Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 23, 1917, Page Page 2, Image 2

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2 i -rtH,Yx-i,iv
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MACK.SBCRG, Ore., Nov. 21. The
traditional dreariness of November
seems tj have expended itself in
1917, upon a heavy mist with which
the earth is covered as with a blan
ketthrough all the morning hours
and from which it emerges at about
noon, radiant in as bright a sunshine
as ever beemed upon us in May. This
effulgence lasts till the sun takes his
departure at 4: SO, thus lengthening
our litUe ten-hou-Miay to its utmost
extent, beneficently, too, for never
were days fuller of work for the ranch
ers and their families than are these.
What with the land clearing, potato
sorting, and fuel-providing, out-of-doors
and the imtltlferiaus home dut
ies within, the time Is all too short
for Thanksgiving preparation, for the
creation of Christmas gifts and work
for the Red Cross.
Some writer has said that "Only
those people are happy who rise in
the morning not knowing how they
shall get through the work before
them for the day." On a Western
Oregon ranch this alleged requisite
for felicity, surely is not wanting.
The Red Cross work that many
thought impossible to take time for,
is making way for itself In many a
busy home. The almost obsolete art
of knitting has revived to an extent
e could not have dreamed of two
years ago. Even the children are
learning to convert balls of yarn into
useful things for the soldiers at the
battle front, and with the revival of
knitting comes back the ancient habit
of putting all the spare moments to
use. With practice, keitting grows to
be so nearly mechanical. So little ef
fort of brain and of muscle are neces
sary to the work that it is as restful
and far more pleasing than is inac
tion. Moreover it offers not the
slightest hindrance to sociability and
for this reason is well adapted for
the quiet gatherings with which the
daily toil is varied. Many a soldier
coming from the watery trench into
a warm Y. M. C. A. tent will be pro
vided with dry garments than he
could not have but for these busy cir
cles at home. Here, too, loyalty is
fostered and unanimity in the great
cause is promoted bv united work for
the Red Cross.
The Mothers' Club is to meet on
th? afternoon of Thursday November
22, at the home of Mrs. G. M. Bald
win. Simon Miller is building a hand
some new garage to house his new
Maxwell car.
Will Roth is recovering from a se
vere ailment of the throat.
Miss Inez Christner has been
alarmingly ill with, pneumonia, sbut Ms
better, now.
The new Lutheran Sunday school
at the Eby school house had a large
attendance on Sunday last, notwith
standing the fine weather which lures
the pleasure vehicle out to enjoy the
brief, good condition of the roads.
The school is managed by the unit
ed efforts of Miss Emma Knapp of the
Eby school and of Miss Helen Rot-
CAN BY, Ore., Nov. 82. Mrs. M. P.
Sailor, of Molalla,,, was visiting with
friends In Canby Thursday and Fri
day. Mrs. Chester Smith, of Macksburg,
GEORGE, Ore., Nov. 22. A birth
day party was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Tcrwilliger last Wed
nesday evening, being Mr. Tcrwilli
ger 'a birthday. Those present were: j
a, t 1 .wjw a Canby shopper Saturday.
Mrs. Ochs and sou, Louis Irene and Francisco,
Otto Paulsen, Mrs 1L Jonr was afcgue.t of Mr. and Mrs. w. H,
daughter, Gladys, Mrs, P. Rath, Miss . p,v
Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joy- ...
ner. and Joseph Weiderhold. The Mr- - Lucke made a business
ning was ,Sient in cards tondi'P to Eastern Oregon this week,
games. A nice lunch was served by! Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson and
the hostess. All departed for home j f,ml,r a"d Mr- ad Mr- Avm Jea8e
at midnight, wishing Mr. Terwilllger,'"0' to Forest Grove Sunday,
many more happv birthdays. Mr- Martin Henderli, of Portland,
Mrs. Lyndla Marshall visited the ia ot hr PnU. Mr. and Mrs.
Arnson. this week.
The Canby Red Cross Chapter met
at I. O. O. F. hall Friday afternoon.
Those present were Mrs, W. II. Bair,
Mrs. W, H. Lucke, Mrs. Robeson, Mrs,
George school last Friday.
Mrs. H. Reinr and mother, Mrs.
Rucks, visited Mrs. Klinkor last Wed
nesday. A number of tha Gnome Decide are
hauling potatoes to Estacada. where ' . Francis Cummlngs, Mrs. S. J.
they are receiving a good price for , aBhan. Mrs. L. H. Wang, Miss Carr,
Uipm, j Mrs. Bertha Hurst, Mrs. Oscar Sun-
The sewing club met at the home of Mrs- Porter, Mrs. C.astrock, Mrs.
n. a. ueraman, airs, narrate uowis
byf and Mrs. Vinacke. The regular
sewing work was the order of the
G. A. Cobb, of Portland, transacted
business in Canby Monday.
Mr. Cockrell, of Molalla, has charge
of the Huntley Drug Co.'a business
here during Mr. Letsmann's vacation.
H. C. Glllmore is a member of the
petit jury for the current term of the
circuit court. ,
The Canby high school foot ball
Mrs; P. Ratte last Thursday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. T. Linn and children,
and Mrs. Rawlins and son. Hen, of
Garfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Rath last Sunday.
There will be a basket social and
dance given at the George club house
on Thanksgiving night.
Mrs. Flora Ktinker visited her fath
er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Johnson last Tuesday.
Mrs, Lins and daughter Flora, call
ed on Mrs. Ed Hardens last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Ruhl and Mrs. Ed
Harders and son, Ed. motored to Port
land last Tuesday. Mrs. Ruhl remain
ed in Portland for a few days with
her mother, the rest returning home
the satne evening. !
Mrs. H. Joyner called on Mrs. C. !
Johnson last Friday.
Miss Francis Paulsen, who has been j
visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr., and
Mrs. J. Paulsen, for the past two.
weeks, returned to Estacada last Sat-1
nrday to visit her grandmother, Mrs.;
Harkewider, a few days before re-
turning to her home in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rath visited Mr.
and Mrs. HL Reimes last Sunday after
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Harders, of
George, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Snyder,
of Garfield, visited Mrs. Harders and
Mrs. Snyder's sisters. Mrs. J. Bounds,
of Mulino and Mrs. W. Rice, of Canby
last Sunday.
has resumed her position s teacher
in the Canby high school.
The Canby city Council has voted
to purchase four railroad crossing
tlms for use on street crossings. They
ordered the Knight's brittle road re
paired and entered into sn agreement
with the residents of Harlow bottoms
to pay hair the cost of the repairs of
that road. The city budget was also
read and acted upon.
, The state library has been moved
to the Commercial hotel and Is In
charge of Mrs. Carrie I. SouUm. Books
may be obtained by any one In the
community, as the success of the li
brary depends on the number of books
CARVER, Ore,, Nov. Hi. Baker's
Bridge Grange No. &31 held its reg
ulur meeting Saturday evening and
there will be a special mooting in two
weeks from that date to complete
plans for building a grange hall. Every
body Interested should attend. ,
Clarence Dallas nml family have
moved into the William Watts place.
If the farmers hereabouts had lis
tened to county agriculturist Werner's
talk at Pomona Grange they wouldn't
have been buying fourteen dollar lime
of the agent around bore a few days
Rolland Peake has moved his fam
ily to Carver for the winter.
A Red Cross meeting Is called at
the home of Mrs. J. R. Dallas for next
Friday afternoon. All Interested In
the work and for whom that will be
a convenient distance to go, are In
vited to be ther at mild date.
Mine, Grundy la whlspelrng that
there'll be a few weddings hereabouts
in the near future. Pest wishes to
yon all.
Mr." and Mrs. Mel flyers are recelv
ing congratulations on the arrival of a
"bran new son
"Mothers' Club will meet with Mrs.
Florence ITattan next Wednesday.
STAFFORD, Ore., Nov. .21 We
are all wnjttnff for the expected vis
itor, Pluvius, but as yet he lias failed
to maUe Hia appearance, although Jack
Frost with his robe of white made
a moonlight excursion to our fields
Monday morning,
Th'e run of colds, has gone around
moat every where and now we theur
Mrs. Mary Kllltroen Is carrying around
one with her, Stafford Is waiting her
recovery, and all missed her nt Ladles'
Circle which met at Mrs, Lin Fran
els' last Thursday, All who did not
attend did not know that there would
be huckleberry pie. This ambitious
Circle has turned In to the Red Cross
two knit mufflers, one pair ot socks,
five dosen handkerchiefs, two sweat
ers, five pairs of wrist era, 45 wash
cloths, cure doxen nightingales, one
doseri bed socks and 35 quilt blocks.
Zuek Elllgsen and ramlly made a
very pleasant trip to Sherwood Sun
day afternoon, by the way or Wilson
vllle. '
Every one seems to have their po
tatoes out und many are plowing
and putting In fall grain.
Mr. Ami" made a flying trip
through here Saturday on business
Ernest Is plowing and the ground
looks fine.
Mrs, N'ewsbanm was a caller st
Mrs. Thomas' Sunday.
Miss Eva Hwlton Is regaining her
health In fine shape. Sunduy she and
her mother drove to the Oregon City
hospital for a visit with Miss Gladys
Jennings Lodge
JENNINGS LOIX3E, Ore., Nov. 20.
Mrs, Wiley Trout received news of the
death ot her brother-in-law, Charles
Krumbach. at Shelby, Neb. Mrs,
Trout's mother. Mrs. Adallne Inguls.
is vlBlting at present at the Krumbach
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, Nov. 22. Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Gibson were calling at
the home ot Mrs. Viola Douglass last
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle and son,
Joe, motored to Troutdale Saturday
evening, being the guests of Claude
and Malcolm Woodle while there.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass were
Ixgan visitors Sunday.
George Douglass, of Portland, was
out last Saturday helping Carl Doug
lass dig potatoes.
Eagle Creek grange met last Sat
urday, but owing to the fair weatlK
and busy season, a very few of the
members were present. After par
CLARKES, Ore., Nov. 22 All the
farmers are enjoying the fine weather
we are having. Some are digging
their potatoes and some are putting
in their crops.
Mrs. Zella Schiewe and daughter,
Arlene, are visiting P. Schiewe and
family for a short time.
Rupert Marquardt was at Oregon
City last Saturday.
A. F. Buche and Walter Lee are
helping W. H. Bottemiller dig his po
tatoes and they are turning out pretty
Miss Dora Marqardt visited H. C.
Kleinsmith and family last Sunday.
Walter Lee was in Oregon City last
Friday and visited his mother, Mrs.
Mary Lee and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke and
son visited Mrs. Lizzie Ringo last
Quite a number of young people
attended ihe pie social at Falls View
school -je last Saturday evening,
and t '-as reported a good program.
The had lots of pies to sell.
V. H. Wettlaufer and family mo
tored to Oregon City last Saturday
P. Sullivan was at Portland last
S.muay and visited his folks.
Miss Florence Stromgreen, of Col
ton, visited Miss Lulu Mueller at
taking of a fine dinner a short but in
teresting meeting was held. Worthy 1 Highland last Saturday and Sunday.
Master F. W. Bates, in the chair. The Rev- Rugg, from. Oregon City, pre-
Grange decided to enjoy a Christmas
pie at the December me?Vnz. Each
member brings an ine r.:s"va pres
ent tied in a parte' vi a string
about two feet lor-p etUithod and all
are put in a pan x.'Xa a brown paper
cover, the pan on the altar,
when, to a u;.": pass by and
draw down a .. in;:. Resume seats,
and at roll-call each show his pres
ent. So please remember patrons, to
bring a present with you to our next
Mrs. M,cKay was an Estacada visit
or Monday.
Mr. Affolter sold seven head of cat
t'e to M. J. Kerkes on Monday.
. Some of the farmers recently sold
come hogs to W. Givens, taking them
to EtMacada on Monday.
J. P. Woodle is working this week
' jr V. S. Morgan, of Estacada.
II S. and R. B. Gibson were the
dinner guests of ' their sister, Mrs.
Nora Reid, on Monday.
Corn bread is worthy of a place
beside the Thanksgiving Turkey.
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass.,
In her 87th year, says: "I thought 1
was beyond the reach of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pills have proven most
beneficial in my case."
Mr. Sam A. Hoover, High Point,
N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at night and I had to get up
from five to seven times. Now I do
not have to g:et up at night, and con
sider myself in a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney Pills, as I have taken nothing
ei Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass.,
aya: "I suffered from' kidney ail-,
men ts for two years. I commenced
tn king Foley Kidney Pills ten months
bp,o, and thouKh I am 61 years of age,
1 foel like a 18-year-old girl.
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic,
i.tr(iKtl)ouiii(C and up-bullding, and
r(.tnre normal otlon to the kidneys
snd n a disordered and ptuntul blad
der, 'j'hey act quickly and contain
no dangeruua or harmful drugs.
sided in the English M. E. church last
Sunday morning.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Zimmer
man, of Hillsboro, a daughter, Sun
day morning, November 4. Mrs. Jake
Zimmerman was formerly Miss Ida
Mr. and Mrs. lohn Marshall visited
his parents, F. Marshall, and family,
last Sunday.
The Clarkes school is going to have
a Thanksgiving program and basket
social on Saturday, November 24.
Rev. Kleinbach preached in Logan
last Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Schiewe are visiting
tneir uncle, P. Schiewe. and family,
tor a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marshall were
In town last Friday.
Light Draft because high wheeled.
Perfect Separation because of longer and wider eleva
tiors than others like size.
Long Lasting Because all parts are made of the most
enduring material.
fever. She Is In the contagion wind
of St. Vincent's hospital, Portland,
Miss Kerr, of Canby, Is filling Mrs,
A It mini's place hm principal of our
The Russell home is still in quaran
tine. Lester, however, hnt nut been
very III, .
Mrs, Lyltt Pratt Is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Charles Klermon, In Oregon
City. She expects to meet Mr. Pratt
st The Dalles, and return to tholr
homo In Gilliam county, December 1st.
On account of (he funeral at Park-
place, nt which Rev. Smith officiated,
there were no church services on Sun
day last.
The Ladles' Guild has contributed
a number of books to the soldiers,
sending them to Oregon City, from
whmictt, they are properly addressed
to their domination,
C. P. Morse and A, D. liorry were
In Portland on business, Tuesday,
Mr. Rawllngs, of Hherldnn, Wyom
ing, Is here to attend the funeral of hit
father, the lata Capt. Rawlings, ot Mel-
drum Station. Ha ts accompanied by
his wife.
Wllum Pruechert was a weekend
visitor at the Earl Seely home in Port
land. )
Mr. Mo Keen, a prominent business
man ot Eugene, visited his sister, Mr.
Ralph Koons.
Dr. Mary L. Farnum Is still confined
to her bed In a Portland hospital.
Mrs. Stanley Shepherd ts able to
be out after six weeks' Illness.
Miss Ellen Hart was tn Oregon City
on business today.
Lloyd Spooner was down from Amer
ican Lake on a thirty six hour fur
lough on Sunday.
Albert Love, of L'ortland. and Miss
Anna McLarty, of Oregon City, wora
callers at the Deter home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Scripture and
son, Kenneth, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Roberts,
Mrs, Frank Thomas ts spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs, Ctl
Mrs. Lester Ulbrand spent Wednes
day with Mrs. Ulbrand,
On account of the funeral of Cant.
Rawlings, the meeting ot the members
ot Grace Church was held on Wednes
day Instead of Tuesday evening.
The I .ad In ot tha Guild are busy tie
Ing comforts and quilting to help raise
the $100 pledged by them "on the an
nual church budget.
freshmiuits. The evening was spent
playing "BOO", Those present were
Mr. nml Mis. Frank 13, Davidson, Mr,
mid Mrs. P. II. Jarlsch, Mr. and Mrs,
George 8. Hullock, Mr. and Mrs. Chna.
llucknur, Mr, and Mrs, L. Watdorft,
Mr. John Erlckson, Mrs, Henry Yates
and Mr, end Mrs, Joo Wells.
Hovoral ladles and gcntlnmon made
a soi lul call on our popular bachelor,
Charles Austin, lust Wednesday. Mr.
Austin was a little shy at receiving
so liutny of his friends, but after a
little conversing, ha seemed to come
out of the bachelor mood", ami a very
plottsunt evening was spent, Mr. Aus
tin seems to be very wll contented
with this lonely life, and, probably
wilt know by this tlm how to ymp'
thise wllh our boys in khukl,
Mrs, 8. E, Prosser and aunt, Mrs.
Fellows, were Oregon City visitors this
Mrs'. Arch Iwi Is expecting to be
able to return home In ft few days
from the hospital. Mrs. Lewis has
been hi the hospital for several weeks,
where she was operated on. Her many
friends will be pleased to learn of her
return and to have her with them
Miss Dona Prosser spent Thursday
at the home of her aunt, Mrs, Esther
Cook, at McMlimvllle. Mrs. Cook has
been very sick, but ia much Improved
nt this writing,
George Gllllson and Jack Conway
returned home from Hull, Montana,
where they had been employed in con
struction work for the railroad. We
are pleased to see the hoy once more.
Jack Pox arrived from San Francis
co, Sunday, on his way to Irondale,
Wash., where he Intends to go to work
in the iron ainolter. llefore going to
Irondale Jack visited his family at
Tualatin, and relative at Salem, and
his parents, Mr. and Mr. Thoa. Fox.
of Oswego. Mrs. Fo and family ex
pects to go to Irondale at a later date.
Mrs. 0. W. Nelghtman, ot south Os
wego, Is confined to her home with a
severe attack ot tonsllitls.
Oak Grove
Investigate the operation
of the Dowden and you
will buy no other.
W. J. Wilson & Co.
MULINO. Ore., Nov. 2 Mr, and
Mrs. id Ilerdlne have moved Into the
Graves cottage, formerly occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noblltt and
son. Albert, of Needy, were the guest
of Mrs. Noblltt'a mother, Mrs. Cather
ine Qoucher, last Sunday.
Mrs. J. Davis and Alts Mallat were
Oregon City visitors last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs.
Scott were Portland visitor last Sat
Otto Stryker, of Eldorado, passed
through here on his way to visit
friends near Colton.
Payne Howard Is having his house
freshly papered and renovated In a
general way.
John Erlckson, of Oregon City, vls-4
ited his uncle, August Erlckson, last
Grant Ashby Unserving on the Jury
at present.
Albert Erlckson Is spending a few
days with his uncle, George Williams,
at Colton.
Miss Lola Ashby, and her brother,
Frederick, who are spending the win
ter in Salem, are coming home to
spend Thanksgiving with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ashby.
Mrs. August Erlckson was an Ore
gon City visitor last Monday.
Mrs. Gront Ashby called on Mrs.
Joe Daniels last Monday.
The Y. M. C. A. drive out here In
Mulino was quite successful, oyer 60
was collected.
Mrs. Haines was the guest of Mis
Anna Jepson lost Tuesday.
Mrs. August Erlckson, Mrs. L. F.
Holllday and baby and Mrs. Joe Dan
iels and children were the guests of
Mrs. Ed Berdlne last Tuesday afternoon.
I Wnlilnn Rrlrkson was a Molalla vis
itor last Saturday.
CEDARDALE, Nov, 22. Stefanl's
mill will start up Monday, after sever
al weeks' shut down.
Arthur Odem is plowing for Dan
Mrs. Winslow called on Mrs. Cooper
Cedardale pchool will hold its
Thanksgiving program on Tuesday
evening, November 27, at the school
Several in the neighborhood are get
ting their plowing done these fine
Phillip Hult, of Mulino, was up in
this vicinity couple of days last week,
helping run the logger.
George Williams and family attend
ed movies at Molalla Sunday evening.
Harry Beck is still on the sick list.
Several from Cedardale attended lit-
team defeated the Mllwaukle high i
school team by a score of 14 to 0 on
Canby grounds last Friday.
Prof. F. M. Roth was an Oregon
City visitor Saturday.
J. S. Dick is "suffering a severe at
tack of rheumatism.
A mass meeting of the citizens of
Canby was held at the band auditor
ium Tuesday evening to lay plans for
the Y. M. C. A. "drive." A large
crowd was in attendance and as Can
by has always made a good record
in like donations it is to be hoped the
full quota will Jbe raised. jW. II.
Lucke has charge of the Canby pre
cincts In this manner.
Mrs. George Bendshadler, who re
cently underwent a surgical opera
tion at the Good Samaritan hospital,
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, en.
Frank J. Cheney makeg oath that he
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business In the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH
erary Friday evening at Meadow-. Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, tnis Bin uay or uecemoer,
A. D. 1888. A. W. GLEABON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Miss Edna Johnson is the proud
possessor of a pony which she rides
to Colton high school.
Clifford Johnson, Richard and Leon
ard Oreiu are working in Steffani's
mill on Mill creek.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken In
ternally and sets through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
for testimonials, free.
P. J. CHKNET & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
KELSO, Ore., Nov. 22. -The farm
ers in this neighborhood are busy
finishing up potato-digging, sowing
wheat and getting ready for the win
ter weather, and we are all Hoover
izing to beat the band.
Dr. Hughes, of Gresham, has been
attending Mrs. Anton Jerger, who has
been very ill, but she is better at this
Mrs. Minnie CJantenbein, ot Gres
ham, was visiting the Jerger home
Sunday. -
Mr. Hall is busy building a large
new barn for Milton Nelson.
The ladies of Kelso have organized
a Red Cross auxiliary and expect to
meet twice a month. Mrs. Bambach,
Mrs. Kligel and Mrs. Joel Jarl were
elected officers.
Oliver Hamlin has been discharged
from the army as physically unfit.
Several of our boys from here are in
the training ramp and some have al
ready gone east.
Mr. .1. D. Farrell, president of the
O. W. R. & N. Co. says: "The rail
roads are now moving what promises
to be the biggest potato crop in his
tory of country. , Total approximately
453,000,000 bushels or half again as
much as last year. With intensive
loading more than 75,000 cars will bo
needed." ' ,
Asel Tabor has received word of
his appointment In the civil service
and will report at Washington, D. C.,
December 1st. .,
Wiley Trout has accepted a posi
tion with the Portland Seed Co.
Henry Smith has gone to Rock
Creek, Gilliam county, to work.
Mr. Erlckson, of Montana, is visiting
at the home of his sisters, the Mes
dames Holding and Brunick.
Margaret Tucker is still confined to
her home with illness, following an
operation, recently performed at a
Portland hospital.
Gertrude Kennedy 'and Elizabeth
Gruechert succeeded in getting names
for the cradle roll.
The Misses Anna Russell, Oulda De
ter and Bessie Roberts canvassed the
community for the Red Cross drive.
They were successful in raising the
full quota.
Ben Greenwood was at the Lodge
bidding adieu to friends before de
parture for American Lake. Ben was
a former resident, but has spent the
past year or two in the middle west,
returning to Oregon City early in the
Glen Russell and Marion Barbor
and Buster Heath spent an enjoyable
day Sunday climbing Larch mountain.
Mrs. Minnie ii. Allman ia slowly
improving from an attack of scarlet es. Tha ladies had prepared light re
OSWEGO. Ore., Nov, 22. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Hole and family, of Jennings
Lodge, and Mrs. William Murray, ot
Portland, have returned to their homes
after a week's visit at the home of
Mrs. Thomas Fox.
Mrs. -Austin Plians visited at the
home of her aunt, Mrs, Thos. Pox,
Mrs. Wm. Lorenz, who was oper
ated upon at St. Vincent's hospital a
few weeks ago, is now at the home
of her sister. Mrs. James Emmott,
where she Is convalescing.
;Mr. and Mrs. R.' D. Johnson spent
Sunday with Mrs. Johnson's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wells.
Lou White and family have moved
In the George Thomas house on First
and C avenue..
Mrs. Lou Waldorf and Mrs. George
Bullock left Saturday morning for As
torla to visit Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lar
son and family. Mrs. Larsen is the
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wal
dorff. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen formerly
lived at Altoona, Wash.
Theodore Tinker, of Los Angeles,
arrived the first of the week. Mrs.
Tinker is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Schneller and was called home early
In the summer when hor father wan
run over by an automobile in Portland
and was seriously injured, Mr. and
Mrs. Tinker expects to be here all
Mrs. August Gulnard, of Hood River,
Is visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Maire.
Wm, Metzger has lett for Irondale,
Wash,, where he Is employed as en
gineer at the iron smelter.
Mrs. D. A, Glllls and small son, ate
spending a week with Mrs, II. Asten
son, ot Camas, Wash.
A surprise party was given- Mrs.
Jos. Wells Friday evening at her home
In south Oswego, by her many friends.
This being her birthday she received
quite a number of gifts and beat wlsh-
O.VK GKOVK, Nov. 22,-Fred K. Hun
Kerford, of Portland, was here Mon
day evening on business.
W. . tluthrles' Ford was stolen lit
Portland Thursday night and recover
ed Friday on Williams avenue where
the thief deserted It. This Is the sec
ond time Mr. Outherte's car has been
stolen this winter.
Road Supervisor Richardson le
building a rood on his street east of
the Oatfield road, which will be a help
to the families living In that com
nuinlly. Fred Kane, of Iowa, arrived Sunday
morning at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Robert Capon. Mrs. Kane,
mother of Mrs. Capen, came a few
weeks ago to make her home here,
Archie Davis Is home on a furlough
rrom the naval station near San Fran
cisco, Oil.
Albert Harfmle h,,r Thursday
morning In his Ford for Wheeler, to
work In the mill. I A. Uullard made
the trip with Albert. They found the
road very rough and muddy In places.
They went by the way of McMlnnvlle
and Tillamook. Mr. Dullard returned
Monday evening.
Mrs. Margaret lllackcrby came
home from Wheeler Monday, and Is
with her daughter. 1-evla, In their
homo on Third avemur.
Mrs, J. I Vosburg Is Improving
ltev. Young and family moved Into
the narsonagu Tuesday.
II. 0. Starkweather and daughter,
Ada, were Portland visitors Monday
morn lug.
Mrs. K. C. Warren entertained a
Five Hundred C1U of Portland on
Thursday afternoon. Light refresh
ments were served by the hostess and
a dvllxhtful time had hy those present.
Mrs. John Norberg was a guest.
Mrs. Helma Gllllsple entortalnod the
Neodlocraft and Domestic Science
Club Friday at her home on River
Mrs, Mary Mctjlaln, of Portland,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Wines, of
Rupert Station.
The tax payers of the school dis
trict held a meeting Monday night at
the school house. The regular nine
mills was allowed and one and a
third mill for a sinking fund to pay
off the bonds.
It was recommended that the
school board Inquire Into the advisa
bility of (Jtartlng a branch county
library here. In the near future to
have to open nights for the public In
It waS suggested Unit the mimes of
the boys or our school who have Join
ed the colors to be properly enrolled
and hung In their proper places In the
school building.
The school will give an entertain
ment Tuesday evening, November 27,
In the assembly room. A fine pro
gram has boon arranged by the pupils
and teachers. Every one Is invited,
Dr, Purklna htis built a garago und
driveway on his property on the river
Mrs. Wayne Bunnell lias boon very
sick, but Is better at this writing. .
' Wayne Bunnell came home from
Newberg Saturday where he is em
ployed. Miss Levla Blackerby has returned
home alter a pleasant visit with her
sister, Mrs. Cook, near Albany.
Hev. Young will preside at the Sun
day morning services. Epworth
League at 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting
Wednesday evening. Ladles' Aid
Wednesday afternoon In the church
piirlors. Friday night from 5 p. m. the
ladles will serve a chicken dinner.
Portland Government officials ar
ranging for spoodlng up spruce tim
ber manufacture for airplanes In Ore
gon and Washington.
Men and women should not suffer
from backache, rheumatic pains, stiff
Joints and swollen, sore muscles, when
relief can be easily had. James Mo
Crery, .Berrien Center, Mich,, says he
was troubled with kidney and bladder
trouble for two years; would have to
get up several times during the night
and had pains across his kidneys. He
used several kinds of medicine without
relief,, but Foley Kidney Pills cured
him, Many such letters, come every
day from all parts of the country.
Jones Drug Co. Ady,