Page 4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. OCT. 12. 1917 Satisfaction Guaranteed Out-of-town buyers who are as yet unfamiliar with the ibilden Rule store and methods should take this opportunity of becoming better acquainted. Being located within a few minutes ride and favored with excellent transportation facilities you can easily spend a whole day shopping to a money saving advantage at Oregon City's Ken! Bargain Center. Mail Orders Filled Promptly Wo llll mall orders promptly mid guarantee satisfaction, If you cannot conveniently vlutt our store In person write, m your wants. Wo guarantee satlsf action with every transaction. We wrap It with oMty puckuue. We bollovn wn help ourselves when we help you beni ami are ever abut to please you. Hotter emit lime If possible. WINDOW SHADES, 6 mid 7 ft 3)c and 69c 7 THE GOLDEN RULE J V lirJL-4 );9JJUk's Irl 11-3 JLA 7 524526 MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY, OREGON TABLE OIL CLOTH, white and color, yard ,20C LE OFFERK EASONA S FROM TC! Y OOD ACTION Warm Blankets at Lowest Prices With cotton now selling around thirty cents a pound you ncturatly expect to pay high prices for blankets this season. Hut don't worry. We plated huge or ders with the mills last January for all our 1 75 more an 1 now have the blankets for you at astonishingly low prices. Far lower than elsewhere. Cotton Blankets, whit-? gray or tan. colored borders, size 15x71', pair $1.10 Cotton Blankets, size t"Ux7t inches, white, gray or tan, heavily fleeced, pair $1.49 Cotton Blankets, extra large si.e. Ti'xso inches, gray or tan. pair $2.79 Pendleton Robes All long Australian wool in rich colorings $10.00 Cayuse Robe A good serviceable Indian Kobe $6.00 Nashua Woolnap Blankets, gray with pink or blue borders, size 61x76 inches, extra reavy and warm. pair $2.49 Heavy Woolnap Blankets, white, gray and tan. 72 xM) inches, warm and serviceable, pair $2.98 Notions! Big Savings Darning Cotton. 2 for 05c Palm Olive Soap 08c Shoe Polish 08c Mennen's Talcum 12c Colgate's Talcum 12c I'ress Shields 10c Shoe Strings. 2 pair 05c Dress Snaps 08c Vaseline 04c Coat's Cotton Thread 04c Combs 10c and 15c Hair Pins, box 5c and 8c Good Toilet Soap 5c Shaving Soap 05c Crochet Hooks 5c and 7c Pearl Buttons 05c Peroxide 12c Colgate's Tooth Paste 19c Siriorters 10c Stickeri I Irani 08c Kit; Rack Braid 10c Electric Hair Curlers 03c Bias Tape 05c Millard's Need I us 04c Three-Jn-On Oil 08c White Canvas Cleaner 08c Hooks and Eves QZc Pins 04c Peroxide Cream 10c Ladies' Fur Sets $8.90 $9.90 Ladies' Muffs New styles and very lowest prices , good furs can be sold for $5.50 $6.90 $7.50 Velvet Throws $4.50 and $4.98 DOMESTICS, Towels and Table Damask Bleached Sheeting, 81 inches wtde. fine, firm weave, pure white, yard 34c Bleached Sheeting, 81 inches, best quality, yard 36c Pillow Tubings, 36, 42 and 43 inches wide, excel lent quality, pure white bleach, yard 18c and 22c Belached Muslin, yard wide, 10c, 122c and 15c Unbleached Muslins, yard wide, good qualities at yard 6'Ac, 8 1-3, 10c and 12.. c Blue Strippe Tickings, standard widths, yard 15c and 19c Mercerized Table Damasks, 61 inches wide, pretty patterns, yard 29c Mercerized Table Damasks, 66 inches wide, con ventional and floral patterns, will wear better than cheap linen, taunders splendidly, yard ..49c Colored Table Damasks, full width, fast colors, choice of blue or buff, yard 59c Linen Table Damask, 6-1 Inches wide, fionil de signs, yard 69c Linen Damask, 72 inches wide, assorted patterns, beautiful quality, much underpriced at yard ..93c Pillow Cases, 42x36 size, ex cellent grades not to be dup licated again soon at each 15c and 18c Scalloped and hemstitched (styles, each 25c Bleached Sheets, 72x!)0 size, full bleach, each 59c Bleached Sheets, 81x00 size, excellent wearing quality, torn and hemmed, each 89c Colored Bath Towels, 18x36, blue, pink or yellow, each 25c Larger size., name colorings, each 49o Bleached Bath Towels, heavy, very absorbent, each 12' 2c and 2 for 49c Towelling, bleached and unbleached, yard 7'2, 8 1-3c, 10c, 12' 2c, 15c, and 18c Cotton Battts, excellent grade, small rolls, each 25c and 10c Cotton Batts, 3 lb. .size, unrollls full comfort, size 72x90, each 73c Comfort Cretonnes, medium and dark colorings, yard '. .12' 2c Comfort Challies, yard wide, pretty patterns, yard 10c and 18c Silkolines, figured patterns, yard wide, yard ..15c Wool Bats i $1.98 HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN -Sr.- .'Vpin, , --to Women's Cotton Hose, last black, medium weight, pair ' 12' ,e Women's Cotton Hose, nil sizes, ribbed pips, pair 1 5c Women's Black Silk Hose, exceptional values reinforced heels and toes, puir $U9 Women's Fibre Silk Boot Hose, black only, o nr price pair 3 for $1 00 end 49c Women's Black Cotton Hose, Hue ribbed, wiantu:, pair ...,19c Women's Fine Cotton Hose, some with llbre .i:k boot, med loin wtii-lit'.i, pair 25c Boys' and Girls' Ribbed School Hose, medium and heavy ribbed, best wearing hose we have ever hud, pair 19c Women's Cashmere Hose, blink only, good ', Infants' Wool Hose, white and I dark and colors wearing, pair 35c , ,,.llr 25c Women's Colored Silk Hose, grav, kings blue, i . emerald, nb;o white, pair .... . $1.29 and $1.23 ! Do" Scout ,r h""vy l'IM'''1 l,ml " ' great hose for hard wear, pair 25c Infants' Cotton Hose, black and hlU pair , 12i 2c and 15c '' Women's Fleeced Lined Hose all sizes, pair 25c WARM UNDERWEAR Women's Union Suits, white ribbed with fleece, nil rles ;iti to It. each , , 69c Women's Union Suits, flue while ribbed, tleeee lined, all sizes, each $!.! Women's Fleeced Union Suits, high neck and long sleeves or low neck and elbow sleeves 51.25 Women's Silk and Wool Union Suits, splendid qualities, various styles, bult $1.93 Women's Wool Union Suits, low priced at $1.49 Women's Vests and Pants, white ribbed HtyrVs, fleeced lined, two qualities at 35c and 65c Misses' Vests and Pants, tleeee lined, priced according to size, from , 15c to 49c Children's Union Suits, fleeced lined, priced according to ages 2 to 16 years, at 49c, 59c, 69c, 79c and 89e FLEISH ER'S YARNS! Germantown Zephyr. Colors, skein 171 2c Saxony, skein , 12' ..c Shetland Flies 2 okeins for 2c German Knitting Yarn skein 50c DRESS GOODS AND SILKS LOW PRICED French and Storm Serges, 26 Inch, all staple Novelty Plaids for coats and shirts, red, blue shades and hjack, yard 49c, 69c and 79c 111,(1 green combination colorings ami black and white, yard 49c and 59c French Serges, all wool, 40 and It Inches wide, black, gray, havy, wine and blue yard 98c-$1.49 CrePe de ch,ine :!filnd' 1,1 whilft' bl"(;k ' ' ' blue, yard 98e Shepherd Checks, cotton and wool . , ,,. , , ,,,,,,,, 1 or . no Crepe de Chenes, 40 Inch, pink, light blue, ya ZjC- A9c nd 980 white, maize and black, beautiful qualities, yatd $1.49 r.An44. rf.rt.. .Ol U.,.1, .... ,!,. I.,,.,, ubviycuc cca, 11 lie in n mil", iv'ltll, imi.l, rf 1 1 ntW rose, erav or black, vard $1.49 and $1.59 Blank TaftVta ftilk. Itfi liifluH wide. Itmoil if ill l2Jt Black Messaline, 27 inch grade, yard 89c; 36 r, 'Zr' ' ln(;h Kr,ul(!' yard $1'25 "v China Silks, while, yard 49c Calicoes, Percales, Ginghams Buy all the ginghams and percales you will need for some time to come while these low prices prevail. You'll pay considerably, more next spring sa take aJvaiitar of pruscv prlcvs while you may , Standard Calicoes, yard lights and darks . .7c Apron Ginghams, 27 Inches wide, all staple checks, yard 8 1-3c Apron Ginghams, genuine Amoukeag, nil staple colors' and patterns, our price yard 10c Light and Dark Percales, big assortment of . colors and designs including red, blue, gray and Mack and white at yard 8 1-3c and 10c Yatd Wide Percales, excellent, qualities, fast colors, yard 12i2 , 15c and 18c Dress Ginghams, 27 inches wide, beautiful now patterns, light and dark, . a big value ut yard . 12'-2c Oress Ginghams, 27 and 32 Inches wide, wiilo range of patterns and colorings, our price, yard 15e Shirting Ginghams, 27 Inches wide, medium and dark patterns for boys' waists, men's shirts, etc., yard 15c White Outing Flannel, full width, heavily ileoeed, splendid values, yard 15c and 12'2c Colored Outing Flannels, medium and dark patterns, heavily fleeced, yard 15c and 12' 2c Cotton Flannels, bleached and unbleached, yurd 8 1-3c,"10c, 12j,2c and 15c White Wool Flannels, 27 Inch, yard 29c, 49c, 69c List of J. C. Penney Co. Stores IOWA oitumwn Mirshalltow n HurlliiKton I'oit Madison Oelweln Creslon Shenandoah MONTANA tireat Falls Anaconda Kallspell MIhmouIm NEBRASKA David City (rand Island Hastings lleatrlen Met'ook KiiIIh City Ord North 1'latie ARIZONA W'lnslow .Mens IlUhce Miami I'rescott Douglas Flagstaff CALIFORNIA Needles Chlco Ilukersfleld Modesto Santa Rosa San Hernardlno Muryxvllle NEW MEXICO Fast Las Vegas Gallup Albuquerque Roswedl Raton NORTH DAKOTA Wahpeton Fargo Grand Forks Devils Iike Ml not Wllllston Valley City Dickinson Carrlngtnn TEXA9 Abilene I'arls Dalhnrt Temple Wichita Falls Wisconsin WaijHtiu Watertown Chippewa Falls ttlce I,akn KANSAS Newton Aachlson ' Hullna Pittsburg Arkansas City MINNESOTA St. Cloud Ulbblng I.lttln Falls Manka to Ited Wing nemldli Virginia Crookston SOUTH DAKOTA Itedfleld Mitchell Huron MICHIGAN Ironwood Calumet. Kscanaba Ishpemlng I,npeer Port Huron IILLINOIS Mollne OKLAHOMA Oluhulgee Muiikogee niacltwell ' Continued on Page 5 s