lage7 1 MARKET REPORT Oil Tuoadny eggs took n slight ad vance, from 42 centa to 45 tionts, with HtloilH Of Htlll advancing, Tli In I ilu to Hid high iirliiH of feed, Tlio retnll price 1 now 6(1 cents. Curu In mill In Dm market and many of I Ihi housewives are canning fur the wtulirr'M utt, Tim HiHily Mercantile emu puny wuk selling Tuesday for 20 cents per doxen. Tomatoes art) In large quuntltlos In din market, Toil ii y they are selling fur (15 tents per bo, but those are all sulec ted. 8mull cm-umbeis for pickling are somewhat short crop thU year, but are still In Hit) market. California grupn are arriving In lurgo quantities, mid many of the ear ly Oregon grapes will noon make their appearance, some have already reached the lot ul market. Never before has there been brlKhtr outlook for those engaged In growing grapes. The potato market remains about tin MMiiii. Many of the farmer have j round that the continued dry wouther bud a tendency to stunt the potatoes, iiiiiI that the recent rains wore a great benefit, but bad the ralua ant In a few weeks loontir, the ylnld would have bein unusually, large In Clackamas county. a tunny have planted pota toa thla year. Thoao people have not heroine discouraged, and have decided to continue planting each year, al though It rmjulrwa a little extra work. The pear crop throughout the coun ty haa been ahort. and many of the fruitgrowers and farmera who have en gaged In marketing- thla fruit to the local markota. atale the yield waa ahort owing to the late froala, thla In juring the peara before they had at tained thrlr growth. In the orice of meate and llveatock there haa been no change. Furnished by Brady Mercantile com pany and Karr Brothers.. II CHAUTAUQUA MAKE A SPLENDID S H 0 W I N G I f I ' A M'l1 QfiT Oil1 ' ,(1,art,;r north went quarter of! execution, judgment order and docre, f the complaint, the plaintiff will apply I IN rilli 1 DUil JL j(,e northnuMt quarter, mid the north-j and In compliance with the commands I to the Court for the rellwf prayed for GEORGE HUBEU DIED TUESDAY The Infant aon of Mr, anil Mra. Oeorge lluber, of Oak Grove, died at . the family home of that place on Wed- Report of officer, of the Willamette " Bep.ember 19 and the remain Valley Chautauqua assembly, road thla ' th" ,y ,0 J?" afternoon before the annual meeting jCluckanm ee.Motery on Thursday The of the board of dlre-tora, ahowed that 'u,K!r bn,,y t,1.h' City noapiiai, le twin siiunr imn died at that Inatllutlon aoon after her east quarter of the north weal quarter 'of section twelve, townahlp six south of range two east of the Willamette meridian. Now, Therefore, by virtue of aald execution, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commamla of aald writ, I will, on Saturday, the During the paat few dayt there have been aeveral cbangoa In the local mar ket, prleea of egg being effected to the extent that have cauaed aouie of the housewives to be pleaaed. Tbey already prepared for the lncreaae by putting down" a large number of egga when they were allghtly on the de cline. The wholeaale price of butter haa gone from H centa per roll to 96 cenla, and I today aelllng at ll.05ftl.10. Ex tra good country butter I bringing price of HO cent at the atorea. ."iour liiia u.)i:e from $3 a sack to $2.i i, wb e.i la o newhat encouraging tot i we,iln! nan havli; a family to Uve bog have gone In the local market from 14 cent to 1H cent i rftnd; lamba from centa to 10 iutiut; htma from H and 15 cenn to 18 end 17 centa per pound. There are h-se quuntltlea of fruit i. the mark-t Including peache. p.--.,!, ! pie nn 1 ilium. The pilcc o.i . ( .i. ,ca r ho f r the Albrrta r. ty i 85 tenia. Tlaso are of ex celleiit quullty. and a hirge ahlpment wui ri-cived on Thuraday. Si g ir hiia dropped from $9 to 8.25 p.T 1U0 pound. BUYINO Cieniifiry butter 5Cc 1'otntoe $1.752.00 Onions, piT pound 15c New potutoea, per lb 2e Nutter (oenatry) per roll 75c r.KSn, tr doxi-n 5c bELLING. New rotatoea, per lOOlba,. .f 2.50ff $3 Culibatii', or hmd 1 6cU Klc Cabbage, per pound 3c liutter, per roll (country 90c Creamery butter, per roll 11.10 Kkr. P'r dozen 50c BUYINO the 1917 aeaalon wa the greatoat year financially In the 24 yeara the aaaem lily haa convened at Oladatone p'nrk. The report of Hecretary Thomaa A. Ilurko ahowed receipt of $7,937.79 for the year. In addition the aum t $2, 250 waa paid In atock tubacrlptlona, and $1811(1.80, the balunce accumulating during the paat four yeara, awelled the entire receipt account to 112.084.69. Dlaburaementa for the year, Including about $5000 to date for the new audi torlum, amounted to $11,607.65, leav ing a balance on hund of $470.79. There are Htlll aome outstanding I) 1,1 1 agalnat the eaaoclatlon on the auditorium con tract and tbeae will be taken care of a aoon a a final check-up can be made with the architect. Trealdent Dye and Secretary llurke were author ised to borrow any aum neceaaary for final completion of the auditorium ac count, for a period of 90 day, and at that time to take care of the Indebt edneaa with Incoming atock. At the 1917 aaaembly $2000 worth of atock waa aold to be paid to the aaaoclatlon during the coming year. Thla will leave the aaaembly with a net balance of approximately $1500, It la thought, and thla money will be uaed to carry out extenalve Improvementa on the grounda. with new walka, roadwaya, and better water, lighting and aanltary convenience. The director, moat of whom attend ed the meeting, were highly elated at the Chautauqua outlook. The board conalala of I'realdent C. H. Dye, II. K. Croea, John Loder, Chrlatlan Bchuebel, Mra. C. II. Dye, Mr. Oeorge Armatrong. Mr. Geo. Harding. W. d. Huntley, Mra. A. D. Manley. Mra. Emma M. Spooner. J. K. Jack, Dr. Oeorge Hoeye, Duane Ely, F. A. Olmatead and E. O. Cau- field. of aald writ, I will, on .Saturday, the f!th day of October, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., at the front door of the County Court Hours In the City of Oregon City, In aald County and Btate, aell at public auction, ub Ject to redemption, to the higheat bid der, for U, 8. gold coin caah In hand, 27th day of October, 1917; at the hour jail the right, title and lntereat which of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of j the within plaintiff or defendant, or the County Court Houae In the City j either of them, had on the date of laid of Orison .City, In aald County and ; mortgagee and Judgment lien, or alnce birth. I'rlnevllle aecurea $40,000 for rail road with $26,000 that I to be ralaed by Prlnevlllo bualnea men poaltlvely aaaure the railroad. Grading of de pot grounda haa xtarted. NELDON'S WATCH SHOP Headquarter for Klrat-Claa Repair ing on Watchea, Clock, Jewelry. All Job Warranted. 220 7th St. Near Oregon City Elevator. I 1'ay f'oatage on Job Bent In by Mall. FRANK NELDON Watchmaker and Jeweler. State, aell at public auction, aubject to redemption, to the higheat bidder, for U. 8. gold coin caah In hand, all the had In or to the above deacrlbed real property, or any part thereof, advene to the right of said lien holders, to right, title and lntereat which the with-1 aatlafy aald execution, Judgment or In named defendant or either of them.jder, decree, lntereat, cot and all ac hed on the date of the mortgage herein Icrulng coat. or alnce had In or to the above dea crllmd real property or uny part there of, to aatlafy aald execution. Judgment order, decree, Interest, coat and all accruing coata. W. J. WILSON. Sheriff of Clackama County, Oregon. Hy K. C. Hackett Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Sept. 28th, J917. PHONES Office Home, A 23 Pacific, 253 !tonldence3r,FH OR. WM. C. 8CHULTZE OR. F. P. 8CHULT2E Phyaielan and Surgeon Room 217-218 Maaonlc Hu'ldlng Oregon City Oregon W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackama County, Oregon By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Sep tember 7th, 1917. Firat publication, September 7, 1917 Laat publication, October S, 1917. Money to Loan PAUL. C. FISCHER Lawyer Deutach-eprechender Advokat OREGON CITY OREGON DEAD HORSES TAKEN Caah paid for dead cowa and down and out horac. Will rail anywhere. Phone Mllwaukle 69 J. OAK Git PEOPLE E SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka ma. Anna F. Eby, Plaintiff, v. Fred F. Eby, Defendant. To Fred V. Eby, Defendant; In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed agalnat you In the above entitled ault in aald court on or before the 10th day of November, SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka ma. C. A. Oleaaon, Plaintiff, v. Latha J. Paxaon; Latha J. Paxaon, ad minlatratrix of the Eatate of William C. Paxaon.- deceaaed; John Henry Paxaon and Alice L. Paxaon his wife; Dora May Cooper and Elmer A. Cooper, her huaband, James O. Pax aon and Edith Paxaon his wife, and Harvey C. Paxaon, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa, as: By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly lamed out 1917. If you fall to ao appear ana anawer herein, plaintiff will apply to and nnder the gea, of the bove en. FOR SALE Fine big Poland China brood aow. Mra. Woodeox, New Era. FOR SALE One Durock Jeraey Boar. Inquire of Fred II. Harrla, Oak Grove, Oregon. the Court for decree agalnat you aa . fa ore entltled prayed for In the complaint, diaaolvlng jcauge tQ mfj duly dlrected and dated the marriage contract now exlatlng be-i . . f BeDtembe, 1917 upon tween plaintiff and defendant on te- judKment rendered and entered In couni oi ueieuu..i . u.v.w... sa,d CO(Jrt on tne 12tn day ot geptem aucn otner reuei earn coun .n. . 1917 , fa0 of c Gieaaon. proper. nlalntiff. and aealnst Latha J. Paxaon; . Thla Summon I served upon you utha PaxBon admlnletratrlx of the by publication thereor once a week LgtaU of Wln!am c. Paxaon, deceaaed ; In her complaint which is a follow: That the said defendants and each thereof be required to set forth the nature of his or her claim In and to the following described real property, to-wlt: All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, , 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 25, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 In Block S; alao all ot Lota 22, 23 and 24 In "Block 2; all In Pleasant Little Homes, No. 3, accord Ing to the duly recorded maps and plat thereof, In the County of Clackamas, and State of Oregon. And that the adverse claims of the defendant, or any thereof, be deter mined br decree of the Court. That by said decree It be declared and ad Judged that the title of the plaintiff In and to all t said real property is a good and valid title In fee simple, and that none of the defendants have any estate or Interest whatever In or to any part of said real property. That tho defendants and each thereof be forever enjoined and restrained from claiming or asserting any claim whatever in or to said real property, or any part there of, adverse to the plaintiff. That plain tiff have such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet an! equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six weeks In the Oregon City Enter prise, a newspaper of general circula tion, published In Clackamas County, Oregon, as being the newspaper most likely to notify you of the pendency of this suit, by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above en titled Court, which order was duly given, made and entered on tie 27th day of August, 1917. The date of the first publication of this summons as fllxed by said order is the 31st day of August, 1917, and the date of the last publication Is the 12th day of October, 1917. J. N. HART, Attorney for Plaintiff. Gerlicger Bldg., Portland, Oregon. said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for tha relief prayed for In her complaint, to- wit: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between ptalntift and defendant. This summons ia pub lished by order of Hon. J, U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit .Court, which or der was made on the 3rd day ot Aug ust, '1917, and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks, be ginning with the Issue dated, Friday, August 24, 1917, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Fri day, October 6, 1917. BROWN ELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. U iiriiu ii i SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the County ot Clackamas. William laenaee. Plaintiff, vs. Homer S. Ballentyne and Molly C. Bal- leutyne, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka maa aa. Hy virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and rn execution, duly laaued oat of rn.: undrr the aeal of the above en-; title I cc ji t. in the tbove entitled ca'iio, to me du:y c Lee ted and datcJ the 20th day of September, 1917, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In aald court on the 20th day of Septem- for alx successive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper publlahed at Oregon City, Clackamaa County, Oregon, pureuant to an order duly made and entered of record therein by Hon; J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above Court, on the 27th day of Sep tember, 1917. The date of tne first pumtcauon hereof la September 2S, 1917, and the date of the last publication Is Novem ber 9, 1917. R. CITRON. Attorney for Plalntifr. Portland. Oregon. Tho ( k Grove Ci nmrtctal club will hold an important meeting on Monday evening, ot which time B. Loo Paget will be on the urogram for an address. , . , , . ,.iK 1917, in favor of William laenaee, One of the Important subjects to be , , ,, . I plaintiff, and against Homer S. Ballen brought up for dlacuaalon wi.l be thej(yne MoUy c na!Ientynei defond. water system to be eatabllahed at that'an, fur th uln ol HS7.00, with In- place, which the people of Oak Urove I tereat thereon at the rate of 7 per cent are very much Intercatod In at tho'p-r annum from the 1st day of April, prcaent time. A petition, which la 1 1916. and the further sum of $100.00 bigned by' many residents of Oak laa attorney'a fee. and the costs of and Grove. Is to be presented. This pe-iupon thlB writ, commanding me to tltion la gotten out In favor of the make, anle of the following described water aatem. -real property, situate In the county or The meeting ia to be presided over; Clackamaa, State of Oregon, to-wlt: hv the nreaident. Dean Butler. Commencing at tne Soutnwest cor Sherl.Ti sale. In the Circuit Court ot the State of John Henry Paxson and Alice L. Pax- son, bin wife; Dora May Cooper, and Elmer A. Cooper, her husband James G. Paxson and Edith Paxson, his wife and Harvey C. Paxson, Defendants, for the sum of $700.00, with interest there on at the rate of V per cent per an num from, the 13th day of August, 1915, and the further sum of $60.35 with In terest thereon at 7 per cent from the 21st day of June, 1917, and the further sum of $75.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $63.05 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described j real property, situate in the county of ' Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. In the Matter of the Estate of William C. Bullitt, deceased . Notice is hereby given that the Title and Trust Company, Adminis trator, with the Will Annexed of he Estate of William C. Bullitt, deceas ed, has filed its final account in said Estate and that the above entitled Court has set Friday, the 2Sth day of September, 1917, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. at the Court House at Oregon City, County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, as the time end place for hearing any objections to the final account before settlement thereof. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State 'ot Oregon, for Clackamas County. Grade E. Maaaey, Plaintiff, vs. Elbert Massey, Defendant. To Elbert Maaaey, above named de fendant: In the name of the Statu of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the fifth day of October, 1917, said date being the expiration ot six weeks from the first publication of this summons and If you fall to appear or answer said complaint, tor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain tiff and defendant and for the care, custody and control of the minor child, Vesta F. Massey. This summons Is published by order of Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 3d day of Aug ust, 1917. and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks, be ginning with the issue dated, Friday, August 24, 1917, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Fri day, October 5, 1917. BROWNELL k SIEVER3, Attorneys for Plaintiff. i Tta 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 21, uregon. lor we vouniy oi umcKHmaa ; an(1 25 of Block ot 0ak John Carlaon aad E!la Carlson, his WOULD REGAIN POSSESSION OF CANBY HOTEL Grove Park in said county and state. 8UMM0N8 In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County ot Clacka mas. Laverna Petterson, plaintiff, TS. Peder Petterson, defendant To Peder Petterson, tha above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before six week from the date ot the first publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 28th day of September, A. D. 1917; and It you fall to answer, for want thereof. tha nlalntlff will annlv to the court Dated this 30th day of August, 1917. j reUet demanded ,n sald plaint, namely, for a decree of divorce ner of block eleven (11) of Oak Grove Addition: thence running north 340 feet to the northwest corner ot said block; thence eaat 2824 feet; thence south 340 feet to the south line ot said block; thence west 2S2,4 feet to the place of beginning. Now, Therefore, by1 virtue of said ex Mrs. Caasle Evans Fuller has fllod j eeutlcm. Judgment order and decree, Buit In tho circuit court agalnat S. J. I Bnd n compliance with the commands Vuughnn and Florence Vaughan toLf 8tt,j writ, I will, on Saturday, the recover possession of the Cottage ho- j 27th day of October, 1917; at thg hour wire, I lamtms, m accordance with the duly recorded T. A. Snook and Hattie U. Snook, his Now thereforei by virtue ot Bald wife; Ma Zanders, J. A. Austin and ; executio'n Judgment order and decree, Jane Doe Austin, bis wife; Harrie; Jn compliance wlth tne commands Morehouse; Amanda Johnson; Kate 8aId wrjt t wl on Saturdav De Lacey, G. M. Worrell, "en""' 1 26th dav of October, 1917; at the hour NUelI. C. W. Hoff and J. R. Hoff. part- , fc & gt the front door ners doing business under the flrm, County Court House ,n tne clty name of Hoff Brothers, and August fo 0regon CUy ,n gaid County and Martin, Sam Martin, and Albert Mar-J ... auction 8ubject tin, partners doing business under! redpmpUoil t0 the highest bidder the firm name of Martin Brothers. ! (af v g goM con cash in handi aU Defendants. jthe right tItle and interest which the State of Oregon, , within named defendants or either of M- j them, had on the date of the mortgage County of Clackamas, ! herein or since had in or to the above By virtue of a Judgment order, de- j degcrlbed real VT0Verty 0r any part cree and execution, duly issued out of j thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judg- and under the seal of the above tn-ment orderi decre6i lnterest. costs and titled court, in the above entitled ia accrulng cost8. cause, to me duly directed and dated j r j WILSON the 9th day of August, 1917. upon ajsherUf of clackama8 County, Oregon. TITLE AND TRUSTT COMPANY ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE WILL ANNEXED. W. O. MCCARTHY, Attorney for Administrator. First publication August 31, 1917. Last publication September 28, 1917. Uve hogs 16!4c17C! Dressed hogs 20c20 Lamb, yearling, per lb 9c10c Lnmb 10cllc Spring chickens, per lb 17c Steers 6c7c Veal, lb dressed 14o15c Hens i" 10c17c Old ruuaters, por lb 8o10c Feea, Oats, per 100 lbs .....$2.75 Wheat, per 100 lbs $4.00 Cracked wheat 11-25 Shorts, 891b. sack $1.75 Flour, per sack $2.90 Suit, 50 lbs Mgh grade 75c Hay, per ton $20$32 Chick food, per 100 lbs $5-00 Scratch food, per 100 lb $4.25 none, por 100 lbs. 13.50 Bran, 601b. sack $1.25 Twin Four Feed ..$2.20 Percheron horse feed, 100 lbs.... $3.00 Berkshire $3.00 Kackle teed, per 100 lb. $3.60 Holsteln dairy teod, per 100 wt...$1.85 Oil meal $3.50 Blond meal penury, it. 1 Albers ma food $3.80 Middlings, 90 lbs $2.35 Whole corn Cracked corn $4-60 Oround corn M-80 K and O. Middlings -l-i(! Cocoanut oil meal $2-25 Eastern oyster holl $1-25 Grit, per 100 lb 90c Beof scraps ?5.25 Calf meal. 25 Tun." $1-25 Sugar beet, 100 lbs $7.95 Sugar, 100 lbs. $8.25 V, S. Chop $1-35 tot at Canby, alleging the defendants are wrongfully possessed of the said proporty and are withholding the same 'from the plaintiffs. Restitution of the premises and $75 damagea are asked. WANT LA FOLLETTE TO RESIGN WASHBURN, Wis., Sept. 24. De mand for his resignation Ib to be sent to Senator La Follotte by the Wash burn Loyalty tongue, which Is sIbo to sonda telegram to the president of the United States senate asking that Sonator La Follotte be impeached. STAGGERING AMOUNT LOANED WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. The gov ernment has advanced $35,000,000 to Orent Britain bringing the total ad vanced that .country thus far up to $1190,000,00 and the total of all cred its to the allios up to $2,426,400,000. Mnrshflold: By-products factory turns out first hatch chnrcoal from old cdiir with considerable quantity of oils, etc. of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door ot the County Court House in the City ot Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, ail the right, title and Interest which the with in named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above des cribed real property or any part there of, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, docree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Hackett Deputy. Dated, Oregon City. Ore.. Sept. 2Sth, 1917. The Oregon Agricultural College Vhr trained niiorinllMB with nwlrrn lb- oialnrlrt and ndrqiiuli- ruuipment W la- tiuntlon lfudliiK to collci.-lHl di'grot in thr fiilltiwinfC noh' ilal AGPICULTURE, with 15 depni'tmriiti; OOMiVirKCE, with 4 ili-piiitimiiu; ENCT.UEXtlNa, with dcpurlimnW, In cluding Civil, Kli.eHintl. Uiahway, Imlitril Artu, IrrUntlon. nd Mi'diitnliMl k'ngliwcrln: FORESTRY, Including Loggia lingiiiMr Ing ; H3MJ3 EfTNOMICrCwIth 4 nvfjor' depart ni.'nti, Including tuining it tin l'imtico llr.uan; M1NINO, with tSrcn dopartraraU, Includ ing t'lirmii'nl Kiiglnimliigi rHARMACY. ' THE SCHOOL Or MU8I0. offer! tnntnio. lion In the prlnrlpal ilepiiitmeiiti of total and Inntrmnvntiil nunlc TUB MILITARY DEPARTMENT, enrolled 10H5 iiult'ts In 1UIiM7, und won raeommen CmUm fur O. A. C. firm tho Western Depart ment of the V. S. 'War !)epni tmeiit oua of tho fifteen "dlMlnmilt.hi'd Institnticna" of hiither learning, All outlet will bo furninhed Ciiiiipieto uniform hy the II, S, Oovernment and the Jiinlur find neuior endetn, enrolled in tho It. O. T. 0. will bo given eoiiiiniitntien for uliHiritcnco, iu well uj'ull triuispurtaiion and auiiNiiHenee ul the ftlx wnoks' Bummer oamp, REGISTRATION IiiiGlNJ OCTOBER S, 19? 7. Information on rlt'it,' Address, Registrar, Oregoi Agricultural Collaga, Cuivnllii, Orogou. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Joseph Shemannlcl, Plaintiff, vs. S. M. Shaver and Mabel Shaver, De fendants. State of Oregon, County of Clucka- mas ss : By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the Seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 20th day ot September, 1917, upon a judg ment rendored and entered in Bald court on the 18th day of September, 1917, In favor of Joseph Shemanski, plaintiff, and against S. M. Shaver and Ulabel Shaver, defendants, for the sum of $2,650.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 29th day of December, 1914, and the further sum of $100.87 with inter est thereon from the 30th day of June, 1917, and the further sum ot $165.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $48.75 costs and, disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale ot the fol lowing described real property, situate in the county ot Clackamas, state ot Oregon, to-wit: The south one-half of the northwest default Judgment and decree, rendered and entered In said court on the 4th day.ot August, 1917, in which Ida Zan ders, Defendant, was decreed to hold the first mortgage Hen on and against the premises therein described, and that she was entitled to recover the sum of $700.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of S per cent per annum from the 27th day of April, 1915, and the further sum of $75.00 attorney's fees and $11.50 costs and disburse ments, and to have said premises sold to satisfy her said lien, and that John Carlson, and Ella Carlson, his wife, were decreed to hold the second mort gage lien on and against Bald premises and entitled to recover the sum of $2300.00, with Interest thereon from the 29th day of July, 1915, at 6 per cent per annum, and tha further sum of $100.00, as attorney's tees, and the ! further sum of $18.00 costs and dis bursements, and to have the premises therein 'described sold to satisfy her said Hen, and that G. M. Worrell was decreed to hold the third Hen by rea son of a judgment lien on and against said premises for the sum ot $585.00, and interest from November 18, 1916, and entitled to have said premises sold to satisfy her said lien, and command ing me under the authority of said court to make sale of the said premises to satisfy said Hens, which premises are described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at tne southeast corner of northeast quarter ot section five (5) in township four (4) south of range three (3) east of the Willamette Mer rldian; thence running north one hundred (100) rods; thence west one hundred and sixty (160) rods; thence south one hundred (100) rods; thence east one hundred sixty (160) rods to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres more or loss; save and except one and one-half acres deeded to School Districtone hundred twen ty-one (121) of Clackamas County, Ore gon, on June 10th, 1911, as per deed recorded in Book one hundred twenty ono (121) at page three hundred and nine (309). Now, Therefore, by virtue of said By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., September 21st. 1917. Summons. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Burnie Looney. Plaintiff, vs. Josie Looney, Defendaut. To Josie Looney, above named de fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 5th day of October, 1917, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons and If you fail to appear or answer from you terminating and dissolving the marriage relationship heretofore existing between the plaintiff and tha defendant, and permitting the plaintiff to resume her maiden name of Laver na Parks; and' for such other and fur ther relief as may to the court seem just and reasonable In the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of Hon. J. IT. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order is dated the 6th day of August, A. D. 1917, and requires you to appear and answer the com plaint herein on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication ot this summons. And the date of tha first publication of this summons ia the 17th day of August, A. D. 1917. J. M. HADDOCK, Attorney for the plaintiff. First publication, Aug. 17, A. D. 1917. Last publication Sept. 28, A. D. 1917. SUMMONS. In the "circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor the County of Clacka mas. Andrea Olsen, Plaintiff, vs. Anna Christianson and John Doe Christianson (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) her husband; O. B. Estes and Jane Doe Estes (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; T. E. Lister and Mary Roe Lester (whose true Christian name is un known to plaintiff) his wife; Mrs. E. A. Hunt and E. A. Hunt, her hus band ; E. P. McCloskey and Jane Doe McCloskey (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; W. T. Beveridge and- Mary Roe Beveridge (whose true Chris tian name is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; J. W. Beveridge and Fan nie A. Beveridge, his wife; Eastern Investment Company, Limited, a corporation, Defendants. To Anna Christianson and John Doe Christianson (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) her husband; O. B. Estes and Jane Doe Estes (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; T. E, Lister and Mary Roe Lister (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; Mrs. E. A. Hunt, and E. A. Hunt, her husband; E. P. McCloskey and Jane Doe McCloskey (whose true Christian name is uu known to plaintiff) his wife; W. T. Beveridge and Mary Roe Beveridge (whose true Christian name is un known to plaintiff) his wife, above named defendants: In the name ot the State of Oregon you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 12th day of October, 1917, and if you fail so to appear and answer PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WCINHARD BUILOIN& D. C. Latourcttk, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier The Fitst National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from V A. M. to i Y. M. Phones Paclflo 52 ' Home A-151 GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended U C. D. 4 D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneyt-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon, Office Phonea Pacific Main 405; Home A-270. STONE & MOULTON Attorneya-at-Law Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OXEQON CITY OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law' Money loaued, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examtuod, estates settW, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-27S C. SCHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Beutscher Advokat Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon City. Oregon. W.S.EDDY,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKlllip School of Sur gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion Stable, -between Fourth and Fifth en Main Street. Both Telephones Office Pacific 65; Home A 95 Res. Pacific 184; 'Home B-80 CLACKAMAS COUNTY CREDIT ASSOCIATION WE GET THE MONEY 6 and 15 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Turn your old accounts and notes into cash. Special correspondents and attorneys in all cities and towns in the United States Wd Canada.