Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 23, 1917, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
Conuins no habit-forming drugs or dangerous
ingredients. It Is ex
tremely pleasant,
prompt and effectual.
. Standard
mm id
-r "VA i in v i
f V 1 1 mii n i iii mmm
fFX: I ft
Violet Dulce
Powder Ji
Made from the finest trade
of Imported Italian tnlo. The
value of n talcum ti In the
amount of perspiration It will
absorb. Only the hotter
grades nave this quality,
Scented with the Violet
Dulce odor.
1 'jEL
Standard Price
One. Of J
Sale Price
Two )
Boxes ZOC
50c Bouquet Jeanice Talcum a
Talcum for the most fastidious, 2 for
npl Ql Pay us the regular price for any item here .advertised and we will sell you
me nan
another of the same kind for ONE CENT.
The One Cent Sale was developed by the United Drug Co. The Rexall
Co. as an advertising plan. They take a loss oh these sales and we sacri
fice our profit in order to get a wider distribution of Rexall goods.
atTuiE,dla,sr--Mor. 22-23-24
One Cent
This sale would be impossible in these war times, but it was planned months
ago, before war was declared, and the goods are here at the old prices. In
stead of taking advantage of conditions and obtaining full prices we are
going ahead with our One Cent Sale. But it will probably be the last one
till the war is over. Please notice that the regular prices of "REXALL
REMEDIES' have not been advanced as have most others.
Save This List, Check The Items You Want And Bring It With You.
"j&xoil $&medie and Household Needs
52 Tooth Paste
A perfect dentifrice, antiseptic,
and deodorant. Cleans and whit
ens the teeth. Comes out flat on
the brush.
Standard Price
Tube 25C
This Sale
25c Eye Wash
25c Healing Salve
25c Mentholine Balm
25c Arnica- Salve
15c Toothache Stopper
25c White Liniment
25c Carbolic Salve
25c Cathartic Pills
$1 Wine of Cod Liver OIL.
50c Kidney Pills
25c Earache Remedy
for 26c
for 26c
tor 26o
for 26c
tor 16o
for 26c
for 26c
for 26c
.2 for $1.10
2 for 54 o
2 for 26c
$1.00 Tonic Solution of Hypo
phosphites 2 for $1.01
25c Ltggett's Extract of Lcni-
25c Hygienic Tooth Paste..
25c Menthodlne
25c Cleaning Fluid 2
25c Rexall Headache Tab
lets -..2
25c Witch Haze! Cream .:
25c Charcoal Tablets 2
25c Corn Solvent 2
25c Calomel and Soda Tablets
for 26c
tor 26c
for 26c
tor 26c
tor 26c
for 26c
for 26c
.2 tor 26c
25c Htnkels Tablets 2 for 26c
60c Kidney Pills 2 for 61o
25c Grippe Pills 2 for 26o
25c Red Cedar Flakes I for 26c
25o Rat ft Roach Paste 2 for 6c
ft Kidney Remedy 1 for $1.01
25c Shaving Cream 2 for 26c.
25c Almond Cream , 2 tor 26c
26c Witch Hate! Shaving
Lotion ,. J for 26c
10c Soda Mint Tabs 2 tor 11e
25c Foot Powder -2 for 26o
Tangara Fabric Stationery
A white, fabric-finish writing
paper with a narrow tinted border
on both paper and envelopes. The
envelope is a new cut and the pa
per Is regular correspondence
Border comes In assorted colors.
Standard Price This Sale
S 40c
Rubber Goods
85c Rubber Gloves 2 tor 36c
25c Stork Nurser, Hy
gienic vide mouth2 tor 26c
5c Nipples 2 for 6c
10c Stork Pacifier 2 for 11c
25c Ear and Ulcer Sy
ringe 2 for 26c
25c Hot Water Bottle
Covers 2 for 26c
$1.00 Comb Syringe at
tachment sets 2 for $1.01
$2.00 Vaginal Spray Sy
ringe 2 for $2.01
Vaccum Bottles
They are pint-size, are
worth $1.75, but we sell
them regular for $1.25,
at which price they are a
bargain. For this 3-day
sale you may buy one
only for 98c
This is the only article on
this page that is not a 1c
Bouquet Jeanice Talcum Powder
A Talcum Powder For the Most
It is the purest, whitest, finest grade of
Italian Talcum, delicately perfumed and
manufactured In one of the most sanitary
laboratories In the world.
Standard Price
Sale Price
Two F"
Boxes jlC
Brushes and Cutlery
10c Hand Brush 2 for 11c
15c Hand Brush 2 for 16c
25c Hand Brush 2 for 26c
35c Hair Brush 2 for 36c
75c Hair Brush 2 for 76c
10c Tooth Brush Holder 2 for 11c
25c Lather Brash 2 for 26c
25c Celluloid Comb 2 for 26c
$1.00 Razor 2 for $1.01
$1.50 Razors 2 for $1.51
35c Razor Strops
25c Razor Strop Dress
ing $1.00 Pocket Knives2
50c Pocket Knives
35c Tooth Brush
25c Tooth Bruah
35c Cloth Brush
50c Hair Brush
35c Shampoo Brush...
2 for 36c
.2 for 26c
for $1.01
2 for 51c
2 for 36c
2 for 26c
.2 for 36c
2 for 51c
.2 for 36c
Harmony Shampoo
A highly concentrated, cleansing sham
poo. A few drops make a delightfully
thick foam which cleans the hair and
scalp thoroughly. Leaves the hair soft
and glossy and tree from stickiness.
Daintily perfumed.
Standard Price This Sale
Bottle 50c Bode. 51c
Makes a delightful creamy lather that leaves the hair
soft, fluffy and delicately perfumed. A scientific,
antiseptic tonic and cleanser.
Liggett' Pure Extract Vanilla
Made from the highest grade Vanilla llean obtainable.
Blended by special process and thoroughly aired, bring
ing out its full strength, delicate aroma and flavor.
Standard Price This 8ale
Bottle 30c Bottles 31c
Liggett's Beef Cubes
Made from the highest grade beef extract and vege
table in ideal proportions. A delicious and strength
ening beverage. Especially valuable for the sick room.
One cube to cup of hot water.
Standard Price This Sale
Two Q?
Boxes JUC
Powder Puffs lc
These dainty little puffs Bell regularly
at 10c, 15c and 25c 3 grades.
For this sale
2 for 11c
2 for 16c
2 for 26c
Select the grade you prefer. ,
Razor Blades lc
Rice's Razor Blades for Ever Ready,
Gem and Similar Razors. Regularly
25c pkg.
This Sale
Two pkgs. for .
1 Cent
10c Linen Books 2 for 11c
10c Picture Books.2 for 11c
15c Story Books for
4 to 8-yr. olds 2 for 16c
2Sc Illustrated Books
for 6 to 10-yr. olds..2 for 26c
40c Boys' Books, Stanlard Authors 2 for 41c
40c Books of Fiction for adults -2 for 41c
A Table of Miscellaneous Books
Choice of 2 for half price plus lc
Shoe Polish lc
This is a polish tree from turpentine
and aclils, thus not Injurious to the
leather. Does not soil the clothing.
Gives a waterproof lasting polish.
Comes In white, tan and black. Regu
larly 10c
For this sale
Two boxes for.
Rexall Cold Cream
An antiseptic and healing
cold cream, especially recom
mended for chapping and rough
ness of the skin caused by ex
posure to sun and wind.
Standard Price
This Sale
25c Tjlrs 26c
Stationery Items
10c Bottle Ink 2 for 11o
10a Rexall Writing Tab
lets JL 2 for 11o
10c Pkg. of good Env
lopes 2 for 11c
13c Pkg. of fine Enve
lopes, fabric finish .2 for 16o
25c Box Paper and En '
velopes 2 for 26c
10c Memo Books I for 11o
15c Receipt Books ..2 tor 16o
10c I)oi. Thumb Tacks 2 for 11o
10c Do. Steel Pens 2 for 11o
6c Penholders ......2 for 6c
Ee Lead Pencils . I (or la
Bo Pen and Pencil Clips
lOo Ruler ...... 1 for 11a
25c Package of Playing
Cards I tor 26c
COc Playing Cards I for 61o
40c Box Initialed Corres
pondence Cards and
Envelopes ... 2 for 41o
ffioggflL Toilet Soap
Unexcelled in quality
for 10c. Lathers freely
in any water. One trial
will convince you there is
nothing better for the
Standard Price
?.". 10c
This 8le
cTkes llC
Toilet Articles
60c Almbnd Cream. . 2 for Bio
60c Palm Olive Face
Powder, all colors .....2 for 61o
26c Ashes of Roses Rouge
Perfect colors 2 for 61c
25c Pozzonl's Rouge
with chamois 2 for 26o
15c Brighton Talcum..2 for 16o
25c Hebe Bath Powder 2 for 26o
25o Medicated Skin
Soap ..i 2 for 26o
15c II. & G. Violet Soap 2 for 16o
10c Styptic Pencils 2 for 11o
50c Violet Dulce Van-
Ishlng Cream.......2
COc Violet Dulce Cold
Cream 2
50c Perfume 2 os.
25c Harmony Imported
Soap . . ..... ..2
25c Violet Dulce Sham
poo Crystals 2
10a Orangewood Stick,
with file 2
25c Powder Puff 2
tor 51o
for 61o
tor 51o
for 26o
for 26o
tor llo
for 26o
Metropolitan Magazine
The Llvest Magazine in America
The Metropolitan is vital, sincere
a creation of sane, forwarding-look-ing
Bret Harte's Novels
Four Volumes
Bret Harte as a writer needs no
intreduction. His stories of fron
tier life are real human Interpreta
tions. Standard Price This Sale
Metropolitan 1 year, $2.00 Both.i
Bret Harte, 4 volumes $2.00 for
Symbol Fountain Syringe
An all-red rubber moulded Foun
tain Syringe of full two-quart capa
city, with rapid-flow tubing and
three hard rubber pipes with screw
Guaranteed for one year.
This Sale
Standard Price
Maximum Hot-Water Bottle
The largest selling water bottle in the
world. The price everywhere is $2.00
each. Full two-quart capacity. '
I Guaranteed for two years,
Standard Price This Sale
f. ; ' .
$2 Bottles $2.01
Tar Shampoo Soap
As you probably know, soaps
are about. 60 per cent higher
than normal. 20c has been the
price of this soap for years. N-.
war advance. Consider the Bar
bara it Is today at 2 for 21 o
I'L t .if A i. " I a . "
V w - "t -I J - -
1 Vtr"?-'''; : ,
. . -.-, .'( . J
"J 1
Standard Price
This Sale
It ?1p
Cakes ulL
Violet Dulce Complexion Powder
The name stands for the highest quality, being one of the
famous Violet Dulce Complexion requibltes. One of the best
qualities of this complexion pow
der Is that It does not "show" when
used properly. Delightfully scent
ed with the Violet Dulce odor. Brun
nette, White and Flesh tints.
Standard Price
, ,
hi ' 'Vwort jilt a
1 1 'lSrf5ir
This Sale
The 100 or more items listed on this page are not all that you may buy at this sale for lc.
There are many more that we haven't room to list. In addition to the lc sale items there will be ,
many reductions from regular prices throughout the store. Come and see for yourself. No
goods sold at lc prices before next Thursday, the first day of the Sale.
Huntley Drag
The g&aijL Stores
Perfume lc per Ounce
Please note that in this list are some of the
choicest of perfumes remarkable bargains ' '
E0c White Rose Lilac Jockey Club 2 ozs. for 61o
75c Vantlne's Wistoria' . '. 2 ozs. for 76o
$1.00 Ricksocker Violet Incarnot 2 ozs. for $1.01
$1.00 R. & O. Bouquot des Amours 2ozs. for $1.01
$1.00 Hudnut's Tatchooly '. 2 ozs. for $1.01
$1.50 Hudnut's Dubarry 2 ozs. for $1.01
Sachot Powder at lc Sale Prices, all odors.....