Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 16, 1917, Page Page 2, Image 2

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J A B a'' TtwiOtii - Vwj b Kirs?, r
Voting. Dorris Tonne. Elmer Seelevi
and Elmer Todd left tor Vancouver!
Sunday, having enlisted in Vi Engin-
eer s core.
Clara Epler, who was operated up
on In Portland hospital, for appendici
tis, Is improving.
Roy Baker went to Portland on Sat
urday to enlist in the Navy.
Mrs. Bctalgla, who has been ill for
about seven weeks, was taken to the
Good Samaritan hospital, in Portland
Hot lunches are being served at
Wllsonvllle school house, during the
noon hour, and are much appreciated
by the pupils.
Mrs. Inraan, who has been visiting
relatives here, left for her home on
The clerks of school boards of this
vicinity, have ' been busy this week
collecting tor the T. M. C. A. drive.
The Red Cross Society of Corral
Creek district, met at the home of
Mrs. H. Jost. ou Wednesday afternoon.
W. Stangle has been appointed dep
uty sheriff. He isnow in Portland.
Mrs. M. C. Toung went to West
Butteville school on Friday afternoon,
to help organize a Parent-Teacher As
sociation there,
Mrs. Aubrey Wood and daughter, I
Audrey, went to Portland Saturday
it being necessary to have an opera
tion performed upon Audrey's throat,
and we are pleased to learn that
Audrej is getting along nicely, and
returned home. '
Mr. Brett was in Wilsonville on Fri
day on insurance business.
Margaret Baker is visiting her
grandparents, Mr." and Mrs. Alison
Baker, accompanyiny her nncle Roy,
Portland, on Sunday.
LOGAN, Ore., Nov. 14. The Busy
Workers' club met at Mrs. Carl Fal
lert's Saturday.
Mr. Sherwood underwent an opera
tion In a Portland hospitaL
F. W Riebhoff has purchased a teed
and chop mill of larger capacity than
the old one.
Clpar Creek Creamerv Daid off nat
rons at 52 cents per pound net tor but- j
ter fat for October.
The Christensen family, ot North
Logan, had the misfortune to have
their home and contents burned re
cently. Their new house nnder con
struction is not done yet
The little daughter of Mr. Vogan,
who is head carpenter on the Jackson
log mansion at Clear Creek Park, is
very ill with pneumonia.
If some farmers who use shorts
would send a sample to the pure food
commission, it might have the effect
of improving the quality. That $34 per
ton for re-ground bran and cleanings
is out of reason. If sold for shorts,
it should be true to name.
A "total eclipse" seems due along
Clear Creek. Some were awaiting it
at Baker's Bridge Sunday evening, but
seems to have vanished over the hill.
Try coon dogs next time.
P. M. Klrchem took a load of "pork
ers" to the stock yards Tuesday.
Fred Gerber is on the United States
grand Jury in Portland.
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, Ore., Not. 14. F.
C. McKay as a Portland visitor one
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass made a
return trip to Portland one day last
H. 'S. Gibson is the proud possessor
ot twin Holstein calves.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle were Es
tacada visitors one day last week.
Mrs. R. B. Gibson called on Mrs.
Roy Douglass last Thursday.
Some timber cruisers were out last
week cruising the timber owned by
J. I. Marshall, of Portland, situated on
Deep Creek. Mr. Marshall is contem
plating building a saw mill.
Mrs. H. S. Jones is the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass.
Carl Douglass has recently built a
new woodshed and is now making
some improvements on the house.
J. P. Woodle and wife motored to
Mt. Tabor Sunday morning, returning
In the evening.
The farmers have been busy the
past week digging potatoes- which
turned out very well.
A N. Orke has moved his house
over near his new barn, so that now
they can see out to the road.
Mrs. Annie Beckett went to Portland
the first ot the week, accompanying
her daughters, Mabel and Veroo Beck
ett, who were out to spend Sunday at
Claude Sersanous and family motor
ed out to E. Naylor's Sunday.
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass.,
in her 87th year, says: "1 thought I
was beyond tiie reach of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pills have proven most
beneficial in my case."
Mr, Sam A. Hoover, High Point,
N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at night and I had to get up
from five to seven times. Now I do
not have to get up at night, and con
sider myself In a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney Pills, as I have taken nothing
Mrs. M. A. Brtdses, Ito,binson, Mass.,
eay: "I suffered from' kidney ail
ments tot two years. I commenced
taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months
apo, and though I am 61 years of age,
1 feel like a 16-year-old girl.'
Foliv Kidney Pills are tonic,
Strengthening: and up-bhildlnir, and
restore normal action to the kidneys
and 'o a disordered and painful blad
der. They act quickly and contain
no dangerous or harmful drugs.
DAMASCUS, Ore., Nov, 14. The
Red Cross Society met 8t me nome
of Mrs. J. C. Elliott on Wednesday.
. . , .... i
Twenty-tnree laaies were present ami
i.ir.hlA work w.. .ecomnliahed.
Geo. Thompson, who recently ntov-
ed from this neighborhood to Kern
Park, is seriously ill.
Mrs. Jno. Moore, who has been Quite
111. is able to be about apain.
Ford Everett and family, formerly
of Arleta, are living on the Stein place
this winter.
The telephone board held a meeting
this week wonder if they mean to his mountain home soon, though he is
get the Oregon City line in? far from being well after his accident
Everybody seems so excited over the six weeks ago.
escaped convicts. I'm sure they're Crushed rock Is being applied to the
just as much afraid for us to see them road near Scott's, which is greatly ap
as we are for them to see us! predated by the people from this sec-
It looks a little like Oregon weather tlon who trade there,
these last few days! 1 Silver Falls Timber Company had
Any lady who will give one glass the largest fire of the season, which
of Jelly toward a Christmas dinner tor proved very costly. The fire could
the soldiers at American Lake, will
please leave" same at J. C, Elliott's
store to be packed and taken to the
army, not later than November 23. I
Upper Garfield.
The Linn saw milt has closed down
'or the winter and Tim Linn is now
connected with the Garfield Lumber
Floyd Davis, who was recently mar
ried. Is now very busy building his new
The Garfield band is again holding
Saturday night meetings for practice
under the leadership of Arthur C.
Davis, of Milwaukie.
A very enjoyable evening was spent
at a social at the Garfield church last
Saturday evening with quite a large
There will be a meeting at the
Grange hall next Saturday evening
for the purpose of organizing a liter
ary society.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Tom Carter, who
are now living in Portland, spent the
week-end at Log La Barre.
We understand Robt R. Snyder is
the proud owner of a new "Dodge"
The potato crop in this district Is
turning out much better than was ex-
pected, which is very pleasing to those
fortunate enough to have some plant
Word was recently received from
Mrs. A. O. Whltcomb, who with her
husband is now at the Cantonment
near Palo Alto, Cala that they are
both well and enjoying that great and
wonderful climate, but still they are
a little homesick for the ranch.
H. A. La Barre has returned from
Camp Lewis, Wash., where he has
been the past five weeks, connected
with the Field Auditor's Department.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Perkins and child
ten of Portland, spent several days
last week at Log La Barre.
Walter Markwart and his brother'
Harry, who are located in Portland,
came out to spend a few days with
their arents. j
Ernest Amacher just received word i
that his brother Fred, who was in the
166th Depot Brigade at Camp Lewis,,
Wash., is now In New York with some
of the boys who left that cantonment'
some two weeks ago. j
MULINO, Ore., Nov. 14. Mr. and;
Mrs. Ed. Berdine were Molalla visit- j
ors last Sunday. i
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels and child
ren were Oregon City visitors last
Saturday. j
Mrs. Millie Thomas, of L'nion Hall, j
was a Mulino visitor last Saturday.
Mrs. Catherine Goucher spent last I
Saturday in Oregon City, doing some '
shopping. j
Elmer Erickson and Mrs. Ed Ber
dine and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels j
motored to Canby last Monday to at-,
tend the funeral of the late Selma'
Friedrich. j
Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson and !
Mrs. Leslie Holliday motored to Ore-j
gon City last Saturday.
Mrs. E. J. Maple visited relatives'
in Canby last week. i
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels visited
relatives in Canby last Sunday.
There as a lecture in the Methodist
church last Sunday under the auspices
of the Y. M. C. A. to raise funds for
tl'?.t association.
Mrt. Ella Dodge as a Molalla visitor
lasi Tuesday.
Mrs. Sam Holstein and torsi Cath
erine Goucher were the guests ot Mrs.
Joe Daniels last Tuesday.
Elmer Erickson went to Oregon City
last Monday on business.
MEADOWBROOK, Ore., Nov. 14.
The Steffani mill has started up af
ter being shut down for several weeks.
They have put in a larger boiler.
Iluth Hudson spent Saturday and
Sunday in Portland.
Glen Larkins got his leg cut quite
seriously, but is getting along all
right. He was taken to the Oregon
City hospital.
Senla Hellbacka visited near Mo
lalla Sunday.
The Meadowbrook Literary club
holds ltss meeting Friday, November
16. R. J. Werner of Corvallis, will
give a talk on Community Co-operation
besides the regular program.
Mr. Polao and family are moving to
the shipknee camp where Mr. Polso
will haull wood.
Help your boy at the front. Use
less wheat and meat. Send more to
Elk Prairie
ELK PRAIRIE, Nov. 14. Mr. Ber-
nett, of Silverton, and a friend from
Scotts Mills, were visitors at the
1, ,4 liMttrtatAfi.l tin t tu i
.(. .... ...... .-v,.-..sv.
Mr. Shaw and Mr. Collins have been
digging a well recently.
Mr. and Mrs. IX B. Gray went to
tnB liirKe &n of sheep that are
working down from Table Rock, and
wpre elr place. There are said
to be two thousand sheep In the bunch,
Mrs. Grinnel ha3 returned to visit
her mother in Crooked Finger.
C. K. Thomas expects to return to!
be seen from this part. 11 miles away
Mr. Gault spent several days in t
Scott's mills with his wife and son.
The season for Evergreen blackber-;
ries has been creeping slowly moun-
jtalnward. Those at Mr. Swope's mill
are now finding ready pickers, while
those three or four miles below are
past their prime.
Will Kruger was a visitor at the
Bodger home one day last week,
Mr. Gray took the school census a
short time ago. The district claims j
about 40 pupils, of which only about ;
can take advantage of the school
Light Draft because high wheeled.
Perfect Separation because of longer and wider eleva
tiors than others like size.
Long Lasting Because all parts are made of the most
enduring material.
because of the size of the district.
Mr. Kruger, Sr., a Civil War vet
eran, became loBt on his return from
Scotts Mills a few evenings ago, and
did not reach home until two o'clock
in the morning, and then only by wad
ing down the creek that passed his
home. Mr. Kruger has lived at his
present home and near there since
1896 and is familiar with all trails, but
the one he chose had become so over
grown with fern and was so little used
that he lost his way.
Frank Hilton's sons are preparing
to attend school at Scotts Mills.
D. W. Badger has spent the past
week completing a wagon road to his
homest ead.
Glen Gault, who has lived In the
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Iyucas County, es.
Frank 3. Cheney makes oath that he
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
an1 that eald firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Cuiarrli that cannot be
cured by the use of H M.I.'S CATARRH
Sworn td before me and subscribed In
my presence, this etli dny of December,
A. D. ISf&v, A. W. OLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine in taken In
ternally and acts through the Hlood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J, CHKNHVf & CO., Toledo, O.
fiold by all druifRists, 75c,
Hall's Family fills for constipation.
hills lor a number of years, has moved
to Scotts Mills.
D. D. Gray has rented a part of the
Lritxel place.
Ted Gray, who went to Eastern Ore
gon with a drove of sheep, that passed
through hero a tow weeks ago, may
spend the winter in that part of the
Mr. Thomas has rented a part of the
Lettxel place n4 will stay there this
winter. '
KELSO, Ore., Nov. IS. On Tue
day evening, November 20th. nt 8:00
o'clock n.w v ntm.. f n fw.
',,?00' V" M,ur' ,,f Re'
Ron, will give a lecture on "Today
and Yesterday." The meeting will be
held at the school house under the aus
pices of the Kelso Parent-Teacher
association. After the lecture war
time lunch will be on sale. Admis
sion is free. Everybody cordially in
vited. Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, Ore.. Nov. 15. The
Misses Williams and some friends
motored out on the Columbia highway
The Commercial Club met Monday
night at the school house and hold a
business meeting. Several committees
were appointed to work on the pro-
posed water system
The teachers and pupils of our
school are preparing an entertainment
to be given November 29th at the
school assembly room.
Hot soup and cocoa are being served
to the pupils these cold days.
Lester Lindsay, of Sherwood, for
merly of Oak Grove, and Miss Cora
Watkins, of Portland, were married
Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at the
home of the bride's parents on East
Washington street Oulv the members
jot the two families were present. The
Investigate the operation
of the Dowden and you
will buy no other.
W. J. Wilson & Co.
happy couple left by auto for. their
future home at Sherwood, Oregon,
where Mr. LlntlBay had his house all
The Parent-Teacher association held
its regular meeting Friday at the
school. A program will be prepared
for the next meeting, December 14.
William Ripglns left last week for
the Shepard Hot Springs. His mother,
Mrs. Ahault, received a letter from
him saying ho was improving slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charlton and
little son spent Sunday with Mrs.
Charlton's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Riley.
The Misses Kilgore and Cook went
to Portland Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lindsay moved into
their home on Railroad avenue Mon
day. Mrs. J. L .Vosburg was taken seri
ously ill Thursday and Mr. Vosburg
was sent for from Wheeler, arriving
next day. Mrs. Vosburg is improving
George Oglesvle is home, with his
family for a few days.
Mrs. G. V. Benvle is home after a
short trip up the valley on business.
Mrs. John Waldron entertained the
Oak Grove Milwaukie Social Service
Club last Thursday.
The Red Cross auxiliary meets in
Vosburg hall every Monday afternoon
All ladles Interested In this work are
Mrs. It, A. Dodson, of Troutdale,
spent Wednesday with her daughter,
Mrs. J, It, Evans.
Saturday evening, November 10, the
pupils of the Concord school gave a
piny entitled "The church baannr at
Mulberry Corners," also a basket so
cial. T. It. Worthtngton aold the ban
kets and the proceeds, $50.00. will be
used for the school to apply on a Mb
erty Bond which the school owns. A
largo number were present and all
spent an enjoyable evening.
The Misses Ruth and Ellen Worth
tngton spent Wednesday evening with
their grandmother, Mrs. B. Obrlon, of
Charley Worthtngton had the ml
fortune to get kicked by a horse Sun
day morning, laying him up for a few
Rev. Young, pastor of the Metho
dist church, will hold regular services
Sunday morning. Epworth League
Sunday evening. Prayer meeting
Wednesday afternoon. Tea was served
and comforts tied. The ladies are
planning a Harvest Home dinner In
the near future.
The Y. M. C, A. drive Is on and sev
eral of our people are busy at the
work-lend a helping hand.
C. R. Bnrtlett ts on his vacation and
expects to go into the Bull Run coun
try hunting next week.
OSWKC.O. Ore.. Nov. 14. Mr. and
Mrs, Carl C. Hole and children were
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tbos, Fox this
The Pocahontas and Redmen, will
give another of their popular dances
on Thanksgiving eve. November 2Sih,
at the Grange hall. It being a masque
rade, some very good characters are
Mr. and Mrs. James Gregory were
j'.'w wwe ',v f f1?
BB(iJtjiifcJhiUJiWii-4 ULtr
visiting relatives and friends In Os
wego Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Verl Todd spent Thursday ev
ening at the home of Miss Bernlce Sin
clair. The ladles of the Altar Society gave
a sliver tea at the home of Mrs. Jose
phine Hills last Wednesday afternoon.
A dainty luncheon was served by the
committee, which was enjoyed by a
large crowd.
The Misses Bernlce and Gladys Sin
clair were visiting with their many
friends In Oswego the past week.
Mrs.' Wm. Murray and daughters,
Mrs. Thos. Warner and Miss Murlal
Julian, of Portland, were visiting at
the home of Mrs. Murray's mother,
Mrs. Thos. Fox, last Thursday.
Clarence (Dutch) Haines has been
confined to the house for several days
with a severe attack of tonstlltls.
Mrs. RoBsetta Headrlck gave a sur
prise party, for her son, John, at her
home on First street last Friday even
ing. It being hlg eighteenth birthday,
music, dancing and games were In
dulged In. Mrs, Headrlck served re
freshments which were greatly enjoy
ed by about 25 young ladles and gen
tlemen. Harrisburg Work is progressing on
new mill plant here.
KSTAOAIU, Ore., Nov. H.-The
Estueada Feed itnd Lumber Co, has
imrelmsed a new Ford delivery our.
Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Moore were Vis
itor lit Portland iwt Friday.
A. Homoy mul ftimity are making
nrotnrittions to move to Oregon City
in the m'nr future, where Mr, Domoy
hits nocured n pdhIiIuu In one (if the
pnpor mills. It U regretted very mueh
that this moHt eHtimitblo family U to
leave KntiH'itdu,
Muyor Lovelace and wife were Port
land visitors Inst Friday. j
J. K, Kenny, who 1ms been oporuilntt
(ho Kleuteh mill for several month,'
bus retdKiied hie ixwIIUm nnd with
Mis. Kenny removed to Portland.
Miss Limine Qullllum wont to Port
land lust Suturdity rb visit her father,
who has been very slok, She retumiM
Sunday evening, ,
Miss Smile liiKrnm, who la tele
hone clrl In the Portlund exehuiiRe.
has been visiting her lterit, Mrs,
Dave Fleming nnd L. S. Uronsoii tor
several d)'.
Mrs. A. Havens spent the week end
with her home folk In Kutneada, re
turning to Purtituid Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C, Dominic returned
from their wedding tour Saturday ami
tire now nicely settled In the Jones
The EHtucatlu high school football
boys went to Ciunns, Wash., Inst Fri
day to play a return name with the
Camus high school boy ami were de
feat ed by a small number of scores.
Quito a number of Entucnda people
went to Portland Monday, to attend
the funeral of Hey. Prowne, who died
Sunday morning at 1 o'clock. Among
those who attended the funeral from
this place were Mrs. Uiwry and Mrs.
I'vn Wash,
Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Sparks and Dr.
und Mrs. Adit motored to Portland
Tuesday nli?ht.
W, F. fury, of Cainderu, was trnr-
acting business In Portland Tuesday,
going In his Ford ear.
A. N. Allen visited friend In Port
lund last Saturday nnd Sunday.
Mr. and Mr, Theodore Ahlberg were
In Portland Saturday nlislit nd Sun
Mis Irma Oraham wn an Estacuda
visitor from Portlund last Sunday.
Mr. C. F. Dittebrand and children,
of Spoknnn, are ruckI at the home
of her sister. Mr. E. W. HarHett
The Estacuda high school foot ball
team goes to Vanrouver. Wash.. Sat
urday, to play the Vancouver High.
. The Civic Improvement Club met
Tuesday afternoon at the library,'
with a diuen officers and members
present. During the business session,
with Mr. Iliirtlett. president, In the
chair, quite a number ot Important
question relative to club work were
discussed. Plan for an apron bazaar
were brought up and the committee on
the Thnnksglvlng dance reported that
music had been secured and all plan
In the bund ot competent committee.
Mr. L. 9. Well gave an Interesting
talk on "Labor Saving Device."
Waiter Glvens ha been In Portland
during the past week assisting with
special meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson are vl
Itlng In Eastern Oregon.
C. C. Miller and wife autoed to Port
land Sunday to visit at the home of
Mr. Miller's daughter.
A renewed activity In the Red Cross
I about to take pluce In Etacada and
all members and all other Indies who
care to help, are urged to be present
at the next meetings. It may be nec
essary to meet twice a week In order
to accomplish the work which Is now
on hand. Mr. John Lovelace, the
chairman ot the auxiliary, visited the
Portland Red Cross room last Fri
day and brought a back material for
enough work to koep the member
busy for some time. She also wn fur
nished wlh more yarn, for socks,
which was In great demand here.
The Kstncada Garage Is being Im
proved with a large awning on the
west side.
H. Spear, of Sprlngwater, has sold
his farm and will move soon to Port
land. The W. McWillls family ha moved
to the Shutter residence, which they
recently purchased.
Snm Barr came home from Ameri
can Lako last Saturday to remain a
few day.
Harry Rold has returned from
American Lake, his physical examina
tion not being up to the requlrod
standard. Mr. Rold was one of the
boys who went on the third draft.
An officer has been guarding the
bridge ovor the Clackamas at this
place, and also at Faraday, this week,
to be sure that the negro convicts
would not pnss ovor on the othor side
of the river. Since these colored fugi
tives have been In hiding, somewhere
In this vicinity, ladies ot the town
have developed very timid disposi
tions and Borne ludicrous experiences
are being related.
Miss Rica Anderson, principal of the
Estacada grade schools, spent the
week-end with her sister at Boring.
Dr. and Mrs. Wells visited Portland
rolatlves last Thursday.
Among those from Estacada, who
attended the dance at Eagle Creek
last Saturday night, were A. L. Lass
well and wife, Charlie Sparks and
wife, Harold Wooster and wife, Mrs.
Neal Bronson, J. R. Kenny and wife,
the MlHses Qulgbaum, and Milton Ev
ans. ' The Modern Pricollas of Currlns
vllle, are giving a dance In the Eagle
Creek hall, next Saturday night, pro
ceeds tor the benefit of the Red Cross.
A. G. Ames, the Federal Hunter, is
home for a few days from his camp
at Austin Meadows. He reports that
wild animals are becoming scarce In
that section- and he has been setting
tras at the head ot the Molalla river.
Men and women should not suffer
from backache, rheumatic pains, stiff
Joints and swollen, sore muscles, when
reliof can be easily had. James Mc
Crery, Berrien Center, Mich., says he
was troubled with kidnoy and bladdor
trouble for two years; would have to
got up several times during the night
and had pains across his kidneys. He
used several kinds of medicine without
relief, but Foley Kidney Pills cured
him. Many such letters, come every
day from all parts of the country.
Jones Drug Co. -Adv.
MAriCSIVUim, Or Nov, IB, with
the grass, mm well as till other vege
tation so green and with an nlmna
pbere that permits ti to eo with open
window nnd door It I hard to real
Ue that Thanksgiving I but little over
a fortnight away,
Still there are Infallible .Kn that
the summer and early fall of 11)17 ar
gone, Thu crop have all disappeared
from the fields und the ground I he.
lug prepared for planting. Rose nnd
chrysanthemum are about Ilia only
miwer ien, 1 nat (if i lo lover of flow
ers, the humming bird, ha gone, nnd
hist of all the summer bird too, have
gone, the brlKhtlyeolored bluebird,
wno nn neen pecking t our window
If trying to talk to u and some.
lime flying In at an open door hn.
at last taken llfght for a sunnier clime.
Mr, and Mr, Nelson llower are
tlll In Montana, where they have been
called to the bedside of their young,
est daughter, Marie, who I serlouMy
III. Their home nnd the little grand
on are, In the meanwhile, taken care
of by Mr. and Mr. Floyd Dower,
The wedding of MIh Anna llenler
and Mr. Wilt Damiu. which took place
lust Wednesday lit Vancouver, wan
one of marked Interest in our com
munity, Both the young people were
well known and most highly esteemed
here, Mis Hepter ha lived here lnce
early childhood. We are glad to know
that the young couple are to settle In
our vicinity, and that they are to live
In the ancestral home of the bride'
mother, '
The funeral t W. L. Matthew took
place on Thursday, October 8. Mr.
Matthew hd been Buffering for yearn
from a painful lllne, and though
seriously missed by hi neighbor and
other friends.beslde hi own family,
ni death can only be regarded a a
happy re)eae from distress.
Mis Rachel Miller returned Friday
for a visit and ha gone to Woodburn
to remain for ome time.
The Mother' Club hud a very busy
and Interesting session lt Thursday,
at the home of Mr. Simon Miller.
Our president, Mr. John Hepler, wm
present for the firt time lnee last
July, having but lately returned from
an extended visit to her people In the
middle west. The club bad the pleas
ure of welcoming two now vUltor.
Mr. Neff. from the home but lately
occupied by Mr, and Mr. Mlto Iutx,
and Mr. Ewale, who with her boy, la
In charge of the Whalley etate.
The Little Girl' Sewing Circle 1
In charge of Mr, a, M. Baldwin and
will meet nt her home on Saturday af
terniMm, October 17th.
The Red Cross I gradually gaining
ground, although at first It met with
scant courtesy, not being fairly under
stood. All like the work, and aome of
our community, who at first opposed
It and even gave It the cold shoulder,
are now among It mot ardent pro
moter. Barlow
BARLOW. Ore., Nov. 15.Mr. Una
Bond Voting ha gone to Spoknnn to '
visit her daughter, Mr. Cannon, who
hn been visiting Mr. Young for the
past month, returned home with Mr
Mr. Pnrrolt. ot White Salmon, i
vlidtlng her parent, Mr. and Mr.
Mr. Irwin drove to Mount Angel
Sunday to eo Mis Irene Wurfel, who
Is attending school there.
Elmer Irwin shot an Arctlo owl
Sunday on Mr. Peterson' barn. The
owl wn a beauty, being clear whfte
with little spatters of black on It
back and measuring four feet from
tip to tip of It wing. Elmer has gone
to Portland to work.
Willie and Patrick Mnlloy were
down from Gervals Inst Thursday.
K. E, Irwin Is serving on the Jury
in Oregon City.
We are now askod to contribute for
the soldier In America for Christmas.
All who wish to donate anything for
this cause please leuve It at the post
office or one of the store.
James Anderson returned home
from Eastern Oregon recently.
Wo have our now heating plant in
stalled and It 1 giving good satisfac
tion. MIh Oleva Johnson, of Oswego, 1
vlHiting Mrs. Lnrson.
Mr. a nd Mrs. Vickors' son is homo
on a visit. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Tull, of Oregon City,
spont Sunday with Mrs. Tull's paronts
Mr. and Mrs, Howe. Miss Olga Howe
will spend the week with her sister In
Oregon City.
That 80 Many Oregon City People
Fail to Recognize Kidney
Are you a bad back clctim?
Suffer twinges; hoadaches, dlwy
Go to bed tired got up tired T
It's surprising how few Huspoct the
It's surprising how tew know what
to do.
Kidney trouble needs kidnoy treat
ment.. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid
neys only.
Have convinced Oregon City people
of their merit.
Hore's an Oregon City case; Orogon
City testimony.
Kidney aufforers hereabouts should
road It.
Mrs. John Beors 416 Water St., says:
"I am ready to confirm at any time
what I said in my former statement
regarding my experience with Doan's
Kidney Pills. I still consider them the
one Tollable medicine for kidnoy trou
blo. I take Doan's whenever I fool in
need of something to help my kidneys
and they always do me good."
Price COc, at all dealers.. Don't
Rimply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kldnoyl Pills the same that
Mrs. Boers has twice publicly recom
mendod. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Mfgrs.
Buffalo, N. Y.