Page 6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1917. London Police Now Wear Helmet Against Bombs 1 I .VI till V v if! f.' ,v 4 1 .! 'V. V 'L -K. ' .a I i Policemen In London haY8 been given steel helmeta like thosa worn by British soldiers In the trenches to protect them tgalnst bombs from Zeppelins. NORTON ALLEGES CRUELTY Frank Norton is plaintiff in a di vorce action filed against Louise Nor ton In circuit court Friday In which he alleges cruel and inhuman treat ment and failure of the defendant to live with him. The complaint Btates that the couple were married at Van couver, Washington. June 14, 1917, and that on the ride home to Portland the same evening the defendant re fused to ride with plaintiff but rode with the driver of the car, and told the occupants of the car she did not love plaiutiff and could not under stand why she had married him. AUTO THIEF KILLED SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 29. Frank Grogan, driving an automobile truck he bad just stolen, was killed today when the machine crashed into a street car. Henry Hawthorne, said to have been his pal, who was on the seat with him, was held by the police on a charge of manslaughter as a result of the accident FIFTH SON TO UNCLE SAM. North Bend Work starts on new dry kilns for North Bend Lumber & Mill Co. St Johns to have plant for instal lation of machinery in vessels. Cottage Grove Brown Lumber Co's mill here may be rebuilt soon. POLK'S GAZETTEER car, I town ua tuure la I'regoa bad Washing Uia, giving a Irscfiptii Hkftrh of each plar-, Locatioa, rnipiunjr fMuiurs ana iiaiMt. lied IMMwtory l each Sueiacii B. UVOIK CO, las. 1 ChHe Bricklay, Football Star of Har vard, la Ona of Thtm. Bwton.- Mi-s. William J. Brk-kley. mother of the Harvard football star, has given four of her five sons to the country and mvs that uon as the younsst is a little oliH-r be'U bo too. William J. Brirkley. Jr.. the oldest son. Is a yeiuan at Commonwealth pier, South Boston; Charley Brlckley, the second sou, whose tie has won many a victory for the vrimson team, is tralnlujr with the Harvard reserve officers' corps; tieoriw Brickley hai Joined the medical reserve corps as hospital apprentice, and Joseph Brick ley Is In the army unit at Norwich uni verslty. So much has leeu written about the athletic prowess of Charley Brlckley that New Eniandors to a certain ex tent have overlooked the ability of tht other boys on the Held and In the gym nasium. Eiecially has little been beard about Bill, the oldest son. The heavyweight champion of the na val reserves at Commonwealth pier Is. sued a challenge the other day to all comers. The first acceptance was from Bill, and the bout was arranged. The mill was fast and furious and cutlet in Bill scoring a kuot kout. A round, smooth hole in the side of a franite monumeut about nine miles out from Mexico City is locally known by a term which signifies "Pluto's afcty valve." The hole is alanit nine tuches in diameter at the uteuing. which U polishrtd in a tujuner which suggests human woikuiasish'p. That man had nothing to do ith drilling or polishing this hle iil l. readily sur mised when it is known that it has occasinually emitted hot a:r and smoke during a period extimdiug ovr 300 years. Dolph to have new cheese factory. WON BYGARTOONS North Dakota Artist Elected to Congress by Drawings. ILLUSTRATED HIS SPEECHES. Nona of th Othar Politieal Campaign' era Could Equal J. M. Batr'a Chalk Talks In Catting Audiancaa Farmart Would Fifty Milaa to Saa tha Young Fallow Maka Thoa Pioturea, Fargo. N. IX All the set rule, of po litical poker wer violated In Norih l. kota when the worklngmeu of the cities and the farmers united to send a nonpartisau raudldsle to congivsa. John M. Baer, who was sent on bis way to Washington by a 3.000 plurality, Is not a lawyer, gone to jolu tha 3o0 other lawyer in our national assembly, lustead. he Is a cartoonist on a Kargo newspaper, lie was educated as a civil engineer, took a tliug at farming and became luterestted In politics through the cartoonist's necessity for studying current affairs. If he had been a year younger than his twenty-live years he could not have been admitted to th bouse of representatives. Naturally, the young men were fot him. Drainage engineers spoke for him because they thuiiglit his technical training would bo of nso In discussing . s, V .,ut. .9' 1i . ' i X . " !' "! German Submarine Being Lifted Into the United States ' I-'-" I : , y , " f j I . . . I , W I a v. .Ai iium - fT y V 'w - v A i it ' . . 1 ' .... . A Lii; :: 1 -l.t This German submarine, l'C-5, captured by the British many months ago, was transported to the United States to be placed In Central Park, New York, as part of the Liberty Loan campaign. The photograph shows the vessel In three sections lifted from a steamer to the pier. John u. a.u:a. pnhllr- improvement projects. Cartoon Isls and artists sent drawings for traveling esliiMt ltost!ng his cause. One newspupor humorist gave up his job to go out and giv& Illustrated 8eecbes for him. hi the I'argo Cour ier News, all Bucr's drawings bore the union laliel-mid tlic wi rkiugmao was favorably inclined Then there were the farmers, whose lot he once hud shared In liU brlel twenty-live ears of life The Itepub lican and ltemoc-rniii'tandidates sought to impeach his record on the soiL VS. they rharged. he made himself the laughing stock of the community by covering a wauon l.unl of Hax to pro teit It from the frost. It seems thai flax Is linrvloiiN In chill, and tlif --- rrri r. gr.-,rw ,.r,f ;,i 7t i..." agricultural district It appeared m one time that .Mr i:.-r nM ul sur vive this indication tliut lie was unlit ted to sit in the national councils But Baer got out hi nr'Ms crayon and drew a picture r the farm wagon driving through n terrltn- windstorm The tarpaulin, he pn.ved lo all ttllhln hearing nt sight, was necessary to pre veut his harvest finn. bluwlng away Having thus displayed saicsumullke ability for explaining aa damugiug evidence, the rai-e was e.t tHletl lo Hie young uoupurtlsuu As a politinildrawlim card all the old parly oratory could not eipial Mr. Uuer's chalk talka Farmers would drive llfty miles to see the young fellow draw those picture -crude likenesses of anything from a stale untied grain elevator lo a fat Minneapolis miller gouging the men who raised the wheat. Haer's election marked the entry ol the Nutlonal Nonpartisan league Into uatlounl iHilltlc. Lively Interest was manifested thnMigtniiit the nation be-" cause the league lias now spread Into eight' stutes. Kansas, Missouri and Ne braska among them, with a total uieia bershlp of UHUXW. nearly half of which la In North Dakota. Oropa 'Kanac' From Plana, lied wood City. Cal.-"The kaiser la dead.'" shouted a modern Paul Re vere, galloping through Itedwood City. The people rushed to the town hall to hear eontirmatlon of the new. Direct ed to a nearby marsh, they found the "kaiser" up to his neck In mud. Dan Havidson. air pilot at the nearby avia tion school, made an eillpy of friend Hill Hoheiutollern. went up in his aero plane early In the morning and dropid Bill Into the marh An early rising farmer saw the ellis.v drop and rushed to the spot, thinking xonie aviator bad fallen. On learning it only th" kaiser th farmer spread the word. North Bend South Slough maca dam road work progresses. BAVARIAN OFFERED POST AMSTKHOAM. Oct. 29. The Zei tung am Mlttag. of Berlin, says the German chancellorship has been offer ed to the Bavarian premier. Count von llertllng, who has asked for time to consider the matter. COMPLAINT ALMOST GONE. "Foloy'a Honey and Tar la great," writes L. W. Day, 65 Campbell Ave, E., Derolt, Mich. "It relieve bron chitis quickly. My complaint ha al most gone and I hope never to have It again." The experience of thousands proves that there I no better remedy for coughs, colds, or croup. The gen uine costs no more than substitutes, and this old reliable cough medicine should be In every home every winter. Insist on Foley" Honey and Tar time tried and never falling. Jones Drug Co. Adv. NELDON'8 WATCH 8H0P Headquarters for First-Class Repair ing on Watches, Clock, Jewelry. All Job Warranted. 220 7th SL Near Oregon City Eleytor. I Tay Postage on Jobs Sent In by Mail. FRANK NELDON Watchmaker and Jeweler. rHONES Qfflce Home, A-23 Pacific, 253 Rosldence 36F11 DR. WM. C SCHULTZE DR. F. P. SCHULTZE Physicians and Surgeon Rooms 217-218 Masonic Bu'ldln. Oregon City Oregon Money to Loan PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Deutsch-iprechender Advokat OREGON CITY OREGON DEAD IIORSE3 TAKEN Cash paid for dead cows and down and out horses. Will call any whore. Phone Mtlwnukle 09 J. WANTED to hear from owner of good ranch for tale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn, NOTICE of Road District Budget Masting. Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to Chapter 234, General Law 1913, and Chapter 223, General Laws, 1915, a meeting of the legal voter of Glad stone Road District No. 61, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held at Glad stone School House, in said district on the 24th day of November, 1917, at the hour of 7:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of considering the follow ing estimates of the amount of money to be raised by special tax In ald district for the ensuing year: Road and Highway. Improvement and maintenance of fol lowing described roads: County road from Clackamas River wagon bridge along Clackamas Boulevard to Portland Avenue; thence following Portland Avenue to Ipswich Street: thence via Abrr nothy Lane to the city limit of Gladstone. Clackamas County. Oro- gon IS03.24 County road from Clackamas wagon bridge, along Oregon City Milwaukie road to Arlington street, Glndslone; thence, In discretion of county court, either following pres ent traveled county road No. 417 to Gladstone city limits, or follow ing Railroad avenue, Gladstone, to city limits of Gladstone $1803.21 Probable Receipt. Probable receipts of ssld road dis trict from sources other than from direct taxation upon real and per sonal property for the ensuing year $ Nil.. Balance. Amount of all balances on hand f Nil Subscribed by three resident free holder o( said district and by tht rond itinervlHor of said district this 83rd day of October, 1917. Also subscribed by County Judge. C. W. PARRISII, Freeholder, WM, HAMMOND, Freeholder. T. J. II. WILLIAMS. Freeholder. II, C. W RON Kit, Road Hutiervtsor Road Dint. No. 61. II. S. ANDKDSON, County Judge, NOTICE of Road District Budget Meeting. Notice Is hereby given that, pursu ant to Chapter 234, General Law 1913,. and Chapter S23, (liuieral Law 1915. a meeting of the legal voter (it Road District No. 3f, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held at tha Cottrell school house District No. 107, In (aid district, on the 24th day of Novem ber, 1917, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock u. m, for the purpose of considering the following estimates of the amount of money to be raised by special tax In said district tor the ensuing year: Rosd and Highways, Improvement and maintenance of Mullenhoff Shrlner road 1200.00 Improvement and maintenance if Booth road 1200.00 Improvement and maintenance of Rnilford road 1200.00 Improvement and mnlntenanc of Dunn road . 1200.00 Improvement and maintenance of Oregon City road ........ 1200.00 Propabls Receipt. Probable receipts of (aid road district from source other than from direct taxation upon real and personal property for the ensuing year I Balance. Amount of all balance on hand, none Subscribed by three resident free holders of snbl district and by the road supervisor of said district this 20th day of October, 1917. Also subscribed by County Judge. FRANK BEERS, Freeholder. K, R. BROOK. Freeholder, a. N. HOOD. Freeholder. R. A. HUTCHINS. Road Supervisor Road Dlst No. 35. H. S. ANDERSON, County Judge. Notice of Road District Meeting to 'Vote Special Road Tax. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to See. 15, Chap. 299, General Ijiws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 1. Clnckainne County, Ore con, will be held tin the 21th day of November, A. D. 1917, In said Road District, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock p. m., In Harmony School House, to vote an additional tax in said road lis trlct for road purposes a by law pro vided, ' It. 8. ANDERSON, County Judge. Notice of Road District Masting to Vote Special Road Tax. Notice I hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Law of Oregon for 1917, that a Iload District Meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 35, Clackamas County. Oregon, will be held on the 24th day of November. A. D. 1917. In tald Road District ,at tho hour or 1:00 o'clock p. tn., In the Cottrell school house. School District 107, to vote sn addi tional tax In eald road district for road purposes aa by law provided. II. 8. ANDERSON. County Judge. HANK AMD PETE mm isa Quinm DO Tav SCC THAT Ft HOW OVta THISI HE'OoT AS, THl (SOOIC THAV rut POllCC HAVt BILN AFTU Foa TtMO TtAHi, AND if VlC COILA HIM Ou ruToRt Wtu.Be Mtl- NOW Yu STANO HCRC VI Hill S Ovea And FiASH MY " . '- .. , rv v Yow Htl-S fix Y4HtSTt.l! - S". OH IM JuiT A PEACEFUL OFFICERS P"' X- n; t tv ' 1 . i l i'l.f'",! . ABt.wrtT ?CLv-," I oh xoo ar e r ... rhH9 U f Y "' I ABOWT it t J ( i , &f"r3 HEf ? M - 'J ARt TOO ? f 1 F - v "C? I r ' . . "vi e vr . . i t-r i-.- v -. : wtir , i i srr H-jr.u- it -i . - ) tm . u. 1 l --r x tftofcri- HANK AMD PETE A RATHER LARGE ORDER fOR PEIE TO IWIf By KEN KLING i e etcr viaiTinc Mint roit Timet moos AND I AlUT SttH A ITMINC Ol PtTl A NO Hli PRIiOMtR C04M I HOPE THtt PID CET LOiT '! . -C-, , . M fill El --ffl TAKt'WeaY OAvt S it iAt pete, we're fRrSP iF"l ojea to the Ntw jail & . ty o An. y- ntNC oot to Sllsf H W'ii-.F'i BE. 4utc to corF hih - f H-s ?r";-7i. H. fHt WW JAIl HOUStlB l t' t f tf'S U? COCO 'CftOSE HE'S J.- I H - J'';:1 - j t ' r23 TO DAT AND TMt J-&SfS M f-"l'- I D A PKCTTV kAMCrUtK I fl fc?) ILL MEET You ovltft I T f ... Cl,,cr t raTTl I r C I kv III I :; !! li . . L" TT- H-E-Rl :'i it rone 1 lJlJZ.HX f f -n I On iLt BRincI 'a"'. V" hi, - 1 f- r i I - flfcfcSi V I 'a SfeTO 11,1 UUn4 r "VC i : : : L 1 r r..... ' . . n : 1 7 -L---J r . t I looks, liki PETt VtlMATi THt MATTER , 1 t U .vTON nti I 1 OIO YOUR PRISONER. -"TJA I J d'rm. Roao now, iusc. and A --rCfeS I ctt away r Ron you' . - . -rjs'-.'i I 'iST HE' AU A10NC DM t iA. V '-i"V3- -r!-i.. Hi 1 L. .:S tljr,"M I ' :tu0T' ' Nn I r.rtT V I 'Ml i'ii' i(t ,y ttaxvvVtroWrvirm i-W'1' - ' iVt'4'')'1' v A HW'- - 3. , ..... .AWVttV'1 f V' ai!&a-stWC 1 ' Qnvtionl cd'oqn tcautce ccsy N't,. - 7 ;i,ww.-jf J