mttrliui 'Mania, pres.; Thelma Mile trial clubs have organised and have vice president; Horner Ilergnraon, ano elected officers for the ensuing year. rotary; fhlllp Clurk, treasurer; I'hllya lly Christmas It Is expected that every vMk, rgaant at arms, district will be organlned, and aetlvaj District No, 8 --II. F. D. 8, Aarora: preparation will begin for the year's Allen White, president. Alpha Brown, work. Aa fiiHt as organised tha names vice president; KIhIo Colvln. aeoro- of the officers win no punusnnu in mi iBry; mi ioe, treasurer; Abbla Cur- tins, advisor, District No. 4 -Clackamas r. 0,: Mabel Hughes, president; Volma Fin- day afternoon. 1 Fred Davis is working at the Silver Mr. ami Mrs. iayior nave moveu ia, Fa,u Timber Co eamp tnU vvinter. Oregon City. Morse, Jr., spent Sunday at Grcsham. th guest of Mrs. 1. N. Thomas. A I . I. .,1 1 I, Tw, . .. ..... ......... . .1 ..I M., . , Reeaus of the oDen winter, the camp. .. " - . .' " " , ",l-v " m. u im-, Miss Rose Mulvaney and John Dar-( ha4 alrea(iy run mucn uuer than It ' ;in nt lp;u nor '"'Vting on iriday. ! pressed with the magnitude of Vude nal were Mulino visitors last rrmay. .. . , , Aa to weather condt-" l ""'. ,u. M... ,, !lm8 miming camp. una tnero Albert Erickson and family have ; ' ' ' h a . d e,crlbe eafh Vlr- interesting talk on "What Our, they visited with Royce Prown and moved into the Xick-Darna! house. I hS and ' , -era! o.lvr locU boys. Mr. Hanling and family have moved ' u d 1,0 trii8n' paper maga.lnes. Otto Krucgcr, Walter Krueger. It. S. into the Albert Erickson cottage. I Mfu in 1 Z7. ZrZr Z ,he ("H,J l iterature Society of Harvey, Walter I.elsmann. Claire Mrs. E.J. Maple spent last Tuesday homestea., the white ' orUanu i3 ,r, lIlc 10 W" from , Haines and Clifford Will have joined one i i 'i ' i i, ... , , , limiiMi iiMimi.i. 1 1 ,p iiim lihiw -i im, m . ,Mi,... nwriniromj t J. !e Rckersnn and Avon Jesse patron; Theresa H. Kckerson, assocl- visited Camp Lewis nt American lkejnte matron; Mildred E. Stacy, conduc tress. Tlllb Slytcr, secretary Hello Dodge, treasurer. Mrs. Itoln'i'ts Is visiting her sister. Mrs. Earls, this week. Mrs. Hello Sloluht, of Portland. wa a Canby visitor Tuesday. Canby vicinity Is having an extreme ly high stage of wliter. ,Tlu Molalla department: District No, 4 R. F, D. No, 2. Ore gon City: Hertha Hnss, president; l.uey Sherwood, vice president; Ireiuii .r vice president ; Clark ohnson, aoo rotary; Albert NoU, treasurer. District No, 71 - Clackntnas P. O.! Norman Mortenseu, president; Wil liam Myers, vice president; Margaret MortoiiKou, secretary; Fred Durgln, treasurer. , District No. 77 - iDamnscus) Holing P. O.: Tluirwold Sylvester, president; Vlolu Jones, vice preHldelll; Venilo Shank, secretnry; Ituhy loiich, treas urer; Kudolph Mulleiihoff, advisor. District No. 7.X (Dodge) It. F. I). 2, Estacnda: Emery Keller, president; Therwold I'ederson, vice 'president ; Arthur Meyers, secretary; Vnmoii Keller, treasurer. , District No. X'J" (Corrnll Creek) Klrchom. secretary; Henry Tschopp treasurer; Miss Arlstann Felts, ad visor. District No. ! -H. F. 1), 1, Clacka mas; Raymond Van Water, president; Eminn Erickson, vice president ; Dag my NoImou, secretary; R. A. Hoyer, advisor. District No. M - (Sprlngwater) It. F. I). 3, Estacnda: Isaiah Tucker, presi dent; AinoK Tucker, vice-president; Mabel Smith, secretary; Elsie Fink, treasurer. District No. 20-R. F. I). 2. Horlng: Vivian Lovelace, president; Win, Jac obs, vice president; Anna Hanson, sec retary; Willis Llnglo, treasurer. District No. 27(Mapl Lane) Ore KOtl CItv: (ieo. Sclltegel. president : -""" """ ,' iv"i'ii ' . im.- UU Pagenkopf, vice-president; Ruth blent; Dorothy Say. vlc.l president; llorton, secretary; (!eo. Colver, treas- Auilrev Wooil. secretary; Henl, Mick- ell, treasurer; Mrs. tiu.a It, Wood, ad visor, District No, XI -Mulluo: Mary Sued grass, president; Theo Mo Donald, vice president; Ester Hung, Treasurer. District No. X5 (llenrlcl) Oregon with Mrs. urani Asnoy. , luanUe lay over the earth for Grant Ashby baa tna miawnune "Eight while at c. k. Thomas and f fall out of the hay mow and sprain: D B Gray p,ace3 u wa9 a number ot fc. Tom Taylor has gone to uregon cuy . rpDorted that a auarry in Crook- to work. r-inor U hplncr onened. It Is said Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, Ore.. Dec. 20. Last Wednesday a Red Cross auxiliary was organized at Eagle Creek. The organization was in charge of Mrs. J. G. Gilllngham, field secretary of the Portland chapter of Red Cross. There were twenty members enrolled and the officers elected were: Gus Burnett, chairman; Mrs. Homer Glo ver, vice-chairman; Miss Jennie Smith, secretary; Mrs. Roy Meyers, treasurer and Mrs. Emma Thomas, military to belong to the Benedict Fathers at Mt. Angel. The new rock is used as an insulator, and fence posts can be sawed from it, while If ground and mixed with Portland cement. It makes the latter both better and cheaper, it is said. Mr. Hammer, who died recently at Scott's Mills, had a company with his son, Eli, perfected and patented a stump puller. While the machine can use horse power, the hand power has been developed to such an extent that one person can easily effect a strain of sixty tons on a cable. Glen Hiltofi, who accidently shot his foot, a few weeks ago, has returned The Clarkes chairman. Mrs. J. G. Gillingham came up to , home and is recovering rapidly. Alex Baker's and organized a Red J bullet lay next to the bone and had to Cross unit in Upper Eagle Creek, with 1 be taken out through the bottom of ten members. Mrs. Geo. Judd was i the foot, elected military chairman and the! , meetings are to be held at her home. Eagle Creek Grange met last Satur day with about forty present, includ ing visitors and children. A special feature ot the session was the Christ mas pie and pop-corn balls, which were enjoyed by all. James Bell was a grange visitor last Saturday. Virgil Douglass has been suffering from an attack of the mumps tor sev eral days, but Is getting better. Mr. and Mrs. E. Naylor were dinner guests at the home ot Will Douglass an Sunday. Mrs. Viola Douglass was an Esta cada visitor one day last week. Mrs. R. S. Clark is on the sick list, Roy Douglass made a business trip to Firwood Monday. Miss Veroo Beckert, who has been spending a few days at the farm home, returned to Portland Sunday, accom panied by her mother, Mrs. A. Beckett. Elk Prairie CLARKES, Dec. 20. Wesley Lindau has enlisted and he is going to l ave on Monday, December 17. Quite a few young people from Clarkes attended the surprise party given at the home of R. Billiard, of Falls View, last Saturday evening, De cember 15, and everybody had a good time. i J. Nelson and son, Harvey, were in Oregon City last Saturday. Edd Grace visit.-d Mr. Coger and family last Sunday. B. Sullivan went to Portland last Monday to see his son, Patrick, who I has enlisted and is going to leave for California on Monday. j Walter Lee visited his mother, Mrs. Mary Lee and family, of Oregon Cltyj for a short time. B. Sullivan and A. F. Buche were! in Or 'son City last week on business.' J. Maxson has returned to put in! his crops on his place. Claudus liottemiler visited his sis ter, Mrs. C. Ralph, and family of Ore gon City, a few days last week. C. Stromgreen and daughter, Flor ence, went to Vancouver last Tues- ELK PRAIRIE, Ore., Dec. 20 H. N. Summervllle, who has a claim in this neighborhood, has returned from East ern Oregon. Mr. Summerville and family are at present stopping at Mo- day. lalla. They have returned feeling that ; The G rman Methodist church is j there 13 no place like this part ot the! preparing for a big Christmas tree on : state for health, having had a good ! December 24. j deal ot sickness while in the eastern j P. Sager was on the sick list but! part of the state. Mrs. Summervllle Ms getting better again. j bad black pneumonia while there. Edd Grace is haulin? his potatoes j Messrs. Shaw and Collins were vis-1 to Clarkes store and then the auto j Itors at the Badger home recently. ! truck which works for Hoff Bros, j Mr. Collins tracked a bear one day, takes them and ships th-m to Port-, the snow was on, but failed to quite 1; nd. j catch up with her. j W. M. Clarke went to Oregon City! C. H. Thomas spent two days visit-' last w,;f'k 0,1 business. ing with Will Krutger. Wilford Coirar is helping Ed Grace; Henry Krueger returned from his:na,jl Rls potatoes to Ciarkes store, two weeks' vacation in the valley, feel- j Clarke Bros, had some tiling order ing that there is no place like the e'3 an'l th!-' sot it last week, mountains for health. , Jolin Hnfstc-Ucr collected money Will Krueger and Willis Badger' for the Cerumn Christmas last Wed- went up to visit C. K. Thomas recently. Pansies and carnations are still in bloom. D. W. Badger spent two days in Mo lalla recently. Mr. Badger nceived the sad news that his youngest broth er had died of pneumonia in an Eng lish hospital. The young man had enlisted as second-class fireman. Re ports seem to Indicate that the boat he waa on had been destroyed. The war department offered to return the -YTopcrFliWIRE.shrd Old Folks Saved From Suffering for thesbrdeti uesday. llo Hanson, of Colton, Is staying with P.. Sullivan for a short time. Mr. Lewis from Highland bought some hay in Clarkes la;:t week. W. If. Bottmiller is clearing som,3 land and his son, Cluudus, is assist ing him. C. H. Bergman hauled some things for Mr. J. Maxson from Oregon City last week. Clarence Lee and family from Ore gon Lit' moved to the Sager's saw mill last Tuesday. Richard Johnson, of California, vis ited his sister, Mrs. C. Stromgreen, and family last Thursday and left on Friday. Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass., In her 87th year, says: "I thought I was beyond the reach of medicine, but Foley Kidney Pills have proven most beneficial in my case." Mr. Sam A. Hoover, High Point, N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was worse at night and I had to get up from five to seven times. Now I do not have to get up at night, and con sider myself In a truly normal con dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid ney PUla, I have taken nothing else " lira. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass., savs: "I suffered front' kidney ail ment for two years. I commenced taking Foley Kidney PUla ten months ago, and though I am 61 years of age, 1 feel like a 16-year-old girl." Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, strengthening and up-building, and restore normal action to the kidneys and o a disordered and painful blad der. They act quickly and contain no dangerous or harmful drugs. Stafford STAFFORD, Dec. 20. A very quiet wedding was solemnized December 10 at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. E. G Judd, when Miss Eva Holton was un ited in marriage to J. Bruce Ray, in the presence of immediate relatives Mrs Ray, th youngest daughter of Mrs. O. Z. Holton, of Staford, was be comingly attired in white marquisette and satin, and carried an arm bouquet of carnations. Mr. Ray Is the eldest son of Mrs. L. E. Phillips of Polk county. The young couple expect to make their future home in the upper valley. urer; Miss Mabel Larson, advisor, District No. HO - (Stone) Clackamas: ull l'Kred Eckert, president; Tiilrus Wealh j erell. Mciipresldeut j Mary Diillus, treasurer; U. L. Peake, advisor. ! District No. 37 - (Haella) Oswego: 'Llllle Flulti. president; Lena Lehman, e1(y i 0 : WulUT llenrlcl. president; vice president; Idiwrenco Duncan, sec-1 ,rleta Harris, vice -president; Lubelt rotary; Arthur Flala, treasurer; MImm i i,iu,if.y, Hecretary; Claude llenrlcl, Mary K. Wilson, advisor. j treasurer; Mrs. Mao Helknup, advisor. District No. 4rt-Sandy: Kldle Smith. H,r(.t N(, 8,j. ,.,. ,,, u,. president; (ilenn I.nundree, vlcenres-l ..., ,,,, .....i. 3ll bl-: Kram-la Melnlg. secretary; At- , Kl.s Whitehead, secretary; Hei- fre.l Melnlg. treasurer. m(n , lronHllrtr; Mri, t)eo. Tur- Dlstrlct No. 47 Oswego: Harry : n,vHnp Johnson, president; Emma Schaubel,! . ) A DOWDEN POTATO DIGGER DIGS YOUR POTATO CLEAN GETS THEM ALL Light Draft because high wheeled. Perfect Separation because of longer and wider eleva tiors than others like size. Long Lasting Because all parts are made of the most enduring material. Investigate the operation of the Dowden and you will buy no other. Portland, Oregon DISC HARROWS DRAG HARROWS CHILLED PLOWS STEEL PLOWS W. J. Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY vice -president ; Bonnie Jones, secre tary; Arleen WorthlnRton, treasurer. District No. K Piirkplncs: Em inn Ilrechet, president; Milvln Class, vice president; Edna Butts, secretary; Agnes Impcr, treasurer; Robert Har nett and Miss Mario Holmes, ndvliors. District No. 49 (Harmony) Mllw an kle): Muriel Llnnett. president; Charles Rondarniel. vlcVrcsldnt; Clarence Nordstrom, secretary; Christ Malalr, treasurer; Mrs. John Wise and W. E. Llnnett. advisors. District No. 62 -It. F. D. 2 Boring; Albert Wllkins. president; Pearl Dix on, vice -president ; Grunt DeShaxer. secretary; Andrew Lamper. treasurer. District No. 6l-(Ilntten) Lents; Lents P. O.: Reuben Peterson, president; Esther Flnloy. vice president; Fred In Peterson, sec retary; Lyla Flnley, treasurer. District No. 120-(Clnremont) R. T. D. S Oregon City . Katherlne Schmlts. president; Ainlel Wanko. vice presi dent; Helen Gaffnfly, secretnry; Vlolot Fotimal, treasurer. County Superintendent J. K. Calavnu and Countv Supervisor llrenton Ved dor have been busily engaued the pHl inonlh ommUliiK the pupils over nine years of ai;e In the Buys' and Girls' Industrial clubs, At present tlmo more llinn onelialf of Ibn school ro orgiiuticdiind the remaining schools will lie.orKttnlr.ed us rapidly as they can be reached. for the beautiful choral service, which they hold annually lit Ibis time, The Sunday school nt the Eby school turns met with n fair nlli ndi in o on Sunday, IVceinbor Hi, nJthoiiKh II was rnlnltiK hard and the road was In some places completely i-uhmcrKcd. "n Sunday, I lei ember 2 ', dev. Fr. Lucas is i peet- 1 1) be pr :.:. t and to ml drciis the coiinriKatiou, 1 l.e Motlu rs' cloli Is t; n -Hetnble for the last se-i if it ill !'.M7, nt III" home of Mrs. Hen Drc'er en Thursday, Decem ber 2'. The Red C.i.i.s v.'ol U(r. lire Kieullyi ein-i, urate I by the favor Into which the uri.'iin-v'.it'ou Iu-n c mie to be re .i.rded nfter mi "i!ii'.; with marked In dlfereto e at firs'. 'r lire now re -elv- n k and do'.iiK work from the Porllnnd , - 'I winter with Mrs. Fuhey's father. Joseph Colosky, who came homo the middle of this month. txmls Colonky and family have mov. ed to Portland for lit winter. Mrs. Marlon L. Cwrr, cousin of iho Misses Williams, returned here Wednesday to spend the holidays. She Is from McMlnnvllle. Mr, mid Mrs. Pates or the Ideal Ten company, have moved Into the Mat-t'-rson house on Dak street for the win. ter. R'd Cross inemlM-rslilu certificates cult bo found at tho post oflo,:t. Monday mid Wednesday afternoons tlio Red Cross auxiliary ineefk In Vos burn hn.11. All ladles Invited. Tho sule of lb-d Cross wuls nro branch of the Ainerle.m National Red "'G"K with ft big success. Two hull Crocs. Wo find that dlnlovaltv toouridred dollars was raised here for tho country doer, not thrive whero hands ! ur busy pruldliiR comforts for our loyal the hutHefroiil. Tim Red Cross seems to lie rlclilv endowed with the "One touch of nation that makes the whole world kin.'' People huv Jolnd wlirni; har.d.i In this work. An elabor ate -Mid InterentliiK order of exercises Is In preparation nt the Eby school for lis cIohIiik session on the Friday be fore Christmas. Tho exercises will commence nt 2 p. m. There Is to bn a Christinas tree. Everything possible Is bcliiK done to secure tho enjoyment of the children mid of their older friends. Joe Gibson has bought th, building Interests owned by the Deutscher Ver eiu. His ranch, with Its hulldltiKs Is Htlll occupied by his sister nnd her husband, Mr. nnd Mrs. Schmidt of Portland. The work on Mrs. Evan's coltaK" Is at n stand still, owing to tho serious Illness of one of her son's, who was working on tho same. Appropriate and pleasing exercises are being prepared for tho closing day of tho Hear Creek school. 114 iu iwnjy WW" the book stands. All were urged to vote for the bills, which this society is trying to establish, making it a mis demeanor, for any book-seller to sell such books to minors. The ossociation greeted Mrs. Altman on her return ot ter an absence of several weeks with illness. The annual meeting of the First Federated Church of Oregon was held at the Congregational church In Ora- gon City on Thursday last, L. Adams was elected moderator, Emery Dye aa secretary and treasurer. A pe culiar co-incident at this time is that both churches are without a pastor and mutual suggestions were made as to securing new pastors. Reports from the Oregon City church were made by A. C. Howland and Mrs. C. H. Dye. Mrs. Delia Roberts represent ed Jennings Lodge. The annual pic nic was decided upon to be a war lunch picnic to be held at Gladstone Park, if possible. The committees of the Christmas entertainment at Grace church are her.ded by Mrs. Bellinger. Tho9 hav ing charge of the program are Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mrs. Wm. Jacobs; decorations, Eugene Sanders, the young ladies and the Boy Scouts. Those purchasing and preparing the "trerts" are Mrs. Delia Roberts, Wm, Jacobs and Mrs. Mead Kennedy. The the colors. The Messrs Krueger and If. S. Harvey having joined th.3 avia tion corps; Walter Lelsmann, the hos pital unit and Claire Haines, the navy. Clifford Will joined the aviation corps. Theodore Kid and Norman Eld have been confined to their home with a severe attack of tonsllltls. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Brown of Un ion Hall, were Canby shoppers Sat urday. H. H. Eccles was a Portland visitor Saturday. Tho Canby schools will close Fri day, December 23rd, for Christmas holiday vacation and will resume their work Monday, December 31. Christ programs will ho given in all the grr.mmar grade rooms. Mrs. W. H. Liicke Is visiting at thi home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Evans, of Heaver Creek, this week. Her father Is seriously 111. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Balr were Port lend visitors Saturday and Sunday. John Huston was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. The Canby Red Cross auxiliary held its weekly meeting at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday afternoon. Those present were: Mrs. Oscar Sannes, Mrs. L. E. Gaze, Mrs. W. H. Balr, Mrs. George Knight, Mrs. Minnie Bradford, rMs. A. II. Knight, Mrs. H. C. Ollmore, Mrs. C. N. Ward Walt, Mrs. HL IL Eccles, Mrs. M. F. Houghman, Mrs. P. W. and Milk creeks are both out of their banks and the roads from Macksburg, Harlow and Adklns mills are both Impassable. The R. F. D. route num ber 1 was forced to stop at Kraft Wednesday morning. Trains from the south are all very late. Oak Grove Macksburg MACKSBURG, Dec. 20. The com ing Christmas seems likely to bo well endowed with the spirit of "Peace on earth, good will toward man," notwith standing we are In the most stupend ous war that history has ever had to recount. All are Indulging tho hope that the gigantic struggle may he near Ing Its end. The fall of Jerusalem covins to have had a eedutive effect upon the minds of tho ieople at large. It is reassuring to roflect that the co lossal triumph of Crusaders were once a century in achieving what has been accomplished by our closed ally In a day without the loss of even a single life, and that the sacred city Is after the lapse of over six centuries once more in kindred as well as In Christ ian hands. Sacred services will be held at the Lutheran church on Christmas morn ing. While the Mennonlte congrega tlon will go to their Zlon tabernacle' OAK GROVE, Dec. 20. Minnie Roethe, daughter of Ed Ho alio, Is recovering from scarlet fovar. C. N. Whlto, of Portland, spent Sat urday night at tho homo of L.'A, Dull ard. Jlnr Wakofleld, of Dayton, brother of Mrs. Miller, has rented the Roy Hlackorby house and moved his fam ily in. W. J. Cederson was able to roturn to his placo of business Monday. Miss Levla Blackerby has gone to North Plains, and Mrs. Margaret Blackerby, her mother, left Wednes day for the home of her (laughter, Mrs. Cooks, near Albany for tho win ter. Mrs. L. E. Armstrong left for Wheel er WednoHday morning. Tho Faront-Tcacher association met Friday after the business session. Mrs. John RIsley spoke on "Food Conserva tion." Rememlfr the Sunday school on tertalnmont and Christmas tree Mon day .night at the church. Regular ser vice Sunday morning by tho pastor Rev. Young. Sunday school at 10 o'colck. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Every onp invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fahey and two children, of North Dakota, arrived 8at V. M. C. A. branch of tho Hod Cross. Mr. J. Dean Puller went to a hospital In Portland Monday, where she under went an op-ratlon on her throat. Thursday, the 13th, MrB. Gross of RIsley Station entertained the Ouk firove-Milwaukle Social club. About 10 members were present M1ss Tro vltt, of Portland, spoke on how emi grant were tak -n euro of nt tho Hull House In Chicago. Several imlectlons were sung by tho club. Tho next meeting will hu held at tho homo of MrB. Bookings, of Silver Springs. Wednesday evening a birthday par ty was given at tho homo of L. Wil cox ut Concord station for their daugh ter, Naomi's Pith birthday annivers ary. About IS schoolmates were pres ent and Indulged In gnni 'B of all kinds. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. George Hurry and fam ily spent Saturday with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Ityers near Colton. Mrs. Walter llolhrok nnd little son, Edwin, of Prlndle, Wash., i.r visiting her father, T. It. Worthlngtnn, Sr., and tamlly. Howard Hubbard, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W, II, Hubbard, has returned home after a sua voyage of flvo months on the steamer Colusa, Ho visited Honolulu, Japan, Manila and China. Howard expects to remain at homo with his parents for a while be fore starting on another trip. Dams ascus DAMASCAS, Dec, 20. Mrs. John Moar was In Oregon City Saturday. Joo Moady has been visiting with the Papch family this wook. Tho mooting, which waa hold at tho school house, was well atten led. Wal ter Dlmlck gave a very interesting talk. Quito a large Bum was raised for tho Rod Cross. It was rumorod around this borg that tho Jitney was not going to run nftvr tho first of tho year. That is a false report, as Mr. Rood cxpocls to give just as good Bervlco In the year of 1918 as ho did in 1917. Mrs. E. Ball and Mrs. Thobo called on Mrs. John Moar ono day last week. Pearl Bock went to Portland Wed nesday. Tho Rod Cross society met at Mrs, Elliott's homo Wednesday. ? Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke have re turned from tholr vIbR In Fall City, whore they had been vlHltlng tholr son, w. Cooke, and family, Mrs. W. Sheerer and daughtor, Myr- urday morning, and will spend the tie, went to Portland Tuesday .