Page 3 ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY Wi never discriminate In the prloee at which we tell. All prices art marked in plain figures. ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY, that's the trua aplrlt of tha J. C. Penney Co. Golden Rule etoree and every dollar you expend here hae tha lame purchasing power aa your nelghbort. lan't that your Idea of correct merchandlalng? WE NEVER HOLD "SALES" We mark all gooda at the lowest price possible. Everyone knows gooda must be "marked up" In order to be marked down. We mark the lowest price at the start and you share i nthe savings every day instead of on sale days only. That ex plains the rapid growth of the J. C. Penney Co., chain of stores. Always the best values. THE GOLDEN RULE 524 to 526 MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY, OREGON OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCT. 12, 1917 -our Pases Heralding Econ om y New: of Greatest Importaice toThrif ty Oregon Buyers WE OPERATE 175 STORES The 175 I'ctincy atoms are located In 175 busy communities, covering 22 states. Tha fact thnt we have grown from one Ktore OHlnlillhhi'd hut 15 years ago l ample proof that we ren der careful buyers a superior service. See the complete list of our atom on the Inside pages. With Autumn well advanced and the winter season rapidly approach ing, the vast and splendid stocks for which this store is famed are at your command. Necessities for the changing season, carefully sought for and purchased in huge quantities for our 1 75 busy stores and priced in a way that will instantly appeal to every economical buyer. We intend making the next three months record breakers in sales and adding new customers and offer values in every section that bear evidence of our earnestness. Values that will be appreciated by people in Oregon City and surrounding territory. 1917 SALES TWELVE MILLION Our anticipated volume for 1917 is approximately twelve million dollars. We use tremendous quantities of merchan dise, we buy direct from the manufacturers, we sell for cash only, thereby eliminating all losses from credit accounts. We do not deliver. These and scores of other reasons make it possible for us tQ always sell at lowest prices. M Mi flr m) .1 ' ll Ii L5 U'' PLAN TO MAKE THE J. C. PENNEY COMPANY GOLDEN" RULE STORE HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR FALL AND WINTER REQUIREMENTS Read carefully every price quotation in this bulletin, and then investigate! You'll save surprisingly on every item you need for our prices are always lowest, quality considered. Women's Tailored Suits Latest New York Models In the new Full anil Winter models the woman or miss of discriminating taste will recognize stylo and tailoring of the highest quality. They Htrlko the advance note of newest fash ion -they embody exclusive features not shown hereabouts. The materials are those most approved by the originators of fashion and the tailoring Is brought up to high point of per fection by skilled workmanship. We bought thousands of them NEW SUITS $17.50 TO $25.00 The stilts at these popular prices are Indicative of fashions luHt word In stylus and materials. Poplin and serge nro most conspicuous. Three quarter length Jack ets, pleated Bklrts. Many of the Jackets are belted, mili tary so to speak. Wide choice at $17.50 to $25.00 for our' 175 stores hence trie unusual low prices. NEW SUITS $25.00 to $35.00 In this group you'll find reproductions of higher priced suits. Broadcloth, daluirdine, Serge and other fabrics In black, navy, beet root, the new brown green and grey shades. One-of-a-kind styles that will please early buyers. Choice (25.00 to $32.50 Smart Winter Coats at Underselling Prices Fall 1917 Is distinctly a cot season and our extensive stocks have been assembled with an eye to satisfy the requirements of every woman. Fashion's newest fancies find their best ex pression In our exhibits end no woman planning the purchase of a new winter cot should miss seeing our great assortments. Beautiful Coats $9.90, $12.50 and $14.75 Newest styles In smart novelty mixtures In handsome color combinations. All have large collars. Many are belted and fashioned after the most approved models. Excellent choice at $9.90, $12.50 and $14.75 PLUSH COATS $18.50, $21.00, $22.50, $24.75 Childrens Coats Price $2.98 to $7.90 LmmmJ 1 li Fur, velvet and button trimmed models of rich, lustrous plush that will immediately appeal to women who appreciate refinement In style and superior quality of material end tail oring. Big savings await the woman who buys one of these beautiful coats at $18.50 to $24.75 WOMEN'S SATIN SKIRTS ONLY $5.50 A shipment of new models just received. Made of rich lustrous satin In either plain black or attractive new stripe designs. Plain gathered styles, with pockets.' Priced $5.50 BLACK CHIFFON TAFFETA SKIRTS In new fall Styles, very dressy nnd excellent values at $5 90 and $6.90 WOMEN'S FALL SKIRTS of dark blue storm serge, splendid styles at Choice $3.98 WOMEN'S BLACK SERGE 8KIRTS, a small lot of good styles, while they lust Choice, . $2.98 WEAR A NEW CROWN CORSET Crown corHots are the best corsnts made at the low prices we ask, Choose one before you solect your new dress or suit Front and back laced stylos. Models for all figures.; stout, med ium or slender. Crown Corsets are prloed 98c, $1.49, $1.98 and $2.98 Brassieres at 49c and 25c FLANNELETTE KIMONOS $1.49 New lines Just received Made of soft, fleecy flnn nelette in scores of attrac tive patterns including pink, blue, gray and other colorings, extremely low priced at $1.49 Women's Flannelette Night Gowns, white and striped comblnatalon patterns, all aiiea, neatly made Each 69o, 79c, 980 Women's Gingham House Dresses 98c ' Every woman nedn several of these house dresses. Made of fine ging ham of medium and light colorings. Sizes up to 50 bust measurement Each 98c, $1.23, $1.49 Children's Wash Dresses Made in attractive styles and of good ginghams and other materials Each 59c, 69c, 79a, 98c and $1.23 Children's Play Suits In khaki and blue denim. Each .' 75c Children's Fall Hats 49c to $2.49 Clever Dresses Astonish ingly Low Priced Here STYLES FOR AFTERNOON OR STREET WEAR Many women wonder how we can sell them so reasonable. Serge, poplins, taffeta, and messaline styles in new models shown for the first time. Suit able for most any occasion and big values at every price New Serge Dresses. .$7.90; $9.90, $12.75 and $14.75 New Poplin Dresses $7.90, $6.90 and $5.90 New Silk Dresses , $9.90 to $16.50 WOMEN'S RAIN COATS $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.90, $7.90 and $9.90 CHILDREN'S RAIN COATS $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 Georgette Crepe Waists $2.98 A banner bargain for women desiring a" charming waist Choice of white or flesh, neatly made of a splendid quality Georgette and lace trimmed. Sizes up' to 42 bust Choice for $2.98 Coats for children of 2 to 14 years. New styles thht will make the little folks warm and smartly dressed at the same time. Plush, Cloth, Zibeline and Corduroy fab rics rule the showing and there's a color to please every mother who selects early. Prices exceedingly moderate, ranging $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 and $7.90 Georgette Crepe Waists $4.98 Handsome models, beautifully designed and .lace trimmed. Long sleeves, large collars $4.98 Womens Black Crepe de Chine Waists in , extra sizes, 46 to 52. At choice $2.98 New Wash Waists 98c Dozens of new styles in pret ty white materials, some self striped designs. Large col lars, long sleeves. Wide choice at each 98c Silk Petticoats $2.98 Women's New Silk Petticoats, all autumn colorings, all sizes, at each $2.98 Heatherbloom Petticoats with taffeta silk ruffles, all colors. each $1.98 Black Sateen Petticoats 79c, and 98c Colored Sateen Petticoats 98c WARM SWEATERS FOR THE WOMEN, MISSES AND THE CHILDREN Women's Coat Sweaters including the popu lar Norfolk belted and roll collar styles with large pockets, turnback cuffs.. $4.69 $6.48 Misses Sweaters, coat style with belts, warm and practical, each $1.98 Juvenile 'Sweaters, copen, rose, oxford and cardinal. Choice 69c and 98c "Ye I u