Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 07, 1917, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Paj?e 2
MACKSBURQ, Ore., Dec. 6. Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Bowers, have return
ed from Montana, bringing with them
their invalid daughter, Mrs. Schaufel
In the hope that a return to her native
climate may do more for her restora
tion to health than medical aklU has,
so far, been able to accomplish.
Mrs. Kate Seward, who has been
staying in Portland, with her daughter,
Mrs. White, has returned to her home.
Mrs. Seward's only son is coming to
spend the winter with her.
Miss Olga Seward Is employed in
Eastern Washington.
The sale of Lome Masterton'a live
stock and farm implements was a most
successful one, the proceed reaching
a higher amount than was expected.
Mr. Maaterton is one o four U. S. vol
unteers. His many friends are unani
mous in wishing him a safe return
from and a prosperous career after the
Mr. Garrett, a brother of the veter
inary surgeon of that name, is with
his family, occupying the place vacat
ed by Mr. Masterton.
A drive along the Canby road shows
a number of new buildings, put up
since the beginning of the year. A
fine new dwelling has gone up on Mr.
Winegar's place. George Koch and
Mrs. Henry Brush have each a fine
new barn. A new granary naa maae
its appearance on the ranch of Henry
Herkamp and Mr. Seward is about to
begin improvements on his home. Fur
ther south a new dwelling is being
built for Mrs. Evans by her two sons,
and Simon Miller's new garage is fin
ished. Earli nf nur Duhlic. schools received
in the past week its annual allotment.
of new books from the State Library
association. Not every one may esti
mate the Talue of this yearly distribu
tion of new and attractive books in a
rural community. To say nothing of
the delight they bring to the genuine
book-lover, they are highly calculated
to inculcate a love for the better liter
ature in those who hitherto have been
strangers to the charm. No corner of
the earth is so well adapted to foster
the love of books as is the one which
has a regular season of protracted
rain. The many days that must be
spent within doors would be unbear
able without pastime of some kind.
Among the diversions that we can af
ford, reading holds first rank and It
Is incumbent upon us to see that the
literature consumed in our homes is
of a kind to leave Its readers, at the
end of the winter's reign, richer in
information, stronger in mental power,
keener in perception and higher in
principle than ever before. In this
the timely vntributiun of the state
library association renders us valu
able aid and must receive most hearty
gratitude from every resident of our
state. The drenching rain of Thanks
giving day was far from extinguishing
the fires of gratitude in our hearts.
Though deterred from attending dis
tant services, the family and social re
unions at home were not omitted, and i
Thanksgiving dinners were partaken
of with as deep a gratification as
we could have had in church.
' BARLOW, Ore., Dec. 6. Thanksgiv
ing dav here was a auiet one. nearly
everybody remaining at home and
Hooverizing with a plain but good din-1
Mr. and Mrs. Larson received the; fallen gtimber for Mr. Elliott's saw
sad news Thanksgiving day of the j mill.
death of their grandson, 7-year-old son Miss Pearl Stromgreen, from Ore
of Charlie Larson, who was drowned j gon City, was home and visited her
in a lake. The child was missing ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stromgreen,
three days and the parents living near
the lake feared he might have fallen
in. The lake was dragged and the
body of the little fellow found. Charles
and family were to have spent Thanks
giving with his parents here. They
have the sympathy of this commun- j short visit with his folks,
lty. I Clyde Ringo butchered a beef last
Mrs. Ada Andrus spent her S2nd ! vk.
birthday on Thanksgiving day, by in- j W. IF. Wpt.tlaufer sold a beef to Fer
viting some of her friends to eat din-IrS: Mayfield lat week.
ner with her. Mrs. Andrus' cooking j ,, 0
and serving the dinner herself. j
Mr. and Mrs. Morton, Sr., and Mr. Kcl.SO
and Mrs. Morton, Jr., are visiting at
the Geo. Zieglcr home, on their return j
trip from Alaska, where they have! KELSO, On;., Dec. C The mem
been for the summer. The Morton! ,),jr3 of lne Ite(1 Cross auxiliary met at
home is in California, near Los Ange-tnp' nMmo ct Mrs- Robert Jonsrud last
les. Mrs. Morton, Sr., and Misa Julia! Tusday. A finance aid soliciting com
Ziegler were raised together from j 11 u'eP was appointed, consisting of
childhood to grown women. Robert Jonsrud, Mrs. E. V. Erick-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Crowley spent! 80rl an,; :Irs- I'hipp3. It was decided
several days in Portland the first ofto weet ("v-rV Wednesday to work all
the week. ''lay, each member bringing her lunch.
Miss Olca Howe and Tootain snent .1 Robert Jonnrud has donated a cot-
Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Gilbertson, of Aurora.
Miss Pierce with the aid of the pu
pils has thoroughly canvassed the dis
trict for the Food Conservation. Near
ly every family willingly signed the
pledge cards, there being but four fam
ilies who refused to sign.
School closed Wednesday evening!
for a two days' vacation.
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass.,
In her 87th year, says: "I thought I
was beyond the rench of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pills have proven mobt
beneficial In my case."
Mr. Sam A. Hoover, Hifrh Point,
N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at night and I had to get up
from five to seven times. Now I do
not have to get up at night, and con
sider myself in a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney Pills, as I have taken nothing
Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Eqjjlnson, Mass.,
says: "I suffered from' kidney ail
ments for two years. I commenced
taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months
ttK, and though I am 61 years of age,
1 f'-el like a 16-year-old girl."
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic,
strengthening and up-building, and
restore normal action to the kidneys
and ' a disordered and painful blad
d,;r. They act quickly and contain
no duiigurous or harmful drugs.
firfcft From
A Over the
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK. Ore.. Pec. 6.
Walter Douglas, accompanied by Mi".
Naylor and H. H. Udell, motored to
Oregon City on business last Friday,
Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Mrs. Cora funeral was held last Sunday after
ITdell were Portland visitors last Frl- noon.
dy- Mrs. A. J. Stevens, of Koethe Sta-
Mrs. A. Beckett spent Thanksgiving tton. is regaining her health after a
In Portland with her daughters, the recent operation for appendicitis at
Misses Mabel and Veroo Beckett. j the Portland sanitarium.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Douglass were the A baby daughter has come to glad
guests of the former's mother, Mrs. den the home of Rev. and Mrs. Law
Viola Douglass, Sunday. j rence J. Plank. ,
J. W. Reed, of Estacada, was seen! Rev. Plank has accepted a call to
over this way on Monday. 'the pastorate of th .Congregational
C. H. Lane, the Watkins man. passed church at Huntington and will take up
through the neighborhood on Monday, his duties about January 16th.
H. S. and R. B. Gibson were Esta-i William B. Wood has returned from
cada visitors on Monday. ! a business trip to San Francisco. Dur-
Mrs. E. Naylor received a pleasant
call from Mrs. Katie Douglass the
other day. j
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle were call-
ing at the home of R. B. Gibson on
SdTAral 4Vtm Avar tVi (a wv fttii1af)
e banquet and budget meeting at
the Estacada Hotel Monday night
H i
CLARK ES. Ore.. Dec. 6 W
Wettlaufer and daughters, Violet and
wer ,n Portland last '""jent of the Sunday echool. ! on the sick
daf ,on business. j ,igt
.Miss riureuce ovruuisreru, ui vui-
, , . . , , . . " 1
ton. visited her friends in Oregon City
over her Thanksgiving vacation, and
returned home again last Sunday. j
William Clarke took a load of hogs
to Beaver Creek and sold them to F.
Mayfield, last week.
I tr on, I lro PIvHa TMnpn VfTf In
Oregon City last Friday on business.
B. Sullivan and C. H. Bergman were
in Oregon City last Wednesday after
noon. Miss Ida Zwahlen visited Henry
Shoenborn and family, of Oregon City,
a few days last week.
George Hofstetter, Jr.. bought two
heifers for $300 from the Portland
stock show last week.
Walter Kleinsmith visited his sister
Mrs. Frank Corbett, of Woodburn, for
a short time las tweek.
Alva Card bought a polny from P.
Schiewe last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall spent
their Thanksgiving with his parents.
Fred Marshall and family,
Miss Ida Zwahlen visited Mrs.
Christena Kleinsmith and family on
Thanksgiving day.
Sam Elmer bought two thorough
bred Guernsey heifers for a $1000 from
Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller and
daughter. Mary, and Miss Florence
and Elsie Kleinsmith were Oregon ,
City visitors last Friday. i
Ed Buol and family were at Logan
anr visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,
Mossa, and family over Thanksgiving. !
Walter Le" was visiting his mother
Mrs. Mary Lee, in Oregon City, a few j.
dara lact prk
Clyde Ringo bought a Guernsey it
UCU -i 1UI (11.11 uw"'
Road District No. 19 had a special
road meeting last Tuesday, at the
Clarkes grange hall and voted a five-,
mill special tax. '
The Highland grange gave a big;
dame on Thanksgiving evening at the'
(hall and a big crowd attended it and
eve-ybody had a good time.
Philip Putz and Fred Bauer, Jr., are .
of Cotton, during her Thanksgiving
W. H. Wettlaufer butchered a beef
l?"- week.
Elmer Kleinsmith, from Eastern
Oregon, name home last week for a
tage to be used as a Red Cross work
room. Several members offered the
use of their sewing machines. The
members will meet Wednesday this
week, to cleau the house and get it
ready for work.
At the recent meeting held tinder
the auspices of the Kelso Parent-
Teacher association, the Rev. Mr.
Chandler, of the Episcopal church, of
Oregon City, and Mr. Hammond were
present. The former gave an inter-
estintj talk on Red Cross work, and
Mr. Hammond spoke of the work of
the Y. M. C. A. A collection was tak
en up and a war-time lunch sold, the
proceeds, $11.50 being given to the
lied Cross.
The following persons spent the
Thanksgiving holidays at their respec
tive homes here: Margaret Canning,
a Portland grade teacher; Eunice
Jonsrud, who is a Jefferson high school
student; Hazel Dunn, a student, of
Gresham high school, and Mr. and
Mrs. Kingsley, of Portland, who visit
ed at the Bowen home.
The Thanksgiving vacation of the
Kelso snhool was extended until Tues
A-av nf tYila n,Qi, ki h!
v. i-.uuuaj ""-
iung-nay tor tne teacners, Mrs. Louise
Nelson and Miss E. Yerkes, who visit
ed schools in Portland
Bernard Kligel recently bought aUvfj nist. 1Bc " 1 rPB" Tlea' "
Buick-Four from Robert Jonsrud.
Jennings Lodge
Friends here extend their sympathy to
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Soesbe in the
loss of their baby daughter, whose
ing his stay Urtre he met Mr. Hood,
a brother or Mrs. Wm.' Wood, who em-
barked for Russia in the interest of the
IT. S. governmental railway comrals-1
On Friday, December 7th, afternoon
ami ttvanln Ka latlAd miiIU
Congregational church, will hold its
annual baxaar In the Sunday school
room. Many fancy articles, rugs and
useful Christmas gifts will be for sale
at very reasonable prices. Supper will
also be served in the usual manner,
and the usual good eats will be for
I Mr WfWVthom Idalatant lllain(niiil
ri. I. . - v .
era Glass is able to be out after a
severe niness
- - 1 " -
Light Draft because high wheeled.
Perfect Separation because of longer and
tiors than others like size.
Long Lasting
enduring material.
Glen Russell and Carey Deter have
taken rooms at the Y. M. C. A. in
Portland for the winter.
Rev. A. J. Sullens preached at the
evening services at Grace church on
Sunday, after which a business meet
ing of the members was held to act
upon the resignation of Rev. H. M.
Smith, who resigns on account of the
illness of Mrs. Smith. The anthem for
the evening was given by the male
quartet, composed of Rev. Sullens, Mr.
w - Blinstone
Mr. Frank Tucker and
Mr. Carl Starker.
Mrs. Lucy Allen and daughter,
Myrna, are visiting Mrs. Allen's daugh
ters at The Dalles.
Elizabeth and William Bruechert re-
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly In
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
In order to cure it you must take an
Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and acta thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicina was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
In this country for years. It Is com-
Dosed Of some of tha het tnniea Ir
combined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the Ingredient in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is what product- sueh wonderful
results In catarrhal conditions. Bend for
testimonials, tree.
Hall's Kimlly Puis for constipation.
V LIN rEKTrosL, l kilt, n TDLOLiubtLir; r l 'j i r
turned Saturday from a two-weeks
visit with their aunt, Mrs. H. M.
Haylea, at Alrlle.
John WoUler. a member of the firm
of Brown & Wetsler, our former groe-
erymen, haa been Compelled to leave
; mis cnmnie on account or m noaitn.
reier unset, of Antihunt, was a
week end visitor at the Peter home.
A cablegram announced the saf ar
rival of Alden Kelley. somewhere In
Europe, with the aviation corps.
Mrs. Frank Fisher, of Mllwaukle.
was a guest of Mrs. E. A. Saunders on
Mr. and Mr. A, A. llopson spent
Thanksgiving day In Portland.
W. P. Woods and family spent spent
the day Thanksgiving at their cottage
on the rtver front
The cottages are being spoken for
earlier this year and great plana are
being made for 1918 on the rlvor.
Misa Bessie Roberts was the guest
of Miss Helen Shaver of Portland, on
Sunday last.
Charles Redmond, of Portland, is
home after an absence of six weeks
in the interest of Halo and Redmond,
"' " "
CANBY, Ore., Dec. 6 Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Mace were Portland visitors this
I Mr. and Mrs. Grant White were Port-
land visitor
Fran Kraxberger, of Mackesurg.
was a Canby visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson and;
daughter, Laverne; Mr. and Mrs. 11.
A. Berkman and Miss Barbara, were
Portland visitors Friday.
L. G. tUgga and Lester Rlggs. of
Adklns' Mills were Canby shoppers
George Bates, who Is employed by
the Southern Pacific Co., spent Fri
day with his family in Canby.
Miss Catherine Evans, who is a stu-
Because all parts are
Investigate the operation
of the Dowden and you
will buy no other.
W. J. Wilson & Co.
dent ' at University of Washington, leson, Milton Mickleson, Loren Fau
spent Thanksgiving holidays with her ver, Lawrence Tuft, Mildred Lee, Mur
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Evans. 111 Oathes, Gertrude Reese, Almira
Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Aurora, were Schleld. and Hortonse Stacy.
Canby visitors Saturday. Third-Fourth Grades, Eva Burns,
The Five Hundred Club met at the teacher-LIla La Haw, Chloe Jay, Ruth
home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant White Cannes, Wava Wheeler, Ross Rider,
Wednesday evening. After a pleasant Fred Earls, Leonard Newstrom, Ed
evening at cards a delicious luncheon ward McClure, Virgil Glger, Linn Mc
was served by the hostess. Those Question, Ray Hess, Rose Tuft, Ar
present were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Balr, ! manda Turner, Bernlce Arnoson, La
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee, Mr. and Mrs.ivern Erlckson. Clara Joost. TWnthv
H. H. Eccles, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Slyter,1
ivir. ana Mrs. H. A. Berkman, John
Eid, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham,
Mr. and Mrs Adam H Knlirht Mr
and Mrs. Grant White. '
M , L
Mrs. Minnie Bradford and Norton
Bradford spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
and Mrs. A. O. Spaulding, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bowman were
inanKBgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs.!
James Smith, ot Macksburg. j
A A.I., . -ii. - I
. i, 01 wmameue, a ior-
mer Canby resident, was a Canby
visitor Saturday evening.
John F. Eckerson, of Molalla, wag a,
Canby visitor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bendshadler
spent Thanksgiving with relatives in
Melford Hewett, of Hubbard, was a
Canby visitor Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Roth and sons,
Norman and Kenneth, were guests of
Mrs. P, C. Stoddard of Hubbard, Sun
Cnpt. John O. Roth, of Quartermas
ter's Dept. IT. S. A., aerompttitlod by
his wife ami family, were guest of
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Vlnyard Sunday.
Captain Hoth Is stationed at American
Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Josslyn were
Oregon City visitors Monday.
Mrs, John Bullock and daughter,
Grace, of Camas, Wash., are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Eccles this week.
Mrs. Grant White was an Aurora
visitor Tuesday.
The Canby high school defeated the
Mllwaukle high school football team
by a score of 27 to 7. Thla la the final
football game of 1917 aeason. The
basketball team are now practicing as
there are several lively game schedul
ed. Mrs. Ella Morris was a guest of her
daughter, Mra. Frank Zollner, this
Mathew Gibson, of Silverton. was a
Canby visitor thla week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Maple are visit
ing relatives in Parkplaee this week.
Will Gllmore, who has joined the
Aviation corps, passed through Canby
Tuesday on his way to San Antonio,
Texas. Ho is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Gllmore, of Canby.
Mrs. George Knight was a guest of
; her son, Ralph Knight, of Portland.
Clifford Duncan and Miss Maybelle
Greenwood, of Portland, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs, J. Lee Eckerson. on
The following pupils of the Canby
grammar schools were neither absent
nor tardy for the month ending, Dee,
1: First grade, Frances Potter, teach
erElsie Deukons, Earl McQuastln,
Melba Oathes. Lee Rider. Merrill Roth.
Naomi Jay. Heauford Knight, Buckley
Vaughan, Robert Wheeler.
Second Third Grades, Nona Austin,
teacherLeonard Draper, Kenneth
Evans. Earl Fauver, Raymond Gard
ner. Keith Mack, Ernest Meeks, Ken
neth Mack, Neal Haines. George Mick-
wider eleva-
made of the most
Pitts, Zella Lee, Blanche Kendall, Ed-
win Robinson, Hugo Schaubel, Melton
j McQuestlon, Linden Launer.
1 4 P,-B,ti' John "UBtn.
teacher Edward Reese, Ernest Kraft,
Charles LaBaw, Robert McClure .West,
lpy Mltt8i Verna ArneBon( Anna
I Mooney, Earl Lee, Anita Schaubel,
Leona Lee, Edith Earls, Ashol Mack,
Albert Boe, Catherine Draper, Kieth
Draper, Bernhardt Reese.
Seventh-Eighth Grades, H. H. Eccles,
, teacher-Dorma Haines, Amelia Kraft,
I Mar,(m porter, Kttrh, Jewull
Mark, Vlolot Ledford, Hilda Tumor,
Wnlson Launer, Noel Oathes, Norman
Eid, Mortimer Lee, Charles Biites,
Raleigh Wheeler, Raymond Loin. ,
At the regular meeting of Canby
Lodge No. 134 A. F. & A. M., Satur
day overling, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year:
W. S. Maple, W .M.; J, Lee Eckerson,
S. W.i Thomas . Hamilton. J. W.;
It. It. Kvnns. tri'fts.; John Kid, See,
Mrs, Ralph Mamlnvllln left Thiimday
for Black foot. Idaho, where shn has
accepted a poult Ion 111 the school of
that place, , ,
Miss Naomi Htinnor spent Thanks
Riving holiday with her parent In
ESTACADA. Ore., Doc. Mis Hat
tie llelftl came home from Corvalll
Inst Thuntday to eat TliunkMitivliiK
dinner with her mother and brother,
returning to her college dulle the
follow ing day. Her couhIii, MIm Clnra
Wudu, accompanied here from t'orval
IIh, but extended her vllt hero until
Mrs. Nellie Marshall and niece, Ml
Olive Humphrey, both of Portland,
visited Fatacada friend ThaiikNulvIng
Tom Morton, a former Rtacnda hoy,
was here from i'ortland to attend the
Thanksgiving dance and to vUlt old
friend. Tom only recently returned
from Alaska,
The ('. I, C. Thanksgiving ball wat
a great sticce, and the ladle made
about $30 after sharing equally with
the Bed Cro. The hull wa very
artistically decorated with flag and
the lunch at midnight seemed to plettxe
George Towimend, of tha Bremerton
Navy Yard, wa here with a tailor
friend to pend Thanksgiving with
home folk.
Corporal Sam II. Barr came over
from American Lake to vUlt hi wife
and other relative hut Friday and
Ml IHira Currln. who I at tendinis
the Slate Cnlverslty. visited her par
ent ThnnksKlvlng day.
Sergeant Ken Burtlett visited home
folk the latter purt of last week.
The ladle of the Civic Improvement
club are preparing for their nnnual
apron sale, which will take place at
the club rooms, Tuesday, Iku-ember HI.
Mix Louise Qttilltam, KtiKltnh and!
physical culture teurlmr In the Kt-
cada school, wa unable to he In the
school room the firt of the week on i
account of Nlcknes. Her place wa
taken by Mr. C. W. Devore. j
The Christian Kndeavor society of
the M. K. Church, parked and sent outl
five bote the latter part of last week,
to the soldier boy of F.stncada and!
vli ltilty. Thl complete the list a '
printed In the Kuntern Ctnckainas1
New. They will now begin over again i
and send package every week R
usual, to three or five of the boy, and '
keep up the good work a lotig a they I
can get nrtlctt to fill the boxc.
The element teemed agalmit the j
Thanksgiving spirit at Kstacadu. as:
there wa not much abatement of the
Htendy down pour of rain all day, but
there were many pleasant home-coming
and happy family gathering
where the spirit of "eat, drink and be
merry" prevailed. The dance at the
pavilion ended up the day' fcstlvltle.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Kwlng were
among the number who wltneed the
big football game In Portland Thanks
giving day.
Mis Ilica Anderson and niece, Klva
Johnson, spent Thanksgiving with rel
atives at Boring.
Lewi Jone and Virgil Yonce at
tended the ' Older Brother" confer
ence at F.UKi-ne last week, a delegate
from the Fstacnda M. E. church and
the Estacada Christian church.
Ollle Gorber has bought a 73-acra
ranch near hi mother' property at
Logan an dta making preparation to
build a small cottage and otherwise
Improve the same.
Fred Bannister and Warren Barr,
who enlisted last week In the Forest
er' corps, received their order within
a week to go to New York, leaving
Charles Grout and family, of Bay
City, arrived the first of the week and
will reside In tho Heed house on Main
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Pelter are new
Estacada residents, coming from Bay
City, Oregon.
The city librarian, Mrs. Ecker, has
been sick with the grip during tho last
week and confined to her home.
A new enterprise will soon start up'
at Estacada, In the shape ot a public
auction day, once a week at least. The
J. W. Rood building on Broadway, has
been secured for tho auction room.
The Farmers' and Merchants' club
meeting last Monday night was a very
Interesting one, both socially anil oth
erwise. Tho meeting was held nt tho
Estacada hotel where nt 7 o'clock a
chicken supper wus served by the
ladles of the Christian church. After
the feast nn hour was spent socially,
both ladles and gentlemen being pres
ent. A business meeting followed at
which time new officers were elected,
and are as follows: A. W. Botkln,
president; Frank ICwIng, vice-president;
A. L. Laswell, secretary and
treasurer. A. H. Stevens, Walter Glv
ens. A. W. Botkln, R. M. Standlsh nnd
E. W. Bartlett, constituted a commit
tee appointed to represent tho tax
payers at budget meeting In Oregon
City, December 22. Arrangements are
being made to have a special train
for the taxpayers to attend the meet
ing. The O. C. land grant delinquent
tax of $198,000, paid to Clncknmiis
county, was a special subject of dis
cussion at this meeting.
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, Ore,, Dec, S.-On De
cember 19th an election will take place
to incorporate a water company for
Jennings Lodge and Oak Grove. The
two voting places will be open from
8 n. m. to 8 p. m. on the east of the
track In A. L. Bullard's office, and
west ot tho track In ThompHon's hard
ware store. Three commissioner! will
bo elected also those nominated are
W, I. Blinstone. Win. Jacobs, of Jen
nings Lodge; W. L, Starkweather, J.
D. Butler, C. F. Overlmugh and John
Rlnley, of Oak Grove.
Owen Harriett returned to Wasco
after spending the week-end at home
here. ,
Mrs. E. Reynolds and son, Forest,
wore Portland visitors Tuesday, ,
T. R. Worthington, Sr., hold a family
reunion Thanksgiving day at his home
on tho Oatfleld road, two grandchild
ren were added this year making a
total of lit In all. Two of tha hods
were absmit Hint, day,
Mi, John Ollor and Itttiw daughter
spent Thursday with Mr. and Mr
Mr, M. V. Ilolikhk will entertain
the Needla Craft and Domestic ttcl
once club Friday afternoon.
V, J. Cedermm I rinrtni m Im
proving slowly. Their daughter, lient.
rice, I able to Im up and around the
L, A. dullard and family iml
Thanksgiving with Mr. Iltillnrd'
daughter, Mr, Kelland, ot Twilight.
Church Note-Tuaday veiling
m'pptlon and pound aortal wti givnii
to Hev. Young and family la the
church parlor,
Service every Sunday morning by
tha pant or,
Kpworlh Leagua meeting Hu&day ev
enlng. Trayer meeting Wednesday even
ing. Ladle' Aid aoclnty meet every two
week In tha church parlor. All ladle
ar Invited to tha meetings,
Mr. V. a. llenvle left RumUy tor
F,atern Oregon on an lnpecllon trip,
for tha tadle ot tha Uraml Army.
Walter Vlglea I horn from tha hos
pital much Improved In health after
undergoing an operation,
Mr. Wiley, ot tha Portland public
school, gave an llluvtrated lecture and
everal ong Monday evening for tha
Commarcll club, at tha achool atiem
bly hall. The lecture wa on lumber
InduNtry In Oregon.
The next meeting of the club wilt be
December 17th when officer will be
elected for the nulni ynar.
Ml' LINO. Ore., Dee, 6.- The Wood
men lodge gave a dance In Mulino hall
hint Saturday night which wa well
Mr. Catherine (loucher I flatting
relative In Needy.
Harney llelvey and hi bride wore
caller In Mulino last Saturday.
MIk IaiI Ahby and bir brother,
Frederick, returned to Salem t
week. Ml Iot hit entered a busl
lie rollega to complet omt tadle
she had previously taken up and Fred
tesumed hi atudle In tha public
Rchool of Salem.
Mr. Hen lUnilrk and daughter, of
Wotidburti, were tha guoat on Thank
giving day or Mr. and Mr. Carl
Schenk. Mr. Schenk la a daughter
of Mr, linn Dlmlt k.
Mis Florencn (lumlilo wa a guest
at the home of Mr, and Mra. U. W.
Smith last week.
Mr. Churchill, who ha been very
III at the home ot her daughter In
Albany, I reported to lie much Im
proved In health and wilt soon bo able
to coma home.
Joe Daniel wa a Portland visitor
limt Saturday.
Al and Will Jone. of Eldorado,
paHcd through her lanl Monday on
their way to their mountain ranch.
Grant Ahby goe to Oregon City
next Monday to erva on tha Jury.
Mr. Mary Crook wa an Oregon
City vldllor lat Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr. Joe Daniel and child
ren wi re the giiet of Mr. and Mr.
Otto Striker lut Sunday.
Al and Will Jone were Mulino vis
itor last Sunday.
Leonard White, of Tacoma. 1 vllt
Ing hi grandmother, Mr. Mary
Mr. and Mr. Otto Striker, ot Eldo
rado, attended tha dance In Mallno
hall Inst Saturday night.
Lester Itlgg. of Union Hall was a
Mulino visitor Saturday night and
while here attended tha dance.
Mra. Long, who I Buffering with
eryslpela In her hand la Improving.
She went to Oregon City last Monday
for medical treatment.
The William Baker company gave
a moving picture show In Mulino hall
last Tuesday night.
Ituth Hudson apent Thanksgiving with
Mis Moore, of Oresham,
Olive Trulllnger visited at P. O.
Chlndgren a few days.
Glen Larkln I visiting with his
uncle, I. D. Larklns, of Marquam.
Herman, Ben and Reuben Chlndgren
attended a football game in Portland
Thanksgiving day.
Hen Chlndgren left Thursday to Join
the army.
A Thanksgiving program was given
nt the school house Wednesday after
noon by the small scholar.
Kuth Chlndgren came homo Wednes
day to spend her Thanksgiving. She
returned to Monmouth Sunduy.
Unit Bros, have six teams logging
on the Savon Llnd Gardens on Milk
creek. ;
LONDON. Dec. 3. British casual
ties reported during the month totaled
120,089, divided as follows:
Officers killed or died of wounda
1152, men 2L292.
Officer wounded or missing, 3537;
men, 91,108.
LONDON, Deo. 3. The govern
ment of Nikolai Lenlne has fallen, ac
cording to a Potrograd dispatch to the
Dally Chronicle dated Wednesday. It
has been succoodol by a coalition cab
inet of advanced Socialists, In which,
however, the Bolshevlkl are repre
sented, It Is necessary for this country to
conserve sugar to the greatest possible
extent, and the swoot potato is one
food that will furnish us with a con
siderable amount of sugar at the low
est possible cost. The' sweet potato
Is cheap and doslrablo from all points
of view. Try it!
A rtiwlnem Wrwlor of ncK City
J'own unil Vlll i te fa Omnia nj
VuHliiUl(UI, Klving a D nirliitlva
HiiiIi-Ii of en ih ulnee. Locution,
aaa I.'toiuukiuu,
B. I. rot ft TO., lad
Bonttlo, Wuh.
Tl I M II, n