OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1917. Page 2 5. . HIS Wilsonville WILSON VILLJ2, Ore., Nov. 8. H. D. Aden was in Portland on Monday, having been called on the federal jury. Norris Young has enlisted in the Engineers Corps. Mr. and Mrs. Cllne went to Portland, on Monday. Dr. Butler, who has been stationed at Vancouver barracks, was in Wil sonville Sunday, and was accompan ied by his brother-in-law. Clara Epler was taken to a hospital in Portland, on Tuesday, to be oper ated on for appendicitis. Nellie Angus went to Newberg on Thursday, Misses Claire and Virginia Say, and Menga Batalgla, who are high school pupils, spent the week-end at their homes in Corral Creek, and attended the Red Cross social, on Friday even ing, in the school house. Mrs. Mallory has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Peters, for two weeks. Mrs. Charles Barnes spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker. Wilsonville's quota of Liberty Bonds was exceeded by two thousand, six hundred dollars. Mrs. Ruby Baker Spencer and little daughter, are spending some time at Mrs. Baker's parents' home here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Todd were the recipients of a Hallowe'en party, on playing at Gresham last Friday after noon. C. C. Saling left last Saturday for the eastern part of the state to be absent a couple of months, looking af ter farming interests. A party of Estacada peoplo motor-, ed to Portland Monday evening to see "The Retreat of the Germans at the Battle of Arras' at the Orpheum. Among the number were Dr. and Mrs. Adix, Mrs. R. M. Standish and Mrs. A. E. Sparks. J. A. Somen is looking after the business interests of the Estacada cannery this week, in the absence of Mr. Demlng. the proprietor. Estacada has a high school orches tra which meets every Monday night for rehearsal. There have been two cases in Jus tice Devore's court during the past week, the first being a damage suit and the other a case of assault. Still the good work is going on in the repairing sidewalks nt Canby CAN BY, Nov. 8. Phil Isaacson, of Aurora, made a business trip to Can by Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith have moved to the Smith farm near Macks burg. George Wait of the Oregon Agricul tural College, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wait. Phil Scheer, of Mackaburg. was a Canby shopper Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Haines, of Os wego, were Sunday guests of their daughter, Mrs. Grant White. The Canby Auxiliary of the Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Chns. N. Walt Friday afternoon. The aux iliary devoted the time to making hos pital supplies. A special feature of ' Third-Fourth Grades, Ada Burns. Teacher Mitchell Slyter, Linden Launer, Blanch Kendall. Dorothy Pitts, Clara Joost, 'tavern Kekerson, Ber nice Arneson. Ross Rider, Fred Earls, Edward McClure, Virgil Glger, Ross Slyter, Lynn MeQuestln. Hy Hess, Llla LaRaw, Gladys Poster. Chloe Jay, Wava Wheeler, and Panel tan. ' Second Grade, Nona Austin, Teach er Georgia Fletcher, Gertrude Reese, Kenneth Evans, Earl Fuwver, Ray mond Gardner. Vernon La Baw, Roy Pitts, Neal Haines, I.oren Launer. First Grade, Frances Potter, Teach er Elsie Oeaklns, Violet Kawver, Na omi Jay, Beauford Knight, Vesta Loo, Earl MeQuestln. Robert Miller, tlans Neiland, Loe Rider, Frunklo Slyter, Buckley Vaughan. Riverside School, Myrtle Durchet, Teacher Clarence WollerU. Charlie Stroller, Norman Christiansen, Glen Huston, Clarence Lepusky, John lloln, Isabel Huston, Edna Lepusky, Clar ence Stoller, Caroline Dodge, Pearl Stollor. Ora Needhum. Charlotte Koch, Kenneth Podge, Marian Hagon, Ed ward Hagen, Goldle Christiansen. 1 Mr- and Mrs. A. 0. Snauldlng of Portland, were guests of Mrs. Minnie Bradford Sunday. The CanbyvFive Hundred Club, was entertained Wednesday evening at the conservation by Miss Lorene Parker, i me"f'Mr-and Mr3' H,,ny ,' Wednesday evening, their neighbora I Oregon, will speak on the subject, surprising them at that time, by com ing to their home with JackoO'-lan-terns. A jolly good time was spent Frank Stangel, N. O. Say arfd Mr. ChalupBky have been appointed ap praisen on the estate of the late J. W. Thornton. The Rebekah lodge had a basket social at their hall on Wednesday even ing, and realized 27.00 from the sale of baskets. Twenty dollars were added to the treasury of Corral Creek Red Cross society, at a supper on Friday even ing. Games were played, and prizes were won by Mrs. Jost and Mrs. Chas. Wagner. of OreKon City. Miss Parker exnlelned of and building of new the purpose of the ' Food Conserva Estacada. The Stubbe , tion" campaign and showed many ways lots on Broadway are being Improved by which it could be accomplished, with a new sidewalk on the north j Those present were, Mrs. Gage, Mrs. side. Improvements on the Estacada Robison. Mrs. George Bendshadler, garage are about completed and the j Mrs. E. G. Robinson, Mrs. Q. W. White, new building is now ready for occu- Mrs. Arthur Graham. Mrs. Phillips, pancy. , Mrs. L. H. Wang. Mm. W. H. Lucke. The next regular meeting of the Es- Mrs. Helen Smith, Mrs. George Bates, tacada Parent-Teacher association will ( Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Oscar Sannes, Mrs. be held Friday evening, November 16. i Minnie Bradford, Mra. 0. R. Mack, at the high school building. Prof, j Mrs. Schmld, Mrs. Hoyt N. Brown, Earl Kilpatrick. of the University of Mrs. W. H. Bair. Mrs. H. II. Eccles, Estacada ESTACADA, Ore., Nov. 8. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Wright left last Monday for their new home in Harney County. Mrs. Maude Graham, one of the grade teachers in the Estacada schools went to Portland Saturday to visit her daughter Irma, who is attending school in that city. Mr. and Mra. E. W. Bartlett were in Portland last Saturday to see the big foot ball game. The Estacada High School football team went to Gresham Friday, accom panied by- Principal Wilson and wife and a large number of the high school pupils, to play the Gresham High. The game resulted in a tie, 6 to 6. J. W. Powty returned Friday from a visit to his boyhood home in Wayne County, Ohio. He left Estacada Sep tember 30, and his visit in Ohio was the first after 38 yean. His daugh ter, Mre. George Douglas, of Portland, accompanied him and before return ing they also visited relatives in Kan sas. R. J. Werner, of Oregon City, was an Estacada visitor last Saturday. The C. I .C. ladies are planning on having a dance in the Estacada pavil ion on Thanksgiving night, which is to be a hard times dance. Hallowe'en In Estacada was a most joyful occasion for the boys and girls. The older boys did themselves proud and refrained from doing any damage. Married At the home of Justice De- Tore, of Estacada, last Wednesday, oc curred the marriage of John W. .Parks and Miss Bertha Drew, both of Spring water. T. C. Jubb is building a pretty resi dence on his property on Wade street Otis Wagner, son of Mr. and Mra. P. F. Wagner, of this city, who has been ill for some time at the Vancou ver barracks, is reported to be improv ing very fast at present, which is good news to the many friends of the sol dier boy. A wedding took place at the J. W. Reed home last Saturday evening, when Miss Rachel Reed and R. J. Deming were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. A former pastor of the M. E. church of Estada, Rev. M. B. Parounaglon, performed the ceremony, using the beautiful ring ceremony. The bride's little sister, Florence June, was the ring bearer while another sister acted as flower girl. The bride looked handsome in a white satin gown and bridal veil. There was a large number of friends and relatives present and a wedding feast followed the ceremony. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed, who are prominent people of this place. The groom is the proprie tor of the Estacada Cannery, a young man who has become identified with the business aKalrs of this little city. Both of the contracting parties have hosts of friends who are extending hearty congratulations and best wish es. Mrs. Anna K. Morton, of Portland, was here over Sunday and a guest at the Deming-Reed wedding. Raymond Lovelace, one of the Esta cada high school football boys, had his ankle quite badly sprained while The Movies. Louis Jones, of this pluce, gave a talk on "Food Conservation" at the Eagle Creek school house. Lewis is a high school pupil here and his many friends are pleased to hear of his sue- M cess along the line of making public addresses. ' Bert Byera has been making im provements on his residence property by laying of new walks, etc. Rev. W. R. F. Browne, a former pas tor of the Methodist church at this place, but now residing in Portland, suffered a stroke of paralysis a few months ago and word was received in Estacada this week that he was very much worse and no hopes for his re covery. Quite a number of Estacada people have called upon him in the past few days. Miss Ida Schaple was called to Cor vallis last week to see her father, who was very III. i Mr. and Mrs. Owen Smith and child ren and Mrs. Stubbs motored to Port land Tuesday to call on friends. ! Mr. and Mra. C. C. Miller and daugh ter, Mra. Bates, went to Viola last Sunday to visit Mr. Miller's aged par ents. N. C. Laurry was a Portland visitor1 Monday, paying a fraternal visit to ' Rev. Browne. The Fred Bartholomew residence i is about completed and will be ready j for occupancy the first of next week. I L. S. Bronson of the Estacada Feed and Lumber Co., transacted bus-; iness in Portland, Wednesday. j Neal Bronson has been working for , the Estacada Feed and Lumber Co. ! this week. "Boo" Krigbaum, son of Mr. and' Mrs. C. Krigbaum, of the Garfield; neghborhood, arrived home last week from a Portland hospital, where he' had been confined on account of a ' railroad accident in which he was in-1 jured so badly that it was necessary to i amputate his left arm, Mrs. Fred M. Roth. Mrs. Adam Knight. Mrs. J. Gastrock, Mrs. Chas. N. Walt, Mrs. Ivan Pimick. of Aurora Chapter, The high scores, wore won by Mrs. Grant White and Mr. It, B. Evans. Painty refreshments were served by the hostess. Those present were Mr, I and Mrs. Grant White, Mr. and Mrs. j Arthur Graham, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. j Lee, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Balr, Mr. and ! Mrs. It. II. Eccles, Mr. and Mrs. Adam II. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Berkman. Miss Stella Sandsness, of Portland, was a guest of Miss Ella Hutras this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Vlnyard and Mrs. Philllpps were Portland vislton Tuesday. Herman Harms, a farmer of Macks- Mppks spent Tuesday and Wednesday hunting duck at their dick lake bo low Portland, Art Miller, of Monitor made a bus iness trip to Canby Tuesday, Mrs, Elroy Bates is seriously ill at he rhome in Canby. The "Food Conservation Prlvo" has been extnded a week so that all fam ilies In the community may have nn opportunity to sign the pledge cards which are being distributed by the pupils of the high school and the gram mar schools. The reasdlnos with which every one has signed the CRrds is very pleasing to the local commit tee, and only In n very few cases have any refusals been- noted and these were caused mostly by not under standing what tho movement means. It is hoped Canby will respont with one hundred per cent enrollment. Any homo that has been missed in the can vass wilt kindly report to any high school pupil, or any pupil of the eighth grade or any teacher and pledge cards will be sent. Window card aro sent on receipt of signed pledge cards, Mrs, Edard Bowman visited friends In Liberal this week. The following pupils of the Mun dorft school were neither absent nor tardy during tho month ending Nov. 2: llernlce Reeson. Alice Rupp, Les ter Hupp, Kxelyn Palen, Gilbert Sut ter, Albert Satter. Sanford Palen, Owen Palen. Logan LOGAN. Ore., Nov, 8. Spud din ging has been the principle pastime around here.. Some lute ones are not ready yet to dig. Don't think there Is a window In this district without a Hoover curd displayed. On Hallowe'en nlghl the Parent Tenclier circle gave nn entertainment at the school house. The program was good and anmst enjoyable time whs 3E Oswego OSWEGO, Ore., Nov. 8.---A pleasant surprise party was given Miss Ber nice Sinclair and Mr. Woodard, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson, which was in the form of a mock ' charivari. A large crowd of their many friends had taken for granted that the young lady and gentleman had been married recently, so in order that they would play on the safe side, completely surprised the young cou ple. All shared in furnishing, a dainty luncheon, which was greatly enjoyed, without a bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Craigo were pleasant ly surprised by a large crowd of young folks taking possession of their home j last Sunday evening, it being their ; fifteenth wedding anniversary. The1 young folks took a dainty lunch and! all enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Mrs. William Lonerz, of Camas, j Wash., was taken to St. Vincent's hos pital Wednesday and underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Lor enz is doing nicely. Mrs. Lorenz is a daughter of Mrs. William Worthing ton of this city. Thos. Fox has been confined to the house with an attack of lagrippe the larger part of last week. Mrs. L. A. Rathbun and daughter, MisB Borothy, of Portland, visited Mrs. Thos. Fox Saturday. Mrs. Jack Van Horn, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fox. Mrs. Arthur Ball, of Portland, has been visiting friends and relatives in Oswego during the week. ADOWDEN POTATO DIGGER DIGS YOUR POTATO CLEAN GETS THEM ALL Light Draft because high wheeled. Perfect Separation because of longer and wider eleva tiors than others like size. Long Lasting Because all parts are made of the most enduring material. Investigate the operation of the Dowden and you will buy no other. Portland, , Oregon DISC HARROWS DRAG HARROWS CHILLED PLOWS STEEL PLOWS W. J. Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY Macksburg M.U'KSHl'RU, Ore., Nov, 7.-Hoy Yoder has added his tuime to the con stantly lengthening lixt of imiId own er lit our place. Pete Ktster has brought his nulo to his home, tho place formerly own ed and octiplcd by Frank Hilton, On Friday evening, despite the ruin, the atmosphere reverberated to the drains t a gay clmrtvurl given to Mr. Ulster In honor of his arrival -with his bride, at their new homo. The Mothers' Club Is to meet for an all day session In the present week nt tho home of Mr, Simon Miller. The Club la taking up Hod Cross Work very gradually, owing to the press of other work on Its hands. The Little Girls' Hewing Clrclit In charge of Mrs. G. M. Haul win, had their usual slim monthly meeting on the afternoon of Saturday, November 'i, and nro to meet ngnlu nt Mrs. Iald win's home on Saturday. November 17th. ' Mrs. J. Gibson and her 'daughter, Agnes, have returned from Portland, where they have la-en vlslllug Mr Gibson's daughter, Mrs, Nettle Vngel, Hen Preler is enjoying a visit from his sister, Mrs. Hollmniin, of Texas, wh Is making her first visit to this part of Oregon and expresses her self us greatly surprised and gratified by the progress this region has made in advancement of every kind hIiu f Its first settlement, A series of special services, conduct ed by an evangelist from Salem lh being hold at the church In Liberal. Many of our people are availing them selves of the brightly moon lit even ings to attend those meetings, which are Interesting and impressive to a marked degree. Perhaps there may be portions of tho earth where autumn days are fuller of natural charm than In West ern Oregon In the sun ."Tilny Intervals with which the rainy season Is ill versified, but It Is hard In Imagine verdure of a morn vivid hue flowers of sweeter fragrance or greutci charm In color and form. sklea that aro more entrancing both In the night and In the day, to way nothing of the sunrise and sunset, overwhelming In their Kraudeur, or winds more Invig orating time are those which visit us. Latct Photo of American Ambassador to tho French - V ' " ; i ' "'" ,(; I" ' "."'-'I ., ' :f. .. 1 f'' . 'rVHf..i yIJLUArV.Ok9tVHti bee last Thursday. The neighbor t'omlng out ami helping hlin make new road up to Ittn place. They did quite, a bit of (trading, getting U road well iitarted, but there Is much work to l done yet on It, Mr. and Mra, Hay Woodle wero Portland visitors Salnrduy. MIhh DariicH was a giitmt of her cousin, Mrs. Hay Woodlo, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Hoy Houghing woo Oregon t'lty visitors Hwuliiy, (ieorge Smith made a trip to. Tort- and recently. Mrs. It, H. (iltisoli was the gucat of her sinter. Mrs. H, J, Kdily, of Port land, tho first of tiki week. Clarkes CLAKKKS, Ore., No. ".-Clyde Hi go purchased a now Ford car last week. W. II. lUittemlller hauled a load of straw to Oregon City for .lack Hooper last Friday, Miss Elizabeth Marshall from Ore gon City, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall,' over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarko unit son wero In Portland last Friday. (5. Mnrqimrdt went to Oregon City Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Marshnll and daughter. Zeltha. visited Mra. Kll.a Klelnsmlth last Sunday. Mrs. .t;,e Hlngo nnd daughter, Hazel, visited Mrs. Kll.a Klelnsmlth Sunday. H. C. Klnlnamlth wn to Orpgon City last Friday on bualneBS. If. C. Klelrmmlth nnd family visited W. If. . Bottnmlller and family last Sunday atfernoon. There wan a Hallowe'en party glv en at the home of George Rogers Wed noRday evening, October 31. vwuinm ana Jason Clarke took a trip to BrownHvllle last week to look for a farm. Mrs. Fred lUtuer nnd daughter Til lie, and son, Harry, and Albert Mar tin, wero to town last Friday. O. Mnrqimrdt la digging his pota toes this week. Highland grange had a meeting In the hall last Saturday. Sam Elmer Is sowing his grain. Ldwln Botemlller went from Kan sas City to Tlorthn, Minnesota, to visit his relatives there, for a short time, but will soon come homo, Miss Tlllle Bauer, of Colton, and Albert Martin, of Highland, wero married Tuesday. John PntJi, of Colton, ia hauling oats for Mr. Nelson, of Colton, which he bought from Clyde Hlngo, of Clurkes, this week. J. T. Grace sold his potatoes and is hauling them jiow. " Alexander Nelson attended tho dance nt JUmcoii Ilolghts last Sat urdny evening. Btats of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of tiie firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of H ALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A.V. mS. A. W. GLEASON (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken in ternally and acts tlircniRh the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces cf the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. gold by all drusirists, 75c. Hull's Family tills for constipation. and Miss Lorene Parker, of Oregon City. Next Friday afternoon the Chap ter will meet at the I. O. O. F. hall as the membership has grown to such proportions that it is hard for any home to entertain so many. Their work ia patriotic and Is worthy of the assist ance of everyone in the community. Miss Ella Schultz, of Molalla, is stay ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Maple this week. Mr. and Mrs. Avon Jesse, of Crib ble Prairie, were Sunday guests ofMr. and Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson. The following pupils of the Canby Grammar schools were neither absent nor tardy during the month ending November 2: Seventh-Eighth Grades H. H. Ec cles, Teacher Champ Vaughan, Christ Kraft, Lloyd Kendall, Gladys Miller, Margaret Brown, Catherine Hein, Queen Scott, Lorena Honig, lone Fletcher, Mamie Wollertz, Florence Rider, Norman Eid, Dorma Haines, Amelia Kraft, Erneva Livesay, Gen evieve Livesay, Ella Earls and Violet Ledford. Fifth-Sixth Grades, John Huston Teacher Virgil Livesay, Charles La Baw, Ivan Haines, Robert McClure, Maple Lane MAPLE LANE, Ore., Oct. 30. Mr, Mahonoey, a homesteader on the, Siletz reservation, Is visiting his father-in-law, W. H. Renny and family. W. H. Horton had a small fire on the roof of his house Sunday afternoon with small damage. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lears are the proud parents of an eight-pound boy, born October 22. Henry Yost, of Portland, has bought a part of the Brandon farm. Clifford Crawford has moved from Maple Lane to Elyvllle. W. H. Renney is having an addition Wesley Mitts, Hazel Swlgart, Beulah 18x18 feet put to his house. This will j Launer, Dorothy Evans, Earl Lee, give the house two stories. Louella Belknap, Judith Nelson, Ed- ... . ith Earles, Ashel Mack, Everett Fin- Milton Valley Fruit Co. warehouse ney, Ray Lee, Clifford Wallace, Wanda here will n completed Nov .1. Wallace. burg country, was transacting busi ness in Canby Tuesday, Mrs. Otto Schaubel and daughter Margaret, left Tuesday for an extend ed visit with relatives in Kansas. Mrs. Garrison left this week for a visit with her sister in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bowers: left Tues day for Montana to visit their daugh ter, Mrs. Paul Schaubel, who is re ported seriously ill. Grant White, W. H. Bair and Geo. Old Folks Saved From Suffering Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass., In her 87th year, says: "I thought I was beyond the reach of medicine, hut Foley Kidney Pills have proven most benefioial in my ease." Air. Bam A. Hoover, High Point, N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was worse at right and I had to get up from five to seven times. Now I do net have to get up at night, and con sider tnvself In u truly normal con dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid ney Pills, as I have taken nothing else." Mrs. M. A. TirldKes, Robinson, Mass., sayn: "I suffered from' kidney ail tnents for two years. I commenced taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months !!Ko, and though I am 61 years of ago, I feel like a lU-year-old girl." Fdlev Kidney Pills aro tonic, strcnKthitnlnf? and up-bulldlnK, and restore normal action to the kidneys and 'oi disordered and painful blad der. They act quickly and contain no dangerous or harmful drugs. hadby nil. Pumpkin pie, elder, doughnuts, sandwiches and coffee were served. The proceeds of the evening was $10. Saturday was tho regular meeting of Harding Grange. Twenty-five mem ners ana one visitor. Dinner was cooked on the new stove which made it Juste better. Arrangements are under wuy for a two days' extension service school in December here. On Saturday evening, November 24, there will be a Red Cross benefit in tho way of an entertainment and dance, gotten up by the women's work committee of the grarii?o. Good program, good time. Everyone bring lunch, which will be sold at close- of program. Admission 25c for grown ups und 10(1 for children over five. A bean thresher began operations in Logan this week. F. P. Wilson Is preparing to build an udditlon to Ills hou.se. A petition calling a meeting on Sat unlay, November 24, at Lower Logan school house has been signed up as required by the now low, for a special road tax. Harrisburg Work Is progressing on new mill plant here. Damascus DAMASCUS, Nov, 1 Mrs. Edith Robinson is working for Mrs. Jno, Moore. Miss Selma Hock Is working In Portlund. Papsch Bros, are putting up wood for Mrs. Watts. miss nuzei uruicoii una nn opera tion on her throat Saturday. Miss Irene Scott is teaching Bchool for a few days In Miss Drlscoll's place The annual missionary mooting was held at Mrs. M. Rood's Wednesday In stead of Mrs. Jno. Moore's. Mr. James, Mrs. A, Wolfhugnn, Mrs W. Sheer and Myrtle, motored to Ore gon City Wednesday and were tli guosts of Mr. and MrB. Earl Sheer. Mrs. Edwards, of Oregon City, visiting her cousin, Mrs. 10. Hull, Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, Nov, . Mrs. Ad die Judd enl.ertiiine.il the Helpln nana Wednesday. Mrs. Nnylor will entertain the club on, Wednesday, No vember 21. Mrs. J, W, Cahlll attended tho moot lug of tho W. c. t, u. at Mrs. D, M, Marshall's, Estacada. Will Douglass bad a road-working- Oak Grove OAK GROVE. Nov, 7. Mr. and Mrs. A. Worthlngton entertained n few friends from Clackniniiii Tuesday ev iiIiih'. Dancing unit curds were enjoyed by thoso present. Dainty refresh ments were served by tho hostess. ho guest worn Mr. and Mra. Pet Crlckson, Misses Anna and Muggy Wheeler. Josephine MIckto, Mr. T. Ackerinan, Dan Gaffney, Cluva Batten, ohn Ackerinan itnd J. Mann. Hallowe'en parties were given at the homes of Mrs. Albert WeUler. John Hlsley, Mrs. Wesley Thlessen and Mrs. K. C. Warren, the latter entertaining for her niece, Doris Hrumley. A gen era! good time was hud nt all place. Refreshment were served and game played. The boy mude things merry near midnight on Hallowe'en, but did not do much damage, Kumeone broke the drinking fountain at the school, some, gate were exchanged and wool neat- tered over the school ground. W. II. Allen ha been on the sick list, but ta able to be out at present. Mr. nnd Mr. Harry Worthlngton, Mr. E. Worthlngton and two daught er, Burl and llernlce, were dinner guest of their grfnndmotSier, Mr. Hridgct 0 Hrlcn of Oswego. Suml.iy. Miss Ellen Worthlngton returned home fiom Prlndlo, Wash., last week. She accompanied her sister, Mr. Wal ter llolbrook, and son home. Mr, and Mr. John Oiler and baby aro visiting their grandparent, Mr. and Mr. Henry Riley. The little one U a great grandchild of this pioneer couple.. Tho Parent Teachers' entertainment was a success, and a large number wn out, even If it did rain. The children' part In tho program was good, and woll given. The reading of Mis Skinner, of Portland, wa ap preciated by the children. Theso mu sical will be given each month dur ing the winter, after which a nodal hour will be given. The regulur mooting of the Parent- Teachers' Association will be held Friday afternoon at the school house nt 3 o'clock. AH ladle are Invited, Mis Jano Harding bus gnno to San Francisco. California, to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Carlqulst and daughter, Lydla, have moved Into the Dcdrlck hotiso on Cedar Avenue. K. Salter and family have rented the Mooro house in Oak Grove park und moved last week. Mr. und Mrs. L. T. Davis and daugh ter, Mrs. LouIho Ilrodlng, of McMlnn vtlle, are visiting the Misses Williams. Edward Vance Spldell. youngest h?n of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Splmlell, passed away Friday morning after a short Illness. Ills nge was four years. two months nnd twenty days. The funoral services were conducted bv Rev. C. A. Lewis Sunday afternoon at Kenworthy's undertaking parlors In Sellwood, find the interment was on Monday morning In Mllwuukio ceme tery. They have taken our darling from us And placod him with the angels above Where he will watch over those that loved him And welcome them home to God. James Spldell came home Sunday morning from Gnat Inland, Cal., to at tend his brother's funeral, Fred Ilnrrls and family are hore from Washington to attend the funeral of Mrs. Harris' brother, Vance Spldell, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Moore left for Soasld the Inst of the weok to make their future home with their son, Tracy, on account of Mr. Moore's honlth. Mr. and Mrs. Telford have rontod the Moore projporty and will move there this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson are be ing congratulated on the birth of a little daughter, born Nov. 2nd, at the Emanuel hospital In Portlund. The mother and baby are doing woll. The Ladies Aid will hold a meeting Wetlnosday, followed by a tea. Rov. Young will preside at the morn ing sorvlces and Epworth Lenguo Sun day night. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. All invltod to the meetings. Marsh field Bacholor Hull is plan ned near mill at Bunker Hill for em-ployos. Klamath Falls 10. farmers of Kla math County to water 1720 acres.