Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 05, 1917, Image 1

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Tht Weekly Enterprlta
It worth tht price. Com
port It with othtrt and
thtn aubtcribt.
Tht Enlsrprlae It tha
only Clackamaa County
Niwtpaptr that prlnti
all of tht ntwi of thlt
4 . arowlno County,
t 4"
irft iHi rr h c res
L' 1 H NX
In a family quarrel at tho home
Wednesday afternoon ('mil, I'nilt, n
farmer residing at ParudlKn Corner,
two mile from Needy, struck hln wire
on ilio lit'iul wUU nn Iron bar, Inflict
Iiik what may prove to bn u ft1
wound. The attack was tin end of
n quarrel which had been going on
the greater lmrt if the dy between
Hi.- man hihI hi wife, Hi bar bi '"
hand of the iuriiKl husband Inflict
ing u crack In this woman' head nearly
three Inches In li-iiKih. Th sheriff
office wait notified of thn assault about
f. :30 mid Deputies Front ami Joiner.
hurrying t the t, found thn man
silling In tho yard awaiting their com
Iiik, ami offered no resistance In being
taken t-i thn county Jail where he wan
being t'ii year younger. They have
hmt trouble ut various time within tho
IiihI two year mid at omi time a ill
vomi Mellon wan started hy tho wlfo
In thn circuit court, hut later dismissed
hy thn parties.
Th Jury In thn null of Fred J. 8
Tooze, superintendent jf tho Oregon
City 'school against Harry Jt. Cart
lldge anil hln wife, Pearl Gregory Cart
age, for $20,000 damage for libel, aft
nr being out 15 mlinit-H Tuesday after
noon, brought In a verdict of $1 for the
plaintiff, after receiving Instructions
from Judge Llttlcfietd to bring In a
verdict for Mr, Too.e.
From all Indication tho western sol
dier have, made a hit with the people
of North Carolina, especially at Fort
Greene, Charlotte, according to letters
received In Oregon City on Wednesday
from several of the young men, among
whom Is I), C. Anderson, now with the
.,, ii.ru nml stationed at that camn. !
The people of Charlotte have opened
their homes, clubs and places of amuse
ment to the western soldiers, and state
that they never before have seen a
finer lot of men than those from the
west. Among the amusement that
Judne Mtllefleld, In his chance t"jare being afforded our boys are auto
ho Jury, directed them that the dang-1 j0hlle trips, lectures, banquets, dances
uiige or fltilietin .-no. i, ine circmui . and purlieu, tnese airuirs oeing arranR-
The last of the charges against Au
gust Krlckson were disposed of Wed
nesday In the circuit court when the
defendant plead guilty to the charge of
assault with a dangerous weapon. The J
court sentenced him to six months In;
the county Jail and because of his
physical condition parole was granted
on the condition that Erlckson report
monthly to the court. Erickson's phy
sical condition Is far from good and
since the series of charges
18 Fit El
AT fln Cfifl F
n I u n it y ii u I l
Isaac Lane, old time resident of j the deceased who had at different
Clackamas, was instantly killed this times consulted him In regard to heart
afternoon by falling from an auto' trouble with which he seemed to be
were 1 truck on which he was riding, the rear afflicted. The doctor further said that
which contained the libel and which
was printed and circulated by Mr. and
Mrs. Carllidgo. was libelous per so.
The court told the Jury that the Hullo-
brought against him he has been fall
Jng rapidly, the last charge growing;
l out of hlH attempt to assault his wife j tersectlon of Center street and River j
Road In Oak Grove. Mr. Lane was
cj In their tumor.
Tii Imvi of On-iron Cttv. who are
stationed there, are enjoying the best with a gun some time ago at the road
of health, and ere delighted with army ' h"me he ornir!y conducted.
tin could not be Justified on the ground fe although considerable of their time With the close of the court docket
that It was a criticism, and he said j )( tal(,n up wt)i drills and study. Ion Krlckson ends a story of the old
liha'inw throws unon the defendants a,,.nPa r W)iton nicked from the days, a story no doubt full of thrills
tho burden of proving the charges to i t,:U have been sent by some to those j and excitement with an end perhaps
! holding a tinge of sadness in the rap-
Mil failure of the central figure. For
! hu trile, and also the burden of proving lUt home
that -the were not made through mat- j
ItmiKhly speaking, and after allow-
,. i i. .i.i
' T lZ n heir arrival found ra 1 by taxation Mr the fbical year
.. . .. ivin, m J ending June SO, 1U1S. we shall have to
""' w""""". . - 1 rl ,,v ...MiLlonal bond 1hhus be
POOI Ol lll WMI-IV j
. ... . ...i. ...i. ii... ii,.,,. ,,f ihn . itw'eeii
aiMiiii lour i n" i , ,,'
saulf, and learning that nothing had)
been dmm toward calling a doctor, I
they sent a hurried call for Huctorj
Mount, who reached the scene 25 mlii j
uti'i later, Later the ambulance wnsi
culled from tho hospital her to bring j
i (i..,. i i.. ilw ,'liv lull lit it lute!
,. ...' rrK...i ' The wife was ! Ul'" ""m,r of ,hl'H0
..i....a .l,.,.!!. nwiv re ifo'clKU govcrnmeulrt
... i. i... i..-.. ,.f i.i,ui .i:iini.il i ultimately
ii,i h"hi mi- iwr-'i .. -
Mlille lying In the Ihmiii) before the
ice against the plaintiff. The Jury was
Instructed to award to the, plaintiff
such a sum as would fairly and honest
iu i.ii.i!i. him for Injury to his
lug for the amount of revenue to be j ,, r(MJUtaton. He told the
Jurors to consider the actual damages,
and to consider well thn question of
nmllce, and advised that tbey could
bring In a verdict for punutlve or ex
emplary damages, In addition to actual
thirteen and fourteen billions
of dollars. It Is estimated that
OilO.OilO.OiHl will represent additional
loans to the willed governments, which
In turn will give us their obligations
hearing Interest. This j.OUO.OO0,000
will nut .therefore, represent expendi
tures; It will represent loans naseu
wheel passing over his chest. The ac-l this might have been the cause of his
cldent occurred about 2:15 at the In-j falling from the truck.
Upon the arrival of Coroner Slevers
an inquest was held and the following
moving some household goods from j acted ag jurorg. E. E. Klmberlln, Del
Camas, where he has been living. to;,on Walds, Irvin Julian, L. A. Bullard,
a farm he had leased near Meldrum, George Nowak and N. O. Nave, all res
and had engaged C. F. Cottrcll of j1(lenfs of 0ak Grove Tne following
Clackamas, owner ot the truck, to haul j pergon9 appeared ag witnesses: Dr.
the goods from the Washington street TayIor of Milwaukle, who testified as
, wharf in Portland, to Meldrum, and , t0 the condItion of the body after the
i a nnrrr r rx I oil tKa aywul n in (Via tvti ilr t . . . ..
(in the old days when the highballs " -i-.. accident; Mrs. U. J. KaiosKt, wno wit-
! flowed the name of Erlckson was As tbe tnlck aPPached the interne. neMed the 8Cene; G. S. whltback, of
known from the Seattle wharfs to the tIon of CeDter Btreet and the RIverj490 East 33d street, a saleman for the ,
1 line of southern California, as the pro-1 Road ,n 0tk Grove the driver ghut j HooIy Peanut Butter company, of Port-
nrletorof one of the largest saloons in w i land, testified that he was at)out 300
I irnlnn - f fi rn cr lilll nut rt flair ? - . ... ...
RU...S """ireet away from the place wiiere the
Grove. Mr. Lane rove from the driver's death occurred; that he did not see
seat and stepped onto the iron step at Lane (aIli but notlced the body jyIng
the side of the truck, grasping a sup-:on the ground and that when he ar.
! Portland. It was noted as a hangout
and rendezvous for the sailor in for
S shore leave and the stopping place of
the floaters as they Journeyed up and
! dow n the coast
officers were notified.
In a stiitenuiiit Pratt sai l that he
struck the wom.ui In self defense a
she was In the net ot attacking him 1
with in open raxor. The two dannh-j
tcrs of the couple witnessed the scene,!
one 17 and one 20 years of iigci, both j 1,,,I,H
it m contradicted the statement
of the husband us to the act of self-ili-feiine,
and staled that he wan wholly
t i Id-me. slrlklug the woman with the
i is' rieiit without cause.
i iUitH i'te I statement of facts
could be obl:il!ie hy the officers at
the home last nlv.li' fiom the daughter
or from Pratt, but It
lli.it imuI.I be lean;
arose curly In the day from the fact!1"'"1""
that the husband had taken a gun
which ho had bidden mid with which
the wlfo thought 'he would kill her
self and tho two daughters, and which
she had been attempting to find.
Pratt Is an old resident of Parndlse
Corners, where ho owns a small farm
and Is about 50 years of age, his wife
seems from all
I that the trouble
loans which will
be repaid to the American
people. Hut as we must finance these
j loans, they are an Integral part or our
,.td ; general financial operations. To raise
thirteen to fourteen tillllons of Hollars
on or before the 30th of June, by
thu sale of bonds on recurring
ments seems to some people on
idle tusk. It is not easy, but
can be done. Our resoures are
fiuute; our will Is perfect; our spirit
Is Indomitable and our success Is cer
tain. We have only to pull together
hanker, lawyers, doctors, manufactur
er, farmers, wage-earners, laborers,
men and women alike, girl scouts and
bov scouts and every other class of
people, and we ca
we have demonst
can no wnen pnrusnnsnip is
port on me top. ior me purpose, u , rived gome flTe minuteg after the i.
I seemed, of looking to see if the load ! a .m i .ti ,..
That the Live Wires of the Commer-. U was known as the one place where j m . ... . the j ''
The court room throbbed with ora-jclal dub have the best bean field In j anything you wanted could be j rear wheel passing over his chest.
tory before the case went to the Jury, j dackama county was stated Tuesday from a little Johnny Walker in a sh ny Mwti gtoppe(, (he M M g0)n as . " wore.t "tul"
was made by Doctor Taylor and uub-
1 atnntUAi1 Vi. atnfaiaanra .411 tha
mr miuiivj - . (Ul up-"". . - sinree nines per nour as ne was auie n tMtfaiiinff AVOV fhiaa
vi uva una uut, iiai vmnh vva v
to stop the machine within two feet'm(Ieg an hour when the man fen t0
after t passed over the body. One eye-! the groundj and that the machine was
lory neiom me vn j v i m; unman . - . - Muni a m.u. idriver stoppea tne trucK as soon as t
In the opening statement. C. 1). La-1 at the jnitul luncheon of the organiza- BiaPS to having your roll pinched. Men j pog,b,e b(U ot until the ,njury had j
tourette. one of Mr. Tooke's attorneys, !tIon following the summer vacation. from all stations and walks of life gath-( . Hriv(,r r v Cc,,tTeu
... .... . m i - - i Brnniiarpii ma BiMiPiBMiirR a i i ni ri h
t Ciire A. C. Warner, who directed the von ered there-the lumbermen, iresn irom hfl ,.ag mov overl,-,, ,n ieir evidence that
cation of h8rvcsllng the crop, had 45 school I the woods, rubbed elbows with the houf he WM abIe Zt Z Zl
lllo said the defendants had "bit tho ! chiWren at work Monday, and they j slertc confidence man.
jhand that fed them." Senator Dim-; puued about one third of the beans, j Kricison finally retired with a com
Mck. representing the defendants, rial- Arrangements will be ina;!e today to i fortabie fortune, and from then on he
jculed the Idea of the plaintiff that his i thresh them. From beans the Wires ! 8etmed tl) play a losing game. Iater he
i trouble was traceable to Bulletin N ! talked of gouts and Ju:'.Re Grant B. ; p(int a con8iderable sum in fitting out
!l. He referred scornfully to the "croc-! limick said he had Just purchased 50'. p raci,amas road house, which
install-'0!1W' teiir8" vt lne jlulnUfr- h0.head for J1250 and offered to conduct i prwcd a total loss as far as a busi-
,.isaitl. nau iuo ujiimi iunj ... , ..n uvs nu uraivuin,. o- i nes( venture was concernnu. -.uici c
aced several charges of violating the
lt )t 'latterlng offers of positions elsewhere, j lle aa0 gtated that a Polk county farm- j (a
,,.' lie said the whole case was a "tem-jer bad shipped a carload of goats thlsjp.
svenr other class oft""' ",u"" , -cioncy, tnai me cumu;
ndothejl.b Already j referred to the defendants as criminals , probai)y gree to place
rated what a united 8ml ''",","r assassins, and declared ! buAgeU now Mng made i
pest in a teapot." auu mat tne uuue- j B(!ason, receiving f touo ior tne loan. iagt Bentence.
tin had not damaged Mr. Tooxe Tlve The i!nprover,ient of the Pacific
cents worth. He scored C. 8. Hahn, ! hiKhway frora Oregon City to the Mult
who paid for the circulation of the do- j nomah county line came in for some
jfamatory matter, and who hail flea to ( d, , Bnd lt WB8 8tated by b. T.
Alaska, leaving the Cartlldges to "face ; McIJan ()f the 12 disciples of road effi
the music." Mr. Schuebel, In closing,! . ',hat the county court would
in the 1918
up, an appro-
that City Superintendent looze vas . , . ,h work whlch woud re.
witness saw the accident,' Mrs. L. J- stopped not over two feet from the
Kaloski, who resides directly on the : body
corner. She testified before a coron- j c F; CottreI1( owner and drver 0
er'a Jury that the deceased seemed tothe tnick stated that he had been a
drag for a moment and then fell be-; neigbbor of deCeased for many
neath the wheels and it was through S yearg and that Mr bad hlred
her that the driver was attracted. Dr.!vim f tho ennHa frnm Vahinif.
rohibition laws, which finally ended i Taylor, of Milwaukle, was called, andlfin str( d(M,k Mel(lrum .th bi9
! V 9 .u I . j -i
s,eTera OI vreKon wiy ant0 truck which resnlted
i reached the scene soon after the acci-
i subordinated to patriotism; when love l,l,U"1 l" uttntial damages. qure about t;!0 000. The speaker said
of country beams supreme. I look for
ward, therefore, with confidence to
the success of tho recurring campaigns
we must mnko for the sale of Liberty
There was little real evidence pre-! f lbg was done, the highway commls-
sented In the case Tuesday. John W. pHn bad given assurance that the road
Loder. O. I. Eby, J. A. Ronke, Geo. A. 1 woud be paved next year for the en-
Harding, Frank Busch, C. C. Babcock.
A. A. Price, Fred Metzner, E. B. And
rews. Brenton Vedder, J. E. Calnvan
and Linn E. Jones testified that the
Court Cancels Road Dist.
Road Supr. Abolished
Ten New Districts Made
The Clackamas county court Frl-isame manner as the other districts.
Grenhnm may have a starch factory. , rpmltnt(m of Mr. Tooie for tru,h'nnd
i veracity was good. Mrs. Cartlldge de
clared that she baa no malice against
Toozo, but that she had "his acta
burned Into her very soul." Attorney
Dinilck sought to bring in testimony
relative to the suit for damages of
Mr. Tooze against Claude Minor, for
merly principal of the high school,
but tho court ruled lt out. Directly
conflicting evidence wns furnished by
Miss Elisabeth Busch and by Mrs.
Maude Horton Crnmblitt, both former
teachers of the high school. Miss Busch
tire length. All of the bridges, except
the one over Sucker creek, will be elim
Brief talks were made by Mr. Ben
nett, of Klamath Falls, and Rev. C. H.
in the fa-
,tal accident The coroners' Jury re-
ident. The doctor testified before the;turne(J wfth a ver(Uct that death wss
j coroner's Jury that the wheel hadcauged by accidental faning from alld
j crushed the man's chest, breaking all ; be,ng rUQ over by an autoraobile, Tbe
tne rina on tne rignt sine ot tne ooay,body wa( removed t0 the undertaking
as well as the right leg above the knee.
i He further stated that he had known : , rnntinnen on Paee 4
Circuit Judge Bagley, sitting for
Judge Campbell, on Wednesday took
i under advisement the case of Mrs. Jul
ia Cooper versus Mayor A. King Wil
son and the members of the city coun
cil of Oswego. Mrs. Cooper seeks to
obtain an injunction restraining the
L. Chandler, the new rector of St. city from proceeding with the improve-
Paul's Episcopal church. The follow- ment of pront sreet in Oswego on the J
Impressive Ceremonies
Mark Dedication Oregon
City Moose Temple
The following changes in the boun
daries of road districts were ordered
"Taken from No. 20 and lidded to
No. 67. Beginning at a point where
Eby road Intersects Section 30, thence
day mailu an order abolishing ltoad j
District No. 10, located In tho Garfield
district, and transferring the territory i
of that district to Districts No. !) and'
No. i'.K While this was tho only ilia-1
trlct that was wiped out, Boveral j oast, following north boundary of Eby
changes In boundaries were made. The! road to the Intersection of Dainni road,
law requires till changes in the botin-J thenco southeasterly following the
darles of road districts must bo made! south boundary ot Dumm rond to the
at tho September term of court. Intersection of the Sllverton road,
Tho office of road supervisor will be I thence southwesterly along the west i
ahollshed January 1, under the ,,r0. amo or tne hi.verton roan to tne .mer
vlslons ot tho new road code, and the wln ot ,he west boundary lino of
county court had not determined what
ground that it is a county road.
The defense maintains that under
the charter of Oswego the council has
a right to spend money on the county
road or any other highway upon which
there is public travel. It is conceded
...... in... I 11,1 uttn hnA hmn tfilil hv
UTiim-u vuuv ,-'. '. - ,;,i. u
Mitt that Toor.e had told ! appropriated iiu.ua uu me
Mrs. Craml
hnr (Mrs. CramblltO. two lies, but l -"
m-u rvnmliHtt stnutlv denied having i "Whereas, the state law will not al
iunde such a statement and said she
knew tho reputation of the city super-
low the apportioning of any part of
this appropriation to other fairs In the
slsted in the dedication program, Unit
ed Artisans, Fraternal Brotherhood,
Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sisters,
Knights and Ladies of Security and
L. 0. O. Moose. Prominent members
of the Portland Moose lodge taking
part In the dedication ceremonies were
Supreme Past Dictator Judge Robt. G.
, C?..nVAn.A nlnlalA. rArt T
.tnn G.mvf,mA Vl,.a ninlotni" AlloTt
the improvement is about J2S00. Wm. : ness ot the DroKram both in lodge work ! T' " r u.,,
in. juy, oufreuie ncmio iiusuuo imioi,
Supreme Attendants Rufus Holman,
ing officers were elected unanimously
for the ensuing three months:
W. P. Hawley Jr., Main Trunk Line;
John R. llumphrys, Sub-Trunk; Dr.
Roy Prudden, Tranmkslon Line; A. A.
Price, Guy Wire; Dr. L. A. .Morris,
! Feed Wire.
i In the Interest of the Eastern Clack
! amas fair at Estacuda, the following
i resolution was adopted:
i .... w n.,.nr.w. ti.r T ra Orvr.nai- on,1 i . . , j.
'Whereas, the state legislature nns oiuuo htouct and music ana prominent speaKers u.
the defense was representea ny Jos. itakeg tha higbest 0f places. Fully
With impressive ceremonies and de-
lightful entertainment the new Tem-j
pie of the Moose Lodge of Oregon City j
was formally opened on Tuesday night.
As to the number in attendance the;
convention was one of the largest ever
by the plaintiff that ?900 of the city's Witnessed m iocal circles both as an j
funds can be properly expended upon ; event socjauy and as a iodge gathering, j !
the county road, but the contract for As t0 tbe jmpressiveness and complete- i
E. Hedges.
Judge W. N. Gatens, Capt. W. A. Fire-
, baugh, J. F. Kennedy, Geo. B. Thomas,
tntendent for truth and veracity wns j county, and
pood. Mrs. Cartlldge said her sole mo- "Whereas, the people of Estacada,
tlve was to force nn Investigation be- j George and other districts In the east-
fore tho school board of alleged condt- orn end of Clackamas county nom
policy shall bo pursued relative to the
appointment of deputy road miiBtors
authorized under the lnw. It 1b pos
sible that a deputy will be named for
each ot tho 56 districts in Clackamas
county, though this Is still an open
question, as it has been suggostod to
the court that about 20 deputies be
namod for the county ami that dls
, trlcts be grouped for the simplifying
of the work.
County Judgo Anderson has made it
road district No. 57
"Tukon from No. 10 and nddod to
No. 4!). That part of district No. 10
north of the section lino between Sec
tions 11, 15, 10, 21, 22 and 23 to be ad
ded to No. 9, and that part south ot
the section line to be added to No. 49.
"Taken from No. 40 and added to
No, 20. Beginning at the quarter sec
tion corner between soctlons 13 and
14, thence south on the soctlon line
to Intersection with Thou. H. Forrest
er D. L. C, thence southwesterly on
tions at the high school and that she
had obtained information as to condi
tions from B. E. Tutro, C. S. Hahn,
Miss Busch, Frank Olson, Agnes Win
chetl, Belle Mattley, ?. F. Romlg. J. O.
Stntts, P. D. Forbes, Esther Johnson
and Dorothy Lntourette. She was not
permitted to, relate her conversations.
The court ruled out the anonymous let
ters sent to the principals of the
schools at The Dalles and. Estacada,
the intention evidently being to con
nect the plaintiff up with these batters.
plain, however, that under the new claim line to northwest corner, thence
law, the custom of road districts vy- southeasterly to Clackamas river,
lng special taxes and designating the i thence In an easterly and southerly dl-
I thousand people from this city, the
1 j . . j rt ;
surrounding country ami i and Sergeant-at-Arms W. A. Smith,
gathered to witness the dedication of ; hnrinfit hn n th thir(1 floor
! the new home, two hundred from Port
land accompanied by their own band
arrived on a special train and were
j was profusely decorated with flowers,
i lights and streamers, and held two
! long tables capable of seating 150 peo-
roads upon which the tax money is
to be expended, will be unchanged,
and that there Is no disposition on
the part of the county court to Inter
fore In any way with the prerogatives
and privileges ot the various districts,
who are rather Joalous of tholr rights
in working out tholr proforoncos rel
ative to tho expenditure of their spe
cial tax money.
While the number of districts has
boon cut to 5(t by the. abolition of Dis
trict No, 10, there will be 10 new dis
tricts created under the new law In
the 10 Incorporated cities and towns of
the county. Those will probably be
numbered and handlod in much the
rection along the north Bide of the
Clackamas river to the Intersection of
the south line ot section 24, thence
westerly on section line to section cor
ners 24, 19, 30 and 31, thence northerly
on section line, 1V6 miles to quarter
section corners of 13 and 18, thence
westerly 1 mile to the place ot begin
ning. , "Taken from No. 9 and added to No.
43. Beginning at the section corners
3, 4, 9 and 10, thence north three-quarters
of a mile, thence east one-qnarter
mllo, thence south one-half mile,
thence Bouth one-quarter mile, thonce
west one-half mile to place of beginning."
GASTON, Or., Oct. 1. The sale Fri
day of the W. K. Newell herd of regis
tered Holstelns at cioverldge Farm,
near Sogher's Station, was well attend
ed. The sale was held under the direc
tion of the new owner of Cloveridge
Farm, Manllus Olson, of Portland.
While there were many fine animals
sold at a sacrifice, the sale as a whole
was satisfactory, 70 head bringing
$12,000. Thirty cows averaged $235.
The top price, $440, was paid by the
Rev. Mr. Martin, of Mount Angel, for
a beautiful 4-year-old with a high butter-fat
record. Many of the cattle were
bid in by the dairymen of this locality,
Louis Wilcox, of Scogglns Valley, pay
ing $1475 for a bunch of nine heifers
and young cows. Lionol L. Paget of
East Gaston, purchased three young
heifers for $800. John Klernnn, of
Portland, was the heaviest buyer.
fair each year with funds of their own,
which fair Is of great value to the coun
ty of Clackamas, and
"Whereas, the state laws allow the
county courts to appropriate funds for
such purposes, Now, therefore, be it
' Resolved, that the county court o't
Clackamas county be requested to ap
propriate each year for the Estacada
and other county and district fairs of
Clackamas county, to be distributed
equitably among the various districts,
the sum of $1000, and that this sum
be put In the budget now being pre
pared by the said county court and its
assistants, and, Be it further
"Resolved, that the Live Wires ap
pear at tha next budget meeting In a
body to aid in the carrying out of these
land entertained the visitors with a
After encumbering the docket of the concert, after which all adjourned to
circuit court of Clackamas county for the bau where the entertainment
25 years, the suit of the Willamette program of the evening was to be held.
Transportation & Lock Company vs. I Judge Grant B- Dirnick was toastmas-
uiet oy tne iocbi ue,egauou a.m j ple whUe the kitchens were stocked to
Promptly at nine o'clock the work j overflowing with lunches prepared by
of dedication by the lodge was carried j the womea of the Moose and visiting
through in secret meeting, during , ioage8- Music by the two bands and
which time the Moose band from Port- j the 80ioists, addresses by the different
l.,...,la XT Tlrnnoi. W T Rnrnev nnA
W. G. Cox was dismissed Thursday
under stipulation by Judge Campbell,
who at the same time dismissed the
suit of the Portland Railway, Light &
Power company, vs. W. T. Burney and
George A. Harding. The suits were
originally instituted to quiet the title
to an island above the falls. When
the power company constructed a
breakwater around the falls, the island
disappeared. The questions involved
were settled out ot court and the pow
er company will obtain quit-claim
deeds to the property.
BALTIMORE, Oct. 2. SuCffragists
were advised "not to lift a finger" to
aid the new Liberty Loan, in a speech
made before 150 women workers for
equal rights by Mrs. Henry O. Have
meyer of New York. She was heart
ily applauded.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 3. Fees received
from motor vehicle and chauffeur reg
istrations from January 1 to Septem
ber. 30, totaled $189,835.50, according
to figures compiled In the office of the
secretary of state. This is an increase
of $4S,461.50 over the corresponding
period last year.
The fees for September totaled $6,
449.50 as against $3,778 during the
same month last year. The fees for
1916 totaled $146,254.
All uniting
Opening remarks
Judge Grant B. Dimick
Artisans '
Song Mrs. Carl Moore
Speech .... Judge Grant B. Dimick
Pythian Knights and Sisters
Duet Mrs. Green and Mrs. Crawford
Speech Prof. Fv J. Tooze
Fraternal Brotherhood
Violin Solo F. F. Theroux
Speech A. M. Slnnott
Knights and Ladies of Security
Song Mr. Oscar Woodfin
Speech Mr. Geo. H. Thomas
L. O. O. M.
Solo Roy A. Prudden
Remarks ....Judge G. E. Hayes
Speech "Glimpses of Mooseheart"
Rev. J. W. MacCallum
Dedicatory Ceremony
Portland Lodge No. 291
Members of the following lodges as-
speakers on a variety of subjects filled
each moment of the evening from 9
until 11 o'clock, when supper was an
nounced as served in the banquet hall
and the lodge room cleared for danc-
ter for the evening and the following ' ing) tbe two bands rendering the dance
program was rendered; those appear- music. The various commutes in
lng being members of the Moose or cbarge 0f the evening's program were:
visiting lodges. Dedication Chairman Albert F. Keil;
Dedication Program i entertainment Chairman Roy A. Prud
Song "Star Spangled Banner" j den, F. J. Tooze, Mrs. McGahuey, Mrs.
Moose Bandichas. McCormlck, Mrs. Henry Hen-
ningsen; banquet Chairman H. A.
Sandy, A. L. Barnes, W. H. Smith, Mrs.
Hiram Harvey, Mrs. M. P. Chapman,
and Mrs. Martin Chrlstensen; dance
Chairman Edward Busch, Mrs. A. M.
White, Mrs. M. Hamilton, Mrs. Beck
man; decoration Mrs. E. L. Johnson,
Mrs. Fred Simmons, Mrs. A. M. White,
Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mrs. Beckman, Mrs.
C. A. Baxter, Mrs. Chas. McCormack,
Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mrs. H. L. Hall,
Mrs. C. T. Wood and Mrs. M. P. Chap
man. The new three-story building was
erected by the lodge at a cost of ap
proximately $15,000, the second and
third floors are occupied by the lodge.
The Becond floor contains the hall and
club room and the third floor the ban
quet hall,5 while the ground floor will
be occupied by commercial houses,
two of the store rooms having already
been leased.