OUKdON (MTV KXTKK.MJISR FRIDAY. SKIMTMIU-.R H, 1917 Pace 8 CAPTAIN II DtAO RUSSIA iS TO GET SECOND-HAND SHOPS MAY HAVE TO SEARCH Chicago Millionairess Is Mysteriously Killed tlOl'STOX. Tel . Kept. T,- Captain Wamnt W. Mown, of Nakery Com pan? No, St. at at toned at Camp laigati, na found dead In hi tent late Thum day with a bullet hole In hla forehead. A n.-te left hv the dead man la In the hand of officer. 125M0T0RSF0RHE AMBULANCE SERVKE II D M QUIT BUSINESS gAUE A Bargain Event Without Parallel in the History of Clacka mas Conntv. COME! BE HERE FRIDAY and SATURDAY. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK TWO OF THE BUSIEST DAYS IN THE HISTORY OF OUR STORE and if the cutting and slashing of prices on high grade dry goods, clothing, shoes, furnishing goods, furniture, etc, is any inducement to any family in Oregon City or vicinity, they will buy their needs for some time to come, and many a home will be replaced with new pieces of furniture that can be bought for less than others ask for second-hand furniture. It is time to think about stoves and ranges so we are going to make extraordinary inducements FRIDAY AND SATURDAY to any one interested in a new stove or range. This is certainly a stupendous under taking, converting such an enormous stock of merchandise into cash so quickly, and means a great loss to all concerned, but that is none of your troubles. This firm has decided to quit business and our stock must and will be sold out in the shortest time possible. There never has been such a sale in Oregon City there may never be another one like it, so come here FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ex pecting the greatest bargains ever advertised and we promise you you will not be disappointed. Ad OREGON CITY'S LARGEST STORE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS "f 1 w m w r t . '' ' 1 ' t. C 1 I . . ' J. " A . ' , - ' , . k . : ,. ... J s VV i - ,rv;? i' ; . WAsntNOTON, d. c, Sept. 10-For the relief of rcfusee picked up fri (he lifeboat of submarine victim, the navy league ha made shipment of warm second hand clothing to patrol Yeoht In the war ion. The shipment wa mad through Individual channel In accordance with tha Instruction of Secretary of tho Navy nanlels regard tin? tho leaus relief work for men of the navy. It la probable that thl relief work of th league will be extended but un til specifically requested no person should send any second hand garment (or thla purpoae to tho lessue aa no use couttl be made of them now, When more clothing; la needed the league wilt! Klve due notice. Warm, dry clothing l the greatest niJ of the refugee picked up In the submarine sons. Persona are taken aboard the been adrift In op ther for two daya or more. Oftentimes :me year e(. wa they are drenched to the skin. lnuffl-j kj.,t mar Concord. N, ('. a week ago tr to our country.' 1 till J HAut'L INO MAYOR THOMPSON IS SEEK1NGS250.000F0R HEMS ATTACKS CHtrAtlO, Hnpl, --Mayer WAtfltlNOTON, U aanUtanca to l(u.u. ti a ttedCroaa la t ,,M ow, ,JJjM t'roa comml.al,.., Hu..,, b lr. rrauk limit,,,, l:s ttU)1((r lamea and kutoinitltlto. Thla la lha third tt.a C1M tiiettt to b dlapatchod to (u.,i W it : ,,rr,,'l "( ,,,m,"Ul tW ' ' , i " uiomn Thontttaow today filed a praecipe In ult for f35fl.oa damage aaln.t thaMui w((h M((( j ( jt'hlcaM Herald company and J-wVo. bare already .tll, M"' K. ..I,-,. the pubtl.her. j AmNkt( I Thrt "-M; TIT h" f,85a -rmlea almt more u , It Uiri,u..y Ctlc.t the mayor, an.t war JZ attitude. A a.ateutent ta.ued by the ttarklnx the newapapera tn-f. ' , '. . ht ; mayir ; the iraimportatiitu of the H..... I 4tid MI.M Iri hft Mra. Maude A. Kin. -f ohn r,,, by hl.n. !ln ......h. iMe r TVooo A. Kins, a millionaire lumber merchant ' "They (the ncpapra) bae be- ,"" patrol veaxcU who hare of Chicago, front whom aha Inherited come bolder and more unacrupulou . ,B Crm w, in open boats In bad wea- more than It.OUO.OoO when he died until they hare reached a H T. P myatcrlou.ly they are accu.lntt me of belt. Iral .tl' ,'nm ' aaya the atate- clently clad and auffcrius from hun jhen ahe wa motoring with Uaaton ment. ger. Many a aallor of the patrol forces; Mean and eereral other. Hhe wa let ha robbed hlmielf lu order to (Ire; , hot In the back of the bead tt agalnal me clothing to theae poor tl. tlm of fright fullness. It I aald that a destroyer could car ry enough outfit for twenty persona, she number apt to be picked up In two life boat. A aupply could be main' j talned at tbnre bane. If necdod, and j erery patrol boat provided with aj aupply of outfits before leaving for ea. Warm overcoat and waterproof gar ' im-nta are the most neccsiUBry article, s tlcary men' ultt and a few otitfit, for women, probably not more than; two or three to every 20 tupplled, could b used. I Kt h aecljon will tm lti.l. is furtherance of the onplrry m,,ulam"M- m ' '" t-r tnh. It continue., 'lite en ir,!,' lith"'r ld. .ma Utt a - . 1 1 - u A A .. . . anted that ahe had accidentally ahot mlc have recently bored hole tn th "' '.mm . t erelf. The conmer tumiet failed watt of my apartment, tnatalted die- ,n t'IHon. each ctl. m ,ts to eiplaln the tny.tery. graph. (pp4 telephone wire. ar fr the u,e ,f mm, 'tiont operator ttt ndjotntn rKmt ,,IWM "'-: nm and employed ple to hound me" ,r,r rryw ec,ary t-.li wrf j tra part, and one eitr or (. ,, tin fu i tut the presets t. pei..tnl fitf . btilance aecttuna will b..i U m ittula, but the ma. him ( erated ry Ruolan driver wMoT tU atrm tton of th tt. t (.. v.i 1 be ncccanary later to c. J Asf5a driven, the Wilt be r. !a;;e. volant eor tn the t'ltltml jiui ANARCHIST IS KILLED niifiiWR MiiwMFF iGOMPERS HEADS NEW LOYALTY CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION TO AID THE GOVERNMENT FRENCH MINISTER OF IR. PILE IS TO FORM NEW CABINET proval, cotictu.led lu loyally confer t njnsid tia!!l ulu tt hr tonight with the eS'llitt of AffflCANS LUG IN CHINA HELPING FRENCH REO CROSS RUSTICS BOUGHT MOST OF THE U. S. LIBERTY I5 0NDS WASHINGTON', Sept. 10. The comptroller of the currency announce that of ?2.ono.OOO.O'70 of Liberty bonds allotted to subscribers, 5t per cent HAD REMARKABLE WAR EXPERIENCES: PA tilS. Sept. 10,-F.dhm. of Premier Ktbot to form a now cabinet wa for tnally announced today. His resigna tion, with the entire -. i 1 . la be- i lievcj to have been ubmtttd. The Kcho do I'arU imnounced In Its early edition that the present milliliter nf war. M. I'oinleve, would b entrust ed with the tuxk of foriutitg the new iiinlstry. Hiltot Informed President I'olncare of his Inability to form a new cabinet Mtt.WAt'KKK. V, . Sei L t One li.r-..)!i Mld-J and (our wTn sit i'ire.1 l.i re Son l.sv in a i !;h at a loyalty tsieetuw t MtNNKAPOIJH, MSnn . Hept. t, Th The dead man U a;i'e. to t.e i American Alllatuo hr ltnir an t l nu.m hi t and I V, W tiie inatt mm rai-y, organised three weeka ago injured. prnbaiiji' fiit.il!-. and to '. i'h lr i lent WlUon'a uteii.p of ap tvtiv a'Sishtly hort. An Italian -angeli ana wa niaktnn .triot?c ldrtia t J of f tctr and the adopt tun of a declara- hi country'itf-n on a ( rt f r rner i tlott of prlucipie. when mem! er of tin rcliMlr r!b The tltance, ramiHe-i of the na neor t.v in-hid up and uttemj i t;oii labor leader ah I h.i:sR a l' tirt-.ik iit tiie gmh tm$ i '(!. to pune the rrushlng of itla- 1 o"u !. of tnot!4, sere on ; luyalt jr and the o!i4ifi ttig of latmr In hand and rsn':el lu re.-m the pteat'li. j th war for tlemm racy, !H-tt a tt or. The . andrchieta rtre re..t!ver ; leader Hamuet ioroter. prel-lett of and fired at the uffb-er. tu returned jihe American r"e4erattn of Utr. I "Tho OVnrhAdoa iisg Imiue,' UNWRlTTENiAWSAYS DOUGLAS Mil IS NOT TO BE 1 the: fire. i;ik.i i;.: i.n.- tun '!ir,n rH t'isn heart, and v ii-.u ', n ; tm i(!n-r, une rt:.li!' r.,t.u!y. !Vtt fei;:pt;a. u i' te l- H t In ibo band .i;:d h-itn ii. !C, ;.n if,' r t'i-" -',.. e, e SAN FRANCISCO. Sept lO.-Cap- f b!s lnhm W f(,rm a w cabinet j ,,,., Wlll,., ,!,,,. , , , n tain F. L. Coord, who has charge of b"r last n!Kht- 7hB X-at. who j ,.,,,.,, .,ri!j ,-, , ,.,t the Brttiah recruitment headquarter hi"1 torf thri mlnlli,er,at !rW"' rja rv.l.le i t.io m.-",!, !-,: - fuei to collaborate. (ir ;nv.-x!if at inn. At midnight the Socialist leaders! a,.., nmn ,t , flllt I( confirmed the fact that they "were ; tlflcd, WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. American residents in China are organizing for were made to those who subscribed war relief work in the Far East and through national banks. to aid American troops in France A feature of the subscriptions was through the American Red Cross, ac- that $532,000,000 was subscribed here 'luring Major C. S. Manchester' , cording to cable advices Just received through country banks, exceeding by toar of ,ne Pacific coast, Is only 31 ' hv tho Port fVn We on.inoil it 12.000 000 the total Biihserin'lnea sent year of age, but has participated In Shanghai the organization of a Red in by national banks in central reserve hard fighting than some of Nl unwltttnR to lend reaiKmathttlty for tha Cross chapter has been undertaken by cities. poleon g veteran generals experienced Consul-Genera! Thomas Sammons, The Liberty bonis still held by all in aU tneir campaigns, while American consuls in other Chi- national banks on July 23 on their own I!e a lieutenant with the Sixth r, w J ItMf. i...t to: nee cities are also aidin? the Red Cross. To bfgin Red Crws work in Shang hai, Consul-General Sammons reports, $3,130 was raised in a concert among the American residents. This money j is to be used in purchasing raw ma-, terials for the Shanghai American War Relief society, which is making hospi-1 tal supplies under Red Cross direction. I A contribution of I57S.67 from the American residents at Atnoy, China,' has also just been received by the war council through the American con sul stationed there. This sum was 1 raised by voluntary subscription dur ing "Red Cross Week," from June 25 to July 4, as the contribution of Amer icans in Atnoy, to the war fund of the Red Cross. ' "in forwarding the gilt, Consul Gower said : , "When it is considered that the Am oy community is composed very large-' ly of missionaries who receive small ; salaries and find it difficult to make ends meet with the present exchange, i I believe that this contribution repre sents a splendid expression of the loy alty of Amoy Americans in the present war, and thir desire to do their part : in a financial way in aiding the Red Cross." account was $$8,000,000. VON LUDENDORFF IS SAID TO HAVE BEEN VPIfPIV IMUPrn week's rest t ULrdllUOLl lIliUuLL) m the thick of London Infantry regiment at the battle. wlrl"lran hi uiHort from Rlbot, of Festubart. May 13, 1315, and was the only officer of his company who came out alive after his battalion had rrn"n- ben fearfully cut up. The remnants of that battalion holds the British rec jord for continuous service In the tren ' 'dies, having spent 90 days and nights there without an hour of relief. After uPP"rt construction of a cabinet Albert Thomas, minister of muni lions and a Socialist, had previously j In pursuance of his party" decision. His I decision was reported late In the aft-1 but Rlbot attlt Insisted be: would be able to reconstruct his min istry. . j Late in the evening, however, M. i Palnleve announced his withdrawal : . YOUN'G GIRL FOUND BY POSSE, ABANDONED ON BURNED BRUSH - the battalion were again M, Palnleve conferred with Prcsl- TACOMA, Wash.. Sept S.--Mamie Torkko, 10 years old, daughter of t i aroonano winow, miasm since inn! conflict. At the battle llent r',)ilK'l,r,, Bt noon ,;,,pr j WedneHday. was found by Crooked Joi ROME. Sepi. jo. Reports m-re i teceivec! herj today w&ich iecUrcd ; Field Marsha! von Hindenburi? t; ery t i.i and that the injurle rweiuly s-.tij-1 taniei oy .piartermaKt'-r ti'i.era. su. Lud'.-ndorff in a railwav accident f i 's-'ium nee i;:aver than '.v i'.m sj. I o'.-(l. of Loos it was honored by bclns chosen nunml th:tt he wnu!,, K,v hl ,U'vU' to lead the historic charge in which ",n M l" "'"M'tance or tne premier three lines of the enemy's tr,nchM i ''i twW't. Ho desired to confer with were captured and held, but only 91,h,s trUMiU, he said, men of the three full companies sur ; " '" vived the fight, and again Captain Clunky, loo yards front the road be low the graveyard at noon to.lay The child was cmacloUH, but sh the dee !itralin )', "I preeria(lm nf i.. . Bim'ttrf. Kit Iter democracy will et j dure an I iio-n l' be free or nit . r' ) il!i triunijh and the rc mill be en trHf. To cuinprnmUn tow ,m; ! .e i ti .iw eed fr a blixntier war " A cmml'tee w alipnjnted to j l.-t. t ei I nd enrouraKemetit t.i new j Kiu!.t. It U compiled df Mr. tiorap (er-,, Fmik I', Valh. J'hn Hparco, fur f ''-'-'t metntier 't the eertl commit i tee ft the s-K iiiliiit party, and Jame jlnttsr.ui an-l Charte Klw.ird tUitineS), jtlo- Litter to itienibrrs of the Amer j lean ',i-n I.. iHinshi. j t am Uliabte to .iv li whether I the oinjnlttee go to Kit," al I i Mr. (iiioiiiern. Mr. (jumper wai elected president the ftlHaneo amid an outburst of i ; t i i h "I law profoundly responilvo to the hun.ir and opportuuliy," h ..l I with - 'O-.e feellrtJt. 'My hoi life baa been ' .!-... rati-1 to In IttK of tervb-e to my fcl!i men have ho aplratlun for MINIMA, firpi, tt - !dttm ItmteU MaScoho, bi fci6 !rt4 for th nniider of An1--e, iUaisiWitf, t I'e4o I iiqtlt. . !)-!.. found f jJS- ty bn jury at the Old tuiler pal rnort, Tb i e, which I j 1 !--al,f-actrled "dream of potted, M the firm to N tried hem la h;.b lit "itnwrltteu law" w ih .d efn A coroner' jury bad f'.ini i erd!ct i t "Jaatifiabta fc..mJ,-t4" hearitilt Lieutenant .Ma!. : i i',ttlW he had killed Itttmbei Mo Mt hi it' hotmr " The of the m.ir.t rtiast'.oi-.! - n Stt Li! Ut many year, WALLA WALLA IT AGAIN, BUT 0 YEA RECORD IS BROKE Hindenburg and Ludemiorff are the two master minds of the German mil itary machine. Many reports have credited Ludemiorff, the silent one, with being the real brains of the com bination. Hindenburg has never moved without his quartermaster gen- ," ; Coord was the only officer of his com-; pany wno answered the roll call. The fll survivors held the position six days' and nights, fighting most of the time , and sleeping not a moment of it untiL they were relieved by French troops sent by General Joffre. j Captain Coord had caught typhoid, which, coupled with nervous strain, ! permanently incapacitated him and he j EGROES ARE NOT TO BE CALLED WITH EIRST DRAFT QUOTAS:: WASHINGTON. Sept. 10. -Negroes arc not t.i be tri'iu-d uit!i tli, uhil"st was invaiiuea nome. vvnen strong i, di ui'; itleline. OF AND MEXICANS LOOMS I m m ALONGTEXAS BORDER! ON TRAVELING SCALE;MOVING OF TROOPS OVERSEAS !S TO BE PLANNED BY BOARD 111 nalio;i;il iirrnv f'iiri;.iitiii!eiit.. eral. He had him In his successful"1011 to undertake the task he waiTb,8 linnol11(.(,(ilf.Ilt was made by So campaigns on the Russian front and i signed to recruiting in England, and r(,,Hry ()f w.,r lilkpp t0(.iy Thl;y Ludemiorff has been constantly Hin- Brigadier-General White selected him ; wl not ,,e .aI((, )n th0 flrHt iK;r(J. oennurg s alter ego on the eastern bat-, l" 'mn.u BBin;o ... uiiSjm,tlt of the draft army T,l(,ir rJl lcountry- for training will be postponed until j Of the 25 or more disabled British and Canadian soldiers now engaged jln recruiting on the Pacific coast, not ne has had a more thrilling experience ;at the front than their young tempor- jary commander. PHILIPPINE GROWERS near the end of the draft. i EX-QUEEN OF THE 11. In. I MANILA, Sept. 6.r-The Philippine re-1 sugar Interests have appealed to the Insular government to make represen tations to Washington that the fixing of national sugar prices will be ruin ous to them unless minimum rates are established for Pacific freights. LAREDO, Tex., Sept sponse to a call for help against a bandit invasion of Dolores Creek, 28 miles south of here, JtiBt before mid night, several truckfuls of soldiers and many motorcycles left for that place. No report of a clash had been received here early this morning. The reports received here during the night said the bandits approached, AMSTERDAM, Sept. ll.-The Tele presumably from Mexico and that thegraaf fiays Germany ha8 Btopped geDd. leiepuuue woes iuiu oau iuniu mm La Perla, Mexico, had been cut. COAL SHIPPING STOPPED SEED INDUSTRY REGULATED ing coal to Holland. The paper ex presses the belief that Germany's attl- 'tude is Intended as pressure on Hol land to grant a loan which thus far has been refused. WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. The cot tonseed crushing and refining indus try Is about to put itself under volun tary regulation by the food administra- SUB IS DAMAGED CADIZ, Spain,, Sept. 10. A German submarine seriously damaged has ar- WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. A Joint board of army and navy officers head ed by Captain William R. Shoemaker, of the navy, hag been appointed to work out a system to be employed In getting American troop transports across the Atlantic in safety. Neces sarily its conclusions and recommenda tions will ba regarded as confidential. Submarines have made an entirely new system of convoy regulation nec essary. Presumably the board will in corporate into new regulations all that has been learned by the British and French navies in three years of naval itoJLim.?8 1 war Of protect- TO HELP RED CROSS WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. Llliuoka lanl, former queen of Hawaii, has sent to the American Red Cross through Governor Plnkham a contribution of $100. In a letter to the governor, she said the contribution would be re newed monthly to the end of the year. FRENCH DRIVE THROUGH PARIS, Sept, 11. French raiding parties last night penetrated the Ger man lines southeast of Vauxaillon and north of The Casque In the Champagne, the Frenh war department announced today. German supplies were destroyed and the French made a number of pris oners. German aviators during the night dropped bombs in the region of Dun kirk, Some of the missiles struck a hospital and severely wounded five rontiiiue thla m-rvlnv Vmt liuvo con. was l a, ,,,i .... i ., I. , .... . . . ' ' ' "! I "111 I'll OUIY, , bruised, mutilated and burned. Her j i body bad boon pushed tinder a log In the dt'i p brush, oth-r loir plied ovc (h'r in an evident attempt to set fire : to them. Her fur was swollen iind ! black, her yellow hair burned and btire i arms and legs blackened. Tenderly the child wns lifted to tho i .arms of a miner, who muttered as hn arrled his burden, "My Cod, If I could only lay hands on him." A bug of peanuts and a package of unopened crackerjack, tossed over a log at hue side of the road, 100 yards below the graveyard, led to the discovery of the child. They were found by John John son and Thomas Trlmm at 11:30, Tho child opened her eyes and mur mured: "A man pushed me over the log last night." Tho child has been missing since Wednesday. As she was carried up the road she waved a little blackened arm. The search for a missing engineer was continued this afternoon. He was missing from 7 to S; 30 o'clock on the night of the child's disappearance and disappeared from town aoon after the arrival of Sheriff Longmlre yesterday morning. : PRIEST PAYS FINE OF. 85 FOR BEING DRUNK ON A TRAIN PORTLAND, Or., Sept. Father Gregory Sherlock, who wa arrested lust Tuesday night on a charge of drunkenness mid disorderly conduct on tho train, was fined 25 by Judgo Itoll this morning. Tho complaint against him was filed by If. J. Roako, auditor of the North-! western Long Distance Telephone! J company, and It was agreed that the; f WALLA WALLA. Wh r pi P -; After "A day without rait, the lr-'' that ha held away 10 .! l"f."f 'hir any pre ions dry spell Ut th 1Htt lh:t record baVK been esl !" broken Iat nluhl with a 1 r.-clplialk of 41 of an iio h. A at. - M';i !.r. !" ! K..r In harvest field an-l f-tel hem la greatly levelled, and ' 'of dust and smoke that h o hui j the valley for two month I I-!''"' ,h' j morning. WILSON'S ANSWER IS ALSO THAT OF THE BRITISH, SAYS CECIL WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. -Great Drltaln has advised the United States that President Wilson's reply to Pope Benedict's peace proposals is In ef fect Great Britain's reply, as was in dicated recently in a statement by Lord Cecil. WILSON 18 RECOVERING WASHINGTON, Sept. ll.-Socretary Wilson is recovering from a severe at. tack of ptomaine poisoning which has RAILROADS CLAIMED LIVES OF 1001 YEAR 1916 IN 0. 1 WASHINGTON. 8lt. "'"ToB th0"" sand and one persona were Wild railroad accident during tt ,D 1!)B,722 were Injured, according l"'1 . i..- . i. .. vr maun ,u'" trlnl would not take pine until the 1 , 'Htat r-nmiW return of Mr. Roake, who was called 1 tT IlflnvnWitn.tltl ... ..U- . "llM'limt". Father Muck, howevor. mmmired thl mnrnlntr and rioiii1rt(l iiiitv tn vthm at.AM. , pfPf tX " r " J k?tl'J - 1 lock, who Is in Instructor In Mount Angel college, Mount Angel, Or. number worii trSpnNer ralli'""1 OLD 80LOIER IS HOME noSBDURa, Or., Sept. 10.-Jan.ns II. Stocker, agnd 80 years, has entered the Oregos soldiers' home, MAY HAVE PRAYER8 WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, Procla mation by the president of a day of prayer for American sucess in th war Is proposed in a bill by Sonator Myers, of Montana, passed today by the son-ate. BRITISH LIST CASUALTIES LONDON, Sept. 11, Casualties in the rirlllsh ranks reported (luring the week ending today show a total of 20, 62(1 officers and men, as follows: Officers killed and dlad of wounds, 184; men, 4183. Mincers wountioa or missing, B81; 1 at Id- tin,i miiiiinnrea ' Jurod, 800S; employed killed, -. Jured. 178.923. Other persona, W Ing trespassers killed and Injures. 7(10 and 11,701, respectively. These figures show an JwroM" 1915 of 1371 persons killed and 3 R35 Injured. neutralTwar bill bio The Hague to Router's iUWJJ flclal figures show that nottw" tal expenditures In the war up to August 1 mated 79,100,000 guidon. ATiATOR11" DAVKNTORT, Iowa, Bept. gert Brown Crew well, l-""1'"' Y., mnnagnr of the puvoniwrt . . ...... .1. frry . scnooi, tlieo i tlie'reiiiilt of lnJ.irlo"'J tiny as yesterday afternoon, when tils