Page 5 MEN'S OVERALLS $1.19 Pair Men's RiMiuliin Indigo dye liluit till) overalls of heavy weight denim with tliiulilii stitched Htiiiim. Com liliifil Ion watch utul ell pocket, two front pockets mul two hip mill one rulo pocket, Kim I color mul extremely serviceable. Sizes 32 to 44 wnlMt mens- ur. Our prliii, pair $1.19 Men's Jackets to mutch $1.19 Boys' Overalls 69e, 76c Men's Wslst Overalls 98c JT. C. IPenr&y Co, THE GOLDEN RULE 175 BUSY STORES 524526 MAIN STREET, ORECON CITY, OREGON WE WANT YOUR TRADE The J. C. Penney Co., store wants your business and quotes plain everyday prices to get It. Our enormous buying power en ables us to always undersell. We handle no bankrupt stocks or "seconds." Our merchandise Is the very best and sure to give you full satisfaction In every sense Visit our 8tore Inspect our goods Test our service. mm mm and the Get tieiir OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCT. 12, 1917 Dad. Boys Can ew LUt of J. C. Penney Co. Stores Continued WYOMING Keinmeicr Cohevlllu l,iir:imli Rawlins UTAH Murray Richmond Kurrkit Mt. PleUHHIlt 1'ri'Vi) Kpitiilnh Fork American Fork dlnghum Cunyou Mldvnln llKUMttflll Kli hf l.'l.I (illlllllltllll Helper Springvllle llebcr City Toon la Mugnu Suit Lake City Ni'phl Prim IDAHO Preston Muhid Rcxburg Miukny liowlston Moscow St. Anthony Kellogg Downey Shoshone Rlgby Wallace Shelley Jerome Hand I'olut Ooi'ur D'Alene Urine COLORADO Trinidad Montrose AKUllar (Jnind J u lit-1 li in I .as Animus Alamosa Fort Morgan Durango Sterling Lovcluiid Canon City Colorado Springs Longinont NEVADA Kly McCIU Tonopah Las Vegas OREGON Pendleton Athena Dallas Albany Roseburg The Dalles linker- City l,a Grande MnrHhfield Milton AhIoHu Kugene Salem Lakeviow Oregon City CorviilUs Enterprise Hood Hiver WASHINGTON Wallu Walla Dayton Wcnatchou Oentralla Chohnlls (!olville Leavenworth Colfax I'omoroy Scdro Wooloy Kvcrett Rltzvlllo Montesano Pullman Wnltwburg Olympla llillyard Tokoa inter W ILJf at n& Jl- oo ? Thrifty rrtrn folk are fast hecoming acquainted with the fact that this is a store for men and boys as well as for women. Catering to men and their needs is onr of the most important departments of the I 75 J. C. Penney Company stores, and the sooner all men learn about it the sooner they will save dollars nnd dollars. You'll need u nc wsuit, a pair of shoes, a new overcoat, mackjnaw, underwear ,a new hat, or something of the like, in your preparation for the winter season so we suggest you scrutinize this page with a view of asceraining "where to buy" and "what to pay." Women who shop fo'r men will likewise find it profitable reading. MEN'S FALL SUITS $9.90 to $13.50. READY FOR YOUR INSPEO TION Uulrteeii these two extremes we show the best clothing vnlues to bo had, We benefit ih rough our cooperative buying for the 175 I'enney stores and you. Mr. Man, reap the benefit. We sell thousands of suits each season because we sell for less. MEN'S SUITS $9.90 AND $12.50 Splendid suits of plain and fancy worsteds that will give the best of wear. Neat gray, blue and brown colorings, snappy and con servative models. MEN'S SUITS $14.75 AND $16.50 Including those fine casslmere. worsted and novelty mixed fabrics In the season's newest patterns. Men's and Boys' Gloves and Mittens - K 1 I 1 fr-Vi'X. . 1 W:-- U-4-r-AK v7 Pi V -sAF. MEN'S OVERCOATS $12.50 to $15.50 INCLUDING NEW 'TRENCH" STYLES Swagger new "Trench" style overcoats In novelty fabrics, with belts, are among the new things in overcoats this season. We show them in our extensive winter line. Mens Overcoats $12.50 and $14.75 Plain and fancy gray and brown mixed fabrics, popular lengths, sel fcollars. Per fect fitting coats for men of all tastes and build. Early choice is best. 7h Mens Overcoats $14.75 and $16.50 Fine black overcoats with velvet collars, conservatively fashioned, also fancy gray and plaid novelty coats in a wide range of de signs and colorings. Latest 1917-18 styles and priced In a way you'll recognize as un usual values. Men's Flannelette Night Garments MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS, $12.50, $14.75 The best values you'll find In this part of Oregon. Three-piece styles, cut on conservative and snappy styles for men and young men. Smartly tailored of all wool "true-blue" serges in the season's best styles.' You'll save $2.00 to $5.00 in choosing from this lot priced at $12.50 $14.75 Other Blue Serge Suits $16.50418.50 Soft, fleecy kinds that keep you warm on cold nights . Men's Flannelette Night Shirts, heavy nap ped twilled outing, light patterns in assorted stripes. Full cut, neatly made. Each.. 98c Muslin Night Shirts 79c 98c Cotton Flannel Gloves Knit wrist, boys' and men's, 3 pair 25c Cotton Flannel Gloves, knit wrist, heavier 10c Men's Wrist Leather Gloves, horsehlde and buck 98c, 1.45, 1.69 Men's Gauntlet Leather Gloves In horsehlde and buck. , .... $1.23, $1.45, $1.69 Men's and Boys' Mittens, for cold weather 59c, 69c, 98c Cotton Flannel, knit wrist with good leather palm 29c Boys School Suits We sell hundreds of boys' -suits and through our im mense buying connections ean always save you $1.00 to 3.00 on a good dependable Bult for your boy. Boys' Norfolk Suits, ages 6 to 17 years, of fancy mixtures, serges, cheviots nnd other serviceable fabrics are priced here at $2.98, $3.49, 03.98, $4.98 and $5.90. Boys' Blue Serge Suits $4.98, $5.50 and $5.90 Boys' School Pants, ages 6 to 17 years. Pair 79c, 98c $1.23 and $1.49. Boys' Corduroy School Pants Ages fi to 10 years, splendid quality, pair, ... 98c and $1.23 MEN'S WARM UNDERWEAR UNION SUITS OR SEPARATE GARMENTS All weights, all best weaves and qualities. Men's Fleeced Union Suits, each $1.19 Men's Ribbed Fleeced Union Suits $1.25 Men's Wool Union Suits $1.98, $2.25, $2-98, $3.48 Men's Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, garment 63c Boys' Fleeced Union Suits, excellent quality, priced according to size 69c and 89c Boys' Wool Union Suits, priced according to size 98c and $1.15 MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS at $1.49 MEN'S GRAY, BLUE AND BROWN flannel shirts of superior weight, cut full and roomy and one pocket. An extremely serviceable shirt, each $1.49 FLANNEL SHIRTS $1.98 MKN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS, military and flat collar, two pockets, warm and depend able, each $1.98 FLANNEL SHIRTS $2.49 Men's khaki all wool flannel shirts with military collars, two pockets. Each $2.49 MEN'S SWEATERS POPULAR COAT STYLES FOR WINTER WEAR MEN'S MACKINAWS Fine wool garments in attractive plaid combination color ings bound to please. They defy the cold. Large collar, double breasted, belted styles. Priced $5.90, $6.90, $7.50 Boys' Mackinaw Coats, sizes 4 to 8 years, double breasted, at tractive plaid patterns. Just the thing tor boys who like to be out-of-doors. Price $2.98 Sizes for larger boys $4.98 Men's Duck Coats, big warm lined styles, all sizes, each $2.98 Men's Corduroy Coats' $3.98 FALL HATS AND CAPS MEN'S FELT HATS New fall styles nnd shades in as broad and comprehensive a dis play as correct style will allow. New greens, grays, browns and blacks In proper brim propor tions nnd popular height crowns. $1.98 $2.49 $2.98 MEN'S WINTER CAPS Newest novelty materials and colorings. Hlg values at 49c, 98c Boys' Winter Caps Our showing of Hoys' Caps Is complete. Wide assort ment of novelty mixed stylos, also the "always good" blue serges at 25c and 49c Men's Grey Coat Sweaters, heavy knit, coat style, each $1.49 Men's Coat Sweaters, various colors, each $2.98, $3.50, $3.69 Men's Coat Sweaters, heavy Jumbo knit, cardinal nnd white and grey, absolutely all wool, each $4.98, $5.90 Boys' Coat Sweaters, low priced at 98c and $1.49 Boys' Jerseys, two color stripe $1.49 Men's Separate Trousers Hlue serges, worsteds, etc., In plrtin nnd stripe designs, all sizes at .$1.98, $2.98, $3.98 anu $4.98 Men's Khaki Pants Scores of men wear them, all sizes 30 to 42 waist, plain or cuffed styles. Pnir $1.29 DRESS & WORK SHIRTS MEN'S CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS Full cut through body, large arm holes, long sleeves; best shirt values to be found, all sizes 14 to 18 59c MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Made of fine count percales, coat styles, no collar, laundered cuffs, wide assort ment, pretty pat terns, each .... 98c MEN'S SOFT COL- LAR SHIRTS Made of fine soieset tes and similar fab rics, regulation or military collars, ,98c BOYS' SHIRTS AND BLOUSES With collars, blue, gray or light potterns sizes 12 to 14 Priced. . 35c, 49c, 59c