OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1917, Canby CANIIY, Or,, Hopl, 27,-Mm. Jennie Ihitta, (if (llndntoiio li a guest (if Mr. mill Mm, Wllllum Miiilo thin week. Mm. 1 tiirvoy 10, Tnble 1mm returned homo from it two weeks' visit with relatives ut Corvulll. , Mr, itiid Mm. W, A, While mill John HklvliiKton lft lust week for I'orilund whma tln'y will remain for llto win ter. Kenneth uik) Lolllii Horning re tnruo homo Tiiemluy from a. week' visit wlih relatives In Portland, .. K. II. Ilulnui, James IMtU and Clulre Unities loft Saturday for a trip to Tillamook, V. II, Luck and wife were guimta of Mm, Lueke's alater, Gwendolyn Kvuiim, who In touching nt Vernonlit, Oregon. Mm. Hmlth Bergman, of 1'ortlBinl, iimtlii a tmnlnt'K trip to Canby Friday Mr, and Mm. Clifford Miim,ol Bremerton, have returned to tholt home ufter a week' vUlt with rela tive In Canby. (ioorge Unlink, of Wlllunu'tte, was a Cimbjr vlaltor Mondny, Tim Canby Red Cross dance given at tlm bund hull Saturday evening wiih a complete aureus. A luri) crowd from Aurora, Hubbard, Oregon City and Portland worn In attendance. The Hcil CroKH (luiiio wua a aurcoit luranly through tlm efforts of K. 0. Kotiliiaciri, who Kiiiuit mm It time In arrangement and ailvortlaliiK. The entire community I In sympathy with tlm Red Cm movement and iiiih organization and individual wIhIh-h to alt In all waya. A .neat mi in wit raised by thin dance which will Im lined for tho purchase of ma terial and .other neccwsnrle, Mr, and Mm. John, of Portland, wtr week end fluent of Mr. and Mm. (ieorice HendHhndler. K, (irccn, of Canby, who la princi pal of Aurora high school for the 1917 1 year ha moved to that city, the school opening Monday. September 17. Art Artea and Phil Iauonon, prom tnenl buNlue man of Aurora, were Canby vlaltora Monday. Mm. Kred ftoth, who. la leiu-hlng In llubburd, apant Sunday al home In' Canby. Mis Naomi Itunner, who haa charge of tha Knit Huh department In Cimly high chooL upent her fair week vacation with relative In Salem, MIhh Stella lii'iidiilnuller. of Elgin. Orogon, la v IhK in k her brother, George Mrndtdiadler. Sim will remain In Canity a few moutliH. Mm. W. H. Hair, who hua been ap pointed chairman of the local urn imit ation of Ort'non War Library council, culled a nicotinic of the local orgunl xutlon and nppilnted tho following person to aolltit fund for the Canby allotment: P. M. Roth. Ma Knight, Mr. K. (3. Roblnaon, Mr, and Mm. V. II. Lucke. Mr. and Mm. II. II. F.celo. Mrs, Arthur Urn ham and V. II, Hair. Canity' allotment la 111.00, Out the i-oiumlttco hope to mine a great deal morn than thlti. Mr. Carrie Senton was u vlaitor at Mm, Kntn.enmi-yor, of Hllvorton, thla week. MIhh ICva llurna spent the W' k visiting frlenda In I'orilund. Mr. und Mm. W, II, Lucke attended the tate fair at Hulem Thursday, Mm, l, MIh, of Konmt ISrova la a giiitHt of her parent, Mr. and Mra. Hrollln, of I'runcliitida. (irant II. Dluilck wuh a lmhlut'na vliillor In Canby Hiitnnliiy. Mr, and Mm. 1,. A. Wheeler, of Ar lliiKton, Vanh were gueala of Mr. and Mm. Yi. (1, RobluHon thla week, Mr, and Mm. Ralph C. Knight, of Portland, were gucata of Mra. tlnorge Knight and Mr, and Mm, W, II. Hair Hunday. (lenrga Hale rtinio up from Clucka miia to h 1 lend Hunduy In Canity. Mm, Waldo Urown, of Now Km, waa a Canity vlaitor Monday, Ml tot IhiIIu Newatrum hua accepted a piiHttlon In Mra, WIH'a confactlouery atoro. Arthur (iruham tnadu a bualneaa trip to tha Bulherliitid aaw mill near lionald Tuenday. Tha regular meeting of the Sun day a hoot board of tha M. K. church met on Thumduy evening. Tha fol lowing offlccm and teacher were elected: A. J. Itrudette, miporlnti-nd-cut; Harvey 10. Toble, aaNlatant an- perlult'iiilunl: J, C. Norton Uradford, aecretary; Kunlca Dodge, treaaurer, Myrtlo Hurgeaa, organlat. Tha prea- ml teaching atnff of the main i hool wem all realected. A, Mlcketaon, Myrtlo Hertchet and Anna lleln. Mm. (ietirga Hendnhadler and Mra. If. A. Kcrkmun were elected auperin tendenl, und aaatatant iicrlnti'lKleiit of the primary department. Mi'KHm. ClurcucA ICIil, Joaeph Bchuubel, (ilenn Coleman, and Jonaa hoot of Cump Wlthycombe apent Sunday with relutlvea lit Canby. Mr. and Mm. Avon Jeann, of Orlbble Prairie, were Canby vlaltora Hatur day, Prauklln Ijiuncr made a bualneaH trip to Oregon City Suturday. Wllam I Mux, the popular nuc tloneer of Liberal, waa In Canby on Illinium Wedneaday. Mm. Harry H. Kvani and daughter, Catherine, were Portland vlHltom thla week. Mint Vlolette Kvana, of Portland, apent the week end with her aunt. Mm. W. II. Hair. Mr. and Mm. Ivan Dlmlck, of Auro ra, were Canby vleitom 'ednenday. Mr. and Mra, K. K. Nelaon. of Port land, wore Sunday gueata of Mr. and Mm. J. l.ee Kckeraon, King Who Lost Hi Job It Growing Fat and Happy 11 ..hi 11 ' 11 in in in 1 " i- 1 11 inn 1 ll ' ' ; WH-'ff- ?t ' f , ' , . ' 1. " ' H , 'Jfi.Ii L- J ' ' -."", ' f ' .. f i iC VV. , v . ' V ') i.f-. ;,v.,- . j; t , - ' ' ,' i -'). if ,. , . ' f ; I r . . . , , ' , ' , j , , .- -" ' 5 ' ; " , ' " ' ' t 'Kw.'s'.' 'y - w - - v ' V - , ' ,' , : t. ;' 'I v - ,V"' ; l'? trttf ,; f " ' i ' I - , ! J "1 1 ' - . . t,t , , . Ji . 1 , ft t' ' "'' : i ' it Ir , .t , A ' '.', ' ; j ' ' ' J I ; ( . I - V - i", Sx ' . - , CCJI.F.S. LUXBURG S CONDUCT IS DECRIED BT THE KAISER BUENOS AIRES, Sept, 24.An ulti matum aent by the Argentine govern ment to Germany demanding repudi ation of the actlona of Count Luxburg, ex-charge d'affaires here, waa followed cloaely by a note of disapproval from the Berlin foreign ministry. Thla lat ter communication came Jut in time to forestall a vote in the chamber of dep uties on the question of severing re latlona with the kalaer. Foreign Minister Pueyrredon gave out two notes that be had received , from Dr. Luis B. Molina, the Argentine , minister at Berlin. The first read : "I confirm my telegram of Septem ' ber 21 and am transmitting the exact '. text of the note from the German gov jemment in reply to your communlca- tion. Aa you will see, the satisfaction cannot be more ample or complete. "This note waa delivered person ally to me by the imperial chancellor, who haa just returned from Munich and who repeated the sentiments of the note in a most expressive. and def inite manner. There ia no doubt, j therefore, that the German empire con idemns the conduct of Luxburg, whose I opinions were purely personal, and it 'dlsapprovea absolutely. You may be Ex-King Constantino of Greece, who lost his throne largely because the queen, a slitter of Kaiser Wllhelm, gure the German government will faithfully keep lta promises" PUBLIC EXPENDITURES )R YEAR'S PAVING Meadowbrook MKADOWHKOOK, Ore.. Sept. t" P, O. Chindgreii, Herman Cblnduren and A. I,, l-nrklna made a bottlneMs trip to Salem Friday- Pauline lloffateter, who has been working In Portland all summer, la home on her vacation. Don Houghton gave a corn roaat party Saturday evening on Milk Creek and a very enjoyable time waa apent playing games and rousting corn. At a lute hour lunch was served. Those . . ,.u l. i ,i.n,i.n in thn ,i .? tha Taiau lwittl nt I.iiffATin Hwltzerland. made him unpopular, la nere anown who ui uiuuim m,.- ft,,,.. . u, . -- The king has taken on weight, and the lines have all been Ironed from his face since he arrived In Switzerland. He looks happy and contented. At his right la Princess Helen, and at the left Princess Irene and Crown Prince George. The king at the time of his abdication aUo abdicated for the crown prince, leaving a younger son on the throne, and thla young man ia having his own troubles with the allies. 'Oswego 08WKGO, Ore., Sept. 27. Mrs. Rose 1 1 en (1 rick, Mrs. John Haines, Jr., Mm. Al Itrandt, Miss Elizabeth Halns, Harry Headrlck and Ivan llalr.es mo tored to Salem Monday and attended the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hawke vlalted their sons, Ed and Jack Hawke, and their daughter,' Mrs. Gua Klser. Mr. Hawke purchased the Clark residence on D avenue and Sixth street. Mr. and Mra. Herry, recently from California, are occupying tho realdence. Mra. Mary Qnlgley visited her son, Tom Qulgley, at Vancouver Harracks. Tuesday. He waa aent to the hospital from Camp Wlthycombe, Su.iday, hav ing a severe stuck of rheumatism. Mrs. N. Walk and children, of Ca-m-tnah, visited friends In Oawepo, on Wednesday. WHEAT GROWERS -T iliV V Li iMrjLi 1 li Vt j WITH PRESIDENT! E The second message received from the Argentine minister says: "I have to Inform you of the no truth of the report aent out by, the enemies of Germany that the kaiser haa aent Luxburg a message approv ing his conduct and has offered an other diplomatic post to him. The government has denied the report by wirefcsa." WASHINGTON. Sept. 24. A delega tlon of northwest wheat growers ac companied by senators and represen-j tativea from the three northwestern: Thomas Moore, 19-year-old son of states had a conference at the White Jonn Moore, of Mount Pleasant, is ov house yesterday afternoon with Prea- er.fond 0f other people's motor cars ident WIlBon. They presented their and tne authorities are looking for request for the estatillHhment of a ba- nira arme(j wnn a warrant for his ar sic wheat price at Portland and Seat- regt on a charge of the theft of the tie and asked, as to the freight differ- ar 0t Gordon McKllllcan, which waa ential, for the same treatment accord- . uken eariy gun(jay morning from ed Minneapolis, Duluth. Kansas City j West ynn McKIlUcan lives at Mount and other midwest points, where the peasant and used the car ta drive to government has absorbed 42 per cent an(j frora j,g at the paper milla. of the freight differential. t-r-he machine is an Overland, and bears The delegation was presented by tne jicenae number of 37914, and the Senator Chamberlain and the main ar- engne number is 10738. REPORT EXAGGERATED County Judge Anderson Wednesday afternoon made public the report of the operations of the county paving plant, which discloses that i miles of asphaltlc concrete pavement was laid thla year at an average cost of 91 cents per square yard. The county laid a total of 32,421 aquare yarda, at a total cost of $29,680.80, segregated aa follows: Labor 111.685.18: material. $15,401.94; incidentals and upkeep, $2, 107.11; interest and depreciation, $486.57. The cost of the grading neces sary for the Z miles of pavement waa $4,445.36. The mileage cost of the pave ment waa $8,480, and the cost per mile Including the grading, waa $9,750. The average cost of the pavement laid in 1916 waa 73.3 cents per square yard, but the advance in the cost of labor and material added 17.7 centa per yard to the cost thla year. The cost sheets on the paving on the river road south from Island Hill, shows an average of 81.5 centa per yard. The cost waa $1.05 on the unit from Ded man'a place to Clackamas station. Unit No. 1 Unit No. 1, on 82d street, from the point where paving work stopped in 1916 to the Multnomah county line: Length of Unit No. 1, 3679 feet. Number of square yards, 6541. Aver age haul from mixer, 2 miles; three trucks. Coat of pavement: Labor ..$2545.77 Material 3,353.43 Incidental expense and upkeep of plant 523.28 , $6,422.48 Grading Unit No. 1: Coat of labor $ 978.59 Cost of material ..... 137.51 IS E Unconfirmed report of the death of Wiley W. May, well known Cams pio neer, but for several years past a real dent of Oregon City, caused a postpone ment of a hearing In the probate court Monday of a case affecting the sale of property of Mr. May, who has been un der the care of his son. Edward E. May, Mr. and Mm. Charles Itlckner cele-!Runent was made by C. L. Mackenzie, , young Moore waa paroled from the i as guardian. The papera on file at the of Colfax, Wash. The president aaKea gtate training school three months ago courthouse Indicate tnat May ana nis -$1,116.10 present were: Mrs. Houghton. Mr. Camp Wlthycombe Hunday where ah' and Mm. Frank Evans and daughter, wna a gutiat of her son, Arthur. The Canby si hnols will clone Friday to tilldw the school children and tench em to attend the atnto fair nt Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wlckllffi', of Sol um, California, are spending the week with their nephew. George llendahnd ler. and family. Mr. and Mra. W. II. Hulr and Mr Mildred, Belle Houghton, Annie and Eredu Johnaon, Annie Jemon, Myrtle Ibucl and Nettie Larklna, Norma Culberson, Don und Stanley nonun ion, Walter and Link Jepaon. Arthur and Harold Johnaon, Glenn and Allen l.arklns mid Charley Culberson. Alice Holitiati left for McMlnnvtllo Saturday, after apt'iidlng the summer and Mm. It II. Kcelea were Oregon j w ttli Iter parcnta. Mr. and Mm, Chaa. City vlaltora Sunday evening, MIhh Mabel I loiighinan. of Portland, Is a KiteKt. of Mtnaca Lillian and Mil dred Wanir tills week. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Allen, of Don aid, were Cnnby vltiltorx Wednesday Miss Velnm Hetiis, of Aurora, was n weekend gueat of Miss 1'raucis Roblnaon, Mm. Robert Cnules, nf Portland wan ft guest of Mra. S. J. VntiKhaii this week. Mrs. ('. G. Miller, of Oregon City was a guest of her nlater, Mrs. H. A Iterkmun, Wednesday. Mrs. Jiimea Mitts and son, Wesley, were r.uesta of Mrs. Mitts' daughter, has made recommendations. IPATiTIl 110 NOT PROEM Holman. Arthur Johnson returned home Fri day from Eastern Or gnu, where ho had been working In the harvest fluids nil summer.. Mrs. Hannah Johnson I.itul, of Port laud, is visiting relatives hero thla week. ; llot'iitcller boys, who routed the Cut tinua farm, are buildiig their house this week, Pen and Ruben Chlndsren took Itliufla SamuolMim and Ruth Chind gren to Monmouth Sunday, where they expect to attend school this winter. Iirated their first wedding anniversary at their home, Thursday evening with a reception. The first year being paper they carried out all the Ideas in that way. The living room and din ing room were decorated In red. white and blue crepe paper streamers and flas. The fancy score cards were also paper, as well as the dlahes. priz es, etc. The evening wus aent In music and "500.", after which refresh ments were served. Verne Harkley, of Portland, received the first prize, being a book. George Mullock, of Os wego, received the second prize, be ing a hand painted picture. Many useful and unique presents were be stowed upon the host and hostess. Tboae who participated in the happy affair were: Mr. and Mrs. James Itlck ner, Sr., Misses Lillian und Mary lilckner. Henry Ilickner. Mr. und Mm. John Itickucr and daughter, Fdith, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hickner and daughter, Avn, Mr. and Mrs. Donald James, Mr, and Mrs. George S. Mul lock. Mrs. K. P. 'lav Mr ami Mrs I George Thomas. Mr.' and Mm. P. H.ilabor 8l'ctiou of the convcntion i,.,iu,.i, t ,.., i.,mi..i, -...,.' "Labor hn 3 been restless," he said. trttiiiiit t.T.T l.vun.i Hill IHV U, 1 Ul f Markloy and the host und hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Humly, of Pasadena, California, were Ocwego visitors on Monday. , Mrs. Austin Pilaris returned "t Iter homo in MeMlnnvlile, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M many questions and at the conclusion an(1 ynt t0 V0T at Hartke'a dairy, of the conference said he would "- promising to behave, but after he had range that the wheat growers lay their j earned ne drew the money and case before "Fijod Administrator Hoo- 8tole nl8 father's car and was not seen vcr. He himself Is not conversant with 'agam untii Saturday night, though the the details and wants Hoover to pass car wa8 roun(j. Late Saturday night on and hear their petition for relief. ne appeared at his parents' home and He himself will not act until Hoover j demanded the car, but waa stopped by his mother, who threatened to phome ; the officers. The boy grabbed his fath- : er's rifle and fled from the house, and I the weapon waa found late Sunday in ! a shack, belonging to John Moore, near Lawton's store. i The boy next broke into the garage . of Arthur Smith ana stole Smith's car, but the gasolnie supply was against wife, Mrs. Virginia F. May, have 10 sons and daughters, aa follows: Henry W. May, Oregon City; Edward E. May, Oregon City; Louis L. May. Sell wood; Mary E. Nicholson, Richland. Wash.; Dora E. Williams, Oregon City; Olive E. Exon, Clear Creek; Oscar M. May, Beaver Creek; Aneta Lalzner, Port land; Ida C. Andrews, Oregon City; Jennie F. Miller. Sellwood. Attorney H. E. Cross, appearing for the guardian, was ready to proceed with with the hearing, which had been set for 1 o'clock when a message reached the courthouse that Mr. May, who has been in feeble health for some time and has suffered a stroke of par- Total cost of Unit No. 1.... $7,538.58 Sq. Yd. Coat including grading .$ 1.05 Cost of pavement .98 Unit No. 2 Unit No. 2. on 82d street, from S. P. crossing to near McNickles' corner: Lenght of unit, 2542 feet; 392 feet on Pope hill 10 feet wide, balance 16 feet. Number square yards, 4259. Length of haul. 3V miles; 5 trucks. Cost of pavement: Labor $1,261.05 Material 1,911.87 Incidental expense and upkeep 340.72 $3,513.64 Cost of grading: Labor .$ 578.61 Material 156.77 ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 24. Unpat riotic business men seeking excessive profits were blamed for the spirit of j unrest among labor by Secretary of j Labor Wilson, who spoke before the ' ihim and the car waa found a short dis- - alysis, had Just died. The hearing ad tance from the garage. Moore then Mourned abruptly. It developed later went over to West Linn and started ; that Mr. May was very much alive. McKillican's machine, with more buc- 1 m . cess.and neither boy nor machine has been heard from. In 735.38 Rubber Stamps Our Ruhber Stamp Department is prepared to turn out your or ders for special stamps on short notice. Orders received by 5 P. delivered the .following morning. Butter Wrapper Stamps 16 OZ. DAIRY G. H. JONES FULL WEIGHT BUTTER OREGON CITY, R.F.D.2 "because the word has gone forth that Iron and steel men are making 200 to too per cent and that shipping, mining and other great industries are getting excessive returns. This feeling on the part of labor haa been justified. In my i,.,rtoIw,ii!,,n nf th oiuil imtnstrv in Howard, who, . . ,. ... , , .... , , tie east, t was suuwn uiai optimum have boon visiting Clyde Churchil i . . , , . ,. . , , , , , , , , , , ln soino iin'.:.nces extorted $a and $6 and family, have left for Oakland,! , ,.iif-i.. .1,rte Hw tn i..iir rum uuit woi mom fi.. v tuin-i inn, nurir iiif, Mill fli.'Ul. Ifl MO COLLISION HEAR fMIf i Total cost of Unit No. 2 $4,249.02 Sq. Yd. Cost of pavement $ .97 Cost including grading .82 Unit No. 3 Unit No. 3, on 82d street, from near E. Dedman's place to Clackamas sta tion: Length of unit, 5068 feet. Number of square yards, 9010. Length of haul from mixer, 5 miles; 5 truck3. Cost of pavement: Labor $3,904.93 Material 4,843.73 Incidental expense and trpkeep 720.80 $9,474.48 Cost of Grading: Labor r $1,367.38 Material 101.76 10 greater part of tho winter. Later on they will go to their home in Reno, Nevada, whoro Mr. Howard la employ ed as an engineer. The members of the Corinthian As sembly No. 411 United Artisans, gave a farewell party, on Mrs. Gilbert Cos tello, and family, who will leave for Scuttle, Wash., where they will re aide.' IQuite a number of Artisans and outsiders were present. Ilancing and playing games were enjoyed after which a delicious lunch of Ice cream and cookies was served. All wished the family good luck hi their new home. Uist week Master Roderick: Rosen- treter celebrated his first birthday with a birthday party. The table was oeautminy decorated with nastur- "I have told labor this Is no time to insist on recognition of their unions, nor to force changes in labor standards but this program endangers the future liberty of the people. I now tell you American business men that It is no time to insist on profiteering, as many have been doing." BEND TO HAVE ELK LODGE Judge Campbell yesterday granted Mary C. Wells until October 1 to file a motion for new trial in her case against the Firemen's Insurance com pany. The case covers the burning of Mrs. Well's property at Oswego some time ago, and for which Mrs. Harry Jones, the contractor, is suf fering from injuries as a result of an accident that occurred at Milwaukie Wednesday, when an automobile in which he was riding, accompanied by Wells was tried and acquitted of ar Harry Chltwood, of Milwaukie, was 'son. struck by a Willamette Valley South-1 The case of the Portland & Oregon ern electric car that was on its way to City railroad against Emma Victoria 1,469.14 Total cost of unit Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp Pad and Bottle Ink, $1.25. Oregon City Enterprise Office Outfitters Phone Pacific 2 Home B-10 BEND, Or., Sept. 24,WithIn a short time the lodge of the B. P. O. Elks is to be installed in Bend with a mem bdrship of close to 150. Nearly 50 of these are men outside of Bend. Ver non A. Forbes, one of the principal workers for the lodge, has forwarded fees for the dispensation for a charter, tlums and ferna. Ills birthday cakeithls bel"K 0ne f th6 laSt 8tepS f 0T had one large candle on it. Those present were Charles Haines, Jr., Edythe Meyers, Mrs. Ted Tinker, Mr. and Mrs, J. Conway, and Harold Con way, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Rosen- trcteh and the small host. Mrs. C. H. Rascntreter and son, Rod erick, Mrs, Anna Conway, of Oswego, and T. Tinker, went to Rockaway Sat urday, returning Monday. Mrs. Con way has a cottage, "The Shamrock", which ahe went to close for the sea son, There will be a series of lectures at the Catholic church, all next week, by Rev. C. Smith on Catholoclsm. There was one on Wednesday and one on Thursday evening at the movie hall. SI SImonson left for Wheeler, Mon day, whero he is employed as night agent at the Southern Pacific station, Mrs, joe Mclntyre, of Yaeolt, Wash., visited friends and relatives in Oswe go, last week. ganizatlon. Old Folks Saved From Suffering Portland. Mr. Jones had just stepped into the automobile, which was near the office of the sawmill, and the dri ver had started the automobile across the track, when the car struck the ma chine. The car was not seen by the men until it was a few feet away. The automobile was a total wreck, and Jqnes is now suffering from injur ies of the left knee and right thigh. Dr. M. C. Strickland was summoned, and is attending the injured man, and it is feared that it will be many months before Mr. Jones will have the use of his limbs. Chitwood was uninjured. Had it not been for the presence of mind on the part of Chltwood, when he attempted to back his car instead of going forward, it is possible that both men would have been killed. Mr. Jones was brought to his home in this city. Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass., in hor kith year, says: "I thought I was beyond the reach of medicine, but Foley Kidney Pills have proven most beneficial In my case." Mr, Sam A. Hoover, High Point, N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was worse at night and I had to got up from five to seven times. Now I do not have to get up at night, and con sider myself In a truly normal con dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid ney Pills, aa I have taken nothing els." Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass., "I sunered Irom- Kidney au- rrvh: ments ror iwo years, i commenced taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months bro, and though I am 61 years of age, 1 feel like a 10-year-old girl." Foley Kidney Pills are . tonic, sti'cuKthenliiff and up-butldtntr, and restore normal action to the kldneya end o a disordered and pRinful blad der. They act quickly and contain no dangerous or harmful drugs. APPEAL IS DENIED Meyer was dismissed in Judge Camp bell's court yesterday when Harvey E. Cross, attorney for Stephen Carver, president of the railroad, showed that settlement had been made out of court. Judge Campbell yesterday signed an order granting the W. S. Hurst com pany permission to file another under taking on appeal in its case against E, A. and Hans Larson. An order foreclosing a mortgage on block 11, Oak Grove, was signed yesterday In the case of William Isen- see against Homer L. and Molly C. Ballentyne. A judgment in the sum of $1800 with interest at 6 per cent frora June i$, 10 J 6. was granted yesterday to Florence L. Lyons in her suit against Nelson Hatkett and others. The order bv Judge Campbell forecloses a mort gage upon 35 acres of land in section 27, township 3 south, range 3 east, and other properties. 110,943.60 Sq. Yd. Cost of pavement $ 1.05 Cost including grading 1.21 Unit No. 4 Unit No. 4, on river road south frora Island Hill: Length of unit, 7094 feet; Number square yards. 12,611. Length of haul from mixer, 5'4 miles; 5 trucks. Cost of pavement: Labor $3,973.43 Material 5,287.91 Incidental expense and upkeep ...... 1,008.88 110,270.22 Cost of grading: Labor $ 922.72 Material 202.02 SPOKANE, Wash., Sept.' 24. Pres ident Wilson today denied the appeal of Roy R. McKellips, of Mohler, Wash., the first person, it is said, to appeal to him for release from the army draft, according to a telegram received by the district exemption board here to day. McKellips sought exemption on in dustrial grounds as a farmer. SCHOOL DISTRICTS UNITE Hubbard: Construction on the new Southern Pacific Btatlon here ia progressing. GRESHAM, Or., Sept. 24. A spe cial school election in Union High School District No. 2 and Orient Dis trict No. 6, joint, on the question of admitting Orient district to the Union high school district, resulted in a fa vorable vote -in, both districts. This will mean the addition of $500 000 to the taxable property of the dis trict, and will make the total valua tion of the district approximately $3, 000,000. Total cost of uuit Cost of pavement Cost including grading . . . - 1,124.74 ,.$11,394.96 Sq. Yd. ... $ .815 .903 SEED SITUATION IS OREGON, SAYS WERNER The seed situation for fall sowing Is getting quite serious in some sec tions of tho state. There is an ex cess of seed in some sections, a scarc ity of seed In others. The county ag ricultural agent is trying to locate all surplus seed and find a market for it. He Issued the following statement today: "If you have any kind at seed and especially fall grain Beed, send the following information to the county agriculturist's office at Oregon City: Kind of Beed; quantity; price; and your name and address. "If you are in need of seed send in that information and perhaps it can be located in our own county."