Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 21, 1917, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    map wheat '
WASHINGTON. Sept. M-Tho fol
lonirsj cable from Major Grav,Ws M.
T. M.irpky. Head of the Rod Cw
cmmiiM, toi France, has bvn re
d by the Red ('mm war council.
Ttie feareaa of reeonitracUoa ofi
AJsMi.xaTON. Sept, 11 Mar
haled for the last time as civilian'
and und r civil authority, more than
men of the National army will
go forward tomorrow to the canton-
ivi! affair of the American Ks
Cross in France ha a new uiotto.
H.xising folio t lb Plow.
In view of the overshadowing im
portan.e. of augmenting in every pc
;!tie way the food sup..' v. the R.i
Orw ;U carry n it f rst work oil ,Ttlc8 Kuanl 5 cent of the
rontrurtioo. la those portion titou5 WI"jKed of experience! men.
menta to oe trained for the battle
against German autocracy.
The men represent approximately 45
per cent of the total quota under the
first call from each of nearly StVt) Kv
ical hoard Already at the camna 1
A.M1E waa at hui aid
aaetxa t o to
caoot. No. h 4idn t bar
Pny. lie bad tla maaaaa
wmsi mat an awful birthday
rreeentt But then, ha tot other rrwa
eta, too, a book all about bird.
day 1 am twin to tH you atout
that book and boa of point, and
! a blackboard and a big x
f efcaik to writ on It with. So. a). I
MOtta had th meaalea ha had a
ood tuna, to. n a:lB-, have t atay
t b4 ao ha locked at the picture in
him bird Wit. paieted with h!a new
pa'Bta and drew on th, blackboard.
Bat toward tvenint hia eyoa ret
urea. o when It la father came hem,
But hta mother and father a) way
IHed to aaawer him. for they knew
that tu way of !arm tfeiaj.
t UUa Um Jams, a fatw muU
U him what chalk wma, exactly. -I
heiiew It a a h:d of lima. bob. but I
aw sot eurw, Lore t out th. him
beknd Bad oat
WSJ Jamto and fcta ratw
opened the tk.-M nj ... .
fet, hoary book called an ea cy c!.
i C ' bit erd, but you
aa know what an nryrlaredia la.
float yonf It to t Iwwlt tlx uit.
Pie all about everything fcmi dsf
you wui b reading that encyclepedia.
k. Put ht. rtna .way. Aa h. ri!d th. fY read T to T ' ,T"1 hU
thse eh!k waa the hp ! ef littie ant
Bialanmllutka, they are called thai
lived in the Ma," h: aaJL "Year and
:nt )ou ttand ttiimn,)t f yta
t t'al)ly Uof.'te thete were any
paul'le vn the eHh, The World
there were thouan.U and uhaitfed a great many time Ihreuah
tkoutandt of thete lUtle nunali ta ! Ui,hval
the ocean, t avh one had a tt..r, little n vuut What la thalf Jamie
o;i. .mthm happen d to thia I ..k-,
mbe thoy had ; " i Jile
launhed tvie he knew hta fllir
)n "tiMi an ar. ihoe lftt
creature all died, lea lu( Ibetr atietla
bhtnd thetit."
"Tea, but thla chalk dtn't look
like ehella. tViddy, and I ttiouaht yu
aid Cha.'k aaa a kind ef litue, Jamie
hi. f9,h.f
hf , M
t h.u t ,t . . ''e II,,, tu
tfte devastated areas hkh are so
l.vted by the rovemment as the bst
h-.-.t prowisf recuse, and to which
the French irovernmetit aends its Kit
tertei of tractor for plowing by
including cookt.
Out of ih: has heea created a skele
ton orffi&ittUcn. into which the HMd
Increment will bejtn to be abwrhe,! i
tomorrow wish little confusion. When
ltd oo the fcoi all filled with lone
piece of chalk, be Baked hia
fBther, -Daddy, where deee chalk
come from, anyway V
jamiea rather looked puu'ed
' W hen y cikga, an, yu
will j.r. !!. etu'ty teoii.s). and thai j
nut ifti ' w nna wat I IXIM'T
f,.ntud hw loMuni. n. and ........ 13
ar uts.l alir me i untna m.I., " "
.n l end '1 ' tl dun. i,...
Ibr Phe. ... ef .he ar.k. Id you h. .etberry hu.f
.r a. . e.t,ioi..f-.w th t,,ti'l .in.,,, .
halk t. eal:ed carbon.,, of ,lmt " J Z.VU -1 j""' k '"' ,
by the rh.ml.ta. and the N It " -w.t tu. ... h a II . ha. . , tree la ,
ne, look l.he.h.,1, to you la bec.u.e lhZ L eB. bJb. T.".-. rT.!.. .. H.
yvtr j in i b ant:. her
anaiooa to know what chalk really
"Ild It frow. had !. he aked
Hia lather uoddfd "ta ti
a j Jawte, but not a buhit or traea It
: pack nut .!.. i. and t.al U the ear
I chak w tin da "
mtnuta. Jamie ww alwaya artm that ! tr.w T. t " I " M ' I
ktad of queetictu. you know aed 1 Ita a . . - . ne en.i out or the ocaaa f th,
,met!o. h.e were hard to rBr Ue t Utt, ,f T f Jsn,,' 1 lml h ''"
ro n.nt io anraer B.t 'ookad at It tWc. , on. tin,. ' -W-l. J,m'n ,S,t I . ,v, ,... i
are vary mall. Well. t ef thiwe
million ef llin ahelSa fell to th, bat.
tern ef th ec, a and itld up
eihr. Tea know ater very by
and o the tr pr,,d th !'
down m hard th thry br.-am
M e.r
ho;ea. Represntaiivee of tlsrv i tf!e 't m" of this Increment arrive
divisions of the Am.-ri.-an Red fro rh fan,P wiJ' house half of the first
in France planning, t-nctneeH'Bf anieaiI to- r 34LSOO men and the oth
civil kjrairo returned recent !y from !,r 1H follow as rapidty as tjuar
ji study of cocdit'on in the de a. I im re equipment are made available,
tafed area, having -!ortM three' In a statement tonight the war de
vSHapes in which provusicnal rtn-oc- i wrtment sayt the enormoua task of
atraction. work will be begun within fc Minimt eatiipment and sapplic for!
fonnifht the array is moving satisfactorily, but!
"Fifty Uje were visit.!. !n cieiiian clothlttf. such as over-j
mme. the tJeetnictlon of htn!4;n.ts wacot. will have to be used for a time, j
complete. In others, a portion of the 'he clotliing taJustry bag sot a
btrtldiofi can b repaired. Nearly !!. caught up with its work, I
the houses are without roof, aithout With the taohiUation of one-half of!
window and tJoor frame, and altb the S7.(HH) men of the first call utuler
ttmoiuiely no furniture or ctentiln. the selective tervice law in progreaa
"The Red Cnws pkms to la proi.-the queetion arise as to whether that
loom reeoaruction of dwelUtss in j number will be sufficient to fill alii
several cf tisee TUIa-. and Uo. as ' units of the national guard ana na-!
the rwftigt-es mans to th villages, nftloual army Tbere are indications j
assist la their economic aad social re-j that a deficiency in men will be dis-?
baWmatioa. IB tte Hsht of ftri- closed when official report are avail-'
eiK-e gained ia these villagM. St p!ans be. i
to on-ieruk provisional mrowtrac Seeenteen dirbions of th eonk! '
tron ca a larger scale. In these parti- ruanl have been .-.v s
cular vtiUp. the total poput&iim t.tU eiceptlon of th v.w v i
- - , , . . a rv, 4 T If j
0 uk Puzzle
IT- 'nnvrn
aa "ata-
tore the war was S:7. X .:,- is ts
'The viKares first selected an
thwe in the best wheat for in; area..
ej toe jtorernment w.u plow ivi
t. Add a letter to a word meaning
PB wo fire," traaapoa and Rnd a '
MM of alt letter
I. Add b letter to word mean's
"Ui.d. traasp and find a bird ef 1
our letter.
- Add b letter to a word meantn
, uwi)hih ana nna B bird
v u letters.
Add b letter to a word mean
fc "cio u- tran.poae and end a
"f of flv letter.
. Add a letter to a word taeaam
Muman - traaapoa, and find a bird
ma latier.
- Add b letter to a musical tB
toameot. traiMpoo an4 find a bird
2v lottecm.
1. To protract. I. KeiaUoa, .
afctrrem point
1- I'allid. I, A jtrf, B4Q)A.
t. A
vivani. and a few others, and the'
Forty-fecomi division, which soon ,will f
embark for France, tber are not at!
!.nd With tr,rt Tk. i. ...... 1 ""' tiKSCiBg
, ,, ' " "'" w "" ! ttrength of the 17 division under the
1 tb mCrB Cf '-I- of woa d L;
w- ?e who can do much totafl r-!- -aa,, , . . t .
tiie Un4 sown to wke.t th,, s,- L tLTof SZZ ?
as posaible on ,,. i;r-., w" ' l"rlp r W!H
f A S KRS.
EtDDty BIRD FVZZle-l. &,nor. !
tWoe. t Wau-ca. 1 Cei Tow- I
a. 4. Xear-Cntm. &. CrwctCariew:
I r jt e was
H li'I) ait
1 A .'S A I
v - m i j . j
' , !TI T ,ai
ft I-Vl u n 4
i C .. a B ' " M
;.ttl.!.V-.-f.. -jTj ; r,t
-v.. .,..v-vyi n 1 1 ii
i ii iijib"" C!
, , , rur pt.-D'.f.
rr .... ... " fc- ' !
ouaiu ana ljtak m uu
' ft i -Bl I
-' .. (sh i r-.
fc in. are p-
"!'- '"-t--!. fcuw .t:m Juti ta
'?m ttu
-"' "- r a.-Mi
c tt.
f.i.fiiiin ut th
rn (o If,, iafj.
l j ;
4.1 f' 1
I-mVr thi pi c. . '. j vuva romptjy irotn tn national bitot
ly that of PrvTi,iof -eP,T r iLh ,h id "Hed the first UlULIOll If U.fltll IflAAt
lhn of new conmctn. h r!.-,r"io ! "' ! Ratna! ar:-"- ' prrr
r-ike on tie srt it. nwn - . ' 'r l' . t Kr U LMIt flTllU
i fli'ii ill i u i r kf i Miri
Hl BtMl Bl trlinr.)
t. t- tf ' a U ta
suit' I j'.uur !, tfcof
-t j t
.,.. ..'4
in. Hue .1 , ,- . .
I . i'. a tJi b.rk
h r t aa
i ti t I r a . . .
. i-a-rn a
"-;.(- with a bni fi
". fr. , !-.: roBfla ti,,
f cow a. '
k a evwa el,.
t WjH-B- a, M
.t. .-4-l(h.
1 4
mm IftlllMai.... ----a
Flev- 320 Miles in New
. e-rt
" his l, a r"-'y evpjri1..1!
c 1 . irti ai 1 )n. i " n - t
j. 'r- 1 t
rv. b
i tv3Mt,. an-1 eti!)ewHi r
am iry c ' f ,r , L, a.f
' t 'ho ( f hf i
' ' f
on fhi
p-- i'v
k' c
nnin nn
n ouiu
1 1
i k
, 7
il !
S . f r -
s to --n
bn L
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- r
f C
i i i i
1 i i!.--
t'r. h-r-.i.;
!i!aftr -i
Si A aM(g
ir..-ii t .r t.
l-artsirnt vf 'M
' c t
'i ' ,
r t t -
i- 1 f .
t - (
wb;h i
'Vith 2f
ft i
I ' T
h fr,t
J "
t, k
) I T
I r r"i -t f r(
outbreak of , ..l;.r
-.atemeni says. -There u-a, a
honage of wool, a ahortao r.r -t.....
shortage of
a shortage
ASTORIA. Or.. Sept. IS -The f.r-t
afteapt locally to tie up the larn r
mills on a sympathetic strike wi-h
t:p carpenters was staged t.,L-.r, ljt
it was oaly partly successful. The ef
fort was made at the Ha.-nmoni Lun
Ur corEpauy's big plant and the pLs.
v&m picketed by near!? VYi raea. a
a result a greater portion of the J.p
anee, Hindu and Greek yard workan
were kept froa n-porting.
This afternoon a few of the saillu
'joit, but the majority of them re
mained on duty and one side cf the
plant was nzz'.r.z a'l day.
Several of the Hindus &vA Cree
said they had no ?rievan.ce ar;:r.-t th'
company and will mura to work r.
soon as they are ture of prv-H
but wli! not report m Ion? as th'-v
tear attack.
hf-iore tomorrow moniing, the Mw.
mi" an?5 shipyard of Astoria will U
ruarded by federal troops to prott
the property and the men who des
to retnrn to work. The authoritiM
fc've learned that many men at t-e
shipyards are out, not because ther i th
haTe any grievance or want to strike
Vmf riCMnvn at.. .. , . ; f . ,., .
...v , me aimers pwltetin? " ana levins, a shortage of
u,c nanis. j iai oyet for uniforms and
TTl ts o Tn at r.r.rtA',: f , . i f .? Kao T-t . ... .
vuuuiiouB exist at the; " ere wui e no apprecia-
Hammond mill, where a portion of the i We nage of cotton, but a shortage
yard crew quit today. This morning i of !oom3-
B. F. Stone, chairman of the Port of j ,
Commission, telegraphed Gov-1
enior Wthycorabe of the existing con-1
ditions and asked that troops be sent j
to protect workers from intimidation, i
Mr. Stone, in his telegram, pointed
out that the strike situation here threa
tens to become acute, especially as,
ithould the Hammond mill be closed,
Astoria would be short of electric pow
er, while the towns of Seaside, Gear
hart, Hammond, Flavel and Warren
ton would be without either light or
Telegrams were received from Gov
ernor Withycombe and Adjutant-General
White stating that 100 federal
troops would reach Astoria tonight to
protect the mills and shipyards. It j
is expected that the coming of the
troops will limit the picketing and that
tomorrow quite a number of men will
report for work.
. Thus far there have been no dis
turbances of any kind and no threats
of violence, and none are anticipated.
Rumors were current that the men
of the Astoria Box company's plant
would be called out, but nothing oc
curred there.
An organizer y from the Grays Har
bor district Is here endeavoring to or
ani7.e a mill workers' union. He said
the plan is to demand an eight-hour
fi iy, but not to ask for a closed shop.
V U alao understood that as soon as
?he mills are organized, the logging
emr wdfl also be organized and the
'.'flit boar day inaugurated among
( ttu t; !, j
f ti
t ff
t l ' T'
I 1 1
i ti...
T I taw
t n irf;ifi!iit,g at th M
' - 4-cett drtailfvl ky tf Bar
1 1 I l-t lak ( I;
t .-Sliplt t tlftji,
t -ti t tt (tin u: 1 1 f i
' " l " t tjU'ti'
' 1 ' ' fl I' , tin. r ,' . : - 1 I.' r
I '..-"ii aftt r i . i ; . : r ' -J'sc
ir" "'! lu, n t '.(t'sa
1 f 1 1 i f ro-.i t .' t -
1 i-rv
, lH
f ui
Rt f
f , .l.
1 1
b. !
VMSM-.i:!AM. K.-pt. II. Th.
r '"r ;''ihm; in ..ti tirti.-lo
.-ht,wdi4j.u-h..of the ,;,.rr
of the !,i
! t
i .
lit 1 .ti v i t c
n... and v...r- r-:: !y to march from
,h" !ioa! fon thf-ir arrival in Kurope."
.Mr. H ssi'-T state that he i d'-liht-ed
with the life of the soldier, as are
all the of her boys of this city who ac
companied him on the trip. He has
rfhiUv.. in the English army and
many are at the front tit the prwnt ' re
b ttim(? f..r tbo muiiiti .r, aud !!
Frank.'"'"--1' -U'ilmi-tu of h army. KeliH.
I..alln f'T-!lr.-4 at lh n! vt tkt
"".'. in,, , j,, M,lfB..i t
" !' a.-!lm duty Jn (), wtlnaucf d-ii.trlit!t-lit.
. n. t t-..-,!.,.- of TK'i
pro. ti. ,iiti,( r,. held out Id ahio J rtl'-f
t s :i Ft a
; -
Ilaiph if. U
It. Blpger's uncle.
ritlOTlKT I I:, !.,;;,';
l-r til,. ,;,.,,
- I;.;.t vwth !,r.Mi. ...... ., 4, ,.
.'il Mrlclly i, ;lU I,
I the i.'oiiiitrv.
I . .
. r.ivorii
:t :'' '.'i. i.
.l'i-.' itow
' "'i IiT n 'l
1 ho !.!! to be K!' U nt th" .inHcf
'"' ' llaillcd by the war d'pattnist
All ytiiitut mm fmH f-r iurk
; i fi.
' f.ini
" ii' irio 'tiiployod
i'Hon. the young aviator
ntly f-w 320 miles from '!.(,.,.,.
-. oaunj.-i J5lg. u AKron. tJh O. In ,. . i, , . tll.iKC iilVl(. u-...... .... .... . . . i ..! n. .....
KT. and brother of II I rn ,.. . ... . u'"!ll ! ., " I'f wllie 11 i 1 " '"I"
j,, v,,a ,t ' , r,s'1 out "y ' 'r department. I "" y m (f """In exorbitant
- - -..a-.wu Kr...ai wun t.ne Jmring the trouble with Mexico h
!s,v,,h Rengal artillery In India, and served on the border a, c ' fo!
jis now receiving a remunerative pen- the Ohio field haiicry and oT
"m fr his "" i tfe U kite balloons over .'h ManTio
i known aa ho irtit. t. . B "Mexican forces.
li'ttl Si,it.
, lltilde public tiv Si ,-.
r--ry Slate I.;--. -i.-;,'. ,,,,.
' ,!U,r Mr . "theft (,f i.
r",;,M" "'i,'ri'1 Ir..pcr.y ,:ll ,,,,,,
'''i r..Ui.t i..uimri fr
v!;-" " hi I.t:. ., ,.,,
Moving ,. ,.,,, for )H, t3)li(il(i (
III lllt'li.'it'ii i.
' '"i'i- ttie ui.fnrt.i,,.,.,. '!!.. h n re of draft M but !K!
-t.t ' "f "r Airr"1 Zimincrmtiti.'J'-t nllel. or who wniit to enter f
tZ'r ('"mn"n "''"-r f fMre!K, af ic of (!,U nature, should apply Bt
"; " '"r kilinlssloii to the course. The
; The newspaper Hays Count i,uxln)r)f . HI ihn bo notified when t uppf-'f
,iy ; surely ,., Ml,(.( (i( iiKhi Ji(i (rU((t .for emltttion. A fe of t: HI h
"inal, ns his iu.it II....,,,., ' "'irKKd for (ho rcitiran. In ilefmv a Wirt
prices """ ""'K of intelligence have cteat.,1 "f ,nn ny mwum of eivltiK It.
VAN'COUVER, Wash., Sept. 17.-
.ocated near Dublin. .Mr. linger states ;
that, he fs anxious to see his relatives
before returning to the United States.
In closing Mr. nigger says, "This is
per in re
til V'l'll . . .
fctrict orders against anv nlct,,. wia trln that. I will nPt,, t. ' mnn- Pt- 14.-
x . , . . ' I - 11 nan j;r. ivill
ing taken within the boundaries 0f I interesting from start to finish.
Vancouver barracks under any cK:
and Mayo, the celebrated
J. Mayo and Dr. Charles if.
i t" laim that their varl- t.y re
'"it ii small amount ( ,.,
i pet it of weed, twenty notitnls .-,,,,1 ,. I I've In hence a.., I l-i-,..,.,.,..
naif bushel per vr ',. .
, ,lMe, aie ailiolltiti
fr-nientiy .,,, ,,.,.,. , AM.STKIillAM Kent 11 t,
da his of mi.Kimiii,, 1.1 t , ''"-"iiam. .Sept. Ii. - The Co.
-.nail ,ee, J ' , I 7" ,,":n" U,1,l"r " Wl,.
verv eei.,i , ., . " j rrlr and
- . . .H III.. needintHdoHiifi. ,,f
niuiiw ror two mntea with Student enwllcil tn fhln course rosy
Which lh Ceritu... i- ... .. . i., . . .
cmmo tmsire to "'"oi remntir t ine in accounting ami
related subject, given by Hie st'hwil
of connnerct., uiihotit other spccliiJ
n l II I ho tils
W. K. Jones in command.
A general army order, providing that
pictures of American army establish
ment should not be taken, was issued
shortly after war was declared, but
this had not been enforced in Vancou
ver. The orders Issued by Colonel
Jones provide that not only those men
who are on guard duty should enforce
,,ul Krt:ly ,nan m tn
The order is directed not finlw
tAB-Q. nl.lll. - '
uiiwaim y,-no nave oeen tak
ing pictures in the post, but also at the
army officers and men who have been
using their cameras about the post.
.... t. . ""'' i-ei'turaUM Rurrenna nt
Um- A.,rryt0,,0mir(l!,t. Minn., have turned over til;!"1" Wlw,t of the eounti-v ,, ,u
tothestate.i, ,, '' " 11 hmh"1
to mo in H ie m f,f
was the ' , , . " ' ' uian lo
' " ui an a liUHliel.
of little a even 47, nound,,,,; ' 1 ! Z . . M"my h Wllsonb,,,
of wheat uhi,.i,i -""..o.. l0 put pressure
"ii nearly all f
' ' ,U ,jr -ojonei - tie f?na.i uis heat fntlrA - j mon? nrof fa hi. (f,
. i . . . " " r iiiatn l 1 .fli In hn Ut,.ta I
regartiB to a.l friends and acquaint-; The University of Minn e o a
ances In Oregon Citv. : ..,. . . .. ''"nni.soia
BAKER, Or., Sept. 15. A shipment
of 10 cars of cattle and a car of sheen
left Baker today. The cattle are con-
signed to Seattle and the sheep to
me rsortli Portland yards. Another
consignment of nine cars of sheep was
sent to Nyssa.
2. Or., Sept. 17. A resolu-
u cuung upon Governor Withy
combe to remove Allen H. Eaton from
the legislature and upon President
P. L. Campbell to romove him from
the faculty of the University of Oregon
on account of his participation in the
recent meeting in Chicago of the Peo
ple's council of America for democrnev
and peace, was unanimously adopted
at a special meeting of the Eugene
Chamber of Comerce last night.
i recipient of the gift.
. At a meeting of the board of regents
jOf the university. Dr. Will J. Mayo
jwho Is a member of the board, said'
; 'We turn over us an outright gift
to the regents the bulk of our savings
'of a generation. The money came
from the people and we feci that It
snouid be returned to the people.
of !
on Hie ....,
'ruls -even by ,,.. of theft and tl,
"."rception of dlHpatches." It HiMm
"ith pious horror:
"President Wilson calculate! on the!
factor of economic difficulties of the
wmker nation and puts the
nut's to follow le .....
i case i.t ..it ...i .
it is our wlHh that the fund shall claims are mad', ar ir ,
rve the state w,r generations in the! much as ,la f "h
furtherance o, medical investigation with e 1 Z'Z . t'l TIT"
and research. All humanity, we hope hood, and e , , ',
will be benefited by the work which ; prices for th,. ! ! ' ' " l" W "''
wo expect the fund will enable sclen-' , ,
lists to carry on." - . , ' . " dal"1H "! ylol.1. ar
The regents accepted the ift hv . ' 1 .r "m,! Varl",!, ' wheat. It.
unanimous vote, and agreed to dedl. ; v" Z . ..." ,n ",lv(''"lK n new
it perpetually to the nso of med-lforme rTT r "
ical investigation, research and higher1 or five ,, ! df" 'r
education. . ' Uljt "f tl. averuifo
.. . ... , . , co tntry. CJallim a b
Alaska salmon pack totals 455,000
fiases against 500,000 in 1916.
"Th t'llited Klal., tleparimetit
acrren h... i
snow n previotih '""" ius me screw on
!'' utmn that the claims f ..., !TOordlngly. but It Is lust nB.ii.u .....
I m m ,( i i . " ' " '"" i i tj ( n III
I, ' ' "J( il( ff Ol llm Ul.ifat fhlt II1(r.,tl.,... , a ..
-own as Stoner, Mlrade. or Ma Z L . Z Mp"
I K ori may Hgtt
ve a contrary efect to what whs
"H15 or moro times i.,eu,Zr."
bavn l.ne ... """"Kc yicifl
claim are absurd and
special cases. Silch
CHARLOTTE, N. C Sept. 17.-81,
jundrod Oregon cavariymen arr.voJ
SrTeno "d "etralnd at Cam
I'HILADICLI'HIA, Hcpt. 19. A riot
toilny In the fifth ward of this city,
where the two factions of the Repub
lican party aro bitterly fighting for
control, resulted n the kllllmr of
policeman and the wounding of sev
eral other political workers.
George Eppley, a policeman, was
xhot dead, and James A. Carey, a city
official nnd a loader of one of the fac
tions, was wounded,
tne DIraclory of oath CI'tv
n and Ulic; la On-iwa "
lillivloa. ! a !),., rhllivS
J .ot.li of" ea.li place. lAmtlo.
Milplntr emil r..l
'"d Itirwiory (mh.1i JJuuw
BB4 I'tulouiun,
n t. ror k fn, tjio,
..., .il ni '&
no one n(.e,i bo