If MARKET IN I M.iiii PTDCMPTUCMtn H iirtijmLnulllLnLU BY SALT REVENUE IUM" of i,0l.(MH of lilt . .,,. mil ,',(, M,tiusi.- to the remit . . . .. .. A M- . .,..... '". , , .I'll irt III UNI'HItti ID Hi. Ill" '' 1 . " ,r ,!. "''''"") "I i . -vll l"l''l . It lilt I j '; a !.., .1 Unit !' Ml'MI' War r , , ,is!i 'III" .sur littwn (but j'j.hHbii !"' l-'lt-t lii r ( (i .,it h ii nye Iui rl4 Hie ..f itflllk of t hin H"li. "t I int hi i ixorliniii li frm ' mil I In I '!! ! Alll lH , i . ,.ii .i I'l 'Ur.i!i in it i',, h.. . "f ' 1"II1 I'' !iI'M , ,. - j.,itlt.n ft ki lufllt ,n,, III t!i UrfUiaU bank , . I l,int i Stirtl)mlil llln! ( , cu uSiiiiUon uf i!i" Munk ';,' '''' l'""'''! AaUtU" h . ' r ll ' ' i ... t of il iiin ntio, , r ', 1 1 t'n batik. l"i!a i! i. -i met il'miiiuli-tl this! tli- 5' , ,,, i,i. !" ill i' "'! I'l Gtfftlnin !J apportioned ntm ) . i.b il ll i.- r, i Ilin j 1 4 i' i r iwiiihkvui ltt giiiii,iig j. ') I f usui S Hie itaU ri' ii i ,. t . ,ft o . jMiiij!f its Ui ur !..(, ! ' - II lttief-rt'l In tli fflUDED BRITISH SOLDIERS TELL OE E 11!.. I lin - ..... imnop, Who Itnd ILrirMocb The Midst of Battle i - ... . at. on Western Front ' ,r t , ; f , ; ; i , .',' ' I 11, ' 1'JV- v ..' J . . i i i , . . , ft HM lL : i 4, . ti r r v v i v v L rA iff . iv V- , 3 I VVft Knrli : H(inih"in I'c.ciiic, coin plili tilliillliK Imw iilyiil) (i ollini; lutrts, TIl2C rcrron of rhho" or vcrv.aN rmir of iIh'bb tiUhiii fovr territory In Vnnve that iim bmn In the mliliit "r lml ffo'H lhi licelnnlitK of ihe fnnfllri, Th bishop of Aham In wllh.iul itiw ilitc i fi,.,j of r.mfll. i, hm ih wr in o ni-nr ha ha rIhk tsit y IrUU lhu liu li 1 Iiuk Im- tx-tw ti th llm. nimt a Agricultural College li"f tf)B'd 'rrl)iii ii!i mntfi-ra Ul- i ii himI nd'i'.nt f,i.in-ni kivn in I- m, !i,n Iin1,rii( io i-th fc,t d,iti ia ihf l'i,H,wiiiie t ln.ik; AOI-.lCWtTOitB, with IS rf...fm.nHi COMMENCE, 'tli ill"'tmi.,l; BKi JKtEKJNO, :!. iih.-oS. in- l-l4ili I'ltll. I.lrl Irii-nl, Ii;2h)-i .-itatr.sl '". tfritloii, n4 M-i;l,ar,iril Khsurrinc rOSSHTtr, im-lmliiig lcinj t:i(iiir' ln; ; llt-MB ECONOMIC!!,' "till 4 major ,. ;.,r. n t, tii(liidii, liiiniiiK ,f b ), i , II, ,; ttlNIHO, with t'ir i,'t,tii,BU, ifil I )i,mi-l ! ng-m-fiirij . THAKMACY, THIS HCJIOOU Or Mr.UJ. ,Hn In. (me lion In lint vim, il. . u , ( lid in.li , i.l il mif Til .'!JtABy tCPAftrKEKT. rnr.,!!.4 Kid', c.!. ( In l'.H1 17, km t'ii rr.,rBi. i). diiU'fi fir I), A, H. finm ih i..,n )(.(ri. n! Ibn f H. Wr lirpuinrnt t,n of Ihc f,fin ' ,.iii,.,ii h.4 aiii ii., tf '' '' li(. AH im , ! will w f ,rti,h. 4 ' Ulllli Uf fir V, p., liiiM-min,,! nl !ti juau.f and .n.i r,ji. i,n.!t4 ,g lh II it. T. C. r:i b (itrvq Mimir i (,i,i,b tuUi.lrnr. u ll sti tr jii,i..nii,.H nd t'.l.itr,r ( l , flumWP). sump, ttOIHTHATIOM IIKC.IjIS 0 JTOBfR I, 7 Ii:trmtlUB as juij mt. Adilrtii, I't;rif, OUKUB AittUi..tl Cou(t i:. Orojcu. x:utlon, Judgment order ami decree, 'the complaint, the plaintiff will apply nrm m compliance with the command of M writ, I will, on Saturday, the ih (lay of October. 1917. at th hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., at the front iinor of th County Court Houne In the City of On con City, In hpM County and State, noil at puhiic auction, aub Jcr.t to redemption, to the blKhnnt bid dur, for U, 8, gold coin casth in hand, all th right, title ami Intercut which tbu within plaintiff or defondanta, or either of tbmm, had on the date of aald mortKagen and Judgment Hen, or since had In or to the abote described real propurty, or any part thereof, adveme to the rlKht.it of aaid lien holders, to mttiufy aald execution, judgment or der, decree, Interest, coata and all ae- crulntc coata. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By K. C. Hackett, Deputy, Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Sep tember 7th, 1917. Flrat publication, September 7, 1917. Lant publication, October 5, 1917. PLENTY OF WHEAT AVAILABLE SOON IS OVER'SPKT American Aviator Downs . Two More German 'Planet N mM'IS,U. ppt, 17 - N h ) fj' rr (lia'i ih ilcc )i l t ) , in i'.tii-l l, frmn i , . i i lli I iU!h fci ru'iiiii; 1,1 ,,i t'u I nlli',) Hlslt. U . r..-l 1 1 i !j t ,!n I' II t. Kifd. tt,i tr m iharcit t San I'rmii Ui'o In i lr . f rmi d Hi a'. I tine nlimlld i , ' . i I i tin' .! till (it - i ' "!.! mi 1 ill it.-t-'iK In !, 1 1 . . f j rrfi.f in-,1 !) ii.i-ii I... .si ! I war "-ii" ;rt! f " In. ' i.ri!a, lim sm i r 'mil! imatiaMy .im 'k.' iitiiM!i.n l,.i',l Shism at 0 tr s ' tut-l .iil iiii-u '' '!m ! ,il " i !ro!l ' .!t ' ' ' 'i i , i n r.t,t urn! Wo ' , ' I I. i- Ill, l i f l:l'li- ' tour- ly MiiJirtt tidlir, but ' V ' ' i ! I ;iinl,3n Miiitl t ' ' ' t , u Wo If finf i!4 1 . ' ' I ( I I'H 1 1 ... , t'aSU tl!t ' 1 ! i i f i.lid litn't. nil I ' i ' ,!- mil ,ii!r 1 tn (ll ' ! ' '" " - tin. i ! . r I i, l ii t ' ! i 1 1 ha i mil v h r l 1 r 1 ,1,. (if !,; h .:! i ' " - I Infill!)' SI HI ' ' ' : ' " I'l !! lh.it tin' ' !t. ii H !. .s (hiil) Il !i Hi-M i', m mi t.-'. 1 " i t;i". i at'ii iU it. ' ' if (!n Snijiiwcl ' I nil, I Ml. ni (til i in hi who i 'ii-i.. - i' i or cum frt alim e ' s t'.i'i !!) Kloi! cf stisin ' !' ( r lis 11k lit - liar l .i i" r m-t'ltiiiK lo : .:ir." NKW VOHK. Hept, IT.-Wlthltt two! wpfkn iher will b inuH wb"l atkiutilo fur flour tiilllliK that the big norihoMiprn mills In Minneapolis and,1 oihr rl(r riot be abla to handlo ll all This Mas predkiod today at tmailijuar!ri hi-ro of the t'nUrd Slates fmul adtniiiiatratlun's rorpuratton. The, ln at hortiK In Huffalu. N, Y mills hat slfudy bin rrlieicj, It was da- Uinl i ! Thn I'nliml Htaip grsln corporation ' wiib roniral oftlrtu In Nw York, ihu f?ifl SMVernnienl's organisation j f ir eiiiitroiliiig the whtiat licuntton. It; l in ! touch lib whimt conditions li t r tbo orW, "An olf!il of this orgsnUallon atat i) titolay tlmt Some Mllltlra polls mills, m runnitig on H jx r n ut c apoi tiy , now lw aue the farmers - sale of their rnipi at mluliiium asured-are not, in Mf ruh to mote the wheal to mar- l Wl'.h the prrvaillng good wenth- i rr thn fiirnii'M are buy preparing the iaiil for ii t i nr crop, It was i! i -Umd It was pointed out that the f..ri!!ri p no ad tranlaae in hustling ilu .r rri to msrki'i. a they ran go in th bnk any lime and K t tiioniy i T "t W.t I y Ui. y 'ii - . ; M V. r - - i i If 1- JaT ACwW 'i NELDON'8 WATCH8HOP lleadiiuartprs for FirstClaiis Repair Iiir on Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, All Jobs Warranted. 220 7th St, Near Oregon City Elevator. I 1'ay Postage on Jobs Sent In by Mall. FRANK NELIIGN Watchmaker and Jeweler. 253 -PHONES Wlce Home, A-23 Pacific, Reeidence 3CF11 DR. AAM. C. 8CHULTZE DR. F. P. 8CHULT2E Physiclana and Surgeons Rooms 2172 Masonic Hu'lding Oregon City Oregon Money to Loan PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Deutach-sprechender Adrokat OREGON CITY OREGON DEAD HORSES TAKEN Cash paid for dead cowa and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Mllwaukle 69-J. ORGAN FOR SALE CHEAP-Or will trade for wood, apuds, or rockers. B. E. I)., Jennings Lodge, Ore. ,-4 " WANTTo rent farm, 50 more; cash or on shares prise. SHERIFF'S SALE, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, C. A, Gleason, Plaintiff, vs. La th a J. Paxson; Lai. ha J. Paxson, ad ministratrix of the Estate of William C, Paxson. deceased; John Henry Paxson and Alice L. Paxson his wife; Dora May Cooper and Elmer A. Cooper, her husband, James G. Pas son and Edith Paxson his wife, and Harvey C. Paxson, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as: By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Itiaued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 18th day of September, 1917, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In i aald court on the 12th day of Septem ber, 1917, In favor of C. A. Gleason, plaintiff, and against Latha J. Paxson; I-atha J. Paxson, administratrix of the estate of William C. Paxson, deceased; John Henry Paxson and Alice L. Pax son, his wife; Dora May Cooper, and Elmer A. Cooper, her hnsband James 0. Paxson and Edith Paxson, his wife and Harvey C. Paxson, Defendants, for the sura of f 700.00, with interest there on at the rate of 7 per cent per an num from the 13th day of August, 1915, and the further sum of $60.35 with In terest thereon at 7 per cent from the 21st day of June, 1917, and the further sum of 175.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $63.05 costs and acres or j HighureniBnt. anil the costs of and a i, Knter- to the Court for tha relief prayed for In her complaint which Is as follows: That the said defendants and each thereof be required to act forth the nature of his or her claim in and to the following described real property, to-wlt: All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. 31, and 32 In Block 6; also all of Lots 22, 23 and 21 in Block 2; all in Pleasant Little Homes, No. Z, accord ing to the duly recorded maps and plat thereof, in the County of Clackamas, and State of Oregon. And that the adverse claims of the defendants, or any thereof, bo deter mined by decree of the Court. That by said decree It be declared and ad Judged that the title of the plaintiff In and to all of said real property is a good and valid title In fee simple, and that none of the defendants have any estate or Interest whatever In or to any part of said real property. That the defendants and each thereof be forever enjoined and restrained from claiming or asserting any claim whatever In or to said real property, or any part there of, adverse to the plaintiff. That plain tiff have such other, and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is served upon yon by publication thereof once a week for six weeks In the Oregon City Enter prise, a newspaper of general circula tion, published In Clackamas County, Oregon, as being the newspaper most likely to notify you of the pendency of this suit, by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above en titled Court, which order was duly given, made and entered on the 27th day of August, 1917. The date of the first publication of this summons as filxed by said order is the Cist day of August, 1917, and the date of the last said com plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief prayed for in her complaint, to wlt : For a decree dissolving the marrUgo contract now existing between plaint) rr and defendant. This summons is pub lished by order of Hon. J. U. Campboll, Judge of the Circuit Court, which or der was made on the 3rd day of Aug ust, 1917, and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks, be ginning with the issue dated, Friday. August 24, 1917, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Fri day, October 5, 1917, BROWNELL & SIEVERS. Attorneys for Plaintiff, , Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Oracle E. Massey, Plaintiff, vs. ' Elbert Massey, Defendant. To Elbert Massey, above named de fendant: In the name of the Statu of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed aginst you In the above entitled suit, on or before the fifth day of October, 1917, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons and if you fail 10 appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract sow existing between plain tiff and defendant and for the care, custody and control of the minor child, Vesta F. Massey. This summons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 3d day of Aug ust, 1917, and the time prescribed for 'publication thereof Is six weeks, be- publication Is the 12th day of October, ginning with tbe Lnsue dated, Friday, 1917. J. N. HART, Attorney tor Plaintiff. Gerlinger Bldg., Portland, Oregon. tlj , upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described ! ' l!RIENT TAKES UP PROBLEM OF ttIG THE BLIND ihir u h. :,l m I In' haul of a mini .,., ru hiih .lands until July.' ,ta"" lrrr. American aviator! I, is "f ,n,! Lafayette csradrllle. whose llun!-r ih grain corporation of- home t in Walllngford. Conn., has (Mai ..U ih.it there would bo no fur- 'brought down two more German nlr ,hr Kla.k-mns of milling operation, p!Hms In MmisenjKill and ! h-rc. e ,,, i . . Ih(l .... ' the other day after taking w-st move will Im 10 Ho tinim inn l- " imi itlM of ihew mills to handle the " Oriiian. In a previous flight Luf Kriit lira of wheat which Is sure to lu rry nm Sergeant Walter Lovell of brgln arriving within a fortnight. Concord, M.ux., in four flights fought Wheat shipments to the allies are U'(.);nt orm,,ln. i.ufberrv brought one so carefully reflated that they w.il ,f not n'.iei t America's bread, ; In view ot the fact that there Is at! ! r . , . .....- ..itfini-i ll.ir V It ITOn Ol worn.. aviulalile danger of a bread famine I nefiilclliie, the official said, lie emphasUcd the statement that miller present conditions tanners are satlHtled with lite minimum wheat price fixed by the government, n they ; nee milking no effort to real nroiierty. situate in the county of i onerins oaie. Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit: In the Circuit Court ot the State of! U)ts 6, 7 g, 9f ,0 n, 1 13( R 21, Oregon, for the County of Clackamas ' 93 94 an( 95 o 9 o Qak John Carlson and Ella Carlson, his '9' Park in s"alt, coullty an(1 gtate, wife, Plaintiffs, :)n accordance with the duly recorded V8' ! plat thereof. T. A. Snook and Hattle U. Snook, his: NoW- therPforej bv vlrtue of said wife; Ida Zanders, J. A. Austin and j exwution, judgment order and decree, Jane Doe Austin, his wife; Harris !aml ln compliance with the commands Morehouse; Amanda Johnson; Katei()? salll writ , wm on SatUrday, the De Lacey. O. M. Worrell, Henry i dav of October. 1917; at the hour Bell. C. W. Holt and J. R. Hcff. part-;of l4 0clocU B. m- at the front door ners doing business under the flrm 'of the County Court nouse , the City name of Hoff Brothers, and August of Oregon CitVi ln aW County Bnd Martin. Sam Martin, and Albert Mar- Slate se pubc auctloni subject tin, partners doing business under ;t0 rn.iemr.tlin. to the" honest bidder the firm name of Martin Brothers, ; , T- a ,,, au in hA n jthe right, title and interest which the i within named defendants or either of ithem, had on the date of the mortgage County of Clnckamas, . hpnin or glnoe had ln or t0 the above By virtue of a Judgment order, de-; de90ribcd reaj property or any part cree and execution, duly Issued out of ,h(rtof to 8atisfv paill C!tecuton, judK. Defendants. State of Oregon, runh their rmi! to tho mills during the present ll;ht shunage In an effort to get a. hWier price. ' PLAN TO EXAMINE ALL REGISTERED MEN TO FIX SERVICE DATE'S:'1; and under the seal ot the above en-: titled court, ln the above entitled ment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. jcan.se, 10 me miiy uiiccren anu ciareu : j WILSON, ;tha !th day ot August. 1917, upon asherlff ot Clackamas' County? Oregon. I default Judgment and decree.-rendered Ry E c haCKETT. Deputy, jand entered in said court on the 4th I "riated. Oregon City, Ore., September Hiay ot August, tan. in which Ida Zan- 1 1 ders. Defendant, was decreed to hold 1 rst mortgage lien on and agatnat ; remises therein described, and 1 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. In the Matter of the Estate of William C. Bullitt, deceased . Notice Is hereby given that the Title and Trust Company, Adminis trator, with the Will Annexed of the Estate ot William C. Bullitt, deceas ed, has filed its final account In said Estate and that the above entitled Court has set Friday, the 28th day of September, 1917, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. at the Court House at Oregon City, County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any objections to the final account before settlement thereof. uarea mis sum aay 01 August, iw. TITLE AND TRUSTT COMPANY, ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE WILL ANNEXED. W. O. MCCARTHY. Attorney for Administrator. First publication August 31, 1917. Last publication September 2S, 1917. Summons. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Burnie Looney. Plaintiff, vs. Josie Looney, Defendaut. To Josie Looney, above named de fendant; In the name ot the state ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 5th day of October, 1917, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons and if you fail to appear or answsr August 24, 1917, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Fri day, October 5, 1917. BROWNELL & SIETVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 21st. 1917. SUMMONS. ithat fhe was entitled to recover the ! In the Circuit Court of the State ot ! sum ot $700.00 with Interest thereon ' Oregon, tor the County of Clacka- WASHINGTON. Sent. 17. If a largo at the rate of S per cent nor annum 1 tuas. I'KKiX,; '' C ,-, "''If I '.ll '"'ImM . 'Hi.' i, "'lit. 17 Indications that . ei iinient ! tnli'iiu a!) j l!l- Minn or the t'lidi j ' I'l be found ill III" report ! "'im for the ChtneBo blind j ' ; 1 m 1 1 1 1 in iiti i 1. r, iron l v A '"' "f fl.iini) bus been reported from " '"'"tu ,,,1 ;overninint, mul u let- 'r":'' tlti- himlulri. ...I,,.,..i l,, .u " Sun-, - ,1. 1. 11. ... . ., . .. . 'or me upireciiHlou 01 too (r!l1 l "Wn,m,.nl in ,l0 VV(irk wtll( li ' n"' 'I, Mle by the ilWlitlltilllt, tlllll ,, '' suu'Hntiinlnl. Mr. (1. ' !y' r. ' imtku an eMeiided tour of ; "Ml ,, r.. . ,, 1 ,,,, uu, etc in in lie Milieu ". ,!,!"iHt I ho next, j eur. ,t ,''"'!' work concentrated large- , ""I'llclty; ,! ()r,jor , ,,lm.0 T,'lfli 11 u "y poopie as posalblo Ino .w '"men ny tne iiiMllliuion ueeij r m,)Mn.t( entertain. ,lr(i, "'l exhllililons of blind cbll H'ivi ,Vl'r'4 ,,U!,lut titkliiK '! IllOII,! u ,UH,,ll,,r of I9rl R l,,,lt 'be year. Tho school mo ,illHrUlo to iiceo,lum)1,,u, ()Uy t,,.,y "'iilii'.T' tl,:l 11 ,H Ul"nI Hborlly t j bo m)", "l'n Its doors to u really "ihlHior cent of Peking's blind. woman mayor leaves JWorSrTaopt 17,-Mrs. a(niinh. (!llnr' 1,011,1 of th8 flrat clty Pobllll J'1'0" 1" tho country com as, m ' ,,y ()t women, has resigned I'arnm V, ,0t U,uftt!'l, and gone to Hor . ' t0 ,lv6' r-an,,Tn'"or lM iMra- n,lln T.Dun ,ai,1,ol"tod by the council. CONGRESSMEN ASKED -TO VISIT THE FRENCH .. nrMTinil maiio Willi view ui ootisijuiH 1 FRONT 0 1 BRITISH:i:;:,;!:;::;:";;:":,!;:" - "is part of the governors of the states ap-Jfrom the 27th day ot April, 1915, and . prove a sugReatum by tho provost-mar- j thn further sum of $75.00 attorney's nhal general, an immediate examiim-jfcos and $11,50 costs and disburse ! Hon of the 7.1'Oti.OOO men registered for jinonts, nnd to have said premises sold i military service and not yet culled for to satisfy her said lien, and that John! 'duty will bo begun. The suggestion ' Carlson, and Ella Carlson, his wife,! was tundo with a view to satisfying! were decreed to hold th second mort gage lien on and against said premises ' d entitled to recover the sum ot j j Telegrams asauig opinions on tho!2-0-W. Interest thereon from Members sdvlHabilitv of such action were sent,!"0 of July, 1915, at 6 per! ' . . 1 ,,11 ,oi,w ,,..,1 it Id evnectn.l that all pmt annum, and tho further sum 1 of ,bi. house and seuiite v 1 , next;o $100.00, as attorney's fees, and the! Thursday to visit ttu. nuns.. . . ... further sum ot $1100 costs and dis Franco as tno guesm 01 ... therein described sold to satisfy her said Hen, and that O. M. Worrell was Under tho plan considered, candi dates would know whether they to bo selected and could make plans accordingly. 8UMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Clacka mas. Laverna Petterson, plaintiff, Ti. Peder Petterson, defendant To Peder Petterson, the above named defendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ot the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 28th day ot September, A. D. 1917; and if you tail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint, namely, for a decree of divorce from you terminating and dissolving the marriage relationship heretofore existing between the plaintiff and the defendant, and permitting the plaintiff to resume her maiden name cf Laver na Parks; and for such other and fur ther relief as may to the court seem Just and reasonable in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, Judge ot the above entitled Court, which order is dated the 6th day of August, A. D. 1917, and requires you to appear and ,answer the com plaint herein on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. And the date of the first publication of this summons la the 17th day ot August, A. D. 1917. J. M. HADDOCK, Attorney for the plaintiff. First publication, Aug. 17, A. D. 1917. Last publication Sept. 23, A. D. 1917. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HED0E8 Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD BUILCINC WASHINGTON. S'lt. 17.- use and senate to visit tho Brl lie miosis of - .... i.i..,i parliament. The Invitation was cue.. ,. Vlee-l'ivMltlent Marshall by the speak er of the British house of commons ml tho chancellor ot tho house of lords. . U .... ... .... t .i l. . readv culled for service it was found 'seuieius, mm 10 vb me premises necessary to examine approximately 3,000,000, ATLANTIC FLEET MEiMBERS"MAKE GODDJIECOHDS WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.Whnt la believed to have boon a record In "lashing" and "stowing" was made by the U. S. Marines son-lug on board a supurdnmdnmight ot tho Atlantic fleet recently, according to reports re ceived here today. When the call "all hammocks up!" was sounded shortly after midnight the sea-soldlors were sleeping In tholr hammocks. Iu Just five minutes and 12 seconds they turned out, ' lashed and stowed" their hammocks In tho nottlngs, dressed themselves and were at attotnlon on the quarterdeck ready for any duty which might be required of them. The Dalles: $40,000 garage to be built here. NAVY STRENGTH IS TREBLED IN PAST 6 MONTHS ANNAPOLIS, Mil., Sept. 17. "There are three times as many ships in com mission ln the navy today as there were six months ago." This revelation was made here to day by Secretary of the Navy Daniels in nddressing the graduating class ot 192 ensigns of tho naval reserve. "I am not publishing a military se cret," tho secretary said. The secretary traced In detail the growth of the navy from the average expenditure of about $145,000,000 a year, in effect only a few years ago, to the expenditures which will be made before next July, which will amount to $2,000,000,000, decreed to hold the third lien by rea son of a Judgment lien on and against said premises for the sum of $5S5.00, and luterest from November 18, 1916, and entitled to have said premises sold to satisfy her said lien, and command ing me under the authority of said court to inake sale of the said premises to satisfy said liens, which premises are described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the southeast corner of northeast quarter of section five (5) In township four (4) south of range three (3) east ot the Willamette Mor rldian; thence running north one hundred (100) rods; thence west one hundred and sixty (160) rods; thence south one hundred (100) rods; thence east one hundred sixty (160) rods to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres more or less; save and except one and one-half acres deeded to School District, one hundred twenty-one (121) of Clackamas County, Ore gon, on June 10th, 1911, aa per deed recorded in Book one hundred twenty one (121) at page three hundred and nine (309). Now, Therefore, by virtue of said Andrea Olsen, Plaintiff, vs. Anna Christiansen and John Doe Christlanson (whose true Christian 1 name is unknown to plaintiff) her husband; O. B. Estes and Jane Doe! Estes (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; T. E. Lister and Mary Roe Lister (whose true Christian name is un known to plaintiff) his wife; Mrs. E. A. Hunt and E. A. Hunt, her hus band; E. P. McCloskey and Jane Doe McCloskey (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; W. T. Beveridge and Mary Roe Beveridge (whose true Chris tian name Is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; J. W. Beveridge and Fan nie A. Beveridge, his wife; Eastern Investment Company, Limited, a corporation, Defendants. To Anna Christlanson nnd John Doe Christlanson (whose true- Christian name Is unknown to plaintiff) her husband; O. B. Estes and Jane Doo Estes (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; T. E. Lister and Mary Roe Lister (whose true Christian name is unknown to plaintiff) his wife; Mrs. E. A. Hunt, and E. A. Hunt, her husband; E. P. McCloskey and Jane Doe McCloskey (whose true Christian name is un known to plaliiff) his wife; W. T. Beveridge and Mary Roe Beveridge (whose true Christian name is un known to plaintiff) his wife, above named defendants: In the name ot the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against" you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 12th day of October, 1917, and If you fail so to appear and answer D. C. Latglrette, President . F. J. Meyer, Cashier ' The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phones-Pacific 52 Home A-lBl Wil!iam Hammond Philip L. Hammond GEORGE C. BROWNELL HAMMOND HAMMOND Attorney-at-Law Attorneys-at-Law All legal business promptly attended U Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur- ance, OREGON CITY, OREGON C. D. 4. D. C. LATOURETTE paciflo phone g1 Ho,ae phone A.27, Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and C. SCHUEBEL Probate our Specialties. Of- Attorney-at-Law flee in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Deutacher Advokat Will practice in all courts, make cot lections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building, Office FhonePacMc Main 406; Home A-270. Oregon City. Oregon. STONE & MOULTON T , , , Attorney-at-Law . Beaver Bldg.. Room 6 W. S. EDDY, V. S., M.D.V. OREGON CITY - - - - OREGON Graduate of the Ontario Veterl- nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKiIMp School of Sur- O. D. EBY &erT ot Chicago, is established t , at Fashion Stable, betwen " y a w Fourth and Fifth en Maiu Street. Money loaned, abstracts furnish- Both Telephones ed, land titles examined, estates Office Pacific 65; Home A-95 settled, general law business. Re8 Paclflc 184; Home B-80 Over Bank of Oregon City. - .......ii CLACKAMAS COUNTY CREDIT ASSOCIATION WE GET THE MONEY 6 and 15 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Turn your old accounts and notes Into cash. Special correspondents and attorneys in all cities and towns In tho United Statea ind Canada.