Paw 2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1917. Macksburg MACKSIU'KO. Ore.. Oct. 5. Hard, indeed would it be to find pom 11 to describe or pen to depict lovelier days than these through which we are pass ing now. The temperature is of. that exquisite degree that combines the luxurious warmth of jsummer with the exhilirating tingle of approaching frost. The clear sky is giving an un clouded view of that wonderful work of Nature, Mt. Hood, which is bo- coming visible to more and more of the ranchers as the timber Is cleared away. Not one of us could tell in v.-hich of his varied aspects this crownins wonder of our state delights ua most whether when dark as the Tiver of death in the strugcling lights! of early dawn he appears, distinguish ed only by his towering heights from the adjacent hills passing then thru every changing line from sombre gray to a lovely rose color so enchanting. we w ish it might never change, till J nt mid-day it stands white and re - snlendent in the full bl nf th .v,n. e one wishes for the soul and the pen 01 . 1. jouu 1 ums, in nih ionei isit- ot U1! glories Of tne telestial l-anl but. while w e are thinking, the glisten of the snowy surface in the morning sun bas disappeared, le.-.ving what seems a colossal pile of snowy marble. Then I it is easy to believe that it has been ' here since the creation and we wish Stangel brother9 are enjoyil3g a it might speak to us of the delu,e !camping trip ,n Souther, Oregon. tnr.t covered the earth. We tove toj Mr and Mrg Ed Daker aml (amiiy, think of it. sublime Immobility as Alis0n Baker and family, Mr. and Mrs. comnunwealth and that as he then rrofe serene and unblemished from that turbid flood so our government is to emerge from the turmoil of this world-conflict, statuesque solidified and untarnished to shine on, in heav en's pure radiance till time be no more. The new- Sunday School in the Eby school house held its regular session en Sunday, under the direction of Miss Emma Knapp, principal of the Eby school. Notwithstanding the showery weather and the number of new antos In the vicinity, the attend ance was fairly good and all Inter ested in the school are confident of its final success. The improvements in our town most recently brought to notice arejj0nes. of Oregon City, will deliver in uuiiuuig ana painting. Wesley Eby. im Morns and Geo. Rerbst, have all added greatly to the appearance of their places by rejuvenating' their 'buildings with paint Miss Agnes Kister is about to enter the Mt. Angel Academy. The Bear Creek school opened Mon day. October 1st. The jprincipal, Miss Howe, ot Estacada, is to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miller. The Mother's Club held its usual busy session on Thursday, September 27th. at the home of Mrs. George Noah and will meet next with Mfs. j Carl Boechi. George GEORGE, Ore., Oct. 4. The regular i meeting of the George Social and Commercial Club was held last Satur day evening. Supper was served by Mr. and Mrs. Joyner and daughter and son, Gladys and Harold. After the business meeting was ovpr. thp romin. der of the time was snent in n.n.- From now on until May, 1918 the club ! meetings will be held twice a month on the evening of the second and last Saturdays 0f each month. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ruhl and children were the .cucsts of Mrs. Harders and son, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. II. Klinker and Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson motored to Salem last Tuesday to attend '.he fair. , Mr. and Mrs. Christ Johnson visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Harders last Sunday. Irene and Otto Paulsen visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Held last Sunday evening. O. H. Jamsen returned home last week from Eastern Washington, where he had been at work for the last few momub- j Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen, Miss Duncan and Fred Lins motored to i Portland last Sunday, returning in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ruhl, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rath and Ed Harders motored to Salem last Wednesday to attend the fair. Ed Hardera has Just completed a cement curbing in his well. Mrs. P. Rath, Flora Lins, ChriHt Klin ker and Fred Lins, motored to Salem last Friday to attend the fair, returning home Saturday evening. Leo Rath was an Fstacada visitor j last Monday. i Gladys Joyner and Ruth Terwilliger ; vifitf'd Gladys Miller last Sunday. $100 Reward, $1C9 The readers of this papvr will be pleased to learn tbat there Is at least one (lradud disease that science has biB able to cue in all its stages and that Is catarrh. Catarrh- being trreatly :.t-i't-.-f'l by constitutional conditions r-fi.f-s constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and R-M tl.m th Hiwid on t!i" Mucous fiur fii"fi it ? f'vo-rrn thereby destroying t- f, if -i r.f t'..- - ' Bivlng the irirt n-',ft,i hv htilidlnat up th con fifi!,'.n n'.il i,stit!r nature in doing Its T'.Tt. Ton p ror r! -:.',:: have so much fh !i f'i lorittr-- rowers of Ilnll's f-A'.-vi- f 1 i.t offer One If ;r,,:rir t,-..wtn '.I'T '1V that It fall ts eiw pool i'f I'M 'f testimotilal. -.r"" i'. J, rfT'. ' V co, Toledo. XT M .1 K HI Wilsonville WILSONVILLE, Ore. Oct 4. Or. Duller, who is stationed at the Vaiieou- ver barracks, spent Sunda yat home, in mi- vniniro Judge Anderson has appointed FranR Suingel. on the County Defense Com- mittee. from this part of the county and Lorln Kruse was named on the Farm Labor Committee. Miss Armstrong, of Oregon City, a teacher in the primary department of ' the local school, is boarding with Mrs. ' j. Rutson. . Mrs, M. C. Young, Mrs. Howard and I Mr, Jaeger and family were among res- hients of Wilsonville, who spent the !). nt th stnf fair at Sntem. Mr Rmherfnr.1 Mrs Rntler and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Say attended . . . . ..... ustern Mar ai antrwooa. sa.u.u-, evenlns. Mrs. Aden. Mrs. Dill, Mrs. Joe Thorn- ton, Mrs. Butler. Mrs, M. C. Young and son. Wallace, and Mrs. Chas. Rid- j,1er attended the fair at Canhy. on . ijuvenne uay. Mrs. Batalgia is very ill. and a pro- jfessional nurse js 8tm tn attendance. 1 The Mi.-St,s Angus six-nt the week- -nrf in Pr.rtlBn,1 vlsltlnir their brother, jJamPS AnglIS ant, wiei. j A cass of six goiarg is aendlng (.h wnnviit- ... vnl. c , ,ltoli. flalr-A ftnil Vlririnia S;v flre attentl- 0 i ini? hiirh school In Newbere. Reed Graham and daughter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Say and family, and Mrs. A. E. Say -were among village folk, who attended the state fair at Salem, on Wednesday. Clyde Baker spent the week-end with his parenth. Mr. and Mrs. Alison Bak er. Ed Baker and sons, William and Syd ney, are camping at the coast this week. Leah Wagner Is attending Lincoln high school, in Portland. A splendid likeness of Mr. and Mrs. Chase, of Wilsonville, who celebrated their golden wedding last week, ap peared in the last Sunday's Oregonian. A Red Cross meeting will be held at the home of J. Angus, on Saturday af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Linn address. Eagle Creek EXGLE CREEK. Ore.. Oct. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass motored to Salem last Thursday and attended the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Woodle were guests at the home of the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, for a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle accom- Panied Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Woodle home last week remaining over nnp night with them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hof:'meister at tended the state fair last Friday. Miss Mary Woodle and Mm. R. B. Gibson visited the school last Fri- ! day. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Glover accom panied ' by Thomas Wnhycombe. a brother of Governor Withveombe, and son, made a tri; up into the oDver country on Monday. Mr aml Mr8- Rj-V Went '' 3t the hotVP of th la,tor's i.'"e"ts' Mr' and Mrs' ' Moehnl:'. I Shuebel. j Mr. and Mrs. Will Dousrlass were I visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I son Sunda v. R. B. Gib- ; .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fdell were down this way after some fruit ths other day. Abpaugh 'I.SPAl'GH, Ore., Oct. 4 .1. W. Oowty and daughter, Mrs.e Emma Dov.ty, Ir.ft for Ohio, last week, where they will vi::it with relatives r.1.1 frienis. On their return trip they " ill stop a while in Kansas. Adolph Still, who has been work- ln- Alaska for some time, returned llome lst we:k. He intends return- iri? in the. spring. -Mrs. .1. w. iiowty, Jubn Douty and""'1 alm ',UB- I,a"1B eave tne sup-1 Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Sparks made a ' trio tlp the Columbia highway Sun-! rlT,. .1,,.;- ! " l,,v" """'"" , Dandon provides 17.500 site for hie condensarv. ' ' " " Baker $10,500 building permit sued here. 1s- Old Folks Saved From Suffering .u.wy ii. lA-an, .aunioii, MasK., in her S7th year, eays: "I thoussbt I was beyond the reach of medicine, hut loley Khlney Pi lis have proven most henellcial in my case." Mr. .Sam A. Hoover, High Point, N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was worse at night ar.d I had to get up from five to seven times. Now I do rot have to Ret up at niyht, and con wilier niy.'-'elf In a truly normal con dltion, which I attribute to t'oley Kid ney Puis, as 1 have taken nothing else." Mrs. M. A. Rtidses, p.njjinson, Mans., fay.: "I sul'lered .I'ruia- kidney ail ments for two years. I commenced (akliij Foley Kidney rills ten months nr, and though I am (i t yars of age, 1 feel like a lij-year-old Kiel." Vuh-y Kidney Pills are tonic, r'r p;-tlu'iiing and up-building, and noionnl netlnn to Ihe khlriev and o a disordered and painful blad der, Thpy act quickly anC contain uu dangoi'uuu or harmful drugs. Muliuo .MCLINO. Ore.. Oct. 4 Horn to the wife of Jot Mallet. Jr.. a baby girl, on Thursday. Sept. 27. Mr. ml Airs. Sitinev Smith left last . . . ... . . ... . . . rnday ror Madras to visit Mr. bmltnsi tn- sisters, who are living with an rant n that place. They returned home last Tuesday night. Louie Pendleton was a guest at the Krickson home this week Mrs. Henjamin Howes is selling off her cows and chickens and she is going to rent her place and go to Port- land to live. Mrs. Ashby, accompanied by her son, Frederick, went to Salem last Men- ' dav. Fred is oini- to attend srhoiil In' Salem. Mrs. Ashbv I scolmr to return home in a few days and Miss Lois'1 ul" ,nuR w""fi movln ,,uo lne .. , a . .... ' I'ritton place. go,K lo .n o say wua her brother during the school term. Mrs. Haines is working at the Snod - grass home. Mrs. August Erickson. Mrs. L. F. Holiday and Mrs. Ed lierdine. called on ... .. . .irs. joe imiueis last umiay aner - noon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning and! Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have gone to the const fnr fw .lnvs , Mr Tavlor an(, familv hav6 movei, into the W. H. Oarnall house. John Bounds and family have rented ,,,, ,, M... w.. ' rhu ITnrv SpltTtfr ii-naa " 1 ne uam e g.ven in .Munno nan uai ADOWDEN POTATO . DIGS YOUR POTATO GETS THEM ALL Light Draft because high wheeled. Perfect Separation because of longer and wider tiors than others like size. Long Lasting enduring material. f r. DISC HARROWS DRAG HARROWS CHILLED PLOWS STEEL PLOWS aaiuruay nignt wan well attended. Mrs. ,er Ior 11,8 dancers. Lver'one is busy here with the fall wnrk f!:irnprlnr tha r-fi.r.., ninAMt,. ! .." , , 7 ''"" i land, plowing, seeding and so on. Such ! a heautlful autumn somewhat repays ! . I ror th rainy spring and long dry sum-! mer r ,,, Mrs Leslie Holiday was an Oregon City visitor last week. J. J. Mallet, Sr., is fencing some land, m ' Jennings Lodge " JENM.VOS LODGE, Ore., Oct. 4 - Juvenile fair will be held at. the school on Friday evening. pw , ,..,, , Mrs. I rank Lucker, Mrs. Will Jacobs and Mrs. Martha Shaver were joint hostesses at the war lunch on Friday; last at the chapel. Almost $12 was realized toward the church budget. This was followed by the experience social, an annual affair, which proves very interesting as well as a paying proposition. Many unique methods! were adopted by tho ladies to earn their dollar. C. P. Morse is tide to be at iln store again, after being laid up with a severe cold. fa tt ..1 v rv .-. ? rm w : i ! John Jennings In seriously ill at tho j Oregon City hospital. I Dr. Mary Farnutn Is still confined In (the hospital, with lllnos, j J. V. Zimmerman and I. N. Lett I spent some time fishliw up tho Colum .j I'ln the past week. Miss Francis Fleekonstoin, of Port- land, spent Tuesday w ith her grand- j I'lllt'ius, .nr. a till JITS. I. 7S, l.Ott. : Mrs. Martha Shaver had tho mlsfor - (tune to fall down mm Saturday. nd ; will be confined to her bed, for week "S, i Jack Hampton has entered Columbia j University, Portland, for the school year. ' i ) Mrs. Fiiiretm Ttnuh ,n " " ( '". where her husband , '"' ",w ? 1 tU 11 Cook h"8 .,u,p " lhe kk i in- (nisi ween. 'll'"' '-' i" " 'X'orussa rvan f tsk n K.. ..I. . v i.. . .1. . t Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith have left : Hock Creek and w ill arrive home soon. ' Mrs. Lllllo Moore and Marie will mov' ,0 Newb,rK "'- Sad indeed, was the death of Isaac 1'np uh) w killed by falling from , - ,,., f hr ,. M (. , fi ! 'Mn- N- Smith Is slowly Improv.,. 1 J?"'. to MIU ,B lh" ,'lrtlflnd cnl Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Ulch. of Wasco ! x', !i . ,. , ' Oregon, were guests of Mr. and Mrs! ! Mrs. George Heathman has her lit-: ,. ,,, ,., , ll granddaughter with her during, ill - 1 t . . 1 kiHn.'Mj, i-.buu-i .mi - v rsciven, 01 aaiem. , Canbv CANBY. Ore.. Oct. 4 1 Phil Metcham of the Imperial Hotel, I..,. . ... tf l.i ..,1 .. .. - . " "r"3 S"ei ui .nr. unu.DurK. former V of Ciinhv. s a..rl,..iUK- .nrs. w . U. tlalr Thursday. Because all parts are Investigate the operation of the Dowden and you will buy no other. .t 1 rortiana, Oregon W. J. Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY The Canby school dismissed Friday ! to allow the pupils and teachers to at- tend the stale fair. Dr. and Mrs. John Fuller, of Jeffer- son. -were m Canby on business Thurs- ,jay j ' . .. ! . h " "u uu "'6 vn, visitor Thursday. lit,, ,r . , j ' an and daughter, M as I Catherine Lvans, left Thursday for, i s,jatUf'. where Miss Evans enters the j j University of Washington. j V'MIK ...... Osntfon . Mrs. Harvey Douglas was an Oregon i Slln,lay City visitor Saturday. ' j Mrs. Emma Fryrear, of Oregon City, j A large delegation from Canby at-; returned home after visiting Mr. and tended the state fair at Salem Thurs- Mrfl. Charles Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. jday and Friday, 'Ed. Howman the past week. A. J. Knlpht and Frank Kendall who r t,i . , i "'Bin ana I'ranK jvenaau, wno, L. (i. Rlggs was a Canby visitor on j are employed by Southern Pacific Co., ' Tuesday I P" stenin shoivel. were home for a few I days this week Tho "War Library fund" committee was very successful in its work , C;ml)v. :in,i Vwf. Tin Canby's allotment, which was $10. The total amount subscribed was $91.75, and should the other communities do1 as well, the library fund will be ample to carry out tho plan. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Joslyn returned this week from Taeoma, Wash., where Rev, Joslyn attended the Tuget Sound Annual M, K. Conference, Mis Ada Hums wan a Porftlnnd vis Itor Sunday. Mrs. (iooiRM Nondshndlor loft Sun day for Portland, whore she will un dergo n surgical operation t Good Samaritan hoHpltnl. Mr. I), v, McPnrlnnd who an Ore- i Knn City visitor Sunday. I ,,,,,, 8opti l7hi , , wf0 tt , Kills llrown, nine pound dnunhter. j Mrs. Fred Uoth and sons, Norman d Kenneth, have etureturned home ,fi-. ,. ! I... I I.. ....... .... t.'it.i..i iinti in iiiimcvni. Mrs. Ada lltaw was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. Charles S. Clark has leased the , Clackamas Count v News from Mr and UMr M , (w ftn(, wu (0 operate tho paper. Mr, and Mrs. Loo wll Imove to Portland early In October, Or. 0, 0. Guy, of Seattle, wan a ..u. M- .....I m I f."-v mi, mi.i nun, t. ii. wuiiiiim i this week. Mrs. Con IJowlsby left this week to spend a month with relatives In Ne braska. H. S. Harvey, the Canny Jeweler, hus returned from a business trip to Seattle. Mrs. Illehard Olsen and daughter, Aurel, of Scllwood, were week-end vis- ; '.' ',.,.. ' iivp) A"'"" MlUht. an e-reldent of j'iui)v )um. a prominent attorney of 1 Portland, was In Canhy Sunday look i ing over property Interests. W. H. Hair and Grant White went 1 down to Scnpoose this week to see their duck lake and to look over the Mr. and Mrs. hunting In general. '. rs' Uuny "f""1. vm- Mrs. Barry Sherwood m wlth pmlllm,tllu at l0 homfi r , r It DIGGER CLEAN i ileva- made of the most 71 parents In Polk County. Italnh Coleman left Hntonhiv iCorvallla where he will resume 'studies nt 0. A. C. M , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wheeler, of Port- 11111,1 w! guests of Mrs. Ruth While .Saturday and Sunday. J.iIllBgor, the Oregon City flor- jt WJ , Canby 0 ja(tIneH8 Sun(loy. M. Roberts was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Carpenter, of Aurora, .... Mi,,H Lorraine, of Washington high j8,!n0("' 01 J'Mt'an.i, spent Sunday will, her parents In Canby. Tho Canby high school foot-ball team lnterscholasticgainc, which will be in ' organized and practicing for the first first part of October. Harvey E, To- ble, ex-Willamette tactile, Is coach. Tho team is unusually light owing to the large number of Canby students who uro serving the colors. Mrs. Ruby Smith was an Oregon City vlMltor Thursday. ICdward Hatter lias returned from Eastern Oregon whore ho has been employed during harvest. Mrs. Printer, son Unfits, and (laugh- ter, Violet, of Drain, returned homo after a week's visit In Canby. F, II. Lockliauser tt ml F. A. 'Johnson, of Portland, have, purchased the Canliy feed bam and will Immediately move Into Canby. Mr. and Mrs, M, F. Adams, of Aurora, were Canby shoppers Tuesday. V, S, Hurst Is having her potato warehouse repainted. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Fckersou and daughter, Lnverue, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, F.d IC, Nelson, of Portland, Sunday. William Lamb returned thK week from. Kastern Oregon where he lias been employed In the harvest fields. Arthur Graham, Norton Hradford and II. It, Fccles, made a business trip to Aurora Monday evening. Many of our local hunters celebrated the opening of the bird season by get ting the limit, lllrds are reported unit" scarce In the vicinity of Cunby, ( James Hampton and Clifford llrown, who recently enlisted In V, 8. Navy, am home frottt San Francisco on a five days' vacation, lloth lads are loud In the praise tf tho navy. Itev. 0, H. Carles has been assigned to the Canhy M. K. Church, for the on- ulng year. Hev, V. Hoyd Moore hav lug been sent to Cobuig, Oregon It ls n feeling of regret that the cltl- ryis of Canby see Mr. and Mrs, Moore leave for they have made many friends during their (no years' residence In Canhy. Mr. and Mrs, H. II. Kcc'.es were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Hlmlck Tuesday evening, Mrs, W. K. Clark Is spending the week In Portland, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kosenkrans. Juvenile Officer D. K. Frost, of Ore gon City, was In town Monday on husl 1 tiess connected with his department j Mrs, Eugene Mitts, of Needy, was a i guest of Mr. and Mra. Janu s Mitt.i j Tuesday. Estacada K.STACAHA. Ore.. Oct, 4 -Mrs. A. L. 1-nsswell is visiting her parents at Cottage drove. Quite a number of Fstacada people attended the state fair last week. Among them being Dr. Adlx ami fam ily, Charlie Sparks and wife, E, W. llartlett and wife and Miss Helen llart lett, A. L. Lasswell and Mr. and Mrs. H. K. KImmell. O. A. Whltcomb and P. S. Standlsh left lust Friday for Palo, Alto. Calif., where they have accepted government positions In connection with tho erec tion of the military cutitonmcnu. Dr. J. L. Hewitt and wife, of Port land, spent a few day last week at their ranch In Garfield, Stanly Helflls, ion of Mr. Myrtle Ilulflls, of this place, was quite badly Injured lust Friday while, playing with other chifclrcu at school. A loud pen cil which was in his pocket penetrated his right side to the depth of three 1 Inches. He is recovering without any serious result so far. Mrs. A. K. Morton visited Estacada frlwnuf. last Friday, ller sister, Mms Florence Kendall, accompanied her back to Portland, returning Sunday. C. C. Miller and wife visited Port land friends Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Waterman, formerly in tho groc ery business with L. A. Chapman, at I Fstacada, visited friends at thlh place for severul days. Wm. Kraack, of Canby, has purchas ed from A. F. Schuitz the property uu the corner or Firs fund Main atreets. Miss Dora Currin, of Currlnaville ac companied by her mother, left on Mon Ulay for Eugene, where sho will attend j tho University of Oregon, j Russell Reed will hoo nleave for Kan ;huh City, Mo., to enter an automobile j school. Samuel lieylinan, aged SS, father of Postmaster Heylmnn, of this place, idled a this homo in Lents, last Friday. ' " " j Funeral services were held Sunday uf- A. G, Thompson, Portland attorney, Iternoon at tho chapel of the HolmanHS plaintiff In an action filed In the clr- t'litlertakln'; company and the body sent Fast for burial. Mo Is survived by two sons, 1). C. lieylinan, of Lents, and W. A. lieylinan, of Kstacada, Clyde Denny, of this place, has the best pig ul the state fair and received the high score. The Misses Elizabeth and Roberta Hold, of Garfield, gave a party Friday s afternoon in honor of their friend, MIhb "" Rachel Reed. Quito a number of young 1 ladles were invited nnd the most ln for j (cresting part ot tho nfternoon pro-' hla gri'in was tho announcement ot tho coining marriage of their guest of honor, to Mr. Rosclo Demnilng. The secret was toltl In a small bunch of flowers which' were placed nt each plate when the delicious luncheon was served. Congratulations and best wishes followed the luncheon anil tho young ladles enjoyed a most delightful afternoon, A "ommlit"! of Indies from the. Civ ic Improvement club has secured an enlertiilniiHiiit, for Friday evening at the Family Theatre, proceeds for the benefit of the public library, Ren liur, Lew Wallace's great story, presented In plcturo and narrative ' i'astor Spiose,' of the Methodist1 church, attended Conference ut Spring Held last week and tho bishop (locldod that Mr. Kplese' pastorale of the church ut this place, bad proven very reverend gentleman returned for n,n Hfitlsfnctory ,:md decided to have tho other year. The M. 10. church has been in a very prosperous condition dining Mr. Splesn' administration us pastor, having made some much medod Im provements nn dthe church affairs kept in good shape. Tho formal dedication of tho new (hlh school building and reception of teachers took place at tho building last I Friday night anil wan nth-iidod by a jlnt'Ka crowd, There vim unmet delay In the program on uooilunt of (tin speaker not arriving until nearly ulna o'clock, but the people assembled seem, ed to he In no wise disconcerted, as they visited anil vlewod the beautiful building, got aciiualnttul with the teach ers and had a royal gnod time. Tim evening's program commenced with a solo by Ihivid Horner, of Sptitigwuter, Miss Helen llartlett followed with a solo and then Chairman C. W. Heed Introduced the speaker, M. H Plttinm of the State Normal nt Monmouth, Mr. Plttmm Is nil excellent speaker ami lulcriipci'scl his rcuutrM with humorous stories, which kept the au dience good nntured for over an hour. After some mora iuumIc by Mr, Horner, the program dosed 11 ml some mom music by Mr, Horner, the program closed and everybody partook of the refreshment and met the teachers, Kstacada people lire Justly proud of their new school building, and also of the entire school facilities at this place, WltJIam Dnlu left this week for American Lake In response to a cult for enlistment. Mr. l'ule Is a gnuhiate dentist and has had itu application pending lor tin appointment as dental surgeon In the army, and hopes yet J u, fH that position, The City Couucfl of l.titacaila Is looking around for a suitable man to fill the position of mayor, as th office will bo vacated by the removal of Irwin I). Wright, the first of next mouth, to eastern Oregon . The tire department was ci'led out Tuesday morning to the property ad joining Dr. Morse's office on Main St , but discovered upon reaching the build ing that a chimney was burning out ami no damage was done. Mrs, J. W. Iteed and Mrs, It. Morse were Portland visitor Tuesday, Mrs, John Lovelace, vice president of tho Red Cross Aiulllary of Fstacada, a In Portland Saturday In the Inter esl of the society, Ijist week (Jtltto a large amount of work was turned over to the Portland society. Knitting Is unite the popular work for the sol diets which the Fstacada ladle hava taken up, and knitting needles may ba seen flying hy nimble fingers on the streets In the stores, and everywhere. One lady goes to bed ami knits. The first football game of the a son was played on the high school grounds last Friday when the Adelphlc Wobsterlan skirmish was given. Sat urday the regular football season opens and this part ot the athletic sporu will no doubt exceed all other years In Interest. Ellwyn Rutherford Is the director of athletics. Mrs. A . O. Wbltcomb departed Thursday fur Palo Alto to Join Mr. Whltcomb, who left for that place last week. Mrs. Kffle Simmon, of Portland. wa a guest at the XV. A. Hevlmnn home one day the latter part of last week. Ilert Ilyers and J. C. Peterson re turned Saturday from Pacific City, where they had been fishing for sab mon, ' Mrs. Chas. Dohlgulat, of Gre.thMn, visited her sister, Mrs. J. C. Peterson, last week. The Clackamas County Sunday As sociation will meet at Wilsonville, Fri day and Saturday, October r.'th and 20th, convening at 10 o'clock a, m. ('has. F. Ilomlg, Is president of thn as sociation and delegates are expected from each Sunday h hool In the Coun ty. PORTLAND ATTORNEY SUES cult court Wednesday ngnlnst Jessie K. Orlm, tho plaintiff aeeklng $500 for services rendered as attorney for the defendant in various actions In Mult nomah county and tho supreme court. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What Heap of Happiness It Would Bring to Oregon City Homes. Hard to do housework with an ach ing hack. Iliings your hours of misery at lei sure or at work. It women only knew the cause- that itackache pains often (Mime from weak kidneys, 'Twould save much needless woo. I man's Kidney Pills nro for wtvik kidneys. Read what this Oregon City woman says: Mrs. Henry Larson, !0! John Adams nl root, says: "I was subject to, back nc.lie for several years. I used to h i so bad I couldn't rest well day or night. When I was on my feet a groat deal my back ached liko toochnclio. Nigbls 1 couldn't sleep on account, of tho con stant pain over my kidneys, My lid novs also aided too freely. I felt all idayed out and had no iinililtlo.i to do fi'iiy'Mng, The least exertion l udo' mo tired and nervous. Slnc.o I have been Inking Dunn's Kidney Pills my buck feds stronger and my kidneys net more regularly. Iieau'u have proven beneficial In every way." Piico (10 cents 'at all dealers. Don't Him ply auk ror n kidney remedy get Doim's Kidney Pillsthe samo that Mrs. Larson bnd t..ui,.,. Mlil,,.., n Mnl'rs., Buffalo, N. Y. CLACKAMAS C0UN1Y SUNDAY SCHOOLS MfET AT WILSONVILLE