OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1917. Paga 7 COUNTY COURT Cootinufid from page 9 Jackson, $111.00; )luf 0!muii, $12.00; !. 1), UiklriH, $20.2j J. T. Millur, $12.00; L, K. Lamlncm, $10.01); Percy Adams, $5.00; Fr.nl Hubbard, $0.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 28-rJolm Hart nik, $23.40; John Furgoson, $:i0.00; Dun (IroKhonjt, $27.50; N. II. Wudo, $10.00; l!un Wade, $10.00; Jumna PmiuelU, $15.00; C. Myers, $22.50; Frank Holt, $41.25; A. M. liroHhong $:I5.00; J. G. lilixt, $1.25; Cos. Dick, son, $10.00; S. W. Hall, $0.75; Guy DlbhlC, $25.00; F. U Dibble, $12-50; Waller Itussul, $7.50; Arthur Carter .()(; Cuorge Hot-but, $7.50; George Croshong, $12.50; Lee Adams, $5.50 J. M. GroHhortff, $80.00; It. II. Klniwhtvr, $45.50; (J. Slaughter, $48.76; Et Wyland, $05.00; Lee Paquutle, $41.00; Karl Groshong, $175.00; L, D. Shank, $78.00; Geo, Mlchols, $05.00; llonry Mlchols, $27.50; L Thomas, $2.50; Free man Thomas, $47.50; Frank Gray, $27.50; Harry Gray, $27.60; James Nicholson, $:)2.50; Orlan Thomas, $40.00; C. Noewbeur, $5.00; Al.Wy. land. $33.25; I. J. Sharp, $50.00; W L. Freeman, $85.00; Kay ShaU- man, $18.76; A. Saekt $17.50; Kd, Kussttl, $43.75; Karl Tracey, $12.50; J, M. Uroshong, $1.70; A. L. Brough er, $13.25; -Chas. Johnson, $12.95; Goo. Hlatchford, $8.30; 8. Amea, $1.25; J. W. Trullinger, $51.07; C W. Austin, $50,00; C. W. Herman, $29.40; W. T..Mulkie, $25.00; John Millur, $35.00; W. G. Masterlon, $29.75; M. K. Swope, $106.40; J. W Trullinger, $(10.00; K. L. Trimball, $57.60; E. Clester, $32.60; O. N. OtiNund, $17.50; It K. Swltxor, $48, 10; Frank Kokel, $85.00; Zeb How- man, $37.50; V. K. 1'itman, $2.60; Charles CleaUtr, $21.00; 0. N. Kim ball, $2.60; S. G. Nicholson, $16.00; C. G. Vorhlea, $32.50; M. V. Koltach $30.00; A. D. Sherman, $0450; Lea. lie Shank, $88.10; Frank Sherman, $17.60; illain liird, $34.60; Charles McConmdl, $30.00; Al. Dale, $40.00; Gordon Thomas, $30.00; A. D. Ma xingo, $05.00; Fay Kimball, $(19X0; G. W. Palmer, $10.00; John 1'almer, $10.00; John Cross, $2.60; E A Sha vr, $10.00. HOAI) DIST. NO. 29 George Ehlen, $1.66; W. W. Irvln, $37.28; Geo. II. Gray, $80.75; Arlo Gray, $85.00; Wm. SpruUkey, $45.00; Wm. Dentcl, $30.00; Wm. Goodinir $45.00; Robert Whitworth, $7.50 Fred Dental, $5.00; K. W. Bauman $20.00; Wm. Dentel $20.56; Wm Goodinir, $22.82; Fred Dentel, $10.- 5(1. ROAD DIST. NO. 30 Hogg Bros., $1.40. ROAD DIST. NO. 32-Fred P. Morey, $277.35; Harry Yost, $73.93 Uwight Seely. $38.75; E. G. Jones, $15.50; Mat linker. $34.50; Elmer Todd, $51.00; Lloyd Jones, $15.00 A. A. WoodH, $19.00; Goo. Ilatalgla $27.00; Geo. Suhlnecker,'- $13.50 Chan. Meyers", $17.00; JackAngus,2 $0.00; J. C. Chalupxky, $31.75; II J. Flick, $23.91; Wm. Ridder, $35. 50; James McDride, $7.00; Max Say $11.00; Frank Kiaer, $27.60; Pete Knccht, $8.00; E. L. liaker, $9.00 Frank Stangel, $8.00; Geo. Todd $2.50; A. Failmetu-r, $0.25; Henry Wilhelm, $8.00; Bruno Struve, $15 00: Guv McCully. $23.00; James Parrott, $18.00; Isaac Tautfest $28.00; L. M. Felts, $20.00; Gco, Smith, $12.00; Goo. St Clair, $2.00 ROAD DIST. NO. 33 Thos. Jubb J90.00! W. Hendren. $37.60; O. Hen dren. $37.60; J. W. Marrs, $37.50 John Mouer. $35.00; P. Erickson 15.00: Marion Tucker. $24.75: I. G. - Wolf. $13.60; Isaiah Tucker, $24.75 W. Strunk. $13.50; S. N. Kllgore, J7.B5: S. A. Skeen. $15.75; Claud Marrs. $18.00; S. E. Smith, $25.75 A. Habelt. $10.00: John Howard $11.25; Ben Kiggins, $13.50; A. En nulst $11.25: S. Turell, $11.85 Theo. Kiggins, $2.25; Frank Smith 82.60: W. Tucker. $2.50; J. Rcichel J2.50: Frank Millard. $57.00; L. E, Skeen. $56.25: Marion Millard, $67 fiO: Geo. Genseroski. $00.75: R. H Millard. $67.50; E. Lacey, $57.35 Iven Lacey. $52.85; Goo. Keller $55.10; O. Holman, $27.00; Joh Keller. $49.50; Guy Griblc, $22.50 W. Fink, $45.00; Fred Hornor, $49 50; J. F. Schonk, $42.75; H. Spea $13.50; C. M. Folsom, $22.50; J. 1 Mogcr, $49.50; Cascade Garage $5.18: C. C. Miller, $1.00; W. Haberlach. $57.70: Cascade Lumber Company, $18.42; F. Madden & Co 841.03: W. Hendren, $16.25; O. Hen dren, $13.75; Thos. Jubb, $30.00; W Marrs. $5.00; W. Wade, $4.00 Claud Marrs, $4.50; W. Tucker, $5.00; John Howard, $4.50; A. En ouist, $5.00; Isaiah Tucker, $4.50 Marion Tucker, $4.60; JRcichol $5.00; S. Turell, $2.50; John Mogar, S5.00: Ben Kitridns, $(1.00; Frank Millard. $46.00; It H. Millard, $22 50: S. E. Smith, $18.00; Marlon Mil lard. $27.00: W. Fink. $18.00; L. E Skeen, $22.50;. Geo. Genseroski, $18 00; E. Lacoy, $15.75; K. Iven Lacey, $11.25: Fred Horner, $9.00; C. M Folsom, $9.00; Geo. Roller, $9.00 John Keller, $9.00; J. F. Schenk $9.00; J. F. Molger, $9.00; Guy Grable, $4.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 34 Wilson & Cooke, $4.05; W. II. Nelson, $4.90 C. R. Livesay $29.85; F. Kaiser, $40.35; G. Gross, $65.00; W. Kaiser S59.15: C. Zimmerman, $75.25; M Tiedeman, $90.40; F. A. Zimmer man, $79.87; C. Kelnhofer, $09.37; It Schroeder, $64.37; L. Rypczynskl, $69.37; V. Rypczynskl, $42.50; J. Hellberg, $71.87; G. Oldenstadt, $20.00; E. Anderson, $20.00; F. Kaiser,. $122.50; II. Hellberg, $123. 75; J. Notdurft, $133.75; G. Not- durft, $133.75; G. Settjo, $120.00; ' F. Kolnhofer, $87.50; J. Kaiser, $78. 75; R. Oldenstadt, $75.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 85 Hood & Hutchins, $3.80; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $73.50; R. A. Hutchins, $24.. 75; P. Bates, $15.00; J. B. Jones $22.50; R. Landsdown, $22.50; L. L. Griinn, $11.25; Ray Griffin, $2.50; Lewis Griffin, $32.50; E. Bernoy, $2.50; Fred Riser, $1.25; Fred Wag ner, $10.00; V. E. Hengstler, $5.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 37 C. W. Kruse, $84.70; J. W. Stone, $100.93; V. C. Evans, $108.37; J. J. Knnug, $50.52; R. R. Moffitt, $33.00; E M ockcr, $13.76; Andrew Neal, $25.00, IUMD DIST. NO. an Port. Ry. 1,. & V Co,. $70.00; C. W. Schuld & Hons, $70.00; R. Richardson, $08.37; N. Piatt, $27.50; S, Gray, $27.50; II. F, Bladen $2.50; Mrs. C 11 Hislcy, 10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 39-Frank uach, $4.05. ROAD DIST. NO. 40-D, L Kid man, ii.f.Yb; L, uaruemay, su.iio i. Ilrown, $2.50; M. Zogg, $17.60; C. urtlcmay, $11.85; W. Iturtlemay, 3.75; Carl Young, $2.50; Carl An- orson, $7.F)0; John Anderson, ill).- 00; F. Carlson, $15.00; Jarl & Erl, 16,30; I). L. Erdman, $18.75; H. runner, $C8.00; Henry Young, 115.- 00; Fred Warner,, $30.00; L. Rivers, 0,00; W. SUmo, $15.36; B. Kwan- son, $12.0U; A. uaruemay, )ii-W McCrackin, $12.50; Felix Rlchcy, $4.36. ' ROAD. DIST. NO. 41 J. W. Dlx- on, x&l.uo; wm. upuegrave, iuh.uu; II. II. Udell, $73.62; Fred Anderson, 33.75; W. M. Uppdcgrave, $9.00; II. R. Devlin, $16.75; Ervln Upde- grave, $2.25; Walter Kltxmiller, $22.60; John Ilurmaster, $9.00; 'rank Thiess, $18.00; John Spsller, $4.50; Ralph DeShaisor, $9.00; M, 8. Miller, $4.60; Ralph Ahnert, $9.00 Frank Ahnort, $13.50; M. Grafen- haln, $2.25; Charles , Updegrave, $4.50; J. W. Exon, $4.60; Dufur Cooper, $4.50; Paul R Melnig, $2.05; I. II. Udell, $2.75; Herbert Udell, 1.12. ROAD DIST. NO. 42 Chase & Inton Gravel Co., $189.60; Willa metu Valley Southern Ry., $158.00; Austin C. Taylor, $29.25; A. E. Tay- lor, $17.00; George Dawson, $19.00; Joe Dawson, $2.60; Walter Olson, 2.50; Joe Brennan, $6.50; G. E 'nwson, $2.50; Oscar Jacobson, $6.50; Manley Jackson, $11.00; W II. Ywler, $3.00; A. L Yoder, $3.35; Fred Frentx, $10.00; G. E. Wyland, 1.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 43 II. II Udell, $5.05; B. F. Cogswell, $5.30; Estacada Telephone & Telegraph Co $4.85; Eastern Clackamas News, $10.00; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $110. !0: John Aftolter. $52.60; C. W, Schuld & Sons, $169.40; W. II Douglass, $61.62; Fred Hoffmeister, $12.37; W. It Woodle. $11.25; II. S Gibson, $11.25; Mrs. Beckett, $11.25 Mrs. Beckett $11.25; W. F. Doug ass. $22.50; Mr. Orke, $2.25; Er. nest Hofrmelster, $12.37; Chat Murphy, $4.50; Glenn Douglass $7.87; It B. Gibson, $5.62; P. Mur nhy. $3.94; E. Baker. $2.25; Oscar ludd, $8.44; L. P. Elliott, $C06.00 lohn Scott, $37.84; Otis Vallen, $31.. 58; Waller Cox, $49.65; John Putx, $17.50; P. F. Puti, $7.00; Hennlng Klang, $2.00; A. S. Freoman, $2.00 Louis Vallen, $2.00; Mike Ryzem ski. $2.00: F. P. Baurer, $4.00; L P, Elliott $21.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 47 Mitchell Lewis & SUver, $12.60; Will W, Thompson. $6.45; II. W. Stevens $48.00; Ira Hart. $4.00; II. E. Shar row, $2.00; W. II. Counsel, $80.00 Port Ry. -L. & P. Co., $7.00; E. C Warren, $1607.62; O P Roethe, $86. 50; D. J. Bass, $65.00; R. Tabor, $7.50: Alix Gill. $55.00; Chas. Mo. ran, $55.00; A. A. Dorn, $26.25 Herman Fisher, $67.60; John Boukk $25.00; F. W Smith, $22.50; E. E. Rocthe, $115.00; Mrs C. W. Ris-ley, $6.00; Tom Evans, $65.00; D. J. Ab bey, $10.00; C. D. Atchley, $54.00 E. J. -Russell, $5.00; O. T. Skoog, $15.00. NO. 49 Eastern $10.00. NO. 50 W. II A. W. Whitney Schmidt $27.50 F. M. Townsend D. 8. Miller, $30.00; O. Kyllo, $18. 75; Charlie Sailer, $3.75; John San- en, $30.00; A. F. Eyman, $28.87; W. W. Wiggins, $15.00; F. A Todd, $12.60; Oxcar Kyllo, $0.25; I. WI1-, Hams, $20.00; J. Mitts, $25.00; Guy Lanti!, $5.00; Ray Lantz, $2.50; II. Kistcr, $5.00; Paul Smith, $2.50; II. II. Gocrtswn, $7.60. G EN ERA L ROA DS Hodson-Fee- aughty Co., $6.00; Portland Top Co., $42.00; Mumpower & Burg- hardt, $18.09; A. Mather, $1.50; Chase & Linton Gravel Company, 30.10: llionix Iron Works, $10.50; Alaska Junk Co., $5.04; W. F. Haz- erlach, $246.60; City of Portland, $2.50; Honey man Hardware Co., 3.18; City Carriage St Shoeing Shop, $5.32; Parkplaca More, $0.32; F. M. Morgan, $1.05; A. E. Lukasz, $3.25; Harmon & Co., $11.20; Ex. celsior Motorcycle Co., $41.45: Stew. rt Products Service Station, $1.15; 11. E. Meads, $19.25; II. E. Meads, 100.00; Jun Inel, $24.00; J. E. Pot ter, $4.50; W. A. Proctor, Jr., $1.80; A. Martin, $108.00; J. K. Livesay, 5,00; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $201.. 80; Howard-Cooper Corp., $13.32; Levi Erb, $119.00; Columbia Digger Company, $407.75; Chris Hartmann $0.50; Wilson & Cooke, $1.35; W. M. Knoop, $2,50; John AfTolter, $37.- 50; Willamette Valley Southern Ry. Go., $108.20; Timm Pahl, $57.50; Standard Oil Co., $94.51; T. A. Roots, $144.85; Miller-Parker Co., $25.00; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $122 40; J. Meyer, $9.63; E. Adams, $40.- 60; O M Richey, $50.00; J. Andregg, $15.00; J. Meyer, $12.50; B. Johns ton, $10.00; Geo. Duley, $8.75; L. Sutton, $11.25; J. Potter, $11.25; J. Aemisegger, $14.62; J. Meyer, $13.. 75? John Meyer, $22.50; O. W. Bor ing, $40.00; Wm. Mueller, $5.00; Wm. Wheeler, $10.00; John "Meyer, 27.50; L. Sutton, $15.00; R. E, Richey, $2.25; C. Erickson, $4.50; Port Ry. L. & P. Co., $70.00; R E Jarl, $33.69; Leo. Canning, $38.75; Davfl Jarl, $55.00; A. Hayworth, 18.75; J. A. Albel, $5.00; B. Nelson $25.00; C. A. Johnson, $18.75; Leo Canna, $31.25; S. Hall, $20.00; J. Jarl, $23.75; Martin Mickclson, $10.. 00; Lewis Hall, $15.00; II. Bickford, $21.25; C. Timmcrman, $6.25; E. V. Erickson, $3.12; B. J. Lawrence, $81.00; A. C. Buchel, $112.00; Frank Hattan, $15.00; K. McFarland, $98, 00; G. Hobbes, $9.00; R. W. White, $108.00; Jim Kepcha,-$96.00; C. F Peake, $67.50; Neal Baker, $66.00; G. Baker. $10.00; I. W. McMurry, ROAD DIST. Clackamas News, ROAD DIST. Counsel), $25.00; $35.00; A. II. Frank Ott, $8.00; $36.75. ROAD DIST NO. 51-C. W, Schuld & Sons, $7.00; Port Ry. P. Co, $7.00; Joke DeYoung, $9 25; John DeYoung, $3.00; A. Walch $21.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 62 Royal Zinscr, $45.00; Elmer Zinser, $43.75 II. W. Kanne. $62.55; David Beck er, $35.95; W. A. Ulrich, $58.10 Ray Ruahford, $37.50; S. G. Lenon, $36.25; H. W. Kanne, $7.80; H. R Dickinson, $22.52; Lents Hardware $2.30; Lents Garage, $14.15; Bowers, $73.45; A. Strickrott, $15. 00; Joe Rushford, $70.90; August Geppert, $70.00; Norman Peterson $76.25; Leon Buchoff, $76.25; Ben jamin, Becker, $76.25; C. Relstock, $35.00; Wallace Sutter, $20.00; Locler, $13.45; C. Bet, $15.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 53 Willa mette Valley Southern Ry. Co., $59 30; L. G. Wrolstad, $1.00; A. Yoder, $6.12; Lucht Bros., $2.25; Neucnseh wander, $2.25; Roy Wpos tor, $6.75; Haakon Kyllo, Jr., $5.00 Ernest Conrad, $27.50; Cal. Jack son,' $2.25; Louis Veellie, $5.60; Iver Lcarfald, $1.10; Hankon Kyllo, Sr $2.25; C. A. Beugll, $2.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 54 Levi Erb, $104.30; A. A. Hostetler, $1.64; T. D. Simmons, $0.50; C. W Owing, $3C6.00; Ben Burkert, $28.00; Rob ert Brown, $12.00; Alvin Hooley, $14.00; Amos YoUer, $40.00; Benj. Stanton, $70.50; Geo. Owings, $15. 00; John Owings, $4.50; Grant Erb, $14.00; Wm. Burkert, $53.00; Jesst Sornson, $20.00; Clyde Kunze, $24. 00; W. G. Wolfe, $24.67; John Dres cher, $14.67; Earl Kunze, $2.00; Paul Burkert, $24.00; Charles Brandt, $18.00; Wm. Bond, $0.50; Horner-Millard Lumber Co., $666.61; A. ,C. White, $93.00; Clark Cocker- line, $88.00; James Hamilton, $40. 50; C. E. Hively, $65.00; J. F. Cum min, $53.75; Geo. M Hively, $79.50; Henry Tannler, $22.50; Walter Bate son, $13.50; Geo. Walter, $13.50; Win Craft, $31.50; Eastern Clacka mas News, $10.00. - 'v ROAD DIST. NO. 67 L. O. Nightingale, $2.60; Vick Bros., $5. 45; Paul Smith, $10.00; Wess Eby, $5.00; Phil - Roberts, $2.50; John Vaugha'n, $5.00 ;, A. Rothenberg, $42.00; P. W. Douglas, $10.00; Wil liams Bros., $349.00; II. II. Gallag her, $148.00; T B. Morey, $100.00; BonJ Cole, $63.00; M. Smith, $5.00; A E Eyman, $06.00; E. Calahnn, $3.75; Earl Dworschak, $15.00; I. Willinms, $5.00; Frank Kenyston, $7.50; C. Christnor, $7.50.; Floyd Boyer, $22.50; Wm. Stuwe, $5.00; O. Kyllo, $17.50; R. Wright, $20.00; A. J Hades, $7.60; J. L. White, $40.- 00; II. II. Gocrtzcn, $22.50; Ray Lantz, $12.50; George Boyer, $7.50; $35.00; G. Hattan, $52.50; A. Hat tan, $63.00; N. Kesterson, $58.50; H. L. Paterson, $27.50; C. B. Smith, $58.50; M. L. Smith, $58.50; E Rivers, $52.50; H. A. Rivers, $27.00 A. Daue, $25.50; A. R. Daue, $21.00 W. Lillie, $24.00; S. II. Day, $9.00 M. C. Colson, $66.00; C. M. Dallas, $87.00; O. W. Hattan, $81.00; E Watts, $12.50; Bruno Friedrich $4.40; F. P. Morrey, $40.00; Canby Concrete Works. $14.40: D. R. Dim ck, $33.25; Charles Thomas, $31.50 Frank Tetylaff, $24.50; Harry Gill more, 7.0U; S. T. Kidcr, $22.60; Sam Hess, $54.00; Cal. Hatfield, $54.00 Almon Johnson, $48.00; James Mel urn, :iO.OO; Vcarn Miller, $30.00 John Evins, $36.00; Con Bolby, $14.. 00; George Koehler, $30.00; Elmer Gribble, $12.00; C. McGovran, $7.50 A. Johnson, $5.00; S. Miller, $23.75 W. Brown, $15.00; M. Johnston $2.50; J. C. Miller, $27.50; G. Mur phy, $25.00; D. Helben, $25.00; Chas, Kern, $10.00; Geo. Williams, $25.00 II. Tinhaara, $65.00; Arno Helibacha $35.00; Izach Helibacha, $70.00 John Jokirenta, $70.00; Larzo Hell bacha, $35.00; Izach Helibacha, $70. 00; John Jokirenta, $70.00; Larzo Mietlunem, $20.00; Ernest Sorry, $20.00; Claude Winslow, $85.00; Abe Larkins, $55.00; L. Arncha, $35.00 L. M. Crawford. $114.15; W. M, Wells. $45.00; Clyde Fisher, $45.00 Milt Trullingcr, $45.00; Aug. Aim quist, $42.50; A. M. Cooper, $42.50 Verncr Branland, $42.50; Art John ston, $15.00; Christ Bonaker, $35. 00; J, D. Crawford, $90.00; Ren Adt- kms, $5.00; Harold Johnson, $65.00 W. S. Gorbett $90.00; T. Fellows, $85.00; Art Zwifle, $35.00; B. Chind gren, $15.00; E. A. Nelson, $60.00 John Comer, $85.00; G. Hungate $5.00; Henry Fick, $2.50; Geo. Ball $2.50; S. A. D. Hungate, $16.00; W DH-kenson, $5.00; L. Gianini, $5 00; Sam Jane, $2.50; Wm. Elkins $2.50; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $79. 19; Buffalo Springfield Roller Co, $11.35; C. Zimmerman, $26.25; Kaiser, $12.60; W. Kaiser, $39.35 Portland Cement Pipe & Tile Co $30.63; N. S. Oldham, $21.00; H, Gebhardt, $8.00; G. G. Peters. $13 75; Wm. Schatz, $5.00; W. Nusbaum $4.00; August Welkcr, $4.00; Claud Peters, $2.00; John Irish, $22.50; Ot to Striker, $19.50; Erich Fisher, $24.00; Herman Fisher, $22.00; John Calvery, $10.00; David L. Jones $11.85; A. R. Sheppard, $4.50; Carl Schmeiser, $17.50; Max Bruck, $16.-1 25; Allen Edwards, $12.35; J. H.I Griffiths, $6.00; II. W. Brown, $18..' 00; C. E. Stewart, $20.00; Noah Christner, $9.00; Ottis Howard, $12.50; -Walter Fisher, $22.50: Her man Fisher, $21.00; Jarl & Eri, $4. 90; Ridge Lumber Co., $23.63; D. L. fcrdman, ?2.75; F. Carlson, $10.00; C. Bartlemay, $1.25; Edward Na chand, $27.50; Otto Fisher, $15.00; Emerson Watts, $15.00; Owen Hat tan, $17.50; Carl Dallas, $10.00; Dillman & Rowland, $75.00; E. A. Hackett, $2.60; J. D. Adams & Co., $1.00; Crystal Ice & Storage Co., $96.75; City of Barlow, $75.92; City of Canby, $786.76; City of Estacada, $421.00; City of Gladstone, $830.57; City of Milwaukie, $1329.71; City of Molalla, $456.38; City of Oregon City, $6458.95; City of Oswego, $657.23; City of Sandy, $168.73; City of West Linn, $4944.88. IMPROVEMENT FUND Miller Parker Co., $7.55; John Meyer, $22. 00; Chase & Linton Gravel Co, $3. 00; Scripture & May, $9.80; D. L. Trullinger, 97.26; M. L. Kline, $32. 10; Scandinavia Belting1 Co., $230. 66; W. II. Criteser, $3.75; Larkins & Co., $15.87; W. J. ... Wilson & Co., $17.60; $17.60; E. D. Olds, $2490.00; J. S. Fisher, $284.29; C,F Mack, $13.25; Carlton & Rosenkrans Co., $26.30; N. E. Cola, $12.00; Williams Bros. Transfer Co., $139.94; Chris Hartmann, $2.00; W. II. Bonney, $58.82; State Highway Commission, $7500.00; E. R. Kilgallon, $37.00; Concrete Pip Works, $580.60; Howard-Cooper Corp., $1001,64; Frank liusch, $16,90; W. II. Bonney, $170. 31; W. Duston, $32.40; A. B. Buck les, $d".30; W. Dulcher, $121.60; II. II. Hartley, $78.00; A. J. Murphy, $06.00; John Uofto, $33.00; Wm. Henderson, $60.00; P. W. Douglass, $32.60; Dave Anderson, $24.00; Fred Llns, $7.00; Henry Rimes, $2.00; Henry Klinker, $2.00; Thco Harders $2.00; Carl Lins, $4.00; Joe Weider- hold, $4.00; R. W. Zimmerman, $32.- 00; T. Paige, $17.60; C. Trost, $24- 40; J. E. Loveall, $26.25; C. F. Zieg ler, $27X0. ELECTION G. II, Lighthorn, $3.00. ' SHERIFF II. H. Hughes, $19- 00; Jones Drug Co., $0.40; L. C. Hubbard, $2.50; Huntley Drug Co., $50.00; A. E. Joyner, $118.50; D. E. Frost $39.00; W. J. Wilson, $29.65. CLERK Iva M. Harrington, 10.00; Huntley Drug Co., $3.00; Uushong & Co., $1.50; P. D. Cun ningham Co., $0.60; Fred A. Miller, $3.15; Oregon City Enterprise,! 181.65; The Courier Press, $16.75. RECORDER The Courier Press, $4.50; D. C. Boyles, $12.00. TREASURER Huntley Drug Co $495.70; James Martin & Son, $2.25; F. C. Gadke, $5.97. ASSESSOR Huntley Drug Co., $6.60; Oregon City Enterprise, $3 50; F. C. Gadke, $5.97. COUNTY COURT II. S. Ander son, $5.50; The Courier Press, $7.50; W. A. Proctor, $36.00: A. H. Knight, 55.30; Anna Friedrich, $20.00; Huntley Drug Co., $2.35. COURT HOUSE Southern Pa cific Company, $248.97; Hogg Bros., $0.45; Pope & Co., $1.75; Jones Drug Co., $8.75; Southern Pacific Com pany,, $5.00; Crystal Ice & Storage Co., $157.18; Chris Hartmann, $50 00; Home Telephone Co., $15.80; Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., $43.25, CIRCUIT COURT Harry Ameele $34.40; Chris Moehnke, $23.20; J. J. Tobin, $27.20; A. W. Botkin, $37.60; J. Marrs, $33.00; W G. Brickley, $35.00; E. W. Hornshuh, $36.60; W. IL Zivney, $31.40; L Palmateer, $13.60; Albert Engle, $35.20; David Catto, $24.40; E. U Palfrey, $25.-00; Harvey Gibson, $26.60; John R. Oat- field, $34.00; A. D. Gribble, $11.60; E. B. Albright, $26.00; N. E. Sting. Icy, $34.60; J. C. Sawyer, $2.00; G C. Pelton, $34.60; S. T. Fisher, $4.80; A. Roake, $3.00; C F Zinser, $4.60 Jos. DeShazer, $7.80; H. J. Rastall, $7.20; Jerome Avery, $14.40; J. C, Bradley, $15.00; L. B. Yoder, $16.80; L. II. Wang, $14.00; W. A. Hedges, $12.20; S. B. Seely, $14.40; D. II Pureell, $12.40; O. W. Hatta, $4.80; E. C. Shull, $180; Walter W. Foster $12.80; A. E. Joyner, $17.70; D. E. Frost $6.60; Violet Wettlaufer, $5. 00; Henry Kerbs, $2.20; Charles E. Bolds, $5.00; Emma Bierman, $2.20; Sarah Bell Pratt, $2.20; Oscar Ger- hauser, $2.20; Lee French, $2.20; Lee French, $2.20; M. L. Hochfeld Housenberg), $20.00; L. Adams' (Johnson;, $0.77; Mrs. E. Jackson, $17.60; Williams Bros. Trans. Co. (Dkkelman), $10.50; Williams Bros. Trans. Co. (E. Williams), $1.00; Oregon City Hospital Co. (August Johnson & Ida Mobra), $9.25; Rob bins Bros. (James Russell), $10.00; F. M. Robertson (J. Betrs), $5.50; F. II. Cross (Surah Gibbons), $5.00; Otto E. Meindle (J. G. Seahorn), $10.00; Otto E. Meindle (C. W. Mol oVnhauer), $6.60; Huntley Drug Co., $5.20; K. Koellermeier (Mr. Dickel man), $10.00; Farr Bros. (Piazo, T. Garner & Mre. Piazo), $39.00; F. M. Bluhm (Chas. McKinnis), $3.75; A. T. Poole (M M. Conplant), $8.00; Board of Water Commissioners (A. Perizl) $1.40; Denis Donovan (Je rome Hamilton), $14.00; Mrs. Fred Himler (J. Matheson), $20.00; The Estacada Pharmacy. (Mrs. E. M. Horner), $2.10; Parkplace Store (Mrs. E. E. Baker), $5.00; E. A. Hackett (A. C Sleight), $8.00; Mary I Wilson (E. Miller), $30.00; C, J. Hood (Mrs. Langford), $2.50; Fred Schwartz (Mrs. Trullinger), $10.00; Tom Rawlins (L. Daily), $15.00; Richard Garett (Baber), $5,00. JAIL W. J. Wilson, $52.85. JUVENILE COURT H, II Hughes, $23.50,- Minda E. Church, $43.45; Di E. Frost $29.40; A. E, Joyner, $3.50. PRINTING & ADVERTISING The Courier Press, $29.72; Oregon City Enterprise, $39.22. . FAIRS Geo. Ingram $13.75; W. Young & Co., J7.25; Molalla Elec tric Co., $3.50. . . v SEALER J. F. Jones, $37.11. TAX DEPARTMENT I. D. Tay lor, $55X0; Edith AUdredge, $26.70; Ona Renner, S79.36; Jess Paddock, $27.90; Oregon City Enterprise, $4.90; W. J. Wilson, $25.00. PROHIBITION F. J. Reichard, $3.85. Decern br 10, 1917 at the hour of 10:00 'clock A, M at the County Court room at Oregon City, Clack&aas County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and for the final settlement ot said estate. Dated Nov. 8, 1917. N. W. BOWLAND, Administrator cum testa mento annexo. O. D. Eby, Attorney for Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the Matter ot the Estate of William SlUt Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the es tate of William Scott, deceased, has filed bla final account and report as such administrator in the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, and the Court has appointed and set Monday, the 7th day of January, 191$, at 10 o'clock m., of said day, at the county court room of aald county, in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final ac count and the settlement of the same. THOS. F. RTAN, Administrator of the Estate of William Scott, Deceased. JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney for Ad ministrator. Money to Loan PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Deutsch-sprechender Advokat OREGON CITY OREGON ftum.ions, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of'Clacka mas. Genevieve Elara, Plaintiff, vs. Lemuel E. Elam, Defendant To Lemuel E. Elam, the above named. defendant: In the name of the State ot Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear on or before Monday, January 1918, and answer the complaint filed against you. In the above entitled suit the date oT the first publication of this summons, which first publication is the 23rd day of November, 1917 the date of the last publication being the 4th day of January. 1918, and It $5.00; Carl Long, $4.40; Leona t.0J.n'wA' as prayed for in her complaint order ing that the marriage, and marriage bonds heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff, Genevieve Elam, to, $2.20; Jay S. Farley, $4.40; W, II. Wettlaufer, $5.00; C. R. Hellyer, $5.00; Dilty Pratt $5.00; A. W. Mo lin, $5.00; Vent L. Wenger, $5.00; Cadiz A. Pratt $5.00; Ada Pratt. $5.00; May E. Bolds, $5.00; Fred Rathkey, $5.00; W. J. Wilson, $2.20. JUSTICE OF PEACE D. E. Frost $22.50; A.v E. Joyner, $19.00. CORONER-s-J. N. Sievers, $10 60; L. A. Bullard, $1.20; Geo. No wak, $1.20; Irvin Julian, $1.20; N. S. Nave, $1.20; D. W. Olds, $1.20; Elmer E. Kimberlin, $1.20; Dr. W. R. Taylor, $5.00; Cottrell, $1.70; Jes sie TJolsky, $1.70; Wm. Stokes, $1.70; Wm. Kelso, $1.70; J. S. Whitbeck, $1.70; E. W. Emerson, $1.70; F. A. Miller, $8.55. SURVEYOR Huntley Drug Co., $1.45; Wilson & Cooke, $2.50; H. H Johnson, $21.40; Geo. Guttridge, $2.00; R. S. Guttridge, $2.00; J. C. Sullivan, $6.00; Paul Dunn, $17.00; D. Thompson Meldrum, $27.80. BOARD OF HEALTH Jones Drug Co., $8.80; Dr. W. D. Butler, $3.50; Dr. A. J. Rossiter, $0.75; Wil liam B. Perry, $5.75; Dr. H. V. Adix, $4.50; George J. Case, $6.50; Dr. H. A. Dedman, $4.25; Dr. B B Bach elder, $3.00; Dr. Alfred Williams, $2.00; Dr. O. A. Welsh, $204.50. STOCK INSPECTOR St Agnes Baby Home, $12.50; Louis Van De moortelle, $12.50. INDIGENT SOLDIER J. C. Sawyer, $30.00. COUNTY POOR Wm. D'anforth, $10.00; Boys' & Girls' Aid Society, $10.00; Oregon Commission" Co. (Tom Jones), $14.00; Mrs. Bradtl (J. McNamara), $10.00; Sam Boo- her, $16.00; Dock Mosier, $14.00; Mary Buol (Robert Trimble), $5.00; Sarah Gibbons, $20.00; Ella Payno, $10.00; Mrs. Chalk, $16.00; Mrs. Galbraith, $115.00; Mrs. G. W, Thompson, $10.00; A. C. Sleight $15.00; Ada Lebaw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $8.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horner), $10.00; Ben Landes, $12.. 00; 6. E. Card (Michael Boyl), $8.. 00; C. II. Dybdahl, $20.00; Gustav Greble, $10.00; Mrs. N. E. Taylor (Booher), $14.00; Wm. Dickelman, $14.00; John & Wm. Beers, $20.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders, $5.00; George Avery, $15.00; Mary Lock, $10.00; Anna Wetterlin, $10.00; Chris Zinsli, (Cash McKarty), $10.- QO; Mary Becker, $5.00; Flora Bal mer, $19.00; Maud Williams, $10.00; J. B. Sallee (Tinsley, D. R. Da vies & Kuhn), $60.00; Adelia Bartlett, $10.00; Geo. H. Newsome, $10.00; Mrs. Langford, $7.00; Electric Hotel (Dick Meyers), $20.00; Frank Ott (Mary Foster), $18.95; Sadler & Kraus (Ncff family), $11.20; Sell- wood General Hospital, $12.00; C. H. Rosentreter (John Rallies), $8.25; Mt. Pleasant Grocery (Mrs. Marco) $14.57; Hoff Bros. (T. Jones), $5.00; Huntley Drug Co., $11.65; W. Wl Pollock (McKinnis), $1200; W. W Pollock (Willis Mosier), $5.00; -Mrs W. E. Boerner (Olaf Johnson and E. C. Deron), $40.00; Edward Na. chand (Mrs. Mary Baker), $7.50 Fred Schwartz (Mrs. Trullinger) $10.00; J. E, Morgan (Mrs. Carlisle) $15.00; Jones Drug Co., $1.95; Hunt ley Drug Co., $8.45; George A. Har ding, $14.60; Dr. J. W. Norris, $3.90 Francis Welsh, $5.00; Batdorf Bros, (Granquist), $15.10; L. H. Doolittle (Dickelman), $4.00; Wm. E. Estes (Langford), $3.20; Wm. E. Estes (Ticzo), $12.35; L, Adams (Augus ed the cafe, custody and control of the minor children, Josephine Mathert and Katherlne Mathers. This sum mons is published fey order of Hon. S. U. Campbell, judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 16th day ot October, 1917, and the time prescribed for publishing thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated, Friday, October 19, 1917, and continu ing each week thereafter to and Includ ing Friday, November 80, 1917. BROWNELL k. SIEVERS. Attorney a tor Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon, and the defendant, Lemuel E. Elam, be dissolved and held tor naught This summons is published pur suant to an order made and entered on the 22nd day ot November, 1917, by' the Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court, di recting that this summons be served upon you by publishing the same once a week for six consecutive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a news paper ot general circulation, published m Clackamas county, State ot Oregon. J. J. FITZGERALD, Attorney for Plaintiff. 421 Mohawk Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement Of the estate- of Edgar C. Urten, ae- ceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Edgar C. Brien. deceased, has iuea in the County Court of Clackamas County. State of Oregon, her final ac count as such administratrix of said estate and th?t Monday, the 24th day of December, 1917. at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing of ob jections to said report and the settle ment thereof. JESSE ANDERSEN. Administratrix of the estate ot Ed gar C. Brien, deceased. C. Schuebel, Attorney for adminis tratrix. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Laverna Petterson, plaintiff, I TS. Peder Petterson, defendant To Peder Petterson, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the the date ot the first publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 30th day of November, A. D. 1917; and if yon fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff win apply to the court lor the relief demanded In said complaint namely, for a decree of divorce from yon terminating and dissolving the marriage relationship heretofore exist ing between the plaintiff and the de fendant and permitting the plaintiff to resume her maiden name ot Laverna Parks; and for such other and further relief as may to the court seem just and reasonable in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, judge' ot the above entitled court which order Is dated the sixth day of August A. D. 1917, and requires yon to appear and answer the com plaint herein on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. And the date ot the first publication of this summons is the 19th day of October, A. D.. 1917. J. M. HADDOCK, Postofflce address, Room No. 319 Chamber ot Commerce Bulldllfg, Portland, Oregon, Attorney tor the plaintiff, and a resident attorney of the State of Oregon. First publication Octo&er 19", 1917. Last publication November 30, 1917. 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, tor Clackamas County. Winnie Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Carl A. Johnson, Defendant. To Carl A. Johnson, above named de fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled salt, on or before the 30th day of November, 1917, said date being the expiration ot six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain tiff and defendant This summons Is published by order ot Hon J. U. Camp bell, judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 16th day of October, 1917, and the time prescribed for publishing thereof Is six weeks. beginning with the Issue Aated, Friday, October II, 1317, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Fri day, November 80, 1917. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. Administrator's Notice. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of John R. Kel so, deceased; all persons having claims against aald estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly verified accord ing to law, at the office of Brownell 4b Sievers, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six month of the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated, November 2, 1917. W. EL KELSO, Administrator of the estate ot John R. Kelso, deceased. BROWNELL SIEVERS, , v Attorneys for administrator, Oregon City, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Josephine Mathers, Plaintiff, a. Martin L. Mathers, Defendant To Martin L. Mathers, above named defendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against yon In the above entitled suit on or be fore six weeks from the first publica tion of this summons, and it yon fall to appear or answer said complaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the'eourt for the relief prayed tor In her complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract now exsting between plaintiff and defendant and that she he award NOTICE. Notice is hereby giv?n that IBon. H. S. Anderson, County Judge of Clack amas County, Oregon, has appointed J. C. Holcffmb and Maty Holcomb, his wife, executor and executrix of the last will and testament of Martin Iiowman, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said Martin How man must present them with proper vouchers within six months from the day ot first publication ot this notice, to the undersigned in the oftice ot Wm. M. Stone, Oregon City, Oregon. Date of first publication, November 23, 1917. J. C. HOLCOMB, MATY HOLCOMB, Executors. WM. M. STONE. Attorney. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Clackamas County. Albert B. Judklns, Plaintiff, a. Etta Judklns, Defendant To Etta Judklns, above named defend ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or be fore the 30th day of November, 1917, said date being the expiration ot six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if yon fall to appear or answer said complaint for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In his com plaint to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the marri age contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant This sum mons is published by order ot Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge ot the Circuit Court which order waa made on the 18th day ot October, 1917, and the time prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday, October 19, 1917, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday, November 80, 1917. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon Cylt Oregon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD lUILDIMft D. C. Latourettb, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier Tte First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phones Pacific 52 Home A-ll) GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-taw All legal business promptly attended U NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, has beene duly appointed as administrator ot tne estate or . B. naker, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against said estate must present them to the un dersigned, at his residence at Eagle Creek, Clackamas County, Oregon, duly verified, as by law required, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated November 23rd, 1917. ALEXANDER BAKER, Administrator of the estate of W. B. Baker, Deceased. Dlmick & Dimlck and W. L. Mulvey, Attorneys for Administrator. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that the un dersiened. administrator cum testa- monto annexo, of the estate of Elea nor Shoinlere, deceased, has filed his final account herein, with the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, "and the County Judge has set Monday, C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phonee Pacific Main 405; Home A-270. STONE & MOULTON Attorneye-at-Law Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OXEGON CITY .... OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-taw Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. SCHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make coK lections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon City. Oregon. W.S.EDDY,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate ot the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Sur gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street Both Telephones Office Paoific 65; Home A-95 Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80 William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-273 CLACKAMAS COUNTY CREDIT ASSOCIATION WE GET THE MONEY 6 and 15 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon. COttECTIONS AND REPORTS Turn your old accounts and notes into cash. Spedal correspondents and attorneys In nil cities and towns la the Vniizl States nd Ovmda.