Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 02, 1917, Image 2

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ESTACADA, Ore.. Nov. 1. Mr. and
Mrs. R, M. Standish visited Portland
relatives Monday night.
At a special meeting of the Esta
cada city council, D. S. Fleming and
Jas. Smith were appointed councilman
to fill the vacancies caused by John
Irovelac accepting the mayorship and
S. E. Wooster's removal from Esta
cada to Garfield.
The Hallowe'en dance Sotnrday
night, given by the C. I. C was well
attended and all report a most en
joyable time. The proceeds, after ex
penses were paid, netted the ladies
$17. The Bronson Erickson orches
tra furnished the music.
A jitney supper was served by the
ladies of the Christian church last Fri
day evening, and was called "A Trip
to Goblinville. Jitneys conveyed
those who attended to the home of
D. S. Fleming, where a part of the
excellent supper was served. From the
Fleming home the crowd went to the
D. M. Marshall residence, just north
of town, and then to the T. E. Wil
son residence, then to the Y. II.
" Holder home and from there to the
church. The course supper was serv
ed Bt the different places visited and
finished at the church. Hallowe'en
decorations were in abundance at a'J
these homes and black cats, hobgob
lins and the "frozen mil" were also
in evidence for the amusement of the
guests. The proceeds amounted to
Next Monday Harry C. Reed will
leave for American Lake in answer
to the fourth call for boys to make out
the enlistment in the Clackamas coun
ty quota of fifty-two recruits. Mr.
Keed is one of the most popular young
men of this community. He has been
engaged in business with the Walter
Givens Co. for some time, and will
still retain his interests, hoping to re
sume on his return.
E. W. Bartlett, wife and daughter.
Miss Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. I. D.
Wright went to American Lake the
latter part of last week to visit Ken
Bartlett, and the Trowbridge family
who reside somewhere in that vicinity,
returning Tuesday.
The'quota for the Estacada district
for tha sale of Liberty bonds was
514.000 and that amount was sub
scribed with an addition of two or
three thousand. A big mass meeting
called by the F. & M. club, helped to
enthuse the Liberty bond spirit and
the officials of the Estacada State
Bank did a thorougn canvassing
which showed good results. The Esta
cada Boy Scouts also assisted materi
ally in the good work. Everybody
seemed to have the spirit and bought
as liberally as their means would al
low. Mrs. W. A. Heylman left last week
for Spokane, Wash., to be absent for
severa Idays.
Miss Rachel Reed whose marriage
to R, C. Denning is to take place Sat
urday evening, November 3, has been
the recipient of numerous "showers"
of late. Miss Helen Bartlett entertain
ed at a linen shower in honor of Miss
Reed, and Mrs. C. W. Devore also
had a party in her honor when the
guests presented the bride-to-be with
articles for the kitchen.
Estacada's new marshal, John Page,
is certainly doing some excellent work
on the streets of this city, a fact
which will be fully realized when the
winter rains set in.
The W. C. T. IT. of this place meet
at the home of Mrs. D. M. Marshall
Thursday, where the ladies spent the
afternoon making surgical bandages
for the Red Cross.
Mrs. Erma (Graham, of Portland,
visited her mother, at this place Sat
urday and Sunday.
Miss Dora Curren, who is a stulent
at the State University, was home
over the Sabbath.
Mrs. R. Reagan and daughter, Miss
Kittie, visited friends in Portland Sat
urday and Sunday.
Leo Havens is now employed in the
railroad mail service with headquar
ters at Portland. His mother, .Mrs.
Al Havens, is residing with him.
Mrs.'E. R. P.ates, of Portland, ar
rived Tuesday to make an extended
visit with her mother, Mrs. C. G. Mil
ler. Dr. William Dale has become assist
ant dentist in 1GG Depot Brigade, No.
u, at Camp Louis, American Lake. j
Henry Heiple and R. M. Standish
left Thursday for Olix, Ort-son. to j
hunt geese and ducks for several
Miss Florence Kendall vi.r'eJ her'
sister, Mrs. A. K. Morton, iu Port
land the week-end.
Bert Moore has sold his auto and
purchased a motorcycle.
Died, at his home, at Eagle Creek,
Tuesday night, Oct. 30, William G.
Domm, of Bright's disease. Mr. Domm
was 56 years of age and leaves a wid
ow and one son.
It is reported that Dave Eschelman
and family, who moved to the North
ern part of Montana last full, will re
turn to Estacada soon to again make
this place theih home.
N. C. B. Laurey and wife were Port
land visitors for two or three days
last week.
Springfield Work on road between
here and Morris ranch nearlng com
pletion. State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, ss,
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business In the City
. of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of H -V LL'S CATARRH
6 worn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 18S6. A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken in
ternnlly and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Bend
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all druggists, '3c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
1 A WVlJ
a I m - r v
BARLOW, Nov. 1. Arthur Brudrlg
returned home Saturday from Tort
land, where he has been having his
eye treated by a specialist, after hav-,
ing it severely Injured while picking
up potatoes.
Mrs. Tremayne of Beaver Creek, Saturday,
has bought the Tarks property and The Cedardale school was Invited to
taken possession, Mrs. Tremayne a Hallowe'en party at Meadowbrook
has three children of school age. (Friday evening.
Ladles Aid met with Mrs. Anderson j B. F. Bonney preached at old Colton
Wednesday. Sunday.
The school house has a new root,' The Cedardale school had a Hallow
fresh coat of paint and the school e'en party Saturday evening at school
grounds in general has a neat and house.
presentable appearance. . The rock crusher passed through
A food conservation meeting was Cedardale Friday evening enroute
held in the school house Monday from Union Mills te Colton.
night, there being no speaker present M. Clark of Bee Hill. Is spending a
as promised. Miss Pierce, our teacher few days with his family and putting
explained the good of the meeting, in the winter's supply of wood.
A large crowd was present j Supervisor Vedder visited the Col-
Carl Brodrig, of Portland has come ton school this week.
home to spend his 19th birthday last I ,-, ,
week. ( I
Bernard Berg returned from cast-i
ern Oregon with his tractor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mix have rented the
P'ae lor lne coramg ,ear u
Mr. Mallett has moved his family
into Wm. Keebaugh's house.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel King have a
new daughter, and have moved Into
Mr. Johnson's house.
Edward Dregnie invested his sum
mer's savings in Liberty Bond of
Miss Kirk has returned from Mc
Minnville with her health much Im
proved. ' The people of this vicinity contrib
uted liberally tor the Soldiers Xmas
boxes, there being eighty pounds ship-
ped from here. The money donated
here was all spent at our stores In
buying the articles mentioned on the
list, and our merchants selling every
thing purchased with this money at
cost, besides contributing liberally.
Ml'LINO, Nov. 1. Mrs. Catherine
Goucher, who has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Noblitt, at
Needy, for the past two weeks, re
turned home last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erickson mo
tored to Dallas last Saturday and
while there were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Daniels.
Sidney Smith was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. William Wallace last Thurs
day and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldorf and
O. L. Daniels motored on the Col
umbia Highway last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels and child
ren were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Noblit at Needy, last Sun-
Mrs. Ella Dodge and her daughter,
Miss Althea Macdonald were Oregon
City visitors Saturday.
August Erickson and his daughters,
Mrs. Leslie Holiday and Mrs. Ed Ber
dine, motored to Canby Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Crook visited relatives
at Lyons last week. 1
. i
MEADOWBROOK, Ore., Nov. 1. j
Walter Dimick spoke on Liberty bonds
at the Meadowbrook school house
Thursday night. Quite a number took
out bonds amounting to $750. '
Walter Gorbett has finished grav-;
eling the road between Meadowbrook'
and the stump. He has moved the'
rock crusher above Cclton. j
Mr. and 'Mrs. Yulinen have moved
to the shipknee camp on the Molalla. j
Mrs. Yulinen wil do the cooking for;
the camp. i
Mis Hudson visited at Mr. Sulli
van's Sunday, j
Hallowe'en parties were given at;
Meadowbrook and Cedardale schools.:
An enjoyable time was had eat both;
Dick Austin and family visited at
the A. L. Larklns' home Sunday. I
Herman, ln and R.iben Chindgren !
were visitors Sat. inlay an1 Sunday.!
Seina Iiel'baek retimed hom-;
Wednesday from the shipknee camp
where she has be-n cocking.
Myrtle, Hazel Glenn -and Alcn Lark
ins spent S.iniiay at Silvcrton and
Marquam visiting fr' nds and rela
tives. Beaver Creek
Henry Stuben and family, of Echo,
Ore., are visiting relatives in Beaver
Creek. They were former residents
of the latter place.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Parry have mov
ed to Portland, where they intend
making their future, home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Fisher and Wm. Martin mo
tored to the North Forks of the Mo
lalla Sunday, where they sent part of
the day fishing.
3. Londergan has purchased a new
Maxwell car. j
Mrs. phas. Macher. and daughter,
Marion, of Portland, motored to Bea
ver Creek Saturday.
Jos. Hoff, merchant, of Beaver
Creek, was in Oregon City on business
Mr. and Mrs. D. Martin and family
are occupying the little cottage on the
Moorehouse farm, which was form
erly occupied by Clyde Anderson and
Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas entertain
ed friends from Portland Sunday.
W. D. Herman motored to Oregon
City Saturday.
Mrs. Philip Stiner spent the week
end In Portland visiting friends and.
Marshfleld Buehner Lumber Co.
to start construction of planer sheds
about 800 feet long and rdy kilns about
300 feet long. Fifty more men to be
employed In new departments.
CEDARDALE. Ore,. Nov. 1. I. O.
Orcm and family were guest at the
Fred Blackman home at Union Mills
Mrs. Charles Johnson and daugh
ter, Edna, were Oregon City visitor
WIISONVILLE, Ore., Nov. L-Dls-
W(,t Attorney Kvm,s ami family, of
Portland, were In Wilsonville Monday
evening, and attended the "Conserva
tion of Food" meeting, at the school
house, Mr. Evans delivered an ad
dress. Mr. Gunzell has accepted a posi
tion In the local bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford and daugh
ter have moved to Harrisburg.
Rolls of honor have been placed In
Light Draft because high wheeled.
Perfect Separation hecause of longer and wider eleva
tiors than others like size.
Long Lasting Because all parts are made of the most
enduring material.
.4.11-7 V . . i y.,ijjt
the fcchool-hoiiBe, and comprise a card
of names of soldiers, from our county
schools, now in the ranks of the tier
vice. Mrs. Butler visited in Portland on
Sunday, with Dr. Butler.
D. E. Blackburn has charge cf tho
Oregon Electric depot at this place,
since the departure of Mrs. Ruther
ford. Elmer Jones has purchased a Ford,
during the past week.
I'ranl Stature! in tipiirl nf tllfi f!(in-
j BerVation of Food committee from this
part of the county, and a truer patri
ot could not have been selected by
our county judge, then h'3.
On October 23rd, the farmers did
road work near the depot, for shipping
Conservation of Food Day, and
Frances Willard Day" were observed
by the local school.
Clifford Murray, formerly a resi
dent here, spent Sunday In Wilson
ville, with his family.
Attorneys C. Schuebel and L. Stipp,
were In Wilsonville on Wednesday on
We may all feel justly pround of our
quota of liberty bonds, as our local
bank was to raise $12,000, and ex
ceeded that amount by two hundred
and sixty dollars.
The village school house was
crowded on Monday evening, the occa
sion being a conservation of food
meeting at which Attorney Evans, of
Portland, lectured on the question of
the day. Miss Scollard, principal of
the local school. Introduced the speak
er, In a very appropriate and graceful
manner, hud the noted Portland ora
tor explained every phase of the situ
ation, until each man, woman and
child within the sound of bis voice,
loft that he wished to do his "bit" in
this time of our country's crisis. Eager
faces were turned to Ihe speaker, and
nimble fingers quickly signed the
cards, pledging support from each and
every household.
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, Nov. L An enter
tainment and Hallowe'en social will be
held Friday evening at the school
house under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher
Association A good pro
gram has been arranged and the child
ren will take part. Every one Is
Invited to attend.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Coots caught fire Sunday afternoon
and was burned to the ground. The
timely arrival of neighbors saved the
household effects. The fire wa
caused from a defective flue. The
wind carried the burning cinders a
long distance, but no damage was
done from them. The budding was a
total loss with no Insurance. The fam
ily has moved Into a small house on
railroad avenue;
The Misses Klllgoro and Cook re
turned home Saturday night after a
long absence In the eastern elites.
Mr. and Mrs. Grim and son, Bobby,
moved to Portland Monday; to be
near Mr. Grlms' place of business dur
lng the winter.
Mrs. C. V, Benvle wont to Eugene
on an officlnl visit for the ladles of
the G. A. R, Saturday.
J. E. Calnvan, county school superin
tendent, B. G. Skulason, of Mllwauklo,
and H, G. Starkweather, spoke to a
large audience Sunday night In the
Investigate the operation
of the Dowden and you
will buy no other.
W. J. Wilson & Co.
Methodist church on Food Conserva
tion. Mrs. John Waldron and Mrs.
Blackman Hang.
.Rev. Young spoke Sunday morning.
Prayer meeting has been changed to
Wednesday evening.
Ladies' Aid met Wednesday after
noon at the church at 2 p. m. Tea was
served. ,
The first quarterly conference was
held Wednesday evening. Dr. ford,
presiding elder, also Kev. Young was
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass.,
In lier 87th year, says: "I thought I
was beyond thn reach of medicine, but
Foley Kidney rills have proven most
beneficial In my case."
Mr, Bam A. Hoover, High Point,
N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at night and I bad to get up
from five to seven times. Now I do
not have to gt up at nieht, and con
older rnynelf in a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney I'll Is, as I have taken nothing
Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass.,
says: "I stifrered from' kidney ail
ments for two years. I commenced
taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months
aso, and though I am 61 years of ago,
1 feel like a 10-year-old girl."
Foley Kidney Fills are tonic,
3trtnKthf'nin and up-buildim?, ana
restore normal action to the kidneys
and to a disordered and painful blad
der. They act quickly an'l contain
no dangerous or harmful drtigs. ,
present. After the business, a social
hour was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lindsay, of Sher
wood will move here and occupy their
own house on Railroad avenue about
November 1st.
The needle craft and domestic sci
ence club met Friday at the home of
Mrs. R. C. Warren. After routine busi
ness, a social hour was enjoyed, Mrs,
L, E. Armstrong was honor guest. Tea
and cake were served by the host
ess. The next mooting will be held
November 2. at the home of Mrs,
Warren Follonsby and sister Louise,
have moved from the Skoog house to
St. Theresa station. While Warren Is
able to be out he Is Improving slowly.
Mrs, W. H. Barkadale was Joint host
ess with Mrs. C. llowen, of Port
land Saturday In honor of the birth
day of. her son, Lewis A, Games
were played on the lawn. Fourteen
little tots enjoyed the afternoon sport.
Ten mothers were present. Ice cream
and a big birthday cake were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant White were
Sunday guests of Mrs. Whites par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hnlnoa of
Leo Shaver and Arthur Knight of
Molalla, were Canby visitors Satur
Misses, Lorraine Lee and Vlolette
Evans, of Portland, were week end
guests of relatives in Canby.
Miss Frances Potter was a week-end
guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Robins
of Union Hall.
Mrs. John Oast rock and Miss Louise
Cast rock were Porttand shoppers on
Oscar Bendshadler, of Elgin, Ore.,
was a guest of his brother George
Bendshadler and family this week
Mrs. Chris Peterson, of InJopond
ence was a guest of Con Bowsley
and family this week.
Mrs. Henry A. Dedman was a Port
land shopper Thursday.
Mrs. Garrison was a gueBt of her
daughter, Mrs. Delia Yorge this
Ora' Slater made a business trip to
Rainier Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry O. Stacy and
family have moved from Portland and
are living In the A, F. Knight prop
erty on 2nd ' D" Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Avon Jesse, of Grlbble
Prairie, were Canby shoppers Satur
day. John Kopper, a prominent farmer
of Marks Prairie, was In Canby Sat
David Yoder, a prominent resident
of Yodcrvllle, made a business trip to
Canby Monday.
The Canby Auxiliary of the Red
Cross met at the home of Mrs. K. O.
Robinson. The Red Cross In Canby
is a very enthusiastic body and so
many are attending that It Is Im
possible to accommodate them at a
private home, so the I. 0. O. F. lodge
donated the use of their new lodge
hall to the Red Cross for the future
meetings. The sewing machines for
use have been donated by the owners
The Red Cross has completed a box
of 20 dozen handkerchlofs, 20 dozen
dozen napkins, 8 dozen tray cloths, 3
dozen shoulder wraps, 2 dozen bed
socks and 2 dozen hospital bed shirts.
It has also donated 50 tea towels
and 100 lbs Italian prunes tor th
ClRcksiiin County Chrltmna boxes.
At our next mooting, which will be
hold hI (he home of Mrs, C. N.
Walt, Miss Utrene Parker, of Hulom
City, will address the ladles on food
conservation. The following were
present: Mrs. Vaimeke, Mrs, Suhnti
bel, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Walt, Mrs,
lames. Mrs. I.noke, Mrs. W. II. llatr.
Mrs. Kcclos, Mrs, Leo, Mrs, Ilradtl,
Mrs, Latincr, Mrs, Miller, Mrs, Hera
man, Mrs. Knlitht, Mrs. Wan, Mrs.
Hates, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Robinson.
The meeting of the Pood Conserva
tion League of Canby school District.
No, git, was held at the Canby school
house Monday evening, The meeting
was called to order by 8upt. of Schools
V. M. Roth, who outlined the purposes
of the meeting. The other speakers
wore II. II. Kccles, principal of gram
mar schools;-Mayor W. II. Hair, Prof.
Harvey K. Table, Rev. Launor of the
Evangelical church and Uev. C. I). Car
los, of the M. K. church,
The families having children In the
High school and Grammar schools
have received pledge cards from the
school, while those families not having
children In the schools will be visited
by a committee appointed tor the
purpose. It Is hoped to have better
than 95 per cent of, the families bjv
come members of the league.
Mr. and Mrs. C, Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Itnrdera and Miss Duncan
attended the birthday party at the
Garfield country club Saturday night.
The day was Miss Anneta Pavls' and
Mrs. Kose Perry's birthday.
Mrs. A. Weldorhold and family
moved to Portland Inst Tuesday.
Mrs. Kd. Harden visited Mrs. P.
Ruhl Inst Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. White, of Viola, visit
ed the hitter's slater and brothcr-ln
law Mr, and Mrs, Chris JoIiiikoii.
The George sewing club will moot
at the home of Mrs. Terwllllger next
Thursday. '
P. Ruhl and Ed. Harden moved to
Portland last Thursday.
Mrs. Leo Hoth and Mr. and Mrs.
T. Harden visited Mr. and Mrs. W.
Held last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen and Miss
Duncan and Fred Line were Sunday
dinner guests at Log La liar re.
Theo. and Kd. Harden and Pred
and Carl Litis mndo a trip to Ksta
cada last Tuesday evening.
' Eagle Creek
EAGLE CltEKK. Nov. 1. Mr. and
Mrs. Clnudo Woodte were the guests
of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Woodle. the first of last week.
Mrs, II. S. Jones was In Eugle Creek
Mrs. Walter Douglass came home
Saturday and will remain at home for
a few days.
T. E. "McKay Is now hauling milk
A. N. Orke quitting the Job. Mr. Mc
Kay goes every day and takes the
milk to the chceso factory.
Mrs, It. II. Gibson was a Dover vis
itor Sunday.
Jne Cahlll was the guest of the
home folks Sunday.
Mrs. Viola Douglass and Mrs. II. S.
Jones, arcnmpnnlod by EI Douglass
and wife, went to Elrwood Sunday
and visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jlnf
It. M. Brash was a Sprlngwater
visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass moved
to Schuebel Sunday and visited with
some of the Moehnko's, relatives of
Mrs. Douglass.
Dick Gibson purchased a team, bug
gy and harness of Prod Anderson, of
Dover, on Monday.
The Food Conservation meeting held
was a success In every way. Louis
at the school house Monday evening
Jones, of Estacada, was present and
made an Interesting talk on the sub-
Joct. Mrs. Viola Douglass was elect
ed a Commlttciof one to serve In
this neighborhood.
Mrs. M. Durland, and daughters
Misses Marian and Pomelo, left for
Portland on Mondr.y, the dnughters
going on to LaGrango, m., Bn,i Mrs
Durland going to Spokane. Wash.
OSWEGO. Nov. l.-Carl Williams
returned Friday from Lowell, Arizona.
Mr. Williams has moved his family In
the Chas. Johnson residence for tho
Food conservation lecture wns giv
en In the Oswego school building by
Rev. Chandler, and Mr, Hammond,
of Oregon City, which was helpful to
nil who attended. A number of ladles
signed tho pledge to savo. One
youngster, to show his patriotism,
mado tho suggest Ion to his mother, if
she would sign the pledge, ho would
not eat a bite of candy till Xmns.
Hoth mother and son signed.
The Pocahontas and Redman gnve
another otto of their popular dunces
Saturday last. The hall was beauti
fully decorated to suit the occasion.
Autumn leaves, Jttck-'o-lnnterns, black
cats and witches, with the National
colors, were used for decorations, A
large crowd enjoyed the good music
which was furnished by a-Portland
Miss Irma Tlolce and Joe Hanson
spent Sunday with Miss Vorl and Loyd
Todd. In the evening the party of
young folks went to the Orpheum,
after which the .young men loft for
Fort Canby.
William Ural and family left Tuob
day for Ilolns, Wash., where (they
have rented a large farm.
Mrs. Arch Lewis, who recently re
turned home from Manhattan Beach,
whore Bhe spent several weeks for her
health, was taken suddenly 111 shortly
aftor her return home and was hurried
to the Good Samaritan hospital, where
she was operated on, Mrs. Lewis
went through the operation nicely,
and her many frlonds hope to see her
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson left on
Tuesday morning for Hilton, Montana,
where they will visit Mrs, Nolson's
brother for a few months.
Bill Davis, of Fort Stevens, wts
home on a five day furlough. Bill Is
sure looking fine,
Lloyd Todd, Letcher Nelson, Lon
Smoke, of Fort Canby, spent Saturday
and Sunday with their parents. ' .
Mrs. Otto Johnson returned borne
from the Oregon City hospital nt
week, greatly Improved In health,
which her many friends are pleased to
The Congregational church services
for the winter will he as follows:
alternate evonU'g service at 7:30 P.M.
ChrlHtlim Endeavor at 8:30 P, M.
The C. H. aocloty, nntlolpateg an
Interesting meeting next Sunday, Nov.
fourth, with a speaker from out of
town. Special mlslo. Everybody In
vited. Miss Kdna Murdock, of Ilarrlaburg,
Is vlMltlng her cousin, Mrs, (lu Klscr,
for a few days,
Mr, Snuff In lm closed his prunn dryer
having dried about 2.000 ivnunds of
The Garfield country Hub held one
of Its enjoyablo dance, October 20,
with a largo attendtmce.
Floyd Dwvis, a popular young man
of Garfield, was married to Mis Ora
Meyer of Spiiitgwuler at Vancouver,
October 20, Their tunny friend gave
them a reception last Sunday night.
wlHhlng them much hnpplncs.
The Gurttold baud rnorgantisod agnln
October 2 lib, after a few month' va
cation. On account of the resignation of
Cnrl Davis, school clerk of District
ss, Mrs, It, A. La ltnrro was elected
to fill the vtonncy.
IlrentnU Vedder vlalted Iho school
In Garfield to encourage the conser
vat Ion of food.
Miss Myrtle Hcltuiuan, of the Porter
srliool, spent the week end In Port
hind Inst tk,
Mr, and Mrs. J. Markwart are In
Portland on a buslm-n trip.
FOR SALE-One llolstt'tn Jrey cow,
Prcxh soon, high milk test. II. A,
1A llAHHE, Kstaradu, Ore,
Macksburg v
MACKSUURG, Nov. V I.oonard
Nebo hs returned from the hospital
at Salem, to all appearance, complete
ly restored In health.
Mr. and Mn. Lloyd llowen, who
have spent the past two year In
Fresno. Calif., have returned and r
living at th e home of Mr .and Mrs.
Bowers, Sr.
Mrs. Al. McCoy, with her little son,
Hex, has gone to EiiBtern Oregon,
where her htiHbnnd expects to settle
Mn. J, Gibson, with her two daugh
ters, Agnes and Anna, have gone to
visit Mn, Ncttlo Vogel at Portland.
Patrick Gibson Is working In Aurora.
The Mothers' club had very busy
all dny session Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Simon Miller. The next meet
ing I to be at Mrs, Miller' Nov. S.
A number of neUhbors and other
friends gathered at tin home of Mr.
J, Gibson to congrutitlnte her on her
birthday on tho evening of Hiituril.iy,
October 27. A very pleasant hour was
spent. Some appropriate and beaut !
fuftjlft were brought and a most
lemptlng repast wns served. Those
present liesldo Mr. Gibson's large
family were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bow
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Dledrlch Harms, Mr.
and Mrs. Hermann Harms, Mr. mid
Mrs. tloctirl, Mrs. tl, M. Baldwin, Miss
Anna Koch, the MIsbps Goebel and a
number of young gentlemen. In tho
latter part of the evening tho young
people engaged In dancing, which they
continued until a Into hour. Everyone
present pronounced Mrs. Gibson's
birthday purty a marked uc ess, and
said good bye with the w ish that sur
prise birthday parties might come
more frequently than they do.
Tho poluto hurveitt Is still going on
with the same fuvoruhlu weather.
Pickers are not as plenty as might be
desired and many children nre allowed
to go In tho fields. Mont of the pick
ers aro earning $2, and the more ex
pert are getting Jj.OQ per delm.
Tho beautiful clear nlKbts are made
still brighter by the ubiquitous clear
ing fires which wo watch with a
pleasure not without alloy. To see
huge piles of combustible materia! dis
appearing with a ITl'ttt sufficient to -dlffuso
an artificial summer 'through
out a block of houses, brings to mind
the cords of wood sold In the titles,
cords that the most lavish courtesy
could not call 128 cubic feet aud which
can not bo bought for less than seven
dolloitrs. True, tills encumbrance
must be removed from the ground to
mnlte way for crops und vp have nil
tho wood we can burn without It, but
tho thought will go forward to the
time when all the land nhull bo cleared
mid wo iniiHt burn coiil at the prlco
that the coul magnates t.hull decree.
No more blazing wood fires when tho
rainy season In on and all brightness
mhiit como from within only nu In
visible glow radial Ing but a moderate
wiiiinth which upeuls to but ono of
tho senses instead of putting body and
mind Into a thrill of delight felt by tho
merest child.
Some Oregon City People Have Learn
ed How to Get Relief.
ITow many people suffer from an
aching bnck?
How few know the cause?
If It hurts to stoop or lilt
If you suffor sudden, darting pains
If you are weak, lame and 'tired,
Suspect your kidneys.
Watch for nature's signal.
The first sign may be headache or
Nervousness or a constant, dead
tired feeling.
Avert the serious kidney diseases.
Treat the eakened kldnoys with
Bonn's Kidney Pills.
A remedy especially for sick kid
neys. Endorsed In Oregon City by your
friends and neighbors.
Mrs, Kate Flanagan, Sixth & Jef
foson Sts., Oregon City, says: "I
can conscientiously say that Bonn's
Kidney Pills are reliable. I have tak
en them on several occasions for
backache and other kidney disorders
and they have always done me good.
I am only too glad to recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills If It will be the
means of lotting others know what a
good kidney medicine they are."
Prlco COc, at all donlors. Bonn's
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Flanagan had. Foster-Mllburn
Co., Mnfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.