Page 2 okECqncI 1 V LNim'Kbb. muu. 1MM1I1KU 14. lyr;. Newsy Wilsoiwille WILSONVILLE, Dec. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Horning and family moved to Portland on Saturday, and will be greatly missed by their many friends. Mrs. Aubrey Woods' brother E. Thompson came up to say "good bye" to his sister before enlisting, on Sat urday. Harold B. Say and his bride, were tn Wilsonvllle Sunday. H. P. Aden a store closes every evening at six o'clock, with the ex ception of Saturday night. Ohaa Rldder was rejected from enlistment on account of physical dis ability. Quite a number of persons in out burg are suffering from a siege of "grippe." The pupils of the local schol are enthusiastic over hot lunches served at noon. Sam Kelso, who died on December 7, of acute stomach trouble, had many friends in Wilsonvllle, who will mourn his demise. He was an honored and exemplary citizen, and was a xealous worker in the cause of prohibition. The I. O. O. F.. of Sherwod, had charge of the funeral, which took place at 10 o'clock Monday morning. December 10, and internment was made In the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Estacada Walter Whitbeck of the Vancouver Barracks, visited his parents at this place Saturday and Sunday. James Abbott left this week for Sweet Home, Oregon, to be absent for several months. Mrs. Frank Mlbourn, of Roseburg. Ore, has been a guest at the Dr. Wells home this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCall of Port land, were guests at the Fred Jorg home last week. There will be a community Christ mas tree and program Christmas Eve.. at the High school auditorium. Spe cial care is being taken to present a good entertainment along with the Christmas tree. A little "misunderstanding in the prade schools h?re bst veck was the cause of Miss Ruth Welch, teacher of the eighth grade, sending in her resig nrtion and her place is temporarily filled by Mrs. B. A. Boswell. Miss Welch secured a position as teacher in a school near Kendall Station, Clackamas county, and left last week to begin work. Friends of Erwin D. Wright, form erly of Estacada, extend sympathy on account of the death of his father, who died suddenly at his home at Bend, Oregon, Wednesday morning. The C. 1. C. Apron sale, which was held in connection with the regular meeting in charge will realize about $10 from the sale. Light refresh ments were served after the business meeting, and a general good time was had. Died At the home of bis parents at Springwater, Albert Folsom, aged 26 years. Mr. Folsom has been ill for a number of months. Funeral services were held Thursday at the home. Logan LOGAN, Or., Dec. 13. No complaint of an insufficient supply of moisture now. Mrs. Bert Corless was called to Los Angeles, by telegram, to the bedside of her mother, who is seriously ill Mr. Sherwod, who recently under-1 went a second operation, is reported better. Mrs. E. W. Hutchins was called to McMinnville, where her- son's wifo is ill with typhoid fever. The O. A. C. extension school deiu onstatrion and lecture was good. Prof. Larson and R. J. Werner tested soil samples, while Miss Lorene Parker talked to the ladies present on food substitutes and conservation. The! crowd was not as large as might have been. After the meeting was over a Red Cross auxiliary was organized with Mrs. W. P. Kirfhem, president; Mrs. F. S. Hutnhens, vice-president; Mri. Henry Balder, secretary, and Mrs. Carrie Cromer, treasurer. L. O. Gerber is doing some plumb ing for H. W. Hageman. Mr. Hageman, who recently had some of his ribs broken, Is getting along nicely. Miss Iva Harrington is to be com mended for asking the many election board to donate the amount to the Red Cross, but just go a bit farther and ask the hall rent also to be put with It, also that every official elect ed promise a day's salary to said fund. Every little helps and it's for a good cause. We know Clackamas county has its quota of patriotic wo men. Wallowa Work starts on raising iron bridge across Wallowa river. Old Folks Saved From Suffering Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass., in her 87th year, says: "I thought I was beyond the reach of medicine, but Foley Kidney Pills have proven most beneficial Jn my case." Mr. Sam A. Hoover, High Point, N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was worse at night and I had to get up from five to seven times. Now I do not have to get up at night, and con sider myself in a truly normal con dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid ney Pills, as J have taken nothing else." Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass., says: "I suffered from' kidney ail ments for two years. I commenced taking- Foley Kidney Pills ten months ago, and though I am 61 years of age, 1 feel like a 16-year-old girl." Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, Btri'N thonlrm- and up-bullding, and restore normal action to the kidneys and 'o a disordered and painful blad der. They act quickly and contain no dangerous or harmful drags. nefc From All Over the County Canby CAX1JY, Or., Dee. 13. Mrs. Hell Sleight, of Portland, was a guest of Mrs. J. l-ee Eckerson Thursday. D. R. Dimick was tin Oregon City visitor Friday. Dr. A. T. Murdy, Canby's pioneor dentist has closed out his business In Canby and left Saturday for New York City, where he will take a post graduate course in dentistry, Miss Lorraine Lee spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Canby, , Chas Prouty returned Wednesday from a short trip to San Francisco. Mrs. Grant White was an Aurora and" Hubbard visitor Thursday. Mrs. Ivan Dimick was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. HI Eecles Friday. C. M. Spencer of Needy was a Can- by visitor Thursday, Mrs. Clyde Evans and daughter Miss Vlolette Evans were guests of Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Bair Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson and daughter, Miss Lav em, w ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heck of Aurora Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Avon Jesse of Gribble Prairie, were Canby shoppers Monday. M. P. Sailor of Molalla was a Can- by visitor Monday. H. W. Drown of I'nion Hall was a Canby visitor Saturday. , Mrs. Lela Tucker, of Needv, was a Canby shopper Saturday. Mrs. H. A. Beckman was a ruest of her mother, Mrs. C. O. T. Williams, of Oregon City this week. Mr. Harvey E. Douglas made a bust ness trip to Oregon City this week. Fay Hein was an Oregon City visi tor Saturday. air. ana Mrs. Livesay and family were Oregon City shoppers Saturday Miss Lena Pierce, of Oregon City, visited friends in Canby this week. Conrad Saunes made a business trip to Oregon City Saturday. Mr. Herman Weaner spent Saturdav in Oregon City. A. Mickelson was transacting busi ness in Oregon City Saturday. Prof. F. M. Roth attended the Coun ty jeacners institute at Milwaukie! last Saturday. Frank Dodge who Is working at the Portland shipyards spent Sundav with his family in Canby. S. T. Fisher has been selected as janitor of Canby schools, Mr. Dick having resigned owing to ill health. "The pupils of Canby High school and Canby Grammar school presented the retiring janitor. J. S. Dick, with a beautiful chair as a token of. their es teem of his faithfu: services during the many years he has been connect ed with the Canby schools. Oak Grove OAK GROVE. Ore.. Dec. 13-Rev. Ford, presiding elder of the Meth- dist church, was a guest Wednesday evening at the pastors. Rev. Young's reception and pound social. Mrs. Feli t is on the sick list. Mrs. J. B. Evans entertained PH. day evening a club from Portland, of nun sne is a member. Mrs. Pheoba Able, of Portland, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cederson Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris, Sr.. enter- If tainea Wednesday evening in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary, a few friends an dneighbors. The occa sion was a surprise to the guests until after they arrived. The evening was spent in a social way discussing old times and the tarly days of Oak Grove. All present enjoyed the evening. Re- freshments were served by the host ess. John McRoberts of Portland, was here Wednesday morning, looking af ter his property. A surprise birthday supper was giv en Wednesday evening at the home of A. G. Kinder in honor of Etta Carlisle, tesides the family of Mr. Kinder, Et ta's mother, two brothers and cousins of C!ati;amas Heights were present. E;ta received several useful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Koloski are being congratulated on the arrival of a baby girl born December 7, at the hospital. Baby and mother doing nicely. Mrs. is a daughter of Mrs. h. Hardisty. I Elmer Worthington left Sunday for Its ranch in Lake county to look after his stock for the winter. Mildred Derry spent the week end at Canby with her aunt, Mrs. George Whipple and family. Mrs. Stevens of Roethe station is home from the hospital after under going an operation for appendecitis. E. C. Warren entertained at riinnor friday December 7, in honor of Bert Hopfer's birthday. Mrs. Ilopfer and daughter Amelia of Portland, mother and sister of Bert were guests of the occasion. Mrs. John Norberg and Mrs. War ren were guests at a 500 party in Port land. Thursday afternoon. The Parents-Teachers' association will meet at the school house Friday, at 3 p. m. A good program has been arranged by Mrs. Hlackman. All mothers are invite 1 to attend. The Sunday school is preparing a .u. louuas entertainment under direction of Mrs. James Hurt, Christmas eve, at. the church. A the on tree ana candy for the children vvill be lunnKlied. Instead ents the children will give presents' They will be distributed among the families that are in need Ladies' Aid will meet' Wednesday afternoon in the church parlors to tie a comforter and do other work, lea will be served. Mrs. L. E. Armstrong iH here on business from Wheeler for a few days. She is also visiting; friends. Rev. Young, pastor of the Metho dist church, will preach Sunday morn ing. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, C. D. Smith, superintendent, fipworth league at 7:30 p. m., Sunday evening. Prayer meeting Wednesday evenine' Everyone welcome. Macksburg MACKSIU HG, Dec. 13 With sor rowful regret we record the death of Mrs. Marie Sehanfel, whose funeral was attended on Sunday by u large concourse of sympathizing friends. Mrs. Sehanfel was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mow ers, whose return from Montana with their Invalid daughter was mentioned in a late Issue of the Enterprise. Tkt hope then indulged by her friends that a return to the climate of her j former home might do for her more j than medical skill could ncomplish, ! proved Illusive, and she continued steadily sinking till lust Friday when death came to her relief. All of Mrs. Schanfel's life till her marriage three years t.go, was spent at her home In North Macksburg. where she was known and highly esteemed. Mrs. Gibson and her daughter, Annie, who have been spending some time4 in Portland, came home last week. Mrs. Carl Bhc1u. who went to visit her daughter in Portland on Thanks giving. Mrs, Rex Kissel, nee Miss Bertha Boeche came home with her mother for a short stay. The Mother's club had a very busy and pleasant all-day session at the home of President Mrs. John Hepler on Thursday last. At this meeting It was decided to hold all-day sessions for work until the lengthening of the day in the spring. The winter after noon being too short for the uecom- A DOWDEN POTATO DIGS YOUR POTATO GETS THEM ALL Light Draft because high wheeled. Perfect Separation because of longer and tiors than others like Long Lasting enduring material. DISC HARROWS DRAG HARROWS CHILLED PLOWS STEEL PLOWS Vas plishment of the work they have to do. The Litle Girls' Sowing circle will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. G. M. Baldwin on the after noon of Saturday, December 13. The Lutheran Sunday School at the i Eby school house will meet at 2 p. m. 1 next Sunday, On Sunday, De cember 25th, Rev. Father Lucas who founded the school is expected to be present and will, no doubt, address the congregation. Reminiscences of Thanksgiving are absorbed in anticipation of Christmas All are lookine forward to the vear's joy of joys for the transcendent day i with thoughts of the sacred event it ! celebrates muot diffuse a hallowed , gladness into even the heaviest heart. I . - ,; Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh 1 a local dlseaue, preatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cure it you must take an Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of tho system. Hall' Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is com posed of some of the bent tonlns known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi cine 1 what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Pill for constipation. in all tho bustle of preparation the cntiuren are now n Imsv as their thleis. ,What the drill for closing ex ercises of school added to their regit lar lessons, and tho creation of Christ mas gilts to bo kept u mystery till tho glad ilny comes, their minds tire its (jfv!ll of cure us they can ever lie In ji; For Christmas decoration no home ,n our vi, mi,' "t'l bo without em- u iiiaiimi'iK as pleasing and as beau, tlful as that which costllost conserva tory might supply. The gracefully curving leaves of the winter fern, as rich in and as enchanting in form as thost that have come to us trom Australia or Jnpan may be had on any nay at the cost of a (ramp uirougn uie woods. There too, may bo found the frost-tinted foliage of winter, whose gleaming gold or vivid crimson may be used In pleasing con trast to the ferns, while for wreathes there are the sombre fir, the lighter cedar or the dark Norway pine. Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE. Ore.. Dec. 13. Mrs. Flora Beckner, of Newberg.. but formerly of the Lodge, is ill In a Port land hospital. Mr. Beckner Is also ill at their home. Langdon Spooner. who has Just been appointed first lieutenant after a three! on Friday last, was (he booth presided months' training at the Presidio, Is at lover by Mrs, Hugh Roberts, A large his home In Portland awaiting to be assigned. Mr. Spooner spent Tuesday at the Lodge, the guest of his mother. Mrs. Ella Spooner. Mrs. Eldon Kern and Mrs. F. B. Mad ison were business callers In Oregon City on Saturday. Among the Oregon boys now In Europe, our village Is represented by Ralph Madison, Clyde Curtain. Alden Kelly. Tom Clohessy, Harold B, Smith, four MacMurran boys, Kay Martin, George Tucker and a few others are on their way over. lugh B. Fleming, an aviator In the size. Because all parts are Investigate the operation of the Dowden and you will buy no other. Portland, Oregon W. J. Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY employ of the Curtis company, is vis iting at the home of Mrs. A. L. Pierce. Mrs. Alleen Dili Yack Is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. H. Dill. Mr. Tack en listed in the forestry denartment of the service and couver. is stationed at Van- Scarlet fever has again broken out, this time in the homes of Ed Roethe, the victim Alias Minnie, and of Clar ence Grant, Itis being ill with the dreadful disease. On Saturday evening the young lad les of the neighborhood gathered at the home of tne Misses Mary and Wil- nla "ruechert, in honor of their cou- Hln- Miss Iris I'alnton, of Manor, WaHn- In the absence of the young men of the neighborhood, one-half of the girls dressed as fair young suit- ors and escorted the others to and j from the party. Those enjoying the I novel affair were the Misses Fern Hart, Ellen Hart, Ruth Truscott, Ouida Deter, Gertrude Kennedy, Gwendolyn Campbell, Mary Bruechert, Doris Pain ton, "Bert" Roberts, "Bill" Bruechert, "Jack" Glass, "Frank'", Thomas, Wm. Bruechert and Elizabeth Bruechert, Mrs. Truscott. Light refreshments were served after which the young people departed mostjy in groups. The quarantine has been lifted from the Russell home and Robert and Les ter are now In school.' Mr. Russell and Anna nnd Glen kept house while (heir home was under bun. Mrs. Dohiio and two children, of North Dakota, nr avoiding the hlls snrds of their homo stale, by a visit at the bonis of Mrs. Donu's brother, A. Rosenbrnugh. Mrs, Minute B. Altman has entirely recovered from (he recent attack of scarlet fever, and Is at her post again after an absence of five weeks, llcr Place was ably fitted by Miss Ken', of Canby, Mrs. Lester I'lbrsnd Is visiting her husband's parents, Mr, and Mis. L, O. I'lbrand. Little M lll,on Sanders has about re covered from an attack of bronchitis. Rev, H. N. Smith preached at Iho Grace chit pel on Sunday eveulns The Federated Church of Oregon City and vicinity had lis annual meet ing on Thursday, December 1, The returns of the election board on (he water question, showed the vote of the. Lodge did not carry tn favor of the question, hut carried In (ha oth er two district. Mr. Gushing has been 111 the psst two weeks Wiley Grant has been unable to go to his work at the Portland Seed Co.'s warehouse, on account of an attack of lumbago. One of the foautre of the bazaar , and supper, given by the Ladles Gull sign, very nicely printed, over Iho front read "Mr. Jlgg's Scent Store," with a large picture of "Maggie." us man ager, over the counter beside which on either end was the old man himself looking for his better (! half. About one hundred or more articles had been collected by Mrs. Roberts and tied neatly in little boxes and were sold, your choice 5 cents. The booth was well patronized and netted the guild about $3 .pp. There were also fancy articles, rugs and aprons sold and with the delicious supper, served by the Mesdames Deter. Jacobs and Ken- M DIGGER CLEAN i i wider eleva- made of the most nedy, netted dollars. the guild about thirty Rev. II. N. Smith and wife were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tucker on Sunday. On Tuesday evening tho teachers and officers of tho Sunday school were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh RobertB at thoir home on JennlngB ave nue. Those attending were served with pumpkin pie and coffee. Harry M. Hayles, of Portland, was visiting relatives here Sunday. C. P. Morso Is on the sick lrst again. Little Flora Morse, who has heen ill, Is able to bo in school again. Eagle Creek EAGLE CRKKK, Dec. i a After several weeks' stay in Portland, Mrs. Walter Douglass returned home last Tuesday, and Is staying at homo for awhile. Ward DouglasB and family of Mol alla, have been spending the past, three weeks at their Eagle Creek home. Roy Douglass nnd wife motored to Viola last Thursday and on tholr re turn home stopped at the home of Mrs. Douglas' sister, Mrs. Geo, Preda tor of iLogan, bringing her homo with them, she remaining with them until Sunday evening, and then returning SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Dlanch R, 8hl!y Rprtnttlv. '!.!.. The Sandy Lumber Co., the ,lrK,u. wood Lumber Co.. ami Fred Uechlll had till, 000 tics In the rived when (he boom tn the Hlg Sandy above (he dam nuar Marmont broke. They sue reeded 111 recovering nearly 40.000, The cash frm suffered by the three firms will be over fuOOO, KEENLY CONTESTED BASKET BALL GAME The basket bull team of Sandy High school, No, 2, met Hie Portland News boys' team In tt hotly contested game nt Sandy last Saturday afternoon, The visiting team were victors by a score urge enough to aioiine the home team to the point where (hey are do ug some extra pnii tU e work. And different results t promised when the next game Is played. y GET IN LINE FOR A Urns' and GIi'Ik Indimtrlat club wa orgatilit'd at the Sundy HIkIi mid lintmtimr schools Tuesday by t'ounty Superintendent J. K. CnUvun. The dub member am eumutt'ucliig their work with enthusUim and promise to give Sandy prominent place In the ItiiluKtrbil work t;f the clubs of the i-unty. The following officers were elected: KdJIo Smith, president; Glenn IrfUmdree, vice prenUlent; Frauds Melnlg, secretary, and Alfred Melnlg. treasurer. t'ounty Agriculturist Werner, who Is condut'HuK a campaign for the ex termination of moles Interested the pupils In Including this work with the activities of the club. ENLISTED IN FORESTRY MENT. RECI- Cecil Duke unlisted for service In the 20th Engineers, the Forestry regi ment, Inst Saturday, and Is now at Vancouver harrucks. ENLISTS IN AVIATION CORPS. Walter Holms an 1 Wm. Martin, pop ular high school boys of Sondy, cnllid ed for servleo In the aviation corps, Monday. INJURED BY FELLOW WORKER. Aldon O. Melnlg was severely Injur ed the ptist week by being acclilently struck on the srm by a fellow work man, with a plckeroon. The cut is a severe one and It will be some time before Mr. Melnlg will be able to resume his work. home with Mr. Prclstcr who motored over after her. Mrs. It. M, Brash, very pleasantly n tcrtalned the Helping Hand lust Wed nesday urternon. The time was spent iu making comfort pillow for the sol diers. Tho club will meet with Mrs. Alex linker December 12, when they expect Mrs. J. (i. lilllinghnin. fluid I secretary of the Portland chapter Am erican Red Cross to be present und asslnt them In organizing u Red Croas auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. J. :. Woodle and son, Leslie, spent last Tuesday at the homo of Malcolm Woodlo In honor of the hitters birthday. Mr. and Mtb. Geo. Prclwter and Mrs. it. 11. Gibson were tho dinner guests of Mr. und Mrs. Roy Douglass Sunduy. Dick Gibson inudo a trip to Burton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle were Portland visitors the other day.. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ward Douglass, Mr. und Mrs. lou linker und daughter, Miss Lolu, spent Sunday with Mr. and MrB. Alex I laker. II. S. Gibson sold a couple of cows Monduy. Mrs Beckett recently sold cattle. some Mcadowbrook MICADOVVBROOK, Or., Dec. 13. Reverend Navulu, of Portland, held Finish preaching In the school house Saturday evening, Ben Chlngren, of 20th Engineers company spent Sunduy with his rela tives. Albert Schlewe was homo over Sunday, roturnlng to Portlund Sunday evening, where he Is working In the ship yards at St. Johns. Mr. M. Larklns, or Oregon City, spent the weelt-ond at tho home or bis brother, A. L. Lark Ins. Ruben Chlngren und Vermin Bran- POLK'S EBMBSSE V GAZETTEER A nuslnsM Directory of each CHy, 'J own nnd tll:i-e In Orovoa anil Vvieililngto, giving a D.-Norlpllve PUntch of eniU iaee, Loentlnn. Phlnpln rnfliWnn nn.I Ilea lllrentocr i)t Cuvh Biuliiesa B. LW)f,K to, SenMIe, MATERIAL FOR . COAST SHIP YARDS The lumber resources of (ho Handy section are being ,lr,,wt, upon In (he U' tmll. Inn Mi ,. .of (b Par lo northwest, snd lumber for bowsprits and masts am being supplied for ship building firms lit Portland, Vancouver and Grays Harbor. H B. Spooner of U'lits has several contracts which he Is filling from (he Umber in this ei tlon. MOVING TO DULL RUN, The Cedar Creek Lumber Co., aro moving their mill from Handy to Hull Unit nnd totpect to be ready for op eration by .lumiary I, NEW PIERS FOR SANDY BRIDGE. Hie old wnmlnit piers under the Haudy river bridge, loi-ntcd between Sundy nnd Hull It n it are being replay, ed by concrete. J. W, Jiutiiter Is su pervising the work. ' SANDY, Or., Dec. 1.1, The convention of th Itehckuh lodge for diHtilil No. W'i, cotuprUlug the lodges (if KnUcnilit, Holing. Hock wood, (irealmm, and Handy wns held ul Doling lust Saturday nrinrmmu and evening. There wns a Urge at tendance of delegates wild v bailors present, Including the president of the Itebekah assembly of Oregon, Mrs. Mary A, Ijiiuimler, and the past prod, dent, Mrs. Cha. Moodinan, of Port land, unit several other officer of the state assembly. The afternoon was taken up with the hunlit of the convention Interspersed with a reultng by Mr Mlr:i Uevenuo of Sundy. At the evening session the Urenhnm lodge exemplified the balloting drill. The degre work was eiempliritsl by the llorlng lodge. Pleasant features of tho evening entertainment were two violin golon by Mis Telford of llorlng, and a read ing lly Mrs. lllniubs It. Shelley of Sandy. Walter Olvnns of Kstacada spoke at length on prenent day Ismie and the part fraternal order wer taking. The next district convention will bo held at h'Macada. The following are the district oftlcer for the etimi In year; Mrs. Nellie Currtn. Kalaeada. chairman; Mrs. Kill Itaiimbach. Itor Ing. vice chairman; Mr. Cora Child rers, flresham, eretary; Mr. Klla Metier, tirenlittcn, rjptaln; Mr. Ilallle Ketiney. liretdmm, conductor; Mr. Vera Smith, Sandy, marshal; Mr. Mary Ulchnumd. Hoekwood. Inside Ktiardlun; Mr Thelum llortoll. IUr tug, outside Kuardlun. It. V. Dltter made a trip to Port land Monday. Postmaster and Mrs. C. I). urrtdl upent severul tfciy the past wMk with friend and relative In Port land. Percy T. Shelley made the trip t Waplnltltt last week going by Gov. f nment camp, taking twelve head of orse lo winter pasture. He en countered considerable now, but Hindu the trip In two days. Work ha commenced on the altera tion of the lower part of tho Odd Fel low building, which will be usod for a public hall. Tho regular meeting of the Odd Fel lows will be hid next Monday even ing. land left Monday to enlist in the Twentieth Knglnoers. A Christmas tree nnd program will tut given lit tho Mcadowbrook house Wednesday evening, Decem ber 19. The Literary club will have It monthly meeting Friday, December 21. One of Mr. White's horses had the misfortune of breaking one of it legs, while Mr. Whllo was logging for the 1 1 nit Lumber company, ES WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Foderal court decrees holding the United Mine , Workers of America and tho Animi can Flint Glass Workers unions t ho legal organizations under West Vir ginia statutes and tho common law, wore today reversed by tho supreme court. Injunctions wcro approved, however by the supreme court to the Hitch man Coal & Coke company and Eagle Glass and Manufacturing company of WeHt Virginia, to restrain union solic itation of tholr non-union employes who uro under contract not to Join unions. Federal Judgn Dayton, of West Virginia, has granted sueh in junctions. Tho court, through Justice Pitney, rejected union contentions that 'pick eting" of employes having contracts not to join unions does not violate constitutional freedom of contract. Tho supremo court, by its decision, does not decide that tho organizations aro tllcKiil, but stamps: certain prac llces as illegal, Tim decision nays tho court recognizes tho right of min ors to organize. LABOR TROUBLES SETTLED. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Dllflcul ties which threatened a strike of 2300 tnlesrapliers employed by tho Balti more & Ohio railroad and a tie-up of traffic, on one of the country's most important munitions and coal-carrying roads, were settled today by tho foderal board of niodlatlon and con ciliation under the direction of Com missioner 0, W. Hanger. ,