Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 30, 1917, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    rage 4
-t-f,l't' 1 '--ill in ma. iun.la,r.Lj,l-, ma,,,,, iifjiin iMiirpi'i I Wf'W 'H Muliai I i o . w mm law
I Newsy
MACKSBURG, Nov. 29. Tha ranch
formerly owned by R. F. Schroenbach
has been bought by Mrs. Evans and
her two song of Woodlmrn. The
young men are at work on tho ground
and are making their home temporar
ily with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miller.
They ara to build a large modern
house, and are planning to have It
finished before the arrival of their
mother in the spring.
U Masterton has announced a sal
of his livestock, farm implements and
household furniture on Tuesday, Nov.
27th Mr. Masterton has lived on his
ranch here for over two years and in
that time has acquired a largo number
of warm friends, who sincerely re
RTet his having to Join the army.
The Mothers club will meet on
Thursday. December 6th, at the home
of John Kapler.
The Lutheran Sunday school at the
Eby school house, is tc meet for the
regular session on Sunday, December
2nd, in the afternoon.
The regular semi-monthly meeting
of the Little Girls' Sewing circle will
be at the home of Mrs. G. M. Baldwin
Saturday, December 1st.
The Mennonite congregation Is tj
repair in a body to their parent or
ganization at the Zion tabernacle on
the morning of Thanksgiving day,
where there will be an appropriate
service, mostly choral. A very large
number of voices will render the ser
vice of song.
The Red Cross workers are busy
and are intending to have a good
showing of hospital supplies ready
for the next shipment abroad. Never
did such an influence for awakening
patriotism, such
an exterminator of i
neighborhood feuds, such a stimulant
to diligence or such an incentive to
self-denial descend upon us as has
come in this mission of the Red Cross.
However divergent the tastes, the
habits or the religious tenets of our
community, we are all one whole
working force for our soldiers over
the sea.
LOGAN, Nov. 27. At a special road
meeting Saturday a tax of 7 mills was
M. H. Riebhoff, an old resident of
this place, sold his farm last week
and will move to Portland.
The Red Cross benefit last Satur
day evening at the Grange hall was
a success both socially and financially.
It was a crowded house that listened
to the interesting address of Dr. H.
S. Mount on the work and needs of
the Red Cross. The net proceeds of
the evening were $101.75 and $10.00
donated by the grange brings it up to
$111.7"). A rug made by an old lady
was auctioned off for $4.50, R. J.
Werner being the lucky man. Lunch
with coffee was served at 25c per
plate, after which dancing was the
closing diversion. Quite a number of
Oregon City people were present All
had a good time and the money raised
is for a good cause. We who sleep in
"comfy" beds here must have a thot
for the boys over there who have to
live in tents all winter, where the
needs of the sick, wounded and help
to the ones at home to do all they
can to aid. ... - '
Judge "and Mrs. Anderson are
-"'"preparing to move to Oregon City.
There will be an O. A. C. extension
service meeting at the Grange hall
Friday, December 7th. Home econo
mics and soil testing are the topics
to be discussed. Fill your pocket with
a soil sample, put some lunch in the
basket and all will be tested free and
most especially the latter. This meet
ing is for everybody.
The last meeting of the Parent
Teacher association last week was r
purely business affair. The playshxu
is progressing slowly, as it is hard to
' get sufficient volunteer labor when
the people are so busy with far:i work
Elk Prairie
ELK PRAIRIE, Ore., Nov. 27. Mr.
and Mrs. ShiltB, CUr.-ies Walker and
Will Kruger we:o visitors at the
Badger homester. 1 recently.
Roy Thomas, of Scotts Mills, visited
his cousin, C. K. Thomas, recently.
Glen Gault, who moved to Silverton
recently, sold his herd of angora goats.
D. B. Gray and son, Fred, helped him
take them to Scotts Mills.
D. W. Badger is erecting a small
barn up on his homestead.
Walter LeRoy, who spent some time
upon his ranch, has returned to the
Henry Kruger has gone to the valley
to spend a well earned vacation.
Fred Davis, who was married re
cently, has taken his little daughter
home. The little one has speEt a num
ber of months un ier the motherly care
of Mrs. Everett Shllts, at her home.
Shaw and Collins had to make a trip
to Molalla for their milk cows that
had strayed away.
National Secretary of Labor says
the government must "shift labor
from where it is not needed to where
there are industries suffering fnr la
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, 88.
frank J. Cheney makes oath that h
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A D. im. A. W. GLEASON.
(Seal) " Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken in
ternally and acts through the Blood on
th Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Bold by all drupplsts, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Briefs- trom
All Over the
CEDARDALE, Nov. 2S.-Mr. and
Mrs. J. Morris and family spent Sun
day at the home ot John Comer.
Mrs. A, Cooper had a quilting bee
at her home at Orchard Falls Friday
afternoon. After the quilts were tied neat sum was made for the school,
luncheon was served. ; Professor Gutherie is planning on buy-
Nels Norqutst and family have Ing a motion picture machine for the
moved to Portland. school and community in general
John Lamm is home from Washing- j The needle craft and domestic scl
ton logging camp and is working tor ence club met Friday at the home of
J. and H. Comer. I Mrs. H. E. Gillespie on the river road.
Claude Winslow purchased a new A guessing contest was won by Mrs.
Ford this week. j J. B. Evans. After the business, a so-
B. F. Bonney passed his 79th mile- clal hour was spent around the tea
stone November 25. His two sons, table.
Press and Dick, and their wives ate
dinner with him.
A. O. Orem and wife were Mulino
visitors Saturday.
Ted Cooper has gone to Portland to
John Lafferty drove the Colton stage
Saturday, as Dalstrom'o Ford was on
a strike.
Miss Olive Clarke was an Oregon
City visitor last of week.
Millard Orem is janitor this month
at the Cedlardale school.
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, Ore., Nov. 87.
Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Dhulst and Mrs.
Ray Woodle, made a trip to Estacada
last Wednesday.
The Helping Hand was delightfully
entertained by Mrs. E. Naylor last
Wednesday afternoon. The ladies
made some comfort pillows for the
soldiers. The club will meet with Mrs.
R- M. Brash December 5.
Everett Beckett has been the guest
of his mother, Mrs. A. Beckett, for a
few days.
Mrs. J. P. Woodle spent Thursday
with Mrs. U. S. Morgan, of Estacada.
At the road meeting held at Eagle
Creek Saturday, Walter Douglass was
recommended for supervisor and a 5
mlll tax was voted.
Mrs. R. B. Gibson visited with Mrs.
J. P. Woodle last Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Tracy Clester was calling at
the home of Mrs. Douglass last Thurs
day, j
George Brown, who has been very
ill, is able to be out again. He at
tended the road meeting Saturday. !
Will Douglass told some chickens to
M. J. Kerkes on Saturday, receiving
17 cents a pound for them.
LOG LaEARRE, Nov. 2S The an
nual read meeting of consolidated dis
tricts 49 and 10, was held Saturday,
Nov. 24th, at the Garfield Country
club, at which time the budget was
prepared, and on voting the special
tax was defeated by a vote of 15 to
17. Elmer Davis, our present road su
perintendent was recommended for the
coming year.
During the few nice days of this
week work was done near the club
The O. W. Failing nursery is now
digging prune trees preparing to fill
orders coming in.
The wives and friends of the band
boys gave them a surprise Saturday
evening athe Grange hall. A dainty
repast was served, after which the
boys rendered several good selections.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Trombly, having
disposed of their place to Mr. Mat
toon, of Oregon City, are now prepar
ing to leave.
Afte - -".e a serious illness for the
pas'. tw weeks, John Davis is now on
tlj wry to recovery, having been pres
ent at the road meeting Saturday,
which is quite pleasing to his many
number of sales and exchanges
in real estate have been made in this
district during the past month.
Messrs. J. F. Clark, W. C. McNeil of
Oregon City; E. Larson, of Seattle,
Wash.; Mrs. E. R. Bates, Miss O.
Sears, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Sears,
Daisy F. Robs, Earl Crosnvtn, Harry
O. Palmer, Miss .Herbertine Perry,
Log LaBarre during the past week.
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, Nov. 29. Walter Vlg
les went to the hospital in Portland
for an operation.
Will Riggins is home from Sheppard
hot springs much improved in health,
and expects to return to the springs
in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Black and baby
Ellen May were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Warren Saturday.
J. G. Turk has returned to Wheeler,
Oregon, to work this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bullard and
daughter, Florence, motored to Twi
light Sunday and opent the day with
Mr. Bullard's daughter, Mrs. Thomas
Ruth Kelland, of Twilight, is visiting
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Church News Oak Grove commun
ity church, Rev. I. C. Young, pastor.
Services Sunday morning at 11:15.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock, C. D.
Smith, Supt. Epworth League Sunday
evening. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evenings. Ladles' Aid Wednesday af
ternoon. Regular routine of work fol
lowed by social hour and tea. All
ladies Invited.
Rev. Young and family are settled in
the parsonage.
The chicken dinner given last Friday
by the ladies' aid was well attended
and a neat sum of money was rataed
to be used for church work.
James Burt is home for a few days.
Mrs. Burt, Mrs. Guthrie, Frances
Griffith and others will attend the Ep
worth League conference this week
at Woodburn.
W. J. Cederson was taken sick with
pneumonia Thursday night. He is
improving slowly. Monday their
daughter. Beatrice, was also taken
with a light attack ot pneumonia and
tonxilltta. Doth are on the road to
The school entertainment was a
grand success. The children took their
parts fine, the niucic was good, and a
CAN BY, Nov. 29. Miss Lorraiue
Lee, of Washington High school, of
Portland, spent Sunday with her par
ents in Canby.
Mrs, Baker and daughters. Misses
Hildred and Luclle, were Oregon City
and Portland visitors Saturlay.
Mrs. M. P. Saylor. of Molalla. was
a Canby visitor this week.
George Scheer, of Macksburg. was
a Canby shopper Saturday.
Hjalmer Erickson, a former Canby
resident, now connected with the but
ter making department of the I'nlon
Meat Company, was a Canby visitor
Mr. and Mrs. Avon Jesse, of Wolfer
Prairie, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Light Draft because high wheeled.
Perfect Separation because of longer and wider eleva
tiors than others like size.
Long Lasting Because all parts are made of the most
enduring material.
J. Lee Erickson Monday.
Mrs. E. Schmidt was a Portland
visitor Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Isaacson,- of Au
rora, were Canby visitors Sunday.
Edward Huston Is spending a few
weeks in Oregon City.
W. C. Kendall has returned from
Aurora, where he has been doing some
carpenter work' for Henry Beck.
The Canby auxiliary of Red Cross
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Maws.,
in her 87th year, says: "I thought I
was beyond the refich of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pilla have proven most
beneficial in my case."
Mr. Kam A. Hoover, High Point,
M. C, vrites: "My kidney trouble was
worfjs at night ar.d I bad to get up
from five to seven times. Now I do
rnt have to get up at night, and con
Bider niyHulf In a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney Pills, as I have taken nothing
Mrs. M. A. Bridges, ItoJInson, Mass.,
says: "I suffered from' kidney ali
ments for two years. I commenced
takinjr Foley Kidney Pills ten months
ago. and though I am 61 years of age,
1 feel like a 16-year-old girl."
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic,
strengthening and up-bulldlng, and
restore normal action to the kidneys
end o a disordered and painful blad
der. They act quickly and contain
no dangerous or harmful drugs,
met Friday afternoon In the l.O.O.F,
hall. The Red Cross has iwt taken
in UO articles to Port land. Sewing
machines have been diumted by Mrs.
H. l.utke, Mrs. H. C. tlllmnro, Mrs.
Clara Super, Mrs. J It. Ylnyard, John
bid and Mr. Goldew. Those present
t Friday's meeting were: Mrs,
lloughman, Mrs. Vlnnek'o. Mrs. Launor
Mrs. . R, Porter, Mis, E. U. Robin
son, Mrs. A. U. Knight. Mrs, Nora
Miller, Mrs. It. C. Qtlmore. Mrs. Min
ule Bradford. Mrs, Phillips, Miss Fran
cos Cumlngs, Mrs. Hugh Sutherland,
Mrs. J. R. Vtnyard, Mrs. V. 11, Lutko.
Mrs. James Mitts, Mrs. C. N. Walt.
Mrs. W. li. Bulr, Mrs. Oscar Sumles,
Mrs. H. H. Eccles, Mrs. Bertha Hurst,
and Mrs. Clara Soper. Every one is
Invited to attend these meetings and
assist in the work.
Jennings Lodge
Cora Shook, owner of the "Housman"
Apartments, of Portland. Ims fitted up
her cottage here, and will enjoy ths?
week-end In Quiet
The ladles' guild met Friday at the
home of Ms. Rex Deter, the president,
to tie soma comforts, and on Monday
at the church to finish the seven com
forts. Ella Welsh and brother Sinclair,
have come down from Wallace, Idaho,
to spend the winter with their aunt,
Mrs. Edward Brigham.
Mrs. Marie Atchley has been lit the
past week with quinsy.
Charles and Wilbur Warner, of
Portland, were calling on some of
their former playmates Sunday.
Walter Knopp has moved to Court
ney Station; Miss Knopp Is now or
ganist at the Methodist church at
Oak Grove.
Little Helen Williams is til with
scarlet fever.
Homer Williams has returned from
the Coos Bay district where ho hat
been for the past six months.
Investigate the operation
of the Dowden and you
will buy no other.
W. J. Wilson & Co,
The RuHsell home ts still in quaran
tine. Elizabeth and William Bruchert are
viHltins at the home of their aunt,
Mrs. Harry M. Hayles, at Alrlle,
Mrs. Martha Shaver has gone to
Portland to spend the winter with her
son, Archibald.
Miss Helen Palnton, teacher of the
Orchards primary school, visited rel
atives Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Nora dishing attended the fu
neral services of her life-long friend,
Mrs. Margaret DuBols Benedict; at
Vancouver, and who, with her young
son, were killed in an auto accident
In Itantoul, 111.
Marion Barlwr, who spent the sum
mer here In camp, enlised In the
Mrs. Ella Spooncr Is the proud
nHother of three officers in the U. S.
Clyde, as Captain of Infantry, and
Langdon, aa hit Lieutenant..
On Wednesday night, Nov. 18, Grace
Congregational church, held its third
annual meeting, the Rev. II. K Smith
presiding. Mrs. Bella Roberts, clerk,
gave a very Interesting report 'as to
the work accomplished, the paHt year.
Mrs. Mattie Jacobs gave the, treas
urer's report, which showed the finan
ces to be in fair standing. This was
followed by reports of the deacons,
trustees, missionary treasured and
other officers. ,The following officers
were elected for the ensuing year:
Clerk. Mrs. Delia Roberts: treasurer,
Mrs, Will Jacobs; deacons, Frank
Tucker, Mr, Woodlmrn; trustee, Mrs,
Bessie Uruechert, Mrs, Bertha Hurt.
Wiley Traut, W. I. Btlnstotie, William
Jacobs; pluntst, Mrs, Ella Nudes,
missionary treasurer, Mrs. Bessie
Uruechert; music director, W. I. Blln
atone, The newly elected board of
trustees held their first meeting on
Monday evening. Plun for the next
quarter were nmdo. The resignation
of Rev, II, N, Smith was accepted.
-Rev, Smith leaves on account of Ill
ness of his wife, who ts suffering
from a nervous .breakdown, Rev,
Smith has been pastor ever since the
church was orgnnlxcd, and he and
Mrs, Smith have boon tireless worker
her as' wetl as at Parkplace and at
Clackamas. They will be In Portland
for a short time, after which they will
leave for Montana to Join Weudall.
Harold Is now on his way lo France
after being quarantined with mump
and later with measles.
WU.SONVILLE, Nov. 28,-Roy Ba
ker went to SanFranclsco on Monday,
having enlisted in the Navy.
11, D. Aden has been going back and
forth to Portland, being In attendance
as a federal Juror.
Mrs, Rutherford and daughter. Fran-
els, were In Wilsonville on Sunday.
Margaret Batalgla went to Portland
on Saturday to visit her mother who
Dell and Glen Baker will leave soon
for Bremerton, having enlisted In the
naval service.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham and
Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Say. attended the
Eastern Star at Sherwood, on Satur
day evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Baker and little
daughter, visited relatives here on
Saturday and Sunday.
Rev. Barber preached at Hood
View on Sunday, and Rev, Abbott
gave a special Thanksgivlrfg sermon
at the M. E. church at our vlllugo.
At a road meeting at Pleasant Hill
on Saturday, a 5 mill tax was voted
and H. Jost was re-elected as super
visor. The Red Cross of Coral Creek
district, met with Mrs. Elmer Jones
on Tuesday.
Hood View district joined the aux
iliary to the Red Cross at Portland
last week.
Helen Graham was given a delight
ful surprise birthday party, by her
mother, on Saturday afternoon.
Sherman Seely, It. D. Aden, Elmer
Jones, Lloyd Jones, Clifford Jones,
N. O. Say and James Say have Joined
the Choral club, which meets at Sher
wood, on Wednesday evening of each
The Parent Teacher association
Rave a splendid supper under the di
rection of Mrs. Andy Hasselhrink, on
Thursday evening. This was followed
by a lecture on 'Food conservation" by
Mrs. Jennie Kemp, and a recitation
by Mrs. l'oineau of Portland. About
sixteen dollars was realized.
The war-camp fund will provide for
organized efforts to keep the soldiers
to overcome his homesickness and be
come established among friend in hi
new temporary homo.
Fred Bannister and Warren Burr
went to Portland one day tout wenk
and enlisted In the forestry corps,
L. S, BrtiiiMon, or the KnUohiIu Feed
and Lumber Co,, went to Missoula,
Montana, o day last week, where he
goes to settle up the estate ot his de
ceased sister, Mrs. Jack llourhnnlM.
Attorney J. W, Bevure went to Drnln
last week, accompanied by his young
sou, Raymond, who reuuilued for a
few weeks' visit with hi grandmother
and nunt.
A. L. Laswell, ot the Kstacnda State
Bunk, wont to Portland Monday with
the Intention of enlisting as lieutenant
In the officers' reserve corps.
Miss (Iraca Benny U now teaching
at the Currlnsvllle school, taking the
place of Miss Chrlstena Qraham, who
was Injured In an nutomoblln accident
a few months ago.
Mrs. Dnhlburg, of Portland, It a
Thanksgiving guest at the J. C. Peter
ton home.
Miss Bessie Wallace has returned
from California, where the went to re
cover her falling health soma time
ago, and In a guest at the home ot her
brother, Herman Wallace, ot Currlns
vllle. Lieutenant William Pain cume from
American Ike last Saturday to visit
home fi'lks until Sunday evening.
The Farmers' and Merchants club of
Fstncada will hold a meeting neit
Monday night, December 3. A banquet
upper will be one ot the pleasant fea
tures. Mrs. Kd Allen left Rstacada Tues
day for Orovllie, Calif., to visit a broth
er, who Is very 111.
Mrs. Howe, and son, Fred, went to
Molalla last Saturday to visit her
daughter. Miss Leila Howe, who Is
teaching near that place, returning
Miss Krma Ornhnm, ot Portland, vis
ited her mother, Mrs. Maude Graham
and Estacada friends a few days this
week, and took part In the school en
tertainment by tinging a Chinese song.
A. Iteutoy and ton Joseph were here
from Oregon CUy lnt Sunday visit
ing home folks, Both have positions
in one of the paper mills at Oregon
Phil AdamR came over from Port
land IuhI Saturday evening to visit
his mother Mrs. Mury Adams and
his sister, Mrs. T. Alberg. returning
to Portland Sunday.
Quite a number of Estacada people
wtmfs to Portland Tuesday to attend
the funeral of Scrgmint James A. Wil
son. Mlssea Ida snd Minute Bchrapel
were called to Corvulllt Suturduy on
uccount of the death of their father.
J. A. Homers hut been behind the
desk in the Kt.tarada State Bank this
week ln,tho absent' of the rashler,
A. I litwell. Mrs. lHwel lias al
so been assisting In the bunk.
Mrs. Mury Adiimt Is now anxluilng
Postmaster Heylinan In thi p,t '
Mrs, F.lolse Sleiuell, of Portland,
with two children, were giieaH tl t't
A. B. Spark homo SuterLty nnl t ,r.
day. An Itnllna woman, who ins bi'n
living at F-aglo Creek, but who '.vs
brought to Est nra da ' fur m tdiral
treatment, died ln:U Saturday, Ic.iv'.ng
a husband and two snuOl rhildr n.
Sum Howe, editor Blandish" rliht
hand nisn at the Eastern Clarkama
News office, wrnt to P rt!un l Sat ir
day, returning home Monday noon.
The large auditorium at the high
school building was crowded Tuesday
night to listen to the annual program
given by the grade schools of Esta
cada. Tha program consited of mutlc,
drills, exercises by little tots, tab
leaux, etc. All who took part did nice
ly, but especial mention might be
made of the flag and gymnastic drills
which showed thorough training and
were certainly pleasing feature of
the entertainment.
Among the Thanksgiving visitor to
friends and relatives In Estacada thl
week. Is Mis Lellah Howe, who Is
teaching near Aurora, Oregon.-
At a school meeting Monday night,
held at the grade school building, a
special ten-mill tax was voted with
out the opposition ot hut one vote.
There wa a largo attendance at the
road meeting for the city of Etacsda
last Saturday. A one mill tag wa
voted upon and carried, for road pur
pose. The city Is In very good con
dition along the line of road fund and
the city council ha made a proposi
tion to the property owner on Main
street, between Second nnd Third, to
have that block paved. The Btroot
and walk all over the city have been
greatly Improved during the past year
and there Is no doubt but what the
good work will continue.
The Estacada Public Library has
lately received a large number of new
books, both Juvenile and for the older
people. .The library I growing and
has become a permanent Institution
In thl place, through the efforts of
the Civic Improvement club. Thl
band of ladle Is working lncesantly
for funds to keep up the expense ot
the library and t oprovlde new bonk
and other features of Interest for the
Several families of this place are
afflicted with the mump, and the dis
ease seem to be ot a very bad form
In many case.
Mis Flora Kendall went to Port
land to pend TJianksglvlng with her
lister, Mr. Anna Morton,
NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Nathan A.
Strauss, noted philanthropist, made
famous by his crusado for milk for the
babies In this city, will entertain 50
negro soldier at a Thanksgiving din
ner at his home.
Columbia Engineering Works gets
new contracts for wooden ships.
A BnslneM pifunlorr of esrfi CHy,
Town and VUlnte la Ori-jron nd
Wanllilnatoa, itlvtaflt a ItomrlnUvo
Hkyk-h of eniJi placo, Lonilimi,
Jhlnpln FacMitlip ami a WiiU
toil lJlrcctory vt euttt Iloalmva
Had J'roftjUNloa,
B. i. roTK ft ro., toe,
W'lllurd P. lUw Iey. Jr., resident mali
nger of tlio lluwley Pulp A Pupor Co.,
minouncnd TuemUy afternoon that hi
company had Just contracted (or the
tmttntlutloti ot an auxiliary sprinkling
system at the plant and th erection
ot two large water tnnk on tha bluff
near tha mill, Mr. Hawley tuld tha
city ha only ono largo lunln from It
retervlor to the down town section,
where tha mill I situated, and In rune
o fa tiro and a break In th nmln, tha
property would bo at the in row ot tho
flame, Land ha been acquired for
tho tank and tho system will be In
stalled at a cost of about MO.000. Tho
mill wilt bo equipped with automatic:
Nprlnkler throughout.
How Big Is Your Foot?
Socks For Elephants!
Might Do For Sweater
Mr. W. II. Shlvely, ono of th old
time and well known resident ot Ore
gon City, who ha not knitted lnv
she wa a girl, and becoming Interoat
ed In tho work of tho Red Cro
branch, hut started to knit cock tor
the soldier. Mr. Shlrely not remem
bering Jut how many stltche to Uke
for thl work, started out with too
many, and after spending aovoral day
at tho work, found h wa making a
tuck Inrgo enough for an elephant,
and about decided to turn It Into a
sweater for ono of tho largest men of
Uncle Hum' army. On Saturday h
wa Informed Just horn many itltche
It require tor th orkt for tho
toldlor., mt will tart In earnest thU
Two divorce action wnro Died In
the circuit court Wedneaday. Frit
Beeae seek a ducreo from Lolla May
Boete on tho ground of cruel and la
human treatment. Plaintiff allege
hi spouso mudo frequent trip to Port
land In company with other men and
that she wa guilty of neglect ot homo
and family, Mr. Beo alio auks for
the custody ot their 1 year-old child,
Arlene Bnete, Tho Beee were form
erly Washington county people.
Alleging continual drunkenne,
threat to kilt and vile epithet on the
part of her husband. K.tta A. Brown,
ask a divorce from Edward 8. Brown.
Tho couple were married In Hamilton,
Montana, In 1910. Mr. Brown atk
that her maiden name, Ktta A. Dixon,
be restored.
The marriage or Mis Arllne Mo
Lane, daughter ot Mr. and Mr. E. T.
McLane, of Mount Pleaaant, and Mr.
Robert E. Wiley, of Seattle, Wash.,
wa solemnized at tho homo ot Mr. and
Mr. E. Grave, at Seattle, where tho
brldo ha made her home for soma
time. The marriage took place on
Tuesday, November 20, In tho pretence
of only Immediate relative.
Owing to business connection, Mr.
Wiley and hi bride will take tholr
honeymoon at a luter date. He I em
ployed a an electrician by the U. 8.
Mis McLano Is an accomplished
young woman, and 1 well known at
Mount Pleasant, where she resided for
tome time before taking up her real
donee at Seattle. She ha been em
ployed In the art department of the
Bon Marche at Seattlo since making
that city her homo.
Mr. Wiley ha visited In thl city on
several occasion.
In tho circuit court Wednesday Har
vey Gibson obtained a decree permit
ting him to sell the dower Interest of
his wife, Grace E. Gibson, In 51 acre
of land In the Thomas Forrestor dona
tion land claim.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackama County.
Anna M. Johnson, Plaintiff,
Carl Johnson, Dofendant.
To Carl Johnson, above named do
fondant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you, in the abote entitled suit, on or
before the lltji day of January, 1918,
said date being the expiration of six
week from the first publication ot
this summon, and If you fall to an
swer said complaint, for want thoreof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for In her complaint,
For a decree dissolving tho marriage
contract now existing between plain
tiff and defendant. This Bummon is
published by order of Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge ot the Circuit Court, which
.order was made on the 28th day of No
vember, 1917, and the time proscribed
for publication thereof Is six weeks,
beginning with tho Issue datod Friday,
November 30, 1917, and continuing
each woek thereafter to nnd ncludlnff
Friday, January 11, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
. Oregon City, Oregon.
$40,000 TO BE SPEN