Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 14, 1917, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Women Section Hand on Pennsylvania Railroad
UmikIuk 0, AimIhimiiii, youngest Hon
of Mr. unit Min, II, .A Anderson, of
Maulo i.4iin', iiliout two mile from
till city, arrived Imliiu from Camp
Greene, ChurloUo, V, C Tuesday, hiiv
Ink l' n discharged from service ow
ing to ihrnn mid nr trouble contracted
while ut Camp Oromie.
Mr, Anderson unlisted In the army
tit Vancouver Barracks Wash., curly
In August, having bmm HRHlKneil to
tint iTuullctil department. Ho loft, with
six oilier men front thu medical do
imrtmmi'l, from t'ump WiMiyeombiv
ClitiknmiiH, Hooii after hi (tiillHtimmt,
for Cump Greene. HIx weeks ago Mr.
Anderson was taken 111 ut tliat cuini).
ii nil linn been confined In the base
liohiltul until two weks ago when ho
wa discharged from service owImk to
illBtililllly duo to lllni'HH.
' While stationed at Ciitnp Greene,
Mr. Anderson win connected with the
lioHpliiil, and for noma time wu In
ehnrgn of the dlsprnsary of thu fleli!
hOHlHltl, 1111(1 WUH ulutl COlUH'CllHl with
tlm Biirtliiil ward itml later mudo
ward mauler.
Mr. Anderson lert the hospital 'two
week ago, and tuft for Now York
City, wlmrti ho had Intended vlulllng
IiIm rountn, Hunford Nortiy, of Port
IiiiiiI, who win stationed ut Camp
I U'mjM.t c(i, Long iNliind, but ripon liU
arrival ut cump, fouml Unit Norhy
luiil dopurtiul with hU regiment for
Frame. After remaining In New
York for u ilny visiting camps of thn
soldiers, In- visited Washington, I). ('.
Ho re tu iiifil to Omrlotta ami then
started homo by way of the Southern
Muti'ii. Ono of tlm places ho noted
was tlm Intern cump where many Ger
man urn held.
The Intern cump I located In tha
Blue IMiIko mountiilu neur the hot
spring of Virginia. It wa while
luMng In (hi surrounding country
Unit Anderson en me aitokh ono of the
old mountaineers, who hnd resided In
'hut section for year. The old man
stated to Andemon "I've Kot a nephew
In de I'nlted Ktntui army, and he 1
on hit wuy to France. If he get
Hhot by a German while dere, I'll det
kill everyone of doe damned Ger
man In ilt camp below dere." The
old in an lunl a flowing white beurd
iiinl hi butk wut bent with axe, but
ho appeared to mmin every word he
mild to Anderson. Ho hud "fire" In
hi eye, mid had a determined look
on hi face.
A number of the southern atute
were vtaited, atd while enrouto home
lie Hopped for H brief vlnlt ut Clliclli
iiutl, Ohio, and It was while In this
city Unit ono of thu residents Inquired
"where I Oregon?" after hearing
Anderson Hinting that ho was from
Unit sate. He uIho vlltvd lndlana
(miIIm. Chicago und St. Paul, Minn.
While In New York Mr. Anderson
state Ihiit the western boy hnvo
become famous n being the largest
ileli't'iiUon of aottller who have vol
unteered, while lu the eiiHlern states
the larger portion of the men aro
iIioho who have been drafted. The
i.ii mnimuMWW'Hmiii wrmmmmm'"wmmmm n iiiiiii iimrni"ii"
Now York paper aro Hpeaklng hlgl'ly
of tlm woMtern boy u mildler. Their
ciiuip 1 dump und cold, and much
different tliiiu tlioHo left at Charlotte.
While tbero thu wcilhcr wa atoriny,
and Mluet and now wu coining down.
Mr. AndorNon believe thet the !!
rotary of every commercial club 01
tho vvi Htern ell lex mIioiiI1 write and
thank tlm member of the Churlotlo
Commercial club for the hoHpltullty
exleoded tho weHtern aoldler while
Htatloimd ut Camp Greene. The mem
ber of the Charlotte Commercial club
opened their homoM to theuo Moldler.
and otniled many other courtnk
that Rluddeiied the hnurt of Cnecl
Hum' men. Theno men, even vlnce
leaving Cump Greene, miiuy tlino
wIhIi they were buck In that cump.
Tho member of the cliurche of
which there aro HO, gave uoeltil each
Huturduy oveiilntc for the. benefit of
tho Koldlcr, and where they could
become acquainted wlih tho people of
(hut city. On Sunday morning auto
mobile wore ent to Cump Greene
and CHcortod I'ncle Ham' men to
church, und there were no alackera,
when it umo to church going. All
thoua Holdler boy did their part when
Hmiduy Hi'ivlic arrived und muiiy
looked forward to church.
KiH'tnty people and other thought
I here wu not lil n k too good for the
olillera, eupeclally for the wentern
"There are many reldenta of the
outhern atate who know very llitle
of Oregon," tuted Mr. Andoraon, "It
wu while I wu talking to one of the
big heurted women of that city, that
hIio Inquired "vvhut did you think of
the Hlreet cur wlien you aw them
down hero? didn't they rather puxxle
you?" "Well, yea, they did fome
wlmt, but have beard a lot nlxmt
them." answered Anderson. "Do you
chune ninny Indlnn In Oregon, and
do they bother your crop by ideat
ing?" again Inquired thla llttlo wo
man. This wa too much for Ander
son, and ho told this woman that they
hud a sample of some of the Indian
In camp, and that he would show her
juat what they looked tike. After
seeing some of the fine built Indluns
who had onllRted, and who were about
tho color of some of Uude Sam' real
white men, there wu nothing more
said by this little wonmn of Char
lotte regarding the wild Indian of
Oregon. She also tmaglnod the plain
covered with wild hone, and thought
that Anderson' Joti before enllRllng
wa to chuHe wild horse over the
prairie of Oregon.
Anderon 1 plunnlng to aend lomo
of the New Year's edition of the
Portland und Oregon City papers to
Charlotte and show the people, of thut
city Just what we do poHsesa In the
western state.
After remalnlnn ut, the homo of hi
parent near thla city and visiting
hi brothers. K. H. Anderson, of Ore
gon City, and Oscar Anderson, of
Carson Hot Springs, he will resume
the study of medicine In Portland.
' , , r. i
Notice Is hereby given that the nn-
erslgned administratrix of the estate
Andrew Anderson, deceased, has
died her final account in said estate
the County Conrt of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County, and
that the Judge of said Court ha ap
pointed Monday, the 7th day of Janu
ary, 1918, at one (1) o'clock p. ra. for
hearing objection to said account and
for settling said estate.
Administratrix of the estate of
Andrew Anderson, deceased.
Attorney for Admlniatrltrlr,
Thl photocraph wu taken on tho Pittsburgh division of the Pennsylvania railroad cast of Summorhlll.
Women, It prove, havo actually taken up the bard work heretofore performed by man. They clean the
truck of the road, and It ha been ald by official! that they keep the tracka cleaner than did the men they
Notice Is hereby given that Hon
II. 8. Anderson, Judse of the County! voucher within six montha from tha
Court for Clackama County, Oregon,! day of first publication of this notice.
as aet December 24, 1917, at the to the undersigned in the office of
She Believes in Fanning
l ; ''Wii
l r; h
.i - . i
Mis Eleanor Hill Weed of Wash
ington, granddaughter of the late
Representative Kboneater Hill of Con
necticut, believes In Intensive farm
ing. Thl summer, with eleven other
glrl. she helped cultivate the large
Vassar callege farm of 800 acres. She
did everything from handling a plow
to harvesting tho crops.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. The Amer
ican deBtroyer Jacob Jonea wa torpe
doed and sunk In the war tone on
Thursday with the los of two-thirds
of her crew.
Thirty-seven survivor were taken
off one life raft. The name of 10
WASHINGTON. Dec. 10 Organized
labor Suuday night threw down the
gauntlet to Postmaster General Iturle
son. In a atatemopt Issued from the
headquarter of the American Federa
tion of Labor In thl city, Samuel
Gompers, president of the federation,
served notice that any attempt on the
part of Mr. Durleaon to force through
congress hi propoia: to deny postal
employe the right to organize will
bo bitterly fotigM. Mr. Gompers said:
"The American Federation of Labor
will resist any effort made by Post
master General Iiurleson to put Into
effect his recommendation to congresj
that the postal employes be denied
the right to appeal to congress and
the right to organize and affiliate with
"I can aee do daDgcr of a atrlke of
postal employes If they have free ac
cess to congress and public opinion
to secure the correction of their griev
ances. Dut I can conceive of serious
trouble arising if the Iiurleson Idea
of repressing men and not giving them
Will Teach American
Athletics to Italians
'4 i
4 h
hour of ten o'c.oi k a. m In hla of
fice as the time and place for hearing
objection to the final account, and
the settlement thereof made In the
estate of John L. Stewart, deceased,
by L. C. Stewart, administrator de
bonis non of aald estate.
Wm. M. Stone, and Gordon E, Hayes,
Notice to Creditor
Notice Is hereby given that the un-
George W
George W, liraden, athletic director
at Camp Meade, Admiral, Md., has
been chosen by the Italian govern
ment as physical director of the
Italian army. He will make hla hear
quarter at Rome with a corps of
American Instructors, who will teach
the Italian soldiers American athletics
In order to build them up to condition
to withstand the German and Aus-
tha opportunity to organize and to J trlan attacks in the north.
come in contact witn their fellow
workers. In a sincere desire to mako
better the lot of all groups of workers,
Is put Into operation.
"To deny the right of workers in
our largest governmental agency to
organize la to make, a mockery of our
faith In democracy. If autocracy is
hurmful to the morals of our alien
enemies abroad, than let us not Intro
duce a species of it Into our largest
federal Institution by attempting to
disfranchise Industrially the army of
postal workers.
The American Federation of Labor
Chiefs of General Staff.
The Kremlin, the Stronghold of Moscow,
and the General Who Has Captured It
a e 1
SSr? "il! SA ... -'.hi;
; :JxziZr; - - 5 Writ -v a W
survivors have been received here.
The names of the survivor reported tand prepared to back up Its poBl
tollow. 1 lion of 1906, when It fought for the
. . . v t i ..v. n A a iTn tikiub oi me governpieni employe, we
Lieutenant John K. uicnaras, " . , , .
:, , vt ci.r. differ from Mr. nurleaon in his view
that the anti-gag law has operated to
sign Nelson N. Gates. Assistant Sur
geon L, L. Adamklewlci. Charles B.
Plorce, fireman; Timothy Edward
Twomey, seaman; John C. Johnson,
seaman; Henry A. Stutzke, chief ma
chlnlsf mate; Edward F. Grady,
fireman second clais; John J. Mulva
ney, seaman, and Myron Flood, sea
man. The sinking occurred December 6
at 8 p. m., while the ship was on
patrol duty. She was commanded by
Lieutenant Commander David Worth
Dagley, brother of Mrs. Josephus
Daniels, wife of the secretary ot the
build up organizations of employes
thut are a menace. We fear that the
menace lies, not In the employers' or
ganizations, but in the denial to citi
zens of fundamental rights."
' Cbarlps Parker of tho Oruirnn K"n
Lieutenant Commander Bagley was' , , A Cons,rllPon onmnanv
a brother of Ensign Bagley. the first ,la8 re(.elve(1 tlie .ontnlct for the erec.
U- ' 1 f ff'-' ill ' ( " j I
! 1 1
American killed In the Spanish-
American war.
j The disaster brings to the American
i people the first naval losa of great
' .... an,,A tha nnnnlra onlnrnrl
the war.
The complement of the Jones In
peace times was five officers, five
petty officers and 87 enlisted men.
Undoubtedly this has been probably
Increased to 100 or more. From the
first report It would appear that the
loss of life would be upward of 60.
The attnek, which was at 8 o'clock
at night, was delivered by torpedo.
In rolling Icy seas of the North
Atlantic winter weather, the bub
martno probably had plenty ot op
portunity to pick her time for the
shot. The submersible probably came
upon the destroyer patrolling her
course In the dark.
In iviiiMinui Mix in, l ninilal ul ivIikmhi lioneral Kormloll. Who may 06
working in harmony with Kerenskjfc tho premier, who fled Petrograd, has
"taken tho Kremlin, tho ancient stronghold ot the city. That indicates he
Is In command, and from that point he may bo able to re-establish gov
ernment throughout the nation.
Perkins Cinnabar mine near here
sold to Tacoma company.
Uoseburg -County may spend $50,
000 remodeling court house and jail.
Hormiston to have a $.1000 library
building. . .
tion of the first unit of the new builo
tng of the Oregon City hospital and
work already has been begun on the
main structure under the direction of
W. G. H. Krueger as superintendent.
Oakland Southern Pacific ha Just
completed additional sidetracks on
Rice Hill costing $12,800.
-New paving to be started
Mayor Gill probably gets more pub
licity than all the Seattle industries.
f - : -v) v
W- I
Men and women should not suffer
from backache, rheumatic pains, stiff
Joints and swollen, sore muscles, when'
relief can be easily had. James Mc
Crery, Berrien Center, Mich., says he
was troubled with kidney and bladder
trouble for two years; would have to
get ip several times during; the night
and had pains across his kidneys. He
used several kinds of medicine without
rqltef, but Foley Kidney Pills cured
him. Many such letters, come every
day from all parts of the country.
Jones Drug Co. -Adr.
President Foliciano VIera of Uru
guay, and President Jose Pardo ot
Peru, have broken relations with Ger
many. Dr. Viera was inaugurated
president in Uruguay more than two
years ago for a term of four years
and Dr. Pardo has about two years
to serve.
Harrtsburg New sawmill here now
ready to begin operations.
ATIJVNTA, Doc. 10. The boys in
the trenches "over thero" may soon
hear Hilly Sunday. The evangelist
announced today Mint ho is seriously
considering a trip to France to preach
against "tho kaiser, who has usurped
the place of the devil."
Mr. Sunday has recently recoived
hundred of loiters asking him to go
to Franco to proach to tho soldlors.
James EdwnrdB, 208 Harriot St.,
Montgomery, Ala., writes: "I sloop all
night and cough but little. I foel like
a new man from using Foley's Honoy
and Tar. My whole family la using it
now the little ones and the old ones.
It has cured our coughs and broken
our colds." Foley's Honoy and Tar
clears stopped ulr passages, removes
phlegm, hoals raw Inflamed mem
branes, soothes sore chest, makes
breathing easy, and relieves those
doop-seated, racking coughs. Jones
Drug. Co. Adv.
American Commission Wearing Life Preservers in Submarine Zone
SVi. N x
1 V ( &Wv,i s . Kv v V V'
1 x
1- I'M
Union rnclfic to help establish
stonmer lino from Portland.
Milton wants a road over the moun
tains to Walla Walla valley.
li iTiiiViiiniiMlii
t.W'-.P i, v.
Left to right: General Tasker H. Bliss, Colonel E. M. House, Admiral William S. Benson
Mr. Vance McCormick
o'clock a. m. ha been fIxJid by li
Court as the time for hmirtnff of oh.
Jectlons to said report and the settle
ment thereof.
Administratrix of the estate of Ed
gar C. Hrien, dereased.
C. Schuebol, Attorney for admlnlg.
Notice 1 hereby given that Hon. H.
8. Anderson, County Judge- ot Clack
amas County, Oregon, ha appointed
J. C. Holcomb and Muty Holcotnb, his
wife, executor and executrix of the
last will and testament of Martin
Bowman, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against said Martin Row-
man must present them with proper
Wm. M. Stona, Oregon City, Oregon.
Date of first publication, November
23, 1917.
WM. M. STONE, Attorney.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, has beene duly appointed
as administrator of the estate of w.
B. Baker, deceased, and any and all
persons having claims against said
administrator of the gesta e ot Wl 1- Creek C!ackamas County( 0
lam Brobst, deceased, by the county d verIf,ed ag b ,aw
court of Clackama. County, Oregon; wlthIn gU monthg frQm the datg of
any and all persons having claim thi. otic
against the said estate mast present
them to the undersigned, duly vert
fled as by law required, at the of
fice ot Hammond and Hammond,
Oregon City, Oregon, within lx
months from the date of this notice.
Administrator of the estate of
William Brobst, deceased.
First publication November 30,
Last publication, December 28,
Dated November 23rd, 1917.
Administrator of the estate of
W. B. Baker, Deceased.
Dlmick & Dimick and W. L. Mulvey,
Attorney for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Genevieve Elam, Plaintiff,
Lemuel E. Elam, Defendant.
To Lemuel E. Elam, the above named
In the name of the State ot Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear on or before Monday, January 7,
1918, and answer the complaint filed
against you, in the above entitled suit.
the date of the first publication of
this summons, which first publication
is the 23rd day of November, 1917,
the date of the last publication being
the 4th day of January, 1918, and if
you fall to appear or answer to said
complaint, plaintiff will take a decree
as prayed for In her complaint order
ing that the marriage, and marriage
bonds heretofore and now existing be
tween the plaintiff, Genevieve Elam,
and the defendant, Lemuel E. Elam,
be dissolved and held for naught
This summon is published pur
suant to an order made and entered
on the 22nd day of November, 1917,
by the Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge ot the above entitled court, di
recting that this summons be served
upon you by publishing the same once
a week for six consecutive week in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a news
paper of general circulation, published
In Clackamas county. State of Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
421 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Conrt ot the State ot
Oregon tor the County ot Clacka
ma. ,
In the Matter ot the Estate of William
- Scott Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the es
tate of William Scott deceased, ha
filed his final account and report as
such administrator In the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Clackama, and the Court
has appointed and set Monday, the
7th day of January, 1918, at 10 o'clock
a. m., of said day, at the county court
room of said county, in Oregon City,
Oregon, a the time and place for
hearing objections to said final ac
count and the settlement of the same.
Administrator of the Estate of William
Scott, Deceased.
JOS. E. HEDGES. Attorney for Administrator.
Notice of Final Settlement
Of the estate of Edgar C. Brien
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Edgar C. Brien, deceased, has filed
In the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, her final ac
count as such administratrix ot said
estate and that Monday, the 24th day
of December, 1917, at the hour of 10
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Anna M. Johnson, Plaintiff,
Carl Johnson, Defendant.
To Carl Johnson, above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required tf appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you, in the above entitled suit on or
before the 11th day of January, 1918.
said date being the expiration of six
week from the first publication of
this summons, and it you fall to an
swer said complaint for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in her complaint,
For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between plain
tiff and defendant Thl summons is
published by order of Hon. J. TJ. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which
order was made on the 2Sth day of No
vember, 1917, and the time prescribed
tor publication thereof 1 six weeks,
beginning with the issue dated Friday,
November 30, 1917, and continuing
each week thereafter to and including
Friday, January 11, 1918.
Attorneys tor Plalntlft
Oregon City, Oregon.
for dead cows and down and out
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone
Mllwaukie 69-J.
In the matter of the estate of E. E.
MeGugin, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the estate of
E. E. McGugtn, deceased has filed in
the comity court of Clackamas county,
Oregon, her final account as such ex
ecutrix of sail estate and that Mon
day, the 14th day of January. A. D.
1918, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m.,
has boon fixed by said court as the
time for hearing objections to said ac
count and the settlement thereof.
Executrlc of the estate of F. E.
MeGugin, deceased.
Attorneys for Executrix.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
MeGugin, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned executrix ot the estate of
Henry MeGugin. deceased has filed
in tha county court ot Clackamas
county, Oregon, her final account as
such executrix of said estate and that
Monday, the 14th day of January, A.
D., 1918, at the hour ot ten o'clock
a. m has been fixed by said court
as tho time for hearinfe objections to
said account and the settlement there
Executrix ot the Estate of Henry
MeGugin, deceased.
Attorneys for Executrix.
D. C Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier
. The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00 '
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Phones Pacific 52
Home A-UJ
All legal business promptly attended to
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phone Pacific Main 405;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg'., Room 6
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice in all courts, make col
lections and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City- Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of Sur
gery ot Chicago, is established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street
Both Telephones
Office Pacific 65; Home A-95
Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-273
6 and 15 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon.
Turn your old accounts and notes into cash.
Special correspondent and attorneys in all cities and towns in the United
State ind Cnada.