Page 6 OR E(l ON CITY ttNTEKVKISR FRIDAY, OCT. 12, 1917 SHOES FOR GROWING GIRLS We make a special feature of fitting growing girls those who require women's sixes, but want the low heels. Growing Girls' Gun Metal Shoe, sizes 24 to 6. pair. ..$2.49 unci $2.98 Growing Girls' English Shoes of gun metal, Neoliu sole $3.50 Growing Girls' Tan High Shoes, very attractive, pair $4.98 J THE GOLOet RULE C jj 524-526 MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY, OREGON OUT OF TOWN BUYERS are Invited to make till a tore their Oregon City hemlijimrtara. Meet your friends here .chock your parrels, u our phono. Make yourself at homo, ao to speak. Whether you rouu to IimiK or buy, you'll fltul this (lohlen Rule Store anxloiia to pltniae yotl. lo your Knl I shopping In Ongon City, It will pay you to come miles. SETTLE THE WINTER FOOTWEAR PROBLEM ECONOMICALLY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Wear I C. Peimy Co9 Shoes They wear better anil cost you less per month. Comparison is the real test. That's the reason our busy Shoe Section grows- ith the average family. Who sells the best With the winter months just ahead the shoe question now becomes an important topic wil shoes? What kind shall I get? and numerous other queries come up for immediate solution. Our 175 stores, last year, sold over two million dollars worth of shoes. We are head over heels in the hoe businos. Our enormous buying power and our big outlet naturally gives us many buying advantages all of which rebound to your benefit. We Buy for Cash We Sell for Cash and We Sell for Less If you would solve the footwear question wisely you'll read this entire page and then you'll bring your whole family to this J. C, Penney Co. Golden Rule Store for your winter footwear. The gitof the savings follow Children's Shoes for Dress and School Wear Parents who want real shoe value for their money will find our splendid showing of children's dress and school shoes of exceptional interest. We feature solid leather shoes because they wear better. CHILDREN'S SHOES Sizes 8 to 11 Patent, gun metal and kid leath ers in lace and button styles with leather or cloth tops. Un usual values at pair, $1.79, $1.98, $2.25, $2.49 MISSES' SHOES Sizes 11 J to 2 Smart, dressy and serviceable styles that will please both miss and mother. Gun metal, patent and kid leathers, new shapes and pleasing prices. Pair $1.98, $2.25, $2.49, $2.79 Shoes for Little Folks Low Priced Infant's Soft Soles, pair 29c and 49c Infant's First Step Shoes, sizes 1 to 3, pair.. 69c, 79c, 83c, 98c, $1.25 Infant's Shoes, sizes 3 to 5, pair 69c, 83c, $1.25 and $1.49 Children's Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, black, and red tops, l,air 98c, $1.25 and $1.49 CORRECT FITTING A SPECIAL FEATURE BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES Sturdy, dependable shoes that will stand the strain t hat active boys give them. LACE AND BUTTON STYLES Sizes SVi to 11, pair $1.79 and $1.98 Sizes 11 'fe to 2. pair $1.98 and $2.25 Sizes 2 to f)'2 pair $2.25 and $2.98 Boys' English Shoes, leather or Rinex soles, sizes V- to pair $2.98 and $3.50 Boys' English Last Dress Shoes, dandy style for bit; bay, pair $3.50 Rubber Footwear for the Entire Family for Less. We buy our rubber footwear direct from the factories, consequently we offer you substantial sav ings on every pair for every member of the family. These prices are not "sale prices" but our regu lar every day prices at which we will gladly supply you while our present stocks last. Every item is of best quality and absoultely dependable in wear. Just note our low prices. Children's Rubbers, 6 to 10 . . 49c Misses' Rubbers, 1 Uo 2 53c Ladies' Rubbers, 2 to 7 . . .' 63c Youth's Rubbers 59c Boyg' Rubbers 69c Men's Rolled Edge Rubbers 98c Men's Pacs Rolled Edge $2.98 Men's Heavy Trawler, extra heavy soles $3.49 Men's Hecla 10-inch leather top rubber foot $3.98 Men's Short Rubber Boots $3.19 Men's Hip Boots $4.98 $5.98 Men's Heavy High Top Shoes Men's brown h eavy sole shoes, 12-inch tops $5.90 Men's Brown or Black heavy high tops at $6.50 and $7.50 Boys' High Tops $3.98 and $4.98 Women's New 1917 Styles Smart Dress Shoes Shoes to fit every font, fancy an. I purse. Women in search for the newest, the most practical, the must serviceable, mid yet at the lowest prices had best come dlrec tto The (ioldeii ltule. Women's Black Kid Dress Shoes, patent tips, blucher or button style, medium heel Pair $2.25 and $2.49 Women's Gun Metal Dress Shoes, button styles, good serviceable shoes fur hard wear, cloth or leather tops, ualr $2.49 and $2.98 Women's Dress Shoes, Iaco or button, patent or gun metal leath ers, high heels, medium toes ra'r $2.98 Women's Black Kid Dress Shoes, button or lace, LYouls or Cuban heels, also smart styles of pat ent, extremely dressy ami stylish, pair $3.98 Women's Black Kid and Patent Dress Shoes with cloth tops, long vamps, high heels, pr $3.98 $4.50 Women's Novelty Cloth Shoes in grey, suede trimmings, smartest of the new styles, pale... $1.50 Women's Black Kid Dress Shoes wiili high tups, medium vamp, splendid finality, pair $1.98 Women's Black Kid Dress Shoes with the new long vamp and Louis heels, fine glove kid, ex tremely good looking, pair $5.90 Women's Novelty 8hoes In the new grey and brown shades, new Travers models and fashions last word In style. Pair $5.90, $6.90, $7.90 and $8.90 Women's Patent Dress Shoes Beautiful styles, button or lace. P"lr $3.98 New Brown Dress Shoes of fine lace stylo, very attractive, at thn Pair $6.90 WOMEN'S COMFORT SHOES Women's Kid Jullettes, elastic gore In sides, patent strip from tip to top, wide ami comfortable, Pair $1.89 Women's E Z Shoes of soft kid slock button or lace styles, KK and KICK width, rubber heels, uulr $2.49-$2 89 Women's Kid Shoes, lace or but ton, fine glove kid stock, medium heels, wide lasts, exceedingly com fortuble but very stylish anil dressy looking. A sure treat for tender feet. Pair $4.50 Women's Plain Toe Shoes, Old l.ndy's style, low heel, fine soft leather, lace stylo only, sizes 4 to 8, pair $198 MEN'S DRESS SHOES 'a Our men's shoe business is growing by leaps and bounds. There's a reason, certainly! That reason is "better values" more wear for the money. The next pair of shoes you buy, step In our busy store and note ths difference andpocket the savings. MEN'S DRESS SHOES $3.50 and $3.98 PAIR Fine gun metal styles In black or dark tun leath ers. Choice of button or lace and leather or Rinex soles. English and regular shapes, many especially designed for wide feet- MEN'8 SHOES AT $4.50 PAIR Black Oon metal leathers with oak or Rinex soles Cmnrt styles for1 young nien. Conservative Hhupcs for older men. Men's Comfort wide pluln toe shoes.. $3.60 $4.M MEN'S DRESS SHOES $2.98 PAIR tiood f.olld leather shoes in blucher style. Gun metal or kid leathers, Medium and wide toes. Men's Heavy Work Shoes-Big Savings Work shoes that will give the best of wear is a strong feature of our men's work shoe line. We can easily save you a dollar or more the pair. Men's Blucher Work Shoes, black or tun, heavy soles, all solid leather, some plain toe styles, pair $2.98 Men'a Work 8hoes, blucher cut, fine quality soft leather, welt Boles, black or tan, pair $3.98 Men's Blucher Work Shoes of heavy tan or black leather, Star & Weyenberg makes, unequalled at our price, pair $2.98 and $3.50 Men's Heavy Tan Calf Work 8hoes, strongly built, full leather, heavy aolea, reinforced shank, pair $3.50 to $5.90