I J - mm UKU.UN C11V EMEKHl1", KKU) y, Sf-'I'I KMHFK 21. 117. i I a a id to Si on 3 Gi" i''.oc f:j ,..' , M ne c ia r je ! I M. ih : la- St ; St. , si c 1 " ,ke: 1 in . i !l 1 . t r ft i 1C ... 1 I S J i i Mackslmrs: ! Yil-Mmville . - i MM XJi !! I I.I -maw Ituula rr I. 1 ((J WeJnr4ay evening. vhf-r he i ! .-.). h r fc.s.ie . h &r . U i' .1 The )-r!!H.'I-.'. ( f Si.m- i art ;rn V,rt,t !'.! l" "f. I'll I I 1 (V 1 rairif sir.; vt V.r K ii Ai'.i U( nn n t, K; fr!rr .,t r ! -. "..i ! Th".ui s;i S !" A!r. uJ Mr. Jaw rTw?fia .of h. Ni-i -v (jn.triic t.l Ji f,t !fn '!' -:i. ma?' im !' ) '. 'sl Suff tif Hum ! r i f lfif t !i t Mt f"'ii'S !;!!' :..n ( ;!-r !;',!r l;v :'i-.-t ::.! funil'T of hV KHtf4 Itf K).sr!. M"l Ul' IM MACKSBCRO. r. Sept IS. Ttit I'trict A1!rit livAin msA txmiix. at com W bs since the rsisr ek b-, . j. : SI Ali;.-i ,IIIK;K. Kir . fic ( l . ii i ,!. hn J ii Hi n j l I.I At !!. Hivj.ii l ilt hi- '.t l i !im. iii s'H il rnl Nllsi !jK t the l..iti;i. His iv-Ui ut Kriir .n li : t !.( nf x ri i t m lm.i hi ' tn( I' (! l-flillrs' (,.t!l In U'.x' 1t U '' thi j t'!,Hie'-l ti".-.i it-ii ihjiih luik't At"'iH l ;,U'. uilriiti-.! It'l.l a (m!it ntjitl conation Mn j. at J1'11""! Lit,,,, '' VM'k." I.i.!.,;i; , i'!"tfUt li-M.Mtia ,,( sl ','4 f nee .i lrttn. !ja I . . f' 1r ll (11 M il At (I, 1 ,. '! i. , '"'til 4f , , . l.t.'h I!-,;,. . liH r..l ...(.. . . - ' Hi It jfMil .Inn rrs l: 'en tsf Portland, fei Wi-n .( ... . . . imaKinf !rqu&t ner. ltu j. irsn Mtarr t gltsiiSag SfjitenslMfr U. may well b cvLsii.'ml ta'frtn&lfkattoa for the pro trct4 cold n l raia of Apnl &&i May Ji n frvnu 5: th Juraf .' Mr. rrrttli parrs!. Mr a.! M. J f, :rr Wr n4 Mr. trwtn I.J. Wiltlil r- t:.ir?ii-4 to KU-4 Suri.iat af",ir In rtAUtf new prinr'Jase em lo hT ba (raoteil m. The brown sJ wltherl turf b taliea c-a a xtrui W, Thornton ba (wa tery til j Shrmn Sty cr.t to I'WtiaRj pa Lillian Prtr. trf Port.UBj, feat kwa 4roaUt spprars imbued witll new life. Corn ni totitto k.Tt sc.a!e .ton !h!cf prtifr an.i ,r jtlTlcc rr proniif of a fir. crop. Ge-rstBnwnt ng-al!toa of the wheat price. h;Ie it bu tjaletel the fear of i werk-er.4, ! Mr, Ba5!Ki ha twen tjalte US dar ' the pt wk. I Nt'Uie ARsa t risitsnjt friend ia New berR Th Star.rtl brothers n tilAnnirr v i i wii.iiiiiir i.v.iji, a . j.. not r&ecked the ranchen ambition for aa Increased acreage la grin. Erery hoar that caa be pare4 from Cher work is oapSel ia laad cSe ' crtt'lt. Mr, ikti tMjw4 Mr. !i ..!!.. ;t!s n: thrrwln. Mf. $btt!U, ho !. wtir;s for tii Si'.vrf I'Stlta Timber fRj!ay. , h:. tfjc tsoe Inxinx rnue n sfc.-ir Be rnnu. ' ' Hp lo the southern in if .,,.,. tSia. . ir. I-.. . ' i.-.r , mi, ;Sf !te. cm vftJ twi h bn gfatetc'l pat in rwlirr.t tii WariTB IU.tr ha rctarni-il h.'tii let ?;un'r pent in th t'retr K H. AUen ha r-t j't . .1 u i -'j, ii.'.! fnm Twmi. n4 ::! rrmain Ml ra Hr" n. of l'iirt:n t pr featmai Bttiw ta tww lakluf raff -t Mr JnhB M--rr. t ..! sf.U Mt t.riU l!.'f rrt tinit trip for the near future. ; Uilita Laoib. who ha been Tissue her r,r:-V. Aabree V(kv5. left for her , home ta Wanhinirtoa. on Sar.day. itkg. Many of the lanele wastes we . . .. . , . . , . . - ' drnta attendej the courty fair at Can- a today will be field of wane irrafn by. tti$ in. the atunmer of j ... , . . . 1 i!n. Bmaa n-rterej the women of iae iit'er. too. are wamns iroffl It ft rejHrte4 tht Sther T;m ?r cnm?n? 5.i?i evrtaf th.:i..4n4 4n?!art worth p huckrtt ! tr,trr.tl In the went f rr the torn sleep canned by the rainless i our TiHafe last week. School opened Monday with a gixxl h'r- no . , fwI walka arw N'iujt laid at the h,. diirlrt four mi' fn:n l Kst.-Ji nr Mtlali, ber ahe haa rws!faftr.l o "r. ail Mr J, t. fVtrrMm are m trai-h the wiint year, lo maa f-t ' ''fie In their iwtty new reaidem-e Bl !tl prtr ti takn :' her .1 -t fifth atreet. teacher tet Monday .She a f f ' a.vU! at the Methviit rhttn-h. m!iipt5M by h r m..'.hrr : 1 1. 1-n by the Ldie' Aid avclety, laat Mr. II parka, managor of the Ffkiay vatur. proted an attractive vmil Thetr. aiaited iWtUnd ' Tfeia BeigttUvlMiiHl a s..d,j.-nc; j. , entertainment d every bxiy prpaent : friends Mxnday, ? the ae thjit V. K TtK'tm h-J t.a!"art !o BJr the wvaahm. ! Main atrt ia bring paved In fnml ; 'rn k on Uie hitt!4"-r and nevk and:l!n ere rre4 and all' (1f the Katarad i!nt. and alau t.n : riHt:y Usjared, bile falling timtrr . k,Ba if "U ptiiled uff. .Thlr4 atreet tt half ot the dKtar.ee; for the jsit.er FatU Timber wswr-iny. vv:t,f 'n. of the WaSVr tJtvrca aenwa the atrert ht-re be hat beta -rking the p.is t"'lM' of Cafaeada. and f.mer paa aatamer H waa taken tu the h-s;s; U r f tk Chriatiaa rharch. wa hoa ai. upon a ir.-t. l.er and the Uat re- , tnvltaiinn tn reak at a tvn wa that he u m-j cr-aii,- la.nMfin of the banker, aaoietairra a i ! !:-. lhi t.'ili I fimii h"i I j j ti;,t, i I'" Ki.'iHil tvprrieine lal. a't ret!lj in h ii.ii -I i irn i -I ti j Tl i ail ift t I'l at Ofreiut ! i . li :! j! j i M li.rt lii'r.t Mia Ail, nan .'it .it ! '.il . ! Hi !'ir ! i Md Villi an t i llt tri.iiriri tiy hn atif)iru draih t4 a neightwr ' i. I V , M, I . ,ti .,( f . !5 httr ii,.iir. t "i.r t ! a te 4 and the K II Tu trr f ji'ulv ill mm e lutu the i!ai e ; ii I ti lt them J" I) am! Harry Kubrtlaun hv r.ih ffiet)',!)' Irlurnrd troin St itit'rnt a htwpltfll I'l rraHitiH t.i a wife telling nt th ' ii f ;,r, t')' t..( I l' I l.li.- t ari fttniih !' tl.'d t I..., , , H-ff f f M J.j,) j i! all U I f,.j t , ! m and t f.ii j, ,j ( 4 led t'l ,( ( ' r.ie.i. i Itl a, ,,o r l.nl( (, ,fti( . i.. ii " ' " an if e tit i it i aie I... n.i.ia f ,., ,,,, ( if ii ... I I. ii'.en inn. ( j jiien!l fair (,iwnsi l!..it thr cirplt t ,.f (, ' een I f-,f :. , ,; !.. h irjrtst f , -1 'itf-Pf A ; en 1 us, lha tif4 , at. pi ( t-i!tl m. l), , , n,im i!iioa ill hia lin.lhrr fi.ht lluti ! ; , ,i .. lin htnl haalellni ti l lahil Walter lie. Itu f if Sewbecg. cat iinn nit a vUit the pa at rrk Mt. Nra ftnaahaii wa a iaitr at the a h.il en Tueo.iar ("as irro. hut t.w ot IVrtUnd. vi!td ' l!,'m me panjf friend, in thia v trinity la.t Sunday. h Mf M, Mrm Cftl r!ark r efilf.f '" - I. ,4'"ni"' "f I,. 'erg '"it a - ' i Mi (!he Ht.i::i;'hre f -rnirr !t f ii . -f Vt Bd r dispUytiif a beauty ; 4U,a4ja!1. ,nd MljSi "scollard and sa X'm l'bot.gTaph taken, f ;4 retailer, ta rortiand tat Wedne Murlafk bail, uti Ttea lav wri'e (;ii K'.r'i i i i thai ia new. Ro. thoogh fewer in number than they were ia early a!n- mer. Bake ep far this by greater love- f linea cf hae. The ehryanthema.m ) an comics rapidly on and are l.u iei j witb the mot promi!n bud. mvurxui w miv u are Laat una our j poet LaMcfeltow ever visited Western Oregon in the fall he eoalj not have written those tomb re lines "The mel ancholy day have come, the aaddeat of the year." ! Mis Armstrong Ja charge. Mr. Howard haa been keeping h:raM at the Graham farm during the ab- jaence of Mr. and Mr. Reed Graham. j Mr. Zinneri&c and Mr. and Mr ' IKtxher. of Wotnlbttrn, apent Sunday i!h Mr. and Mrs. Alison. i 1 Uoyd Jone entertained the Corral the injure! ia.rt. ;4ay night. """ naa ana te4 i.ray aent ' 'ran utjner ia now elet'trtrlaa at Clarkamaa P in the meuntaie. on. a earning ft lo Faiulty Theatre, aneveeding lr Ie Well haa retame,! to Rata lUllk. II..., i " I Mm I in b . WdtHjUl. cuiuHiitte , t Nathal Iefrnt. i,. i,f the t(e.i of tefi,tri,nft nur ,ith Tf!P ",;'-"!'! re th,,, , amnt them ef -iui U-iIma!,.. ... .. r Nf.-, ..-.. ,,,-iwvu i-arrnta aud t- - trip.. : Sieve Peinecker. in t gueat at the MrWUlta linma in ..... ft r. ! ' j v 1 1 r ' i c . hfit t n.l Mfaraita uniiay lie la aw at ationaul , j i-rtiin r i i Chetr.f V. Lean . . , ' t iiii.iiinn!t ,. I v. Alfred I'tifa. -f Slftt.n. V-h . eamL.. . ... " -" wf ureatrat .N-t4i M:s.M) Saow. of Oregoa City, .pent M- J A. Siwtmer. viai-ed her aUter and la on duty at hi office- a .ew day. vuiimg wtta th-tr parent j to I'ortiand p to tr tb at thetr home near the mill. I ek. rada after a ..-.tn trtt. In lt.arh.ire i ,0 Mr ,,,t,', ,a hu . Mn(- i" ' , t jfil, an 1 fa-tiliy. Iw-fnte hia dapartur I The t fur antiy er Ice (last week. Wtn. Brobst. an old pioneer, and highly reepected citisen of Wllson- (vaeaai !..! The kilts! m rtitiiin tu the tearhrr and f,t.al dedication of the tm high ! Mf 'r'"- Taltlt.. wa, a bu.i 1 fiea railrr t.n Vededaf I Mr the Pieaaant HUI cemetery. Mr. Brobst had been ill for aotne time, bat had been Improving until recently. mg VT TfW VT "(D-!1 ar a. ju.tWMi atUai Ta. a .a . . .. i ,a BUOU saaP- Wi:fl-:vt:ie. died at his home on Saturday ont either dnst or mud. We are enjoy j morning. September 15. and Interment ittg them to the fall, knowins well that WM matle oa Monday. Sept, Kth. in ia aarauon oi mis pleasure mast be brief. The cherry algal of new building. I at ft L j . iw nan at intervals, the moet re- j when the rheumatism, with which he cent .tractor in oar vicinity being the iwa afflicted, affected his heart and new bans of George KocJl . Jcaased hia death. The toner! aervice Mr. Milo Unti ha. announced her ; wa heid at the family residence at iatetitioa to tell her entire property at ' i.-jo o'clock. There was a larre at an early date. The ranch, with it. j tendance of friend and relative . The baildiaro. household farnitnre, farm; floral offerings were namerous and implements, atock and crop.. handsome. Mr. Brobst had been a Rev. Fr. Lacas of the Lutheran trustee cf the local .chool for the last burrs, who haa been quite wrionaly 13 years and had always taken a deep 111. has so far recovered that he ia interest in civic affairs, ja onr county, ron:iBs his regular service, at the j and will be greatly mijsed. The sin chnrth. Iceresf sympathy of the whole com- The atrriCBltnral and doaesUc sci- i mnnity ii extended to the widow and enc cla.se. nnder direction of Mr. on and daughter, of the deceased. and Mrs. Harry Sherwood, will hold i their reifa.'sr semi-monthly session on r . Saturday, September 21. at the Loth ! -Mil!!. 10 eras parish home. j , The Mothers" Club had a Tery dust! MIXING. Ore., Sept. The new and pleasant session on Thursday t mill dam at Howard's Mill a- rw M.'lk ft the home of Mrs. Geo. Koch. Mr..; Creek, is nearing completion. Th. U ' Koch has invited the c!ab to meet with : a suNt-tritial affair. The piers are N ber again on September 27. made of concrete. Miss Lucille Gibson is staying at the i Sidney Smfth was a Portland vhitor home of Mr. and Mr.. Wiener. Jta.t Saturday and Sunday. Patrick Gibson has returnel from ; -Mrs. Millie Thomas came f.-:a ker v autornia, and is in Aurora. , borne in Union Hall and p Eagle Creek thru . here on her way to Liberal, where ?h .ta the guest of her .ister, Ornn .-vCftiii., ; Mr. sad -Mrs. Robert Schu"b 1 w-re :the rists of Mr. and Mrs. lull Tru! . linger last Sunday. Will-sm. V.'aHace, who was taken to Vincent hospital in Vt rial, i 1 n ft-jfSg ,: a ,1.. K...- V I 1 3 f lJi vTW A DOW DEN POTATO DIGGER DIGS YOUR POTATO CLEAN CETS THEM ALL th'- EAGLE CREEK. Ore.. Sej;L 11 Virgil IjDglas. Ernest and Willie Hiffmei-ter. bo went tr Eastf-rn Ore gon to work during harvest, returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. J 4ttgatsr, .-settle, were Portland tUI ora the fir-t of last week. G. W. U&ker, who has been ijiite H lI tiai;a;hter, are vi I" Sfri ar.'i operate! on for appendicitis, i. P. Woodle and recovering and nil! soon be abie to bp broiit'ht home. Mr. E.-ar;.. of Portland, anl his Ii- itlng her parent-torj. Jerry Ore.ti. who is etapif.ye.1 in ti H'j't :-a mill h'-re. in Mu'.ino, spes the v.e-k-eci at. h homo in Co'ton. Mr. and Mr-. Torn Ki..-h were vfefon at the Cjr.by fair la.t Wednf.sday. .Mr. and -Mr.-:, i-e-o Jlerdine, whohav' i..e n iivii.g fa tie Henry Selfger bout, hi'.ve moved b&ck ia'.o heir on honie ajrsin. i'ifis Rose Mtilvaney was a Muiir.o 5a1 t 4 I?, '.'it torn etime. wa taken to a Portland hospital laat week. Mr. and Mr,-. Rc,- Domrlas and '.Irs. P.. 11. Gibson made a trip to Portland on gaturday. ii-i Gibson was a Greshara fair vis itor last Satarday. Joe Cahili vbiterl with his parent. Mr. and Mr. J. w. Cabin, on Sunday. S'jh'.o! commented in District No. ."0. on Monday, with J. K. Ely a teach-. rj-ii.,r last Tuesday. er. About 13 papils were enrolled. Mrs. S. J, Eddy, of Portland, enter tiined her .inter, Mrs. I'l. B. Gibson, at luncheon last Saturday. 11 ugh BlizaWA tng and Mildred M;.plf. are attenfiini? th Molaiia high school. Sf iiool began here September 17. Mr.i. l.-sez i.arkir.- i. ft-aeher. Quite h ittw V'V.Ui tots uti Just starting their i school careers this tenn. Mr. Taylor. Sr., is building a Y.ew KdarirPtnter work. ; r. John Bounds and family have moved I ;,fr. gwope ba been loadinat lumber The Hounds are for-! at Moiaila recently. wider e leva- Light Draft because high wheeled. Perfect Separation because of longer and tiors than others like size. Long Lasting Because all parts are made of the most enduring material. ud Mr. Clarri). AppUn will frit eea fur 'lm Umall. I ihl... : l a'lf.iftila. Ilklah.-m .n. Tetaa Tbey etv t to gone nUiitt a Jrer Vr and Mra A Uunaier ed tlaugh trr Margaret, of tiret rJlt, Mont, are vliittng Mra Uunaier proa, Mr anl Mr. A J Zimmerman kir and Mra ltBaler have tweB taking ait tuiitilha' ai.tk.n. ajwnt iti.aatly it! the Ixlee, and Iah p.. int. Waab , with a f. reka In bat:a City, Mi, and f e n.iia of) their j hixne The community In general turned "tit In aay trer!l in tieorgt) Oatrt;n 'i the er mf hia drrttr fi.r l i g-lra, ( a) m heic the family t a jr. ta i.i . make it. future h m Mr Vr ll.lri.in . ft on Thura 'ay and the f i 'i . ! . v i-iprrt to a. uti Mr Mn t'it.m and family aa well ".'ri I . flatrr hate i.rrn artlve la ."'''. mrk here and l! tie a t.i it: . i iiinumnity :'! tin er U k mere ' tl .-in . t. a e i . . !'"'" o(i.ll;!-c. I f it,, , . " 1 - -",liJ " '!!! (.j f,.r th'.lic. ( 1 ati ii eai (i(thi? niiiiith A f .,(.. for the ... ,rvtrf Ms. W hit.. e. a mk,Hn.H M. Ait.n.n with t!,e ,rf,.r., afi-f-a t tea r,rd .'.-.,( f-ili j4 mtt ile!tntfI ntii,j, I I v itftni H fi Pre., romrnltte. ..f I'srrs, fj. r.a v. i t,.. f Unhloc iA'f,, TKliai'HOXES WI1J, COST MO HE. IT IS NOW HEUEVED rf 1 1! ' t xr f Investigate the operation of the Dowden and you will buy no other. Portland, Oregon DISC HARROWS DRAG HARROWS CHILLED FLOWS STEEL PLOWS i-i h W. J. Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY '4 c COI1VAIJ.IH, Or, Kept n-tlui j there i. tni.rw ib.tj at,ifi ott t w i f.ia) l lha recent effiirt nf !,... .t . , aa j( urvattU lo rtntaoildata the jerit and Helf leiej hnt:e ty.terji. U &t a ' opifilitft ,f many 0 thia city. Uef W '""j Sieving that K la a tiunemrnt unt$ falxmi f ntianiiiUtton Aa applkati. ifr h;.h r rate. tiy b Ma.u to k j public er. i n fimtmfiiali.it j M"'B "ian a ye.r .. the la !rpi riGll Off. Sept :J Pfitatn ' "nl km th rumml.aia tu ri Jl.-f!rt ,s.alt,n. t.f i',i k, Third Ore. 'be Hell ayairin lo f! it. rate. kA " IWuUr Infauiry, now at Ciarka-; r both rotnpanir. aa tarr Tk t - friend. in o.'g. Tue "'l did lint aak fur the a!a ,SV dair lie etj-ertn tu leje ftei M,.. ! acme claim U In tail ftttiida ! i ' .r i'mp Creene, CharMte, Ni.r'h . u"n Ulk a ntnafta to allatiaat waps ' ii. . 'titii.n, when a rata In m alU b. 'r Vhm k. .f Thir l Oregon Keg !l lrr ii..i iit,ii ,nd, a vi.Hing teUtlVr. far a tht liell cutBpaht la co-i- 1 t'.t.d. lit Oaaeg.i Saturday and j cenied II l operating a!th;t a fraa- i' j.hs in Ihl. rlty and bu bea If M.di.t vrtMhgtn w viniting ! ohiant thrt year. "" 'n Onaern j4iurdav. lie t - - . - 1 "' IHifd "r., .: ) tiiivtmrg W.tH n X..rtk IV-pie ' i !-i n v ri li. , :n ,K.n li.i!. Iffy tu N J i' ll'tlitrs, ,r. J f. ffatnea. Jr , 'Urve.l. tn.tt nml aiw it I 4i ! J V,'r!(.y litne.. hae returned e from trip t.i the III. M. 1st u i t! s f,,ri ! i i . t.i-rrl,-, ! Vr V.bert Hncbe .. and rhlldren. of j ": c .ti. are lHlng r.-:..! 1 t'fip..e.'t' 4 aawt'd.i! GALLANT AMERICANS CITED hi !' V!::i. .Seju. it nun,.".. It j ,'ciiit KJiiUmtry hava been srl"il th ALSPACGII. Ore., Sept. 1H Heiple and ;;:i.i!y and Cieve Heipi ....,l r :: ... . , . I . . . 'f .. . . " -o me mountains last , ' -"". iiw jjoutiu.-) an; xor- at .vioiaiia recently. vinitor in Portland Tuesdty ...-cn. o..u lumura vaivu gaiiona oi;""- -"" " i. jj. uray went to Aurora to vi.it slim Ursula Johnnt. cucKifeoemes. j nora was receiver from Mr. and ' his brother recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Douglaau re-i Mrs. August Erickaon and family, who Dr. )t. Mor- was a profeMl.,!,;,! h,.,.,o! b.ul.liw- ., , ,,,k ... lol or, Fourth and 11 -treef '-'b'd VIN.n, .f l'nr!;ttid, vis. ! f'dlnwitig ttiemlter. (if Ihe As!tefl (' I her uii-r. Mra. T ! i lin. s, Tu. . field ainttnlanre: Henry ! IwUn. a ,!'' if Mr and Mr. Henry !.dln. Ceartt. '!rs, C, L. Hkei.d, and .ML G!..d '- Kranre; f'harie. Shreve. Ih-tfi.H. MM. :iii t:,!r ..ft-nded the fun,.r,,f ut n.-r ' and Charles (J. (iteetihitltth. Pawtuckrt. C.trSi.t) Ciiff in ii,,,;,,,, rity H. i. M..i..Iay. ' j ' Ml.'tx !'! r. !i e M Kitilf. of P.,rt' ,n,t s M ""' M,''ked K,.,. f M.,rrr.t f ,' i I .ii r-.i'-i, i,t 1 1 .( k j M' Th"'"" of 0.eg... Mrs. -' H f;,,,,,K ,!"I -f f:d rl.Il.if en. i(.h tutd ill J.din, nn.d Mrn Aen.i V:in I! ris ( M T)i.ulri,, Vlrttlt.lit. ivere t... fit l'il"u'" "f Mr. Thorn:.. 'Marucca, of i M ''Hh.nd.Tue.day. .Mrs. Murti.-ca wa.j O'i formerly Mi. K ,.!;. r.u Jp!l.,n , f n, t i phi- .' juid in a Kr:tndd!.!lKhter of Mr.. I N ,?r "n' Charles X li.ilii,..) nri' J on i bu Kirk list '1 he .), Monk rehfiif e of the old wn Is being moved to Mr, Monk's f " .Sent jii, grade prlnciia yiiii v, , ., , ... and teacher of nUth ami ,.... ...i, '"' i!"n"r nave Frank Gray left home Saturday to Krades. In the K,h,i u,.h.L ."' ' "", "'"uf" b nlwent turned from Eastern Oregon last week! are- spending a month at XetarU, that j enter school for the first time. He rented the little Cottle of Mrs f A ' '"''V"ra! ,in- Mrs. Na nrIIH,m where they were threshing. .they are having a fine time, although J will board with Mrs. Gerlieh aud at-: Kvans, on upper Main street " ' ' l""Uhn' "f,"r ' reataunii.t rr Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas and j the weather has been somewhat damp ; tend the school on the Crooked Finger, ' Supervisor of county schools B Ved h"'! h" H ihnf,,it- Mr. and Mrs. Finzel. of Por-land, vis-, over there as well as here. i in .Marion county. Bob, the family dog, dor, was an Estaeada visitor last Kri ""rt Ur aml '"'"lly went to the ited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dowty Mrs. Tom Taylor was a Molalla vis- reached home with a white string In' day and took a look at the fair f '"r u U'w oHni pect;,,.. Sunday. jitor last Monday. hi collar, the silent symbol that his. Quite a number of Kstacada neonle r",urn l!wf- "f the week. ' AIIBS h.clto GIthens spent the week- Je Daniels nan tne misfortune to ; little roaster had crossed the creek and are rinB. ( ro.ri,... . ,.. . . Still more new rnash his foot by letting a heavy tim-; reached his destination in safety. canning. Charlie Sparks and wife and ln liU ' week at tho J. W Ueed ber roll on it. He went to Gregon City D. W. Badger spent Sunday with, Mr.. John Doughty went to Corbet 1 rMB,',,!,"; " Main street, last Tuesday to have the Injured mem- his family, returning to work Monday. Tuesday and dohn Lovelace and K. K. The Kstaeadu s. hools opened Mon ber attended to by a doctor Mrs. Leitzel spent a few days at the ; Wooster motored to that place Wed- with a good at.endan A tlZ Mr, and Mrs. Otto Stryker and home of her son, Glen Gtu.lt. Mlns ; ,if!g(Iay. . numlmr of Htudent. from the t ? daughter, Grace, passed through Muli-i Hazel and Master Basil remained In! . . . , ',, , rrom the counlry l. ,., . j .t . , . earned ai tne nome ot the bride. ' " towns nave enrolled. oeoi.is .Hum io aiienu me two weens , . . , 0 , , ., . , . . . , , . , ... ... . , ,., i parent., Saturday, September 15, 1917, 1 - .,, term of school, whfe!i will be held be-i a, ., . ... , l.i .v,Q !Mr' bam 1Jarr an, Lena Cahili. j .. . (The wedding was a quiet affair, onlyilJIIAr IVjU lANJJY injiuuven aim me immediate lamny be ing present. The bride Is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cahlll, The oci,l order of ltedmen, KnsHimh Tribe, will kIvp n ,inci. Kalitnliiy nlt;ht ;ept 2ii. at th.t grttnge brill. end with her grandmother, Mrs. Law. .on, of Oregon City. North Bend : tract let. Macadam road con- How's This? W. offer One Hundred liollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medlrlne has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and ha. becomo known a the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surf aces, eapclllnir the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis-.isi-U portions. fer you hav taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine" for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general h'-alth. Start taking Hair. Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh, fiend fdr testimonials, free. jr. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by aii ttrugsiata, 75c. no on their way to attend a dance In the Colton country. Grandma Rohl was the guest of Mrs. Joe Daniels last Sunday. SOLDIER KILLED EY HORSE CHICAGO, Sept. 17, Ernest Ste vens, a Chicago boy, was killed at the Fort Sheridan officers' training camp, under the feet of a cavalry horse which he was learning to ride today. Stevens was riding bareback when he fell from hi. mount and the animal's forefeet struck him ra the back of the neck. fore the month's vacation to admit pupils to work ln the prune harvest. Mr. Chllicot, who sold the mill to Elmer Swope, will move soon to.near Molalla. WilOIIvill(: WlI.SOXVIId.K, Ore,, Sept, 20, .School begun Monday, Sept. 17, with Utith Hudson teacher, wlih an en rollment of 3!) scholars. Clarence Orem left Mondiiy for AH- 'zona, where he expects to attend school this winter, P. 0, Chlndgren and Herman Chlnd gren attended the funornl of N. Hnr n.dl, of Miillno, Sniidny, Several from here attended Iho Cnn by fiilr this week. Nettle and Allen Larkln. nnd Hudlo BOY8 INVITED TO FIHHT LONDON, Sept. 18. German boys of the age of IS are being invited to join of Eagle Creek and is an accomplished young lady with hosts of friends and admirers. The groom I. associated with his father in the blacksmithing YOUTH IS GIVEN LICENSE TO WED PROFESSOR LET OUT MIN.S'lvU'OUS. Minn.. .-jt. H Aruiiiiiiicciitetit wa made lain 1' o'Kht that Proicmur William A H.! per, for 13 yeara connected lth I department of political -! ti.-o of th t'tilvertfity of Mlinin...... hsit been ! rubified beiRu of 111 fllleifd d USoyal nHll.idn toward the war. STRAlCHTFORWAftD TtSTlVONV Many Oregon CHiicn. Have Profited By It. If yoti have bckch. h! iddcr trou bles, day of dlawlness, hcHditihed of nervouHiiess, strlktt at the sent of It"1 ' trouble, th"Ms ure often Hie ymy totns of weak kidneys and then) i l?rdvo ilnngur In delay. Ihmn'i KiilB') Pills nre. especliilly prepnrod for ncy Rlliueiits-are en.lnmed by of r.(i,ono peoplt!. Your tiolKhbotm wo mended Ihl. remedy-have proved lb merit In mtiny tests. Oregon CW render, alionld tnko fresh tounig the stralfihtforwnrd testimony of tm Oregirti C'lly woman, Mrs. Louisa Baxter, 115 Seventeenth St., nay. ; "I suffered for quite a wh"e from kidney weakness, 1 tried vari ous medicine, but nothing helped" m like Doim. Kidney Pill U'i' Th proved their worth and I can ccrtaltW Hellbnckn started to high school at rocommend them." (Slfttoinent Stt Molalla, Mondny, The few thrtt went to Ihe hop ynrds the German army, according to a dig- j epected. The young couple will make patch received here today Swiss source. from Jacob Karl Kraft, of Canby, aged 21 years, and one of the 21 men e,,ii,t business at Estacada. and la a jronng , the new national army, September 21 - Kivcn a license Thursday after noon by County Clerk Harrington to wed Miss Emma fituohley, age 19, of Oregon City, route 1. man of good morals and highly re- their home at Estacada. Mrs. Anna K. Morton left for Port- have returned reporting ahort Job. on account of the dry weather during the summer. Robert and Glen Orem spent a few days vltdUng relative, near Portland Inst week. Fryer Brother., of Hlekey Prairie, roturne.l to Mendowbrook Wednos. 'Iny to flnldi up a few jobs Ihey bad to leave on ncfoimt of Iho lust rains, April 8,1913.) NO TIIOUBLR 8INCM. On April 17, 1918, Mrs. Hat""" J' "Donn. Kidney Pills permanently cured me of kidney trouble. Mf Is now strong nnd well." " )m. Price line, nt nil dealers. Him ply ask for kidney remedy . Doan. Kidney Pllls-the fl,n6 Mrs, Baxter has twice phHr r mendod, Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. mrtii.i J''wu.-r